HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-07-30, Page 5'THURS., JULY 30, 1930, THE`. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD OF INTEREST TO YOU • AND. ME The showers We have had during the past 'week, have been Very wel- come but we 'could do with More ev- .:an yet. The old.' earth was mighty thirsty before they came-. Did you hear the broadcast from Vimy on Sunday morning? It was worth getting till half an hour or iso Earlier on Sunday moaning to hear: At such a time radio is a. wonderful :thing: ` The Liberal Government , of Prem- ier Bracket} was returned in Mani- " ='toba on Monday, although with : a diminished majority. It is .not yet .certain what the • majority is. The 1,tacken government has been ' in power since 1922. Stratford has .had a scare the last ' week or -so as several children level - ,raped What was, feared Might be in- fantile ,paralysis But it transpires 'that it is not that dread disease but • ,another, not quite as bad but bail •.enough; streptococcus. There's one strike which should -enlist the sympathy of . the public, the waiters in 'Bordeaux, France, are Striking because they do not , watt 'tips. They say they do not wish to be "remunerated by tips, this method of 'payment is too uncertain and is • an afront to their professional dig nity. The Muskoka man whose Boat ran into a rowboat. in Muskoka Lake .last week, said to, have caused the death of a younggirl, is being charged with :manslaughter. Efforts to -'locate the ..'body have been so far unsuccessful, the formation of the bottom of the lake nicking it difficult to drag, it is said: BRUCEFIELIY A Sinclair of iieusatt in the Brucefield clnu'ch morning, Angnst2ncl at tint°. and Mrs. Monteith and London; who have,- been sl the past few weeks ins their t Triple Lake, visited at of Mrs. Janet ;-loss on then trip. The many friends of will r'be glad to hear health is nnnich improved . Rev. nyill preach; next Sunday the usual MnMain- ily of send - ng cot- tage ;athe home r tui'n tr Mr. Monteiththat his LONUESBORO A happy event took place at the home of Mn and Mrs. Derwin "Carter when over fifty members of the Eedy family gathered and held a ..reunion. Guests were present from London, Liman, Granton; Briinsley and Ilder- ton. Master Lloyd Carter has returned home after camping for the past two weeks at Burk's. • Mrs. W .B. Allen is spending a week with friends at Los Channel, Ont, Monday's Mail and Empire carried an editorial commending the pioneers for their work in clearing tip the land in this country and making it fit for habitation, but suggests that there are `still a few swamp areas" which have not been cleared up and urging owners of such areas to drain and clear then. Bat is it not pretty gen- erally conceded that the work of • clearing up this country, Ontario at !east, has been a bit overdone. Af- ter all, the country was not just created for the tnotorists, although• it lutist be admitted that some of them act as if it bad been. It may offend `,the eye occasionally to see a rough, swampy patch as one whirls by in a six cyclinder oar, but the fact is that we are suffering from lack of mois- ture almost every summer and our creeks and river's are drying up be- cause all the land practically bas been cleared and all swamps, natural reservoirs, have been drained. Rough land in many cases could be cleared up and made more present- able, but instead of clearing away swamp lands and bush lands, it would be much wiser to urge the planting of More trees.. It is pitiful and alarming to see how the creeks and rivers, waterways - which in the lifetime of middleageci People carried good heads of water, are now trickling streams, or perhaps ,. dried up completely: Motor about a bit and take note of the empty creek and riverbeds, over which bridges have to be kept up. If this country is • ever to have a return of the free- flowing rivers and creeks of our • childhood, and can you think of any- ' thing which would be more welcome? ' we shall have to have the conserve- ' lion of what trees we have and the • planting of more, instead of the clearing up of what we have hi order ' to hake our cement highways look neater to the passing motorist out :for a week -end holiday. • Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mitchell of Toronto called on Mrs. Mitchell's