HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-02-11, Page 7THURS., FEB. 11, 1937 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 7 HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS WEIGHT OF EVIDENCE BY DOUGLAS NEWTON NEWTON Kiley's murder of Wadlake, the raiser, was the simplest crime on le- wd. That was why it was detection - proof. It was too simple to provide ;::any dues. Kiley, like the other tenants of Lilac Terrace, Green Common, paid (kis rent personally to Wadlake every Friday. Because he, too, was of a na- ture that never spent even energy on two jobs when one would serve, Kiley -always took hig rent to Wadlake's house on his way to his City train. One Friday morning he found Wad - lake's Yale key sticking in the front -door lock. The old fellow had for- .gotten to take it out on reaching Tone the night before. Kiley took the rather than disturbed him. Not only key out and put it into his pocket be- had he left no sort of clue but some - fore ringing the door -bell. He paid one else had obligingly provided quite a number leading in a direction en- tirely away from him. Wadlake's house had been broken into by a real crook. This man, also being aware of the old man's habits, and the strength of the bolts in the lower floor, had reared a roughly - made ladder to the window behind Wadlake's bedroom at the back. It was a very rough ladder, built of the oldest bits of wood, to avoid detection of course. One of the sup- porting uprights was a sapling found on the common; the other, was a de- caying beam the thief had noted the slat had been wrenched out. Be- ing of a saving disposition he used those nails again after finding a bit of old trellis batten to replace the. slat. The trellis batten was of an odd colour, which might have worried his neat mind, had he not felt that his haul gave him quite a reasonable ex- cuse for spending money on paint, which, indeed, the whole of his back fence badly needed. He spent a pleasant day painting it; in fact two days. Wadlake's mur- der was not discovered until the old man's sister-in-law called o n him after church on Sunday evening. Ev- en then the discovery elated Kiley his rent cheerfully. Tolson, from No. ""2, came in and saw him do it, then he went on to the City. He knew that, being rent day, old Wadlake would not stir outside of his house and -would not miss his key. He had, in fact, a considerable knowledge of Wadlake's 'habits. For a long time he had been studying them with the envy of a lesser miser for a larger. Quite calmly he saw that this was the day when that know- ledge served its end. At eleven o'- clock that night, when the small rur- al patch of houses was deep in sleep, among the junk that was always in Kiley stepped out of his own front Wadlake's back garden. .Across these uprights a few rough treads had been nailed -or rather screwed. Quite the oddest bits of wood had been used for these treads, billets gathered from anywhere. But they had served. They had enabled the thief to climb up to that back win- dow, where a flimsy catch formed no bar in his entrance. The police, how- = against the day when he invested it ever, held that the man made enough in building stock. Cooly he set about noise to arouse Wadlake, who rose up stealing that cash. There was only m his bed as the intruder made his one hitch, not that Kiley thought it way into the front room. The crimin- "";a hitch; Wadlake woke up as Kiley al had thereupon silenced the old hunted his trouser pockets for the miser by strangling him, afterwards key of the safe. Kiley really did not looting the safe and escaping. mind. It was both an excuse and opp-1 This police theory was so obvious ortunity for blotting out any evidence that nobody doubted it — except, of Wadlake's mind and tongue might course, Kiley. Kiley saw that the • give. He strangled Wadlake before other thief must have entered later he could get out of bed. on Friday night, or he felt was more on Saturday night. The real Then he found the safe key, .emp-I likely, tied nearly a thousand pounds of ac- cumulated finding the old' miser already cumulated cash into his pockets, left' murdered and robbed, had seen how the safe open with the key in it, but he might be accused of the crime and returned the Yale door. key to the had bolted in such panic that he had left behind the incriminating ladder. In doing that he, had made a present of an extra stroke of luck to Kiley. Suspicion was at once twisted away even from the direction of Kiley and centred on some unknown character. The police decided that this man was probably local, since he must have known about Wadlake and his money, and also because he had taken so much trouble to hide his identity by gathering odd materials on the spot to build his makeshift ladder. It was also evident to them that the man was an amateur carpenter, or odd -job man. He was accustomed en- ough to screws to use them on his ladder instead of the noise -producing nails, but on the other hand he had used brass screws where 'a better workman would have used steel. door, and walking along the hard '.gravel pavement turned up the crazy along the hard gravel pave'b-1 , bl path to Wadlake's door. Opening that door with its own key, he crept