HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-03-18, Page 7THURS., MARCH 18, 1937 CLINTONTHE LNEWS-RECORD PAGE 7 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS COOKING 41KINOWNINP.....114^.04 11,04. HEALTH' ran, �ltr e Pekoe 1't lend Popularity of Lamb Has Long History The Easter Season and lamb have ..been associated from time immemor- ial. Early in the hi3tory of the world, lamb was used in religious ceremon- ies, the Israelites, during their captiv- ity in Egypt, keeping up their old practice as a pastoral people of sac- rificing the firstlings of their flocks in the spring. ' Among the Anglo-Saxon, Norse - ,nen and other Teutonic races, the feast of Eostre of Ostara, the Anglo- Saxon goddess of spring, was cele- brated in April, which was named Eosturmonath, or Easter month, when young lambs were principal items at all the feasts. With the coning of Christianity, and the celebration of the Christian Easter, the traditional use of lamb still persisted, and so on to the present day. • In France, down through the cen- turies, lamb has been the national meat; likewise, in the British Isles, lamb and mutton have always been popular with the English, Scotch and. Irish peoples. At Easter time parti- cularly, choice fresh lamb will have a special appeal to all Canadians. Canadian farmers have specialized in the raising and fattening of lambs for the Easter market. Many thous- ands of western range lambs were placed in feedlots both in Eastern and Western Canada last fall. After sev- eral months of feeding on the best of alfalfa, silage, roots and home grown grains, these lambs are now ready for slaughter and are being marketed froin week to week. The quality of the pro- duct is at its best. Lamb will there- fore be in season at Easter time; in :fact, Canadian lamb of quality is a- vailable throughout the entire year. LAMB MENUS AND RECIPES In the parade of meats at the Easter Season lamb for use in roasts, chops, or stews will prove to be delicious, tender, appetizing and healthful. Lamb Dinner Menu Fruit Cocktail Roast leg of Rolled Front of Lamb Parsley, Potatoes, Buttered Peas, Rolls, Spiced Currants, Lettuce and 'Tomato Salad, Lennon Tarts, Coffee. Recipe for Roast Leg of Lamb. or Roast Rolled Frontof iamb: Select leg of lamb or rolled front of lamb of suitable size for family. To prepare for the oven, wipe with a damp cloth and rub surface with salt and pepper. Place ineat in a roasting pan and insert in a hot oven (500 do-. grees F.) for thirty minutes, then re- duce heat to 200 degrees F. and cook slowly until done. Time required is 'usually 30 to 35 minutes per pound. Lamb Chop Luncheon. Menu Celery Soup, Croutons, Lamb Chops, Stuffed Baked Potatoes, Buttered Beans, Broiled Tomatoes, Shredded Vegetable ' Salad, Grape Sherbet, Sponge Cake, Tea or coffee. Recipe' for Lamb Chops (Farm Style) Depending on size of family, pan broil 6 to 10 chops two minutes. Pre - 'pare 2 cups green peas, 2 cups string beans, 3 tomatoes.. (sliced) and 4 to 6 potatoes. (sliced). Place chops in cas- serole, add vegetables, seasoning and • sufficient boiling wateror stock to prevent burning. Cover and cook in oven, until vegetables are tender. Serve hot. Informal Supper Menu Peach or Pear Salad, Lamb Stew and dumplings, Celery, Beet Relish, Riced Potatoes, Fudge Cake, Coffee. ' Recipe for Lamb Stew Select 2I? ounds neck or breast of ':lamb or sufficientf or family. Vege- In g tables required are 2 onions, 2 carrots, 1 turnip and 2 or 3 medium sized po- tatoes. Cut meat into small pieces, place in a deep frying pan or kettle. Cover with water or stock, bring to a boil, add sliced onion and allow to sim- mer for about two hours, then add po- tatoes, carrots and sliced.turnip. Cook more rapidly until vegetables are cooked. Thicken liquid with flour, season and serve stew with dumplings. Dumplings 2 cups of flour Half teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Half cup milk. Sift dry ingredients, and add milk to give a smooth dough. Drop dough by spoonfuls over top of stew. Cover dish and allow dumplings to steam for 12 to 15 minutes; keep stew boil- ing hot. SILVERFISH DAMAGE BOOKS' AND PAPERS Silverfish, or fish moths as they are sometimes called, are slender, scale -covered insects possessing a pair of long antenna or "feelers" and three long tail-like appendages at the end of the. abdomen. They frequently attract attention in dwellings, librar- ies, bakeshops, and various other buildings where they are usually found in warns, moist, secluded situ- ations on floors and walls and in and among papers, books, and cloth- ing. When disturbed or suddenly ex- posed to strong light, the silverfish run rapidly' into a place •of conceal- ment. They feed chiefly on starchy ma- terial and glue, and for this reason sometimes cause serious damage to glazed paper and to the binding of books. In addition, they attack starched clothing and fabrics, and feed on dry foodstuffs containing starch: They also have been known to remove the paste from behind wallpapers, causing the latter to peel from the walls. Two species of sil- verfish occur as household pests in Canada. One species is a glistening .silvery or silvery -gray insect, and the other species, which is the more