HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-12-24, Page 3THURS., DEC. 24, 1936
At the Barracks'
By HelenGaisfot•d nu
lit e-ry i t lir n,
ley Lynes 2ttyars N
6 Wahl Christmas !" Ma lei it
tiho'nght passtona'rely. She
pressed her fare Mose to the
toy w4'ndOW, so passersby week! not
notice herr 'burning cheeks 'nor tear
Wiled ayes.
Smitletoly she was face' to fat's with
1 et—that averehelnitng hinging for some
1 one to make Chriatmas aortntwhile.
` "Why -am 1 -stair a fool?" she asked
herself a lseratily. "B grown woman
weeping tit a Store Window display 1"
She 'kernel) bt' to her lonely flat,
•and'stootl lookingttn'the:•minror. Thirty -
'two! "i doli't feel old,' sire said.
Alter a Mille she get up and washed'
her face, determined to he sensible.:
She couldti't •Celt yet—She was too;
shrike)—iso the sat down • with the
home paper. No use 'tryleg to avoid ,
the'Christlnas ails, Might us well trace
the fact 'that no one really cared
,,,, Veil, why net' tint! .some one? And,
then, as thougb•In answer, she saw the
! item 'In'tite paper.
':Poor children•of this and neigh-
boring communities will be treat-
•etl'to a real old-fashioned Christ-
mas dinner and tree nt the
McIInley barracks. Officers and
',men are proviiling'turkey and all
'the'trimmih'gs,•and several hundred
Children are •expeeted. Churches
''andsocial agencies are being
*Sired to furnish women` to tact as
Chaperones aind also cars'to' trans.
port' the Children to the'berracks"
.Marcia stepped tttttldiy into the so.
cad welfare'burean. "i wonder if yon
could use mer to help take the•ohildren
ont'to the bar acks:on i!flrristnins, she
,asked. "It wouhl •he 'so .nmch vlieer
than—+ -than wrything Disc.." the'finlshed
'HeeWas'Taking the CoatOff.,a'Tousle.
Headed Boy.
lamely. -She had really meant that it'
woutdobe Meer thart. a•symparthy :ill steer
invitation from one tor tier friends 1'1
even thought maybe, If I .happened to
find'the•rlgdtt.yonngster=f might miopi
Site -stepped, a littte.breu bless. She
hadn't ameaht'to commit ,herself Sri
far. iYet therlacly was very kind,•end
..arllaagemeets were easily mle.
She ,had never been to the barracks
before, and -she thrilled to-the•ride
over the -snowy real, but she was
,wore fascleated,by the children mle•.
,her cave. fTheir•too-bright eyes -gttt-
rtered,.,and 'they ,pressed sharp noses
,against 'the : oar windows, leaning
,marks where they ,had touched,
,Tiley were .expt+ted, terribly excited,
!butJtappy,,tao, ,So was Marcia. !Soy
tetind ,excitement .shone from her eyes.
Making. her esgally ,pleasant but, rather
!plain countenance •tadiont.
the ,stood tail ,end straight In :his
.officers' uniform, .a!+handsome man, not
,)V1aF1y .years her -senior. As soon .as
the children began eating, he oasue
over and iptroateeed himself.
',having ,a _geed ,ti.9)e?" he asked.
?SO fire yon
'ibW tsit?"
Vgittgleits, .of ,eq rse. Don't mind
,iPy bothering, do ,you? I thought you
,seemed, •ivell—tlndersttaanding. When 11
,ayes,looking At ,you—rremember7" Mar-
,cia .nodded. 'tSomebody epee said that
4f you took .into a pet i 's eyes, you
cregte • .a bund that cram never' be
broken. II thntl,w,3vhat he meant, now."
"t] telt ,it, toe;" :Marcia plurmured.
:Cite Hooked about. 'ti spy, ,shall we
ditch ifie !pregratn,? tJ'd lite .to show
youaeawnd the barracks, if you'll let.
inhey didinit ,notice the cold, the fall -
lug. snow, tor, later, the ebildeen's
, ca+rA,1s.
"4oudness'C" Marcia .exelatmed 81t
last, 'Tiieetre -leaving. I must loglk
after gig tangoed- of youngsters."
"Wear 13e caught her hand, held
It fast.-t'J't11 wwd to see•yon again,:
soon. We ;bane so much in common,
You know—we're both lonely, ,rive like
children, we et.10. Oheistmas Pertdes— -
and I want to know if you like hgking
and tobogganing, moytes, operas, Uses
of things. Ate, for i;nstanee."
