HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-09-17, Page 8oir 101 . . . 1- -. ,15,,,,:.;'• - ' '14 .04 l's A ,cp , I.. , ' ... .• 1!.., !i,' *: 9) Ir/kGE 8 LAMB STEWS, Per Ib SHOULDER ROASP OF LAMB, per lb • SHOULDER ROAST OF VEAL, per lb CHUCK ROAST OF VEAL, per . ......... 15c P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS_ per lb. 22c SMOKED- COTTAGE ROLLS, per Ib 25c SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON, in piece, per lb... 28c - FRESH SIDE. PORK, per lb. 18c FRESH SHOULDER palm, per lb. . . . ..... „18c DRY SALT 'PORK, per Ib 18c 15c 18c 18c CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162, Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE A Complete Set of Kitchenware, durable, porcelain white en- amel with a: new colorful red trim, fourteen pieces for $14.75 Each piece may be purchased seperately. 2000 feet of aA inch galvanized pipe If you are needing any, get our prices they will surprise you FURNITURE DEPARTMENT 6 modern pieces all for 86.50 including, 3 piece Chesterfield Suite, Chesterfield Table, Floor Lamp 'and Ottoman. OUR STOCK OF SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES IS COMPLETE ALL NEW STOCK Sutter--Perdue--Beattie FURNITURE,' HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE. W, E. Perdue, 151w. —PHONES— J. A. Sutter, 147w. ..mishmoszarwarmarerash THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD OVEN SERVE ware is built for sudden extremes of heat and cold, fiMshed M cream with raised pattern and edgings styled and finished ready ,to serve an the table or if it please you take direct •J3'0111 stove to refrigerator. BIRTHDAY CARDS To send to children and cards for children to send..The sending of them reflects a desired kind of good: The growth of habits, of thetightftilness and friendlinesS-th-others is promot- ed in the heezts and minds of the children an the ceby a factor toward better ROTARY PENCIL SHARPENERS The home is one of the most im- portant places for a pencil sharpener. There are millions of homes that need them. Why presist in using a. eery - Mg knive -or Dad's razor? When this inexpensive machine is within the means of everyone. We have them priced as low as 30e and a more sub- stancial one for Office School or Home at $1.75. It's said to be "the best by test." Then there are small ones you carry in your pocket at 10e, or 15c when you turn the pencil instead of the crank. SWAT The fly with a 5c swatter. You have the 5c we have the swatte.., lets trade, and what does the fly get out of the deal? WATERMANS INK Adds to the efficiency ef Water - man's Pen and Waterman's Pen adds to the efficiency of Waterman's Ink. The W. IL Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Best THURS., SEPT. 17, .1933 ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER REI) AND WHITE c? Always in the Lead T Thurs., Fri. Sal. Sept. 18 19 To Make Room tor New Shipments of Dried Fruits NOTE Our Cash Price on SUGAR by the Sack CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRUIT SALE of Oranges, Grapes, Bananas and Peaches ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY .sallffastswissaaannah NIIINSZOINS ASISMIOSINNIIMSIMP .1128:ninISIMIN=121=‘.. tus PI .- kV ilocE._ li .. siWfs ....„..p.p...- ......., .. .... Have You Good Headlights? We Have Recently Installed A GOVERNMENT APPROVED LIGHT ADJUSTER. Let Us Tune Up Your Lights and Set Them Properly. YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE ADDED COMFORT OF NIGHT 1 DRIVING. 1 Red Indian Service Station CLINTON.. HOLMESVILLE Miss Esther MacMath left on day to enter Normal at London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Postle and babe of Londeshoro were guests of Mr. and Pied Potter on Friday. Miss Joy Lobb Was a recent visitor with her aunt, Mrs. Lorne Jervis. R.ev. J. W, Herbert was called to Putnam. a former circuit, last week to conduct the funeral of a member of that charge.' Next Sunday the Rally Service will be observed in this church at 10.30 Mr. and Mrs. 0, 'Whiteman and daughter of Detroit visited recently with Mr. and Nit's. Chas, McPhail, Mrs. Eldred Yeo entertained a number of ladies at a quilting on Tuesday arrernoon. Mrs. Walters and son, Floyd of genTnIler visited the fernter'e daugh- ter, Mrs. Les Jervis, recently. Visitors over the week -end with Mrs, Wm. Mulholland were: Miss Kathleen Cole and Mr and Mrs. Neil Ferguson of Detroit; also Miss Dor- othy Cole of Winnipeg. Y. P. U. Friday evening was in charge of Miss Alms. Trewartha, Mis- sionary Convener. After the "opening devotional exercises. Mr. Kenneth Trewartha read the lesson, Which was commented upon by Rev. J. W. Her- bert. Miss. Mary Grigg gave the topic for the evening and Mrs. Lorne Jervis and Miss Ruth Potter rendered a duet. The meeting. this Friday evening will be in charge of Miss Gay 'Whitmore and Mrs. ,Edward Grigg, and will take the form of a social evening. A good time is anticipated. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mrs. Mason Stirling spent last week in Toronto visiting friends and That "Horse Case" Not Yet' Settled Howich TownshipFarmer in Jail as • Latest Development In Litigation over $40 Equine Which Already has Cost Thousands of Dollas in Court Costs. .... ...„. Leslie McLeod, Howlett Township farmer, is in Goderich jail charged with defrauding his creditors. He was arrested on his farm by County Con- stable John Ferguson and remanded to jail to next Thursday by F. G. Wier, Jr. This is the latest move in the famous "horse case," now• over two years before the courts, which started with a horse dealer, William E. Dav- idson, of Matheson, leaving $40 in the milk bottle of a neighbor of McLeod's cluing the latter's absence and leading the steed, for which he had bargained away. McLeod had Davidson arrested and put in jail for theft, but the horse dealer was honorably acquitted.- Dav- idson then brought civil action for false arrest and malicious prosecut- ion and was awarded $500 and costs in Surpreme Curt. Litigation only started at this point and has gone on and on until boots now amount to thousands of flollars. It looks as though a good 100 -acre farm is to be dissipated in legal costs over a $40 horse. also visiting the Big Fair. Mr. and Mrs. John Iludie were a- 1 tnong the visitors to the Canadian National in Toronto last week -end. Mrs. Arthur. Welsh has been the guest the past week of her sister, Mrs. Ed. Welsh near Clinton. Mrs. John Beacom has returned home after spending, the last week with her daughters; Misses Reta and Shirley Beacom, in Toronto, having accompanied them to Toronto at the close of the Labor Day week -end. Miss Donna Welsh spent the past week as the guest ef her cousin, Miss Norma Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merner and baby son, Jack are moving into their new home on the ninth concession. We wish thein every success. • CONSTANCh Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton of Exeter visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Medd on, Friday. Mr. D. Millson and Mr. Fred Riley, spent Friday in Kitthiner. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson and little son, near Brumfield, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lawson on Sunday. Mr. Lorne Lawson) was in Toronto and Newmarket visiting friends. Mrs. Britton spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. G. Wheatly,Clinton. 4 Mr. and Mrs. C. Dexter were in London on Sunday. t, 11 livingijj Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W0 T. CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 Mrs. Levi Trick of London was in town last week -end. Mr, Jelin E. Howard spent a few days in Toronto last week, tilting in the Exhibition. Mr. Alvin Leenard of Milton, visited his mothen, Mrs. F. Leonard, over the week -end, Miss Broadfoot of West Palm Beach, Florida, is the gnest this week of Mrs. IL Phamsteel. Mrs.. Epps and Miss Millson of Ham- ilton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Epps, of town., Miss Mary' Jenkins visited recently with her brother, Mr. E. J. Jenkins, and his family in 'Ottawa. , Miss Emma Levis has returned home from Toronto, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. P. C. Town. Mrs. J. A. Ford who accompanied her (laughter as far as Toronto on her way to the west last week, returned Monday. Mrs. Gearge Crooks and her father, Mr. Fred Warning, of Delhi, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard the past week. Mrs. J. Casemore and Miss Marion and Dr. Stilbart of Wingham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Steep, on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Emily and little son Gary, Ind., have been the guests of •Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brownlee of town, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall, Miss Evelyn Hall and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Walker visited Mr. Walker's moth- er in Kitchener on Sunday. Miss Florence. French was with her grandmother, Mrs. French and other friends the past week She resumes her studies at Mac- Donald Hall, Guelph, at the open- ing of the term. Mr. Percy Ladd, who has been visit- ing his parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Wm.. Ladd in town for some weeks, left for Monrovia, Cal., on Monday. He was accompanied by his father and mother, who will spend the winter with him. Miss Muriel Struthers, who has been spending the summer in Muskolih, is spending a short visit with her mole and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper before returning to re- stnne her studies at the Toronto University. Mrs. Win. Perrin and daughter, Mrs. McIntyre, and daughter Olive Mount Pleasant, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eager of )3rantford, who were on a holiday'inotor trip, visit-, ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown- • she of town, Mrs. Herbert. Gentles of Regina, Sask., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Watt, Princess street.. Mrs. Gentles was