com- mon of the two, is pearly white, mot- tled with dusky scales along the back. Silverfish, like any other house- hold pests, thrive best in situations left undisturbed for relatively long periods, such as among infrequently used books and papers, and in base- ments and attics. When the presence of these insects is discovered, the infested rooms should be subjected to a. thorough housecleaning. This should be followed by lightly dusting or blowing fresh pyrethrum insect powder, or sodium fluoride, in the places where the insects are the most numerous. Pyrethrum powder quick- ly loses its insecticidal properties and •should be renewed at intervals until all the insects have disappeared. Sod - lain fluoride retains its killing powder indefinitely but should be used with caution (where children and domestic pets cannot get at it) owing to its poisonous nature. Declare Food Is Not Cause Of Bad Dreams New Wilmington, Pa. Amateur psychologists 'at Westminster, College decided on the basis of questionnaires and experiments that: Food does not cause bad dreams. Women sleep more " lightly and dream more than men, and remem- ber their dreams more vividly... Dreams do not forecast future ev- In a series of experiments members of psychology classes learned that external stimuli stimulate dreams which are definitely connected with the external forces. For instance, ice -bags placed on the head of one victim caused her to dreamthat she was sick in a hospital and that the nurse was applying 'ice - packs. Another one .dreamed she was caught in a freezing windstorm. The research workers said they. found that men were less susceptible to outside influences, in their dreams. The Efficient Secretary by Myron T. Scudder in the New York Sun (after the manner of King Solomon's description of the Efficient House- wife, Proverbs XXXI: 10-31.) Who can find an `efficient secre- tary? For her price is far above ru- bies. The heart of her employer doth safely trust in her. For she shall do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She arriveth fifteen minutes ahead of time. And getteth the office ready and all the work !aid out. She looketh well to the ways of the office. And snffereth no one to eat the bread of idleness. She manageth the office boy with tact, and lo! he becometh industrious. Quiet maintaineth she; gossip is there, none; For she remembereth that the hours are sacred to business, not to "visiting." The clock she watcheth not, Cheerfully she worketh over- time, She keepeth tally of the stock, and behold! the supplies never run out.. Neat and orderly are the shel- ves, and well labelled. With ease and. grace she filcth papers. Accuracy is in her eye, and quickly she bringeth forth hidden treasures. Her mouth she openeth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness. Yet glassy is her eye to intruders, and agents flee in error before her. Sweet is her voice at the. 'phone. Her coun- tenance is cheerful to visitors,, and her manner cordial. Yet wise as a serpent she is, and right clever must he be who gets past her to the Mas- ter of Assembles. On the typewriter she layeth her hands, She stretcheth out her hands to the keys; Yea, she striketh them at eighty words a min-. ate. Her fingers are those of a ready shorthand writer; One hundred fifty words a minute puzzle her not nor cause her confusion. She tattleth not; private matters are safe in her keeping. When curious ears are thrust forward her silence is like of the Sphinx. To the Master of As- semblies she is eyes, ears, memory, encyclopedia, and information bureau. She keepeth note of his engagements, and telleth him when to go and come, and what to take with him. She re- membereth his absent-mindedness and taketh care of him accordingly. The office force rise up and call her bles- sed; Her employer also, and he prais- eth her. "Many secretaries do well," says he, "But thou excellest thein all". She receiveth a good salary, And a bonus at Christmas: And her own works praise her. A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES 1N CANADA TEMPER TANTRUMS "My boy has tantrums; if he does- n't get his own way he screams and kicks. One day he held his breath until. I thought he would die. Nothing I can do to stop them is any good except giving in to him. Then he gets up in a second and is as sweet as he can. be." There is the whole story in a nut- shell. These attacks or temper tan- trums as we call them always come on after the child has been refused something or ordered to do something he does not want to do. They are more frequent if he is tired by too much nagging or not enough sleep. They keep: on because he has found out that he can get his own way by yelling loudly enough or if the worst comes to the worst by holding his breath until he turns blue. Every child has one or two temper tantrumns at some time or another. To prevent frequent temper tan- truins, see that the child is not kept on edge. He should have regular meals, plenty of sleep, with an after- noon nap, and healthy play with oth- a • children. When his first tantrum occursjust remember if he does not get his own way he will soon stop. When these tantrums are well es- tablished, we must learn the way to treat therm. There are two things to remember: First, that no harm tothe child is one, and, second, that the hest thing to do is to pay abso- lutely no attention to the child. Just walk into anotherroom until the tan- trum is over. Say nothing .about it later and never give in to the child because of a tantrum. If you keep up this simple treatment, . the child will stop because he Won't hold a tan- trum for the exercise. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed.' to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College St, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. CARE OF CHILDREN ,9°s°e :'• a• u°a o iiaoa°s°a°u°o °°Y'isiVea°d'°°J°i ili°v r o° • u ° men•eiW°eu°u°°i e°o1°a° ii YOUR WORLD AND MINE by JOHN C. KIRKWOOD .°�ti- • - (Copyright) f. uPla" "a u°a°a' t' a°a o°a°o'°"0°°°a°u 'enix ,PAI°.. a i °° aief ei ea a'. .". d'i .Y 'Y n°a°e Z. The day of the self-made man is to be doing manual labour — labour nearly over. So says a university president. Only for a little longer, he goes on to say, will men of eminence be able to point to success despite. meagre educational advantages. Poli- tics, it is` declared, is the last strong - told of the self-made man. "Technical knowledge, be it in science, business management, or sociological condi- tions, needed for adyaneement is fast becoming so complicated that very few men will be able to acquire it unaided. Electricity has spelled doom for the self-made man, because the complicat- ed machinery of industry has made it increasingly difficult for the untrain- ed man to forge his way to the top." I hardly know whether I should a- gree or disagree with this university president. I recognize that top men in most lines of human endeavour are Increasingly university -bred mien. Yet it remains true that men who are not university graduates can acquire and do acquire the technical education needed in many jobs.. I met an engin- eer a few days ago—a hydro -electric engineer, and when I asked hint what university he attended, he said that he had never gone to a university. But there was no doubt as to his com- petency. He had learned to do every phase of hydro -electric engineering in the college of prac.-cal experience. This means, of course, that he had the will to learn and the resolution to learn. Doubtless this man would have saved much time and would have gone higher had he been trained in a school of science for his particular kind of work. Top positions are held, -speaking broadly, by men of force as well as of ability. It does not follow that the possession of a superior technical edu- calling for much skill; and for a man to be doing physical labour; and for a man to be doing clerical work all day long. The work of the world has to be done, and always there are those willing to do the world's work, even the lowliest kinds' of work— work which soils clothes and hands and which has a tendency to coarsen one's nature; work which may be sheer drudgery—sewing in a clothing factory, for example, or washing dishes in a hotel or restaurant, or doing laundry work, or tending a machine. But drudgery and coarse work can be made tolerable if the mind is occupied with high thoughts, high imagination, and plans' for one's own and other's well-being. Dull tasks lose a good deal of their dull- ness and their power to drag one down to low levels of life if, whet' they are done, one turns to recrea- tional or cultural employments which are cumulative in their rewards. Thus, one may be a.wood-carver in his spare time, or 4 musician, or a writer, or a painter, • or a student of poetry or literature; or one may have a hobby of an enriching sort. Also, there is this: in one's spare hours one can and probably should be set upon acquiring more know- ledge concerning one's wage -paid em- ployment, for promotion and higher pay are almost certainly related to the possession of larger ability in one's class of work. One reason why industry and com- merce demand superior education in those whom they employ is: the com- moner and lower -grade work is being done more and more by machines. Machines are continually being in- vented to do work of the routine sort, and work which does not tax the cation will secure for a man a top mind very severely. Thus, machines position. A superior technical educa- tion may be imperative in the one to hold it, but there, must be the qual- ity of forcefulness—the power to man- age and direct and nmalce decisions. In this regard one must be a self-made man. One does not acquire forceful - put labels on tins and paper and glass containers; fill pacnages; add, sub- tract, multiply and divide; weave; shape; knit; paint; dig; lift, cut, write, and so on and eo en. But ma- chines can't think and make decisions and invent and sway human minds ness, the quality of leadership, by at- and wills. These higher phases of tending schools and colleges. Self -as- work have to be done by human be- sertion and ability to manage and di -I Ings. The hands and feet and backs rect others are qualities which one ac- and tongues and eyes of human be - quires and develops independently offing are being replaced _by machines, places of learning. but not men's minds. It is those oc- Henry Ford is an example of a self: made man. He had no academic