"Of course,?" answered Markin, "Reit
tet me go now. Here collies that wel-
fare lady." She' pulled away. "We
were just coifing," she apologized;
The lady smiled. "No hurry. - But
I wonder—you stud something, you.
know—ha1.e you deckled, what child
'you want to adopt?"
"Fleavenst"declared Marcia. ''I for -
"Well.• why," asked the Soldier,
"adept One? i anean—walt until next
Christmas. 'Things change so in a
"in 9 day;" Metalled Ila Cla.
IT WAS Christina ee+e acrd Jane
Durrtsora was lnt'e!Part'nfi 'to Mese
the Book anti 'Cunt i shop after a
busy day. The ?door opened and an
elderly man Wearing spectacles and a
white muffler Catered hurriedly.
Setting aside tits gloves and cane%
And )tastily scanning •the shelves, he
said: "I have 'but a few moments to
make a selection; perhaps you could:
assist me. Something for an elderly
Jane was more than a bookseller;
She was reader. And, foo, she could
quickly sense the literary taste of an
individual. Delving Into a case she
brought forth Mrs: Gaskell's "Life of
Charlotte Brpnte"; also "Sonnets from
the Portuguese" and "Ont of Doors to
the Elolyland," all in new holiday bind-
"Here are some delightful gift
books," she remarked.
The gentleman raised 0 pair of sur-
priseii eyes and wonderingly surveyed
the girl, rather than
the books. Draw
Ing •a wallet' from
his inner coat he
"My dear young
lady, your excellent
choice has tempted
me to take all
ttiree." Handing
Jane a card he con-
tinued, "please have
them sent over to
Miss Adelaide ire'•
kills, Barton street,
p,„an,,,,af'"• attnlber 78."
Thanking' her he
dashed out to his eat) and was gone,
"Seventy-eight Burton street!"
gasped Jane, "and the delivery boy
gone for the night on his last round!
hocking the store and with Miss Ad-
elaide Perkins' glft in the hollow of
her arm, the tired girl started orf on
her errand,
Jane and her widowed mother had
lived in Itldgebrook on a small Income.
She attended Miss Edmonds' School for
Girls as a day student and received a
very thorough education. In the eve-
nings Jane worked in the town library.
'Her mother passed away and .lane had
gone to the city. This was her first
Christmas to be alone.
At the Perkins address the.tlnor was
opened by an elderly lady. "IIy good-
ness,. child! A package for mei Do
Step in." But before she could close
the door a boy called oat:
"Telegram for Perkins."
"Yes, yes," she said, ell bewildered.
"Mercy me, where are my glasses!"
and she fumbled around in her pocket,
"I'll sign for you, if 1 may;" said
"Yes, please do—dear, dear, where
.are my glasses! OIL here they are,"
and hiss Perkins' tine patient hands
trembled as she opened the envelope.
"It is from my nieces, the Bosworth
.,girls. • They are driving down from
Hartland tomorrow afternoon rind will
.be here for tea with me around five."'
"Your nieces the Bosworth girls!"
,-exclaimed Jane; "not Emilie and
'.Susan I Why, they were my best
(friends at Miss Esmonds' school," and
'thoughts of Edge- .
;,brook 'duelled
• theough her mind.
:The J.une com-
mencement - Rich:
and Bosworth, the
tall :brother, up
from the .city for
the 'festivities.
"tAnd )don't for-
get, tomorrow at
five," ,Called '.Miss
P e nig itn-a . as 'Jane
was departing.
The ,next :,after
noon Jane tlielped
Miss iPerkins ipnl
the 'finishing touches to a table set in
blue China .of tivlilnay. pattern. There
was the .sounil.of to'motor, then merry
voices , in the /hall. Emilie, Susan,
Itieband, ,13nale,Garroll,'the elderly gen-
tleman who Thad sent :the books, were
greeting Miss +Pedl}ns.
"Why. Jane iL1srnuiaan•!" ;gasped the.'
Bosworth geris ale one !brealh.
Then followed srigh ,evened .exclama-
tions; the. bliss .51 aleuewed fll'iendsrlip.
