HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-12-31, Page 4PAGE 4 " THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORA THUDS., DEi 31,,193x9 y'' '• g '' '' .OW E• • COOPER'S STORE NEWS it ;u ANNOUNCING OUR VI 1 a. , onrnenee. n S r 61 tuird* This is the time to Complete your Dinner Set, or get that piece of Chinaor Glass that you have been wanting. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. A. T. COOPER. PHONES: 36w Main Floor, 36j Second Floor tPG Jc�SJc` JAiJc-4Jc'%gA5*OW ct:Jc�►.`oyJc"As�s.'.'/c�S hf ,ao M..•- o,.. l tElatewZOtZ Zt„zt.� a tZtosaRicaw . A tars etf WE EXTEND GOOD 'WISHES TO ALL, AND HOPE THAT THE NEW YEAR MAY BE BOTH BRIGHT AND PROSPEROUS FOR EVERYONE. W. S. R. ((OLDIES PHI. B. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 61. 1 its nitinintahni2Dtt7ntRenEtatrzilt`2BIR:BrIata"aniRenfatRao- rl2z-Btto`iuh3 r9kninkleeRt •Wre.eZ46fA .'1' - -''ria ,44- 4",��'.w��d'P�r1v ow 4 HUMPHREY TWEED BRFCHES In Brown, Grey, or Black 3.25-3.75-3.95 Carharts Overalls & Work Pants SEVERAL MUNICIPALITIES RETURNED COUN- CILS ` BY ACCLAMATION. DAVIS & HERMAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRINGin ;tiaMtatCletglatetatatClatglittattitattnakiMataatatCfatehigatetZtataltaigt5tatateletalata+;,elet: t Brussels—Council—William Clouse, He ' assured the ratepayers that, al - Walter ICerr, WilliamLittle, W. E. though he, had not been in the favor of would Willis. ' : ,new municipal ilain • bu g, he Zurich—Police village ` trustees now make every effort to have it John Gascho, Harry Eiekmeier, Os- prove a success. car Klopp (accls.), The four members of last year's ., Lucknow-Reeve, W. B. Archibald Board of Education, Mrs. Roxie Bea- (accl.). TCouncil=N.E. Bushell, Gar- vers, J. M. Southcott, C. V. Pickard field MacDonald, Dan Ferguson. Al- and A. 0. Elliott, all qualified and re - ex McDermid, J. C. MeNab. coived an acclamation. Mrs. Beavers — board also ward .'Na- and other members of the Dashwood--Trustees—Edward diger, Clayton Pfile, Charles Rinker, spoke. David Tiernan and henry Zimmer, Councillors are—E. M. Dignan and (three to be elected). J. W. Hern, by acclamation.Two Blyth—Reeve—W. G. 'McNair. moreto be ,filled. Public utilities 1ties Councillors -Jasper Cook, Deloss commissioner, L. Penhale. Taman, William Merritt, James Watt. Stephen—Reeve: Reuben Goetz, School board—William Mills, Ab- Chester Mawhinney. ' D;eputy-reeve: Bolam Taylor and William Thuel4,• Edward Lamport, Alonzo McCann. Utility commissioner -James Dodd. Councillors: Thomas Love, John Mor All by acclamation, rissey, Herman Powe, Roy Ratz, Ed- Exeter—Reeve, W. Saunders (acct.) mond Shapton. Council—G. E. N. Dignan, Welling- Policy Villages ton Hern. (New nomination meeting Centralia: Bruce Field, 'John Pol- required), School Board Clarence lard, William WilIert, Pickard', J. M. Southcott, 0. A. El- Crediton: Joseph Bullock, Lawrence liott, Mrs. Roxie Beaver (acct.). P.U. Wein, Emmery Fahrner, (keel.). C.—L. J. Penhale, (aceh). Grand Bend: Ivan Green, William Thirteen nominations for councillor Elsie, Thomas Webb, (Accl.). proved unlucky and a second nomina- Schools tion will be necessary as only two Crediton: Sylvester Wuerth, (Accl,) have qualified for four positions. Dashwood: Robert Hayter. W. D. Sanders, only one to qual- Grand Bend: Arnold E. Ravelle, ify for reeve, has already held the (Accl.). position for five years in the past 12. • LET YOUR NEW YEAR'S' RESOLUTION BE TO FEED Jervis 1 Clinton rand 19% Layirig Mash Makes any Flock do a Better Job. Wishing All A Happy and Prosperous New Year. JERVIS Hatchery & Feeds CLINTON—Phone 194w. • • CENT -A -MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES (Minimum Fares : Adult 75c.: Child 40c.) FROM CLINTON' AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R. STATIONS FRI. JAN. 8 to W, hw, Bowmnvi, Hope,hitbyCobouOsrga, aTrenton Jcat„ llePortBelleville, Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, Morris - :burg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Canipbellfo•d, New- 