steal- thily upstairs to Wadlake's front bed- room, without having been seen. Kiley knew that the old man kept his loose cash in the bedroom; a lot of it, mainly in small notes and coin, dead man's trouser pocket .He was, of course, wearing gloves. After that he stole quietly down- stairs ownstairs shut the hall door softly after him, and returned to his own cottage. Itwas as easy as that. As simple as 'taking a casual but unobserved stroll in the night. At home he hid the money behind some loose •. bricks in the attic and went to bed. He knew that the whole thing had been too simple to leave traces. In the morning it being Saturday, `.ire . did not go to town, but pottered r about his garden in his usual way. He noted that a 'slat in his back fence, which had been loose for a 'month, had vanished; probably stol- en by village boys making a bonfire. Ile' noted, too, that a couple of good -nails had dropped to the ground as A Great Book "How to Be- come a Hockey Star" by T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, manager and coach of the Montreal "Maroons", profusely illus- trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED, PICTURES of GREAT PLAYERS (mounted for framing) Group Montreal "Maroons" Group "Les C,andiuns" or ,ndividual pie o-te of: Baldy Northcott Paul Hayne. Dave Trottior Marty Barry Russ Blinro , Pete Kelly Earl Robinson Davo Rory Bob Granio - Roy Nol•ters Gus Tlnrker Am" Bailey Howie Morena ' Art Lesions Johnny Gagnon Frank Bandies wiif. Cade Mast Naha - Georgo Mancha Alex Lovinekv' • Your choice of the above e Fora label from a tin of "CROWN BRAND" or "LILY WHITE" Corn Syrup.—Write on the back your name and address — plainly — and the words "Hockey Book" or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail the label to the address below. EDWAP 1358UPG I OWN BRAN • CORN SYRUP `TIiE FAMOUS ERZ'ERGY FOOD A product of Ti . CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited TORONTO Ye Again, his screwdriver suggested the amateur. It had been too small for the slot in the screw -heads, and had slipped again and again as the man worked. This was a serious mis- take. One corner of the screwdriver blade had been chipped off, so that every time the instrument slipped it scored a gouge in the 'softer brass of the screw head. This, under the microscope revealed a track so de- finite and regular that there would be no difficulty in identifying the chipped screwdriver once it was found. There were other small clues on the ladder, and if these could be linked to a lean, say, through the screwdriver, that man must be the murderer. Kiley heard 'those things talked over .and smiled. True, he was an amateur handyman himself, but he had never.' used brass screws, and he hadn't a screwdriver like that. In fact he hadn't a screwdriver at all, having broken his own two months ago and tossed it into the refuse bin. He had not bought another, and wouldn't until driven by absolute ne- cessity. That screwdriver clue seem- ed lucky. It probably: would have beenhad not the ladder thief been in such a panic as he fled. That panic had caused• him to get rid of the screw- driver and screws at the first hiding- place he saw as he ran. That was a thicket of bushes he passed on the common — a silly place, for the po- lice always think of bushes. It - Y 1 was almost unfortunate that these bushes should be immediately behind Kiley's COOKING house; at just the right distance for Kiley to fling an incriminating tool from his back garden. The police, in fact, demonstrated this to their complete` satisfaction, if not Riley's. He swore, quite truth fully, that :the screwdriver was not his; that, indeed, he did not possess a screwdriver, but that impressed thein in quite a different way. from what he had expected. They examin- ed his tool chest, and said pointedly that it was extremely suspicious that a man with so full a ' set of tools should be without a screwdriver. Es- pecially at that moment. Kiley might say he had thrown it on the dust heap months ago, but it was even more likely it wasn't there because he had, thrown it among the bushes to hide it after the murder. They talked like that because by then they had become unpleasantly interested in Kiley's doings. They asked why he had so suddenly taken It into his head•to paint his fence — at the moment of the murder. - They looked into that fence and found there was a new, odd rail in it. They also found that this odd rail was partly nailed up by unusual round - headed nailscalled boat nails. In- deed, all the s lots of Kiley's fence had been nailed with such nails, be- cause Kiley had seen a pound of them going dirt cheap on a junk barrow. It was a simple and honest_explan- ation,. as Kiley pointed out to the po- lice. The police, on their side, pro- duced one ofthe threads of the 'mur- derer's" ladder. It was undoubtedly Kiley's missing fence s lat. Two of Kiley's unmistakable boat nails were still sticking into it; more, when the trellis batten was removed from Kil- ey's fence it was easy to demonstrate that the nail holes of this slat exact- ly corresponded with the old nail holes in Kiley's fence. Kiley, of course, knew why. The burglar, being in need of an extra rung of his ladder, had torn