With a rustle of !iter, ailtken ,silents
Miss Perkins led the wsy So +the,dining-
room. Jane sat opposite M'iohamul, ti^lhe
liked the strength In hie ;bnayntt skint -
dere, his well modulated *dee rind fits
clear honest eyes. Emntiotae of ;newly
nwadtened interest roused her send.
• HteIisrd was beaming agrees the ta-
te at the young woman in the l4,ue
(nock; her quaint Cain, rippling
laughter, the glance of her brown eyes
and the lift of tier prett.v, shoulders.
As the happy gathering moved into
the sitting room Jame felt the warmth
of a targe hand gripping her own stint
one. i,00ltl,ng up, she smiled into Rich-
ard's firm and understanding face.
HAM -Carroll, - rvltp an approving
nod, "stroked his beav(d dee a prophet,
and -reflected upon the words of the
Charms strike theSight
ant merit. Wine oho soul,•
. ..
A$ ROSS LIUT'LON bntshed telling
his little daughter the story of
(.hti iati
sfinas, of the shepherds and
the Christ 'child, and had as tnatfnlly
gas Possible explained abort Santa
Claus, Polly heaved a sigh. "Well. 1
think there's a Santy Claus and I hope
he .brings me a sheep like the ones In
'he stogy."
Tlie day before Christmas, Moss saw
a white woolly lamb in the window of
a toy shop; He was goal he had walked
to his office. Otherwise he might not
haveseen the Iamb. He would stop
on his way home and get It. But one
of the men in the office offered to drive
hen home, so the lamb was forgotten
until he heard Polly ars she was being
put to bed tell her mother she hoped
'Santy" wouldn't forget about the
'sheep." Ross token at his watch and
decided the shop would probably still
he open. Anne called to him to ask
where he was going, and he answered.
'Back in a few minutes."
When he lurked his ear before the
shop, the thought that the lamb might
not he there, struck him for the first.
time He felt much relieved, there-
fore, when he sow . the Iamb in the
As he tucked the package under his
arm and turned to leave the shop, 0
T13E gigantic' Christmas tree in
Fountain square was ablaze with
colored lights and decorations.
Christmas eve had arrived and the
snowy atmosphere wus beautifuily do
positing the finishing touches to the
grand and wonderful community tree.
Even though alt the celebrations had
taken place elsewhere the big tree hail
never failed to stand 1n its place of
hepar in the center of town on Christ•
mos eve.
Mirth, happiness and laughter• fairly
abounded through the Joyous Christ
tuns crowds as they thronged the
streets blinking through the snowflakes
and hurrying on to celebrations. 'rho"
seemed to take the' community, tree
for grunted until thetillustrtous soon('
of sleighbells was heard in the tile
thrice. Sleighbells on Christmas ere-
how delectable) All eyes were turne.l
In the direction from which' they conte
Sona the object of the deitghtful ri!s
turbance clime 'into sight. A _bright
red Sleigh d,nwn by six horses, eleven
ly decorated to represent reindeers
turned the corner and hearted tow>ai•i;
Fountaain sunare. All traffic was stopped
Santa Claus Had Brought Her Sheep
and a Baby Doll.
little boy came tn. Bess, heard him
ask the proprietor If ice still' had the
Iamb that was In the :window that
morning. He was told the gentleman
just leaving had bought it. '1Oh," the
disappointment he felt showed in his
volte. Wasn't there something else be
would like? But there didn't seem
to be anything ease.
As he got into ills car Ross caught
sight of a small boy standing before
the window, his gaze fastened on the
piece where the lamb Had been. He
seemed so disappointed, it was too bad
there wasn't another lamb for hen,
Ross thought as he drove away, But
probably something else would catch
his fancy and he would forget all about
the lamb. Children were like that,
Ross wondered though if Polly would
have forgotten so easily. Re scarcely
thou4ht so. The poor little thing would
have been mightily disappointed. He
was glad he had remembered before it
was too late.
