HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-03-18, Page 4PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., MARCH 18, 1937 COOPER'S STORE NEWS OPORT PIETY DAYS March 1 Large Bill Giving Details is at your Door We Guarantee Every Article We Sell to .Give Satisfaction. • "YOU'LL -ENJOY SHOPPING HERE." A. -T. COOPER. PHONES: 36w Main Floor, 36j Second Floor Seasonal Savings REXALL NOSE and THROAT DROPS 100 PURE TEST A.S.A. TABLETS • 50e} For The two69c DENTAL FIX. FOR PLATES. •50c1 The two 59 DENTAL PLATE BRUSH 50cc} For Mi -31 ANTISEPTIC , .... . ,...... ........ $1.001 The two Rill MI-31 TOOTH PASTE 50c) For V ✓✓ GARDENIA FACE POWDER , .500 The two cA, GARDENIA'PERFUME - - ........ . .25cf For v YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS NOW—ACT QUICKLY AND SAVE. ON THESE SPECIALS. WE SAVE. YOU MONEY. VV, S. R. HOLMES PNM. B. CLINTON, ONT. Ws* anus PHONE5I l: MEET MR. F. E. EVANS Special representative of The Barker Tailoring, Company, who will be here on THURSDAY,, MARCH 25TH PRESENTING the latest styles and woollens for your approval. The smart dressers who await his visit each season will be pleased to know that the Special Represen- tative of .. The Barker Tailoring Company is on his way now.. Your visit to the store during his stay, will be wel- . corned. To make sure, you get' the utmost in fires§ remember the date above. DAVIS.& HERMAN CLEANING, PRESSING' AND REPAIRING Win In Brantford (Continued from page 1) of carloads went clown. Also severai' carloads of former Clintonians .now residing in Toronto and Hamilton a- vailed themselves of the opportunity pp Y to see the Colts in action. The game was fast and wide-open with the Colts having an edge in ter- ritorial play. Both goaltenders were outstanding, with Lafortune looking particularly smart, A scoreless first period had the fans on the edge of their seats and only good goaltending kept the red light from flashing.''. Two early goals in the second per- iod shot Siincoe'into the lead, Haber mill scored both goals, the first on a pass from Esselthie. Before the per- iod ended however the speedy Colts hacl knotted the count on goals by F. McEwan and Ken. Pickett, and the second period ended as had the first, in a tie. Kel. Streets got the million dollar goal when the final period was over the half -way mark. Streets breezed in to take Rath's pass to break ups a close game and gave Clinton a one - goal margin with which to return for the second engagement. Spectacular goaltending onthe part of Lafortune was perhaps one of the big reasons for the close score. Stade, too was good, in the local nets. Clinton—Goal, Stade; defence, Mc- Kay and Rath; centre, R. McEwan; wings, F. • McEwan, Foster; subs, Pic kett, Gibbs, Street, Kennedy, Muir. Simcoe—Goal, Lafortune; defence, Oatman , House; centre, Eseltine; wings, Haase, Habermiil; subs, Dav- idson, Nobes, O'Donnell, Scott, Jac- ques. Referee—Oliver; Galt. 1: rt BIGGER PROFITS WITH JERVIS SEXED DAY-OLD PULLETS " or COCKERELS SAVE ON FEED AND BROODER SPACE AND MAKE MORE MONEY BY BUYING ALL PULLETS OR ALL COCKERELS WHICHEVER IT IS' YOU WANT. We have obtained the services of a very competent serer and guarantee you 90 percent. A NUMBER OF WEEK-OLD BARRED ROCKS and NEW HAMPSHIRES FOR SALE. Come in and see them. Now is the right time to buy Chicks for broilers and early Fall layers. Protect yourChieks—Use Canadian Litter Moss — The Litter that Stays Dry. We have all your CHICK STARTER and FEED REQUIRE- MENTS in. Stock, . JERVIS Hatchery & Feeds CLINTON-Phone 194w. -J Declare Halton Rainfall Reaches Lake iSiimcoe In Twenty -Four Hours H. Zavitz Stresses Need of Refores- tatien Scheme in Ontario 'As a result of the depletion of alum forests, 24 hours after a heavy rain has fallen anywhere in this coun- ty the water is all h Lake Ontario," Mr. E. Zavitz, provincial forester, said addressing the :second annual Halton seed fair in Georgetown town hall :Saturday. "There is no doubt that the terrible drought conditions prevalent last year were the direct result of the `slashing' of timber which acts as a sort of water basin supplies. Thous - :ands of acres Have been mistakenly cleared, on whichmoney will have to be spent in theen near future for very rehabilitation,' he said. Mr. Zavitz maintained that if more attention' had' been paid . to refores- tation during the last half century therecent floods which cost the,Uni- ied St,,etes hundreds •,oi :;millions of dollars could have been avoided to a great extent. • • "It is alarming to note that in Ontario there are 135 municipalities with less than five per cent. of