The Clinton News Record, 1936-08-13, Page 5'THURS., AUG. 13,1936
'Member when we used to have two
or three harvest excursions' to the
West about this time every year?
August and - Saturday, A gust 21-22
are flower' show clays. have you got
anything which will make a decent
showing, -at this annual display? If',
-so, bring them .along.
You can bring a lot of things into
Canada from the ,United States, un-
- der the new -regulations, but bath
tubs are barred. Bathtubs are very,
.rbecessary, of course, but they do not
•.seem to come under the heading of
personal luggage.
The most popular young ladies in
'Canada today are the Dionne sisters,
•'^who have thousands of callers each
,day. But the funny part of this. is
that, 'while they are always at home,
they • never see any of these callers.
How long will they be content to be,
seen and not see, we wonder.,
But, at, the very least, every weed
should be cut even with the -ground,
and the .park Made to :look, as neat
as possible for the codling rally of
the veterans. '
Mr. Alex. Welsh of Clinton spent
a few days last week with- his sons
on, the Bayfield line, and also with an
old school chum, Mr. Andrew Mc-
Gregor of Bayfield.
Mr. Charles F. Ferguson of Lon-
don spent the week -end with Mr. D.
L. Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. I. Rehill of London
and Miss Mary Clark, `F•N., of St.
Thomas, were visitors with Mr.' and
Mrs. W. A. McGuire on Sunday.
Miss Grace Stirling of Toronto is
spending a couple of weeks' vacation
with her parents, •Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
A. Stirling.
Miss Lillian Picot is visiting friends,
in Toronto.
Threshing is the order of the day.
The grain is turning out very good.
Miss ,June McDougall' spent a few
days visiting at James Stirling's last
Mrs. H. Lyon of Londesboro vis-
ited her_ daughter, Mrs. W. R. Lobb,
last week. ;
Mrs. John Lyon and her two daugh-
aughters, Mrs. Chas. Walden and Miss El-
va Lyon of Brandon, Man., Mrs. Chet-
low and • Mrs. A. Taylor and Miss
Ethel Taylor of Blyth visited last
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. •R.
Lobb. "
Mr. Fred Middleton and Mrs.'John-
ston motored to London the latter
part of last week, taking Miss Betty
Middleton to .spend a week with 'her
cousin, Miss Margaret McNaughton.
On; their return they were accompan-
ied by Mrs. Fred Middleton, who had
enjoyed a ten days' motor trip with
Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie McNaughton,
having visited Boston, New York, At-
lantic City and Washington.
A young pian who said he came
%from the United States called the oth-'
"er day to. ask "where he coolcl get a
.;drink." We .told him it was a dry'
t town, as far as strong drink_ went,
,but recommended -him to try some of
the excellent "soft" drinks obtainable.
But he wouldn't listen. It was the.
"hard" variety he was after, and he
was driving a car. •
Premier Hepburn did well to put
.;his foot down upon theidea. of turn -
Mg his birthday party into a sort of
.-a orgy, as it might have. turned out
to be had 'certain people carried out
--their intentions of having free beer,
etc. at it.. But though he didn't have
his party, he had his birthday yester-
• day, and the province wishes him
many happy:returns.
The troublea perienced at the
'lakeside this year, and it is not the
first year it has happened, by swim-
mers getting a sort of a rash while
bathing, should be -looked into. One
can think of few, things more incon-
venient and undersirable than con-
tracting any skin eruption as the
consequence of a dip in the lake and
one can think -of nothing which will
:so surely lessen the' numbers coming
to the lakeside. This trouble has
been noted at different points the
past two or three summers, but evi-.
dently is spreading all along the lake
front and as there must be some
cause, the cause should be looked in-
to. The Provincial Board of Health
should be notified, if this has not al-.
..ready been done.
The Seaforth Expositor editor is
' rather alarmed about the trend of
the times in regard to the wearing
• apparel of women at bathing beaches,
and other places. Considering what
has been doffed in the past few years
he is a bit worried as to what is coin-
ing—or rather, what is corning off.
We .should not worry too much, the
pendulum is swinging back. Next
',thing we know the dear girls may be
',dressing as elaborately as their
• ,grandmothers, with cri'n`olines, cor-
sets .and bustles, though heaven for- But, anyway, we feel that they
`' have really discarded everything they
,can and the only change will ,be to
put something on and, if they take
t the advice of an old fogy like our -
,..selves, they won't• go too far in the
other direction. The girl of today,
:when she does dress, dresses more
:sensibly, more gracefully and more
!'healthfully than in any age of the
world. We do not like shorts and a
hanky, they may be cool but they are
neither graceful nor pretty. But as
for anything else they : may wear
what they please, if they'd only wear
something a bit more comfy than a
spiderweb stocking in zero weather.
