HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-10-22, Page 1Ile News -Record Est. 1878'.
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 5502. 58TH YEAR.
The New EraEst. 1865
,9hode who ride to be big men, rise 'earls`
evert( morn = Zig Zen.
There is a treat in store for you if you have not met Big Ben.
you may have met this ad, in the big magazines, but,these are not
half strong enough. I do not think they do him justice. In fact
no ad. can, so I will not attempt to write one about him.
This announcement is simply an invitation for you to walk by my
store and meet hint and other members of his family. They are on
display in our north window.
In addition to getting a really dependable .alarm clock, when you
buy a Westclox, you buy a product made in Canada, by Canadians,
and you help build up a Canadian factory.
W. X.. Yi
Jeweler and Optomiterist.
Residende Phone No. 174j,
Plain White or Stripes
Real 25c Value for 21c yard
Real 21c Value for 17c yard
eHosieryPure. Silk and CreA
In the Famous HOLEPROOF
and WELDREST Lines
Discontinued Shades in an
Assortment of Sizes,
Regular 75c and $1.00 Lines
Clearingat 59e
And Every Pair Guaranteed
I 1R{ti'IN'S
Dopking Brown
The marriage was solemnized at
the home of the bride's parents,
Queen street, on Saturday of Beatrice
Irene, daughter of Mr.• and Mrs,
James C. Brown, and Mr. Frank New-
ton Dopking, son of Mr. and Mrs, E.
J. Dopking of Trenton, Ont.
i The ceremony was conducted by
the Rev. G. W. Sherman of the Bap-
tist church.
The bride was given in marriage
by her father. She was gowned in a
pretty frock of ,Pale blue, with slip-
pers and hose of grey and wore a
shoulder bouquet of yellow 'mums.
The maid of honour, her sister, Miss
Stella, was gowned in pink silk crepe
and wore a sheulderette of bronze
'mums. Mr. Arthur Dopking of Tren-
ton, brother of the briderodrn.
was best man, 1iss Beatrice Greene,
organist in the elitist church, play-
ed the wedding } usic.
The bridal pail y stood during the
ceremony before a bank of ever--
ver=greens and flowers, while the house
was prettily decorated with Autumn
flowers and foliage.
The ceremony was followed by a re-
ception and buffet luncheon. Mrs.
Brown and the bride were assisted in
receiving by the bride's • sister, Mrs.
Charles Lee, and assisting in 'serv-
ing were Mrs. A. Inkley, Mrs. Ross
Forrester and Miss Florence Saun-
Later Mr, and Mrs. Dopking left on
a motor trip to Trenton and other
paints. 'The bride donned for travel-
ling a dark blue suit with grey' trim-
mings and hat and other accesories
to match, the bridegroom's gift to
his bride being a handsome grey lea-
ther bag; To the bridesmaid he gave
a brown bag, to the best man a pen
and peneil set and to the pianist and
the waitresses each .a piece of china.
The bride ;was the recipient of many
handsome gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. ; Dopking returned.
Monday, when -a reception: was held
.. The Farmers' Market
Wheat,. ,$1.00,
Oats, 40e.
Barley, 95c,
Buckwheat, 05c .
Butterfat: First 24c; Special 26c.
Butter, Dairy, 20c.
Eggs, 18c to 38e.
Live Hogs, $7.75.
Lambs, $6.75.
Junior Farmers Make
The Clinton Junior Farmers' Club
was entertained by the "'Zurich Club
early in this month, when a dance
was held and a very pleasant time
was enjoyed. The Clinton Club has
invited the Zurich Club for the even-
ing of October 27th, when a dance
and entertainment will be held in the
Legion Hall. The young folk are look-
ing forward to a good time.
Among the Churches
Presbyterian Church
The Rev. F. W. Gilman., • D.D.,
minister of Elmwood Avenue Presby-
terian church, London, will have
charge of the service on Sunday
The annual Thankoffering meeting
of the W. M. S. will be held at the
home of Mrs. McDonald on Wednes-
day afternoon, Oct. 28th, commencingat three o'clock. Mrs. W. A. Young
of Hensel will address the meeting
A good attendance is expected.
Ontario Street United Church preach at
Rev. G. G. Burton wi
both services on Sunday. -
ing subject: "Wings of the Morning:
Gospel hymns will fea tune the ev-
ening service, the sermon
ing: "Following Afar Off."
Visitors and friends. are invited
Midweek service Wed
28th at 8 o'clock for ins -
lowship and prayer.
