HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1937-01-14, Page 8PAGE 8• ' • - THE'CLINTON 1,TEIVS-RECORD . . 'rnurts., 11; 1937' • CHOICE BEEF BY THE FRONT QUARTER........ 81/2c Cash DRESSED PORK, by half, per lb. ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..13Y2c 20-LI.I. PAIL SCHNEIDER'S LARD ......$3.10 BAKE -EASY SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for DOMESTIC EASIFIRST and CRISPYFLAKE SHORTENING 15c BACON, BREAKFAST, in piece, per ............. . . 28c COTTAGE ROLLS, Smoked, per lb. .. ... . . .... . 24c P.M. COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. ........ .. ..... , 20c DRY SALT PORK, tier ib. 18c CONNELL, & TYNDA1414 "CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE. ,SPECIALS HOCKEY STICKS FOR • 25c and 35c SKATES, To Clear at 50c and 75c a Pair HARRINGTON: DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN $8.00 RIFLES, 24" Barrel, .one with pistol grip, your choice at $7.50 WE HAVE A GOOD RANGE OF AMMUNITION ONE SMALL SIZE QUEBEC HEATER, at $14.00 ONE LARGE SIZE QUEBEC HEATER, at $17.50 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT Everything in Floor Coverings, all 1937 patterns, such as Linoleum, by -the -yard, Congoleum and Floor Oilcloth, Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs. SPRING MATTRESS SPECIAL. 285 coil springs, rolled edge, panel ticking, 5 year guarantee stamped on label, 3 sizes for $20.75 Other Spring Mattresses, $19.95, $15.95 and $13.00 Stuter--Perdue-Beattie FURNITURE, HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E. Perdue, 151w. —PHONES— J. A. Sutter, 147w. . _. RILEY'S GROCERY. 4 lbs. Macaroni 19c ,.f 4 ths. Br. Sugar 19c 2 lbs. Icing Sugar 19c ''.` \,----,----7,-",-- 4 lbs. Corn Meal 19c • , ;,,...:: -le • b.. P. .,, - • 1/4,^ 1"' 1-2 lb. Bl. Loose Tea 19c 4'1 • !_':,,_—...;•,------- - '' 10 MS. Cook. Onions 19c Blue Ribbon Tea, lb. 50c Pumpkin, lge. tin, 2, 19c Try this—It is good Pork & Beans, 2 for 19c Lge. Pink Salmon, 2, 19c Blue Ribbon Coffee 39c Brunswick Sardines, In Vacam Sealed Glass— Try it—It is wonderful. 4 foie Ile II Campbell's Tomato • -. .. , . _. 5 lbs. Cattle Salts 19c Soup, 2 tins for 19c 4 lb. Sulphur 19c P. & G. Soap, 4 for 19c 4 lbs. Rice • 19c Palmolive Soap, 4, ...19c We buy and grade eggs for which we pay lc a doz. I more in Cash or Trade. w kdey's Grocery • Phone 39.—Free, Snappy Delivery. (1,14.0,91,904,4,14.1.1 CASH SPECIALS -Jan. 14, 15, 16 BLUE RIBBON TEA HALF -LB. PKG., Black or Mizell 21C SODA BISCUITS, Walker's 23C 2 1 -LB. BAGS FOR LAUNDRY SOAP, ; 25c . UNWRAPPED. 10 BARS FOR SALMON RED ROSE. 2 1 -LB. TINS FOR 23C HEINTZ SPAGHETTI 23C 2 LARGE TINS, FOR PINEAPPLE SLICES 2 LARGE TINS FOR 23C Clifford Lobb STANLEY The January -meeting of Stanley Community Club was at Mrs. Bert • Murphy's. After a short business meeting at which ways and means 'were consid- ' ered to help the needy, there was a program of readings. These were con,. WHAT 19c 1 w ILL BUY ONE NOTE SIZE PAD (60 Sheet) and ONE PACKAGE OF ENVELOPES • BOTH FOR 19c. ONE FOLDOVER PAD (40 Sheets) and ONE PACKAGE OF ENVELOPES BOTH FOR 19c. These Pad and Envelope Sets ceme in either a kid finish or linen finished stationery. The style, appearance and quality justifies a larger price. • II. V. Morton's Latest Biblical Travel Book, "IN THE STEPS ,OF ST. PAUL" is one of the best books of its kind this season. Now in Stock again AT $2.50. Monopoly, the game of the year. is once more sold out. We expect a new stcok at an early date. Tfle W. D. Fair CO Often the Cheapest—Always the Beat 1 ,Orullf4t12.120110;,, ; ;figotitma Miss Handcock of Toronto is visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. French: Mr. J. Zapfe was in Stratford this week atending the annual Furniture Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E, Erratt of Auburn visited friends in Clinton on Friday last. Miss Muriel Mulholland returned Sat- urday after spending a week with Detroit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton, and Miss Irene spent • Saturday in London visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Layton. Mr. Murray Dale returned to Mon- treal on Friday after spending a couple of weeks at his home om the Huron Road East. Mrs. A. D. Beaton and Holmes return- ed 'Thursday after having spent a fortnight with the lady's daughter, 149.f.fAii of. „ Miss