aunt, Mrs. D. Mountain, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Morris of, To- ronto visited with Mrs. Jos. Man- ning, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kunkle of Niagara Falls, who have been holidaying at Mrs. E. Crawforcl's, have returned to their home. The S. S. and W. I: picnic, which was held at Bayfield last Friday, was a great success. The day, although rather cool, did not detain those who wished to swim or go canoeing. A large crowd was on habil for every kind of sport that was indulged in. After supper the races, etc,, wereheld. The navies of the prize winners are as follows: Primary Class, Kenneth Armstrong, John, Pickett; girls, 6 to 8, Betty Brunsdon, Doreen Arm- strong; boys, 6 to 8, Gordon Stewart, Donald McNall; girls, 9 to 12, Marga- ret Lobb, Lpuise Little; boys, 9 to 12, Hugh Miller, Jim Lobb; girls; 12 to 14, Ileen Miller, Louise Little; boys 12 to 14, Cliff. Sundercock, Fraser Thompson; young men's race, Eddie Bali, Ben. Riley; young ladies' race, Ethel Hoggart, Isobel Forbes; mar- ried men's race, Joe Shadclick, J. Arm- strong; married ladies' race, Mrs. J. Shacldick,: Mrs. McNeil; grandmoth- er's slipper, Mr's. J. Nott, Mrs. Gib- bings; grandfather's slipper, Mr. J. Nett, E. Adams; boys' jockey, C. Rad- ford, Bill Little; magazine races, teams, Clara Hunking and C. Rad- ford ;L. Radford and Bervn Mair; marshmallow ,race, teams, Eleanor Sundercock. and Doris McCool; Mary Lobb and Bernice Lobb; crowing con- test, Kenneth Scott,; Leona Rapson; soda biscuit race, L. Radford, K. Stewart; Barbara Snell, Leona Rap- son. Jantzi— Stelck A very pretty wedding was solem nixed at Duff's United Church manse, Saturday, Jdly 25th, at 4 p.m,, .when Rev G. E. Morrow united in Holy matrimony Flossie Elizabeth Stelek, daughter of Mrs. A. A. Price of Stan- ley township, and the late Anna Stelek, to Aaron Jantzi of TVIoKillop township. The bride was beautifully gowned in white Baronet satin, cut r on prin- cess lines to the floor; white sandals, gloves and a halo of orange blossoms completed the costume. Her corsage was of red Premier Supreme rosebuds with maidenhair tern. Miss Dorothy E. Stelck, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, beton ingly gowned in pale green suede lace withnet, .a large picture leghorn hat with matching gloves; green sandals, and carried yellow pernet• :rosebuds with fern. Mr. Lloyd Jantsi of Goderich, broth- er of the groom Was best man: The groom's gift to the bride was a silver dish, to the bridesmaid a silver pendant, and to the best man, a gold tie clip. , AUBURN The annual memorial services of ` Bali's Cemetery will be held on the ;grounds next Sunday aftenoon, Aug- ust 2nd, at a quarter past three. In turn the services this year will be in '•-•charge of Knox United Church and will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. • :"H. W. Wilson. STANLEY 1VIr.-Bert Durham• and son of Ni- : • agara Falls, Ont.; Miss • Constance Durham of Chippawa and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Lane of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry Diehl, . • /, CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS •+ FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST• Phones: 66w and 66i' Following the marriage a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's mother, Stanley township. Mrs. W. J. Davidson, Jr., sister of, the bride,'received the guests into the ,living room. From there the bride and groom led the way into the dining room, Where the color scheme of yel- low and green was carried out, yet- tow candles, roses .and a large wed- ding cake narked the bride's table, summer flowers and a white wvedcling bell completed the decorative scheme, Miss Verna Picot ancl,Miss Marga- ret Durst, girl friends of the bride, acted as waiters. They also carried out the celour scheme by being dres- sed in yellow and green. Immediately following the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Jantzi left on a motor trip to Stratford, Nety Ham- burg and Niagara Falls. For travelling the bride donned . a blue and white checked, silk, taffeta dress, with white felt hat, shoes, purse and gloves to snatch. On their return they -will reside in McKillop township. ST. HELENS Miss Charlotte. Johnson of Lon- -don is visiting her sister, Mrs. Roh- l. snsou Woods.. Mr. Fred Hyde of Didsbury, Alta., . and Mr. Joe