HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-01-28, Page 8• ' PAGES THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TRIMS, JAN. 28, 1937; Dressed Hog, by half, per lb 131/20 Choice Beef, front quarter, per lb '9c Choice Beef, hind quarter, per lb. 11c Choice Horne-macle Sausage, per ib. • 15c Jellied Hock, 2 lbs. for 35c Shoulder Roast of Pork, per ib. 18c Rib Roast of Pork, per Ib. 19c Loin Roast of Pork, per lb. 20e Large Cuts of Meat at a Right Price. Highest Prices Paid for Hides. C4NNE,LL & TYN ALL "941,F417ne 221VS LEADING MEAT 111).!.t.Rert IctET " .0.001.11•••••••••••••••• DOMINION HARDWARE STORE. SPECIALS HOCKEY STICKS FOR 25c and 35c SKATES, To Clear at 50e and 75c a Pair HARRINGTON DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN $8.00 RIFLES, 24" Barrel, one with pistol grip, your choice at $7.50 WE HAVE A GOOD RANGE OF AMMUNITION ONE SMALL SIZE QUEBEC,HEATER, at $14.00 ONE LARGE SIZE QUEBEC HEATER, at $17.50 ' FURNITURE DEPARTMENT THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE $69•50 Silk Repp Covering, Reversible Cushions, GUARANTEED NEVER -SAG PRODUCT STUDIO COUCH, first -grade covering Can be easily made into double or single beds . $24.50 OCCASIONAL ROCKING CHAIRS SOLID WALNUT $6075 Our new stock of Lamps and Mirrors are different in design & material. You are invited to see them. Sutter -Perdue --Beattie FURNITURE, HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E. Perdue, 151w. -PHONES- J. A. Sutter, 147w. For a Full List of the Many Bargains to be found in this Store at the present time. 4.••01•1.111.10111•1:111111111==.1.111111. Clifford Lobb CLINTON THE STORE WITH THE STOCK. IIIMMOMPOPE0.0..0.61011:6,1•10.1.1 1 SCOTT'S GROCEM Phone 86 -Prom t Free De ivory Tea Cup. Tea (Orange Pekoe, lb. 65c (Free China with each pound) .Aylmer Choice Tomatoes, 2 tins 19e Ayl. Jumbo Peas, Choice, 2 tins 25c Heinz Baked Beans, Vegetarian 2 tins for 27e Heinz Red Kidney Beans, 2 for . . .. ....... „ 27c Kippered Snacks, Per tilt 5c Weston's Royal Cream Sodas, 2 lbs. for 29c Red Rose Tea,' half lb. 28e (With Free Scribbler) Aroma Coffee, per lb. 43c (Free China Cup and Saucer) Dill Pickles, 14 oz. bottle, 2 for 27c Shrove Tuesday P E 11) The annual Shrove Tuesday supper, under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's church, will be held in The Parish Han on Tuesday Evening,Feb.9 From 5 to 7 MENU: ' Dressed Roast Pork, Roast Beef, Escalloped Potatoes, 'Carrots and Peas Salads, Jellies and Picides. Lemon Pie, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream, Tarts, Rolls -Tea -Coffee Admission, Adults 35c, Children 25c. gational singing, led by Rev. G. G. Walker Butter Cream Sodas, 2 lb. 25c Burton, a mouth organ selection by Miss Margeret Crich; readings by Palmolive Soap Flakes, 3 lbs. for 25e M. F. Waiters and Mrs. Harold Eggs Wanted -Highest Market Try Our Grading. Price Crich; solos by Mr. E. Whitmore and ' Rev. G. G. Burton, with Miss S. Whit- more as accompanist. TUCKERSMITH The annual congregational meeting of Turner's church took the form of a congregational fowl supper in the basement of the church on Friday ev- ening, Jan. 22nd. Much credit is due the committee in charge for the fine supper served to over 100 people. The annual reports were given at the bus- iness meeting, which followed the ' supper, showing an encouraging bal- • ance on hand with which to begin 1937. Two new elders Mr. Howard Crich ancl4,1VIr. P. Townsend, were ap- pointed for three years and' two new stewards, Mr. A. Pepper and Mr. E. ' Townsend, also for 3 years. The fol- lowing program was given: a violin solo by Warren Whitmore, congre- , FOR ATTENTION oF 'Ilion WHO BWFRES HIGH-GRADE CHINA