HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-05-27, Page 1The News -Record Est.- 1878 With Which is Incorporated The Clinton Nev Era NO 5833 -58TH YEAR. The New Era Est. 1865 CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 27T11, 19'37. Sate the 9urehase of I jour Watch from VGrottation (ear. We take great pridein our Watches. They are scientifically con- structed. .The wearing parts are tempered to the proper hardness. The Escapements are finely adjusted, and the greatest thing about them .is they are dependable. You can rely on keeping your engage- ments on time, not"wasting time by being too early, and better still, not keeping those you have an engagement with waiting .for you, You know your time is worth money, so ds their's. Then in addition to being' good timekeepers, they are of good appearance. You can- not be fair toyourselfunless you see these timekeepers, before you make a purchase. - Our Best Satisfied Customers are Those to Whoni we have sold Watches. W. H. HELLYAR Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optometrist. Residence Phone 174j. [TIALF PRICE SALE OF Spring Coats an+ Suits The Balance of Stock must go Immediately e �,r � n G nts' Only 50 and in sizes up to 46 1. IRWI N' S " CLINTON'S LEADING STYLE .SITOPPE TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. George Connell spent the past week with their son, Roy, of Tuckersmith. HOLMESVILLE Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Black of To- ionto 'spent the week -end with the latter's parents, at the parsonage. Mi, Chester Grigg of 'Brampton spent the week -end Axid holiday with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. R. Grigg. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Potter on Sunday were: Dr. Bricker and three daughters of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. T. MacDonald of Tees- water. Miss Jean Frost of Seaforth, spent the week -end with Miss Mary Grigg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter and Misses Ruth and Clete • visited Sun- day at Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Jervis of Clin- ton visited in the village on Sunday. A large crowd of neighbours and friends -gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Findley on Thursday evening last to spend a social hour and bid their daughter, Miss Ada, is who has spent the past three years here, good-bye, as she leaves for Re- gina Thursday (today). She will be greatly missed as she was ever ready to lend a helping hand in all church and community work. A program was given consisting of speeches by Mr. Herbert, Mr. Brogden MacMath, and Mr. Lorne Jervis, also by the Chairman, Mr.' Wm. Lobb. Messrs.'( Gordon and. Lloyd Stock delighted .the audience with one of their splen- did guitar duets, Mi Fred. Potter and Miss .Ruth rendered a duet, as l did also Misses Marie and Aileen; Gliddon. A trio was rendered by Misses' Edna Huller, Thelma and Reta l Cudmore, and Misses Mary 'Jervis and Cleta Patter danced the Highland Fling: The Welsh ore/les-bra also fav- ored us with fine selections, and Mr. pleasing duet. During the evening Miss Ada was presented with some handsome pieces of silverware, ' ac- companied with the following 'ad- dress: "Dear Ada—We your friends and .neighbors have gathered here tonight to wish you bon voyage, not only on your trip West, but on your longer: journey 'through life, which we hope and trust will be rieh in sue- .cess and - 'happiness. , During the three. imars that you havebeen a- mong;. es, you have always - shown yourself ready and willing to lend a hand wherever needed in church and community, but our loss is another's gain, and as you leave us to make your home- in the West, we ask you to accept these giftsasa tangible to- ken of oken-of .our' appreciation. May they ever serve as, a constant reminder of happy days and happier associations in old Ontario. Signed on behalf of the community—Mrs. .:Lorne Jervis, Mrs. H. J. Trewartha, Mrs. E. A. Yeo." Although taken entirely by surprise, Miss Ada replied in . her usual gracious manner. After an (evening of social intercourse a dain- ty lunch• was served. ' . ' - A fine crowd turned �. w u ed out last Sun- day morning to listen to a very fine 'sermon delivered by our pastor. Mrs. (Barry Mayfield, of Zion, Ilk, delight- ed the audience with a beautifully rendered solo, "I'm a Pilgrim". A 'very interesting part of the service