HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-05-20, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878 With Which is . Incorporates The Clinton New Era NO. 5832 -58TH YEAR. The New Era Est. 1865, CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 20TH, 1937. Bate the 9urehase of Zjour Watch • from 'derogation I{ear. We take great pride in our Watches: They are scientifically con- structed. The wearing parts are tempered to the proper hardness. The Escapements are finely adjusted, and the greatest thing about them is they are dependable. You can rely on keeping your engage- ments on time, not wasting time by being too early, and better still, not keeping• those yeti have an engagement with waiting for you. You know your time is worth money, so is their's. Then in addition to being good timekeepers, they are of good• appearance. You can- not be fair to yourself unless you see these timekeepers, before you make a purchase. Bestti Our Satisfied are Those to Whom we have sold Watches.. W. H. HELLYAR Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optometrist. Residence Phone 1745. NOW SHOWING CHIL]JREN'S WASH DRESSES Ranging in Price from 98c to 2.95 Dozens from which to choose Colorful Prints and Voiles Crepes in Pastel Shades THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL vi Chiffon Service Ch � Hose Real 75c Value for 69c �, A Box of Lux Free with every Pair All Hose Guaranteed I1ZwIN'S 11 " CLINTON'S . LEADING STYLE SHOPPE ESTEEMED CITIZEN AND FORMER MAYOR PASSES Frederick Thomas Jackson, one of Clinton's oldest and most prominent business men passed away last Fri - (lay noon in the Clinton Public Hos- pital. Although not in the best of .health, Mr. Jackson had continued to be about his business until Tuesday, when he was forced to stay at home. On Wednesday he was removed to the hospital, suffering from an in- ternal disorder. The late Mr. Jackson was born in Clinton on March 10th, 1860, the son of the late John Jackson and Lavinia Johns, who were among the pioneer settlers in this district, coming here from Yorkshire, England. He was educated in Clinton and was asso- ciated with his father in the shoe business. The busines was establish- ed in 1854 and has been in the fam- ily for over eighty years. He- was a short while in Omaha about forty years ago, and his wife, who was Clementine Depew, died there. He returned . to Clinton to carry on the shoe business with his father. His father died in 1916 and his mother in 1914. The late Mr. Jackson was keenly ;p interested in municipal affairs, and served the community as councillor and later as mayor during the years of.,1914-15 and 1924-27 inclusive. He was an adherent to the Methodist and late the United Church. He was a past Noble Grand of Clinton Lodge No. 83 T.O.O,F. and a past master of Clinton Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 84. Twelve days previously Mr. Jack- son conducted the Masonic funeral for a friend and brother, the late J. E. "Shorty" Cantelon. Surviving are one grand -daughter, of Fredericton, N.B,, daughter of the late, Murray Jackson, his only son, . who died about ten years.,ago; four brothers, Sydney of LethbridgeAl- berta Arthur of Los Angeles; Wal- ter of Brantford and J. Frank of Barrie, Two other brothers prede- ceased him as well as his only sis- ter, Rev. Horace Jackson of Detroit in 1914; Dr. Bertram Jackson in 1908, and (Mary) Mrs. Henry Steep in 1932. The funeral service was held from Wesley -Willis church Tuesday after- noon. -Rev. C. W. D. Cosens conduct- ed the service. Over fifty brother Masons were in attendance and eight Past Masters of the Clinton lodge acted as pallbearers; Messrs, J, H, Kerr, W. McEwen, 11. P. Plumsteel, Dr. F, G. Thompson, Harvey Mc Brien, T. Gordon Scribbins, G. E. Hall and H. C. Cox. Interment was made in Clinton cemetery. