HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-02-11, Page 5' THURS., FEB. 11, 1937
A Woman Editor Dies
The death<•of Miss Mabel R. Clark,
'who for many years, has beeneditor
sof The Clinton News -Record, removes
a figure which was almost unique' in
^Ontario journalism. Women have
long since won a place in the news-
paper field, but curiously. enough few
of them seem' to have become editors
o£ weekly newspapers. '
• Miss Clark came of a noted news-
paper family, J. T. Clark, a brother,
and Gregory Clark, a nephew, have
won distinction on The Toronto Star.
Miss Clark herself was for some time
vmthe staff of The Toronto Saturday
A feature of Miss Clark's ,ably edi-
ted paper was, the Poet's Corner. No
other weekly on the exchange list of
The Free Press has such a depart-
. lsnent.
The man or woman who spends a
quarter of a century in charge of a
newspaper serving a rural community
develops" a strong connection with
'the people whose interests are so
closely shared. Miss Clark will be
'missed in her own community, and
'by her colleagues in journalism.
London Free Press.
The Tuckerstuith Ladies' Club met
.on Wednesday last at the home of
Mrs. 'Norris Sillery for their Febru-
ary meeting with twenty-three mem-
. bees and two visitors present. RoII'
call was responded to by "The Most
Beautiful Thing I have seen this
,,month." Answers proved there are
-many beautiful things to be seen in
.our everyday routine which we often
'•fail to observe. It was decided to
have a knitting and crocheting 'class
for the younger members with some
.of thesenior ladies as coaches. Mrs.
Walters and Mrs. McGregor were
'appointed to coach the first classes.
The following _program was rendered
-a reading, St. Valentine's Day, its
origin and real meaning by Mrs. Gar-
•nett; a solo by Gladys Pepper who
is three years old and promises to be
one of our coining real soloists; read-
ing., "If," by Viola Pepper, showing
'the great difference that small word
makes in all walks of life; a reading,
"'A Suitor's Lament," by Mrs. N.
Sillery; a Valentine story by Mrs.
Oke which stressed the fact that
:sometimes women prefer beautiful
things to useful things in apprecia-
tion of their services.
There was an exchange of.Valen-
tin es among the ladies and the verses
.on some of these were quite original
:and entertaining.
Each lady brought one quarter yard
.of goods for the next quilt.
The March meeting will be held at
'the home of Mrs. P. Pepper and the
roll call is to be "the name of some
:.place-inIreland. • with a. bit of inter-
esting news• about it.
•The'°.Young People's Society of Tur-
'ner's church met on Tuesday evening
under the direction of Rev, G. G. Bur-
-ton. The meeting was incharge of
"the Literary Convenor, Miss Sarah
'Whitmore. Miss E. Jamieson gave
a very •interesting talk on
Games were played and lunch sere-
' ed during the social half hour.
Mrs; L. Tebbutt is confined to the
house with a very bad cold.
Mr. Sheldon Townsend of Macklin,
"•Bask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. P.
• 'Townsend over the- week -end. He
leaves shortly for his home having
• spent two months in this vicinity.
The Y.P.U. meeting last week was
Under the direction of Mr. Kenneth
Tretvar•tha. The programme opened
by the singing of a hymn which was
`followed by a prayer offered by Rev.
J. W. Herbert.. Miss Ada Finlay read
• the' Scripture lesson; then Mr. Nor-
man Trewartha sang 'a solo, accom-
'' panying himself on the. guitar, The
-chairman presented an interesting
topic. A. business discussion took
-place and it was announced that the
Iiolmesvilte Y.P.U. has been invited
to. spend Monday evening, i.e., Feb-
ruary 15th, with the Wesley -Willis
Y.P.U., Clinton. The invitation has
'.been accepted, .: A happy time is in
store for us as the Wesley -Willis
Young People are famous for their
" hospitality.
Preparations are going ahead for
our Valentine Social which will be
'held on the evening of Friday, Feb-
' ruary 19th. Don't forget about it, if
you do, you will have missed a real
jolly entertainment.
