HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-12-10, Page 10AGE is THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., DEC.10, 19304' Beef, Choice Quality, Front quarter 8c Beef, Choice Quality,' hind quarter Dressed Pork, by the half ....,,; Head Cheese, per lb. Jellied Hock; per Ib. Ter 10c 12e 10c 20c` Breakfast Bacon, in piece, per lb. 286 Smoked Picnics, shank, off, per Ib. 18c. Cottage ' Rolls, .per lb.' 24c' P. M. Cottage Rolls, per Ib, 20d We pay . at the present time 51/2c a lb. for good Beef Hides. C'' St NELL & TYNDALL.* " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " f Phone 162. Albert Street o ra'•ur'7 ora,,tr`"3t36,,aem,wei aa��r'ti>wyoF:Mr`3'tY Dd`r rat",20, Yi ire ......- rs"ir57a"virm7`> m.a .`4emetzs "-TgP�•`ie zee msam 'eFiP. metwas£ vettateP.. '' a :Gt6izetr DO1V i MON HARDWARE STORE v 1 These AI y Interest Y �° u: 5 EDISON MAZIJA BULBS, For $1.00 11 PAIR DOUBLE -LINED HORSE -HIDE MITTS, $L00 c ENGLISH CHINA TEAPOTS in several colors and designs $1..00 LANTERNS witk. PYREX GLASS 51.00 ASBESTOS STOVE MATS, Large Size $1.0,0 GALVANIZED BOILERS .:: 11 00 WE STILL. HAVE A;FEW CUPS AND SAUCERS TO CLEAR At 1.0c FOR THE PAIR. GET YOTJR SHARE OF THESE. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT TAPESTRY TABLE RUNNERS, SPECIAL 98c CHESTERFIELD CUSHIONS in assorted colors, three sizes Priced from ..... ..:...........................52.00 to 53.50 ,11 , LARGE STOCK OF END TABLES; SMOKERS, MAGAZINE • RACKS; CENTRE TABLES, LAMPS Of All 'Kinds. ' MANY OTHER ITEMS SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Sutter -Perdue-.- eattie FURNITURE, HARDWARE, • FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E. Perdue, 151w. . -PHONES-- J. A. Sutter, 147w. Strh ^t.ir aT; r;:n ralrter9W::nati. oMt.um obwn-Dtm ag77monl ; S alar 01 d caziat�. CIVele a,u;M-t04-l= kk,W'seascatecin'c, eSeiGitekt-iaise5 Cash Specials -Deco 10-11-12 Blue Ribbon Coffee 9 IN GLASS CONTAINERS, Per Lb, 45 Pastry Flour 24-L13 SAILA 63c Corn Syrup BEEHIVE or EDWARDSBURG, 5-L13. TIN 35c g Laundry Soap UNWRAPPED, 5 BARS FOR Shortening 2 LBS. FOR I5C 25c 0 Tea IN 1 -LB. BAGS Black, Creon or Mixed, PER LB. 39c Clifford Lobb's THE STORE WITH THE STOCK. ibr tZZINapi7ia ?nM.1t;3s;at8t "inin atar2t2i 0100 rt+ 2=4, p iri=ty"s`9iDaMMt: Ott£' a ta.'' t8t -tmmtc-gmEwm4"Kia'sig4tvamzumwEtC t �. r BE A GOOD ,SANTA CLAUS TO YOUR LAYERS ... . and. THEY'LL ALL BE GOOD SANTAS TO YOU. FEED CLINTON BRAND VITIMAZED LAYING MASH Clinton Brand Laying Mash $2.45 Tested Cod Liver Oil, Or gal. $1.15 Vitamin Analysis -Vitamin A, 1200 units.. Vitamin 0, 100 units Corn and Oat Chop, per cwt. $1.65 Oyster ,Shell, per cwt. $1.10 Five Lilies Flour, 9S lbs. $3.30 $3.20 Quality Flour, 98 lbs. JERVIS CLINTON-Phone Y Hatcher &. Feeds 194w, aitimiuktigiMAX ANNUAL ' MEETING The annual meeting .of the H ol- mesville Cheese Factory will be held • on Friday, Dec. llth, at 2 o'clock,' in Ilohnesville Hall, to receive the annual and auditors' reports, also to receive Patrons' cheques for the season and for the transaction of any other bust ,, • less corning before the meeting. Mr.. Frank Hearn, Dairy Instructor, will be present, NOTICE NO GRINDING FRIDAY, DEC. llth FOR REPAIRS CLINTON CHOPPING MILL 13. IIATEWELL, Presidents 08. '-1 It is at this season that nature is at rest, that family tie are streng- thened, 'that trong-thened,'that: acquaintance grows to friendship, and friendship to esteem, heart strings loosenand folks look for practical expressions of regard. Our stock may help to lighten the concern' in ^snaking suitable selection for the holiday season. We think you might find in. our stock the sensible and .`suitable 'gift many of which are quite practical. When in doubt•a box of fancy sta- tionery may be an easy and accept- able solution of . the question. We have the variety and beauty made manifest as well as the usefulness., We might continue, indefinitely and tire you, so let us conclude with the statement that most of our lines com- bine the virtue of beauty with utility 'and everything in good taste. Pity the hone without the expec- tancy of apt Claus' visit, • Notable among the current season's, best sellers are: 'White Banners by Lloyd Douglas; In the Steps of St. Paul, by H., V, Morton, and Cities of. Refuge, by Philip Gibbs. With keen anticipation we are a- waiting the arrival of John Buchan's latest novel. me W. D. Fair co Often the Cheapest. -Always the Best p.011\ -0E 1�������11P ,ire .