formerly Miss Bessie O'Neil, young- est daughter of the late Frank O'Neil and Mrs: O'Neil of Regina and resided in Clinton for a time in her childhood, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hawke returned Saturday after a few weeks' hol- iday visit witli friends at North- wood, a former charge where he spent four years as pastor and where he .took Sunday services for four Sundays while awa-y, and rit • Chatham, Ridgetown and Thames- ville.. They thoroughly enjoyed their Visit with (old friends, and both returned in dimellent health and spirits. • son. NEW and OLD TIME DANCE under the auspices of Summerbill Old Time Dance Club Hayfield Pavilion WEDESDAY, SEPT. 30TH Music by Good Orchestra Dancing, 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. This will be the first club dance of the season at Bayfield, so come and have a good time. .. Admission 30c, .(Tax included) Everybody Welcome • 97-1 LONDON ROAD Mr. and Mrs. John Quigley spent Sunday with Kitchener friends. Mr. J. Stephenson and Mr. B. Kemp of London visited with the'• former's cousins Mr. and IVIre,1 Swinbank, on Tuesday. A. number on the Rend have attend- ed the Western Fair. Dr, Mary Findlater of Brookland, Washington, D. C., is visiting her nephew and niece Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clegg. AUBURN Mrs. Nelson Ball of Clinton, is. spending a few days with Mrs. Geo. Sturdy. ' Miss Weir of Strathroy is visiting with Dr. and 'Mrs. Weir. Mr and Mrs. Jos. Carter and Reggie •of Port" Elgin are visiting the for- mer's prents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Car- ter. . The regular meeting of Knox Pres- bytetian W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. J. J. Wilson, with the president, Mrs. Edgar Lawson, in charge. There was a good attend- ance. • It was decided to hold the Thankoffering meeting in October in the church and in the evening. The study book was taken by Mrs., Hoge, Mrs. W. Robinson and Mrs. E Lawson Refreshments were served at the dose. 1VIes. T. Adams is visiting her son in Toronto. • Mrs. C. Beadle has returned from Kitehener. The opening meeting of Knox Y. P. U. was held on Tuesday evening. Miss E. William had charge and Miss Evelyn Plaezer took the topie. Mr. and Mrs.. Stephen , Medd and Donald from Woodstock visited with Mrs. J. Medd. Mr. R. Brunt and Miss Weir of Strathroy were Sunday visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Weir. • Miss Josephine Weir has returned from Toronto. • Mrs. Naegel of Walton spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lew - 5011. Mr. and Mrs, T. Johnston, Miss Laura Phillips and Mr. 3. Ross were in Owen Sound on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Knott, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, Blyth, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rollin , I Dance and Card Party The Women's Institute is having a card party, dance and drawing con- test in THE LEGION ROOMS, CLINTON Commencing at 8 p.m. on Friday, October 2nd Refreshments will be served, Admission 25c plus tax. 96-4. seee.neweee-#44,e,e,,,,meeee-em.e..e. When it is your move "SAY ITWITH FLOWERS" You will Win Appreciation from others SATISFACTION FOR YOURSELF When you say it with Flowers, SAY IT WITH OUR'S A useful and attractive outdoor Flower Stand for sale. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. WHEN IN NEED OF A COAL RANGE or NEATER CALL in and SEE the CLARE BliOSILINE • on our Floor Every stove guaranteed T. Illatikins HARDWARE and PLIJHRING Phone 244 sammissamaszanzneneadsames ACILVIECEMESZaZSZIASSISMIRSIZSISM.35121, j. A LARGE NEW STOCK FOR FALL After a very successful summer's Pusiness, we are ready with a large new stock to fill the gaps, You will find a great range of:—Studio Couches, Chesterfield Suites, Occassinal Chairs, Dining Room and Bedroom Suites, Ceder Chests and tables of all the different styles for various uses to se- lect from. We have an especially well assorted stock of Baby Carriages, Doll Cabs, Baby Walkers, Rocking Horses, Play Yards, Rockers, etc. for the children, AND LAMPS GALORE So it will be easy for you to Brighten up your home comfort- bly and Economieally. Our policy of Small Profits and Quick returns will save you money. BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ainbulance Service. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. PHONE 111 CLINTON "FINE FOODS AND LOW PRICES" Rinso, large pkg. 20c Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg. 21c Ilemphills Wheat Berries, large pkg. 25c Matches, 3 bares 23c Choice Blue Rose Rice, 31bS. 25c Interlake Toilet Tissue, 3 large rolls 25c Clothes Pins, 3 doz. 10c Red Plum Sam, large 32 oz. jar 23c Heinz Catsup, large bottle 19c "Red Rose" Keta Sahnon, 2 Ib tins 19c Hillcrest Pure Lard, lb. prints 14c Durham Corn Starch, lb. 100 Fresh Creamery Butter, first grade, lb. 28c Fly Catchers "Aeroxon", 3 for • 5c Fruit Jar Rubbers, heavy, doz. •6c TRY US WITH YOU ORDER THIS.".VVEEK-END! Phone 111 —We Deliver T. R. Thompson