their total acreage in forest. In Europe, a large number of Countries have from 15 to 17 per cent, in forest," said Mr. Zavitz. • "In some municipalities in Europe there is enough forest to pay expen- ditures incurredby certain public 1 utilities," he said, emphasizing the fact that reforestation was a good in- vestment for any county in Ontario M make. Pointing out that there are 10 counties in Ontario with forests rare:big in acreage from 1,000 to 2,000, Mr. Zavitz stated a great many other counties were completing' ar- rangements to purchase land for re- foresting as a water conservation ef- fort, "So much _publicity has been, given to this scheme that there has been a terrific demand for trees, and the material we set aside for distribution is almost exhausted." • —Toronto Daily Star. Chatham Checked 00 List Clinton Colts defeated Chatham in the deciding game of their series on Friday night last by a score of 5 to 1. The game was featured by some fast, wide-open hockey and plenty of stiff body -checking, in which department the visitors excelled. A capacity crowd was in attendance. With a four -goal lead to start with the Colts were never in danger and at the end of the first they led 1-0. At the end of the second it was 3-1, and•they scored two more in the last stanza to win 5 to 1. Streets opened the scoring with the only counter of the first period when he accepted a pass from Pickett. Chatham tied it in the second on a goal by Boyes. F. McEwan put the Colts ahead on R. McEwan's assist, and as the period ran out Rath scored alone. • In the third R. McEwan got Clin- ton's fourth on. McKay's assist and Foster and F. McEwan made it 6-1 just before the bell sounded to end the game. Clinton won the game 6 to 1, and the round 11 to 3. Quite a number of penalties were handed out by "Speedy" Oliver, Stov- er, burly Chatham defenceman, was given a major in the second period, and at times the game threatened to become rough, but Oliver kept things under control at all -times. Clinton—Goal, Stade; defence, Mc- Kay and Rath; centre, R. McEwan; wings, F. McEwan, Foster; alternates, Streets, Pickett, Gibbs, Kennedy, Muir. Chatham—Goal, Tremaine; defence, Stover, Pugh; centre, Dagneau; wings McKie, Harding; subs, Boyes, Lester, Babcock, Lett, Boyer. Referee—"Speedy" Oliver, Galt,. OBITUARIES MRS. SYL'VESTER ,LAWRENCE' After suffering a severe stroke on. Saturday .evening, Mrs. Sylvester Lawrence passed away on Monday. Mrs, Lawrence, who was Elizabeth Whittington, was in her 76th` year. She was a lifelong citizen . of Clinton, born on June 29th, 1861, the daugh- ter of the late William Whittington and Anne Copies. An Anglican in re- ligion, and a member of St. Paul's church, Mrs. Lawrence always showed keen interest in church activities. She is survived by one brother, George Whittington of Sundridge, Ontario, and by two sons, Fred and Harry Lawrence of Hamilton, Mrs.. Emory Sutor of Cayuga and Mrs. George Coghlan of Port Arthur, and one granddaughter, Lois. Sutor of. Cayuga. The fancily were all present for the funeral, also other near relatives, Miss Elizabeth Ford of Oshawa, a niece. and three nephews, William Ford, of Glencoe and Ray and Ernest Ford of Detroit. The _funeral service was held from her late residence, Princess street, on Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. K. McGoun, rector of St. Paul's church. The pallbearers were three nephews, William, Ray and Ernest Ford and three neighbours, Dr. H. Fowler, Mr. J. Sileock and Mr. M. T. Corless. Interment was matle in Clinton cemetery. , MRS. GEORGE WATTS There passed away suddenly, of a heart attack, Mas. George Watts, (nee Ellen McQueen), on Saturday, March 13th, 1937. Born May 23rd, 1866, a daughter of Jas. McQueen and Isabel Swan of Brucefield, she spent most of her life on the home farm just north of Brucefield, moving to Clinton some -19 years ago, where she resided until, the time of her death. Of a quiet, kindly disposition, she will be missed by all who knew her, She was a member of the Wesley. Willis Church,'. Clinton, and of the Women's 'Missionary Society. There are left to mourn; two broth- ers: William, of Vancouver, B.C.; John, of Lansing, Mich.; two sisters, Mrs. Frank O'Neil, Regina, Saskat- chewan and Mrs. Janes Walker, of Brucefield. The funeral service was held from her late residence on Princess Street, on Thursday, March 13th. The pallbearers were, . J. T. Mc- Knight, Russel Jervis, John Diehl, James Reid; Arthur McQueen and Robert Fisher. Interment was made. in Baird's cemetery, Brucefield. Compliments For The Colts Mr. W. S. R. Holmes received