Miss Alma Trewarthais preparing
'the regular meeting for this Friday
We wish to extend our sympathy
--to the relatives and friends of Miss
M. Clark, editor of the Clinton News-
:Iteeord in her sodden death.
The W.M.S. of Knox United church
'held its regular meeting in the base-
,- ment
ase-.-ment of the church on Tuesday after-
noon. It was in charge of Mrs. H. C.
Wilson, honorary president. Mrs. A.
J. Ferguson presided ab the piano.
After the opening exercises Mrs. W.
Roberton read the scripture passages
r and Mrs. Harry Sturdy the devotional
leaflet. Mrs, G. Bean, as home Mis-
aionary Herald, Mrs. C. 'Straughan
as Christian :,Stewardship: convenor
and Mrs. H. C. Wilson as Temperance
convenor spoke. Mrs. M. Allen, ac-
companied' by Mrs.. W. Craig, sang
"Keep in Touch with Jesus." The
chapter from the Study' Book ' was
very ably taken by Mrs. A. Y. Hen
x'ylerson who,spoke.'on "Other+ -Workers' Ang
in Other Fields." Mrs. Henderson led
in prayer. The business of the meet-
ing, 'conducted' by Mrs. Jas, Woods,
consisted of arrangements being made
for group work, the allocation, and
the meeting for "The World .Day. of
Prayer." Mrs. J. Woods gave a re-
port on the Presbyterial executive,
and the meeting closed with a hymn
and prayer by Mrs, J. J. Washington.
Mas. J. Woods attended the Pres-
byterial Executive meeting, at Clinton
on Tuesday.'
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour
were visitors with Mrs. John Raithby.
The regular meeting -of the Y.P.U.
of Knox United church was held on
Tuesday evening inthe basement of
the church.' The president, Alden
Hasty was in charge of the business
part and George Straughan of the
prograyn ne. Ila Craig presided at
the piano. • The Devotional part was
taken by Ruth Arthur . and Rev. H. C.
Wilson: Harry Sturdy gave a splen-
did talk on "Family Worship in the
home." In the contest the blues aro
2 points ahead.,
Word 'has been received from Los
Angeles, California, of the death of
Mrs. Henrietta M. Hutchison, in her
90th year. She was the widow of the
late Dr. John Hutchison, who practis-
ed his profession in the early 70's at
Blyth and Fordwich in the County of
Huron and afterwards in the cities
of St. Thomas and Toronto. 'Mrs.
Hutchison was the eldest daughter' of.
the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Camp-
bell and was born in the Township
of Whitby, County of Ontario, in the
year 1847. She was married to D.
Hutchison on December 26th 'at Whit-
The union was blessed with a fant-
ily of three sons and three daughters
all of whom predeceased their mother
as also did her husband who died in
1909. Mrs. Hutchison leaves to mourn
her departure two brothers, Dr. J. W.
Campbell of St, Louis, Mich„ and Mr.
W, H. Campbell of Westfield. Out
also three sisters, Mrs. A. M. Roger-
son of Jamestown, N. W., Mrs. (Dr.)
Carr and Mrs. J. H, Hoover of Los
Angeles, Cal., her brother, 3. Newton
Campbell,'and Mrs. John Hiles, hav-
ing passed on some years since,
The regular meeting of the Baptist
Ladies' Club was held at the home of
Mrs. Earl Raithby with eighteen
members and -sixteen visitors present.
The president, Mrs. C. A. Howson,
was in charge. After the opening
hymn, Mrs. W. C. Robertson led in
prayer, and Mrs, John Raithby read
the 91st psalm. Several took part in
the season of prayer. In the next
hymn Mrs. L. Ferguson and Mrs, E.
Robertson led in the verse the other
members joining in the chorus. Dur-
ing the business period $20.00 was
handed over to the treasurer. The
next meeting is to be held at the home
of Mrs. A, Asquith. The roll call was
answered with a verse of scripture
beginning with the letter E. Readings
weregiven by Mrs. Stanley Johnston.