Young People's Union,
ening at eight o'clock, 1
Salvation Ar
Special Thanksgiving e
held on Sunday under t
of Capt. Bonar.
He was pleased to have Mi. and
Mrs. Appleby of Varna, who assisted
with their various instr r.
singing and playing t s
much enjoyed by all present.
Captain Bonar will be out of town
at -
till next Saturday, as h
tending the SalvationArmy Annual
Treasurer Liv, charge
Congress in Toronto. -
ermore will : be taking e
the Captain is. away.
His Morn
t subject be
Huron Deanery Met Here
The local council of the Deanery
of Huron, which- is comprised of the
executive` officers of the Anglican
Young Peoples' Association of the
deanery, niet in the parish hall of .St.
Paul's church last week.
Robert Archibald, of Seaforth, pre-
sided, and arrangements were . made
for the fourth annual banquet which
will be held in Wingham on Novem-
ber 5th and for the service of wit-
ness and installation of officers,
which will take place in Clinton on
date convenient for Bishop Charles
A.' Seager.
The election of officers resulted as
President: Miss Margaret Cudinore.
Vice -President:: Miss Chapman,
Brussels. .
Sec. -Treasurer Miss Watkins,
Dr. Thompson Medical Offi-
cer In Middlesex And
Huron Regiment
Further posting of officers to the
recently reorganized -Middlesex and
Huron' Regiment, created from the
former Middlesex Light Infantry and
the Huron 12eghnent were announced
in district militia orders issued Sat-
Capt. and Major J. C. Dawson is
detailed for duty as adjutant in the
reorganized unit, Second Lieuten-
ant B. J, Duncan is detailed as as-
sistant adjutant and Second Lieu-
tenant R. L. ,Manning is detailed as
signaling officer.
Capt. F. G. Thompson, of the Roy-
al Canadian Army Medical Corps, is
attached to, the unit as medical offi-
cer and Capt. G. F. McFadden is at-
tached as medical officer, supernum-
Capt. and Honorary Major C. E.
Jeakins, of the Canadian Chaplain
Service, is attached as chaplain to
the unit with Chaplain and Honorary
for then. They will reside in Clin- Major W. Jones -Bateman as chaplain
nesday, Oct
under Socia
Monday ev
services ver
he leadership
uments. Ther
ogether wa
e will be
, ♦vhil
Wesley -Willis United Church
T h e minister's Sunday morning
sermon subject will be: "The Man
Sent From God." Evening: "The
Excellent Exchange."
The Junior and Senior Bible classes
provide, at the close of the morning
worship service, an opportunity for
Bible, study and extend a cordial in-
vitation to all adults.
Members of the congregation are
invited to gather at the close of the
evening service in the Sunday school
room and enjoy a half hour of sac-
red song. This will be a Sunday ev-
ening feature during the autumn
The Autumn Thankoffering meet-
ing of the Ever Ready Mission Circle
will be held in the Sunday School
room this, Thursday, evening at eight
o'clock. An interesting program has
been prepared,' All the young women
ofthe congregation, also members of
the W. M. S., are invited.
The W. M. S. met on Thursday ev-
ening last in the Sunday school room,
Mrs. W. Pickard, the president in the
chair. After the usual routine of re-
ports, etc., it was decided to • try .to
get a returned missionary for the
Thankoffering meeting, date to be
arranged to meet the speaker's con-
venience. Miss Luella Walkinshaw
read the scripture lesson, Mrs. Fow-
ler gave a review of the Stury Book
which has just been finished and Mrs.
Cosens made the closing prayer.
St, Paul's Church
The Women's Bible Class recently
reorganized for the Winter's Study
and Work and elected the following
President: Mrs.M onteith.
1st Vice: Miss Cudnrore.
2nd 'Vice:; Mrs.' Taylor.
3rd Vice: Mrs. T. Herman.
Secretary: Miss E. Hall.
Assistant: Miss v. '•Schoenhals.
Treasurer Miss B. Thompson.
Assistant: Miss F, McCallum.
Membership: Miss S. Bawden, Miss
Nellie Taylor, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs:
Zapfe. ,
Social ,Miss D. Bartliff, Mrs.
Counter, Mrs. G. Elliott, Mrs. C.
Cook, Mrs. Walker.
Dorcas—Mrs. Appleby, Mrs. Card-
well, Mrs. McClinchey, Mrs. Fletcher,
Mrs. W. Elliott, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs.