BLACK—HERBERT — At the suis-
iner home of Hie 'bride's parents,
Lake Rosseau, Muskoka, on August
3rd, by the bride's father; assisted!;
by the Rev. Dr. B. S; Dougall; Edith
Kathleen,' daughter of, Rev. J. W.
and"Mrs. Herbert, Holmesville, t;o
Herbert Alexander Black, son -Of
Mr.• and Mrs. H. D. Black of To-
BAIRD—In Stanley, on August 5th,
to Mr., and Mrs. Norman Baird, a.
daughter. -Thelma Christina.
Mrs. Stewart Mair and son, Ken-
neth of Sarnia are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. N. Mair.
Visitors with Miss Susie Acheson
over the week -end were Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Calbeck and son Ross, and
Mrs. Lee and son, also Mrs. Clark and
1VIrs. Calbeck,° Sr., all of Winona.
Rev. T, and Mrs. Cotirtice and Miss
Erma of Pittsburg, also Dr. Andrew
Courtice of Winnipeg visited recently
withtheir sister, Mrs. S. T. Walter,
Mr' and Mrs. Bill Jervis and _Lola
also . Mr. A. Jervis, spent the week-
end with Stratford. friends.
Miss Kathleen Huller has returned
to her work at Sebringville, after
spending a week at • her home here.
Miss, Bgrnice Bondhas entered the
Goderich Hospital as nurse -in -train-
ing. We wish her every success in
her chosen'work. •
Misses Maxine and Roxy Ball of
Londesboro have been spending a
holiday with their sister, Mrs. Harold
Dr. and Mrs. Potter of Brooklyn,
N.Y., and Miss Potter, R.N., of Pro-
vidence, visited their uncle, Mr. T. J.
Potter .recently:
Mrs. Wm.' Pickard of Clinton spent
the week -end with friends in the vil-
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cudmore and
little daughter of Brampton visited
Sunday with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Cudmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis and
Audrey of Clinton visited in .the
village on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. N. Grey and children
of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. 11. Mc-
Elroy of Blyth were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter.
There will be no service in this
church next Sunday, August 16th.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mair and daugh-
ters have returned to their home in
Toronto after spending their vacation
at the home of the former's father,
Mr. Geo. Mair.
Mrs. J. Huller has returned home
from the Clinton Hospital where she
has been since her recent car acci-
dent. Her friends are glad to see
her making such good progress to.-
o-wards recovery.
Mrs. Malcolm MacFarlane and Billy
of Noranda are visiting with the
ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pot-
The monthly meeting of the W. M.
S. and W. A, stet at, the hone of
Mrs. Eldred Yeo on Tuesday after-
noon. Mrs. T. Walter, president of
the W.M.S. had charge of the meet-
ing. After singing a couple of
hymns, Mrs. E. Trewartha and Mrs.
Walter led in prayer, and Miss Alma
Trewartha read the scripture lesson.
The minutes of last meeting were.
read and approved. Miss Charlotte
Trewartha read a paper on Temper-
ance, after Which the guest speaker
for the day was introduced. Miss
Mei. Howell of Trinidad. Her ad.
dress was wonderfully interesting ex-
plaining her Work and life there.
What made it more fascinating, Mist
Howell illustrated her talk with pie -
tures and also showed many articles
brought from Trinidad. This address
was very much enjoyed and appre-
ciated. After singing a hymn, the
meeting was turned over to the W.
A,, when the president, Mrs. E. Yeo,
took charge, and the regular i'otntine'
business was transacted, The core -
limy then„ sat down to a delightful
picnic supper. About twenty eight
ladies were present.
A number of friends and neigh-
bours of the community met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Neal
one evening last week to spend a few
social hours. During the evening Mr.
and Mrs. Neal were called forward
and were presented With a beautiful
rug and mirror, the presentation
being made by Miss Mabel Wright
and • Mr. Goldwin Smith. Mr. Clar-
ence Ball read the following address:
"To. Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Neal:
We, a few of your friends, neigh-
bors, and associates, take this oppor-
tunity of visiting you in your new
home to spend a social hour with you.