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. Alex. Welsh has ' returned home after having spent the week- end with friends on, the Bayfield Line CONSTANCh Misses Jean, Irene, - Marjory and Erma Riley- o f Brussels visited friends and relatives here on Sunday. Miss Olive Grimoldbya spent Sun- day at her home in the village. Mr. and Mrs, Allen, Lamont of Ethel visited friends in this vicinity on Sun- day. TRUCK BREAKS DOG'S - TAIL AS CANINE BASKS - IN SUN AT GODERICH The most forlorn dog in. Goderich if one may judge by tail wagging, or lack of it, is a German Shepherd dog owned by Don McKay, stellar defense man with the Clinton Colts last year. The huge dog, whose pet name 15 "Nuisance," is not lacking ,in feel- ing, but is merely unable to wag his tail, which was brokers when a six- ton truck ran over it as the dog basked in the sun at the .dock: The broken means of expression is mend- ing without the aid of splints. The Farmers' Market Wheat, $1.25. Oats, 55e, 60c. Barley, 85e. Buckwheat, 88c. Butterfat, .Spee., 24c; First, 22c. Dairy Butter, 20c, Eggs, 17e, 15c, 13c, 12c, 110. Hogs, $8.50. • Clinton's Contributions to the Red Cross The amount forwarded to the Red Cross, for relief of the flood suffer- ers in London, by the town clerk, ag- gregated $129.80, contributed as fol- lows: Proceeds o(dance $36.25 Employees Clinton Knitting Company, Limited, 25.00 General subscriptions 68.55 $129.80 Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs, Frank Layton an- nounce the' engagement of their only daughter, Irene Mary Elizabeth, to Cecil Wren VanHorne, Toronto, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George VanHorne, of Clinton. The marriage to take place early in June. Mr. and Mrs. David Eases of Gode- rich Township, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Pearl Loret- ta, to John MacFarlane, son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacFarlane, of Stanley Township. The marriage will take place this month. Anniversary Concert in Baptist Church An interesting concert was held on Monday evening' in the Baptist church in connection with their anniversary services. Rev. G. W. Sherman spoke a few words of greeting to the aucl- ience. The program opened with selections by the Harmonica Orchestra, Little Jean Elliott delighted the audience by singing "Back in the Old Sunday School." Mr. Merrill Cantelon of Wingham contributed two selections with mouth -organ and saw. Eddie Elliott sang a bass solo "Asleep in the Deep." Miss Jenkins prefaced her reading of "The Cremation of Sam McGee," with a short sketch of the life of -Robert W. Service. Re- sponding to an encore, Miss Jenkins gave a short, humorous reading. Ac- companied at the piano. by, Miss Bea- trice Greene, the boy's chorus sang, "We Saw the Sea." Miss Eva Stackhouse of Brucefield played two violin selections. At this point in the program Rev. E. M. Loney of the Wingham Baptist church, brought a few words of greet- ing to the Clinton church on the oc- casion of its anniversary. Miss Den- nis and Mr. Merrill Cantelon of Wingham sang a duet with guitar ac- companiment, "Old Black Joe" was rendered by the Harmonica Orches- tra, Miss Stella Brown played a pi- ano instrumental. Mrs. M. Dapking sang "The Old Refrain", accompanied at the piano by Miss •Stella Brown. Miss Greene and "Benson Sutter con- tributed "In the Garden", as a piano• and organ duet. A chorus of Talking Dolls included Iona Leppington, Ruth Grealis, Aud- rey Butler, Betty McEwan, Edith Leppington, Ora Grealis and Ena Mc - Ewan, Mr, Merril Cantelon played. several pleasing numbers - on his 'ac- cordion, Miss Eva Stackhouse, vi- clinist, played excerpts from. "The Vagabond; King." Mr. George H. Elliott was called on to -tell a few things about his ear- ly travels. Mr. Elliott told of his long trip to Seattle and then from Seattle to Alaska on the "Indiana". On this trip they saw an immense ice floe acres in size -stretching as far as the eye could see. It was June and the Eskimos were spearing seals. They would skip about orathe ice floes quite unconcerned. In this land of the Midnight. Sun, there ale only two hours of twilight during the summer season.. Presently 'they set sail for New York around Cape Horn. They carried 3,500 tons of salmon. Pierce storms were: encountered, which buf- feted theboat as if it were -a chip on the water. When the ,tropics were reached the .weather was very calm.. Mr. Elliott described the ceremony of initiation when one crosses the equa- tor for the first time., Mr. Elliott had found in his travels that there was no place like Ontario and he- ad- vised the young lads to stay at homey because they would find nothing bet- ter, no matter where they travelled. Jack Butler sang a solo in keeping with the regent celebration of Cor- onation Day. - Benson Sutter gave a piano sola. 