Teachers -Mrs. McInnis, Mrs. Mc-
Organist—Mrs. E. Nickle.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. J. Brown of
Toronto, announce the engagement
of their younger daughter, Frances
Elizabeth, to William John .Jackson,
son of Mrs, Jackson, Toronto, and the
late Mr. Thomas Jackson, Clinton,
the wedding to take place Friday
evening, October '30th, at 8 o'clock, at
St. Alban's cathedral, Toronto.
Home AndSchool 1
S 1Cll.bMet
At a n unusually well -attended
meeting of the Home and School As,
sociation on. Tuesday evening, Mr. F.
Fingland gave a very interesting and
informing address on the laws per-
taining to our schools. He outlined
the laws governing the establishing
of schools, .the method of electing of-
ficials and the obtaining' of revenues.
Other items of interest were a
chorus by several charming little
girls from Miss Cudmore's room, and
a selection by the Junior Boys' choir,
under the direction of Miss Fraser.
ton. supernumerary,r
T o Deliver Address 0 n
Financial and Economic
Mr. R. J. Deachinan, M.P.' for
North Huron, is planting to deliver a
series of ,addresses over Wingham
Radio Station, CKNX, beginning at
12.30 noon on the .following dates:
October 25th: e'Our Financial Prob-
lem." November Othf "The Prob-
lems' of the Farrier." November
23rd: "The Problems of the Business
These addresses will be non-politi-
caI and will deal purely with the
financial and economic aspects of the
Members Of Executive
Little Locals
Wingham has been having labour
troubles, the staffs of its,two factor-
ies having gone on. strike for higher
Th e Junior Women's Institute
meets this, Thursday, evening at
eight o'clock at the home of Miss Ed-
na Elliott.
At the annual graduaton exercises
of the Toronto Conservatory of Mu-
sic, held in Convocation Hall, Toronto
on Monday the. awarding of, diplomas
was announced by Dr. H. J. Cody, pre-
sident of the University of Toronto,
which included the fallowing: A.T.C.
M. Piano, teacher, Anne Cochrane,
Attended Reception
At Alma
Several from Clinton . were invited
to a reception on Monday for Mr.
and Mrs. Aubrey Oldham of Sarnia,
whose marriage in Toronto was a re-
cent event.
The reception was given by Dr.
and Mrs. Dobson at Alma College, -St.
Thomas: About one hundred people
from different parts of Ontario were
present, including Rev. C. W. D. Cos -
ens and Mrs. Cosens and Miss Gladys
Addison of Clinton.
The central hall of Alma was beau-
tiful with maple and oak leaves and
autumn flowers.
Receiving with Me. and Mrs. Old-
ham were Miss Sperling, Dean of Al-
ma and Dr. and Mrs. Dobson. A very
happy time was spent and many good
wishes were expressed, along with
words of appreciation of the wonder-
ful work done by Aubrey and Joanne
in London Conference of the United
East Huron teachers evidently con-
sider members of the Clinton Public
school staff to be gifted and efficient.
One of them, Miss Margaret Cud-
more, gave a paper at the annual
convention recently held,, and Princi-
pal Jefferson was re-elected secre-
tary -treasurer and Misses Courtice
and Fraser were elected auditors:
The question is, if the young ladies
find an error in the secretary-
books will they have any dif-
difence about drawing to the atten-
tion of that official, who is their su-
perior during school, hours, such er-
ror, or will they find, perhaps, a spe-
cial -thrill in such a : situation?
Successful Rally Of Youth
At Grand Fend Saturday
Some 200 older boys and girls at-
tended the fourth annual conference in
Grand Bend United church under the
auspices of the Huron County Boys'
and Girls' Work Boards on Saturday
last. A splendid choir of C. G. I. T.
girls and Tuxis Boys led the 'singing.
Rev. J. F. Anderson, Wingham, was
in charge of the conference. Words of
Welcome were given by Isaac Bestard,
Beatrice Green, Charles Atcheson,
Rev. Charles Cumming, Walton,
chairman of presbytery.; Rev. J.
Moore, pastor of the chinch, and
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, pre-
sident of the Girls' Work Board,
The roll call, by communities,,
gfi v e r by Benson Sutter, o
Clinton, showed that the m, e e t -
ing was the best representative con-
ference that has taken place. The
conferences were conducted by Rev.
H. T. Mahoney of Brussels,
R. D. Stewart, Rev. T. R. Turner,
Rev. George Wylie' and Rev. J. F. An-
derson. The thence was "The Invest-
ment of Life." The girls were spo-
ken to generally by Mrs. A. W. Gar-
diner and' the conference led by Mrs.