Iwas the baptism of 'two Iittle girls, 'Helen Edith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rimer Potter, and Gladys. Ma- rie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blake. - Miss Grace MacIVIath has returned home from ThamesyiIle. _ - A quiet wedding tookplace at the United, Church parsonage on Monday, May 24th, at four o'clock, when Myr- tle Rae McClure, daughter of M. and Mrs. Robt:' McClure of Colborne township was united in marriage with William .Harold Glazier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Glazier, of Clinton; The Farmers' Market Wheat, '$1.28. - Oats, 50c and 55e. " - Barley, 80c. - Buckwheat, 90e. Butterfat, Spec., 26c; First, 24c. Dairy Butter, 20c, Eggs, 17c, 16c, 14c, 13c, 12e, - Live Hogs, $8:75,, - Engagements Announced The engagement is announced of Vera Gertrude Mooney, of London, elder • dau • e late Mr. and daughter of th Mrs. William F. Mooney, to John Stuart. Moorhouse, younger son of Rev. C. J. and Mrs. Moorhouse, of London, the wedding to take place quietly in June. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carrie, Stan- ley, announce the engagement, of their daughter Mary Belle, to Mr. Gladwin Edwin Westlake, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Westlake, of the Blue Water Highway, the weddingto take place end of May. Clinton Couple Hold Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. E. Saville observed the 44th. anniversary of their wed- ding day quietly on Monday.- .Mrs. Saville had a fete intimate friends in for tea. Mr. Saville has been in poor health for the past few months which necessitated only quiet obseryance. Edward Saville and Elizabeth Web- ster were ere married in Londesboro on esboro MY 24th , May 1893. Rev: J. Hamilton of Londesboro Presbyterian church cffi- dating. The couple were unattended and Mrs. Saville, now a bride of 44 years, remarked that while there was not the finefor f al decorations u rcal 1 s y in evidence at present-day weddings, there was an abundance of wild flow- ers gathered for the occasion. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Saville resided in Clinton in the home which they now and have ever since occupied and in which Mr. Saville was born and has always lived. A carpenter by trade, he was employed by the Clinton Fanning Mill Company and later - was with the late Thomas McKenzie in the milling and building trade, He has always taken a keen interest in politics and municipal af- fairs and still keeps abreast of the times in reading of current events, municipal, national and world-wide. Mrs. Saville a daughter gl ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Webster, of Lon- desboro, is active in women's organ- izations in Wesley -Willis United Church, the W. M. S. being her most cherished medium of service. She also takes a deep interest in munici- pal welfare work. Beautiful floral gifts and felicitations were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Saville on this oc- casion. Among The Churches Ontario Street United Church Rev, G. G. Burton will officiate at both services. 11 a.m. "The Spirit Says `Come'." 7 pan. "The Unknown Fatter." - 2.30 p.nr. Sunday School. Monday, 31st, Young People's Un- ion will hold the Monthly Social under the Social, department. A special program has been prepared for an enjoyable night. Wednesday, at 8 p.m., the fellow- ship service will be held as usual, The Women's Association will meet on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock in the Lecture room of the church. A picnie lunch will be served. Presbyterian Church Last Sunday Rev, A. M. Boyle of Toronto conducted the service in the Clinton - Presbyterian ` Church. The subject of his sermon was `Why Both- er About the Church." Mr. Boyle pointed out that the Head of the Church has seen to the needs of the people. Many, in speaking to Mr. Boyle at the conclusion of the ser- vice, spoke~ of his message as being quite timely and much appreciated. Also severalmembersof the congre- gation were glad to renew a former acquaintanceship with Mr. Boyle. Rev. A. H. Hamilton: of Toronto will be the special speaker next Sun- day. Wesley -Willis United Church The Sunday School anniversary services -will be conducted on Sunday, May 30th, with Rev. Robert N. Stew- art, B,A., D,D., Centralia, as special speaker. The Sunday School ..and congregation will meet together for the morning service and the