Mrs. P. Walper, Mrs. Glen Raithby
and Mrs. John Raithby, The orches-
tra favoured with two selections,
Rev. G. W. Sherman gave , a very in-
teresting history of the Baptist
church, which was muob enjoyed.
Lunch was served at the close of the
meeting by Mrs. Earl Raithby and
Mrs. Bunking.
Mrs. John Turner of Clinton is vis-
iting Mrs. A. Robinson, Jr.
Mrs. A. Robinson, Jr. is home from
Clinton hospital, where she has been
nursing for ten days.
Preparing service was held in Knox
United church on Thursday night.
Rev. H. C. Wilson conducted' the ser-
vice and Mrs. Plaetzer sang. Sac-
rament of the Lord's Supper was ob-
served on Sunday morning. Rev. IL
C. Wilson spoke on "Dwight L. Moo-
dy" and Miss Ruth Straughan favour-
ed with a solo, "The Ninety ' and
Mr. Chas, Curtis of Dawson City.
was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
George Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton of
Goderich visited with Mr. and Mrs,
George Hamilton.
Same of the teachers of this vicin-
ity went to Stratford on Friday nig:
for the Normal "At Horne."
Mr. and Mrs, M. Allen and Bob, Ila
and Betty Craig were in Stratford on
Mrs, Bradnock has returned from a
visit to Blyth.
Communion was observed in the
Baptist church on Sunday afternoon.
Rev. G. W. Sherman had charge of
the service.
Miss Helen Ferguson is home from
a visit to Goderich.
A box social under the auspices of
the Library will be held in the 1Fores-
ter's'Hall on Friday night. A splen-
did programme has been arranged.
The February meeting of the W;M.
S. of Knox Presbyterian church was
lield on Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. F. Ross with a good at-
tendance. Mrs, Edgar Lawson was
in charge and Mrs, Jaynes Woods led
in the opening prayer. • Mrs. F. Ross
and Mrs. W. I. Robison were appoint-
ed to look after magazines to be sent
to the west. Sentence prayers were
offered by • Mrs, Robt. Scott, Mrs.
Jos. Miller and Mrs. G. Dawson, A
reading was given by Mrs. J. J. Wil-
son. Miss Josephine Weir and Mrs,
F. Ross took the chapter from the
study book and Mrs. Edgar Lawson
gave a reading from "Glad Tidings,"
Miss Eleanor Wilson favoured with a
solo, Lunch was served?by the hos-,
tesses, Mrs. Harvey McGee and Mrs.
J C. Stoltz,
Owing to the illness 'of. Rev. A. A.
Maloney, there was no service in the
lidpf chbreh;9ri,Sitnday.
INC—In Seaforth Hospital, on Feb.
8th, Ing Hong, aged 60 years.
HOLLOWAY—in Peterboro, on Feb.
8th, Dr,' William T. Holloway, in
his 64th year.
Mr. and Mrs, George Beatty and
son spent Sunday in Auburn.
Miss Bessie Clutter has returned
home after spending several weeks
in London. •
Very sorry to learn that Mrs. Tho-
mas Stinson is confined to her bel
through illness.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held their 'monthly meeting at the
home of Mas. A. McConnell with a
large attendance.
The World Day of Prayer will be
held in St. John's church on Friday
at 3, in the afternoon.
The February meeting of the Varna
W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Alex.
iVlcConnell. The meeting opened with
hymn 346. March roll call to be ans-
wered by some 'special verse. There
were 22 ladies present. . We were
asked for quilts and used clothing to
send in bail. Varna circuit was ask-
ed to send a delegate to the Confer-
ence Branch meeting to be held in
Chatham in. May. It was decided to
ask to have our allocation revised.
Members were to bring quilt blocks to
the next meeting. Final plans were
made for the Day of Prayer. Mrs.
