HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-09-10, Page 8GE'8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS.; SEPT. 10, 1936; ivinstard lefi on Monday with therr Connell, $f Tuckersmith. HAS VACATED and now it is in sequence for the Public School pupils to get ready for September .1st, School opening. We invite yon to come to us for TEXT BOOKS and - SUPPLIES Tite W. D. Fair co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best fldtcoN it tlNllll�lll@-�ummmiiiii . ����,ai J ad��-, ,.. ... „nil mmin rs. W. Pickard is visiting' with Mrs. R. J. McCormick of Oshawa. iss Eva Cluff spent the week -end and holiday with London friends. iss Harriet Courtice was in St. Tho- mas for the week -end and holiday. iss Edith Johnston of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents in town. r. Fred Lockwood and Miss Bessie spent the week- end and holiday in Toronto. Ir. HRward Partlow of Toronto spent the week5pfc1 with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Courtice, -. (iss Irene Layton spent last week in Toronto, visiting 'friends and tak- hi in tin i',:ihibition. Ir. and, Mrs. W. J. Jones and Miss Steele were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Dunsieth on Labor ]lay. 2r. and Mrs. M. E. McFadden of Cookstown are visiting the lady's sisters, the Misses Cornish of town. Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Layton of To- ronto spent a few days this week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton. Ir. and Mrs. Jas. Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pepper of Mitchell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton on Sunday. (iss Betty Miuray has returned to her home in Stratford after visit- ing her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Jones, Rattenbury street. Ors. D. S. Cluff and Miss Evelyn of. Toronto and Mrs Chas. J. Stew- art of St. Marys were week -end guests of Mrs. Wm. Robertson. Ir. and Mrs. Fred Jones and son, Harold, of McAdam, N,B., were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Jones, Rattenbury street: Zrs. James Reid, Sr:, and Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, Jr:, of Bay City, Mich., visited Sunday with Mr. and Mis. James M. Reid of town. Zrs. Ellen Watt and her brother, Mr. John McQueen of Flint, Mich., visited friends in Toronto for a few days and took in the big fair. T. and Mrs. Chubb of Highland Park, Mich., and Mrs. Charlotte Le- Roy of Detroit, were week -end guests .of Mr: and Mrs. John Ster- ling. Ins." E. Campbell and Master Jim- mie, who have been visiting with the lady's mother, Mrs. J. A. Ford, left yesterday for their home in Calgary. Ir. John Young of Toronto motored up to Clinton for the week -end and on his return was accompainied by his wife and family who had spent the past five weeks ,in Clinton and vicinity, Ir. R. H. Vodden of San Francisco, Cal., son of Mr. and Mas. John' Vodden of town, who has been vis- iting in Clinton,. and vicinity, left Tuesday, on his return • journey to his home. rrs. Wm. Perdue returned last week from an extended visit in Michi- gan, 'stopping off at. London for e few days 'withher daughter, Mrs: Garnet W. Millson, a bride of a few weeks. r. Norman ' Counter and his sister and nephew, Mrs. Collins and Mr. Gordon Collins, of' Siancoe, were here for the funeral of their brotlY- er, the late W. E. Counter which Was held on Monday. DIVE E FRIEND' TELLS •ANOTHER J y RED AND Alwayi in tthe'L With Thanksgiving Near at Hand and Christmas on the way, we draw Your attention .'to the New Lexia Raisins, Currants and Seedless Raisins. SPECIALS FOR SEPTEMBER loth. lath and i2th Rasberry and Apple Jain 25c Marmalade, 28 ozs. for 29c, 59e' Soda Biscuits, per pkg. 