HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-12-10, Page 5co `ti,iza cId:pwf5rgOarzlicC.3fE'.'. ;C.,"' f.,- q,p/ x#C.aR's--t44i.p6''Pi 'f•`�.G*C: n ' CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION CHRISTMAS CARDS AND GIFTS. CHILDREN'S TOYS AND BOOKS. COSMETICS AND CONFECTIONERY. PATENT MEDICINES and STTATIONERY. at Percy Weston's Store Bayfield, Ont. G „von xlm- inti'.t;3i97�atr�7 ESITRE7 fv'i>�lEIs`Fi3 -Sr3Yi3tr� EIXPiutEa ., cgeifIV . • 1699--t?Pk9Pfk.Y�-MIZIME9,.-tfff �'.#L{M{MOttnataR(;:&;-tV,StSte CHRISTMAS (SPECIALS SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 20 oz. for MUSTARD PICKLES. 20 oz. s^{4�SEEtC'3.4e 2c 25c CRABAPPLE JELLY, large jar 29c 25c MAYONAISE DRESSING . - 15c SLICED PINEAPPLE, per can 15c McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER, per pkg. 5c PLUM JAM„ large jar -Miss F. E. FOWLIE, Bayfield BAYFIELD, ONT. :'.O�v7'd•?:,M�}�79}�er�,•u'7elnha•�}ao•'igia�'✓a!`J1J11%'1' • r'Ufa•�i`aF`o'ii••r`�7i7`�iL�7g7`drmdrsrixv"}vh�Yii+"JIi9iL"i`a3i�ivui�iiii�}i} i THURS., D.EC. 10, 1936 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD; I3UfflSTMAS. ADVERTI G FROM BAVFIELD•. PAGE 3' ammommalemsipimompower SCOTCHMER'S HARDWARE 4 We Carry a Full Line of Shelf Hardware STOVE'S & RANGES DOHERTY &HAiRRISTON S All Repairs for Coleman andAppliances.Al] adin 41 /hCall in and see the New Coleman Radiant Heater. Hot Water Heaters for your car as low as $6.85 P SUPER-LASTIC TIRES AND TUBES -e Oa MOR -POWER RADIO and CAR BATTERIES—TIRE CHAINS. Chas. H. Scotchmer 11 Phone 631r3, Bayfield, Ont. .,a�'r3a�2t;ss�r=,�i�ti3rBr&r�t„ar 7�”r2r�m,arv,;;;3'i`-r`��'s�tgFhv.gr2tnf,`}r9r9i�'7�"F�"r�:-sa�5��r�r�Y�f�i AUBURN The December meeting of Knox United W. M .S. was held in the base- ment of the church with a good at- tendance: Mrs. J. Woods, President, had charge. After the opening exer- cises, Mrs. R. Y. Henderson led in prayer, Mrs.. H. Wagner read the De- votional leaflet, and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard gave a reading on Temper- ance. A solo was given by Mrs. H. Wagner, Miss Margaret King, the Secretary, then brought in the fol- lowing slate of officers, which was approved by the meeting: Honorary Presidents: Mrs. R. Y. Henderson, Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Miss Margaret Small; President: Mrs. J. Woods; lst Vice: Mrs. B. Keyes; 2nd Vice: Mrs. G. Bean; Recording Secretary, Miss Margaret King; assistant, Miss all repeating the Lord's prayer. May Ferguson; Treasurer: Mrs. J. ' There were six visiting ladies and Mutch; assistant, Mrs. R. Munro; twenty-one members answered the Cor. -Secretary, Mrs. W. H. Sheppard; roll call. Lit. -Secretary: Mrs. G. Bean; Mis- i Miss Myrtle Pearson gave a splen- sionary Monthly Secretary: Miss Su-, did reading which was enjoyed. A death of her husband, a former pas• - for of the church. Lindsay Smith; Lecturers,' H. Dar - Mrs. R. J. Phillips took the topic, row, J. Ferguson, "A Christmas Message and the Four Master Jimmy Dewar, son of Mr. Suppers." At the close of the meet and Mrs. David Dewar, was rushed to ing lunch was served by the hostes- Clinton Hospital on Saturday last see. The following officers of the Lbi• vary Board were elected on Wednes- day night: President, Ralph D. Munro; Vice-president, Mrs. Edgar Lawson; Secretary -treasurer, Thomas Wilson. BAlfFIELD NEWS SPECIAL PRICES A very interesting evening was a ruptured appendix. Latest reports in Fenian lint W aving spent in St. Andrew's United Church are that his condition is favorable. $5.00 Genuine Oil Wave . $3.50 Mrs. Dewaris staying in Clinton to $3.50 Standard Wave .....