Ben. Rathwell read the Devotional
leaflet, "Jesus, Pioneer' of Life,"
Hymn 297 "Jesus, Thou joy of loving
hearts," wan then sung: Mrs. Mc-
Connell and Mrs. Bandy 'each read a
leaflet on "Jesus, Pioneer of Life."
This was, followed by a season of si-
lent prayer. Hymn 402, "Lead on, 0
King Eternal," was sung. Mrs. Will
Reid read a piece entitled, "Be of
Good Cheer.'
Mrs. Ralph Stephenson gave a talk
on Jesus and His Disciples.
The meeting closed with hymn 363.
The hostess served a dainty lundh af-
ter which a hearty vote . of thanks
was tendered her.
A meeting was held recently in
the United Church for the purpose of
organizing a Woman's Association.
The following officers were elected:
President, Mrs, A. Ings; Vice -Presi-
dent, Mrs, Bandy; Treasurer, Mrs.
Ed. Foster; Secretary, Mrs. Roy Dow -
Mr. Roy Keys and Mr. Harold Con-
nel spent Last Wednesday in Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Hart spent Sat=
urday evening with Mi. and Mrs:
Lloyd Keys and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Dowson
Mr, and Mrs, E. Munn and Eileen.
of Hensall spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. G. Swan.
Mr. Harry Dalrymple and • Grace
and Miss Evelyn Grainger spent'Fri-
day in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs, I. Schilbie of Zurieh
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Swan. -
Miss Ina Scott of London spent
Sunday at her home here.
Miss Irene Snyder of London and
Mr. Melvin Snyder. of Wingliam, with
their parents, Ma. and Mars. John
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott spent a
few days in Toronto last week.
The local Lodge of Odd Fellows
held a progressive euchre on Friday
Mr. and Miss. John Cairns and Mr.
R. Murdock spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie.
Mr. Wan. Forrest of Clinton spent
Friday in the village. •
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lavendes and
son spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
L. Forrest,
The February meeting of the Wo-
men's Association was held in the
school room on Wednesday, February
8rd. The first part was spent in sew-
ing,:then Mrs. T. B. Baird took the
Devotional cart of our meeting after
which Mrs. Elliott' took the chair for
the business part, Mrs. Aslan gave a
report of the committee appointed to
see what was needed in the kitchen,
She submitted two lists. Moved by
Mrs. Allan, seconded by Mrs. Broad -
foot, that we purchase the first list;
Carried. It was moved by Mrs, Allan,
seconded by Mas. Scott, that we send
the sum of ten dollars to the Red
Cross to aid the'flood sufferers in
the United States. Carried.
We wish to express our deep sorrow
in the sudden passing of our esteemed
friend, Miss Mabel Clark, former edi-
tor of this paper. We always found
her a friend worthy of our friend-
The sick in our community are . all
irnproving. Miss Phyllis Elliott, who
underwent an operation in Clinton
hospital is doing as well as can be ex-
pected. Also , Robert. Harmer, who
has been confined. to. Goderich hospi-
tal following an operation, is expected
to return home before long. Mr. Will.
Elliott who was operated on in God-
erich hospital three weeks ago is still
in the hospital, but improving slowly.
Glen Lockhart, who has spent the
last two, years with Mr. Fred Elliott
has bought the service station at
Holmesville. We wish for him a fair
share of the trade.
Quite a successful dance• was held
at Bell's hall on Friday night.
We extend our sympathy to Rev.
R. M. Gale in the loss of his. brother,
.Itev,' Dr. James Gale of Bath, Eng -
The young people hada uite geed
q g
turnout to their meeting rThursday
evening. Mrs. Reid Torrahce took
the topic. �l ,
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 66w . and 66i,
Feathers Wanted
We are in the market for :large
quantities of Goose and Duck feathers
at best market prices.
Our town customers should try our
fresh chipped eggs for poaching or.
Phones -Office, 214j `Residence, 214w
Elmslea Chick Farm
First Quality Eggs,
delivered twice weekly.