25e Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for 25c Jelly Powders, 5 for 25c, Comb Honey, at 280 Clover Honey 25; 50c, $1.00 Spices Of All Kinds. ' Vinegar, Blended Cider and Spirits, gal. 390 Free Cup and Saucer with One Pound Coffee 390 Peanut Butter (4 lb.) pail FRIGIDAIRE Pickled Roll, per lb. - 25e Cottage Roll, per lb. 30e Supreme Shortening, 2 lbs. for 27c Bacon (piece) ib. 30c Peameal Bacon, per lb. • 38e Bologna (piece), 2 lbs. for - 25e Baked Ham, Fresh Sausage, Jellied Veal ' Chicken Loaf. Fancy Fruit Cookies, per Ib. 29e Fancy Peanut Crisp, per lb. 29c Peas, Maple Leaf (No. 4) 3 for 33e Pancy Assorted Cookies, peg Ib. 15c Tomato Juice (Libbys) 3 for 25c Snow Flake Ammonia, 5 for 3 Lbs. Soap Flakes Canned Grape Fruit Juice ' 15c Pineapples, 2 tins for canned Apricots 25c 25c Canned Pears . Carnation Milk, 2 for Silver Tea, per lb. Celery Hearts, 2 for Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. for Cooking Onions, 50 lbs. No. 1 for Cooking Onions, 8 lbs. for. Cabbage, Tomatoes, Plums, Peaches and Pears 23c 19c 19c 19c 49c 25e 25e 69c 21c Big Clearing Sale of Corn and Peas -- New Prices are Bound to Follow Christie Fancy Cakes Special --- Walkerside Ice Cream Pineapple, Cherry New Premiums --- China --- Glassware --- Mirrors --- Cutlery Where "Sella for Less" IN Price Prevails Mr. W. Wagg had the misfortune to sprain an ankle while playing ball in on Saturday. in Wingham . Y Dance and Card Party The Women's Institute is having a card party, dance and drawing con- test in THE LEGION ROOMS, CLINTON Commencing at 8 p.m. on Friday, October 2nd Refreshments will be served. Admission 25c plus tax, 96-4. WE 1A193 FRUR CARLOADS OF FERTILIZER FOR LAST MINUTE ORDERS 2-12.6.. $29.50 PER TON 0-12.6.. $26.00 PER TON 20% .. $21.00 PER TON 16% .. $18.50 PER TON These Prices are at our warehouse at, the tracks. Call either Geo. Elliott -Phone 203, or Clinton Creamery -Phone 145. . CLINTON CREAMERY ' 96-1. Low Rail Fares to WESTERN FAIR LONDON (SEPTEMBER 14-19 in effect from many points in Ontario SINGLE FARE For the Round Trip Good Going SEPTEMBER 14-18 Return Limit' SEPTEMBER 22 Full particulars from any Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL -For' Your Conventenc.-' BUS SCHEDULE Effective Max 3. 1936. Going North -11.10 a.m.; 8.00 p.m. Sat. 3.10 p.m. Going South -8 a.m.; 9.45 p.m. Going West -1.15 p.m.; 7.50 p.m. Going East -8.00 a.m.; 5.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Itineraries planned to all points in Canada,, United States & Mexico. Consult Local Agent. CENT. ONT. BUS LINES LTD. TORONTO. • RATTENBURY HOTEL, L. Rousseau -Phone 50. COMMERCIAL INN, A. McCallum -Phone 293. T. O'NEIL CORNER GROCBE ERIA CLINTO'SPhone 48 SHELL World Experietleg At Ne Extra Cost The Same Applies To Lubricating Your Car. All Modern Equipment, and At No Extra Cost. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU BROWNIE'S SERVICE 95-2. b'll Does 'your fernery need new ferns? See our stock of healthy, fresh Boston ferns in all sizes, Fertabs .are particularly good for your ferns -25c A PKG. PREPARED SOIL -15c A PAIL F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR, Furnace Overhauled and be prepared when cold weather conies. HAVE YOUR EAVE TROUGHS REPAIRED OR NEW ONES IF NEEDED. Before the Cold Weather Comes. GET OUR .PRICES ON GLASS, PAINT AND ,OILS. T. llawkins H.itRDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 1 r. Fall is Rapidly Approaching and it will be indoors for the long winter months, So why not get a few good comfortable chairs, and a good lamp, the kind that gives better light, and easy on the eyes. Then we have a new stock of AFTER -GLOW LAMPS in 'fable and Bridge Lamps and the prices will amaze you. A nice range of SOLID WALNUT CEDAR CHESTS