away the loose slat from his fence for that purpose. He told the police this. They were not impressed. And the facts against Kiley were hard to get over. They were:— (i) The finding of the incriminat- ing screwdriver behind Kiley's gar- den at just the spot he would choose for hiding it in a hurry. The ex- tremely suspicious absence of a screw driver from his otherwise full set of tools" (ii) The ladder was plainly the work of a man who knew how to find material on the spot. It was al- so the work of an amateur handy- man. Kiley notoriously fitted both descriptions. (iii)One tread of that ladder was definitely proved to have come from Kiley's fence. (iv) Kiley, seeing the clue this af- forded, had replaced that fence slat with a substitute the day 'after the murder, and had also painted the whole fence in an attempt to hide the substitution from the police. The whole mass of circumstantial evidence thus weighted the scales a- gainst Kiley. There were flaws — for instance, why so careful a man should have left the ladder and its damning slat about for the police to collect. The police argued that panic was the reason for that; in any case all doubts were swept away when, on hie prompt arrest, Wadlake's money was found hidden behind the bricks in Kiley's attic. Thus justice was vindicated. Kiley was tried and executed for a crime he had accomplished without leaving a single clue, on an array of circum- stantial evidence provided by some- one else.—London Tit -Bits. A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA CROSSED EYES Children may be born with crossed eyes or develop thein before the age of eight years, rarely after ,that age. In the past, parents were advised to do nothing 'about the condition until the child was about 14 years old be- cause the eyes - sometimes became straight. Modern science, however, has. shown this to be very poor. advice. The child does not use the eye that is turned •and the delicate nerves in the back of the eye do not develop because the eye is not used. So in time the: affected eye becomes blind It is, most important, therefore, that. treatment, be started as soon as the condition' is recognized; No child with crossed eyes should be allowed' to reach the school , age without proper corrective treatment: A child with a -squint Buffers the jeers of his playmates and is sometimes regarded as mentally subnormal .The effect of this is Harmful and the, child may develop' an inferiority complex. If you think that your baby's eyes HOW TO SERVE. LAMB Roast Leg of Lamb Select a leg of lamb weighing front 5' to '0 pounds. Wipe the meat with a damp cloth, rub the surface with 3-4 teaspoon salt, 1-8 teaspoon pepper, and -2 tablespoons flour. Strips of bacon may be laid across the top of the roast if the meat is quite lean. Lay the meat (skin side down) on a rack in an open roasting pan without water. Place the pan in a hot oven (500 degrees Fahrenheit) and sear the meat for 30 minutes. Reduce the tem- perature to that of a medium oven (350 degrees) and cook the meat at this temperature until tender. Allow 20 to 25 minutes per pound. When the meat is done, remove it from the pan. Also remove all the fat except two tablespoonfuls. Brown two tab- lespoons of flour in •the two table- spoonfuls of fat, add one and a half cups boiling water, and stir constant- ly until the mixture thickens. Cook two minutes. Season with salt, fine- ly -cut mint leaves, and a little lemon juice. - Mutton Broth 3 pounds mutton (from neck or shank) 2 quarts cold water 1 teaspoon salt Pepper 3 tablespoons rice 3 tablespoons barley. Remove skin and fat and cut meat in small pieces. Put into kettle, and cover with cold water. Heat gradual- ly to boiling point, add salt and pep- per, and simmer until meat is tender. Strain and remove fat. Reheat to boiling point, add rice or barley and cook until tender. Mutton or Lamb Stew (French Style) Cut meat in two-inch squares. Roll in seasoned flour, and brown in a hot frying pan or kettle. Add boiling wat- er to cover, and simmer until partly cooked. Add turnips, carrots, pota- toes and onions sliced, peas and beans. Simmer until vegetables are tender, Casserole Lamb Any part of lamb or mutton may be prepared in this way. Sear meat in a hot pan. Place in a covered pan or casserole, add a small amount of boiling water, cover tightly and cook slowly in oven. When partly cooked, season, add sliced onions, and pota- toes sliced or cubed. Add enough water to prevent burning and cook until meat and vegetables are tender. Serve from casserole dish. These recipes are taken from the pamphlet "Selection of Lamb Cuts," which may be obtained on request from the Publicity and Extension ranch, Dominion Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa" - Claim Former King Will Accept Post In Germany The newspaper L'Information, Par- is, France, reports the Duke of Windsor plans to establish a resi- dence in the famous German resort of Weisbaden and will accept a fin- ancial post with the I. G. Farben Dye Trust. The Farben Trust is one of the largest organizations of its kind in the world. (Berlin sources were not imme- diately able to confirm the report.) are not straight, seek the advice of your • family doctor. Sometimes the