train. ing. He learned engineering as ap- plied to motor engines and motor cars by himself and in shops which employ- ed him. As he advanced —when he became a manufacturer -he hired technically -trained mens- Thus do all business principals—they hire men with knowledge -technical knowledge. Thus do farmers and retailers, manu- facturers and banks, mining magnates and newspaper owners: they them- selves may know very little about the technical phases of their respective businesses or enterprises; but they do know much about management and about selling. It is probably true that salaried men—men below the top levels of the businesses which employ them—will have in- creasingly to be technically -trained men; and it is undoubtedly true that the technically -trained man who has in full measure managerial ability will get to the top faster and more surely than will the man lacking technical training but possessing managerial ability in large measure. What I am trying to say. is this: for a long time to come there will be places for self-made men. I say this for the encouragement of men who have been denied the advantages of collegiate training or who may have, by their OWE decision, gone in- to wage -paid or salaried employment without ample technical training. Al- so I say this: that young -man is very, very wise who prepares him- self, in school, college and university, for his chosen kind of employment. The school-edneated man has better chances to get employment and to go ahead in his niece .of employment than has the man who has to learn his kind' of work in his place of em-' ployment cupations which make demands on the human mind; on human judg- ment, on human initiative, which re- quire those in them to be technically or specially trained. Fortunately it is possible in these times for most persons to acquire technical or superior education. Schools and colleges, including night and correspondence schools, abound, and in them one can acquire the spe- cial and superior or higher know- ledge and understanding which are clemanded in increasing measure by all classes of employers. Sugar Restores Energy For Body Chemical Content of Cane and Beet Stigar Identical, Research Shows White sugar is made from both the sugar cane and sugar beets. Which- ever the source, it is the same sub- stance chemically and behaves the same in cooking. Brown sugar is partially refined cane sugar. Molasses Is the "'mother liquor" kept from the cane juice after the raw sugar has been taken out. , Molasses and sorghum have an acid content. In cooking, you use soda with thein, for leavening. Ordinary sugar if made into a syrup will crystallize. An acid content will prevent this. If you do not want your candy or syrup to `.'turn to sugar" add a bit of acid, as vinegar or cream of tartar. White sugar has no flavour except sweetness. To give it a flavour, it may be carmeilised or heated until it. develops a new color and flavour. If you cools fruit in water, it goes to pieces. If ' you wish to keep its shape, first make a syrup and boil it gently in this. The fruit will then absorb some of the sugar and will Vocational education and cultural stiffen andhold together in the sy- education should go hand in hand. In .rup, which is thicker than water;, If Scotland many a men has become an you cools it a long time, it will' be - engineer without a particle of cultur- al education. As an engineer he may be highly efficient, but in regard to cultural 'activities he may be totally inert—without desire for.. the pleas- ures of reading, music, and good so- ciety. 11 is the cultural phases of life and living which lift one above humdrum experiences. It is all right for a man come preserves. Athletes and those doing exhaustive work like sugar, as it quickly restores' lost energy; but it is very fattening and should be eaten in :moderation by most people. As it ,destroys the ap- petite for other foods, it should be given to children only after meals or they will not eat the foods they need to make a balanced diet. a•m.5 onar THIS MODEST CORNER IS DEDICATED TO THE POETS Here They Will Sing You Their Songs Sometime Gay, Sometimes Sad— +: ut Always Helpful and Ins piring- IRELAND 'Twas the dream' of a God; And the mould of His hand, That you shook 'neath His stroke, That you trembled and broke To this beautiful land. here He loosed from His hold A brown tumult of wings, Till the wind on th, sea Bore the strange melody Of an island that sings. He made you all fair, You in purple and" gold, You in silver and green, Till no eye that has seen Without love can behold. I have left you behind. In the path of the past, With the white breath of flowers, With the best of God's hours, I have left you at last. —Dora Sigerson. MAKING LIFE WORTHWHILE If it weren't for the winter we should never love the spring, If it weren't for the struggle, victory songs we'd never sing. If the tasks were always easy and their outcome plain to see, And if failure never threatened, life would very tedious' be. If we never faced a problem, if we never had a debt, If everything we wanted without working we could get; If we never made a blunder, never suffered from a fall; Were we never disappointed life would hold no joy at all. It's because we