HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-05-20, Page 6PAGE 6 TIIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS,, M4Y 20,1:937. S ANS HAPPENINOS OF iNTERE; information fog• the Busy Farmer (Pi urnish d byth Department of Agriculture) e ) Farm and Home Week The usual Farm and Home Week at the Ontario Agricultural College will be held June 21 to June 25 in- clusive. On account of the numerous high-class animals which have been added to the college herds' and flocks in recent.. months, a record atten- dance is expected this year, Very special efforts will be made to have better special exhibits and to have all arrangements and facilities as com- plete as possible. Barley Competitors in Live Stock Feeds • The greater part of the Canadian • barley crop which enters commerce is used as live stock feed. It is be- lieved, however, that a better quality of finish of meat animals, particular- ly hogs, would result from its greater use. As a feed, barley has several competitors. Many poultrymen and poultry nutritionists are not satisfied that barley may completely replace corn in poultry rations, but the ne- cessity for economy during the past few years has convinced many far- mers and poultry extension workers of the merits of barley and that corn is not essential in poultry rations where vitamins are supplied in green feed or in vitamin coming oils. Im- ported corn, however, will continue to be fed to several classes of live . stock in ocean coastal sections under present trade conditions. Oats are more generally grown throughout Canada than barley. Prac- tically all farmers raise a supply of oats to use as feed. Too frequently this is used as hog feed without a proper proportion of barley, and such practice is evinced in the resulting ba- con quality. Sentiment in support of greater self-sufficiency in several provinces would indicate that efforts will be directed toward securing bet- ter balance in acreage .as between these two crops. Feed grade .wheat and wheat screenings will continue to compare with barley as. feed. Recleaned, wheat screenings have been found satisfactory for•.many live stock feed- ing purposes. The volume of feed; grade wheat varies from year to' year and feeders cannot be sure of securing requirements annually. The greatest source of competition for barley comes from bran, shorts, middlings, and other mill .product feeds. These feeds are supported by market organizations, salesmanship, and service such as is not accorded barley, and on this account are used but of proportion to their merit as compared to barley. Minister Speaks Speaking before the Rotary Club of Owen Sound recently Hon. Duncan Marshall, Provincial Minister of Ag- riculture discussed fanning problems and advised the farmer guests of the evening to "stay out of debt." Youth, he told them, is being given the chance today that it deserves on the farm. The, Ontario Agricultural College, whichis for the benefit of the farmer's son, has reduced costs of tuition, board, etc. It has become a college strictly for farmers' sons and its 'courses are short and practical. "To keep the young men and boys on the farm you have to make farming profitable," he said, "and that is what this Department is trying to do. Keep them proud of their heritage of the farm, make them realize that it is the greatest industry in the world— which it certainly is—and you will have solved your problem. Farming 1wernernsrmarmarommmok can be made profitable." Agriculture is emerging slowly from. the conditions of the past few years, but, while grain is high in price it is something of a hardship bo Ontario farmers. "But it is well worth while to feed your cattle and pigs on high priced, grain, much more so than feeding them on poor grain. Th6 greatest profit comes in feeding stock real grain." He urged the far- mers to follow this plan and they would find good beef and hog prices in the spring: To keep the boys on the farm the business must be profitable. .And so he must be the sharpest, shrewdest and smartest man in the land. "Farm- ing is a gamble for you must fight the hardest, meanest, toughest foe in the world -the weather." Farm Bulletins The foIIowing is a list of agricul- tural circulars available to farmers in Ontario, published by the Ontario Department of Agriculture: 8.—Back-yard Pig Feeding. 10.—Varieties of Farm Crops. 11.—War Time Foods. 14.—Save Your Seed Corn. 15.—Livestock Shipping Associa- tion. 16. -Home Pasteurizing of Milk. 38.—Cream before Pasteurization as a Factor in Butter -Making. 89.—Beef Rings. 41.—Sweet Clover. 50.—Eradicate the Common Bar- berry. 51. Perennial Sow Thistle. 52.—Liver Disease of Horses. 53,—Production of Quality Toma- toes in. Eastern Ontario. 54.—Dodder. 55.—Horne Mixing of Fertilizers. 56.