in differ- ent styles and sizes. See our north window for MAGAZINE RACKS, END TABLES and FERNERIES, HARDWARE SPECIALS We have a lot of SCREEN DOORS at EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES. A large assortment of Graniteware in grey, ivory, green, blue and white, Pure white and the New Red and Ivory Stainless Granite. Now is the time to look after that leaky roof as we have a stock of the famous Brantford Shingles and all .necessary repairing materials. BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. PHONE 111 CLINTON SPECIALS for Thur.-FrL-Sat. St. William's Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. jar 21e P. and G. White Naptha Soap, 10 bars for 31e Aylmer Soups, Veg. and Tomato, 10 %2 oz., 3 tins 25c Crown Brand Corn 'Syrup, 2's, 18c 5's 39c Aylmer Tomato Juice, lige. 25 oz. tin, 2 for 19c McCormick Choc. Puff Biscuits, per ib. 17c Kellogg's All -Bran, large; per pkg. 19c 2 -in -1 Shoe Polish Paste, per tin 10c Honey, Pure, 5 lb. tins, each 47e Rolled Oats, Fresh Rolled, 4 lbs. for ' 19c Crown Jars;, small, $1.04 doz. Med., $1.14 doz. Rubber Rings, Heavy, per dozen 06c Zinc Rings,. per dozen Peaches, 'Pears, Plums, Etc: 21.e Phone 111 --- We Deliver Thompson , VEAL STEWS OR BOILS, per 1b. , . `. .. . ..:....... ... . .'.13c VEAL CHOPS, per lb .20c BULK LARD, per. lb......... ...............:,:.......; 'SCHNEIDER'S 20-LBr, PAIL' LARD ..... . .... . ..... . ....... $2.90' • DRY SALT PORK, nen ]b. .18c Off,. P . . ....20c PICNIC HAMS,Shanker Ib JELLIED HOCK, per ,20c HEAD CHEESE, per Ib......,..,:.....................1O HOME-MADE SAUSAGE per ` lb. ........ . .. . ..... . ...:.:....15c SIDE PORK, in piece, per lb. ...... . .....................18c 'CONNE[ L & 'Y'�NDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING ' MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE • SEE THE NEW C,OLEMAN three . burners; lifetime finished in cream COAL OR WOOD COOK IF YOUR FURNACE • IT DONE INSTANT LITE GAS COOK STOVES, gas tank, with legs; back and shelf, and green. STOVES in any design and size. NEEDS REPAIRS OR CLEANING HAVE NOW BY CALLING 147W. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT ANOTHER SHIPMENT ,OF TABLE AND BRIDGE LAMPS. Yon are invited to see the latest in lighting equipment. , SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES from$1'2.50 UP Mattress Cover with Each Spring Mattress. Sutter -Perdue -Beattie FURNITURE, HARDWARE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS • AMBULANCE SERVICE. W. E. Perdue, 151w. -PHONES- J. A. Sutter, 147w. • 'IR.4!.X4 T4404f : : t.:.: 4: i :4+4 T.: . .,i4H+ ? i* 4:4HiHi :: f .444 :4e: _, x` i$. 66 The rogue " ,_� j We are now ready with a full line of Fall and Winter Outfits- +_ ;t; ' Consisting of HATS, COATS and DRESSES 1_ 3 � • These come in all sizes and half sizes in leading shades. {_ The clothes are very attractive this season -so take, a step in Iii, 4 and see them. t' Be Sure and See Our CRYSTAL CLEAR HOSIERY MIRAGE . T�ICELLI. - CORVogue" " ./ e V o g u e " - 95-2. _ .Hie 94.-4;4P4+4 4 448444.4.4. t, 0 4H:H.444+4+ 044-0 44H4+ 4.0HNA .:40 tH8.* ++. ao-,e.. �-....• ,. , - ''Firestone AA� 4. 5. and r�i T'' F"� 6; ,% \ i /' ', '/'1 i i" y \ I .p i � ; 1 �' 4 i al0a�' _1- '��\/ Have You Headlights? •We Have Recently , A GOVERNMENT LIGHT ADJUSTER. tet' Us Tune Up Your Set Them Properly. YOU WILL BE AMAZED ADDED COMFORT DRIVING. Red •Indian Service CLINTON. 'mu' up o m-,,,, � \ i �t1 ��;, / �.. , �� y Good Installed APPROVED Lights OF 'Station '• 1 f P and AT . THE NIGHT Rolling home t4 take in the Toronto Rolling Esl,ih'+'' . . 