the following letter which will be of in- terest -to Local hockey fans: "Chatham, Ont., Mar. 17th, 1937 Mr. W. S. R. Holmes, Mayor, Clinton, Ont, Dear Mr. Holmes: Thank you for your letter and thekind compliment expressed therein, May 1 say that the Clinton Hockey team made a decided impression with the local fans. I heard on the streets' the following day many' favourable comments about the personnel of the team and also on their play. Although being a southern city, we see much hockey and good hockey. The 11.1-0 league is of high calibre and the local Maroons are as very good team. The Queens team is the second team oper- ated mainly for developing players for the Maroons, Up to the time 'they met the Clinton boys they had things pretty well' their own way but after the first period of that game here they were the inferior team. The part that impressed rue about thg Clinton boys was the way they played their positions, making then always dangerous on break aways. Their passing was good and their shooting quite deadly, especially Frank Mc - Ewan whose two goals were in my opinion the prizes of the night. I air glad that the game was re- ceived by the fans in Clinton over the air, and that they enjoyed it as much as you say. Thank you againfor your thoughtfulness in writing me and may I extend my best wishes to the hockey tears for their continued success in the play -downs. Yours very truly, —Len. Wilson,' Colts Should Be Known Now Here are a couple of clippings from Monday's Brantford Expositor refer- s n the • between Clinton gto game g nand Simcoe which was played in Brant- ford: The two teams are the best in Western Ontario in .the 0.I.A, Inter- mediate B section and will meet here in the first game to see who will Malcolm MacTaggart, 'Sr, and will be remembered by 'many in Clinton. and vicinity: "The death of Miss Agnes Cowing, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cowing of Ratho,'occurred at Victoria hospital: at London, March 5th, following a brief illness. Miss Cowing had been living at the home of her sister, ;Mrs, James. Borland, 339 Clarence street, London. Surviving is her sister, Mrs. Borland; one nephew, Dr. Thomas H. Borland, Cleveland, and two nieces, Mrs. Har- ris Featherston, of Cainsville, and Mrs. James A. Elliott, Mitchell. Miss Cowing was a member of Knox Pres- byterian church here. The funeral service , was held in Innerkip on Monday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Stewart conducting the service. Friends and relatives from Inner- kip,attended the funeral and the bear- ers were David Skillings, Innerkip; Will Hart,; Brucefield; Will Hart, 9th Line, West Zorra; George Hart and Thomas Hart, East Zorra and John Hart, Innerkip. Interment was made in Ratho cemetery. MRS. WILLIAM FAIRSERVICE The funeral of the late Mrs. Ad- die Fairservice, wife of Mr. Wm. Fairservice, who passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on March 11th, 1937, was held at her late resi- dence, on the 9th concession of Hul- lett, on Saturday, Mareh 13th, con- ducted'by Rev. Mr. Gardiner, pastor of Burn's United church. The de- ceased was born near New Dundee, Ont., Sept. 17th, 1882 and was a daughter of Mr. George Main, and the late Mrs. Main, where she resid- ed until her marriage in 1904, when she moved to Manitoba with her hus- band, making their home there until 1920, when the family moved east taking no residence on the 9th con- cession of Hullett where she has liv- ed up until her death. She was a home -loving person and her interests were ever centred around her home and family. She leaves to mourn her passing, her husband, two sons, George and Herbert, both at home, four daughters, Mrs.. S. Appleby, Blyth; Mrs. R. Josling, Londesbor'o; Effie and Elizabeth, at home, also her father, Mr. George Main, New Dun- dee; one sister, Mrs. Idellah Struck. Preston; three brothers, Charlie, Bert and Austin of Manitoba, and four grandchildren. Interment took place in Clinton cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs. Lloyd, Mervyn and John Pipe, Glen Fairservice, Thomas Stev- ens, and Scott Fairservice, nephews. of the deceased, MRS. DAVID MacWHINNEY Death came suddenly to Mrs. David MacWhinney of Dungannon, on Sun- day in the GoSlerich hospital.