Produced under sanitary
E. L. Mittell
Phone 213, Clinton
Bargain for,. Somebody
We are discontinuing this line of
business, and this, the only washer in
stock, will be sold at a real bargain
Glen Cook
Opposite Post Office, Clinton.
under auspices of Bayfield Badminton
Club, in Bayfield Town Hall, on
the Premier Talkie Show will present
with Ken. Maynard. Also
with Chas. Bowers & Lowell Thomas
and Othnn Features.
• with Lakeside Orchestra.
Admiss.: 30c, Children 15e. Start. 8.15
'Mr. and Mrs, E, 3. Welsh, Misses
Donna and Helen of near Clinton,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Welsh on Sunday
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middleton en-
tertained the A.Y,P.A. and young
people of the neighborhood on Monday
Miss Norma Welsh was guest Of
her cousin, Miss Donna Welsh, a few
days Iasi week.
Huronites Planning
Bowling Party In Toronto
The Huron County Junior Associa-
tion of Toronto are planning a bowl-
ing party on Saturday night, Feb-
ruary 20th, at the. Central Bowling.
Alleys, 22 Sheppard Street. It is ex-
pected that there will be a large num-
ber of the young people present, and
an interesting evening is being plan-
ned, There will be lucky number
prizes in addition .oto. prizes for the
best bowlers, and at the end of the
evening lunch will Abe provided.
The Secretary, Miss Anne Critten-
den, Lakeside 5202, would be glad to
hear of any Huronites in Toronto,
who have not been notified.
BLYTH: While crossing the street.
Mrs. David Cowan fell on the ice,
breaking her leg.
GODERICH: John Oliver, bank
teller, suffered a. heart seizure while
at work and was taken to. his. home.
He is improving. Oliver, who carie
here from Fergus, is being transfer-
red to Chatham.
DUNGANNON: Prompt action of
Mr. and Mrs.' J. D. Richardson saved
their home from fire when a coal oil
lamp was accidentally upset. The oil
spilled out upon the table and took
fire. The flames caught the
g win-
dow' curtains, which were `burned, al-
so . the oilcloth table cover. Mr.
Richardson had his eyebrows and 'hair
singed, but by persistent effort, the
flames, which reached the' ceiling,
were finally . extinguished. Mr, and
Mrs, Clarence Dustan, of Colboree
Township, also almost lost their house
by fire when, during a high wind, the
stove pipes took fire. So intense was
the heat that the pipes crumbled and
fell. Neighbors seeing the smoke,
came to assist at id the fire was extin-
SEAFORTH: Mr. Frank' Sproat,
who suffered severe injuries in the
level crossing crash. at Goderich on
Jan. 28th, little hope being held at
first for his recovery, • has showed.
signs of . improvement during the
week. His father, Mr. W. M. Sproat,
on WednesdaYy, stated that Frank is
making very satisfactory recovery.
Now Playing: : "PURSUIT"
Chester Morris, and Sally Filers
Mon., Tues., Wed.
"The Voice of Bugle Ann"
starring Lionel Barrymore, Eric
Linden, Maureen O'Sullivan,
a modern version . of an old story.
Thurs., Fri., Sat,
"Moonlight Murder"
with an All-Star Cast
Another baffling murder mystery.
Coming:: Lionel Atwill,'
Irene Hervey and Stuart Irwin
in "Absolute Quiet"
Mat.: Sat. and holdays, 3 p.m.
Now: Jackie Cooper in:
Mon., Tues., Wed.
Maureen O'Sullivan, Frank Lawton
present a unique and entertaining
"The Devil Doll"
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
Sylvia Sydney and Spencer Tracy
co-starred in a grand and likeable
dramatic hit
Mat.: Wed„ Sat., holidays, 8 p.m.
Now: Jackie Cooper in:
Mon., Tues:, Wed.
Maureen. ,O'Sullivan, Frank Lawton''
Something different! Here's a
mystery with a new twist.