'Mr. Cantelon: contributed two numbers with the mouthorgan and accordion. The orchestra concluded thep ro gram with "In the Sweet By and By," The evening's entertainment was, brought to a close by the singing of "God Save the King.". THE . HOME PAPER Among The Churches Baptist Church The Ladies' Aid will meet next Tuesday, May 25th, in the vestry of the church at 2.30 o'clock, All the ladies are cordially invited to attend. St. Paul's' Church Rev. P. G. Parson of Ki-rkton will preach at both - services in St. Paul's next Sunday. Rev. IC. MeGoun will conduct anniversary services in Kirk - ton. Salvation Arany Services will be conducted by En- voy Waye of Toronto on Sunday. He will be' assisted by his daughter, Myr- tle. This will be the Iast Sunday the Envoy will be with us. Don't forget to hear him. Captain Bonar has been called away to Norwichtohelp with the Self -De- nial. Captain Tilley, who is station- ed there has been ill. The Captain wes stationed at Clinton last year and was transferred to Norwich last Sep- tember. Presbyterian Church Last Sunday, Rev. Peter Jamieson of Toronto preached in the Presby- terian Church. His sermon was much appreciated.' May 23—Rev. A: M. Boyle of To- ronto. May 30—Rev. A. H. Hamilton, of Toronto: June 6 -Rev. T. V. Miller of Mark- dale (not definite). - June 13—Rev. A. W. Hare of St. Marys. These ministers will preach for a call at Clinton and Bayfield. Ontario Street United Church Mr. J. E. Laughlin, B,A, B,Ped., will be the guest speaker on behalf of .the Ontario Temperance Federa- tion at Ontario Street United church at eleven o'clock Sunday morning, Mr. Laughlin is a schoolteacher from Toronto and according to re- ports, can present this important sub- ject of temperance in an able man- ner. He will also speak at Turner's Church in the afternoon at 2 p.m, Rev. G. G. Burton will preach at seven in the evening- on the topic: "Jesus and Chiang Kai-Shek." During Chiang Kai-Shek's impris- onment the Bible was his constant companion and comfort, He tells in graphic style, "What Jesus' Suffering; meant to him," when he expected to be put to death—How he forgave his enemies as Jesus did. Come and hear the story of this great leader—who is a practical follower of Christ. Young People's Union under the Literary and Recreation department will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in charge of Mr. Harold Squire. Wednesday, at 8 p.m., meeting to- gether for prayer, instruction, praise. and fellowship. On Mother's Day, May 16th, the following babies were baptised; Mur- ray Delmer Maltby, son of Mr; and Mrs. Delmer M. Maltby; Catherine Elizabeth Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Powell; Lois Mur- iel Elizabeth Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dale; Kenneth Warren Gibbings, son of Mr, and Mrs. Warren H, Gibbings; William Charles German, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. German; Turner's Church, Fanny Elizabeth Johns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph E. Johns; Robert Shep- herd Lawson; son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lawson. Wesley -Willis United Church Morning: Rev. George R. Turk of Toronto, representative of the Ontar- io Temperance Federation, will speak. Evening; the minister, the sermon subject will be, "A Full Man" —The secret of Stephen's Success. The May meeting of the Wesley - Willis W.M.S. was held on the even- ing of May llth. The first vice-pre- sident, Mrs. Ii. Fowler, was in the chair, Mrs. Hearn ':presided at the piano. Mrs. Fowler opened the meet- ing' by reading a poem by John Mese- field, the poet -laureate, "A Prayer for the Ring." The minutes were read and accepted. Mrs. J. A. Sutter read the treasurer's report for the year. Mrs. J. E. MbKinley, theTem- perance Secretary, read several inter- esting articles. The "Stranger's" secretary, Mrs. G. E. Saville, read her