Elford, Miss Tough, Mrs. Martin and
Mrs. Turner. The subject was "Char-
acter Building."
The adults held a conference for
Madera inthe manse. This was con-
cluded by Rev.,J. F. Anderson. Din-
ner was served, followed by commun-
ity singing led by . Rev. C. W. D.,
Cosens, of Clinton.
On account of rain the sports had
to be called off and a drive was rub-
Rev. J. C. Goodfellow, of British
Columbia,' gave . a very interesting
and instructive tall: on mission work
in that province. A picnic supper
interspersed with yells and songs in
the basement of the church, was held.
The Benmiller C, 0.1. T. put on a
short skit. The vesper service in
charge of Mrs. T. R. Turner was held
in the auditorium, %eluding the can-
dle lighting service of the C.G.I.T.
and the consecration service of the
Tuxis Boys brought a successfull con-
ference to a. elose.'
The spring meeting is to be held
in Exeter,:'
A Trousseal Tea
The following is from the Globe
of Saturday and refers to families
well known in Clinton'as former resi-
"Mrs. David Cook is entertaining
at a trousseau tea this afternoon in
honor of her only daughter, Mildred.
Mrs. Cook, wearing a gown of pale
green lace with corsage of voilets,
will receive, assisted by her daughter,
who has chosen turquoise blue chif-
fon; with corsage of roses. Mrs.
Wheatley, mother of the groom -to -be,
In purple velvet, and Mrs, Ellen Arrin-
strong, the groom's grandmother, are
also receiving. The tea table decora-
tions will be pink roses and tall pinks
tapers. Pouring tea will be Mrs.
Ernest Wills, Miss Lula Kennedy,
Miss Dora Ouderkirk and Miss Ella
MacKinnon. The assistants are Mrs.
F. J. Isard of London, Ont., Mrs. M,
Robertson, Mrs. Alden Hodgson, Mrs,
Harold 'Boyle, Mrs, A. I. Aiken, Mis-
ses Dorothy and Norma Moore, Mrs.
T. E. Johns, Miss Beth McKee, Mrs.
Gordon Long and Miss Eileen May.
Miss Cook's marriage to Mr. Pence
Wheatley takes place on Oct. 24."
I.O.O. . Officers' Installed
Ota Tuesday evening at the local I.
0.0,F.- Lodge D.D.G.M. C. Salter of
Exeter, with the following team: G.
R. Hopper, E. 0. Howald, W. E. Mid-
dleton, G. C. Fisher, S. T. Reid, A. G.
Hicks and W. J. Kinnick, -were pre-
sent and installed the local officers,
which are as follows:
I.P.G.: F. Bawden.
N.G.: L. J. McKnight,
V.G.: B, Taylor..
Rec.-Secretary: H. W. Gould. •
Fin. -Secretary: J, A. Sutter.
Treasurer: T. H. Hardy.
Warden: G. Beattie.
'Conductor: C. Cooper.
0.0.: J. E. Cook.
T .J. Riley,
R.S.V.G.: E. L. Mitten.
L.S.V.G.: W. M. Nediger.
R.C.V.G.: W. Munch, Jr .
L.S.V.G.: G. H. Jefferson.
R.S.S.: J. L. Heard.
L.S,S.: J. Livermore.
Chaplain: E. A. Rumball,
When the work of the lodge room
wa s completed refreshments were
served and a pleasant social tinte-en-
Free Dental Examination
The regular meeting of the Lions
Club was held Monday evening at the
Rattenbury Hotel, a fair attendance
of members being present.
Dr. McIntyre, who is conducting a
free dental examination of all the
school children of Clinton for the lo-
cal club, informed the gathering that
the children at the Public school are
very much in need of Dental atten-
tion, as he explained that of the num-
ber he examined 80% were in need of
work that really needed to be done in
consideration of their health. He al-
so explained that in larger centers,
such as Toronto 35% is about the
average number of school children
that are found to be'in need of dental
treatment. All parents are advised
by a card that is given each child that
is examined, as to what condition
their child's teeth are in. It is
hoped that the parents may See fit
to have same, corrected so that the
children will have a better chance for
good health, as all understand that
many ailments are directly traced to
bad teeth.
Rebekahs. Install Officers
A New Surgical Operation
A despatch from Philadelphia this
week told of a new operation for a
broken thigh bone, consisting of nail-
ing the bone together. But we under-
stand that this is not such a new me-
thod, it has been tried on several oc-
casions. A newer one was recently
used in Clinton, when Mrs. J. W. Hill
had the misfortune a fortnight ago to
fall and fracture a limb. Dr. W. -A.