"The Devil Doll"
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
J. Carrot Walsh. and. Margo
in a musically treated Mexican
romance. You will enjoy
"Robinhood of Eldorado"
Coming: "FURY". It's a hit!
Mat.: Sat. & Holidays. at 3 n.m.
Saturday .
S eci
Hot Cross Buns
full of Fruit and
Made By
Bartliff 8' Crick
Phone 1,. Clinton.
Before you buy a Used
Car, See these Late
Model Cars
1986 Terraplane Coach, Heater.
1986 Dodge Coach, Heater.
1935 Dodge Sedan, Heater,
1984 Chevrolet Sedan.
1932 Plymouth- Coach.
1929 Chevrolet Sedan.
1929 ,Chevrolet Coach.
1936 Dodge 1/2 -ton Express.
One Matc$ed Team of Horses.
One 'two-year-old Filly.'
Reg. McGee
Dodge and DeSoto Sales.
Phone 695—GODERICH.
Cottage For Rent
On Cutter street, Electric lights,
town water. Possession on March 1st.
George H. Elliott, Clinton. 18-2.
In the Estate of Elizabeth Seale,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
Estate of Elizabeth Seale, late of the
Town of Clinton, .in the County of
Huron, widow, deceased, who died on
or about the 27th day of November
A D,, 1936, are required to deliver to
F. Fingland, the Administrator of the
said ,estate, on or before the 27th day
of February A.D., 1937, a full state-
ment of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature
of the securities, if any, held by them
all duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said Iast mentioned date the said Ad-
ministrator will proceed to distribute'
the estate of the said deceased a-
mongst the persons :entitled thereto
'having regard only to such claims as
shall have deceived due notice and in
accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 8th
day of February A.D., 1987.
F. FINGLAND, Clinton,, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate. 18.8.
In the Estate of Earl hale Crich
Deceased. .
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the li
estate of Earl Dale Crich, late of p
the town of Clinton, in the County of
Huron, Esquire, deceased, who died R
on or about the 24th day of January
A.D., 1937, are required' to deliver to 1i
Wellington Crich and Harold Lawson, 1
the Executors of the said estate or F. th
Fing'land, Solicitor, on or before the,
27th day of February A.D.; 1937, a
full statement of their claims togeth-
er with particulars thereof,; and the
nature of the securities, if any, held
by them all duly verified by affi-
AND TAKE', NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the said
Executors. will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased a-
mongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
shall •have received due notice and in
accordance. therewith.,'.
DATED at Clinton, Oat, this 8th
day of February A.D., 1937. .
F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate. 18.3.,
5c EACH..
BRICKS . ........20c
Phone 68.
Try Our Regular Delivery.
For Sale
A Durham cow, due to freshen in a
week. Phone 3 on 619, 3 miles south
of Clinton on No. 4 highway. J. H.
Quigley. 18-1.
Opening Postponed
The opening of Exeter's new Arena
billed for Friday evening has been
postponed until Friday, February
In the Estate of . -
Charles James Peacock, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the Es-
tate of Charles James Peacock, late
of the Town of Clinton, in the County
of Huron, Esquire, deceased, who died
on or about the 25th day of January
A.D., 1987, are required to deliver to
Maud Wiitse, the Executrix of the
said estate or F. Fingland, Solicitor,
on or before the. 27th day of February
A.D., 1937, a full statement of their
claims together with particulars
thereof, and the nature of the secur-
ities, if any, held by them all duly
verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the said
Executrix will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased a-
mongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
shall have received due notice and in
accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 8th
day of February A.D., 1937.
F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate. 18-3,
WHEREAS it has been proposed
to close and dispose of the following
parts of streets in the Town of Clin-
ton in the County of Huron, namely,
(a)' Ransford Street.
(b) Smith Street South of Town-
send Street.
(c) Townsend Street East of East
(d). High Street East of East Street.