have to struggle; it's because we often fail; It's because our cares are, rugged and our pleasures all so frail; It's because there's good to cherish, and there's evil to revile, And perfection is denied us that makes every job worth while. CERTAIN TRYST Some men seek for Beauty In far ports of call; Some discern her footprints In the crowded mall; Little fleeting glimpses Lead them on their quest. But I know where Beauty Comes at last to rest: There's an old house waiting In the sun and rain Up the hill again; Till I take the winding road Here the morning garners Freshness for the day, Here the sunset splendidly Flings bright gold away; Vega sets her compass By the cedars three At the door. Here Beauty Waits to tryst, with me. —B. Y. Williams in the New York Sun. PATHWAY THROUGH THE SUN Sometimes when the day is near end- ing God's skyland is all agleam, Glorious gold and crimson blending, Then fading just like a dream. 1 think then maybe an angel Has drawn the curtains aside, Revealing this heavenly marvel To those who on earth abide. All hope to rest in that hallowed light Some day, when earth's work is done, Near the golden portals beaming bright At that pathway through the sun, Hasten! Be ready, we'll hear that call, Then linger just by the gate, Where the sunset's splendor will cloak all, While angels stand by and wait. —CU1tIUS, MY STAR "All thgt I know . Of a certain star Is, it can throw (Like the angled spar), Now a dart of red, Now a dart of blue; Till my friends have said They would fain eee it, too. My star that dartles the red and the blue! Then it stops like a bird; like a flower hands furled;; They must solace themselves with the Saturn above it. What matter to me if their star is a world? Mine has opened its soul to me; therefore I love it." 'Alphabet From Greek Letters Alpha and Beta The word "alphabet" is derived from the Greek letters alpha and be- ta, corresponding to our a and b. The Greek alphabet is one of the oldest in the world and all modern European alphabets are derived from or found- ed on it. The English alphabet is practically the same as the Roman, which was derived from the Greek. The earliest Greek alphabet con- tained only 19 letters, having no f and ending with the letter t. The letter f and the six letters following t, viz, u, v, w, x, y, z, came by a process of evolution at long :intervals. There WES 110 a in the Greek alphabet until the Ninth century B. C., and for more than 1,000 years after u and v were different forms of the same letter, one being used at the beginning and the other in the middle of a word. It was not until the Tenth century A. D., states a writer in the Indian- apolis` News, that the two letters. were differentiated into u as a vowel and v as a consonant. There was no separate letter w until the Eleventh century A. D. Prior to. that the sound was expressed by vu or uv,. but finally the two u's were linked together, making: double u. Some other letters got into the al- phabet by a curious process of evolu- tion: The letter z, 'for example, comites from the Latin through the Greek. This letter was introduced into the English alaphabet in the Fifteenth century. It was the sixth letter in the Greek alphabet. It used to be pronounced zed or isard, and IS some- times so written and printed in Eng- land. The value of field crop production in, 1936 in Canada was 17 per cent greater than in 1935. All the provin- ces show increases, the greatest per- centage improvement being made by Manitoba with an increase of 49 per cent, 17,000,000 dollars. AID TO BEAUTIFYING THE HOME GROUNDS Even the most modestly designed home can be made to look remarkably attractive by planting shrubs and flowers in the adjoining land. It is also equally true that a home which may reflect the genius of its architect will appear incomplete unless the grounds around it are beautiful by an appropriate or harmonius arrange- ment of trees, shrubs and flowers. The Canadian Horticultural Council in co-operation with the Dominion De.. partment of Agriculture has a limit- ed supply of a book entitled "Beauti- fying the Home Grounds of Canada" In which the subject is discussed in the most lucid and helpful way for those whose homes stand upon a small lot or those whose home grounds are fairly spacious. The book has plans showing how the planting may be arranged and gives a list of trees, shrubs, perennial and annual flowers suitable to each area of Canada. It is a comprehensive book that should prove a constant companion to all who have an ambition to make their home surroundings a centre of attraction for their families and all who may see them. This book, of which there is only a limited supply, can be obtained for 26 cents, the cost of production,- by writing to the Secretary, Canadian Horticultural Council, 114 Victoria Street, Ottawa. Scotland is a particularly good market for what Scottish farmers regard as the besttypeof beef cat- tle, and buyers have expressed pleas- ure leas ure at the ' steady improvment in type and class of cattle shipped from Canada. Especially in 1986, there was a much more satisfactory pro-. portion of young cattle, including a large number of well-bred cross -An- gus types which are prime favour.,:: ites in Scotland.