music will be supplied by the Sunday School choir. , In the evening the regular church choir will, be in attendance. The date of the Wesley -Willis Church Anniversary will be, Sunday, June 13th,, when Rev. J. E. J. Mill- yard of London will be the anniver- sary preacher. The W. M. 8. group, under the di- rection of Mrs.. Chowen, are holding a quilt and hadwork display in the Sunday School Room on Friday after- noon at 3 o'clock. Teawill be served. THE HOME PAPER; Hospital- Aid The regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Aid will be -held on Tuesday evening, June 1st, at 7.30 in the Council Chamber. A. full at- tendance is hoped for as this will be the last meeting until September. Huron Old Boys' Associa- tion Picnic - The annual picnic of the Huron 0 -Id Boys' Association of Toronto, in conjunction. with the Huron County Junior Association, will be held at Ex- hibition Park on Saturday, June 12th, at 3 p.tn. in Area No, 7. Lunch will be served v in the Transportation Build- ing uild-ing at 6 p.m. Baseball, games, and other sports will be the afternoon and evening program. All Huronites in Toronto and district will be cordially welcome. eaforth Wins Opening Football :Game In the opening football game- of the season, Clinton Was defeated by Seaforth last Thursday night by the score of 3-1. This was a good fast 'game and was cleanly played throughout. Sea - forth had the edge in the play for the better part of the game, although Clinton put np a good fight from start to finish. The opening period featured some snappy pla y by both teams, and sev- eral goals were turned aside by both goalies, Mclntes in the Clinton goal pulling off some neat saves. The whistle ended a fast period with no score. In the second eco cl and final frame Sea- forth turned onthe power and really were the better team on the play, registering three goals before,Cornish slipped in a neat one for Clinton dur- ing a'scramble around. the Seaforth goal mouth. Lineup for Clinton: Goal, McInnes; backs, Layton, Bateman; half backs, Pepper, Smith, McKay; forwards, Wilson, Garrett, Ross, Finch, Cornish, subs, Lindsay, Johnston. Referee -F. Bullard, Winthrop. Baseball Dates For Huron -Perth League An enthusiastic 'meeting of base- ball fans was held in Seaforth last Thursday night and the Huron -Perth League was revived after a lapse of two years. Teams from seven towns — Sea - forth, Clinton, Goderich, Mitchell, Exeter, Crediton and Zurich will play In the league, according to the.sched- ule which has been drawn up. The league will also sponsor a juvenile league, in which it is expected teams from Seaforth, Hensall,. Clinton and Goderich will play. - Clinton. will play the following games: June 1—Goderich at Clinton. June 4—Clinton at Goderich. June 8 ---Clinton. at Crediton. June 10 --Clinton at Zurich. June 17—Exeter at Clinton. June 26—Crediton at Clinton. July 1—Mitchell at Clinton. July 6 --Clinton at Exeter. July 9—Clinton at Mitchell. July 14—Zurich at Clinton. July 20-Seaforth at Clinton. .July 27—Clinton at Seaforth.. This gives Clinton six homes games on the following dates: June 1, 17, 25 and. July 1, 14, 20. - - Halligan :Yea - A pretty wedding took place at the parsonage of Perth Avenue Uni- ted, church, Toronto, Rev. Hiram Hull officiating, when Gertrude May, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- Nelson A. Yeo, was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. Halligan, youngest . son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Halligan. The bride, given in marriage by. her father, wore a pale• blue taffeta dress with long flowing skirt, a small halo of pale pink roses and tulle with shoulder length veil. She carried an old-fashioned nosegay of pale pink roses, carnations and • sweet peas. Mrs. Wml Mortson, sister of the groom, acted as maid of honor. She wore - a turquoise blue gown cut on princess lines with hat to match. She also carried a nosegay of deep pink carnations' andsweet peas. Mr. Wm. Mortson was best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's mother receiv- ed in a black printed sheer dress "with black accessories and corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother also re- ceived wearing brown printed crepe with corsage of pink roses. During the reception, Master Dean Wilson played selections on a Stradivarius violin,'a keepsake of the bride. Af- ter the reception the couple left by