HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-04-22, Page 8PAGE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., APRIL 22, 1937.. . romooses lonamonoral Jellied Hock, per . lb.. Head Cheese, per ib. Sausage, Horne -made, 2 lbs. for. Mincemeat, 2 lbs. for Choice Honey in 10 -Ib. pails Chickens, Lamb, Veal and. Pork • for Week -end. 20c`. 1Oc 25c 25c 95c CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street i DOMINION HARDWARE STORE. WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU REQUIRE' for Syrup Making Season SAP PANS, MADE-TO-ORDER. Baby Chick Supplies of Every Description— Our Feeders and Water Fountains are hand made, heavy material AND PRICED AT A GREAT SAVING. Special in Ball-bearing Roller Skates A Faultless Caster Product BUSTER BROWN WAGONS • In Attractive Colors—Rubber Tires, Two Sizes. $1.98 IN THE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Our Line of FLOOR COVERING and BEDDING is Complete. NEW DESIGNS AND PATTERNS. No Advance in Price on either of These Lines. Sutter--Perdue--Beattie FURNITURE, HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E. Perdue, 151w. —PHONES— J. A. Sutter, 147w. Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. Specials For Thur. - Fri. - Sat. April 22-23-24 Sunlight Soap, 4 bars for 21c Kellogg -s All -Bran, pkg. 19c Dessert Pears, 2's sqt. size, 2 tins 19c Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. jar 25e Pure Lard, per Ib. 15c Large Meaty Prunes, 2 lbs. for 25c Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c Choice Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. 25c Macaroni, Ready -Cut,, 2 lbs. for 13c Classic Cleanser, 2 tins • 9c Handy Ammonia, 2 pkgs. .. .:lle Dutch Set Onions, 2 lbs. 35c Round Clothes Pins, 3 dozen 10c Soap Chips, Loose, 3 lbs. for 25c Bon Ami, Cake or Powder 14e Clothes Lines, 30 ft. 19c Castle Floor Wax, Ib. 23c T. H. THOMPSON fi SMRLL TOWN ROMEO" under auspices of St. Paul's Dramatic Society Sid's Food Shop Phone 307w—Free Delivery. Week -End Specials 6 Cakes Pearl Soap, with One Box Handy Ammonia . 27c Puffed Wheat, cellophane pkg10c Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 2 for 19c Strawberry, Rasp. Jam, lge. size 29c Libby's Choice Peas, 2 for 25e Libby's Deep Brawn Beans with Pork 2 for .. 29c Libby's Tomato Catsup Club House Olives l'c 23c Tip•Top Sauer Kraut, large, 2 fol 25c Bullc Green Tea, per Ib. 32c Horns Custard Powder, Ib. tin 19c We have a new and exclusive pattern in dinnerware which we are giving in exchange for trade coupons and we invite you to call in and see it. Tuesday, April 27th Joe Stanbury . Tom Cooks Sly, Perkins Henry Sloman Bud Williams . Geo. Campbell Morton Kendall Stewart Taylor L. B. Loydd . Melvin Ball Betty Braxton .....Jeannette Taylor SAVE YOUR PAPER AND OLD RAGS FOR THE BOY SCOUTS Paper Day -Sat., May 1 Even a small bundle will help swell the total. Old Newspapers, Maga- zines, Wrapping paper and Cartons can be used. Please leave your bun- dles on the porch or sidewalk if pos- sible. In case of rain it will be gathered on the following Saturday. 28-2. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Helen Welsh, Bayfield Line, spent the week -end as the guest of Miss Mary Snowden, of Stanley. Miss Rose Scotiehmer is recovering nicely after a tonsil operation. Miss June Stephenson has this week entered Clinton Community Hospital as a Probationer. IIer many friends wish her the best of success in her chosen calling. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis and daughter Willa of the Base Line, spent the week -end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bishop Sarah Higgins . ...Mrs. C. V. Cooke of Burlington who sails on April 30th Miss Gates Hazel Harris for England to attend the Coronation. Jane Hastings Ethel Cooke Anna Aldrich . Doris Taylor Musical selections by Miss Viola Fra- ST. HELENS • ser and songs and tap-dances by Miss Mrs. Swan and baby son spent the Florence Evans between the Acts.. week with her mother, Mrs. England, Admission 35c &- 15c. 1,00 -Worth of Wall Paper for 75c Each and every paper in our stock. has been substantially,. reduced in. price. We have no lOc or 12%/ac pap- ers in our racks. They have all been, lowered to 7c along with some 15e a roll and above is subject to a discount of 25% or in other,words your room will cost you just three quarters of what the price would be if purchased at regular price. Our ceilings and varnished tile papers are also included in this mon- ey saving offer. In view of these substantial price advantages we judge we are justified in asking you cash payment. W e would indeed much prefer this method of settlement. 39c BOOK BARGAINS 39e ..Here is an opportunity to stock up on good reading for the summer. About 40 titles by good authors.. In- cluded in the assortment are such notables as Vicki Baum, O. Douglas, Joseph Conrad, Marian Keith and P. G. Wodehouse. Many of these were 52.50, $2.00 and 90c books priced to clear now at 39c. Don't forget the Coronation with all its accompanying pomp and splen- dours. We shall have the most pop- ular English magazines in stock as soon after the big event as possible. They will contain interesting pictures and articles. Place your order now to secure a copy. Tf a W., D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 II I'�I�il iiiiilumou°u'' mu LI III Miss Isabel Beattie spent the week- end at her home in Guelph. Miss Agnes Combe is visiting friends in St. Thomas for a few days. Miss Hattie Courtice spent the week- end with friends in St. Thomas. Mrs. John Walker left on Monday to stay with friends in Tottenham. Mrs. -Elizabeth Kennedy spent the week -end with friends in Aylmer. Miss Helen Roberton is in Brussels, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ballantyne. Misses Winnifred O'Neil and Maud Torrance spent Wednesday in Lon- don. Mr. Ralph Hewson of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. Hewson in town. Mrs. Edgar Franks of Hamilton is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Taylor. Mr. R. W. Bouskill of Winnipeg spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallis. Miss Margaret Crich of Tuckersmith spent the week -end with her cousin, Miss Irene Layton. Miss Marjory Jamieson of Grand Bend was a `week -end guest with Miss Gladys Addison. Mrs. C. Down of Hurondale spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Manning. Mr. Maurice Kingston of Toronto spent the weekend as guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Livermore of Aylmer. Miss Jean Plumsteel of Elora spent the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hume of Milton spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallis, Miss Maysie Murdoch and Mrs. F. G. Murdoch of Goderich were in Clin- ton recently calling on old friends. Mr., Robert Middleton of Port Credit was visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Middleton over the week -end. Miss Billie Stewart of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart of Stanley Township. Reserved Seats at Fair's. in Lucknow. Begin Now to Recondition, Your Hair FOR A SUMMER PERMANENT with Special Scalp Treatments for Falling Hair, Dandruff, Dry or Oily Hair. SCALP TREATMENT WITH SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE $1.25. HENHI BERUTY SUOPPE Mr. Wilson Woods is spending a week with friends in Guelph and To- ronto. We sorry to report that Miss Helen McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colin McDonald, was taken to Wingham Hospital on Friday and operated on for