5narket, Allendale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, OriIlia, Midland, Gravenhurt, Bracebriclge, Huntsville, Callander, North Bay Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on line of Temis- kaming &. Northern Ontario Rly.; Nipissing Central Ely.; Kapus- :kasing, Longlac, Geraldton, Jellicoe, Beardmore. SATSAT. JAN. 9 to h Y "pronto Also to Brantford, Chatham, . Chesley, Clinton, Durham :Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Ilarriston, Ing ersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London; L' istowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St..Cath :urines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walk 'erten, 'Marton, Wingham, Woodstock. & SAT JAN. 9 Locally between Important Stations at which Excursion Tickets are sold—Ask Ticket Agent. ATTRACTIONS—TORONTO—SATURDAY, JAN. 9. National Hockey League Fixture Toronto "MAPLE LEAFS" Vs. Montreal "CANADIENS" TITANIA'S PALACE ON EXHIBITION AT SIMPSON'S ARCADIAN COURT. T102A. } Tickets. consult near- , For Fares, Return Limas, Train Information. . et est Agent. See handbills for complete list of destinations., ;CANADIAN NATIONAL M PEOPLE YOU KNOW Dr. Geddes was with Port Elgin relatives for Christmas. Mi•. George Beattie was with his sister in London for Christmas. Mr. John Clancy of Walkerton is vis- iting his son, Mr. J. T. Clancy of the local depot. VARNA Varna Public Library intends hold- ing its annual meeting on Widnes - day, January 6th, at the home of Mrs. G. H. Beatty. The Board ex- pects a good attendance at this meet- ing. Turn out and show your inter- est in this important village institu- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams of tion, which everyone likes to see Fordwich were Christmas guests flourishing. A list of new books has with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biggart. been added, including seventy books Miss O, Brigham of Windsor spent of fiction and non-fitcion. Some of her Christmas holidays in town the authors are: Lloyd Douglas, Cun- with her sisters. i ningham, Claudius Gregory, H. V. Miss Shirley Bowden spent Christmas Morton, Nellie McClung,- Grey Owl with relatives and friends i n and many others. Hamilton. I Miss G. A. Beatty of London spent Mr. Lloyd Adams of London was up the holiday and week -end at her home for Cbistmas with his parents, Mr.! here. and Mrs. E. Adams. I Mr. Cecil Wylie of Detroit, accom- Mr. Newman `Paterson of S.P.S., To- panied b y Billy Johnston, spent ronto, came up for the Christmas Christmas with friends and relatives. Mrs. Welsh of Ripley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. H. Beatty. The Misses Chuter and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chuter of London spent the holidays. Mrs. Emory Sutot and Miss Lois are visiting the lady's • 'mother, Mrs. S. Lawrence. '^ NO ELECTION (Continued from page, 1) continue., :He said the Knitting fac- tory was making. a small addition and in a few years. might expand, greatly.. He was not pleased with the work done on the streets' this year. He thought some permanent work should be done each year and he did not fa- vor the calcium chloride treatment Mr. Elliott had spoken of. Mr. Elliott, when he sat down, ask= ed permission,to speak again and on receiving it said he was speaking from the experience of the County Engineer who should know something about it, when he claimed that cal- cium chloride was not only a dust - layer but a road -binder. Everyone was somewhat surprised when Mr. Paisley came forward in answer to his name, as he usually slips out when speech -making starts. But he gave a concise report of the work done on the streets this year with a detailed list of the costs. He thanked the voters for the support given hien last year and said if re- turned for the coming year would do his best to serve them well. Mr. Walker thanked his mover and seconder but said he had about made up his mind to drop out. He had been head of the property committee this year and he thought some im- provement might be made in the heating system