—Turkeys. Specials An Economic. Analysis of Cheese Factory Operations in Ontario. Co-operative Marketing. Destruction of Wolves. Farm Account Book (price 25c). Fertilizer Recommendations. Fruits of Ontario (price 50 cents). Probable Causes, and the Remedies for Defects in Second Grade Cream. The Value of Birds to Man. Tobacco Soils 'in Norfolk County. Acts Ditches, W...ter Course Act. Weed Control Act. Instructions A copy of any bulletin (for which there is no charge) will be sent free to farmers residing in the Province of Ontario and to Ontario Schools for library purposes. In no case, however, will more than six separate publica- tions be sent to any address at one time. Application from teachers should ,show location of School Section in Township or otherwise. Bulletins are NOT supplied to pu- pils free of charge, but if desired may be obtained at 10 cents a copy, A charge of 10. cents a single bul- letin and 5 cents a- copy for circulars is made when forwarded to an address outside the Province of .Ontario. The amount of wheat in Canada us- ed as feed for livestock and poultry during the crop season 1936-37 is pre- liminarily estimated at 12,774,000 bu- shels, a decrease of 8,000,000 bushels from the former season. The decrease occurred almost entirely in the Prairie Provinces and was due to the small- ness of the crop, its high quality and the higher prices prevailing during the current season, TITS -LAP ROOFING The permanence and low up- keep cost of this metal roofing makes it one of the most eco- nomical on the market. 'rite - Lap Galvanized Roofing gives greatest covering capacity. The end lap is so tight it is almost invisible; positively excludes driving sleet, rain or snow. Send roof and rafter measure- ments for free estimates. RIR-ROLL ROOFING This durable roofing has extra rigidity that makesit particularly good for roofing over alight frame- work. The secret of its strength is: the ribs are only five inches apart! The most copied roofing of its kind on the market. Be sure you get the genuine,economical"Rib-Roll Roofing" t Ask your banker for details about re -roofing on the Government - backed Iiome Improvement Plan. IAMESWAY POULTRY EQUIPMENT• �,� Usthe thea Write for information on anyiteme in the cam- _-t-- roofing, The plete Jamesway line. Brooder houses, heating lea: LfEo «+ lead on the systems,, incubators, laying cages, ventilator oo head seals systema. Use Jameeway equipment for profits. the nail -hole, EasternSteelProducts Guelph Sleet ' .lrti oN Focter e, also et PRESTON, ONTARIO MONTREAL and TORONTO Has Canada Mistaken Ideas About Forest Trees and Wild Lite? SPRUCE TREES GIVE CANADA ITS• BIGGEST MANUFACTURED EXPORT ITEM, AND ITS WILD LIFE IS A MAJOR -RESOURCE, SO WHY NOT DIg UP TIIE FACTS ABOUT THEM? Does Canada really know all it should, about its forests? Can the: lumberjack tell us anything? Are we making a success in handling wild life? The older a man grows the more he is inclined to listen to' the voice of experience. By and by he learns to know some of the things that ;won't work. Every grown man has learn- ed something from his work that has shifted Min from his youthful views. And there probably isn't a inan living who can't tell you out of his experi- ence something you don't know. Which makes all men interesting if you will only listen with an open mind. Is there such a thing as•"dry" lightning? Is lightning as serious a factor as is thought in causing forest fires? Do trees bring rain? Does a brush fire sometimes do good? Does poplar reproduce itself in the same place? Where does wild life find its food. —in dense forests, or on burns or. air the branches thrive and help to make the trunk thick. With the cov- er crop, the tree gains in height what it loses in girth, and this provides the more or less branchlessytree ev- ery paper mill wants. It doesn't want "'filthy" trees as their Icnpts makes themunsuitable far processing. Limbs make large knots. • It is claimed the best protection a forest can have is a stand of second growth poplar and balm, followed by birch, for experience shows even a forest fire will stop when it runs' up against this barrier. If you doubt this drive along Algoma roads. The "cover crop" is vital for a commercial pttlp tree. Have you ever seen a worth while man-made forest of "commercial" trees, -trees that the paper . mills want? Is it possible to grow com- mercially valuable trees for a' paper miII without a cover crop, which in duces height with a minimum' of branches? Canada exports $150,000,000 worth of newsprint annually. And our ex- ceedingly valuable resources in wild life also deserve the closest national study' to preserve and increase it. These two outstanding national reve- nue producers are pretty much link- ed together. A little carelessness in a former forest article made The Star say that bush fires are not always bad. What we really meant to say was BRUSH fires,—the cleaning up of ground en- cumbered with fallen trees, slash, and thickets of dogwood, hazel, etc. Of course nobody wants to burn trees. Also it was pointed out that The Star seemed to stress to much "cov- er" . crops of poplar in growing com- mercial trees. This may have caused treaders to think that the argument was for poplar exclusively. But any cover crop will do, - birch, maple, [cherry, or other trees. Spruce will kill