But try as he wouldhe couldn't get
the picture of the little fellow out of
his mind. Halfway home he turned
his ear around and went buck to the
shop, The boy had left, so Ross asked
the proprietor if he could tell him
where the boy lived. He lived Just
around the corner. He,often came into
the -shop. Tonight he had conte to
buy the little lamb for his slnall sister,
and was so disappointed when he
found it gone The proprietor had tried
to interest him In something else, but
he hadn't been successful in doing it,
Ross Interrupted to know in Just which
house the boy lived. Then in order to
have some satisfactory excuseto offer
at home, he bought a baby doll for
When somewhat later he:eame into
the living room where Anne was busy
trimming the Christmas tree, she want-
ed. to know where 00 earth he had
been. Be shook his head and puthis:
finger to his lipsas a warning not to.
waken Polly. He pieced the package
under the tree and with a happy smile
he began Helping with the work of
'd'he next molting be was awakened .
by Polly's happy, cry that she knew
there was a "Santy Claus" because he
ltd brought, her a "sheep", and a baby
doll Just as she asked him to, Ross
sprang out of bed and into the living.
rooat. Where could' the "sheep": have
come from7 For there was Polly with'
a lamp under ole arta and the doll
under the other.
,'where?" !toss asked, pointing to
the lamb Anne whispered that she
had nought ft,
"!;here is a Santy Clans, Isn't there,
Bodily?" Polly's voice implied she was
gtvlpg ,information rather than asking
Ross heartily agreed with _ her:
'There ,geatninly Is a Santa anus be-
yond a douubt.".
4i) Newspaper Union.
Christmas Boxes
,living Christmas boxes is said to
spring from an old) custom of priests
putting on board of ail out -going ships'
boxes for alms, 'These were opened at
Christmastime and masses said for the
rivers of the> alms. The box was
'ailed Christ mass box and from this
unies lite eltfitDln of ,Uhrlstinti0 boxes
,nit gifts,
Instantly las the children nude n frau
tic 'rush rto meet their Snntn—the real
Santa Claus front the North pule.!
"Il must be the real' one," shoot •l.
one little fellow, "for only the tealb
true one has reindeers. 1 know, tats,
my mother told me so."
'Midst wild shouts of merchnote
Santa, himself, in his height red and
white costume and long white beard
alighted from the sleigh with a Jovial
good-natured, "Merry Christmas, merry
Christmas to you all t" The citildreo
swarmed about hint in aneontrniinhtc
confusion as he Joyously dragged forth
pack after pack bulging with bright
colored toys and dolls of ail descrip
Rona. .
What could it'tnean? Who wa8 1115
strange real Santa Claus with sleigh
and reindeers from the North pule?
'The people marvelled! The children
were boisterous and completely out n'
control. Everyone forgot his own pan•:
ticu]ar celebration and lingered on to
see what it was all about. •
Then Jolly old St. Nicht, his heard
flowing in the breezes, began digging
down lute his packs and passing out
the toys to the youngsters..'
"Oh, boy!" shouted one, "see what
I got—an airplane," Then two little
girls .cried out, Joyously, as they um
wrapped golden -haired dollies.
On and on Santa continued as the
crowd become greater and greater and
the snowstorm grew heavier and'heav-
ler. Santa's packs seemed to be end-
less. Soon gay colored balloons, deems,
harmonicas and gold .and sliver -horns
were in evidence on all sides, adding-
ddin-to the gayety of the Christmas party '
There was a lull as Santa Clans deg
down into still another' peek. This
time he began hurling large; oranges
and sacks of candy into the crowd
and they were ditching them 'midst
)Huth latigliter and. excitement. Santa himself was having the time
of his life, Even more so, than the
happy crowd about 'him. For he was
chuckling within,' because he had been
reminded by a Christmas messenger
of love to do this very thing and to
become the community Santa Clans.
Finally the crowd became impatient
to' learn who their strange, chuckling -
Santa really was._ Who could It, he.
who had given so generously and lm -
partially to all? But before they had
time to speak, the jolly old fellowwas
jostling past people, snow and traffic
until he scrambled into his sleigh.*
"(tet up, reindeers!" he shorted.
With a jerk the sleigh bounded for-
ward with Santa wildly shouting;
"Merry Christmas, folks, merry Christ.
'mas.'to all t"
But he -wasn't to get away so easily
for the next moment a strong north
wind, whistling around the corner, tore
off whiskers. mask and all, and Santa
Clans stood revealed in all his ember-'
rassment !
A hushed silence at first anti then a
wild shout of Joy and surprise fang
through the Christmas atmosphere.,
'Twas "Indian Pete," the town's most
confirmed miser. Never Inall their
lives had they seen such a glorious
smile on his Pare, as he gazed out from
his Christmas regalia and offered his
hand In friendly greeting to all.