in the hall. At pre- sent two furnaces and four stoves were on the go, one of the furnaces not all the time, but he thought a cheaper and more satisfactory sys- tem might be adopted. None of the other nominees re- sponded when called and the chair- man said that as Mr. Murdoch, who has served as councillor for the past two years, was present he would like to hear from him if the meeting was agreable. It was, and Mr. Mrudoch spoke briefly. He thanked the rate- payers for their support the past two years. He said he had done what he could as head of the ceme- tery committee to improve that bit of property and would have done more but for the fact that his com- mittee was short of funds and the council did not see its way to allow it any more. He warmly commended m •'the for de t superintendent n the cemetery P fine way the cemetery was kept. It was a credit to the town. Represen- tatives from other towns had visited the cemetery to get pointers in man- aging it, one man having come on four different occasions in his de- sire to learn all he could about its management. Mr, W. E. Perdue of the Hydro Commission, was • also called upon. He spoke very briefly. He said he was pleased to see Mayor Holmes re- turned, as the Commission had need of experienced men. Mr. Churchill will also, as he made o good commis- sioner. Hydro matters were i n good shape, he said and a $55,000 de- benture will soon be paid off. The contract with the provincial commis- sion will soon be out and the renewal will have to be considered. The gathering broke up by the hearty singing of the National An- them. Miss M. G. Rudd and Miss M. R. week -end at the home of their parents Clark spent Christmas and the here. week -end with relatives in Toronto. A lneeting for the nomination of Mr. and Mrs, T. T. Carter were with reeve and councillors for Stanley their son in Toronto for Christmas township for 1937, held in Varna on and the week -end, Monday resulted in the return by ac - Mrs, John Vodden and her daughter, claniation of the old council, namely: Mrs. Scott, were in Toronto for Reeve, Webster Turner, Councillors; Christmas and the week -end. 'Ed. C. Glen, Jr.,, John Pepper, Fred Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cooper and Watson grid Roy Lamont.. little son spent Christmas with the Mr. and Mrs. John Argo of Toren - lady's parents in St. Marys. I to spent the Christmas holidays with Rev. Father Gaffney was in town on the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Monday on his way to his parish McConnell. up north. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Harnwell. of Miss Violet Morrison of Toronto was Goderich called on friends here on home to spend Christmas with her Monday last. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mor- I Miss Sarah Ann Keys returned risen. home Sunday after spending Christ - Mrs. Beveridge and daughter, Miss Inas with her brother, Mr. Amos Alice,, of Regina, Sask., are visit- Keys and family. ing the former's sister, Mrs. Har- ry Bartliff. Mr. John Torrance of The Lethbridge Herald, Lethbridge, Alta., is here for the holiday season. He was accompanied by his two nieces, Misses Joan and Edith Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. John Howson spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and family. Mr. Norman Stephenson and Mr. Jas. M. Reid spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and ri Mr, and Mrs. Lashbrook and Miss family. g The following is the result of the Reta of Mitchell spent Christmas Christmas examinations held at S.S. with the lady's parents. Mrs. No. 6, Stanley. Those marked with Lashbrook remained over for atin asterisk missed examinations: longer visit. I 5th: Jean Reid, 68. Mr. John A. Gibbings of the staff of Sr. 4th: Floyd McAsh, 78; Anna the Vocational School, St Cather- Reid, 78; Roy Elliott, 76. ines, has been spending the Christ -1 Jr. 4th: Harvey Parson, 74; Ger- mas vacation time with his par- trade Smith, 65; Helen Johnston, "'. ants, Mr, and Mrs, B. J. Gibbings.1 Sr. 3rd: Ruby. Reid, 