We offer eur Savoy, Decoration of "Elite" Limoges (French) China at HALF PRICE. The dull gold band 3-16 inches wide with inner gold bait. line on finest white china body gives a dignified white and gold effect. Plain shapes with full gold handles throughout. • We trust you will appreciate our offering as follows: Reg. Price Now Coffee Cup and Saucer, 50c 25c 61/s inch Plates 8.75 Doz. 4.38 Doz. 71/2 inch Clates 10.65 Doz. 5.33 Doz. 81/2 inch Plates 13.00 Doz. 6.50 Doz. 71/2inch Plates 10.65 Doz. 5.33 Doz, Soups 8.75 Doz. 4.38 Doz. Oatmeals 7.75 Doz. 3.88 Doz. Fruits 6.25 Doz. 3.13 Doi. and Casseroles, Cake Plates, Butter Tubs, Cheese Dishes and several others too numerous to list here. This is your chance to get a really fine quality China at prices which are so favorable. We have a limited number of some articles listed and pieces such as plates, fruits, etc. may •be purchased individually as well as by the dozen. MA. Sipley is visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. Jos. Crich. A new piano has been installed in S. S. No. 3 to be used in the musical training under the direction of Miss Beatrice Greene of Clinton. Better hurry and get one of our 19c sets of stationery. We still have some left. As appeared in our last ad. we are still offering a 60 sheet note pad and a pkg. of envelopes for 19c. or a Foldover, 40 sheet pad and en- velopes for 19c. Both sizes in either kid or linen finish. STANLEY (Crowded out last week) Mr. Hugh McKenzie has returned home after spending the past two months at Moose Jaw, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pepper spent a few days at Niagara Falls, visiting their son, Lorne, who is at' present sick with the flu. Mr. Hugh Gilmour, Andrew Gil- mour, Charles Falconer, and Geo. T. Baird spent Tuesday at Waterloo, The W D. Fair G Often the Cheapest -Always the Best aosseel;41„, Rev. K. MoGoun was in Toronto last week -end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson were in Lon- don Friday and Saturday last. Mr. C. J. Wallis, who returned recent- ly from the East, left Tuesday on a business trip West. Rev. Dr. Dougan returns this week after a fortnight's vacation, during which he visited his old home in Montreal. Mr, Gerald Holmes of Teronto was home over last weekend with his parents,' Mayor W. S. R. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes. Mrs. (Rev.) A. P. Addison of Coni- ston has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Tre- wartha and with other friends in the vicinity, Mrs. Thos. Cardwell, who was spend- ing the winter with relatives in Redlands, California, was called home owing to the illness of her youngest son, George. Messrs. Edward Floody and W. E. Floody of Toronto were here last week -end, coming up to attend the funeral of the formei's brother-in- law, the late Arthur Cantelon. Miss Dorothy Corless was in Strat- ford last week attending the Huron - Perth Winter School, which was held under the auspices of the Lon- don Conference of the United Church of Canada. Miss Lula Crich of Toronto is spend- ing a short vacation at her home in town, having come up last week ow- ing to the serious illness of her en- ly brother, Earl Crich, whose death occurred on Sunday. PORTER'S HILL The sleet storm Sunday night has made the highways' very dangerous. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott moved in- to their new house Monday. Just two weeks ago the home was destroyed by fire, so very little time was wasted in replacing it. This miniature will serve for the winter months and next sum- mer Mr. Elliott intends to build an up to date residence. On Friday afternoon the annual meeting of Grace church was held. A good many were present and reports were ,read by the different organiza- tions, each showing a spleMid year. All debts were paid for the year and some money that was borrowed last year was paid off. Mr. Allen Betties was appointed steward, to fill the placd vacated by the retirement of Mr. Fred Elliott, who wished to re- tire as he has a heavy summer's' work ahead of him. Wilmer Harrison was again appointed superintendent of the Sunday School. Rev. R. M. Gale was extended an invitation to remain for another year. He thanked his people for their thougtfulness and kind invitation to remain. • Ile said he especially wished to thank those who had been .so faithful during the year. On Friday evenirig a large number enjoyed the dance at the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Cox return- ed last Sunday after a lengthy visit in London. , ONE FRIEND TELLS :ANOTHER .introssworift;o1.40,46.411041...joutpausopaimawawasoosuolifromapotfraraA AND WHITE 41 Alwaye inthe Itamil race ntg 4, ; • CONTINUING SPECIAL 5e and 10e SALE • INTRODUCING SPECIAL LENT AND FISFUSALE PAYING EXTRA F' .10E FOR EGGS IN TRADE t For 50 Sardines . . 5e Ammonia . . • 5c Washing Soap 50 Jelly Powder 5c Tomato Juice 50 Macaroni, per lb. 5e Table Mat 5c Carbolic Soap AND MANY OTHERS. 111111011MIMMIEmMOMMOSI. r I 411 Lexia Raisins 10c Peanut Butter 10c Prunes, per Ib. 10c Minute Tapioca 10c Dried Peas 100 Ice Cream Mixture 10c Manning's Cheese Thins 10c MANY MORE. • F 15e Marmalade . . 15c Catsup : . 15c ' Green Peas 15c Whole Tomatoes - 15c Cowan's Cocoa • 15c Golden Spray Cheese • 15c Cheese Thins • • 15c Libby's Spaghetti • 15e Cascade Salmon 15c - Fruits iSweet Juicy Orange, per dozen Grape Fruit (Pink), 4 for Grapes, per lb. • 18d Lemons, per dozen 29c Lettuce, Head, 2 for 19c 39c and 49c 250 Veget,t1bIles Heart Celery, 2 for 19c Fresh Spinach, 3 lbs. for 25c New Beans, per lb. 15c New Beets, 1 bunch • 10c New Carrots • 10c FISH -Frozen Herrings, White Fish, • Fresh Filletts, Smoked Filletts. Codfish, Red Salmon. Milleli111111111111117, "Sells for Less"Where Price Prevails iatetsrrasmlipstel.g. .3.1l011•1110•11.1.91•010.0001100101 Good Humor Breakfast Food • 23c Campbell's Chicken and Rice Soup, 2 for 25c 1111011:0101221121107115293151011122:r cuNrows BIG 2 CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 RtnowortriteitafibesKtowthowinegskPoramerskffikomeadAgsemaa'APN RILEY'S GROCERY. Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Baking Needs Purity Flour, 98's . $3.65 Purity Flour, 24's 93e Benmiller Pastry Flour, 24's 83c Benmiller Pastry Flour, 7's 27c You have tiled the rest - Now try the best. Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. for 23c Dates, with Pitts in, 3 lbs. 19c Isobel Woods; assistant, Verna Har- ris; Social committee, Loraine Cox, Thelma Johnston, Alvin Betties, Glen Lockhart; Leader of discussions, FredEIiiott. Elliott. This evening (Thui:sday) the young people are having a social evening as an opening night for their society for the New Year, On Sunday, Jan. 31st, communion will be administered. All members are asked to be present. Mrs. Thos. Betties is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Young. Dates, Pitted, 2 lbs. for 23c r's• The Best of Corn Meal, 6 lbs. 23c Prunes, Medium, 2 lbs. for 17c Prunes, large, 2 lbs. for 23c Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. for 25c Shredded Cocoanut, 1 lb. 25c Loose Cocoa, 2 lbs. for 25c Brown Sugar, 4 lbs. for 19c' Forest City Baking Powder, qts, 33c Forest City Baking Powder 25c (Free glass tumbler) We Buy and Grade Eggs for which, We KNOW that we are paying the' Highest Prices in Cash or Trade. RILEY'S SPURS MTH-HI-SR at the Cash Discount Store Mild