HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-02-11, Page 8'PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., FEB. 11,1937" Dressed flog, per lb. 13c Honey, in 5's, each 48c Lard, in 20 -Ib. pails, each $3.10 Mincemeat, 2 lbs. for 25c {Sausages, Home-made, per Ib. 15c Choice Rib Roast of Beef, per Ib. 150 P. M. 'Cottage Rolls, pre lb. 20c Smoked Cottage Rolls, per lb. 24d; Smoked Picnic Hams, per lb. 18c Dry Salt Pork, per lb. 18c CONNELL & TYNDALL " "CLINTON'S. LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE. Some Dominion Hardware Values HOUSEHOLD AUGER—clears stopped drains—effective where chemicals fail. •:Saves plumbing bills-....... ........ ..15a EACH. RIVER TRAIL FLOOR WAX, SPECIAL, per Ib. ..40c We also have OLD ENGLISH and JOHNSON'S LIQUID WAX, pint size 60c DANCE FLOOR WAX, per lb. , 40c SET OF FIVE GLASS MIXING BOWLS, per set 85c SOLID COPPER TEA KETTLES AT REGULAR PRICES FROM $2.00 UP. PRICES ARE ADVANCING. COLEMAN and ALADDIN LAMP and LANTERN SUPPLIES. MANTLES and WICKS, NOW ....40e. WATCH FOR OUR ADS ANNOUNCING THE NEW BRAND OF Canadian Industries Paints and Enamels MADE. BY THE MAKERS OF DUC,O. IF IT IS PAINT YOU NEED WE HAVE IT. Sutter--Perdue--Beattie FURNITURE, HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E. Perdue. 151w. —PHONES— J. A. Sutter, 147w, For Valentines Day On February 14th, when the anal- versary of the patron saint of lovers. the world over is observed, we are pleased to offer for your choice ' a large assortment of Valentines pric- ed from le to $1.00. Amongst these you can find one for kiddies, comical and mechanical, a lacy creation with a touch of sentiment in verse, a co- mic sheet that is supposed to point out your fancied, faults, or a dainty card expressly worded for husband, wife, son; daughter, and last' but not least, one for• sweetheart, with en- dearing and charming verse. An in- novation this season is the "Scotch- man's Valentine," `a small card in a large envelope, the verse explains that because economy has made the card small there is more room hi the envelope for love from the sender. For those who have in mind a party at this time of year why not make it a gala evening indeed and. fix up your tables, etc.,with valentine de- corations. We have serviettes, table covers, tally cards, decorated crepe and other small favors for parties. Tile W. D. Fahr Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best ONE FRIEND TELLS 'ANOTHER I, y SPECI Ma) AND wslTE Always in the Lead eb. 11, 12 13 VALENTINE Smiles'n Chuckles Fancy Little Candies VALENTINE ICE CREAM IN BRICKS eanrilmOr We have still a big shipment of California OrangeN and Texas Grape Fruit, Pink Ones for Valentine. This week we have Special Recipes on Frozen and Unfrozen Desserts. For Valentine -Snow Mounlain California Orange Sections Vanilla Wafers Whipped Cream with Red Cherries for decoration. We will be pleased to tell you how it is made. Orange and Rice Padding SNOW PUDDING Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Marsh Mellow Dessert 21/2 cups pure fresh Orange Juice. Whipped Cream 1 Pound Marshmallows. Dissolve the marshmallows in the hot (strained)' Orange. Juice. Be sure, the juice does not boil. Re- move from fire and pour into dessert glasses, Thoroughly chill and serve with Whipped Cream. FOR LENT Fresh Halibut, per lb. 200 Fresh Herring, 2 lbs. for 25e 15c Fresh Filletts, per Ib. 20c Fresh B. C. Salmon, per ib. Finnan Haddie, per ib. 15e CALL A RED INDIAN SERVICE STATION GAS, OIL 24 GREASE. HOUR SERVICE. FIRESTONE TIRES. CARS WASHED -50c LUNCHES — REFRESHMENTS. Superior Stores PII,ONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS For Thur. - Fri. - Sat. FEB. llth, 12t1t, 13th. Quick Quaker Oats, Ige. pkg. , 20c Del Maize Niblets Corn, 12 ozs. 2 Tins for 21c Brooms, 5 -string, each 29c Prunes, large sweet, 2 lbs, 23c Salmon, Fancy Pink l's, 2 tins 25c Handy Ammonia, pkg. 5c Heinz Ketchup, lge. bottle ... , ,19e Baking Powder, Superior, 16 oz. 23c Sweet Mixed Pickles, 27 oz. 25c Crother's Sodas, 2 lbs. for 27c Salada Tea, Brown Label, .half Ib31e Yellow Label, half 7b. 27c Fancy Mixed Biscuits, per Ib. 19c Choeolate Coated Peanuts, Ib. 19c Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c Pitted Dates, Sair, 2 lbs. for ,25e T. R. THOMPSGN