bridge of the baby's nose is very wide so that more of the white of the eye is seen on the outside of the colored part than on the inside. This gives the appearance of squint alth- ough the eyes are straight.. The eyes, for, proper examination, must be tested with drops which en- large the pupils. The Doctor will likely advise covering the good eye for a certain period each day so that the child will be forced to use the eye that is turned to develop its sight. Certain eye exercises . will also help to develop the vision. Sometimes glasses will straighten the eyes, but, if they donot become normal in six months, it is wise to have them strai- ghtened - by a slight operation by a competent eye surgeon. Crossed eyes can be cured and no child should be allowed to gel' through life suffering a tremendous handicap because competent medical advice was not sought to correct this condition. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, ' 184 College St., Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. HEALTH, Now Is The Time To Combat' Mosquitoes The time to prepare • measures to combat mosquitoes is now,before the. warm spring sunshine melts the snow and lye in fields and woodlands and releases nature from winter's icy grip. The mosquito hordes that will appear in May and June. are now helpless in the egg stage, lying harm- less to man and animals, on soil and leaves, under a blanket of snow, in the low 'places where water accum- ulates when nature awakes in spring. When water covers these eggs they will hatch and give rise to tiny larvae or "wrigglers". The development of the larvae in the cold water is slow at first, but as the sun's rays in- crease in strength and warm rains fall, it quickens, so that by early May many of the larvae will have trans- formed to pupae and some of the winged forms will have emerged, and the females among them will be seek- ing food from their warm-blooded hosts. Once the mosquitoes are fly- ing, they cannot be effectively con- trolled, and the victims of their bites are . reduced to swatting and com- plaining, or to using sprays and dopes which are at best only temporarily or partially protective. Therefore, now is the time to plan for action to combat mosquitoes, when they are most vulnerable; that is, after they have hatched from the eggs and are concentrated as larvae and pupae in the transient water bo- dies of spring and early summer. Like other animals, these creatures must breathe, and this they do large- ly through tube -shaped organs which they force through the water surface at frequent intervals into the outer air. If a film of petroleum oil has been sprayed on the water the larvae and pupae are cut off from the life- giving air, and in their efforts •to reach it, their breathing organs and bodies become fouled with the oil and they quickly die. Better still, because the efforts are permanent, the re- moval of the water from the breed- ing places by drainage also destroys the larvae and pupae and prevents the development of others. By these means enormous numbers of mos- quitoes may be destroyed at small cost considering the benefits that follow. For best results proper planning and organization in advance is neces- sary. This matter has been discussed more fully in a circular entitled "Mosquito Control in Canada," copies of which may be secured by those in- terested, from the Publicity and Ex- tension Branch of the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa. Plant 10,000 Acorns In Can- ada To Commemorate Coronation A Great shipment of acorns leaves for Canada today in the liner Mont Clare for plantations of oaks com- memorating the coronation. Ten thousand acorns are being sent by the Men of the Trees Society in England to the organization of the same name in Canada. They will be accompanied by royal expressions of appreciation and good will. The huge bag is to be carried free by the steamship company as a coronation gesture. The shipment will be kept at the right temperature in the ship, assuring the best possible condition on arrival. Frederick Robson of Toronto, pre- sident of the Men of the• Trees So- ciety, telegraphed. the Society's con- gratulations to the King on his birth- day, stating the organization's inten- tion of , planting English oaks com- memorating the coronation. The message said it was felt there was no better way of commemorating the crowning of the new King than by growing the English oak in distant Empire countries. The King and Queen replied, sending their thanks for the gesture and the sentiments expressed in the message. The acorns have been collected by the Men of the Trees Society from the famous trees of the New Forest, which is loyal property. They will be distributed by Robson and a com- mittee. - The Other Paper. Once, upon a time John Jones be- came infuriated; but the editor shut him up in two seconds. "Is this the newspaper office?!' in- quired Jones. "It is," responded the man at the desk. "Didn't this paper say I was a liar?" "It did not." "Didn't it say I was a scoundrel?" "It did not." ' "Well, some paper said it." `Possibly it was our contemporary Y down the street," suggested the edi- tor, as he picked up a paper weight. "This paper never prints stale news!" CARE