HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-05-06, Page 8"AGE 8 RIBBOILING BEEF, per Ib. 12c RIB ROAST OF BEEF. per lb. 16c CHUCK ROASTS, per ib. 15c FRESH SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. for .... . ................. . . .... . 25c ROASTING' CHICKENS FOR THE WEEK -END. CONNEILL. & TYNDALL "'CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION ' HARDWARE STORE. "A Chain of Service" We have Everything you need for Seeding RAKES, HOES, CULTIVATORS, DIGGING FORKS, SHOVELS, LAWN BROOMS, LAWN GRASS .SEED, STEELE BRIGGS GARDEN.. SEEDS. • . : ELECTRIC COAL OIL AND COLEMAN GASOLINE STOVES all on display awaiting your demonstration.. A "Coronation" Tumbler will be given with a dollar or more purchase — Be sure to get yours. IN THE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT • YOUR GUESS MAY WIN A GENUINE CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUG.—SEE OUR WINDOWS! No Olhligation to Buy—Simply guess a number to Win.. FROM MAY 1ST TO MAY 8TH. Sutter -Perdue --Beattie FURNITURE, HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E. Perdue, 151w. —PHONES— J. A. Sutter, 147w. Super' :.W r St res PHONE 111—CLINTON. Specit1 Is For May 6, 7, 8, 10 & 11th Chips°, large pkg. 19c Quick Quaker Oats, pkg. 21c Shortening, 1 Ib. prints 14c Pork and Beans, Aylmer, 22 oz. tin ,,,,,,,,,,,19e Lipton's Tea, Free Teapot, Ib. ..,58c Grapenut Flakes, 2 pkgs. Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. for Prunes, large size, 2 lbs. for Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. for 23c 25c 25c 25c Pearl Soap, 6 bars 25e Hawes Floor Wax, 1 Ib. tin 43c Hawes Lemon Oil, 12 oz. bottle 23c Gillett's Lye, tin 12c Kirk's Castile Soap, 4 bars 23c Royal York Coffee, per lb. 39e Royal York Tea, half Ib... 28c Sid's Food Shop Phone 307w—Free Delivery. Week -End Specials Handy Ammonia, 2 pkgs. llc P. & G. Soap, 6 for 25c Kirk's Castile Soap, 5 for 24c Ivory Soap, 3 for 23c Pearline, per pkg. 10c Chipso, large pkg. 22c Oxydol, large pkg, 04c Blue Ribbon Cocoa, 1 lb. tin 23c Blue Ribbon Tea, half lb. 25c (Black or Mixed) Lyn Valley Golden Bantam Corn 10c Libby's Spaghetti . 10c Libby's Choice Peas 2 for 25c Premium Salmon, l's 25c Premium Salmon, half's 15c St. William's Jam 29c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3' for 25c lllanning's Cocoanut Cookies over 3 dozen in a pkg. 15c We have a small quantity of lemon oil, Wilson's Moth Killer, O'Cedar Po- lish, Andrew's Furniture Polish and O'Cedar Floor Wax, which we are clearing at reduced prices. Farmers—Eggs Wanted. ATTENTION! CORONATION PARTY in Aid of Hospital IN TOWN HALL WEDNESDAY EVE„ MAY 12TH Cards at 8 o'clock in. Council Chaiiber Dancing 9.30 to 1.30 Upstairs. Prizes for lucky numbers at card party BUFFETT LUNCH— Admission 50c T. B. TIIOIVIPSON The Young People's Union of Bruce -J field United Church will present their 3 -act play `Hillbilly Courtship" in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON, Tonight, May 6, 8 p.m. Admission•25c and 15e. Plan for reserved seats at Fair's. under auspices of the Clinton • Wesley -Willis X.P.U. Attention! BOYS We have two lovely wagons which we will give to the two boys with highest numb. of CLINTON BUTTER WRAPPERS BY JUNE 30TH. 'Phis is your chance to ,win a wagon. Get Busy Now. Usk your friends to ask their grocers for Clinton Butter. LONDESBORO A special Coronation and Mother's Day Service will be held in the Uni- ted Church on Sunday, May 9th. Spe- cial music will be rendered by the Mother's choir and Mr. Gardiner will give the address. The service will commence at 10 a.m. and the Sun- day School will go into the church in a body. Please note the change of date from the 16th to the 9th. Miss Florence Yungblutt spent the week -end with Miss Ethel Hoggart. Mrs. J. D. Melville returned to her home on Monday, having spent , the past month with Mrs. Jas. Hamilton, Blyth, Miss