report. Mrs. Addison, the third vice' president,' took the chair for the pro- gram. This was opened by singing the hymn, "Jesus Calls Us". Mrs. W. t. Nediger read the Scripture lesson. Mrs, Addison had charge of the Study book. The last chapter, "The Joy of the • Task," was discussed. - Mrs. Laidlaw, 'Mrs. Robertson, and Mrs. Oliver read several articles in con- nection with the chapter. The report of the morning session of the Huron Presbyterial, held recently in Gocle rich, was -given by Mrs. E. Paterson. Mrs. A. T. Cooper reported on the afternoon, discussions. Mrs. McKin- ley and Mrs. Fowler moved a vote of thanks to the ladies for 'their splen- did reports. The closing hymn was "O Master let are Walk with Thee:" The Mizpah benediction ,brought, the :Sword Fish's Weapon In Mr, W. D. Fair's window dis- playing fishing tackle is a sword of a sword fish. This sword, which is of solid bone, was taken from a two hun- dred and fifty pound sword fish at Louisburg, Nova Scotia, last August. It measures thirty-one inches in Length and is the property of Mr. Gordon Cuninghame, - Women's Institute The regular May meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, May 25th, in the Agricul- tural Board Rooms. The roll call will be answered by the paying of fees. Miss L. Brigham will give a paper on "Why Confederation Came to Canada." ' The members' of the executive will have charge - of the social hour. A Promotion Mr. Howard Grealis, for the past few years an employee in the Strat- ford Post Office, recently received word that he was to be transferred to London to take on new duties as a railway mail clerk operating out of that city. This is a well-deserved promotion for Howard,, and his old Clinton friends are glad to hear of his sue- cess. Mr. Grealis is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grealis, of Clinton. Opening Game of Football Tonight The football season will be officially opened tonight when Clinton meets Seaforth on their own ground in the opening game of the season Reports which have come in from the vicinity of Seaforth are to the ef- fect that they have a good team this year. Our boys have been practising faithfully of late, so that everything indicates a fast game for tonight. We understand that Brucefield, who were group winners last year, have not been able to reorganize, and will not meet Clinton as scheduled on May 27th, Arrangements are being made for an exhibition game with Winthrop on that date. This will be the first hone game of the season. Hockey Team Banqueted As a final gesture of appreciation to the Clinton hockey teams, Inter- mediate B and Juniors, who made such a splendid showing during the past season, a banquet was sponsored bythe council last Thursday evening at the Bartliff & Crich restaurant. M. J. , Schoenhals officiated as toastmaster and proposed the follow- ing toast: "The King," "The Inter- mediate Team," responded to by G. Cook; "The Juniors," proposed by O. L. Paisley and responded to by J. Butler. Short addresses were given by Mayor W. S. R..Hohnes, M. Schoen- hals and N. W. - Miller, manager of the Colts. Appreciation of the banquet and the spirit by which it 'was actuated was voiced by the manager and sev- eral players. A Parting Gift A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walton gathered at their home on Tuesday evening to spend a few hours with them before they take their departure for Wind - or. Euchre provided part of the evening's entertainment, and during the course : of events, Mrs. Walton was presented with a gift from her Clinton friends. Mrs. C. V. Cooke read a short address, and the gift was presented,- needless to say Mrs. Walton was completely taken by surprise. A. dainty lunch was served and the visitors departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Walton good health andgood luck in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Walton's Clinton friends regret very much their de, cision to depart from our midst, where they have been the best of citizens for many years. We hope they may return often to renew old acquaintances, meeting to a close. The regular meeting of the Girl's Club was held last Tuesday evening at the ,home of Mrs. Wilfred Seeley. The President, Mrs. Fingland, was in the chair. The scripture lesson was. read by Mrs. Fingland. Mrs. Chewers led in prayer. The guest speaker of the evening was Mrs. (Rev.) Gardi- ner of Londesboro, who spoke on "Time," which was profitable and in- spiring and much appreciated by all who had the privilege of hearing it. Miss Eva Stackhouse of Brucefield gave two readings and two violin se- lections, which were thoroughly -en- joyed. Full arrangements were made for a lawn social which will be held later et the home of Mrs. Oakes, Littler Locals, Mr. Hugh Hawkins has moved into, the house he purchased from the Mc- Connell estate on . Wellington street. ' Junior Institute The regular meeting of, the Junior Institute will' be held to -night, May 20th, in the Agricultural Office. This. is the annual meeting and all the members are requested to be present. Baseball Notes - At a meeting held in Seaforth last evening the Baseball League was or- ganized for the coming season. Zur- ieh, Crediton, Exeter, Clinton, Sea - forth, Goderich and Mitchell are en- tering teams. The season will open in June and practise will begin` next Monday evening.. Clinton's Coronation Baby In later years, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cooper will be able to refer with pride to the date of her birth, Coronation Day, May 12, 1937. Her name is Barbara Eli- zabeth, in honor of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Congratulations have been extend- ed to the proud parents in which' The News -Record joins heartily. Coronation Commemorated by Tree V . The Business Men's Association do- nated the money to the Women's In= stitute to buy a blue spruce, which was planted in the Library Park, Mr. W. 18. Perdue, President of the Association prepared , the place for the tree and his worship, Mayor Holmes, in the midst of a downpour of rain, planted the tree. H. AND S. CLUB ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Clinton Home and School Association was held in the Public School on. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame, the retiring president, was in the chair. The meeting was opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Chas, Elliott read the minutes. Mrs. E. Paterson gave the treasurer's re- port, having $18.2'7 on hand. The Balmer atendance was a tie between Miss Courtice's room and Miss Fras- er's room. It was decided that each room should have it for two 'weeks. It was moved by Mrs. Hearn and seconded by Mrs. Lawson that the prizes for the entrance ex aminaiors be given again this year. It was also decided to send the fee to the local council. Mrs. • Cuninghame read a letter from Mrs. Taylor, Goderich, Council President, regarding the pic- nic to be held on the lawns of Vic- toria School, Goderich, on Jnne 19th. All those wishing transportation will get in touch with Mrs. Paterson and Mrs. Fingland. Mrs. Cuninghame gave.. a compre- hensive and interesting report of the Home and School sessions held dur- ing Easter Week. Some of. the im- portant ideas that Mrs. Cuninghame gathered from the lectures were that the Home -and School .Association should. have ideas, vision and under- standing of the needs of the com- munity. 1' h e seven outstanding points to be considered •about school children are: 1. Health—.The . pre- school child should have a medical examination several 'months before entering school, allowing time for any faults to be corrected. Through- out the year the Home and School Association might sponsor talks in the school by nurses, . doctors or the Medical Health Officer. 2. Home Education.—Study groups could be organized in -which parents could ob- tain knowledge whereby to make :bet- ter homes for better children. It is desirable to have a happy atmos- phere at, home. 3. Vocational -It is not difficult to have specialists come to the school room to help children discover their particular niche in life. Professional and business men of the community would be of great assistance in, this undertaking.. - 4, Learning—The Association, which in- cludes parents and teachers, -should have a knowledge of all types of educations, from :kindergartens - to the special schools for normal - or abnormal children. 