OF CHILDREN THIS MODEST CORNER IS DED3CATED TO THE POETS Here They Will Sing Yon Their Songs—Sometimes Gay, Sometimes Sad— But Always Helpful and Ina pirin!g- SOME DAY Some day, she said, when there was time for it, She'd make her home A gracious place, where beauty dwelt and friends - Would love to come. . A house of lovely things—inviting nooks, Log fires and precious pictures, rare old books; Soft shaded lights, with colored radi- ance glowing, And fragrant blossoms there, and green things growing.. . But years laughed by, and babies toddled round, And each new day some added duties found. She baked, and scrubbed, and washed and feed her brood, And patched up all the holes as best she could. ' So, at the last, the shack seemed much the same. That times for building beautynever came.... Yet all the while beauty crept in, un- sought, And those who came there lingered, and they thought, "How sweet her home!" —Barbara V. Cormack, in The Chate- laine. A WOMAN'S PRAYER Oh give me wisdom, Lord... that I may see The hidden path that Thou hast set for me, Let me be wise in little common things. (Wise to take gladly what the morn- ing brings). Let me be quick to feel another's woe Wise to the way our troubled hearts must go. Oh give me patience too, and quiet grace To make a home of this poor shabby place. And make me cheerful, Lord... there is so much In smiling lips and love's redeeming touch. And when the day ends, let me hum- bly see That I have walked its way . . in Nor yet at noon, when the sun's step with Thee. —Anon. warming ray Shines on the busy world, the hur- rying throng, And there is work to do; but this I pray; ,,. ! That I may say farewell at even- song. THE CRYSTAL WOOD Now conies a beautiful morning to the world. Bright on the world, bright on the heart that gives Incredible light has turned the trees to crystal, Outlined with halo all the little leaves. Now shall we walk together through the wood, Gathering blossoms delicately made Of fragile glass, so dazzling in the sun. O wood of heart's desire, wood with- out shade! , Here might I keep you always by my side In a translucent dream before the night. Alas, I give up your hand. You are going from me, Your radiant contours merging into light. —Betty Richert in The New York Times. KNOWLEDGE What is more large than knowledge, and more sweet; - Knowledge of thoughts and deeds, rights and wrongs Of passions, and of beauties, and of songs; Knowledge of life; to feel its great heart beat Through all the soul upon her crystal seat; To see, to feel, and evermore to know; To till the old world's wisdom till it grow A garden for the wandering of our feet. —Archibald Lampman, "EN PASSANT" I would not that the , morning sun should rise When I am bidding earth a last adieu, 'Twere tragic that my swiftly dim, ming eyes Should miss day's new-born fro• grance, and the dew. w— STOCK -TAKING Forget Forget each kindness that you do As soon as you have done it; Forget the praise that falls on you The moment you have won it; Forget the slander that you hear Before you can repeat it; Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer, Whenever you may meet it. eanNho • —• Remember Remember every kindness done To you, whate'er its measure; Remember praise by others won And pass it, on with pleasure; Remember every promise made, . And keep it to the letter; Remember those who lend you aid And be a grateful debtor. —Anon. THANKFULNESS I'm thankful for the dawn of day, For useful work and buoyant play; I'm thankful for the faith of friends, For humble heart that condescends. I'm thankful for .the trees and the flowers, When the sun sinks behind the fiery rim, When cool, calm shadows of the evening creep, And I have done my task as pleaseth Him, Then let me face the west, and sink to sleep. —G. Adelle Skov. AFTER THE SEA -SHIP After the sea -ship, after the whistling winds, After the white -gray sails taut to their spars and ropes, Below a myriad myriad waves has- tening, lifting up their necks, Tending in ceaseless flow toward the track of the ship, Waves of the, ocean bubbling and gurgling, blithely prying, Waves, undulating waves, liquid, un- even, emulous waves, Toward that whirling current, laugh- ing and buoyant, with curves, Where the great vessel sailing and tacking displaced the surface, For sapphire seas and cooling show- Larger and smaller waves in the ars; spread of the ocean yearnfuily I'm thankful for the world of books, flowing, For chanting buds and purling brooks The wake of the seaship after she I'm thankful for thv sun at noon, passes, flashing and frolicsome under the sun, - - A motely procession with many a I'in thankful for the right to live, fleck of foam and many frog- For daily chance to serve and give, meats, Following the stately and rapid ship, I'm thankful most to God above in the wake following. For His protecting, perfect love. —Walt Whitman, in "Leaves of —Grenville Kleiser. Grass." For silent stars and crescent moon, I'in thankful for the gift of prayer, For blessings I can freely share. At the first sign et a cold go right to your druggist. Buy a package of GROVE'S BROMO QUININE. Start taking the tablet. two at a time. Grove's will check that cold within 24 hours. 637 take 5RflVfSfEj