Helen Youngblutt of London visited with her parents over the week -end.. Wit's. Stanley. Lyon is ,quite ill with quinsy. We wish her a speedy recov- ery. Mrs. Hugh Chesney and children, of Seaforth, were visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. P. Manning on Sunday. Though Australia is still the chief supplier of wheat to Japan, her ex- ports to that country decreased in 1936, in company with Argentina and Manchukuo, while Canada, the second largest exporter of wheat to Japan; increased her exports in wheat by 81.5 per cent in quantity, and 75.3 per cent in value, compared with 1935. The exact amount was 3,521,441' bushels. Coronation Day-May12 On this date the ceremony of the crowning of King George VI and our gracious Queen ,Elizabeth will take place in London England, the larg- est city in the world, where millions. will gather, not only from distant points of the Empire, but from ev- ery nation on the face of the Globe, to pay homage to the ruler of one quarter of the population of the world. b In view of the intense world-wide interest being taken an Britain's Cor- onation we have a goodly assortment of decorations, etc,, with which you can fittingly commemorate this mo- mentous event. To enumerate would be . too lengthyso we list a few of then. below: Flags ., :.,....... 5c to 85,00 Coronation Crepe, 20 in. wide.. —25c Alternative Stripe, Red, White, Blue ... 25c Flag Seals . 10c pkg. Coronation Napkins, 40 for • 15c Lapel Silk Flags lc Coronation Buttons , 5c Streamer Flags .. 75c Coronation Souvenir Stamps, 60 for . 25c Lapel, Bow Flags lc Streamer , I,'ennants25c Coronation issues of leading English magazines to go on sale shortly after the event. MOTHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 9 Remember. those you love on Moth- er's Day, We have,.a choice selec- tion of Cards for you to, choose from and feel sure that you can find the sentiment and verse which you desire now in, our stock. Ifyou are the absent one remem- ber her. with a card, if not, what nicer than a box of stationery or a piece of fine china from our well -as- sorted stock. Scatter Sunshine with Greeting Cards TilB W ,11 Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 iuNillll M mmi i nil m �) I6III• mdll�11111111��� Miss Daisy Copp of Toronto has been visiting friends in town. Mrs. Earl Porter of Goderich is quite ill in the Goderich Hospital. Mr. George Campbell left on Tuesday for Kirkland Lake, where he has secured a position. Mrs. H. McBrien, who has spent the winter in London, has returned to her hone in town. Miss B. McRoberts of London is the guest this week of Miss Dorothy Cantelon. Miss Sheppard of Goderich was the guest last Sunday of Miss Ward and Miss Stone. Mrs. Henry East of Goderich visited her daughter, Mrs. West, over the week -end. Bob Dandier, of Toronto, was the guest of John Cuninghame this past weel-end. Miss loan Lee of Goderich was a guest on Sunday with Mrs. David Steep, Mrs. Johnston of Drayton was a re- cent visitor with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Y. Cox of Hamil- ton were week -end visitors with Mrs, Ellen J. Cox. Mrs. G. Ward and little daughter of London were week -end visitors at the home of Mr, Robert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Art Patton and daugh- ter of Buffalo were week -end visi- tors with Mrs, Ellen J. Cox. Miss Emily Thompson, Stratford, spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thompson. Miss Ruth Thompson and Miss Elsie Couttes of London spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Thompson. Mrs. Guy Jones, Kenneth and Audrey were called to Lansing on Monday, owing to the death of the former's daughter, Mrs. Bert Foerch. Miss Carrie McCann of • Clinton was called to London last week due to the death of her sister, Mrs. Thos. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. J. Mallough of Goderich visited the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Steep cin Sunday last. Mrs. John Sheppard left last Wednes- day on a visit to her son, Mr. Nor- man Sheppard, and Mrs. Sheppard in Mobile, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Livermore and Billy of Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green, and baby, Audrey, of Teeswater, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mzs. James Liv- ermore. Mr, W. F. CanEelon of Toronto, and Mrs. G• Brooks of Mitchell are in town this week, owing to the death and funeral of Mr. J. E. Cantelon. While in town they are guests of their uncle, Mr. David Cantelon. Rev. and Mrs. Moorhouse of Lon- don, Rev. G. G. and Mrs. Burton and a few intimate friends of the family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore on Sun- day. Just" before luncheon, Aud- rey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Green, was christened. AUBURN Miss Fiera. Durnin'of Dungannon is demonstrating a gardening and can- ning course to a class here. Mrs. Harry, Govier of Auburn on THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., MAY 6, 1937: TELLS ANOTHER ONE FRIEND REDmu h'.: - , lt! �Sil1 ,® � 'Llns�s is wens $1M Lead SALE ave Money at this Sale COsne Early Large Coronation _Plates, to clear at Tumblers of Peanut Butter, at Tumblers of Pickles and Relishes at Coronation Fancy Cookies, per lb. Coronation Kisses, per lb. 35c 20c 20c 19c 25c Yes, We have BANANAS and More' BANANAS These Sales of Week -end Fruits are Going Over Strong - Large Quantities of. Beautiful :Bananas are un- loaded albnost;daily and.we have low prices for this week. Coronation Fancy Pkg. Cookies 24c Extra Price buying in trade on Eggs for Coronation Listen in to CKNX, Wingham, Mondays at 12.45. Where "Sells for Less" • Price Prevails FOR :CORONATION - Large Pineapples now on Sale at 19c. We have large shipments on order, and can fill Your Canning Orders. Large, Juicy Oranges, per dozen Large, Juicy Grape Fruit, 4 for New Carrots, 2 bunches for Fresh Spinach, 3 lbs. for 37c, 25c 15c 25c, EXTRA SPECIAL—Quaker Corn Flakes ........:07C New Cabbage, per lb. Celery . . . 5c 10c FOR THE WEEK-END— We will be open Tuesday evening before Corona- tion. Closed Wednesday. Marshmallows, per lb. Taffy Camels, per lb. Peppermint Creams, per lb. Coronation Ice Cream Bricks RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Bemniller Pastry Flour, 24's Benmiller Pastry Flour, 7's Interlake Toilet Tissue, 3 for Iodized Salt or Plain, 2 for Medium Prunes, 2 for Large Prunes, 2 for Cooking Figs, 3 for Wheat Puffs, . Oat Puffs Leaf Lettuce, Homegrown, 2 for Fresh Carrots, 2 for Fresh Cabbage, per lb. Celery, each . . Oranges, Navels 25c, 35c, Grape Fruit, Medium, 6 for Grape Fruit, Large, 4 for ....90c 27c ..,,20c 15c 21c 25c 25c 10c 10c 19c 15c 5c 10c 390 25c 25c We Buy and Grade Eggs for which We Pay lc a Dozen more in Cash or Trade. All eggs graded by experienc- ed candler. RILEY'S PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY Saturday observed her 77th birthday quietly at her home. The Maitland League Baseball As- sociation met on Monday night in the Orange Hall. The following officers were elected: President, H. J. L. Eady, Dungannon; Vice -President, R. J. Phillips, Auburn; Sec.-Treas., B. Marsh, Auburn; Asst. Sec.-Treas., T. Wilson, Auburn. W. J. Thompson is quite ill at his home here. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. of Knox United Church was held on Tuesday evening, with Keith Arthur in charge. The blue side won in the attendance contest. Gormley- Thompson of Timmins is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompeon. Preparatory service was held in ICnox United Church on Thursday night. Rev. H. C. Wilson conducted the service. Rev. Frank Hutchinson of Toronto was the speaker in Knox Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson and Miss V. Sharp were in Parkhill on Sunday. A community service of Prayer and Thanksgiving will be held in the Uni- ted Church, Wednesday evening, May 12th, at 7.30 o'clock, to commemorate the .Coronation of their Majesties, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. All citizens are cordially invited to attend this closing ceremony in con- nection with the Coronation. A free will offering will be taken at the door for necessary expenses. The balance will go to the Bible Society. DRIVE YOUR CAR AROUND TO IE' FOR IT'S SPRING CHECK-UP EXPERT CAR WASHING, GREAS- ING, BATTERY SERVICE. SHELL SEALED GAS AND OIL Cars Called For and Delivered Goodyear Tires—Batteries— Accessoi ies. 13IIO11iN'S SEOICEST5.ATI26 5.ON Phone MOTIIER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, MAY 9th REMEMBER MOTHER With Flowers on "Her" Day and wear a flower in her honor. We will have a choice collection of Hydrangea, Rose Bushes in bud and bloom, African Violets, Bego- nias, Ferns, Etc. In Cut Flowers Roses, Carna- tions, Snapdragon, Sweet Peas, Use our Telegraph Service for orders at a distance. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. SCOTFS CROCERY Ph. 86, Clinton. Opposite Post ,Office COMPLETE N]W STOCK OF Quality Merchandise AT MODERATE PRICES. CUBAN PINEAPPLES, finest quality MEDIUM SIZE . LARGE SIZE EXTRA LARGE SIZE 15c 19c 25c BANANAS—Choice Large Fruit 3 Lbs For 23c Oranges, lge., sweet, juicy, doz. 39c Medium Size, per dozen 33c Weston's Royal Cream Sodas, 2 lb. 29c Exports of Canadian cattle to the Peas, good quality, No.4,,. 2 for 19c United States frons January 1 to Ap- Hawes Floor Wax, 1 Ib. tin ' 43c ril 8, 1937,, included 54,657 beef cattle,; Hawe's Lemon Oil, lge bottle . , 25c 2,478 dairy cattle, and 20,050 calves, Chore Boy Pads 10c an increase of 9,622beef cattle, 653 S.O.S. Scouring Pad, 4's, pkg. „14c dairy -cattle, and 14,830 calves on the Big >5 Cleanser, 2 for 9c corresponding period of 1936. The Sani-.Plush; per tin 23c number of Canadian hogs exported to Carbolic Soap, 2 for 9c the United States in the same period this year was 19,639 head. Eggs Wanted—Highest Market Price 25c 25c 29c 20e CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERr Phone 48, S ING IS HE E And you will be replacing some of your Old Furniture With New. A Good Marshall Mattress would give you great comfort. We have a grand stock of Beds, Springs and Mattresses, at all prices. These were all bought before the advance in price, so it will pay you to buy now. You will find a well -assorted range of Linoleum, Oil Cloths, Congoleum, Rexoleum and Velfelt—all widths and smart patterns. ALSO TIIE LATEST PATTERNS IN RUGS—in Linoleum, Congoleum and Velfelt. HARDWARE DEPT. We are ready for all Spring -Cleaning Requirements, including Sherwin-Williams and Utilac Paints, Varnishes and Shellacs, and Moresco. All the best makes of Floor Wax, Dust Mops, Wall Brushes and Paint Brushes. Then for outside work we have a large stock of Garden Tools of all kinds, and a Brand New Stock of Lawn Mowers. Your guess may win a genuine Congoleum Gold Seal Rug. BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK—PHONE 195. General Hardware, Furniture and Floor Coverings FUNERAL DIRECTORS --AMBULANCE SERVICE. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. o R ESS ES --D R ESSES--D R ESSES FOR OMENS - MISSES' - CHILDS A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CLEAN, SMART HOUSE DRESSES FOR THE LADIES. The Girls & Children will find just the right dress for School & Play WITH EACH DRESS SOLD ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A NICE PIECE OF PINK CHINA WILL BE GIVEN AWAY ABS.OLUTELY FREE. Clifford Lobb CLINTON THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Let Us Give You a Price On THAT NEW BATHROOM you are thinking of installing, or A NEW FURNACE or HOT WATER HEATING' SYSTEM to replace your old one. Hardware and 9 Plumbing Phone 244