$2.00 Naturelle Method in Waving. Basement, Bayfield, on Friday even ing, when an illustrated Korean Story be near him. was read by Miss Maude Stirling— About two o'clock on Tuesday "How Kinn Pik Keerie Got Her Wish." morning Miss Doris- Featherston who There were some forty . beautifully had come home from Clinton Colle- colored slides. It was the story of a giate on Monday afternoon as she little Korean girl who wished for a Missionary Teacher, and, when her wish finally carne true, and the mis- sionary lady arrived, the children an operation for removal of her ap- were frightened almost to death at pendix. This is the second serious ill - the terrible Monster Devil which had nese Dorishas had in a short time as large glaring'eyes, snorting smoke she underwent an abdominal ''opera - and shaking all over, which was in tion in the early summer from which reality only the old time "Tiii Liz- she was a long time recuperating. ' zie," the popular name for the old Their many friends wish for these Ford car. A short piano recital was two sick members of our Community given in the intermission 'between speedy recovery. pictures, by the pupils of, Miss Gladys A Community Party was held in' Gale. On account of the inclemency the Town Hall on Wednesday aveip • n , g of weather and roads, only a fewof last week to honour a bride and. were able to take part. The follow- groom, My. and Mrs. Ivan 'Steekle ing numbers were given: "A Vesper who are to be residents of the vil-' Hymn", Mary Snowden; "Ding Dong rage. The evening was spent in Bell", Ruby Reid; "Blue Danube cards and dancing. Following the I Waltz", Doris McEwen; "Minuet in Bride's Waltz the young couple were f and M Fred Wes the Meadow" Anna Reid; "In a' Per- ton read an address and presented was not feeling well, became very ill and was taken to Goderich Hospital in en ambulance where she underwent •t Atkinson "On called to the rout r. G (Beethoven) Pa sy sian Market", Floyd McAsh; "Album- them with a purse from friends in blott", Beethoven, Vera Pease. •The Stanley township., blankets from a selections were well given and a good number of friends in Bayfielcl, and bit of talent was displayed. miscellaneous shower from many oth-' Mrs. Dalton Smith of Ingersoll is, er friends. On behalf of himself and` visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. his bride, nee Gertrude McClinchey,1 W. Higgins. IIvan expressed their thanks in a; Miss Agnes Hayter of Munro, comprehensive manner. Mich., is visiting her sister, Mrs. R.1 Chester McGillvray met with an ac -1 J. Pollock. 1 cident on Tuesday afternoon which Mrs. Agnes Currie is visiting her necessitated a stitch being put in his daughter, Mrs. McBride in Kitchener, forehead. He was repairing a phone - Mrs., H. A. Thomas has returned to graph when a spring flew out and the village after having visited rela- hit him with such force that it made Makins' Bt auty Shoppe Bayfield, Ont. 08-4-.p. BRUCEFIELID The annual meeting of the W. A. of Brucefield church was held- in the church basement on Wecl., Dec. 2nd, with forty - members present. The first part of the meeting was spent sewing. Mrs. Stevens took the de- votional exercises and Mrs. Bert Mc- Kay then took the chair for the busi- ness. Reports were read by the sec- retary and treasurer, showing a splendid year. Mrs. Johnston and Miss Murdoch sang two duets, which' were much enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Brenmer took the chair for the election of officers which re- sulted as follows: President: Mrs. W. Ellio'tti let Vice: Mrs. Arthur' Mc- Queen; 2nd Vice: Miss Martha Mc- Donald! Rec.