off poplar and birch and replace them always. The usual sequence in AIgoma is first poplar and balm of gilead, fol- lowed by conifer trees, spruce, bal- • sam and pine. On the higher land white birch is the cover crop instead of poplar and balm. - As spruce gets its growth in a pop- lar stand it tends to crowd out the poplar and the older the poplar gets' the change is more noticeable. Many people think poplar is a use- less wood. It is getting more valu table every year as experience 'finds ways of using it. It is now an asset when it attains a certain growth for boxwood and a good grade of paper. Why doesn't poplar seed itself on grass? Why does it like a burnt over area? Because its "downy" seed can't penetrate grass readily, and a "burn" is free of this impediment for one thing. Plowed land hasn't the surface poplar seed likes. Leave Some Trees for Seeding. Some people want all trees removed In a cut -over. But some trees should be left. Why? . Toprovide seed for replanting the area. At Bruce Mines. there is a fine white pine grove sur- rounding a 300 year old tree. It's as plain as day why there 18 a pine stand there,—the oldtree looked after seeding it. It wouldbe a great idea for man to sow pine seed in suitable areas. At present we don't "sow" pine seed and we puzzle, over the problem of why good pine ground has no pines. And also we might "sow" maples and birch and spruce. In right ground' we possibly could do it by airplane as an experiment. Get poplar going anywhere and spruce, balsam and pine follow along. Why Not Experiment in,. So We May Draw a Moral or Two Froin the foregoing it seems desir- able to adopt certain methods to grow commercial pine and spruce: 1. Provide a cover 'crop. 2. Clean out thick stands of dog- wood and hazel which grow too close- ly to allow conifer: seed to reach the ground. 8. Leave enough pines and spruce toreseed cut over areas. Cover crop ground will reseed itself. 4. Clear away slash if possible, so that the ground is free for nature to reseed. 5. Sow pine and spruce seed on suitable ground. Please differentiate between "com- mercial" trees,—spruce or pine with - Wet Areas? It would, probably pay the govern- ment to experiment in draining wet spruce areas. Between Oba and Goudreau there . is wet and dry ground. The spruce on the dry areas is bigger. It grows faster there. Wet areas are barren of commercial wood. Supposing, the government dug an experimental ditch through a wet ar= ea to see if the trees would respond in a few years. If they did the pro- fit would make it worth the trouble. All trees grow branches, — trees couldn't develop without them. The cover crop invariably hinders the growth of the lower branches, by shutting out the sunlight and air to some extent and !these branches be- come small and give no trouble to grinders in the pulp mill, Why do they not develop? "All branches grow front the centre of a tree. The branches of conifers are small in a cover crop. They die and drop off, and thus good wood grows over, I them. I But where there is no coves crop, �+:. ' and the tree gets, full sunlight and,' out knots,—and these beautiful but dust storms commercially useless trees which areas. have fully developed branches from the ground up. Each branch repre-, Bents a knot. Ever hear the expres- sion "clear pine", the wood the rni11- man prays for? More Than One Kind of Lightning? As to "dry" lightning, which ex- perts blame for so much damage,— and perhaps they are right. Did you ever stop] to consider that practically all our fires are in areas that men ads deserts of large Article ,Only to Provoke Thought There is no desire to' do anything elsein this article than to provoke a little thought on the, many forest ideas, we read continuously in the papers.' So government men and forestry. en -1 ghneers and contractors shouldn't get in a huff about statements made here- in. Every sincere man should be al- lowed to give his opinion and either be shown he is wrong or be at least treated with courtesy. In any case freguent? Was it not remarkable the there is lie place for a patronizing at way fires broke out in Cobalt and titude or an assumption that the fel- Porcupine when prospectors got into low who thinks he knows is just an these areas? Didyou ever see a gold ie''nomamus. or silver rush not attended by some kind of "lightning"? Did it ever 00- cur to you that the bush fires of old were Close to Indian trails? And could you ever explain the plentiful lightning that has always gone along with railroad building? Do you remember the old scarred areas south and west of Hawk on the Algoma Central 'Railway that are now bdcoming beautifully forested Wild Life Likes Open Spaces Take the mater of wild life. For- ests, we read, are necessary for the propagation and conservation o f game. They are to some extent. But it seems to be fairly evident to any- one who takes an interest in bush life that it isn't the dense forest but the :burnt over areas which' provide again with the passing of the years? the food wild life needs. Deer'carne Every