motor for a honeymoon to Toledo and Detroit, the bride travelling in a blush pink printed crepe dress and coral coat with grey' accessories. On their, PEOPLE YOU KNOW Miss Eileen MaGoun spent the week- end -with friends in Lucan, Mrs. Durnin left on -Wednesday for a visit with friends in Windsor.. Miss Hattie Turner of Toronto spent the week -end at her home in town. Miss Helen Manning spent the 'week- end with friends in'S t, Catharines. M. and Mrs. Percy Wheatley of Toronto were in town for the week- end. Miss R. V. Irwin :spent the week -end with friends in Stra h •o t r and Lon- don. don. Miss Winnifred Bunt of Toronto spent the week -end at her home in town Mr. Jack Crittenden of Brandon, Manitoba, is visiting relatives - in town. Miss Delle O'Neil of Toronto spent the week -end with Miss Winnifred O'Neil. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson spent the week -end with friends in West Wa- wanosh. Miss Eleanor McKenzie has been spending a couple of week's holiday in London. Miss Maysie Murdoch of Goderich was a week -end visitor- With Miss Mary Turner. Misses Violet and Freda Miller of To- ronto- spent the week -end at their home in town. Mrs. Charles Hawke spent a few days last week with friends in Exe- ter and1 ro H t ndale. Miss Eva Rapson, who has spent the winter in Kitchener, has returned to her home in town. 14Irs. J. C. Gaudier and Miss Harriett of Toronto are renewing former ac- quaintances in town. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Hunter of To- ronto spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hunter, Mr, Cecil VanHorne of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. VanHorne, Mrs. Janes Scott, who has spent the winter in Woodbury, N,J., has re- turned to her home in town. Rev. K. McGoun preached at the an- niversary services in the Anglican church, Kirkton, last Sunday. Mrs. Armstrong has returned to town after spending the - winter with Mrs. Wheatley in Toronto. Misses Isabel and Fiances Crookes of Chatham spent the week -end with Dr. F. G. and Mrs. Thompson. The Misses Beattie of "The Vogue" returned to town yesterday, having spent the holiday at their home in Watford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson and children r en of Porio e H p spent the week -end with Dr. F. G. and Mrs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Rennie and Mas- ter Jerry of Mensal} spent the week=end with Mr. and .Mrs. A. E. Rumball. - Mr, and Mrs. R. MacDonald of Kin- tore were week -end visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Mair. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mutcb, -and Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Rands returned Tuesday from a visit with friends in Detroit. • Mr. John A.'Gibbings of St. Cathar- ines spent the holiday' and week- end with his parents, Mr. anti 'Mrs. 13. 3. Gibbings. • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fingland ,and • children spent the week-end'in Ni- agara Falls, with Rev. and Mrs. Will Fingland. Miss Libbie Gibbings of Toronto spent the week -end, with her brother and sister, Mr, B. J. Gibbings and Ms. W. J. Treleaven. Miss Mary R. Stewart, who has been attending the University of West- - ern Ontario, London, is home for the summer vacation.. Mr. and Mrs, David Feikoff, Mrs. Ingle and Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Harris of Toronto were week -end visitors with Mr; and Mrs. David Sours. - - Miss Anna O. McLeod, Missionary on furlough from Japan,spent the week -end with Miss' Harriett Cour- tice. Miss McLeod returns to Ja- pan in August. • Mr. Dennis Roberton, who has been telegraph operator at the local. C. N.B.. depot, has been transferred to Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Roberton will be greatly ,missed by their. friends in Clinton. Miss Bertha Webster of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster of Lon- desboro, and on Monday called on her aunts, Mrs. A. C. Vodden and Mrs. G. E. Saville of town. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk over the' week -end were, Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Kirk of Birmingham, Mich,,, and Mrs: V. L. Creighton and daughte4 Thelma, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart and daughter, Margaret,*of Fergus, and Mr. William P.:More- • Little. Locals Mrs. Alice Wilson, housekeeper at the Clinton Public Hospital, had the misfortune to fall while at work a- bout the institution on Monday. In falling her weight was thrown on her left elbow, causing a bad break and one presenting difficulties' in setting. Mrs. 