- Secretary: Mrs. Ross Scott; Cor. -Secretary: Mrs. R. Daw- son; Treasurer: Mrs. J. B. Mustard; Organist: Mrs. Alton Johnston; De- votional Committee: Mrs. H. Aiken - head, Mrs. Brock; Manse committee: Mrs. F. Aikenhead; Flower Conven- er: Miss Mayme Swan; Visiting Com- 0 mittee: Mrs. A. T. Scott. tives in Toledo, Ohio, for several quite a deep cut which required rnedi-I weeks. I cal attention. The annual meeting of ,L.O.L. No.l Mrs. C. W. Brown, who is visiting 24 was held in the Orange Hall on her sister, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Stan - Monday night when the following of -.ley township, visited Mrs. N. W. ficers were appointed for the ensuing. Woods on. Monday and Tuesday. • M t •, F ed Watson Deputy! A Badminton Tournament was Y Master Charles Gememhardt; Re-• played on the local court on Thins 5 ,r S. ..ganiiD1 ,•Cr•sigmaraigr,`3iPivi;:'Far-m=gt2'ri grni8rar2fiiasim fv^sg'n'3rv�r,n h5r5al- 4`C�P�Cii�'� -P C�'n2?C^vtG�`t.`SCE;I<''ig-P.y,�C'�Pe"U"•;k`;P�-£iy-#".f4U.,°�.,C.'.t�-fGRSti# v`tC.,v`.,RF','CE{ m"��G�.U3� Why NOt Buy at 11%me Save% 2 Lbs. SULTANA RAISINS 23c 2 Lbs. LESIAS RAISINS .23c 2 Lbs. CURRANTS , . .. 29c 2 Lbs. PITTED DATES ...23c 2 Lbs. FIGS . .17e 2 CANS PEAS ...,2$e 2 CANS BANTAM CORN .25c 2 LGE. CANS TOMATOES 25c Ii' H�7ss30 DRY GOODS 10% DISCOUNT WILL' BE. GIVEN TILL AFTER CHRIST- MAS ON ALL SUMS OF $L00 OR OVER. FLANNELETTES, PRINTS, GINGRAMS, CRETONS, UNDERWEAR and ALL -WOOL BLANKETS. J. Bayfield alum R. + i.'-.tCiwiSlef ,",fetaSKA o SLIMMIMIS,1,4d gfNZ rR,t IMISMIS'I,it' ZSie "2 KSZM':s : Messrs. Ted and Jas. Burdge, John s Fotheringham, Ralph -Newton ' and William Pepper spent a clay last week l d in Guelph at the Winter Fair. Ir Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKenzie and family of London spent Sunday with IN Mrs. Margaret McKenzie. Mr. Melvin Snyder of Wingham spent the week -end at -his home here. Mrs. Kathleen Elliott is visiting with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Lottie McAsh, who has spent sometime with Mrs. Margaret Mc- Kenzie, has returned to London for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross and fam- ily of Goderich visited with his moth- Ir g cording rzcre.ary, Ninian Heard; day evening of last week when a 1 Treasurer, Harold Stinson; Marshall, a team from our own ChM. The visi-1 Financial . Secretary, EFeatherston; I team from the Goderich Club played STANLEY The December meeting of the Stanley Ladies' Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. J. Me- Cowan.. e-Cowan.. The meeting was opened by sie Blair; Secretary Christian Stew- letter was read by Mrs. Fen. Stew- ardship; Mrs. Chas. Straughan; Fin- art from Mrs. Fred Sloman thanking the ladies of tole club for their. Christmas shipment which had been distributed and very much needed. F. Tell; Supply Secretary: Mrs. Wm. It was decided to buy more flan- Straughan; Work Committee: Mrs• nelette to have ready for the Jan - H. Wagner, Mrs. J. Symington, Mrs. nary meeting to be held at the home E. Kellough, Mrs. Wm. Robertson, of Mrs. Bert Murphy, The roll call Mrs. M. Allen,' Mrs. J. W. Craig; will be answered by "Our Pet Grum Temperance Secretary Mrs, H. C. ble." The meeting closed with cont- Wilson; Stranger's Secretary: Mrs. nuinity singing and the National An - J. Irwin; Pianist: Mrs. R. D. Munro; them, after which a lovely lunch wee assistant: Miss S. Carter; Music corn- served and :a social half hour spent. mittee: Mrs. W. Anderson and Mrs. Miss Billie Stewart of London S. McClinchey; Social committee: spent the week -end with her parents, Mrs. 0.