LONL)ESBORO Miss B. Kirk who has been visit- ing atthe home of her sister, Mrs. W. Lyon, has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stanley of Learn- ington visited at the home of W. Lyon WI Saturday. Mrs. W. Lyon who has spent the last six weeks at the home of her son, Dr, E. K. Lyon of Leamington, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon who are on an ocean trip to. Georgetown, South America, will re- turn home about Feb. 20th. Word was received here on Sun- day that Mr, Jack Kirkeorinell, for- lnerly of Hulett, passed away in the SPECIALS FOB THU-f UI -SAT AT THE CASH DISCOUNT STORE. SALADA TEA Ralf Lb. Packages BROWN LABEL 31c (Black and Mixed) YELLOW LABEL 27c (Black and Mixed) .ORANGE PEKOE '38c Here is your opportunity to supply your needs with this fast -selling tea. EXTRA Red Rose Coffee in vacuum peeked tins. HALF LB. TINS 18c 1 LB, TINS . 32c Sid's Food Shop Phone 307w -Free Delivery. Where you buy for less because you buy for cash. Military hlospital in London on Sun- day morning, Miss Bina Kirk who for the past few weeks have been visiting friends here has returned to Toronto. Miss Verde, Watson and friend from Hensall spent the week -end at the former's home, Mr. C. Watson.. Mrs. Win. Lyon who for several weeks been visiting at Leamington, returned home on Saturday last. The World's Day of Prayer will be observed by the W. M. S. on Friday afternoon in' the church .schoolroom Group No. 2 will', have charge of the Mrs. James Ford is in London this week, visiting Mr. Wilbur Ford. Miss Margaret Plumsteel spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Rumball of Flint, Mich., is vis- iting her sister, Miss M. Rudd. Mr. J. D. Atkinson, who is spending the winter months in London, spent Monday in town. Mrs. Wankel of Seaforth spent last week with her niece, Miss Gladys Crich, Miss Margaret Holmes of Brantford has been visiting Mrs. 0. L Peis' ley and other friends in town. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel spent the week -end in Elora with Miss Jean Plumsteel. Mr. Frank Moynes of Detroit is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Jeffer- son. Mr. Alvin McAllister, who was injur- ed in a motor accident last fall has returned to London Hospital for treatments. Rev. C. W. D. Cosens and Mr. Kirkby were in London on Tuesday attend- ing the Western Ontario Temper- ance Conference. Mrs. Bert Marquis of Lefroy was cal- led to Clinton last Thursday, owing to the death of her sister, Miss Mabel Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Richardson of Zurich visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Reid, Townsend street, Mr. Gregory Clark, Mrs. Thos. Drew- brook, Mrs. H. McDonic and Miss Norah Cooper of Toronto were in Clinton Iast Thursday and. Friday attending the funeral service of their aunt; Miss Mabel Clark. Miss Jean Laidlaw of Guelph General Hospital, Miss Effie B. Laidlaw of Forest, Mr .and Mrs. Janes Laid- law, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laidlaw and family of Blyth, and Mr. W. P. Smith of For Erie, spent Saturday last\vith'the former's mother, Mrs. David Laidlaw, Huron street, west. meeting. Everyone welcome. The skating rink committee have arranged to have their annual ice carnvial on Friday evening of this week, if weather and ice are fav- orable. The Woman's Institute held a very successful meeting last Thursday af- ternoon in Community Hall, the Pre- sident, Mrs. E. Adams, opened the meeting and ell joined in the singing of the opening ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. Minutes of previous meeting were; read by the secretary, Mrs. F. Hall and business was taken up. There was a lengthy discussion about arranging for the annual pie social, the date being set for March 17th after all committees were ap- pointed a splendid program was pre- sented. Mrs. (Rev.) Gardiner spoke on the "Equal Rights of Woman," her remarks were very fine and was listened to with pleasure. Mrs, Geo. Moon was the next speaker. Her subject was "Historical Research." She based her address, on Huron County, • Hullett township, and the village of Londesboro. Owing to the lateness of the hour she had only time to touch briefly on Iluron Coun- ty, 'which was so very , interesting. till 'was sorry' that time