Oakes,instead of putting the broken
limb into a plaster cast used the ker-
sehncr wire treatment, which had
been used in Chicago a few tines and
in Germany, but never, probably, in
Canada before.
The patient is doing well and, while
she is seventy-five years of age, it
is hoped her recovery will be rapid.
The advantage of this treatment is
that the patient's recovery is usually
speeded up very materially and it al-
so does away with the awkwardness
and the discomfort of a cast. No
doubt medical men will be nnuch in-
terested in this new surgical treat-
ment, no less than poor unfortunates
who are unlucky enough to break
their limbs. Surgery has certainly
made great strides during the past
fez years.
The regular meeting of Huronic Re-
bekah Lodge was held in the lodge
1001515 on Monday night. After routine
business had been dealt with the Dis-
trict Deputy
is-trictDeputy President, Mrs. Pearl
Lawrence, and her installingteam
from Goderich installed the following
officers into there respective .posi-
N.G.: Mrs. Ed. Nickle.
V. G.: Miss Bessie Watt.
`lice: Secretary: , M i s s ' Margaret
Fin. -Secretary: Miss, Bessie Smith,
Treasurer: Miss.Aphrew Steep.'
Warden: Mrs. W. Stewart.
Conductor:'Mrs. T. Riley.
Chaplain: Wire, Robt. Jervis.
Musician: Mrs. E. Wendorf.
R.S.N.G.: Mrs.. Geo. Jenkins.
L.S.N.G.: Mrs. M. Nediger.
R.S.V.G.: Miss Amy Andrews.
L.S.V.G.: Mrs. H. Gould.
I.G.: Mrs. Leonard McKnight.
0.0.: Mrs. Roy PIumsteei.
J.P.N:G.: Mrs; Frank Glow.
After the ceremonies Noble Grand
Mrs. Nickle presented; the District
Deputy President :with a gift from
the lodge, and refreshments' were
served under the conveno•ship , o f
Mrs. Gould.
Harvest Thanksgiving services:,
were held in the Parish of Bayfield
on St; Luke's Day, Sunday, October.
18th., The churches were prettily de-
corated and the services :narked by
special music appropriate to the oc-
casion. Five laymen were present.
from London who brought mesasgee
of renewed vitality within the church,.
and urged together' with the Rector,.
Rev. W, G. Bugler, that the laity-
aityshould put into practice the things a-
bout which they have been talking•
and singing in 'the services of the.
Church. The Rector celebrated the
Holy' Eucharist at 11 a.rn. in Bay-
field, assisted by Rev. J. F. Parke,
(Hon. -Assistant) and by Percy Lee,.
Jr. (Server). The choir, under the
direction of Mrs. K. Moorhouse, sang
Smart's Communion Office and dur-
ing the offertorium sang a motet,.
"Praise the Lord." Evensong was:
said in St. Janes Church, Godericlr
township, at 3 p.m. and in St. John's
Church, Varna, at 7 p.m. Mrs. K.
Moorhouse and Miss L. Woods sang
a duet, "Consider the Lilies," during
the collection at Evensong in Varna.
The services were well attended in
spite of threatening skies.. The visi-
were well received and their-
heirmessage, gladly heard. ,These services
were intended to and did show the
perfect harmony and unity of evan-
gelical effort and Catholic teaching',
—both are part of each other.
Successful Tea Yesterday
A Travel Bridge and Silver tea
was given by the Home and School
Club of Clinton yesterday afternoon,
which was arranged by the Finance
Committee of the Club, Mrs. Mon-
teith, convener. The bridge players
came on to Mrs. Harold Lawson's
house to join those who were tea
guests there and had a very enjoy-
able afternoon. Littre JoAnne Cull -
Ingham admitted the gnests, who
were very graciously welcomed by
Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Gordon Ctn-
Inghanme, president of the Club. The
rooms were most attractive and an-
tumn blooms and candleight on the
tett table, at which Mrs. Fair and
Mrs. Cooper poured tea, made a very
inviting atmosphere.
The Social Committee of the Club
under the , able convenorship of Mrs.
F. Fingland, looked after the guests,
among whom were a number from
the Goderich Clubs, The prize for
the highest points in bridge went to.
Mrs. M. Elliott.