�n,iho anile Mal I. 1 Mr. P. C. Town is in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cuninghame, Kathleen and Jo Anne were in To- ronto last week -end. Mr. Lawrence Barber, who spent the summer with the Hale fancily, left for Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Elliott Pinnell, Ayr, visited with Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Johnston on Sunday Last. Mr. Floyd Lodge of London is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rozell, the former having been ill the past week. Mrs, J. Watkins spent the week -end in Chatham with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Glassford, and her fam- ily.. Mr. Morris Durham of Rochford Bridge, Alberta, is now spending some time with his wife and faintly who have been staying with the lady's • aunt, Miss Foster of town. Rev. C. W. D. Cosens and Rev. Geo. Wylie, Benmiller, were in Toronto Tuesday and Wednesday attending a meeting of the executives of all the Summer Schools: LONOESBORO The Londesboro United Sunday school will hold its annual White Gift service on Sunday, Dec. 13th, at ten - thirty. A program is being prepared and Rev. Mr. Gardiner will give an address. The Sunday school choir will furnish special music. Every- body welcome. Old Brucefield Boy Takes On Responsible Job Thornton Mustard, an old Stanley Township boy, and well-known to many in this community, has been commissioned by the Ontario Govern- ment to draft a new course of study for the Public and Separate Schools of the Province. .According ' to the Minister's statement to the press Mr. Mustard is given a free hand, with authority to travel in search of mod- ern educational ideas. This is a most important piece of work - perhaps the most important in education since the work of Ryerson, and Mr. Mus- tard's many friends in Brucefield, Bayfield and Clinton will realize the importance of the work that he has been selected from the whole pro- vince to undertake, work on which depends the kind of education our children will receive, and will heart- ily congratulte him. Those who know him will also realize that Mr. Mus- tard is eminently qualified for his new work, having taught in rural schools, city schools, private schools, high schools, technical schools and schools of 'Commerce. He is now head of the English Department in the Normal School at Toronto. Pro- fessor of the, Science of Education in the University, and Lecturer in Psy- chology for the Worker's Education Association of Ontario. Mr, Mustard is `well-known throughout the pro - :Once as a lecturer and writer on edn- eational subjects. We wish him sue- cess in the responsible position he years 9Jr vit 9 C:7< 9di ONE' FRIEND REI) .ANTI WIIIITIC t T S ANOTHERSANTA.Al[waynuieeads to arrive at 3 p Clinton, standard time Satuiday,Dec. 12th He will have something for all the` little boys and Girls in Clinton anf. Surrou l ding C ntry. Many New Lines of CHRISTMAS CANDY and NUTS Will be on Display in Our Santa Claus Store. New Santa Claus House is now being built and ready for Santa, Watch for it next week. Christmas Cake an ,, Puddnn t s are bei maide dui Ity. All New Fruits N is n ,{ � eeial Salle aweaseareemito Cauliflowers e E Celery Head Lettuce peri c s Waxed Turnips Fresh Oysters Fresh Filletts Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails d Red. Salmon _ Fresh Carrots e. , CLINTON'S BIG b CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 t"S:./G+fg 1`S'!att5rr�ti/[�+y5Fits/4'+gAgGtklft5G `„/G±'�S'/.+a33"./4-iltiJwX99:/a"'RS"./rsa'1�1:-/ Vr9S:/ �SS"l G�`S'l el *ewe'! RILEY'S GROCERY Where Quality Sells & Service Tells Christmas Specials Black Tea, Loose per Ib. 39c or 3 lbs. for $1.00. Banwell Coffee, per lb. 27c Broadway Coffee, - per Ib. 35c (Pink Nappy, Free) Broadway Tea, per lb. 59c (Pink Glassware, Free) Crushed Pineapple, 2 for 29c Currants, Recleaned, 2 for 25c Brown Sugar, 5 .lbs. for 25c Prunes, Fresh and large, 2 lbs. 23c Salmon Fish, 2 lbs. for 25c Fresh Smoked Filletts, 2 lbs. 29c 24 Lbs. Pastrty Flour 67c (Huron) Pink Salmon, large, each .... , 10c Celery Soup, 5 for 25c Bee Hive or Crown Syrup, 5 Ib. 39c Bee Hive or Crown Syrup, 2 lbs. 18c EXTRA SPECIAL -10 Lbs. White or Brown Sugar for 49c, with every 51.00 order. .Sugar not included in the or- der. We BUY and GRADE EGGS for which WE PAY lc A DOZEN on all Grades of Eggs. RILEY'S Free, Snappy Delivery. Open Every .Evening -Phone 39. Lamp Is Given By Survivors Of Boat Wreck Owen Sound, Dec, 6 -The 10 sur- vivors of the motorship Hibou, who were guided to the shores of Geor. gian Bay after their ship went to the bottom on the morning of November 21 by a lamp burning in the home of Mrs. Bernie Gibbons, on the Shore road, just inside the city limits, paid a visit to their lienefactor and pre- sented her' with a lamp as a symbol of their gratitude, The lamp carries a small plaque on Member of Florist Telegraph which had been engraved the names - of the survivors of the boat. Delivery Association. It w as in the .Gibbons' home that the men were given shelter, warmth and food after some of them had been carried to the house. the list of has -beers. The spurts life e ' ,. m , of a player is a comparatively few .ex's years.