would not permit the finishing of this very in - RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells and Service Tells LENTEN SPECIALS Salmon Fish, in piece, per lb. .,12c Salmon Fish, Sliced, per Ib. 15c Smoked Filletts, per lb. Finnan Haddie, per lb. Smoked Herring, per Ib. Cod Fish, per lb. Pink Salmon, large, per lb Macaroni, 4.lbs. for Brunswick Sardines, 4 for Corn Beef, 2 for Solid Cabbage, each Fresh Old Carrots (6 quart basket) Spy Apples (6 qt. basket) 25c Grape Fruit, 6 for 23c Oranges, per dozen ,,..35c, 39c, 45c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour 18c Maple Syrup, pints 25c Maple Syrup, Crown Qts. 40c Blue Ribbon Tea, mixed or black 49c 15e 15c 15c 15c 10c 23c 19c 25c 10c 25c We Buy and Grade Eggs for which we Pay Cash or Trade. All eggs grad- ed by an experienced candler. RILEY'S PHONE 39. FREE, SNAPPY DELLIVERY. teresting subject. The remainder will be given at the next meeting when we hope to publish the items in full. Meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. Refreshments were served by the hostesses in charge. Mrs. J. McCool, Mrs, E. Ad- ams, Mrs. S. Carter, Mrs, J. Nott, Mrs. M. Manning and Miss Isobell Nott. There were forty-five pre- sent. We sincerely sympathize with the staff over the loss • of the editor, Miss Mabel Clark. ST. HELENS Miss Irene Woods of Waterloo spent the week -end at her home here. Mrs. W. J. Humphrey has returned hone after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Fox at Whitechurch. We are pleased to report that Mrs. John Swan who had an attack of tonsilitis has fully recovered again. Mrs. Earl Cranstonis visiting her brothers in Kincardine at present.' Mr. H. Sl rtcher yr ell y dN y Todl c of Stratford were home for the week- end. The Farmers Club are holding a social evening in, they Community Hall on Wednesday evening', February 10. The programme is being presented by the East , Wawanosh , Dramatic ST. VALENTINE'S TEA AND Home -Made Baking SALE under auspices of the Girl's Club of the Presbyterian Church, in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, ON Saturday, Feb. 13th 3 O'CLOCK TO 5.30. 17-1. WOULD YOU BE HER VALENTINE? Flowers are Nature's Valentine Messages SO "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" FOR February 14th, 1937 Your choice of Spring. Flowers, attractive with the new foliage Southern Huckleberry. ROSE, CARNATIONS and ORCHIDS. F, R. CUNINGHAME Phone 176 and 31. Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. .oawiw..a3 SCOTT!S SROCERY Phone 86—Prompt Free Delivery —1 SEIALS THURS., FRI., S.A.T. FEB. 11-12-13. Puffed Wheat, or Muffets, pkg. ...9c McLaren's Jelly Powders, 2 for ..,9c Kippered Snacks, 2 for ...,......9c.' Aylmer Soups . , 9c Aylmer Choice Tomatoes 9c Heinz Prepared Mustard 9c Vanilla Extracts . , .. .. 9c Christie's Graham Wafers 9c Bingo Cookies ... ... 9c Horn's Puddings . 9c (1 pkg. makes 5 pints) Campbell's Spaghetti , 9c Toilet Tissue, 2 for 9c Castile or GuestIvory Soap, 2 for 9c Grape Fruit, Juicy, Seedless, 2 for 9c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 49 1t on't e Long until house-cleaning will be in full swing and we want to remind you that we carry a full line of: - 011 Cloths in 1/ and 21-2 yd. widths, Velfelts in 3 yds. wide. Congoleum 3 yds. wide, Linoleum, 2 and, 4 yds. wide. Also Feltol, Velfelt, Congoaeum and Linoleum Rugs, in all standard sizes and latest patterns. Our prices are the lowest, and we have had years of experiencd in handling and laying floor coverings, so we should be the logical place for you to do your buying when you need any of these coveringst We have some nice new Studio Couches, Comfort- able Chairs and Chesterfield Suites, in stock at Bargain Prices. It will pay you to buy now as prices are sure to advance in the very near future. BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK—PHONE 195. General Hardware, Furniture and Floor Coverings FUNERAL DIRECTORS—AMBULANCE SERVICE. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. For High Grade Merchandise at Low Prices Call 40 Clifford Lo,,.b CLINTON THE STORE WITH THE STOCK. ALL Hockey, Sticks & SKATES Eggs Waned—Highest Market Prices To Clear At 9A cri Diseount � Lim /6 BUY NOW AND SAVE. iA , .LTJLhs, >,?,.,'� �. B AR.DW.AEE and PLUMBING Phone 244