HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-12-10, Page 6PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD THURS., DEC. 10, 1936 THE SANTA CLAUS STORE A visit to our store will convince you that you can > do your shopping ; here without any unnecessary rush or Worry, and our clerks can offer many sug- gestions that will save time and money We :.fifer t t 1 nest , f riety st RICE STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY, DECEMBER 14TH. Consult Our .Holiday Circular for Details. TILL CHRISTMAS, Commencing CLINTON fSt02-4,51.-teagiV.-WAMVS-4.-Agaglitgla51-Vag' May We Suggest Its time to start .Christflnas Shipping ki There is no time like the present and there are no Presents like we have. WE HAVE GIFTS YOU WILL BE PROUD TO GIVE - AND GIFTS THE RECIPIENTS WILL BE PLEASED 'TO RECEIVE. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU LOOK US OVER, AND BE ASSURED OUR PRICES ARE ATTRACTIVE. 1111. S. R. HOLMES POI B. CLINTON, ONT PHONE 61' `>i arstrra0-2Monz a rs r rB mtziA•" Miz'rtrzizr .hv-a `azaz- letwatatetsmeteksztetetammiemzgiciderzzivzoevaztszumeteiztemmozicietg Forsyth Shirts for .Christmas What Would Be Nicer Than A Shirt for Christmas. Forfused collar attached $1.95 Separate collar $1.50 & $2.00 White or!Colored, collar attached $150 and $1.95 DAVIS & HERMAN Among The Churches (Continued from page 1) ation and literary: Harold Squires; Social Conveners: Helen Swan, Mar- ion Gibbings; Missionary convener: Kenneth Reid; Pianists: Edna Ford, Marion Gibbings; Auditors: Mr. C. S. Hawke, Miss Marion. Gibbings. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. was held on Dec. 2nd. The president, Mrs. Radford, was in the chair. Mrs. C. S. Hawke was in charge of the devotional period, Miss Lucille Grant presided at the piano. The President asked. Rev. Mr. Bur- ton to take charge of the election of officers for 1937, which resulted as follows: Hon. -President, Mrs. W. S. R. Hol- mes; President, Mrs. J. Radford; lst Vice: Mrs. F. Glew; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Iddo Crich; 3rd Vice, Mrs. James Manning; Recording -Secretary, Mrs. A. E. Ruinball; Corresponding -Secre- tary, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy; Treas- urer, Miss Edith Cornish; Pianist, Miss Grant, Assistant, Mrs. J. B. Le- vis; Auditors, Mrs. Erma Paxman and Mrs. George Elliott. The annual meeting of the Sunday School board of management was held on Thursday evening. C. E. El- liott, superintendent, in the chair. It was decided that the Christmas tree entertainment would be held De- cember 18 and that the program would take the form of a cantata, the title of the selection being "The Heart of the Bells." White gifts have. already been sent to Redbridge in Northern Ontario, and a v consid- erable amount of clothing was in- cluded among many other gifts, Rev. G. G. Burton, the pastor, took the chair for the election of officers for 1937 which resulted as follows: CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Hon. past superintendent, C. E. El - Walker; liott; superintendent, Wm. Walker; . aMatzsZ ,Dg,Mrq g r ;Ba.Ba„-•gararZOMM 9M21--Diresi;3t 2Ma2rniNAr2tbr5.- Associates, 0 .W. Potter, 0. E. El- llott, M. Wiltse; secretary, Geo. Ship- ley; assistant, Prank Heard; treas- urer and librarian, D. Thorndyke; assistant, Harold Squires; pianist; Misses E. Plumsteel and L. Grant; missionary dept. leaders, C B. Hawke Miss L. Jervis; temperance leaders Mr. Hawke, Mr. Elliott, Mrs. E. Ken- nedy; cradle roll, Mrs. Wm. Shipley; organized class leaders, Senior Bible class, 0. W. Potter, R. J. Miller; Jun- ior Bible, Miss L. Grant, E. L. Mit- tell; young ladies, Mrs. M. Wiltse, Miss Helen Swan; auditors, Mr. Pot- ter, Mrs. Hawke. The W.M.S. met on Tuesday after- noon, Mrs. Shipley in the chair. At the conclusion of the business period Mrs. Hawke took the chair for the study. period. Mrs. Hawke read the scripture portion, Mrs. Beaton led in prayer,' The devotional leaflet was taken by Miss Laura Jervis and Mrs. Sid. Thompson gave current events. • The •Rev. G. G. Burton took the chair for the election of officers, which resulted. as follows: Hon.