1- ' . '' I y, h 1 Misses Mary McCully, Anna Aik enbead, Ellen Scott and Beth and Marie Elliott spent the week -end at 1 Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie and family of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. I Hammel of Detroit visited with Mr: Margaret McKenzie. Miss Irene Snyder of London vis- i ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skelton and children of Stratford spent the week- 1 end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skel- ton. Miss Margaret Aikenhead of Lon- don spent the holiday at her home i here. Miss Audrey Swan was taken sud- denly -sick Sunday and was removed to Seaforth hospital, where she had her appendix removed. We hope she P will soon be better. Ms. H. Zapfe is visiting her daugh- ters in Detroit© Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Simpson of De- I troit and Miss MaeSimpsonvisited their father, Mr. C. D. Simpson, on Y. Mr. and. Ms. Arthur McQueen and 1 Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. James McQueen are spending a few days in Toronto. • - The many friends of Dr. Peter Mc- I Ewen will be sorry to hear that he is seriously ill in London, • I VARNA The members of the United church intend serving a hot supper in the 1 church shed on October 15th. We are .'very glad to learn that Mrs. John Smith has improved after her serious operation as to be remov- ed to her home. I Mr. anti_ Mrs.. 1:I,' Bandy of Sea- forth spent- the • holidays with his parents here. Miss Gene Chuter of London spent the week -end at her home, • The many friends of Mrs. John 1 Rathwell are glad to hear she is im- proved enough to be removed to her "11 home.: ' Miss Lillian Elliott had the misfor- tune tune to fall off her bicycle and in - pure her arm and 'now she carries it 11 in a sling, " Mr, Frank Weekes is innproving af- ter being laid mp with a bad cold, Mr. G. Marks of Toronto motored up for the week -end, and returned ' with his wife and two children, Mas - as-.Miss'Evelyn ter Ross and Miss Carolyn, who had spent the past two months with Mrs, Marks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Connell, and also her brother, Roy ,• ' BRUCEFIELD • 1VIr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and Floyd' of Stratford are visiting friends in Detroit. ' Mrs. R. McKenzie and children of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr, :ind Mrs, H. Zapfe. - Mr. Ii, F. Berry and Miss>Alice Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baird tools in >lie Toronto Fair last week, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowleesintn of, 3owmanville, and Mrs. Clinton Cook, 3ima tford;. and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ianniti]i of Chicago visited with Mrs. 1, Scott.-. .Miss 'EvelynGrainger spent the tpliday. in Ilderton, Mr. J. K. Cornish, Harry Daly- mple, Frank McGregor and Aldie ivinstard lefi on Monday with therr Connell, $f Tuckersmith. HAS VACATED and now it is in sequence for the Public School pupils to get ready for September .1st, School opening. We invite yon to come to us for TEXT BOOKS and - SUPPLIES Tite W. D. Fair co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best fldtcoN it tlNllll�lll@-�ummmiiiii . ����,ai J ad��-, ,.. ... „nil mmin rs. W. Pickard is visiting' with Mrs. R. J. McCormick of Oshawa. iss Eva Cluff spent the week -end and holiday with London friends. iss Harriet Courtice was in St. Tho- mas for the week -end and holiday. iss Edith Johnston of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents in town. r. Fred Lockwood and Miss Bessie spent the week- end and holiday in Toronto. Ir. HRward Partlow of Toronto spent the week5pfc1 with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Courtice, -. (iss Irene Layton spent last week in Toronto, visiting 'friends and tak- hi in tin i',:ihibition. Ir. and, Mrs. W. J. Jones and Miss Steele were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Dunsieth on Labor ]lay. 2r. and Mrs. M. E. McFadden of Cookstown are visiting the lady's sisters, the Misses Cornish of town. Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Layton of To- ronto spent a few days this week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton. Ir. and Mrs. Jas. Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pepper of Mitchell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton on Sunday. (iss Betty Miuray has returned to her home in Stratford after visit- ing her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Jones, Rattenbury street. Ors. D. S. Cluff and Miss Evelyn of. Toronto and Mrs Chas. J. Stew- art of St. Marys were week -end guests of Mrs. Wm. Robertson. Ir. and Mrs. Fred Jones and son, Harold, of McAdam, N,B., were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Jones, Rattenbury street: Zrs. James Reid, Sr:, and Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, Jr:, of Bay City, Mich., visited Sunday with Mr. and Mis. James M. Reid of town. Zrs. Ellen Watt and her brother, Mr. John McQueen of Flint, Mich., visited friends in Toronto for a few days and took in the big fair. T. and Mrs. Chubb of Highland Park, Mich., and Mrs. Charlotte Le- Roy of Detroit, were week -end guests .of Mr: and Mrs. John Ster- ling. Ins." E. Campbell and Master Jim- mie, who have been visiting with the lady's mother, Mrs. J. A. Ford, left yesterday for their home in Calgary. Ir. John Young of Toronto motored up to Clinton for the week -end and on his return was accompainied by his wife and family who had spent the past five weeks ,in Clinton and vicinity, Ir. R. H. Vodden of San Francisco, Cal., son of Mr. and Mas. John' Vodden of town, who has been vis- iting in Clinton,. and vicinity, left Tuesday, on his return • journey to his home. rrs. Wm. Perdue returned last week from an extended visit in Michi- gan, 'stopping off at. London for e few days 'withher daughter, Mrs: Garnet W. Millson, a bride of a few weeks. r. Norman ' Counter and his sister and nephew, Mrs. Collins and Mr. Gordon Collins, of' Siancoe, were here for the funeral of their brotlY- er, the late W. E. Counter which Was held on Monday. DIVE E FRIEND' TELLS •ANOTHER J y RED AND Alwayi in tthe'L With Thanksgiving Near at Hand and Christmas on the way, we draw Your attention .'to the New Lexia Raisins, Currants and Seedless Raisins. SPECIALS FOR SEPTEMBER loth. lath and i2th Rasberry and Apple Jain 25c Marmalade, 28 ozs. for 29c, 59e' Soda Biscuits, per pkg. 25e Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for 25c Jelly Powders, 5 for 25c, Comb Honey, at 280 Clover Honey 25; 50c, $1.00 Spices Of All Kinds. ' Vinegar, Blended Cider and Spirits, gal. 390 Free Cup and Saucer with One Pound Coffee 390 Peanut Butter (4 lb.) pail FRIGIDAIRE Pickled Roll, per lb. - 25e Cottage Roll, per lb. 30e Supreme Shortening, 2 lbs. for 27c Bacon (piece) ib. 30c Peameal Bacon, per lb. • 38e Bologna (piece), 2 lbs. for - 25e Baked Ham, Fresh Sausage, Jellied Veal ' Chicken Loaf. Fancy Fruit Cookies, per Ib. 29e Fancy Peanut Crisp, per lb. 29c Peas, Maple Leaf (No. 4) 3 for 33e Pancy Assorted Cookies, peg Ib. 15c Tomato Juice (Libbys) 3 for 25c Snow Flake Ammonia, 5 for 3 Lbs. Soap Flakes Canned Grape Fruit Juice ' 15c Pineapples, 2 tins for canned Apricots 25c 25c Canned Pears . Carnation Milk, 2 for Silver Tea, per lb. Celery Hearts, 2 for Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. for Cooking Onions, 50 lbs. No. 1 for Cooking Onions, 8 lbs. for. Cabbage, Tomatoes, Plums, Peaches and Pears 23c 19c 19c 19c 49c 25e 25e 69c 21c Big Clearing Sale of Corn and Peas -- New Prices are Bound to Follow Christie Fancy Cakes