We are pleased to know that you,
Graydon, are remaining in our com-
munity, where you have spent practi-
cally all your young days. Your. gen-
ial • and friendly disposition we all
To you, Mrs. Neal, who have recent-
ly become Graydon's life partner, : we
bid you welcome to this community
with all : the happiness which it af-
fords. You are now starting out on
life's voyage together with all the
environments which go _to make life
The sea may have been a ripple but
by bearing one another's • burdens,
success in life is assured,
As a token of good will we ask you.
to accept this mirror and rug. We
all join in extending to you our
heartiest . congratulations and best
wishes for a long, happy and prosper-
ous life together. '
—Signed on behalf of friends and
neighbours, Clarence Ball, Goldwin
In a few words Graydon thanked
the community for the gift and after
singing "For he's a jolly good fel-
low," lunch was served and a few
hours were spent in dancing.
The matter of the bandstand is up
- for discussion again, as no doubt ev-
.. erybody knows, and the council, hay-
. ing been asked to have it moved up
town again, asked permission to, set
` it on the 'postoffice points, and was
• : -refused by the Department.
Nobody can blanse the Depart-
/ went,' the postoffice property would
: not be improved by the addition of a
band stand. In fact there is no place.
up town for the bandstand, except
Mary street,
scant town lot in
e on the v
.,and somehow it didn't seem to be
very satisfactory there.
The bandstand is now in Recrea-
tion Park, which is really the logical
place for a bandstand. But that park
•could be improved a little ,bit. It is
:'not as attractive as it might be.
Of course, this has been a' trying
summer and even well -kept lawns are
showing the. results of lack of mois
'..tare and hot -weather, but around .the
bandstand the weeds could be kept
cut, regularly, so that the grass
• would be encouraged to grow.
If a determined effort were made
to iinprove that park it could be done.
Other towns, Kincardine, for instance,
has a large park, with lovely green
grass,cut short and kept cut, flower
beds andtrees. It is net ball park,
of course. But this park is large,
enough ;so that we might have both.
Int September .the County. Veterans
will have their big rally in Clinton.
For the honor of the town, and to
show respect to the veteran body, our
park should, be improved a little.
The trees planted on the north
',side seem to be growing very well
'' but the weeds are' running them a
dose second, It is outside the fence,
but if those weeds were cut, or bet-
- ter still, pulled out,. and the earth
4about them worked up, as soon as it
fJ rains, these little trees would be an
improvement to that, side of the park.
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 66w and_ 663'
Poultry flocks culled free of charge
by experienced poultryman.
Some of our readers have been ask-
ing about fall fair datesHere are as
many of them as we can think of just
Blyth Sept. 11, 12
Toronto 'Industrial Aug. 28, Sept. 12
Western Fair, London Sept. 14 to 19
Kincardine . Sept. 17, 18
Ailsa Craig Sept. 24, 25
Atwood , . Sept. 25, 26
Bayfield Sept. 23 ,24
Exeter, Sept. 21, 22
Goderich Sept. 22, 23
Listowel ... Sept. 23, 24
Lucknow . • Sept. 24, 25
Sept. 24, 25
Sept. 21, 23
Oct. 1, 2
Sept. 29, 30
...Sept. 30, Oct. .1
Sept. 28, 29
.... .Oct. 8, 9
Oct, 0, 7
St. Marys .
Teeswater .
Phones—Office, 2143 Residence, 214w
bowl Laurel 'and Oardy in:
• Mon., Tues., Wed.
Double, Feature Program
in a wistful and appealing' romance
",So Red The Rose"
As an additional attraction
a fast-moving adventure comedy,
«I' MAN"
Thurs., .Fri., Sat.
'starred in her greatest hit
Coming: "The Girl Friend" and
Victor Jory in "Escape from Dev-
• i1's Island."
Mat,: Sat. & Holidays, at -3 p.m.
• Goderich—Phone 47
Now: "Millions 'in the Air," and
and "Tire Last Outpost"
Men., Tuts., Wed. -
Clark GABLE— Wallace BEERY
Bring to reality, your ,dreams of
romantic adventutle in
Thurs:, Fri., Sat.
old flannel -mouth himself,
in another rib -rocking laff
Coming: Broadway Melody of 1936
Mat.;' Wed., Sat, 'at ti -p.m.
Now: 'Joe E. Brown in
Mon, Tues., Wed,
Guy Ilabbee and Slim Summerville
present a lively and pleasing tae
of life in a light -house.