Florence French, who spent the mid -winter holidays with her grandmother and other relatives in town, returned this week to resume her studies at the O.A.C., Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Amy of Burford, accompanied by the lady's mother, Mrs, Emily Jory of Exeter, visited on Saturday last at at the home of the latter's niece, Mrs. G. Holland. Mrs. Beveridge and daughter of Re- gina, Sask., who have been visiting with the lady's sister, Mrs. H. Bartlieff, have gone to Bluevale for a visit with relatives in that vicin- ity. Mrs. P. E. Stewart of Fargo, N. Dalt., is visiting with her nieces, the Mis- ses Wiltse of town, and with her brothers, the. Messrs. Peacock of town and of Hullett township. Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderieh and two of his sons, Dr. 0. M. and Mr. Harold Johnson of Toronto, ,were in town on Monday looking up old friends. Mr. Johnson had spent the Christmas holiday period with • his sons in Toronto, threeof them, and had returned the latter part of hist week. Mrs. E. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald and little Alex. McDon- ald of Stratford visited with their cousins, Mrs. J. Snyder, , Mrs. J. Jervis and Miss C. Agnew on Sun- day last. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and little son and Mrs. John Jer- vis motored to Lucknow during the • day to call on relatives. and Miss Muriel Rathwell. The Feb- ruary meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Welsh and the roll call is to be a "Tongue Twister." Mrs. Will 111cEwen visited in Ham- ilton for a few days with her aunt, Mrs. D, H. Fletcher. Mr. Geo. T. Baird spent a few days visiting his brother, Mr, Wm. Baird ONE _FRIEND " TELLS ANOTHER., • RED AND WBITE Always in the Lead INULD Our Big Sale has turned out a Big Stock ot Winter Goods Will co tinue it for Another week Special Price on Sugar by the bag --- New Price on Janis New Low Prices on Dried Fruits See .Our Hand Bills Dried Prunes, per ib. 10c Dried Peaches, per lb. ••20c Dried Apricots, per lb. • 25c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c iSpecial Sale on Clinton Creamery Butter, lb. 30c , Jewel Shortening, 2 lbs. for 27c 1Schneider's Crispy Flake Shortening, 2 lbs. for 29c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails • SATURDAY NIGHT FRUIT SALE— All Fruits and Vegetables At Clearing -Out Prices, At 8 O'clock -2 Dozen Oranges for 35c. Celery Hearts, Head Lettuce, Large Seedless Or- anges, Juicy Grape Fruits. All10110111.11101•1111611. FISH FLASH—Frozen Salmon, per ib. 15c Special Price by the Fish. Fresh Filletts, Smoked Filletts, and Codfish. CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 49 0.01111=11111169 escort the village policeman to the jail where he was locked up. After an holm's' confinement Berling offered to apologize to Judge Costello if granted permission. After the other items on the court Were finished Judge Costello called Berling before him and accepted his apology. BRUCEFIELD The regular meeting of the W. A. of Brucefield United church was held in the church basement on Jan. 6th. The first part was spent in patching quilt blocks, The devotional exereis- es were conducted by Mrs. H. Aiken - head, then Mrs,,Elliott, the new pre-, sident, took the chair for the business meeting. It was decided unanimously to give the church managers fifty (Mare to help pay the church expen-, ses for the year. We are very pleased to see Mr. John Grainger able to be up town again after his long illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cummings and children of Walton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wheeler. What They Do Not Know About: Canada Amusing examples of misconcep- tions with regard to Canada among United States high school students, as revealed in answers to a question- naire circulated by an American pro- fessor, entertained about 200 teachers gathered at Ottawa. Robert J. C. Stead of the Department of Immi- gration and Colonization was the speaker. Following were some of the exam- ples he quoted as given in replies by high school students to the question- naire about Canada: "I know practically nothing about Canada, excepting that moat of the people live in old villages and are not very rich," "I am terribly ignorant in regard to Canada, and all I think of is fish, snow, cold and ice." "Canada