appendicitis. Glad to know that she is. doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Geo. Webb Visited friends in Grand Valley one day last week. Mr. Herb, Taylor who has been at- tending Kemptville School returned home on Monclay., ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER] TOWN TALK RET) AND WRITE Always in the Laael APRIL 22 23 - 24 All Fruit Sold Out. These are outstanding Fruit and Vegetable Sales. SATURDAY EVENING Bananas, 2 lbs. for Grape Fruit, 6 for Seedless Oranges, per dozen Pineapples, each . Dixie Grape Fruit Juice, 2 for 15c 25c 29c 23c 25c• Clark's Large Tins Pork and ,Beans Smaller Size, 4 for Spaghetti, per tin Peas, No. 4, 2 tins for Fancy Cakes, per Ib. Libby's New Beans, 2 tins for Tomato Juice, 3 for Apricots, per lb. 15c 25c 10c 25c 19c 25c 25c 25c Chicken Frys Super -Chrome Skillett $1.49 $L49 Lettuce, Head, each Lettuce, Leaf, each Celery 1Oc 1Oc 10c.and 15c Radishes, per bunch Parsnips, per Ib. New Cabbage, per lb. Carrots, 2 bunches for Asparagus 5c 3c Sc 15c 10c FRIGIDAIRE Pickled Roll, per lb. Side Bacon, piece Peaineal Backs, per lb. 21c 25c1 35c Smoked Cottage Rolls—Savor Tite Cooked Hams. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, 2 lbs. for Peaches, per lb. 25c 20c Manning's New Waferettes, each 15c Coronation Plate and half lb. Red & White.Tea 63c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Eastr- Radio Broadcast Monday's-10.35—CKNX. RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Benmillcr Pastry Flour, 24's Benmiller Pastry Flour, 7's 27c 1 Pic, Cake Shortening, 2 lbs. for 27c Our Own Baking Powder, 1 lb. -can with 1 l0c Battle Vanilla 25c Prunes, Medium, 2 lbs. for 21c Prunes, Large, 2 lbs. for 25c Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. for 23c Unpitted Dates, 3 lbs. for 23c Choice Figs, 3 lbs. for 25c Fresh Shredded Cocoanut, per lb23c Seeded Raisins, Loose, 2 lbs. 29c Seedless Raisins, Loose, 2 lbs. 25c Forest City Bak. Powder, qts 33c Fresh Bread, per loaf 9c Extra Special —With Each Order of 51.00 or More, we will give 10 lbs. White or Brown Sugar for. 54c. Have you ever tried us for Quick Service. Give us a chance and you will be convinced. ..We Buy and Grade Eggs for which we Pay lc a dozen More 'in Cash or Trade, in large or small amounts. A 11 eggs graded by an experienced cand- ler while you wait. Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson and Miss. Eileen, who have spent the winter in' London, have returned to their home in town. • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Washington and Walter and • Mr. and Mrs. Etratt of Auburn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence of Hamilton and Mrs. Levi Trick of Dorchester spent t week -end with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallis. Mrs. Louis Dippel and small daugh- ters, Peggy and Marion of Bow- manville, are visiting the formers parents, Mr, and Mrs. O. W. Potter. Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, Mrs. Ian Mac- Leod, Mrs. Howard Clark, Mrs. Donald McNeil, Miss Dorothy Streets, Mrs, Dennis Roberton, Miss Madeline Streets and Miss Eleanor McKenzie were represen- tatives of the Young Women's Aux- iliary of Clinton Presbyterian Church to the Ontario Provincial Society of. the Women's' Mission- ary Society, held in New St. James Presbyterian' church in London, this week, RILEY'S PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELIVERY. Hospital Day on May 12th CORONATION DAY Be ready to receive the Taggers who will call at every home in town. As this is the first Hospital Tag Day we have ever had, a generous re- sponse is hoped for. An address by Mrs. Margaret Rhy- nas, President of the Provincial Hospital Aids Association, will be given at three o'clock in the Town Hall. There