"Captain Januai.'y"
Thurs., Fri., Sat. '
Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and
Myrna Loy:
headline a grand cast iit one of
the year's big hits
Virife Vs. Secretary"
Coming: "A Connecticut Yankee"
Will Rogers.
Mat.: Sat_and 'holidays at 3 p.m.
hour at 11 a.m.
Mr, and Mre. Frank McKenzie and
Mrs. Rutherford of St. Louis are vis-
itors at the•home of Mrs. Margaret
McKenzie this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Swan and fam-
ily were week -end visitors at the
home of Mr. J. Swan.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmour and Mrs.'.
Hastings and daughter of Wingham
were the guests of Mrs. Janet Ross
last week. • -
The many friends of Miss Elsie
Smith will be pleased to hear that site
has returned to her home in the vil.
Word has been received of the pas-
sing of Mrs. R. Burges, formerly Miss
Lydia Landsborough, of Tuckersmith,
but now of Oregon, who has been an
invalid for a number of years.
Infantile Paralysis In
Manitoba Is Alarming;
Quarantine 'regulations for infan-
tile paralysis were adopted by the
Manitoba Government, in Cabinet
session Tuesday, on advice of Hon. I.
B. Griffiths, minister of health and
public welfare,
The health department had receiv-
ed alarming reports of spread of the
disease in Boissevain area near the
American border.
The new_regulartions include pla-
carding premises while the patient
remains there. Food:. handlers are
forbidden to engage•in their occupa-
tions within 14 days of their last ex-
posure to infantile paialysis infec-
Nut Sweet and . Nourishing
Definitely Alkaline—Low in Starch
and Carbohydrates:
The Woman's Association of Bruce -
field held their monthly meeting, also
their annual picnic on the manse
lawn, Wednesday afternoon, Aug.
5th, with a good attendance.
'Mrs. Lorne Wilson had charge of
the devotional exercises. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Bert McKay, then took the
chair. Much regret was expressed
at the passing away of our very
faithful treasurer, Miss Helen Tough,
who had been treasurer ever since our
organization was formed.
Mrs. McKay read the following
lines in her memory: .
"Peacefully sleeping, resting at last.
The world's weary troubles and trials
are past,
In silence she suffered,
In patience she bore,
Till God called her home to suffer
no more."
The church is celebrating its Dia-
mond Jubilee Oct. 4 to 11, and it was
decided to have a supper during that
week. It was also decided to decor-
ate the church walls.
Following the meeting sports were
indulged in as follows: Water relay,
captains, Mrs. Alex. Wright, Miss
Jean Murdoch, Mrs. Wright's side
winning the prize, Miss Murdoch's
side to get supper ready.
Kicking the slipper, Mrs. George
Swan, Mrs. Fred Burdge; throwing a
ball through a hoop, Mrs. W. S.
Broadfoot, Mrs. Arthur McQueen;
batting the punch bag blind folded,
Miss Martha McDonald, Mrs. Jamie-
son; dropping clothes pins in a bottle,
Mrs. Rob. Allen, Mrs. Lorne Wilson.
The sports over, everybody enjoyed
a splendid picnic supper.
Tlie next meeting will be held first
Wednesday in Sept., with Mrs. T. B.
Baird as hostess.
The roll call, "One of God's pro -
Mises in the Bible."
Mr. and Mrs, D. Cornish of Detroit
visited with Mr, and Mrs. T. K. Cor-
Mr. John Grainger is visiting int
Seaforth with Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Wright. •
Mi. Ken. Scott is visiting in Hamil-
Mrs. George Simpson and Mrs. Niv-
in of Hamilton are visiting at the
home, of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott,
Mrs. Grieve and .daughter of New
Zealand are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Skelton
Mrs.' Duncan McEwen and Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley McEwen and, son, Peter,
of Winnipeg are visiting Mr. D. Mc-
Ewen's sister, Mrs. Wing Berry.
Mr. and Mr's. Alvin Smith and Mrs.
John Smith of Bulevale visited Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Berry on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stringham and Miss
Wheatley of Woodstock spent: the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs: D. ;Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin of Mon-
treal are visitors with. Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Scott.
The many friends 'of Mr .0. Haugh
were pleased to see hits able to be out
at church and Sunday school again
after his serious accident.,
(Too late far last week)
Rex W. A..,and Mrs. Bremner and
Miss Edna, R.N., went to their cot-
tage at Bruce Beach last week. Mr.