-E. Erratt, Mrs, H. Sturdy, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart. Mrs. H. Mogridge, Mrs. G. Millian; Mr. and Mrs. Bill McEwen enter- ' Flower committee, Mrs. 0, E. Erratt, twined a number of their neighbors Mrs. J. Woods and Mrs. A. Ferguson. on Monday evening. The annual white gift' service of Miss Vera Wild spent the week -end the Sunshine club will be held' in the with her mother, Mrs. A. Wild of, the Forester's Hall, Saturday at 2.30. Bronson lute. . Rev. A .A. Maloney will be the guest Miss Elizabeth Snowden spent the speaker. All are invited. week -end with her parents on the Blue Miss Bernice Lawson is staying Water highway! . near her school at present and. is Miss Irene Scotchmer has gone to with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson London for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. Raithby and Mrs. Lear have returned from Blyth. Donald Ross has been on the sick Iist this week. J. Ross of Beaverton has been in the village a few days this week. Miss S. Blair has been visiting her nephew, Howard Robertson. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. of Knox, United Church was held on Tuesday evening with Geo. Straugh- an in charge, and Ila Craig at the pi- ano. Mrs. B. Keyes gave a reading on "Canada First." Stewart Fergu- son read the Scripture passage from Samuel 27th chapter, Rev. H. C. Wil- I son then took the topic which was very helpful and which was much enjoyed. George Stranghan led in prayer. The regular monthly meeting of the Baptist Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. W. C. Robertson with twenty-five members present. Mrs. C. A. Howson, .: president, had charge and Miss_ E. Elkin. and Mrs. James Raithby led in the Devotional exercises. . Readings were given ,by. Mrs. P. Walper, Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mrs. L. Ferguson .,and Mrs. G. Raithby., A message of sympathy Was sent to Mrs. R. B. Gracie in the ance Committee: Mrs. S. W. Washing- ton, Mrs. W. II. Sheppard, Mrs. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Jas. Robertson, Mrs. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connell spent Wednesday evening of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowson spent Monday. of last week ,with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flart. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Reid and Kenneth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys acid family. L.O.L. 'No, 1035, Varna, held their annual meeting on Thursday evening, Dec; 3rd, at which the election' and in- stallation nstallation of officers for 1937 .tools place, and resulted as follows: I•P:M.; Elmer Webster; W.M„ Roy Keys; Dep. M., : `Webster Turner; Chap., Chas. C. Pilgrim;; Rec.-Secretary, Per- cy Johnston; Fina -Secretary,' Russell Consitt; Treasurer, Geo. Johnston; lst L, Watson Webster;, 2nd L., T. Stin- son; D. of C,, Anson Coleman; I.G., Arthur Payne; 0.G., Chas. F. Pilgrim; Committeeman, I. Rathwell. ( A pleasant time was spent by those present after the close of the lodge, when a light lunch was served. tors lost the majority of the games in mixed, ladies, and inen's doubles. Re- freshments were served at the close of the play. A return match will be 'placed at Goderich on December the where he underwent an operation for seventeenth. GODERICH TOWNSHIP We got the go! We got the get! We got the gang! We got the pep! The go. The get, The gang. The pep. No. 11! Yep! .Yep! The Chistmas concert of No. 11. will be held on December 21st, at 8 p.m. The Powassan News last week had. the following, which