-Pres- idents, on: Pres- idents, Mrs.. Beaton,Mrs. H. Plum- steel; President, Mrs. George Ship- ley; 1st vice, Mrs. G G. Burton; 2nd vice, Mrs. E. Kennedy; 3rd vice; Mrs. R. Armstrong; 4th vice , Mr's. Hawke; %ec: secretary, Mrs. M. Wiltse; cor.-secretary, Miss Rena Pic- kett; ,treasurer iakett;.treasurer •`Mrs, W.' J. Stevens; expense fund secretary, Mrs. G. Mur- doch; finance secretary Mrs. B. j, Gibbings; Christian' stewardship, Mrs. W. M. Aiken strangers' : secretary, Mrs.• Carrie .Jervis. literature, Mrs. Rozell; AemPeranee,, Miss Ed- •ith;•Cornish; associate helpers, Mrs. Webster Missionary . Monthly, Mrs. Peck; supply, Mrs. W, S R. Holmes; Study, gook; Miss M. Wiltse, Mrs. Farnhama pianists, Mrs Wendorf, Mrs Gibbings; Mission Band;'•Miss El- va Wiltse, Mrs: Skelton; Baby Band, Mrs...Amy Gibbings, .Mrs. , F. G. ''Thompson. • - 1 DOUGLAS GERBER three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Gerber of Nipissing. The little laddie likes wearing his kilts, al- though; judging by his name„ there is little Scots blood in him. His mother was formerly Miss Bertha Cox of Goderich township. This portrait appeared originally in the North Bay Nugget. The best pian was Mr. Kenneth Mc- Dougall, brother of the bridegroom. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the party drove to ,the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. Jasper McBrien of Hullett, where the wedding feast was served to imme-, diate relatives.. Mr. and Mrs. McDougall went to Mount Forest for a short honeymoon and will take up residence on the farm recently purchased from Mr. McBrien in Hullett. When in Need of BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Try GEO. T. JENKINS WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF SHEETROCK, LIME, CEMENT, LUMBER, SHINGLES and INSULATING MATERIALS. Geo. T. Jenkins. Phones: Res..222; Office, 158. Clinton, Ont. Zl pecial onSatin Blouses Here is your ,chance to have a Beautiful Satin Blouse. Reg. Price $3.50. Atalo e FOR THIS WEEK -END ONLY. Special for .Saturday Mornio AT 9 O'CLCK. EPE . LIRESSES :. Regular 4.00. For SATURDAY MORNING, AT i 11 i'tl`, Tb, .` tieeb ,Drum.;To ,Theatre Clinton -Phone Noe. ':t l" ' Ej2vC kaak •1 ksi4{i, ' McDougall -Good A quiet marriage was solemnize`' on Saturday afternoon at -the Baptist parsonage, Clinton,, When Elisabeth Sarah' Good;;daughter 'of the' late Mi. and:.Mrs. John Good, Auburn, became the.' bride of ( Mr I3,;, E McDowgall, 500 •ofqMrs .',061) ugi41l arid' the. late: Henry McDougall of Mount Forest, the Re5*.,AW:\G.iShe5inb>,Yl.,offfeiating.i t,The e wore a pretty frock of, Wi§ irl 5huee re a,while the matrons ,o. 11Sil104 14rs, 1 d�yard. eXOci?gn01 ',f the bride's cousin, wore pale blue.' Quick Lunches ELECTRIC APPLIANCES HAVE YOU DEEN IN? WE SERVE: SOUP TOASTED ;S'ANDWIGHES BACON and EGGS BACON and BEANS PIE HOT DRINKS -HOT DOGS When in a Hurry Doing "Christmas Shopping, We can give you a Hot, Quick Lunch. WHY NOT ENJOY; CHRISTMAS MUSIC , :. With A New 1937 PHILCO • For Selectivity and Clear Tone PHILCO Leads Them All. GIVE ,YOUR FRIENDS A GIFT THEY WILL NEVER FORGET. Make it an ALLADIN LAMP WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION IN STOCK. Gien, Co�k .:a 0. For Christmas Baking Use Monarch Pastry Flour will make with less shorten- ing, Finer Pastry. • Five Roses, Purity, Maple Leaf or Robin Hood, highest patent flours makes light, fine crumbed bread. For your Christmas Baking use highest grade flours 'and have no