Bremner will -return home this' week
and preach next Sunday ,at the usual
Bartliff & Crich
Phone 1. Clinton.
On Wednesday last the Taylor's
Corner Ladies' Aid held their August
meeting at the home of Mrs. Robert
Fuller. :Mrs. Calvert, president, had
charge of ' the meeing, which was
opened with the singing of a hymn
and prayer. The roll call was ans-
wered by a verse containing the word
"Power", after which Mrs. Calvert
gave a very nice talk on the word
"Power". ,Readings were given by
Mrs. Roy Chambers, Mrs. Reg. Stur-
dy and Mrs. S. Stirling. Business was
discussed and a sing -song enjoyed.
Refreshments were served to about
twenty-four, and a very enjoyable
social hour spent. Assistant hostes-
ses were: Mrs. Robert Rogers and
Mrs. Lorne Rogers. The September
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Frank Chambers.
Service will be conducted as usual
at Grace church on Sunday.
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. G. Newton over the week -end
were: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newton
and children. They left Tuesday,
morning for Detroit, accompanied by
Miss Betty Newton, where they ex-
pest to spend a short holiday.
The weather is still very dry and
great cracks ate seen in the ground.
But the grain is not as light as was
first feared. It is surprising how the
crops have grown when we have only
had one good stain since the last of
Mrs. Reid Torrance, who underwent
an operation in Clinton hospital on
Wednesday morning last, is making a
splendid recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland and
fancily of Hallett spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott.
Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Pickard, Willa,
and Glen, have returned home after
a pleasant week -end visiting friends
in Algoma and Detroit, Mich.
Mr. Maurice Frame has returned
home after spending a few days in
North Bay and Nippissing.
We are glad to hear that Miss Phyl-
lis Elliott is able to be around again.
Miss A. Keys of Lucknow spent a
few days calling on friends in the
village. .Everyone was delighted to
see her looking so well.
Mrs. Jessie Stelck is gone to I{it-
thenen to make her brother, Dan Me -
Naughton, 'a visit.
Messrs. Robert and Norman Camp-
bell -are moving into their home in
the village.
and Mrs. Bandy
Mr. Bandy
and Miss Helen, are gone to Port
Stanley for a few weeks' vacation.
Mrs. E. Mossop is spending a few
clays as the guest of her sister, Mrs..
Dewar of Bayfield.
Mrs. Ephrian Howes and son, Gar-
field, of Ridgeway, Ont., and Mrs.
Austin Sturdy of Goderich were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Clark
for a' few days last week.
Masters Alvin and Clayton Keys
have returned home . after spending
the past two weeks with their aunt
and,uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Reid
of Clinton.
1VIrs. Jas, M. Reid and Miss Ger-
trude of Clinton spent a few days
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Keys and family.
Mi. and Mrs. Sats Hannah of Sea -
:forth spent a Sunday recently :with.
Mr. Amos Keys and family.
DUNGANNON Mr. wand: Mrs.
John J: Ryan, of Dungannon, an-
nounce the , engagement of their
daughter, i Margaret Elizabeth,:, to
Samuel Gordon Kidd, son of Mrs.
Edith Kidd and the late Wm. Kidd
of Southampton. The marriage is
to take place the middle of August.
Bennett Off On Tour
'Around The World
To Spend Christmas In England
Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett left Tues-
day night for Calgary on the first
leg of a holiday journey that will take
him around the world and through
the Southern Dominions of the em-
pire. He will sail , on August 19
from San Francisco aboard the S.S.
Monterey, bound for New Zealand.
From New Zealand, the former
prime minister, free from official en-
gagements, will go to Australia and
South Africa, in order,' arriving in
England in time to spend the Christ-
mas season there..
Nothing soquickly harms ap-
parel as permitting it to acquire
that "worn look. Nothing pre-
serves the fresh, spic-and-span
appearance so well as a' regular
trip to the presser! All signs of
untidiness disappear under the in-
fluence of the presser. Tell us to
call, today!
DyeingKnipp Cleaning
[Ltepairing CIa Pressing
Good Candy—Good For You.
"BRICKS" 20c.
Phone 68.
Private Sale of Furniture
Dining room suite, double bed,
Singer sewing machine, stoves and
Folding couch. Mrs. T. Venner, Rat
tenbury stret. 92-2.
Captive Young Eagles
To Be Given Freedom
Ontario Fish and Game Department
Orders That Pair Held In Huron!