Hyde of "Underwood spent : a few days at the home of their• brother, Mr, Jas. Hyde. Miss Myrtle Webster of Ashfield visited her .uncle, Mr. Jas. Durnin, and . Mrs. John Cameros last week. Miss Norma Ritchie of Lueltnow is ' visiting her aunt, Mrs. Russ. Ritchie. The services on Sunday in the Uni- ted Church were under the Young Peoples' Union and conducted by Mr. Geo. Taylor, Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Peck and Mr. H. Sylncher of Brideport spent Sun • day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- inson Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Murdie of To- _rdnto, who have been visiting friends around St. Helens and Lucknow,re- turned honie on Monday. Mr. Wilson Woods spent a day with ! his friend, Mr. Harvey Anderson of Ashfield • lately. INCOME TAX ACT t MUNICIPALITIES MUST REFUND BUSINESS TAX TO TIIOSE PAYING PROVINCIAL IN- COME TAX. The following is a section of the 1936• Tax Act and will interest those who pay income takes: 9.—Every person, other than a personal corporation, who pays in- come tax in any year under The In- come Tax Act of Ontario, 1936, shall upon production of the official re- ceipt in full for such tax to the'treas- urer of the municipality in which he resides, be enittled to a refund' or de: duction from the municipality from the amount of taxation paid or pay- able by him for the same year to such municipality in respect ''of business assessment and where any such per- sons are members of a partnership they shall be entitled to a refund or deduction from the municipality . in which the partnership has its chief place of business of the amount of taxation paid or payable by such partnership for the same year for such municipality in respect of busi- ness assessment; provided that no such refund or deduction shall exceed. the amount of income .tax paid by, such person, Explanatory Note:—Section 9. Un- der The Assessment Act individuals who resided M a municipality in which they were subject, to business assess- ment were allowed to deduct' the a- mount of such assessment from their incomes derived from the: -business and only that part of the income which exceeded the business assess- ment was liable to income tax, with the transfer of income tax of individ- uals totheProvince and because the Provincial Income Tax 13111 does not provide for any deductiop of business assessment,.it is equitable to provide that individuals who nay provincial income and are assessed for business by the municipality in which they re- side shall get a refund of business tax from such municipality. To avoid Loss an the pant of a municipality which makes such refunds, the Pro- vince will reimburse it up to tine _a- mount of the refunds to be provided for in it separate Bi11. The provision of the Assessment Act above referred i!o did not relate to corporations and applied only • to individuals where the municipality which assessed them' for 'business was also the one which assessed them on income. LIVE POULTRY MARKET ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR POULTRY AND FRESH EGGS. AT TOP CASH PRICES. Poultry flocks culled free of charge by experienced. poultryman. Y. P.. U. Conference LONDON CONFERENCE Y. P. U. WILL HOLD CONFERENCE' IN CLINTON IN OCTOBER Based on the theme "Christian Youth Building- New Personal Atti- tudes," plans are being made for the 12111 annual convention of the London Conference U.Y.P,U,' to be held in Clinton, October 9, 10 and 11. The convention opens at 9 o'clock Friday morning with the worship ser- vice in charge of members of Kent Presbytery, who will have as their theme, "Christian Hone and Life." This is to be followed by a business session and the reports of the chief executive officers of the conference and the presbytery leaders: In the afternoon, Lambton Presbytery P Y Y will have charge of the opening exercises. The .business session begins at 2.10 when the president brings his address and the reports of the nominations•is given. Commissions will also be ar ranged under the following leaders: "Christian Home Life,"' Rev. Dr. T. A. Symington, of Port . Edward; "Helping Others to be Christian," Robert 3. Scott, of Galt;. "Construc- tive Use of Leisure Time"; "Being Christian Among- Other Racial and Cultural Groups"; and "Developing Christian Patriotisiii ", Tho first ses- sion will be held innhediately follow- ing the appointments, then at 4.15 the assembly reports of conference con- veners will be presented - N. W. TREWARTIIA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w NOT ENCOURAGING Wifie—The doctor says I need a change of elimate. Husband—The weatherman' says it will be much ,warmer tomorrow. M 1936 at 1.30 o'clock AGRICULTURAL PARK $2500 IN STAKES • New Grandstand—Fast Track General Admission 50c (plus tax 10c) Par Mutual Betting Privileges Allowed. 