"Indian Pete" (so named because of
Ills love for the outdoor life), had
given, without thought sof receiving:
and had incidentally received name
than he ever could have received mit
teciaily—the respect and ,tderaatton et,
the whole town.,
the CHRISTMAS S t o Rockies l I
. felt thrilled, excited, as our train
wound its way in and out
through the mountains, thundering
through the crisp, pine -scented air.
Now, we were climbing an almost pre-
cipitous grade, now, slowing down for
a dangerous curve, while every little
while as a stretching plain was reached,
the steady hand upon the throttle sent
the long line of cars speeding like an
arrow through the bright December
We were on our way to spend Christ-'
mas with 'Uncle Jerry and Aunt Emma.
They had sent a hearty invitation for
us'to come out, and now we were al-
most there. I held
my breath at the
sheer beauty of the
scene that stretched
before our e y e s.
Mountain peaks
that seemed to
touch the sky, can-
yons dropping thou-
sands of feet, lakes
covered by glitter -
Ing thicknesses of
ice, vivid gree n
pines, looking like
giant Christmas
trees. I had never
seen, never even
visualized anything so beautiful.
A loud shriek from the big whistle,
a slow crunching and grinding of
brakes, and our train came to a stop.
Uncle Jerry, rosy and smiling, .stood
waiting upon the platform, giving dad,
mother, Helen and myself a true west-
ern welcome.
"Aunt Emma is all excited about
your coming," he beamed.
A short drive through a wonderland
of beauty, and the big sprawling ranch
house came in sight. Aunt Emma
stood in the doorway, and a cowboy,
who was grooming a pony, looked curi-
ously at us. I wanted to loop around
before going indoors, but tantalizing
odors from the kitchen made me sud-
denly realize how hungry I was.
All was hustle and excitement, hurry
and preparattion. Even the horses apt]
pontes In the corral seemed excited, as
if they sensed something in the air.
The afternoon and evening went by
on wings.
Christmas morolag dawned upon a
world that looked even lovelier than It
had. yesterday. A million jewels hung
on bosh and nee. a sky of turquoise
•stretched Itself across the snow-eev.
ered mountains and valleys.
Inside the tene t; hoose a tire or
crackling Ings threw Its ruddy. ;low
over the living room, The dining table
was spread with weft 11 le foods Break-
fast of Koine -cured ham and saasuge.
fluffy flapjacks anti s1'1'tlip 8 tilling hot .
coffee with Melt Credal
'Then a sitort drive to the tittle
church, an insph'htg talk by the pastor,
vt d rite strains of
the old and beautiful
Ch rletaaus hymns;
to ighhors noel
et!Iellda s 1 Op ping
Uuel e .ferry end
tent Pl111a 10
vise them "Merry
Bach aguln
Menial the clear,
frosty stir, end ta-
re!. the. big "Christ-
mas dinner. (]nldea-
brown turkey and
*ermine on a hig,
blue platter. a huge
mound of snowy potatoes, native vege•
tables and- relishes, tempting pieces or
mince and piin!pldn pie. And hest of
all, an appetite that only the Hann
talus can give..
A. hundred things to see during the
afternoon, the horses and ponies, the
ranch. equipment, the silver fox farm
that: Uncle .leiy hall Just started, and
a special show the Cowboys put on for
our benefit.:
Food again in the evening, and af-
ter, a happy titre attend_ the tire. 'file
Cowboys Standing around the piano,
where Helen played the old Christmas
carols, their lusty voices joining In the
beautiful words. t I thought. of the
beautiful' setting outside as they sang:
Silent Night, 11o(y Night!
All. is calm, all is bright,.
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant 00 tender aid mild,
Sleep In heavenly peace)
I stole outside for a few minutes' as
they went on to the next lines. A' new
moon was sending its silvery light
down upon the world, a million stars
added their smatter gleam. Around me
I felt the faint, mysterious noises of
night. in ti,e open places, the stirring
Of unseen, unknown things. My' lips
and heart Joined In the worths that
floated out from the warm, lamp -lit
Spent Night, ldoty Nighty
Shepherds quake at.. the eight!
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia;'.
Christ the Saviour Is born;
1 have spent many a happy and
memorable Christmas. hint never one
as wonderful, 05 llufnrgettalile, as this
Chrislnlas Spent in the. itocities,
p" Western Neiw-+paperlln!on.
Christmas Twenty Daps
in Norway the Christmas celebration
continues for 20 days.