'Vanderburg has been engaged to carry on during Mrs. Wilson's re- covery period, PERSONALS Miss Eva Cluff spent the holiday in London, - Mr. Alvin McAllister has returned 'to Toronto General Hospital for more operations " Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Paisley motored to Callander over the week -end, and also visited their son. Rev. C. W. D. Cosens will preach an- niversary services in the United Church at Centralia on Sunday. Miss Anne Crookes, a W. A. Mission- ary at the Lac Orange School, Sask., is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Thompson. - Mrs. Percy Riley of Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Murdie Young and daugh- ter, Evelyn, of Auburn, and their - father, Mr. Joseph Webster, of Londesboro spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Saville. ;cions Hear Rev. W. G. Bugler Regular meeting of the Iocal Lion's CIub was held this past Friday ev- ening at the Rattenbury Hotel. The speaker o f the evening ening was Rev. W. G. Bugler of Bayfield, He spoke on false values in our present civilization being the cause of so much misery in the world today, All members were very well pleased with Mr. Bugler's speech, and also very much impressed. The nomination committee brought in a slate of nominees for the differ- ent offices to be held in 1937, and elections of saute will be held at the next regular meeting. The sport's committee also brought in reports of starting a juvenile base- ball league in Clinton. The committee in charge of the Boy Scout and Cubs and the Girl Guides and Brownies, has also been quite active as the CIub is very much interested in the activities of these organizations. . LONDESBORO . Miss Helen Youngblutt and Helen Johnston of London spent the week- end and Victoria Day with Mr. and Mrs. Robs, Youngblutt. Mrs. Grierson and little daughter from near Toronto visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland over the week -end.' At the Musical Festival held at Clinton recently, Miss Betty Bruns- don was eredited with 75 percent; Ir- ene Millar, 72; Jackeliene Cuttel, 70, A maple tree was planted on the Community Hall grounds in honor of Coronation Day, under the direction of the Woman's Institute. There will be no June meeting of the Woman's Institute. The annual district meting of the W. L will be held in Auburn on June 3rd to which all the ladies will be 'welcomed. Mr. and Mrs,, Howard Brunsdon of Clinton visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon on Sunday. Mr. Arthur Lyon, Toronto, , I4liss Marjory Lyon, R.N., Leamington, Miss Ruth Lyon of Stratford, are all visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyon for a few days, Mrs. Reid, who had themisfortune to break her hip this winter,' left for her house in the West last week. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Summerville, who had been here helping nurse the mother. _ Miss , P. Reid went as far as Toronto with them. She has returned to Mr. W. Campbell's, where she will reinain as housekeeper. .Mrs. Smith of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank tial]. • - - Don't forget the interesting enter- tainment to be held in the Church this Friday evening. ' Mrs, Thos. Sampson of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs, Eckmier of Pine River, visited at Mr. ,Wm. Lyons. on Sunday, HAYFIELD Mrs. George Ding left on Thurs- day of last week to visit in Toronto and Ottawa. Mrs. Gairdner and Miss Betty re- turned to London on Tuesday after having spent the week -end at thein home in the village. Miss Betty had as her guests, Miss Peggy Ors, Stratford, Misses D. Morrison, M. Green, London. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert .Knight and two children of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs.,1{night'a parents, Mr.. and Mrs. F. • C. Gemeinhardt. Widcombe and T. Seotchmer motored to Windsor and spent' the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, A. Pye. _Mrs. Wid- combo remained for a longer visit with her daughter and Miss Mary Wideombe, who had beenvisitingher sister, returned with them on Tues- day morning,, , Miss Lucy Woods returned hone on I Monday after having spent a few days in Toronto. She was accompan- ied by Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis who are spending a few days with Mrs. N. W. Woods, the former recuperat- ing after an illness. Mr. and Mrs W. F Buchan and son, W. Ewing, -returned to Dunn vine on Monday afternoon after hav- ing g _ spent the week -end with the for- mer'a sister, Mrs. N. W. - Woods. Miss Ruble Fisher of Kitchener and Mr. George Mitchell . of London were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander, Miss Betty and Bobby of Kitchener were also their guests on Sunday. Miss Margaret Ferguson of Te- cumseh spent the week -end and holi- day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Ferguson, Misses C. P. and J. 13. Rankin of Mount Pleasant, Mich., came on Mon- day to spend the season at their cot- tage on the Terrace. - Mr. L. G. Hodgins of Toronto was at' his cottage on the Terrace over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. On., Jr., of Stratford held a house party at the Orr • co •e uta over the - g week -end. eekend. Miss North Ferguson, who has been spending the winter in London, visited her brother, `Pin. L. Ferguson, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. A. Furter and son, Billy, returned to their rhoue in Bar- rie on Tuesday after having spent the week -end and holiday with Mrs. Fur- ter's mother, Mrs, W. J. Stinson. Mrs. D. Prentice of Toronto also vis- ited her mother over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Burt and fam- ily and Mrs. E. York of London spent the week -end and holiday with their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. F. W. Baker. Miss Lottie Higgins returned home last week after having spent some time visiting her brother - in Sud- bury. Miss Helen Seeds, Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mr. Bernard Taylor of Toronto spent the week -end with the former's mother, Mrs, A. R. Seeds. Guests at the Rectory included Mrs. Bugler's brother, Mr. A. Acnes, and Miss Roberta Webster of Toronto over the week -end, her father, Mr. T. Ames and Mrs. Ames of Sarnia on Sunday; and Mr. W. J. Bugler, Miss Helen Bugler, Mr. and Mrs. Totem and (laughter, of London, on Victoria Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Ferguson of London visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and Miss Christine of Port Elgin and Miss Marion of McMaster Univer- sity, Hamilton, spent the week -end with Mrs. McLaren's sisters, Misses A. 1VI. and E. J. Stirling. Guests of Mrs. 3. 0. Goldthorpe over the week -end included her ,par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Maclntosh of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Bingeman, Ft. Erie,' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fuller" and daughter, Margaret, of Kitchener spent the week -end with Rev. .and Mrs. R. M. Gale. Mrs. Fuller is,. a niece of Mr, Gale, Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Gale, Billy and Marion of Monck- ton, visited the former's parents on. Sunday. Rev, J. A. Gale conducted the service at Grace United Church, Porter's Hill, after which they re- turned to Monckton. Amongst those who were at their cottages over the week -end were; Mr. and Mrs. F. Scrimgeour, Mr. and Mrs. H. Peters, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. F.' C. Rogers, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. M. Templeman ,and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Granger and family, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Quarry, London. Mr. Ross, Kincardine, the contrac- tor for the work on the North pier arrived yestday, a tug bringing in the scow for the work. .A. fly peculiar to this district at least made its appearance here last week and so vicious is its bite that it has driven some would-be garden- ers into the house. Otherswho per- sisted in remaining in the garden re- ceived bites which appear to be pois- onous judging from the highly in flared bites they left. - Dr. ,L. A. H. McNeil returned :to the village on Wednesday, aceompan-' ied by Mrs.' McNeil. They have ta- ken up -residence in Mr. Elliott's flat. Mr. and Mrs. L,B. Smith and fam- ily of London spent the week -end with Mrs. Smith's parents, and on their return were accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Parker and two children who are spending. the week with them. Mr, and Mrs. II. K: King and 'Vias ter Harold Atwood, Sarnia, came up, on Saturday to -visit .Mrs, Kinw s nap.