5. Citizenship -- Stresses Stresses the responsibilities of indi- viduals to their municipalities. The parentsshould see that good school trustees are elected to control the. schools, The League of Nations com- mittee fosters world peace, which cones from friendship, and under- standing between peoples: 6. Leisure ---This is- becoming increasingly im- portant, Play at home makes for a fuller family life. Leisure means reading, rnusic, arts, nature study, debating, - handicrafts, games. Mem- bers of the family should be inter- ested in one another's henrys as well as having their own. An illustration FRED T. JACKSON a prominent shoe - merchant, former' mayor of Clinton, who was buried Clinton on Tuesday. of this tells of a mother who learner. to distinguish the remakes of cars when her son was askedto join her in her branch of nature -study. 7. Charac- ter -This includes spiritual and ethi- cal training. Character training- from rainingfrom the school's point of view is as- sisted by visits from social service- workers. At school the physical, re- creational, oceupional, mental, and moral life of the. child is studied and his needs observed and means taken to assist the child to live a healthy, normal life. Mrs. Longworthy, a visitor from the United States, spoke briefly at the-O.E.A. on "Recreation and I,eis- ure in the Hoarse." The radio, which requires no effort on behalf of the lis- tener, is becoming the only means of amusement in many homes. There can not be a happy home unless there is a congenial atmosphere. An ideal hone is one where the members are energetic in their amusements, like to play games, have hobbies. Those who play together at home are always nearer in spirit than those who seek: their recreation. individually, Mr. Griffin, President of the stated that as a child's home founda- tion is built so is his future deter- mined. A normal child should be so- cially adjusted, obedient, truthful;. honest, by the time he enters school.. Teachers should know home condi- ions and parents should have a.. knowledge of school activities. Good'. work can not be done if there- is not: o -operation between parents and• eachers and betweenhomes rhes t and 'he n ommunity. The Home and School Association can do a great deal in. - arousing the interest of parents -hi heir children's education and the eachers strive to keep out of the, nits, and progress with the times. The officers for the conning year will be as follows: C in M tie in ha clo Honorary President: Mrs. Gordon uninghame. 1st Vice: Mrs, H, M. Monteith. 2nd Vice: Mrs. W. A. Oakes, 3rd Vice: Mrs. W. D. Fair. Secretary,Mrs. H. C. Lawson. Cor. -Secretary, Mrs. A. T. Cooper.. Treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Paterson. - Finance Committee, Mrs. G. H. Jef- ferson, Mrs. Percival Hearn. Press Reporter, Mrs. Gordon. Cun ghame. Program Committee, Mrs. George urdoch, Mrs. E. Wended. Concert, Mrs. Berman. Decorating, Mrs. Gibbing's. Social, Mrs. iingland. League of Nations, Miss Helens . arming, Welfare, Miss Margaret Cudmore. - Lookout, Mrs. H. McIntyre, Pianists, Mrs, Hears. and Mrs.. endorf. Mrs. Lawson. voiced the apprecia- n of the Association to Mrs. Gun- ghame for the splendid work she s done for them. The meeting. sed with the Mizpah benediction. "Courtesy First" There are two rules that will cut down our highway losses:- Courtesy comes first. The second rule is to• start a little earlier, so that you will- not take chances on the way. The increase in legal speeds in On- tario, as of the 24th of May, 1937,. caIls for more courtesy and will not justify chancetaking; for the higher- -the speed the greater the impact when you hit something. Two or three years ago this Association, put out a bulletin, showing that an auto- mobile travelling at 60 miles an hour has the same capacity for inflicting damage' that the seine automobile -would have if it were driven off a ten -storey building 120 feet high, The two simple rules (1) ordinary courtesy and (2) taking enough time - to -get, at reasonable speeds, from . place to place, will cut down the.num-• ber of highway accidents: in. this Pro-- vince.