Cheese, per lb. Bulk Cocoanut, per lb. 18c 17c ICollogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for ....23c Post's or Pep Bran Flakes, 2 for 23c Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs. for 27c McCormick's Toasted Sodas and Jersey Creams 11c Christie's Zephyr Cream Sodas 13c Large Club House Olives, 11 oz. 22c Preserved Cranberries, 21 oz. jar 25c Assorted Mixed Cookies lb. (While they last) Highest Prices Paid for Butter and Eggs. 10c Sid's Food Shop • Phone 307w -Free Delivery.. Where you buy for less because you buy for cash. Spring Flowers Spring Flowers are now more plentiful and quality is excellent. How about using them for Bridge Prizes? They will carry a cheery message to your sick friends or to a shut-in or would be useful 'for any social occasion. We Have - DAFFODILS, TULIPS. SNAPDRAGONS, STEVIA, ETC. and always Dale's Roses and Carnations. 1 WANDERING JEW Easily grown in either water or earth, attractive for wall vases. 10c A BUNCH. F. R. CUNINGHAME Phone 176 'and 31. Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. ALL Hocoley Sticks and SK TES To Clear At • family to new Dodge car. At the annual meeting of the God- erich Township Men's Club, Mr. Jim 20 Discount Sterling was elected president, Allen 0 Betties vice-president, Ray Cox sec- retary, and Glen Lockhart, treasurer. On Thursday evening the election BUY NOW AND SAVE. of officers for the Y.P,S. was held and resulted as follows: Hon. -Presi- dents, Mrs, R. Torrance, Rev. R. M, Gale, Fred Elliott; president, Dora Harrison; vice, Elva Elliott; treasur- er, Don, Harris; secretary, Betty Har- ris; missionary convener, Eleanor Cox; Literary convenor, Wilmer Har- • rison; Christian stewardship, Argyle Mr. Allen, I3ettles has treated his Lockhart; Social, Ray Cox; - pianist, • Phone 244 5 fflS HARDWARE 'and PLUMBING • e' J • We found some bargains at the furniture exhibition and the stock is coming in, and we will pass the savings on to you, HERE THEY ARE: . 5 DIFFERENT STYLES and COLORS of CARD TABLES FROM $1.25 to $1.90 A NICE NEW RANGE OF STUDIO COUCHES in good coverings, Spring -filled cushions, and very comfortable PRICE RANGE . $29.00 to $45.00. A Lot of FOOTSTOOLS in different shapes and coverings AT REAL BARGAINS. Also a 9 -PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE in Birch Walnut, A SNAP AT •$88.50 HARDWARE DEPARTMENT This is the time to use the famous DR. HESS PRODUCTS. We carry a large stock of Stock Tonic, Hog Special, Poultry Pan- a -Min, and Disinfectants, as well as other tonics that will pay you When they are ready for the market. We have a few Good SECOND HAND RANGES at BARGAINS. BALL & ZAPPE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK -PHONE 195. General Hardware, Furniture and Floor Coverings FUNERAL DIRECTORSAMBULANCE SERVICE. -N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. ‘''sr•%War, WitativIkAAA di.f.174;1',2013 PHONE 111 CLINTON Specials • tor Tjahrlin:i-ini:Sat. 9, 30 Aylmer Peaches, No. 2 ;Squat size tin 16c Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins 21c Aylmer Peas, No. 4 sieve, 2 tins 25c Aylmer Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. jar Aylmer, Catsup, 12 oz. bottle Aylmer Pie Cherries, 2 - 2 -oz. tins ll Loose Soap Chips, 3 lbs. or Comfort ,Soap, 3 bars for Castile Soap, 8 cakes for Princess Soap Flakes Super Suds Free, 1 Sall Pkg. Toilet Tissue, Interlake or White Bear, 3 rolls 25c Cracked Wheat, 5 lbs. • 19c Five Roses Flour, 7 ib. bag 35c 'taking Powder, Superior,, 16 oz. tin • 23e Prunes, Large Size, 2 lbs. for • , 25c 12c 29c 13c 23c 25c 14c 250 16c 2 -in -1 ;Shoe Polish Paste, tin Pure Black- Pepper, quarter lb. ; 4,:fina.;antigird Ry;;WAmtogt.N,R1,,