79; Alvin Keys, Mr, and Mrs, Percy Wheatley and 76; Walter Brotherton, 72; Donald Mr. and Mrs. D. S, Cook of To- Kays, 63. r•onto called on Clinton friends last week -end, They had been spend- ing Christmas with relatives in Goderich. Miss Sadie Elliott is spending Christ- mas vacation with friends in De- troit and Royal Oak, Mich. On her way over she stopped off at Wind- sor for a little visit with Rev. F. G. and Mrs. Farrill. Mr: and Mrs. W. Pinner, , Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Steven, Matha- chewan, were here for Christmas with the ladies' mother and sister, Mrs, C. H. and Miss A. Bartliff. Mrs. Steven is remaining for a Mr. Charles Falconer of Bayfield longer visit. is visiting at the home of Mr. Hugh Messrs, Kenneth Rorke, Cobalt, and Gilmour. Edward Rorke, London, and Mr.I Miss Jean McEwen of Brampton is and Mrs. Harry Ambler and two spending the holidays with her par - children; Pontiac, Mich.,- and Miss ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McEwen. Florence Rorke, Toronto, spent the' Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Pepper of Ni- Christniastide with their parents,' agara Falls spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke of town,' the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. K. Rorke is staying the week,' John E. Pepper. Mrs. Fisher and daughter Eleanor of Hensall spent Christmas Day at the home -of Mr. John A. Moffat. Mr. Andrew Gilmour of Keystown, Duff's United manse, McKillop, Sask., is visiting at the home of his was the scene of a quiet wedding brother, Mr. Hugh Gilmour, Thursday at 6.30 when Isabell,' Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit, ;laughter of Mr. and Mrs. William visited at the home of Mr. John Mc- Cunninghanz, Seaforth, formerly of Cowan, and Mr. ;George Baird over Blyth, -was united to Frank Edwin the week -end. Bunt, -of McKillop. Rev, G. E. Mor -I, Miss Kate McGregor of Wingham' vow officiated. The bride wore a and Miss Margaret McGregor of To - becoming gown of rosewood crepe. ronto are spending the holidays with Following the ceremony, dinner was their mother, Mrs. Neil McGregor. Mr, :Mrs E. Brown.and an E. 'ted served tomembers of the immeilia b family at, the home of the bride's Miss Nora of Petrolia and Mr. and parents.- The Yet -mg couple will reside Mrs. A. Neilans of Clinton spent' on. ,the bridegroom's farm in McKil- Christmas with Mr. and ' Mrs. W. RM. I Shaddick. Jr. 3rd: Maud Keys, 71; Mary Mc- Clymont, 66; Frank Smith, 63. 2nd: Leona Webster, 76; Clayton Keys, 76; Gladys Hablcirk, 71. 1st: Mary Reid, 86; Doris Reid, 81. Pr.: Ivan McClymont, Mona Reid, Ross Habkirk, Roy Iiabkirk, George. Keys. Number on'roll, 24; average atten- dance, 23.—T. S. Beattie, teacher. 'STANLEY and Mrs. Ambler and children are making a longer visit at 'home, McKILLOP TOWNSHIP C.A., London, at her home with Mx. and Mrs. Herb. Cox; Miss Kate Wil- liams with her sister, Mrs. Jack Tor- rance; Mr. and Mrs. Les. McMillan and daughter, Margaret, London, with his brothers here; Mr. Erland Bet- ties, Toronto, with'his mother, Mrs. Thos, Betties. • KIPPEN Miss Isobel Alexander of Essex and Mr. Norman Alexander of Guelph are spending the holidays with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alexander and family. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and Master Gerald spent Christmas with Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Linden of Den- field. We are very glad to report an im- provement in health of Miss Norah Petty, who has been quite seriously ill, and we trust she is well on the road to. recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good of Auburn visited recently with their re- latives, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thomps- son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Parsons of Seaforth spent the Christmas week - PORTER'S HILL On Tuesday evening the pupils •of S. S. No. 5 entertained their parents and ratepayers of the Section to a splendid program of recitations, drills, choruses, dialogues