would be all right for fish- ing, but I don't fish." "Most Canadians trap for a living." "My impression of Canada is a lot of land going to waste. There are many forests, rivers, mountains, etc., interspersed here an there with an in- habitant." "Indians make up a large part of the population." "There isn't anything in Canada to interest Americans, but their liquor." "This is the first time I have really thought about the Dominion of Can- ada. They are so close together there ought to be something in scnool a- bout it." Mr. Stead jocularly remarked that he thought one answer given might be regarded as "100 per cent correct." It was: "Canada is a country that has not reached the type of civilization that it should have." "On the whole,' Canadians know much more about the United States than Americans know about Canada," declared M. Stead. In proportion to population, thinadiaa3 travel about three times as much in the United Substitute Constable Jailed For Wearing Hat In Court Charles Berling, a Blyth resident for 50 years, has been relieving J. J. Cowan, • village constable, one of whose numerous duties is tending fires in the basement of Memorial Hall. Court was being held in the base., ment of the hall and as Berling strode through without removing his hat, Joseph Taman, bailiff, asked Berling to take it off. Berling went further and offered the hat to Taman, saying:, "Here it is." Judge Costello called Berling be- fore him and asked how long he had been a resident of Blyth, "Nigh unto 50 years," was the reply. "Not long enough to learn petite- ness," observed his honor, 'sentencing him to 24 hours in jail for contempt States tis Americans travel in Can- tributed by Mrs. Welsh, Mrs. Glen in Toronto. • •• of •court. It Was Tamall'a duty to ada.—Lethiniclge Herald. EVE 1 G ST. JOSEPH'S HALL, CLINTON Mono, Jan. lath COLLIN'S ORCHESTRA Admission, 25c. 14-1-p. SPRING FLOWERS! Yes, they are here now — the Spring Flowers you have been ask-. ing for: TULIPS, SNAPDRAGON, DAF- FODILS, Also Lovely CARNA- TIONS and CHOICE ROSES. Just received a fresh supply of. FERTABS. They are just what your house plants need. 25c A PKT. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. Phone 176 and 31. REAL BARGAINS on all ALLADIN LAMPS in Stock HAVE A FEW HEATERS AND RANGES LEFT. Prices Are Advancing. BUY NOW AND SAVE. HIS HARDWARE ansi PLUMBING Phone 244 LET'S GO The new year is away to a good start, and all indications are for the best business for some years past. Another very important fact, we would like to impress upon you is, that the price of Furni- ture is bound to advance in the very near future, so if you want to save money we wouldsimply say—Buy Now. We are Offering Some SPECIAL PRICES en BEDROOM SUITES and ODD PIECES of FURNITURE while the stock lasts. ONE 5 -PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, Triple Mirrors, Beau- tiful Style, and Finish, With a 25 -year Guaranteed Cable Spring and 5 -year Guaranteed Spring -filled Mattress, $99.50 ALL FDR.. 1 4 -PIECE 5 -PLY WALNUT -VENEERED BEDROOM SUITE, Round Mirrors with same Spring and Mattress as described above $91.75 1 3 -PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE with large $57 50 Triple Mirros. .A Real Bargain . Was $65.00, for AND SEVERAL OTHER SUITES AT SIMILAR. BARGAINS. . Then we will reduce our Stock of DESKS, BOOK -CASES COF- FEE,,, TABLES, END TABLES, SMOKERS, Etc. at 10% Discount. SMALL PROFITS—QUICK RETURNS. BALL & ZAPFE THE STORE WITH THE STOCK PHONE 195. General Hardware, Furniture and Floor Coverings FUNERAL DIRECTORS—AMBULANCE SERVICE. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. PHONE 111 CLINTON Specials for Sat. Jan. 14, 15, 16 Rinso, large pkg. Jam, Rasp. or Straw., lge. 32 oz. jar Aylmer Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins Peas, Country Kist, 2 tins for Sunlight Soap, 4 cakes Lifebuoy Soap, 2 cakes for Soap Chips, Loose, 3 lbs. for Ginger ,Snaps, per lb. Kellogg's All -Bran, lge. pkg. Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs Baking Powder, Superior Brand, Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. for 19c 26c 23c 21c 23c 15c 25c 10e 20c 23c 1 lb. tin 23c 25c Shortening, Hillcrest Brand, Z lbs. Vanilla Extract, 8 oz. bottle 15c 24 lb. bag 79c 13e 27e Pastry Flour, 7 ib. bag. .... 27c Wheat Germ, 2 lbs. for 'oe/ '4'4,r4g0,'PS` 1-tips(pti 3