90-1. BIRTHS NEIL—At Ailsa Craig, on July 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Neil, former- ly of Clinton, a son.—Ronald Lyle. PAGE 8 BOXY' THEATRE (API y`AL THEATRE. NOVl °w Ilsyulg: Will ltcyr;ers acini Ann Shisir.y in... "Steamboat 'Round the Bend," and•"Change of Heart." Mon., Toes, Wed. You will like George Raft mid Rosalind Russel in the Big City Success Story "IT IIAD: TO HAPPEN" Arline Judge andArdell Reinhardt Mat.,Aug. 3rdat%3' pm, Thurs., Fri., Sat. ---Double Bill Zane Grey Western -starring• Buster Crabb & Kathleen Burke in ""NEVADA" JACK. OAKIE, Iia. "The Big Broadcast" introducing the biggest stars of Radio and Stage. _ Mat: -Sat & Holidays at 3 pint. Goderich-Phone 47 Now: Will Rogers., lit: "A -COC NNE TICUT. YANKEE" 11en., 'Tues.;' Wed.—Holiday. Spec. The . Max SCUMELING .1" LOUIS LOUIS Fight Pictures all important action repeated in slow motion. As art unusual added feature WILLIAM POWELL in "RENDEZVOUS Thurs., Fri., Sat. . '£ Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur in the gland romantic comedy Deeds Goes to Town' Coming: ' Shirley Temple "CAPTAIN JANUARY" Ma.: Mon., Wed., Sat, at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth''` Now.:—"TOO TOUGH- TO. KILL" and "PUBLI'C MENACE" Mon., Tues., Wed. BOBBY I3REEN Eddie Cantor's young protege. in hip first singing screen triumph "LET'S SING AGAIN with Henry Annetta 'Thurs., Fri„.Sat.-SPECIAL! Joe LOUIS vs. •Fight Max SCIIMELING Pictures taken at the ringside Clark Gable, Jean Harlow, Myrna Loy in "Wife vs. Secretary” Coming: "CHINA SEAS" _ Mat,: Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m. MARRIAGES -JANTZI - STELCK —A A t Duff's church manse, McKillop, on July 251h, by the Rev, G. E. Morrow, Flossie Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. A. A. Price and the late Arna Stelck of Stanley township, to Aaron Jantzi of McKillop town - shirr. DEATHS LAVIS—In Clinton, on July 25th, IIanriet Elizabeth Jenkins, widow of George Levis, in her 84th year. In the evening, Middlesex' Presby- tery will open the proceedings with the worship service, "Being Christian Among Racial and Other Cultural Groups." The feature of the session is to be the presentation of leader- ship training credits received by members' at various summer schools. • Saturday A.M. "Instructiye.Use of Leisure Time," will be the theme' of the opening• worship service Saturday morning, conducted by Oxford Presbytery. At 9.15, the initial reports of the con - missions will be given, followed by the discussions on the topics by the convention, and at 10 the commis- sions convene again for the last time.' At this session there Will also be the balloting for the election of officers. Early Saturday afternoon a sports program will be carried out with the finals of the softball tournament and a volleyball exhibition game the cen- tre of attraction. The later part of the afternoon will include a worship service by Perth Presbytery, and an ,pen forum when the final reports of the commission will be presented, and the reports of the resolutions and elections given. • A special speaker will address the audience in the even - 'ng ancl .Elgin Presbytery will have charge of the devotional' exercises. -' Rev. W. A Bremner, of Bruce- field, president of London Confer- ence, will celebrate holy communion 1t 8 o'clock Sunday morning, anil at 11 there will be special young peo- ples' services in t h e convention church, Wesley -Willis, and in Ontario Street Church. The closing session of the conference will be at 3 o'clock with Essex Presbytery conducting opening .exercises. A mass rally for the young people of Huron Presbytery to which all delegates from the conference will be invited, is to be held in the conven- tion church in the evening. TRY OUR NEW HEALTH LOAF SunSoy BREA WOODS—At Auburn,. on July 23rd, James T. Woods, in his 75th year, HAUGH — In Clinton