refers to a former Goderich township girl, who before her marriage was Miss Ber-' tha Cox: "Mrs. Earl Gerber of Nipissing suffered painful injury on Monday when the third finger of her right hand was caught in a meat grinder which she was operating at her home, and the end of the finger was badly crushed. Mrs. Gerber is an accom- plished pianist and her many friends in thecommunity hope that amputa- tion will not be necessary and that the injury will not interfere with her skill as a musician." The W. A. held its annual business meeting last' Wednesday at the home of'1VIrs. John R. Middleton. The fol- lowing officers were elected for the owing, year: ' President: Mrs. George 'Cook. Vice -President. Mrs. Wm. Wise. Secretary: Mrs, Stewart Middleton, .Treasurer: Mrs. Wilfrid Colclough, Dorcas Secretary: Mrs. John Hudie. Assistants: Mrs. Albert Colclough, Mrs. Fred 'Thompson, Mrs. Harold Graham. Flower Fund Treasurer: Mrs. Chas. Cooper. The annual Christmas Tree and Entertainment of St. James' church, Middleton, will be held in the base- ment of, the church on Friday even- ing, December 18th, at 8 o'clock. Ev- erybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh enter- tained on Saturday evening in hon- our of their twentieth wedding anni- versary. millinery shop and will be remember- ed by many here. The funeral took place from the United Church in Blyth, interment in the Union Ceme- tery, Rev. Mr. Brooks officiating. The pallbearers were Robert Watt, Dave Moody, Jas. Sims of Blyth and William Ross, Londesboro. The following attended from a distance: Duncan Boyd and Mrs. D. Boyd, Chi- cago; Howard Adams, Detroit; Mrs. Jack West, Toledo; Mr, Boyd, Luck - now; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dorrance, Seaforth; Ernest Adams, Clinton. ' Hui ori Municapilities Get Flections Over Goderich:—In the quietest civic el- ection in this town in years, Robert E. Turner' ,was on Monday returned victor over J. J. Moser for reeve by a majority of 102, the count being 526 and 424. Daylight saving, the only other ballot presented to voters, was defeated by 34, or 481 to 447. Less than half the total vote was polled. All other civic offices had been filled by acclamation. Turner and Moser, veterans+' in the municipal field, fought a good, clean Eight. Both had years: of previous ex- perience in council or councillor, de- putyreeve, and reeve, and both had invariably voted on the same side when divisions in council cane. Some weeks ago Mr. Turner announced his candidature for the 1937 wardenship of Huron, and this had some bearing on Ithe vote. There is a desire to have a Goderich man warden for the first time since 1908 in view of next year's old home week, to be held in this town. 1 Defeat of. daylight saving did not Icome as a surprise, and it was gener- .ally thought the adverse majority would be much greater. The idea is undoubtedly gaining strength ancl had there been any organization to 'sup- port it, the bylaw night easily have carried. • - , er, Mrs. Janet Ross, on Sunday. Miss Mary McKenzie of Tucker - smith visited her aunt, Mis. Marga- ret Ross, last week. Mv. R. Murdoch spent a few days last week at the- Winter -Fair in Guelph. Miss Doris Dutot was taken sud- denly ill last week and was taken to the Seaforth hospital, where she was I HENSALL.—In a keen ballot bat- LONIJESBORO tle on. Monday veteran Reeve Owen IGeiger was defeated by R. E. Shaddick Robert and Misses Mary and Belle , a village auditor. The vote was 171 to 149. Elected to council — George Brock 246; Orville Twitchell, 221; William Shepherd, 219; William J. Jones, 190. Defeated, Archie Hamilton, 107. ASHFIELD—Election returns from Ashfield: Reeve, ;Richard Johnston, 502; Murdock Matheson, 319; John- ston elected by a majority of 183; de- puty, reeve, Gilbert Frayne, 403; Sam- uel Sherwood, 355; Frayne elected by a majority of 48. • WEST WAWANOSH.