-Wingham Advance -Times. GODERICFI: Charles Barker is rich the newly elected president of Post 109 Canadian Legion. Other officers are: A. H. Jane, honorary president; James MacVicar, past president; Frank Rooth, first vice-president; Joseph McNevin, second vice-presi- dent; Lieut. -Col, A, P. Sturdy, sec- retary; Joseph Juck, treasurer; Frank Riley, sergeant at arms. Exe- cutive, V. Benneson, Alex. McNe- vin, George Baxter, John Suck. FLOWERS for Christmas p TELEGRAPH FLOWERS HOME FOR CHRISTMAS. p:Our Telegraph services will insureA fl'o careful delivery. D as Decorate your home for Christ -02 rias with our Wreaths of Natural,, Holly, preserved, will keep inde-1i finitely, reasonably priced at 85c and 51.00 EACH. 6f Watch for our Christmas Stock eft of Flowering Plants and Ferns. CUT FLOWERS Single Munis and Pom-Poms in assorted colors -50c a Bunch. Also Large Mums, Roses, Carnations. F. R. CUNINGHAME We have a fine assortment in Cemetery Memorial Wreaths. Down The River Two familiar and popular members of the Toronto . Maple Leaf Hockey Club have gone the way of all those who participate in sports. "King" Clancy has hung up his skates, and George Hainsworth has been replaced by the youthful Broda. Both these players have given yoe- man service to the Maple Leaf Club and hockey fans throughout Canada are sorry to see thein go. It has been said over and over again that youth must be served and the replacing of these two veterans with young play- ers bears out this fact. Sport fans take their hockey seri° ously, in fact any game, and the hero of one night may be given the rasp- berry the next. Those who participate in sport have to take the criticism of the ,fans, many of whom know little about the game. But the time always comes when the old legs can't take it and then some up and coming lad steps into the breech -and for a few' he will receive- the cheers. Then now takes on. he, too, will go down the river or join 0 Phone 176 and 31. .rmaraararsi;arbir atMniaiat--rh,;aia M-DrA de BE PREPARED for your CHRISTMAS DINNER By Buying a Nice ROASTER or CARVING SET A Nice Line of STAINLESS KNIVES and FORKS See Ours Before Buying. aadns HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 9 9 Just Two Weeks till Christmas AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO YOU SHOPPING SOON AS A GOOD MANY ARTICLES ARE BEING SET ASIDE. But we still have a Fine, Large Stock of CHESTERFIELD SUITES, Mohair, and a Swell New MODERN SUITE. Everybody wants a STUDIO COUCH, so hurry and select yours. We have All Kinds of OCCASIONAL and LOUNGING CHAIRS -Real Comfort. A TABLE REFLECTOR or a Nice WALL MIRROR will make a very sensible gift. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We,always carry a range of Useful Gifts. There are ROAST- ERS, CARVERS, CUTLERY, in the modern patterns. COLEMAN' LAMPS and LANTERNS, and Many Useful Articles in ELECTRI- CAL EQUIPMENT, and, of course, you know we carry the Famous C.C.M. SKATES. BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. {� � � � J. J. yZZaapffe, Phone11003 c-li' .74 N. Ball, Phone 110. MAW AtietiEMOSilit AVM MAW .g SPECIALS ;For Thur. -Fri. -Sat. -i4-11-12 kN Tomato Soup, Campbell's, 3 tins 701 Singapore Sliced Pineapple, .per tin 24 Orange Marmalade, Igo. 32 -oz. jar 25d 9c 25c 7, Rasp. or Straw. Jane, Ige. 32.oz. jar 29c 0, Soap Chips, Loose, 3 Ibs. for 25c '• Oranges, large 33c; medium 25c; Small 21c dozen, Lemons, lge. size, per dozen Grape Fruit, Seedless, 6 for Raisins, Australian Seedless, 2 lbs. for ;Sultanas, Fancy Bleached, per Ib. Currants, Recleaned, 2 lbs. for 27c Peel, Lemon and Orange, per lb. 25e Peel, Citron, per lb. 35e ,e Glace Cherries, Red, quarter lb. 13c cwie Glace Pineapple Rings, quarter lb. 15c Almonds, Shelled, quarter Ib. 15e, Walnuts, Shelled, quarter lb. 130 T. Thompson q 25c'�`', 25eft , 250 20c' ?` Av'