Community - Hospital, on July 29th, Helen; Toughand the daughter of David S lute Mrs. Tough of Brucefield, in her 38th year. The funeral takes place from Brucefield United church this, Thursday, afternoon, service at 2.30. MUNRO—In Tuckersmith, on July 25tH, Marion Munro; aged 68 years. • CAN YOU HELP OUT A BIT? Suddenly it has tiarnecl very warm. There is no shade h1 the city and the paveniestts are hot underfoot. Stead- ily applications pour into the' Neigh- borhood Workers Association head- quarters from distracted parents who, asking nothing for themselves, want only'that their small children should enjoy a short while in the cool and shade of the country. . Invitations have been coming in from many kind hostesses, but unfor- tunately the applications outnumber them about three to one: There are many pathetic cases reported by dis- trict workers. For instance there are two little boys, ages nine and eleven, who live with their smother in two tiny rooms over a store on a hot, dirty street, The mother at present is ill, and the lads are having to look after themselves. How it would . aid that mother toward recovery if she knew fuer boys were somewhere' in the coup- try, getting lots of fresh air, food and sunshine. In asking friends to open their homes to unfortunate children• such as these; the Neighborhood Workers As- sociation sloes not; expect an :elabor- ately planned holiday, ,.it is pointed out by the General Seerctavy,' F. N. Stapleford. All they ask -is the op- portunity of sending one or two chil- dren to a home which will provide a brief relief from their hard existence. It might even be a home on the out- skirts of the city—just so long as it possessed a large garden in which the children could play. Transportation to destination (which must be within 150 utiles) is supplied by the Association. The child is medically examined before, leaving town, and though he or she may be pale and thin, hostesses can be sure there is nothing organically wrong: If there le room in your home for a little child—just for two week per- iod, the Neighborhood. Workers Asso- ciation earnestly asks you to consider playing fairy godmother to some boy. nor"girl, by forwarding an invitation to 22 Wellesley Street, Toronto. Your letter should be -hecompanied by a note from the 'local clergyman or a prominent member; of the community. Nut Sweet and Nourishing DELICIOUS TOASTED Definitely Alkaline -- Low- in Starch and Carbohydrates. MADE BY APPOINTMENT FOR CLINTON. Bartliff & Crich Phone 1. Clinton. 4 SHOW OFF! Let our Dry Cleaning provide you with a whole warclieful of new looking garments! Mimi have ood- les of smart, attractive things in your closets. There is a wealth of good looks under their top sus'- faees. We'll prove it to you! Send us a Frock or a Coat as a trial. We promise that, when it has been Restored, you will want it to be "seen." CLINTON'S HEAT FOLKS FRESH The Kind INSIST for CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED that Insures ON CANADA all good Concrete OF CEMENT Work. 1 1 , Success ink 0, i UST 00 LUMBER LUMBER, SIIINGLES, COAL, CEMENT, J. T. McKNIGHT, Local Phones: Brucefield Office & Residence: Clinton: Office, 74w; Residence & CDR CO. ETC. Manager 618r11. 74j. - Cleaning gDyeing CLAiS [TessingRePairsng • ,w.asr....o.w3 For Sale or tient Comfortable cottage, Huron street, Clinton. Also a goal farm on No. 8 Highway for sale. Apply to. Frank Glen*, R. R. No, 4, Clinton. Phone 47112, Clinton Central. 89-3. Position Wanted Capable woman . wants position as a practical nurse. Inquire at the Red [ninon Gas Station, Hensall, 90-1-p. For Sale 40 government approved, year-old. White Rock hens and 75 8 -weeks' -old White Rock pullets. W. V. Roy, Londesboro. 90-1., For Rent A four -room apartment, rent rea- sonable, elderly people preferred.' In- cquire in this office. 