and an old time square dance. This number was exceptionally well received as the boys and girls were dressed in cos- tumes of 50 years ago, wide spirts, leg -o -mutton sleeves, high collars, right up to their ears and oh, when that 15 -yard skirt got swinging it was difficult for the poor partner to keep from getting buried under the billows. Another splendid number was the Highland Fling 'in Scotch Kilties by Beth Hayden. Then we must not forget the dialogue by Iva- son Torrance and Billie Harris, "A Cure for Rheumatism," this brought peels of laughter and if any one de- sires the cure just consult either of these boys. A splendid drill of 10 hoboes with their bundle of worldly possessions tied up in a red bandana and .carried over their shoulder on the end of a stick was also good. When the program drew to a close Santa arrived and there were presents from a well -ladened tree, also candies and nuts for the children and they in turn cid not forget their teacher, Miss Elva Elliott, whom they presented with a lovely flower vase. Miss El- liott certainly 'deserves credit for the time and patience spent in training those children. Mrs. Fred Pickard acted as organist and Les Cox chair- man. A silver collection was taken. Then and Wednesday evening an en- joyable program was put on under the direction of the Sunday School. The program though not so long was well presented. There were lantern slides, choruses by the school, dial- ogues, music by the kitchen orches- tra, a Christmas reading was given by Fred Elliott and a very thoughtful address by Rev. 11. M. Gale. ' Wilmer Harrison acted as chairman. Santa was also present at this gathering and candies, nuts and presents were handed out. • Mrs. Verna Harris, assisted by Isobel Woods, lead charge of the mu- sic. Visitors 'in .this district for the holiday were: Mise Dorothy Cox, London University, with her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Cox; Miss Irene Woods, Metropolitan Life, London, with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Mil- •ton Woo'd`s: Miss '.Evelyn Cox, Y.W. end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, George E. Thomson and Will, ' Mrs. Robt. Brownlee of Oregon State is visiting'' her relatives and' friends in this vicinity. We -welcome her back once again to our midst, Mrs. W. F. Alexander spent a day •' In London recently. Y CONSTANCE • Miss H. B. Britton is spending her Christmas holidays with her sister, Mrs. A. Reekie of London. Rev. and Mrs. Britton and family of Brigdon and Mr and Mrs. Andrew Reekie spent Christmas week at the home of thein rents Mr. and M s. f par n x Wm. Britton. Mr. and 'Mrs. Busby and little daughter of Chatham and Mr. and Mrs. I. Davidson and little son of near Brucefield spent Christmas at the home of their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. Lawson. Miss Jean Ferguson is spending a week's holidays ` with her parents near Clifford. Mrs. Nellie Adams is 'a Christmas - week visitor .with her daughter, Miss Verna•of Welland. Fashion Shoppe Wishes You All A Prosperous New Year. TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY— Big Reduction on _ ` _ WINTER COATS; from . up I Other Things As Amazing. GROUP OF DRESSES Prices 'As Low As 2.95 CLEARING OF CHILDREN'S COATS Hat and Muff included. 6.75 FASHION SUOPPE N. Nexttt D000r�, TToa Theatre, Clinton—Phone No.. 67.atOWMAtt �fi.�'iv"i,"f..''.w!i•��fr�A+ O��3i��..tAM�..s,AZai�IFt�_ .�ala '�:�,'y1' HERE'S the biggest radio value of the season . new 1937 Blue Ribbon model with curvilinear speaker, all -metal radioirons, latest advancements. Built & guaranteed by WEST f GH®US+e —Five Tube is Model 511X 7 Superhotero- ttm` dyne ..... EASY. TERMS, TO SUIT W. N. COUNTER is c G c c c c c c c c c c ware emoco lt+ avave 4`tg tstmmata'm-watovv metztat.;t@t;;tgt-0t6ts. 21 M 49 pages of valuable end practical information that will earn extra profits for you • • written, by Poultrymen for Poultrymen. Aslc For it from your local ` oe FEED DEALER 21 4 1 0 REPRESENTED LOCALLY BY— RUSSELL. L. JERVIS