The object of this effort on the
part of the Chub ,members is to
raise fund's for the financing of
Manual Training and Sewing in our
Public schooland it is to be hoped
that when this becomes generally
known that we shall have a greater
support than ever for the work this
club. is undertaking; Mrs. Lawson's
generosity in giving her home for
this worthwhile enterprise is very
much appreciated.
Blyth Man Dies. As Result
Of Accident
A sad death occurred in Clinton
Hospital on Saturday when Wiiliain
Craig, Con. 7, Morris tdwnship, pas-
sed away following' an accident on
Wednesday afternoon. Mr, Craig and
his son, Bernard, were hauling corn
to the silo when., Mr. Craig by some
means fell backward from the load.
I -Ie was taken' at once to Clinton Hos-
pital where it. Was found his neck had
been broken,causing; paralysis from
the shoulders down..
Mr. Craig was a member of the
United • Church and was highly re-
spected in the community. He is sur-
vived by his wife and three sons, Bert
and Earl, Grand Bend, and Bernard
at home. Mr, Craig was a member
of a large fancily, of which three sis-
ters, Mrs. Thos. Walsh, East W awa-
nosh, Janet, Morris, Mrs. Young,
Grey, and two brothers, James and
Robert, Morris, survive.
The funeral was held from the Uni-
ted church, Blyth, on Monday after-
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jowett and:
Mrs. L. Lundboln returned hone on
Thursday of last week after having
motored to Warroad, Minn.
Mr. George Black and wife and:
Mrs, Kyle of Paris, Ont,, Mrs. Wm..
Black of Ayr, and Mr. Robert Black
of Strathclair, Main,, were visitors at
W. J. Foster's on Saturday.
Miss Annie McCurdy and Messrs.
Robert and Thomas McCurdy return-
ed to their home in Stratford last
week after having spent the summer -
season at the latter's home, Stanley
Park, south of the village.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brandon of
St. Catharines spent a few days last
week with the former's mother, Mrs..
Catherine Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Marks and niece,.
Mrs. Gillen, of Grand Rapids, Mich,,.
spent Sunday with Mrs. Marks' ecu --
sin, Mrs. K. Moorhouse.
Mrs. Delbert Haw of Proton Stagy.
tion is visiting her mother, Mrs. El -
canon Heard.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rogers of Ham-
ilton .were in the village over the
week -end closing their cottage fore
the season.
Mr, W. J. Bugler and Miss Ger-
trude Bugler of London spent Sun-
unday at the Rectory.
Visitors from Detroit who spent
the week -end at L. M. Day's cottage
were: Janes Day, Leslie Smith, Ar-
nold Smith, Wallace Hodges, John Ir -
Win, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Linguist
and harry Forster, Jr:
Miss Alice Drouin of Detroit was
the guest of Mrs. C. W. Brown and`:
Miss Anne Drouin the guest• of Mrs.
M. Ferguson over the week -end:
Mrs. C. W. Brown was the guest
of Mrs. M. McTaggart in Clinton for
a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Churchward and'
two sons of London were at their Cot-
tage over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Quarry have re-
turned to London after having spent
the Summer at their home in the vil-
Misses F, and E. Fosvlie and .Mrs.
H. R. McKay spent Sunday with the '
fornter's sister, Mrs. G. Koehler, in.
The Bayfield Badminton Club held
the first meeting of the season in the
town hall on Monday evening and re-
organized for the ensuing year. The
following officers' were appointed:.
President, Dr. Wm. Fowler; •Secre-:
tary-Treasurer, Margaret Groves;,•
Girl's Capjtain, Marion Davison;,,
Boy's Captain, Jack Ferguson; Social
Convenors, Gladys Gale, Meta Shear
down. The Club will meet oh:Monday .'
and Thursday of each 'week. A new
ruling was brought in barring mem-
bers under ,fifteen years of age,;but.
those under that age will be allowed
to play in the town hall on Saturday:•,
afternoon without paying a fee. ,
The Rev. •F. W. Gilmour, D.D'.,'
minister of Elmwood Avenue Presby
terian Oath, Lonclon, will be the,
preacher at Knox Church on. Sunday..
Mrs. Jacic Armstrong is spending•
a couple of weeks ,with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryan have rent-
ed their farm and moved to their'•
house' in the village.
Mr. F. Tamblyn went to Toron-
to Tuesday and his wife, who was •
operated on in the city, returned with::
Mr. and Mrs. Ball has moved into
the Hesselwood home.
Miss Terranee is spending a couple
of weeks with friends in Sudbury arch
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