will also be a musical' program. This is an open meeting and everybody iS invited to attend. Admission free. Mrs. Rhynas is an, outstandingtopeaker and a treat is in store for all who hear her. In the evening there will be a grand party for everybody in Clinton and neighboring towns. The Council Chamber will be used for games, -- Bridge, Court Whist, Euchre, Cro- ckinole, etc. Cards from eight till eleven -thirty. Upstairs in the Town Hall dancing from nine_thirty till one o'clock, with the Otto Henderson Dance Band from Stratford in atten- dance, Those wishing to make up tables for cards kindly let the con- venors of committees, Mrs. T. Her- man and Mrs. W: J. Plumsteel, know as early as possible. Admission 50e each for dancing and games. TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective 'SUNDAY, .'April 25th, 1937 Full Information from Agents. Canadian National DRIVE YOUR CAR AROUND TO FOR IT'S SPRING CHECK-UP EXPERT CAR WASHING, GREAS- ING, BATTERY SERVICE. SHELL SEALED GAS AND OIL Cars Called For and Delivered Goodyear Tires—Batteries— Accessories. BROWN'S SEOnBICEST5.RTI26-2ON Phoe . Rose Bushes! CASH AND CARRY SALE Choice and Popular Variety of CANADIAN -GROWN ROSES A Real Buy While They Last. ONLY 25c EACH. TALISMAN — Gold and Scarlet SCOTT'S COLUMBIA—New Pier- son. BRIARCLIFF—Bright Pink. ROSE HILL—Pink. JOANNA HILL—Yellow. PREMIER SUPREME. Deep Rose. - On Sale at Greenhouse and Flower Shop. F. R. CUNINGHAME SCQTT'S GROCEAY Phone 86—Prompt Free Delivery Week -End BARGAINS Lipton's Tea, 1 lb. for 60c (with Free Tea Pot) Post Bran and Grape Nut Flakes (with Free Cereal Bowl) 2 for 25c Forest City Baking Powder 25c (With Free Mixing Bowl). Campbell's Pork and Beans, 2 for 19c (21 oz. tin) Libby's Tomato Soup, 3 for 25c (10'/2 oz. tin) . Golden Wax Beans, 2 for 19c Oat Puffs, 2 for 19c 6 Pearl Soap & 1 Handy Ammonia 27c Weston's Sodas,Extra Spec, 2 ib. 29c Corned Beef, 2 tins for ...... Orange Pekoe Tea, per lb. 45c Aurora Coffee, per lb. 25c Purity Flom., 24 lb bag . $1.09, CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERL4 Phone 48 SP 1NG IS HERE And you will be replacing some of your Old Furniture With New. A Good Marshall Mattress would give you great comfort. We have a grand stock of Beds, Springs and Mattresses, at all prices. These were all bought before the advance in price, so it will pay you to buy now. You will find a well -assorted range of Linoleum, Oil Cloths, Congoleum, Rexoleum and Velfelt—all widths and smart patterns. ALSO THE LATEST PATTERNS IN RUGS—in Linoleum, Colgolemn and Velfelt. HARDWARE DEPT. We are ready for all Spring -Cleaning Requirements, including Sherwin-Williams and Utilac Paints, Varnishes and Shellacs, and Muresco. All the best makes of Floor Wax, Dust Mops, Wall Brushes and Paint Brushes. Then for outside work we have a large stock of Garden Tools of all kinds, and a Brand New Stock of Lawn Mowers. ' BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK—PHONE 195. General Hardware, Furniture and Floor Coverings FUNERAL DIRECTORS --AMBULANCE SERVICE. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. f For Better Service WE HAVE INSTALLED A MEAT COUNTER Equipped with Kelvinator -Refrigerator. You will find in stock a good assortment of Choice Meats. CASH SPECIALS for the WEEK -END Weiners, 2 lbs. for Smoked Cottage Roll, per ib. Green Cottage Roll, per lb. Breakfast Bacon, in piece, per lb Head Cheese, 2 lbs. for Bologna, 2 lbs. for 229e 23c 19c 23c 25c 25c Clifford Lobb CLINTON 'THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Let Us Give You a Price On THAT NEW BATHROOM you are thinking of installing, or A NEW FURNACE or HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM to replace your old one. uHardware and •Plumbing Phone 244