—Reeve, -W. J. Stewart, 352; John McQuillin, 241. Stewart elected by a maloyity of 111. Councillors, Lorne Johnston; 479.; W. A. Culbert, 467; 'Alex. McDonald,. 460; E. G. Zinn, 318. Councillors — Brown 'Smyth, 460; Thomas Webster,: 371; Cairns At- chison; 388; Albert Gammie, 269, all elected; David Hamilton, 215, and Henry Leishman,,' 170. Scott attended the funeral of Mrs. Adams of Chicago, at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. John Lovett and children have left for Windsor, where he has secured a position. H. Caldwell and Toni Ross spent a few days in Sarnia, Miss Gladys Fairservice, London, visited with her parents here. Mr. Leonard Caldwell has returned home from Alliston, where-' he had been working on the highway. The death occurred'in Chicago re- cently of Mary Laithwaite, widow of Richard Adams, Londesboro, Mrs. Adams was 91 years old and for the past ten years, since the death of Mr. 'Adams, had lived with her daughter; Mrs. Duncan Boyd of. Chi- cago, at whose home • She passed a- way after a fewdays' illness, Mrs. Adams spent most of her life in Londesboro where she conducted a e co E Eli A► SEE WI ,-,.T WE W '' VE AT :3 _' EY GAVEG P.fr"IIC CHRISTMAS GIFTS SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES, Books, Toys, Handkerchiefs, "Scarfs, Ties, Braces, Sweaters, Aprons, Etc. EXTRA SPECIAL - 30c & 35c GINGHAMS for 15c per yard. SUITABLE FOR DRESSES AND APRONS F. A. EDWAR ho 9 Bay Held l3ayfield's Oldest Establis red General Store. arDth:Drsth^.. mparroarm2lsr2rarFitgmi9aa meant ralitnig at2,afsrmigirf-Digmb.••r;i£'.C, 03 rl b P operated on for appendicitis. We hope she will soon be better. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright and fam- ily of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott. ' Mrs. Mary McKenzie spent a few days in Toronto this week. Miss Grace :Dalrymple, who has spent some thine near Crediton, has. returned to her home here, The new 1937 Westinghouse Air Pilot radios have just arrived . . and what radios they arel For performance, appearance and value you've never seen anything to equal them! New performance made possible by such startling advancements as curvi- linear speakers, ortho-coustic tone chamber and, precision features that combine to give unrivalled tone clarity!, Nett' efficiency ,' . . 'Twice as selective as former models . . . permanently "stabilized" to eliminate readjustments exclusive Air -Pilot tuning to bring you the stations you want .-when you want them!"' New beauty in fourteen lovely cabinet designs'... New value in prices that make iteasy for you to enjoy the utmost in radio entertainment.. See them to -morrow. „okh atfIceae FEATURES Twice the selectivity. of. previous receivers. Full -range, all -band, color light dial ' with precision vernier that gives the equal of 9 feet of vernier scale. Supersensitive Cathode Ray Tuning Light. New curvilinear dynamic speaker, oversize. , Enclosed Ortho-coustic.-tend) chamber with tuned reson- ance pipes. Automatic tone compensa- - tion, Permanent alignment of. con- deasers and transformers for stabilized" performance. Westinghouse All - Metal..: Radiotrons including new Beam Power Tube.. Exclusive Air -Pilot tuning control. Cabinets of unique design and exquisite finish,. Wes inghol5se precision , en- gineering t,iroughout -