old railroad builder, settler, or into Algoma following the opening Prospector believes that the Lord up of the country by the lumberman helps those who help themselves. Of and: the farmer. Irv. 1890, Ernest Se - course, there was a time when a tree ton Thompson told the writer in To - was a nuisance in Canada, In areas roma that there were no red deer today where forest vagrants are north off North Bay. He was substan- sharply looked after there are very tially correct. The old . tote roads few fires. There's a lot of things not where hay and oats grew eventually, referred to in the text books. had something to do with attracting The work of trained forestry men deer to this district. The settler is absolutely necessary in the censer- found he was feeding deer and birds, vation of our resources,—it's inial- In New Brunswick and Pennsylvania, uable,—but the knowledge of the axe deer got to be a nuisance to far - swingers can't be ignored in any com- mers. The dense forest has little food for anything but squirrels and plete scheme of things, The engin- weasels; Moose and deer and bear eer needs the cooperation of the old like the foodthat civilization pro- vides. So does the wolf and the fox. Jack Miner feeds thousands of geese and ducks. Because they like Jack's food first and his humanity second, The only thing that will tame man or beast is food and not even a wolf will eat a rnan.if he can depend on regular meals. In addition he will like his IandIord. So that this column harbors the notion that the way to increase wild trees than they had last year when life is to plow and sow a .piece of bushman. They are two arms of a difficult problem. The intelligent private is a great help to the general, and the general will, no doubt, do bet- ter if he has once carried a rifle in the trenches himself. There are some officers who resent advice from intel- ligent and experienced privates. Do trees bring rain? There aren't many trees along the Ohio or the Thames, and the dry belts which have been soaked lately haven't any More ground here and there in the bush. and leave the crops to forest animis, Put in some carrots and cabbage and turnips, too, if you: have the time and:. inclination. Give deer enough clover and see them increase. The problem is food, Forest folk. will look after their• own protection, $ow wild rice, and it won't be wasted, The word will be passed along ,just as it was, when Jack Miner turned over a new A leaf 'and decided the wild things lik-• ed tb cert. Perlurps bush fires do destroy some- game, but the burnt over areas are; haunted by game for the food they find' there. Where . would, deer or rabbits get anything to eat in an un- broken forest?' The dense forest, merely provides protection for game. Try it for yourself, Every canm, in Algoma can have families of Par- tridge to feed. The Woodpeckers' Hole, which has no guns, had three. flocks in one summer till a few tour- ists came along and shot. them int midstunmer. Up there a live deer is regarded as a prettier sight than a: dead one, and a cozy talk with. a part- ridge is a privilege. If you disagree with the views ex- pressed here,-andyou may,—Iet'sr have your side of the case, —J. W. Curran, Sault Daily Star,. HERE'S A SIMPLE SPRAY TO I{E,'G1' DOGS AWAY If flowers and shrubs are sprayed' with a dilute nicotine sulphate, doge and cats will avoid them. The spray is harmless and the smell is very of- fensive to these animals, even when sprinkled so thinly that persons are unaware of its presence. Nicotine sulphate may be bought at any seed or drug store and should be, used at the rate of one-half teaspoon- ful to a gallon of water. The spray evaporates and should be renewed af- ter rains, or about every two weeks in ordinary weather. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE NEWS -RECORD ,1wai mt- ;:- ,a"'s'••u•"a^" ir, im'••'r'hty`e 4,9 :ti ax: c k^> - ars �J The business of living, when boiled down and all the froth skim- med off, is just a matter of thinking. Each of us is continually thinking ideas of our own and swap- ping them for the ideas of others. If there is a famine of outside ideas we shrivel up ourselves. Children with "nobody to play with" are unhappy and unmanageable. From thinking with our 'heads to doing with our hands is but a little step and then our thoughts become things. The originator of an idea is not much better off than before he originated it till he gets some one else to absorb it and enjoy it and benefit by it. The man or woman surrounded by better thoughts and things but who pays not the slightest attention to them isnot much better off than the one with "nobody to play with." The advertisements in real newspapers are thoughts—telling you about the things that other men and women have created for your Use, Readtheads. They are the voices of hundreds of thousands of looms, shops, foundries, studios, laboratories, where millions of minds are turning pleasant thoughts into worth -while things for you and your family. The Chi t 1111 Gives the News of Clinton and Community—Read It