worry as to quality of your baking. Flour prices all moving upward, ad- vise buying at present levels. Little Locals The report of the Comity Council has been crowded out this week, ow- ing to lack of space. A business meeting of the Home and School Club will be held in the Public school at 4,15 on Tuesday af- ternoon. The Wesley -Willis Y. P. U. took their play to Hensall yesterday even- ing and the choir of St. Paul's church take their play, '"Where's Grandma", to Seaforth this• evening. The Community Christmas tree is already up and:will' soon be lighted. A distribution of candies will be made on Saturdly, Deo 19th to the children of Clinton and surrounding community, Mr. I. Logan, temoprarily account- ant at the Royal Bank here, has been transferred to Toronto. Mr. J. G. McLay of the Woodstock branch has been appointed to the Clinton va- cancy. The Junior Institute will meet at the home of Mrs, Barrett Taylor on Thursday evening, Dec. 17th. Roll call will be answered by suggestions for Christmas gifts. Miss Jewel will tell a Christmas story and there will be a demonstration of Christmas Ta- ble Favors. What The•North Needs The Windsor Star is quoted by some other newspapers as saying that "the North" is .beckoning to young amen today." .The Windsor Star has its signs mixed. The North today is beckoning to capital, but is not in need of young men, or old. There are enough unemployed in the North these days to make a problem for all the towns and cities of this part of the country.- Timmins Advance. HOCKEY ,SITUATION LOOKING BRIGHTER Intermediate Situation . Somewhat Cleared Up,' Juniors Coming,Along Nicely Things were at a standstill more orless'ih the Intermediate hockey circles this week, when it •was an- nounced• in the !papers that Clinton was to be grouped with the surround- ing towns of Goo"derich, Seaforth and Mitchell for cohpetition in Int. "B" this year.. But last night in Seaforth at what was supposed to be a meeting, to draw up a schedule, all the other teams announced, their withdrawal fr,ona competition, and so Clinton . is the only survivor. This undoubtedly means that the Celts will . be stronger and better than ever this year.' Apparently, there will be. a .wealth . of . material from •which to, choose, ;something: which has, been ;mon'e-or,less missing, in the ..past few,;years. A number of Players, from ,surrounding towns in -i tend trying oats}@re, and the manage-, ment wili,no,doubt:choose .the players' best suitechteet.pkIpesttirs, showing favour to nb`nb`t' is ` Iheped now, as we ;announced l t;:.5wwel1' , bhat ,;,the? i0oits,.•w,ill ap9t.gt;oupedaMiha rgtJ,at f er d; New Hamburg, Tavisteek; anli aprol%-y ably another team. Right now things Still Taking Orders for Argentine Corn at 32.00 ton FORD'S Flour, Feed and Seed. A REAL BARGAIN ' 15" Leather Top Rubbers as Low as $2.98 A Few Pair of Fine Oxfords as Low as $2.25 J. LOVETT First -Class Shoe & Rubber Repairing r LADIES' PURE SILK HOSIERY Silk Crepe and Service Weight. Featuring a wide -stretch welt, knit -in seam and french panel heel. KENNEDY HOSIERY �9taa�iBa�aBr'^as^t;sr�a�iBr�+sa2rBaBahr"a�b•*r PURE Clover Honey FOR SALE A LIMITED QUANTITY at roc lb. EITHER AT OUR HONEY -HOUSE Princess Street, OR PROMPTLY DELIVERED. A. F. Cudmore and San CLINTON, ONT. are looking brighter than e+rer for the Colts, and they are hoping for the best year of their career. A word about the new management o might be in order. It stands thus: President: M. J. Schoenhals. `ljlj Manager: N. W. Miller. eCh •Secretary -Treasurer; J. Wigginton, Trainer; G. Lawson. Mr. Schoenhals and Mr. Miller ,are •• more or less, new in -this form of c) work, although both have been keen, hockey enthusiasts for years, and le CHICKENS Properly Finished Will Bring a Premium. You will realize that Premium most by