(e) Irwin Street East of Smith
(1) A right of way being the Eas-
terly 6 feet of Lots Numbers 672 and
690 and the Westerly 6 feet of lots:
Nos. 671 and 689 lying between Huron
and Rattenbuiy Streets.
Public notice is hereby given that
a By-law for so' doing will be consid-
ered and; if deemed advisable, will be
passed, by the Council of the Monica.
pality' of'. the Town of .Clinton at a
regular meeting to be held at the
Town Halt on Monday, the lstclay of
March, 1937, at the hour of 8 o'clock
in the afternoon.
AND WHEREAS the Easterly 471
nks of the said Ransford' Street is
art of original Lot Number 41 in
the First Concession of the Huron
oad Surveyof the Townshipof
Tuckersmith in the said County, pub
c notice is hereby given` that a By-
la for the closing and disposing of
e same will be passed by the Coun-
, oil of the Municipality of 'the said
Township , of Tuckersmith at a regu-
lar meeting to be held on the 27th day
of February 1937, at the hour of 1
o'clock in the afternoon.
Any person having any interest in
the said proposed By-laws may at
tend"the said meetings and state his
objections b1 c ns thereto or otherwise, ei-
ther in person or by his counsel of
Copy of the said proposed By-laws
may be inspected at the office of the
undersigned solicitor' during office
DATED at Clinton, this 20,th day
of January, A.D. 1937. •' .
Solicitor tcrtox for the
said Municipalities, 15-4.
Photograpbs of ',Distinction
Phone 116.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
We are in the market for good
togs of all kinds delivered at Clinton
or Bayfield, or where they can be
loaded on truck.
Custom sawing wilt be done as
usual at Clinton and Bayfield.
McEwan Bros...;
Phone 624r4, Clinton central. 13-tf.
"Received your cheque for $40.43
on note and want to thank
you for the capable manner in which
you attended to this matter." Taken
from a letter dated January 21st,
Can we be of service to you? : Re.
member our terms "no collection no
charge for our services",
Collection Specialists,
Est. 1890. ' Bank reference on request.
A limited number of young cattle
to feed. Apply to Roy Eason, Gode-
rich township, R. R. No, 2, Clinton.
Phone 602r41, Clinton. 16-2-m.
For Sale
A quantity of choice mixed hay, al-
so second hand farm implements and
other articles. Must be sold by Maaoh
1st. William McDonald, ,Bayfield,
Phone 603x15, Clinton central. '18-2.
For Sale
Beatty Electric washing machine in
good running order. One set of plat-
form scales, 500 lbs. and up, rebuilt
at London scale works, A. Seeley.
For Sale
First class residential property in
good location. Price reasonable. Ap-
ply F. Fingland, Clinton. 83-tf.
i or Sale
A frame house, on Albert street,
five rooms, 1-4 acre lot, town water,
in fair condition. Forefur;$her petit -
milers apply to Frank ''Fingland,
Clinton, or executors, Harry McCool,
Blyth, Ont., or 3. W. McCool, Lon-
desboro. $0-#,
Cleaning and Pressing
Suits, Coats and Dresses
If not open work may be left at
Heard% Barber Shop,
'A New World -Wide Model'
Giving Eight -Tube
mnns n
Distinctive and iuoderne in design,
this new cabinet possesses an eye an-
neal so; characteristic of all DeForest
Crosley models. The front panel is of
choice Butt Walnut centre, -with rare'
figured Oriental Walnut on either
aide. The pilasters are fluted, giving
a harmonious effect with the wing
panels of matched Butt Walnut with
sliced figured Walnut border on the
top part. The top of the,cabinet is of
selected Sliced Walnut. This set has •
large 3 -band colored Aeroplane tun-
Ing dial for "ease in tuning Police and
Foreign Stations, Resonance light is
located directly at top of dial for con
venience, and its six new -type tubes,
two being dualpurpose, give eight -
tube performance. The speaker is al
10" Dynamic, with a
.$full rich tone . 1'14.9'