County Be Set At Liberty; Birds
Thriving In Captivity. •
The fish and game department of
Ontario has ruled that the two young
bald-headed eagles captured recently
in the Saratogaswamp, near Nile and
since held in captivity must be liber-
The time and place of releasing the
eagles has been left by the depart-
ment with Provincial Constable Mc-
Coy, who stated after a visit to the
farm of George Rutledge, near, Nile,
where the birds are held, that there
yis no hurry for a wealc or ten days.
"I don't know whether or not the
eagles can fly, although they are the
size of full grown gobblers," said the
constable. •
He added that the male bird is still
viciods, showing fight , with the ap-
Now is the Time to
"Oil is the Life of a Roof"
We have equipment for all types of
flat roofs.
Electric Float for melting down
without new material.
Photographs of Distinction
Phone 115.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
Are You Thinking Of
Property In Clinton?
If So See The S. S'. Cooper ,
Various vacant houses and Apts. are.
available for - rent. For particulars
consult A. J. Cooper' of Goderich.
Ont., who will be registered at the
Rattenbury House, Tuesday and
Thursdays for next 3 months. 79-13.
For a Free Examination of Your Roof
T. Hawkins
After Aug. 18
Chopping y
MILL 92-1-p.
pearance of a human being. Both
eagles are eating ravenously and ap-
pear to be thriving in captivity.
May Drop Latin Off
Canadian Coins,
New Coinage Necessitated by .,
Accession of Ring
Latin inscriptions may disappear
front Canadian coins at the end of
the year, it reported from Ottawa.
New designs, necessitated by the
death of King George, will be made
soon after Finance Minister Dunning
returns from Europe, but itwill be
three or four months before the issue
of new coins bearing the head of King
Edward appear. No decision, has been
made on the dropping of Latin phrases
which date back, through the centur-
ies to the time it was a live language
in Europe, but it is possible they will
Ibee dropped. „
Mrs. Geo. H. Ball wishes to thank
all her friends who assisted in any
way during the recent illness and
death of her sister, Miss Elizabeth
Bedford, and also the nurses and
staff of the Clinton Public hospital
for the kindness extended her during
her long illness.
'Pullets For Sale
Number of well-bred Barred Rock
pullets. Apply to Ezra Ellis. 92-1.
For Rent
60 acre farm, tilled, first class
buildings, in Hullett township on No.
4 Highway, corner Concession 13, lst
miles from Londesboro and 21/4 miles
from Blyth. For further particulars
apply F. Fingland, Barrister, Clin-
ton, Ont. 92-3.
Pigs For Sale
A number of seven -weeks' old pigs
for sale. Apply to Cecil H. Cooper,
over the river. 92-2-p,
Buggy For Sale
Good rubber tired buggy for sale,
Mrs. Wm. Connell, -R. R. No. 1, Clin-
ton. 92-2.
For Sale
50 six -weeks -old Barred Rock chic-
kens, and 200 five -weeks -old White
Leghorn pullets, See H. Charlesworth,
Clinton. 91-2.
For Rent
Comfortable 7 -room house, Osborne
street, nice garden . Possession Sept.
lst. Apply to Mit. Leonard Melcnight,
Clinton, or, Wm. Robinson, Goderich.
For Sale
First class residential property in
good location. Price reasonable. Ap-
ply F. Fingland, Clinton. 8343.
:ger Sale
A frame house, on Albert street,
five rooms, 1-4 acre lot, town water,
in fair condition. For further parti-
culars apply to Frame Fitgland,
Clinton, or executors, Harry McCool,
Blyth, Ont„ or J. W. McGee!, Lon-
desboro. 80-tf.
House To Rent
Comfortable brick house, Albert
street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all
modern convet>fieneles. Immedliate
possession. For particulars apply
to Rev. G. W. Sherman or Mrs. W.
C. Brown. 52-tf-2p,
Voters' Lists, 1936, Municipality of
Stanley, County of Huron.
NOTICE is hereby given that I have
complied with Section 7 of the Vot-
ers' Lists Act and that I posted u
at my office at Varna, on the 31st
day of August, 1936, the list of all
persons entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at municipal elections
and that such list remains there for
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct-
ed according to law; the last day of
appeal being the 21st clay of August,
Dated this 1st day of August, 1936.
Clerk of Stanley.
Cleaning and Pressing.
Suits, Coats and Dresses
If' not open work may be left , at I.
Heardts Barber shop,,