selling • on the Dressed Grade basis to CLINTON CREAMERY PHONE 145j. " -e6t06,tk;6e 6WW,M606i6t4Z6W6�.?c6tG O616MAt`saAGf , KteMeleletaeeal of . BWishing you a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Happy New Year 66 Jhe Vgue" ro#p r2�aBay"tr2rr2M-2MI .I; DWIMOMMADMIliMM-Dr `iMZ= b. rieWZMXICIewMscec W•ac elattcec•VVEMVti teeWe ee{ -1,0=1 ",lhe Vogue". Exclusive Ladies' `Near, Consisting Of HATS, DRESSES, COATS and HOSIERY CLINTON FUEL YARDS Body Hard Wood, Limb Hard Wood, Mixed Wood. and Choice Cedar. THIS WOOD IS ALL DRY AND WE CARRY A FULL STOCK AT ALL TIMES. I Also Stock and Handle the Celebrated PITTSTON ANTHRACITE, all sizes. HAMCO BY-PRODUCT COKE, and ROSEDALE ALBERTA LUMP. PROMPT AND CAREFUL DELIVERY FROM MY YARDS ON ISAAC STREET. Victor D.. Falconer Phones -Office, 97j; House, 97w. t r2minin MMMIN r tDmiz Z0p:MBtrADMP,P rrBrBnar MM:Wr2r2 i "HEAT FOLKS" bb For Brucefield, Clinton and Goderich. Christmas is near and what would make a better Christmas Present than a ton or two of one of our 57 Varieties of Fuel, which includes -DRY HARDWOOD AT $3.50 per cord, Delivered. We also sell AUTOMATIC HEAT REGULATORS. Give YOURSELF one of these. It will regulate your temper as well as your temperature. La our Lumber Business we are featuring HARDWOOD FLOORS fikt for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. What gift costing so little could 9 possibly bring such Satisfaction, Comfort and Pleasure to the Whole b Family. c 'Call the c'C ivy For Good, Clean Coal. JOHN B. MUSTARD LUMBER AND COAL CO. LUMBER, SHINGLES, COAL, CEMENT, ETC. Phones: Brucefield Office & Residence: G18r11. J. T. McKnight, Local' Dealer. Clinton: Office, 74w; Residence 74j. t CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Large Assortment of Christmas Books: Cowboy Books, Special 350 b Popular Sheet Music -25c, 35c, or 3 for '$1.00 Music Box M Drum for children well made, calfskin head 20c '1.50 Guitar Special 6 95 Music Stands ... .. ...1.25 Accordions .......12.50 and up Guitar Cases 100 to 10.00 Clarinet, all metal 18.00 Violin, Special . 3 95 TjI Chromatic Mouth Organs Piano Accordion, 120 From . 1.50 bass, neve with shift 117.50,: ,'b • . Saxophone, reliable make, reconditioned 'G 48.00 Saxophone Toy . 35c • b 0. Mouth Organ, reg. 50c, 190 SPECIAL,. Ukuleles from 2.50 6 know the game well. They, no doubt, will continue to instill that has b n e D Enna Deacon Music Shoppel goodwill into. the team which has been so prevalent in past years, and with D d St London. IIeintzman Bldg Open Evenings a wealth of material at land, we be- VI/242 un as ; on on. ���,� � � � ��� speak for.. them a successful season in be a success is the gen- . 11J a4lc ►>r�'••1e 1/e 'l s140a yo y6 via the realm of hockey. "Mellie" and = Norm' will' era) coucensus of opinion. As sol ,"Wiggie" and "Gerd", /thew g They are fast rounding into:shape other two officials, they have been and plenty of material, is at hand .fall with the team' for' years, 'and 'have the ice at all times the new manager; Mi Judd,•to select 1 eady .`Torre their Worth'' and abil from. No doubt he wilt choose'wisely' as Ev'ry thin' '`can be saizh`for'them 'and Junior hockey may againt•hold'the ?7 y, tc �• „- 1 a ears back Wild).* an�anet�hmg,aguitst them, so aill* with '(i'd Yc[ h, Cl' t S forth position it did a few y "e '`'that ever ,thing'is'set"as, i rtf id Arid"' $M Mars it lids rite only class"•of'hockey Itlay- fari£ se the Y • 1; H„ • din' district.' far as .. team is concerned.' HOW":. We understand,a meeting is to be ed`iu Clutton Aird�'surroun g ever the players should co-operate • ith the management, giving them their wholehearted support on and off. Pis for the"Juniors, everyithing rosy .'�I'hey'vhav_e ••a goodr1'grbupi'ng' o e c ` in on, ea , Mitchel , t a d Y u the schedule. held: tonight to draw p