Special --- Walkerside Ice Cream Pineapple, Cherry New Premiums --- China --- Glassware --- Mirrors --- Cutlery Where "Sella for Less" IN Price Prevails Mr. W. Wagg had the misfortune to sprain an ankle while playing ball in on Saturday. in Wingham . Y Dance and Card Party The Women's Institute is having a card party, dance and drawing con- test in THE LEGION ROOMS, CLINTON Commencing at 8 p.m. on Friday, October 2nd Refreshments will be served. Admission 25c plus tax, 96-4. WE 1A193 FRUR CARLOADS OF FERTILIZER FOR LAST MINUTE ORDERS 2-12.6.. $29.50 PER TON 0-12.6.. $26.00 PER TON 20% .. $21.00 PER TON 16% .. $18.50 PER TON These Prices are at our warehouse at, the tracks. Call either Geo. Elliott -Phone 203, or Clinton Creamery -Phone 145. . CLINTON CREAMERY ' 96-1. Low Rail Fares to WESTERN FAIR LONDON (SEPTEMBER 14-19 in effect from many points in Ontario SINGLE FARE For the Round Trip Good Going SEPTEMBER 14-18 Return Limit' SEPTEMBER 22 Full particulars from any Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL -For' Your Conventenc.-' BUS SCHEDULE Effective Max 3. 1936. Going North -11.10 a.m.; 8.00 p.m. Sat. 3.10 p.m. Going South -8 a.m.; 9.45 p.m. Going West -1.15 p.m.; 7.50 p.m. Going East -8.00 a.m.; 5.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Itineraries planned to all points in Canada,, United States & Mexico. Consult Local Agent. CENT. ONT. BUS LINES LTD. TORONTO. • RATTENBURY HOTEL, L. Rousseau -Phone 50. COMMERCIAL INN, A. McCallum -Phone 293. T. O'NEIL CORNER GROCBE ERIA CLINTO'SPhone 48 SHELL World Experietleg At Ne Extra Cost The Same Applies To Lubricating Your Car. All Modern Equipment, and At No Extra Cost. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU BROWNIE'S SERVICE 95-2. b'll Does 'your fernery need new ferns? See our stock of healthy, fresh Boston ferns in all sizes, Fertabs .are particularly good for your ferns -25c A PKG. PREPARED SOIL -15c A PAIL F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR, Furnace Overhauled and be prepared when cold weather conies. HAVE YOUR EAVE TROUGHS REPAIRED OR NEW ONES IF NEEDED. Before the Cold Weather Comes. GET OUR .PRICES ON GLASS, PAINT AND ,OILS. T. llawkins H.itRDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 1 r. Fall is Rapidly Approaching and it will be indoors for the long winter months, So why not get a few good comfortable chairs, and a good lamp, the kind that gives better light, and easy on the eyes. Then we have a new stock of AFTER -GLOW LAMPS in 'fable and Bridge Lamps and the prices will amaze you. A nice range of SOLID WALNUT CEDAR CHESTS in differ- ent styles and sizes. See our north window for MAGAZINE RACKS, END TABLES and FERNERIES, HARDWARE SPECIALS We have a lot of SCREEN DOORS at EXTRA SPECIAL PRICES. A large assortment of Graniteware in grey, ivory, green, blue and white, Pure white and the New Red and Ivory Stainless Granite. Now is the time to look after that leaky roof as we have a stock of the famous Brantford Shingles and all .necessary repairing materials. BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. PHONE 111 CLINTON SPECIALS for Thur.-FrL-Sat. St. William's Orange Marmalade, 32 oz. jar 21e P. and G. White Naptha Soap, 10 bars for 31e Aylmer Soups, Veg. and Tomato, 10 %2 oz., 3 tins 25c Crown Brand Corn 'Syrup, 2's, 18c 5's 39c Aylmer Tomato Juice, lige. 25 oz. tin, 2 for 19c McCormick Choc. Puff Biscuits, per ib. 17c Kellogg's All -Bran, large; per pkg. 19c 2 -in -1 Shoe Polish Paste, per tin 10c Honey, Pure, 5 lb. tins, each 47e Rolled Oats, Fresh Rolled, 4 lbs. for ' 19c Crown Jars;, small, $1.04 doz. Med., $1.14 doz. Rubber Rings, Heavy, per dozen 06c Zinc Rings,. per dozen Peaches, 'Pears, Plums, Etc: 21.e Phone 111 --- We Deliver Thompson