` Al- though • the, lady,•;iad , been in poor health for sense„time she took worse suddenly on Saturday,,and was remov- ed. to the Goderich hospital. She is survived by her husband, one son, Bert at home, and a daughter, Mrs. Earl Blake of the Base Line. The funeral was held on Tuesday. L. A. SAUNDERS, BLYTH It was learned with deep regret that L. A. Saunder, a resident of Blyth for the past twenty years, had passed away on March 9th. The late Mr. Saunders was born in Mitchell and was well-known in Hul- lett township.' Besides his loving wife, he leaves one daughter, Mrs, William Austin, to mourn the loss' of a kind and affectionate husband and father. A member of Blyth United church, the late Mr. Saunder was held in re- spect by rnany,'who showed their re- spect for him • by ;many kindnesses to him and his family during his ill- ness and death, The funeral service was conducted from his late residence, by his pas- tor, Rev. Mr. Brook on Thursday, March 11. The pallbearers were Messrs, H. McElroy, F. Elliott, F. Dodds, F. Watson, 0. Stubbs and W. Merritt. Interment was made in Un- ion cemetery,' Blyth. MISS AGNES COWING The following clipping was taken from the Woodstock Daily Sentinel- Review and refers to the death of Miss Agnes Cowing, who lived at one time in Clinton with the late Mrs. tackle the Eastern Ontario chain - pion, , "There is little known about the Clintons' save that they've knocked over some good clubs in their own group series and since emerging from that hectic semi-final and final ser- ies. The team has been looked over by local men who travel that way and the reports are good, "The players are strong and came through the recent series in good shape.” Well, we imagine by this time they trust know a little 'more about the Colts, after the two hectic struggles the two teams engaged in. Future Games Most Likely In Stratford It is highly probably that all fu- ture home games • will be played in the Stratford arena. Weat- her • conditions , are very uncertain and the local ice service can not be p depended en de '. upon, next o so the Lex best P thing is the artificial ice in Stratford. The Stratford arena is considerably more comfortable than the local one, and fans will have, less trouble get- ting seats, and more comfortable ones when they do • get then, BRUCEFIELD • John F. Landsborough, a forme well-known Tuckersmith resident died in Peace River hospital on Mon day, March 1st, 1937, from injurie received when thrown from a .sleigi in which he was riding. The deceased was '75 years of ag A son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lands borough, he moved to the Peace Rive district a number of years ago. He leaves to mourn, two son Lawrence, of Cleveland, Dwight, o Peace River; one daughter, Mr Zable, of Peace River; one MotileW C. Landesboroagh, of Port Credi and two sisters; Mrs. B. Clarke, Gr ton, South Dakota, and Mrs. Jas. M Queen, Brucefield. Interment took place in Berwin, A berta. The many friends of Miss Mar McKenzie, Mill Road, - will be glad t know she is recovering front, her it ness. Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd o Stratford, spent a few days las week with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheel pr. We ,welcome Mr. and Mrs, W. Hil also Mr. and Mrs. A. Brandon an family to our village.. We are sons to loose Mr. and M'rs. Lyle Hill an family. DOLMESVILLE Mn. R. Glidden of Dunlop is visit Ing- relatives in and, around the vil loge..; There was not as large a crowd a usual out to service Sunday mornin due to so many being sick with th prevailing cold. Mr. Orville Bodges is wearing very broad smile these days, tine investigation we find the reason- i that a fine baby girl has arrived a their home. The regular meeting of the. W. S. was held at the home of Mrs. ' J. Trewartha who was - in charge o this meeting, on Friday afternoo The meeting opened by singing hymn, and prayer by Rev. J. W. Her bent. The scripture was read b Mrs. Wm. Jervis, a reading on pray er was given by Miss Ada Findla A. solo was then contributed by Mr Lorne Jervis which was much enjoy ed. Miss Charlotte Trewartha 'tlie gave a reading on Temperance. Thi was followed by a reading by` Mr H. J. • Trewartha, • entitled, "Why svaht to go back to West China," b Dr. Jean Millar. Hymn 252 was thea sung, followed by a piano- solo b Miss Charlotte Trewartha. The min Utes of the last meeting were read b the secretary, Mrs. E. J. Trewartha Another hymn was sung before •clos ing the meeting, which was the handed over to the W. A., with- Mrs E. A. Yeo, president, in charge. Iost t S postponed was decided to hold the oned Patrick Concert on Thursday even mg, March 25th, when a good pro gram will be presented, consisting o hree. plays, interspersed with mai and readings. '. Come, and enjoy this evening's entertainment. GODERICH TOWNSHIP In Clinton, Public Hospital, on Mar. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs..S.'Fiewitt (nee Gladys Shipley) the gift of a daugh- ter. The many friends of Mrs. Nelson Crich are sorry to hear of her serious illness in Goderich hospital, and hope for a speedy recovery. HULLETT TOWNSHIP, Mr. Herb. Manning, Concession 14, has sold his farm to McClure Bros. of McKillop and is holding an auction Pale on March 23rd. ST. HELENS Miss. R. 3. Woods and Wilson have returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Galt, Guelph and Fergus. The Women's Institute are holding an At -Home in the Community Hall on Thursday, March- 18th, The Bel - grave Dramatic club are furnishing the programme. Dr. Harry Day of Rocanville, Sask., and Mr. Art. Wilson of Winghain were recent callers on Mr. and Mrs. W. A: Miller. ' Miss Irene Woods of Waterloo and Miss Neeley Todd, Stratford, visited at their respective homes recently. Mr. John Durnin at. Morriston and Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeyeIl of Wing - ham were recent visitors with Mrs, Chas. Durnin and Mr. and Mrs. Colin McDonald. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Miller, a former resident of this com- munity in Lucknow on Monday. Mr. Callum Cameron of Detroit is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. Miss Kathleen Gardiner of Ash- field is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lorne Woods. Mrs. George 'Stuart is visiting her sister, Miss K. McGregor in Lucknow. periences," was given by Miss Sara' Whitemore, and a duet, "Sweet Eva- lina," by Misses, Sadie Ball and Mar- garet Crich. A short talk was given by Mrs. Terryberry, a former member on Ladies Meetings in Essex. A read- ing., "An Irish Letter," by Miss Mar- garet Crich. There were twenty-four members present, also four visitors, and seven children. Roll call for April, when the meeting will be at the home of Miss Sadie Ball, will be "Something you would like to change in your house this year." The rest of the afternoon; was devoted to knit- ting and crocheting under the direc- tion of 1'1rs. McGregor and Mrs. Walters. Mrs. Wm. Pepper and son have re- turned to their home from Clinton Hospital. The men of the community are making use of the Wintry weather to get the last loads of wood from the bush. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club met at the home of Mrs. Fred Pepper on Wednesday last. Owing to the illness of the President, Mrs. Cecil Oke, and the vice-president, Mrs. N. Sillery, the' meeting.. vas in charge of a for- mer president, Miss Sadie Ball. Roll call was responded to by naming a place in Ireland and giving some in- formation about that place. Miss Ball gave a very interesting reacting on "Ireland". Mrs. Fear extended to the club Mrs. Sloman's many thanks for the parcel of clothing and mitts sent to her. A reading, `Biddy's Ex - It's the EARLY BIRD that makes MOST MONEY It's the early bird that gets the worm." The early bird has- n't so much competition. It's the same with the early chick. It hasn't so much com- petition—so it stakes most money. 1. Brooding is well on before the rush of Spring work. 2 The early cockerel gets to market, when prices are best. 3. The early pullet lays best when . egg prices average highest. And, 4, she lays BIG eggs in the Fall, when big eggs are at highest premium. BRAY "X-tra-Profit" chicks en- able you to cash in 011 all these advantages, with the added ad vantages of extra size, strength and producing power. Get Bray chicks under your hover right away. Or better, make a head start by getting started •chieks-2 to 4 weeks old mixed chicks, or sexed pullets, or sex- ed cockerels. There are some real • bargains in our "Daily Special" list—ask for it. Fred W: BRAY LIMITED CHICK HATCHERY Phone 246 EXETER, ONTARIO. Lands c- Al t" an, h. n. s. y - e s rSAAir- i F t, fother t a - s g e n s a Y n s rig iIs n the Its Gay Spirit for Your Catch Wardrobe from These j SUITS AND COATSa- Dressy Coats • Of ilnpdrted English worsteds—Boucle as featured by Paris—Umbrella backs—Bal- linera coats—Newest neck treatments and spring details— 10.75 to 23.50 Women's and Half Size . Coats Of English worsteds, soft fleecy materials, monotones, and tweeds, Designed on flat- tering slenderizing lines. We suggest you choose earlywhile the size range is com- plete. 10.95 to 18.75 New Jigger Suits For the Junior Missy and School Girl �o 12.75 to 2075 Also Short Suits sizes from 14 to 20 in a variety of shades , 9.75 ESSES , Ill Printed Silks and Plain' Crepes 2 sizesfrom 14 to 20 andfrom 38 to 52 e A grand assortment to choose from. Also large head sizes 1.95 • FASHION sHoppEt Next Door To Theatre,• Clinton — Phone 67.