90-1-p. C. N. R. REVENUES FOR SIX MONTHS Operating revenues on the Cana- dian National Railways' all-inclusive 'system for June, 1936, amounted to $14,739,765; operating expenses to- ONDLY: Portions of Lots numbers tailed $14,730,323,. and net revenue 48 and 49 in the Bayfield Concession $9,442. As compared with June, 1935, of the said Township of Goderich, these results showed an improvement containing 97 acres, 2 roods and 22 of $1,027,511 in operating revenues and 2-5 perches more or less, and and $505,127 in net revenue. THIRDLY: -Portion of Lot 36 in the For the first six months of this First Concession of the Township of ,year1 operating revenues amounted to Stanley, containing 1 acre, 1 rood and $85,461.,428, an increase of $5,329,633 29 perches, more or less, and over the corresponding period of last FOURTHLY: Lots 10, 11, 12, 18, 14, year. Operating expenses during the 15, 16 and 17 on Dinsley Terrace in half year amounted to $82,986,388, the Township of Stanley, and part of- showing fshowing an increase ! of $5,022;130 Lot 9 on said Dinsley Terrace in the over the half -yearly period' of .1935. Township of Stanley, and part of Lot There was net revenue' at the, end of June, 1936, of $2,475,040, as compared with $2,167,537 in 1935,an increase. of $307,503. WENDORF'5 nten PECAN NUT SUNDAE 15c CRAPE SODA . 10c CHOCOLATE ROLL 15c NEW ANBETTER CAKES .. ..„,..,,,..15c and 25c SALT WATER KISSES, lb. ....30c BRICKS . . 20c 1Y9' Elul DORF'S Phone 68. Wanted Someone to take over small mort- gage at 7% on Town Property, Clin- ton. Apply to Frank Donnelly, God- ' - erich, ' 89-1f. For Sale Pair Love Birds, with cage. Male (blue), female (green). Apply T. R. Thontpson's Groceteria. 49-tf, MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by Thomas Fells, auction- eer, at Public Auction, on Friday, July 31st, 1936 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the farm of Robert S. and Catherine M. Smyth, Clinton, Ontario, the foilowi;ig pro- perty namely, ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and prem- ises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Clinton, in the Township of Goderich and in . the . Township of Stanley, all in the County of Huron containing together by estimation 132 and 1-25 acres more or less, and be- ing composed of FIRST: Part of Lot 50 in the Bayfield Concession of the Township of . Goderich, now in the Town of Clinton; 16 acres, and SEC - SEAFORTH: The death occurred on Saturday at her hon'ie on the Mill Road; Tuckersmith, of Miss Marion Munroe a highly esteemed resident of Tuckersmith; and slaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Munro, following a severe stroke of paralysis. The de- ceased, who was sixty-eight years of age was born en the old homestead where sine spent practically :all her life. She was a valued member ' of Brucefield church and of the Women's Missionary Society. Surviving are two sisters and two brothers, Mss. J� W. Maxwell, Grafton, North Dakota; Mrs. W. Nesbitt on the homestead; William Munroe of Brucefield. The funeral took place on Monday, inter- ment in Baird's cemetery, Stanley. BURGESS' STUDIO - • CLINTON Photographs of Distinction t • by IRENE BURGESS _ Phone 115. . Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) Are You Thinking Of BUYING OR RENTING Property In Clinton? If So See The S. S. Cooper Properties. Various vacant houses and Apts. are available for rent, For particulars consult A. J. Cooper of Goderich, Ont., who will be registered at the Rattenbury House, Tuesday and Thursdays for next 3 months. 79-13. ALBERT PALMER TAILOR. DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING LADIES—Get your Winter CoatsRelined. � . PRICES REASONABLE. CLINTON, ONT. For Sale First class residential property in good location. Price reasonable, Ap- ply F. Fingland, Clinton. 83-tf. For Sale A frame house on Rattenbury street, nine rooms, quarter acre lot, electric lights, furnace, in good con- dition. To be sold to settle the es- tate. Apply to W. E. Perdue, Clin- ton. iinton. 88-3. for Sale A frame house, on Albert street, five rooms, 1-4 acre lot, town water, in fair condition. For further parts» ciders apply to Frank Fingland;- Clinton, or. executors, Harry McCool, Blyth, Ont., or J. W. McCool, Lon- desboro, 80-tf. House To Rent Comfortable brick house, Albert street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all modern conveniences. Immediate Possession. For particulars apply to Rev. G. W. Sherman or Mrs. W. C. Brown. 52-tf-2p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Gordon Perrin, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of William Gordon Perrin, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Esquire, deceased. who died on or about the 29th day of June A.D. 1936, are required to de- liver to Tillie Marian Brownlee and - Ewart Paterson, the Administrators; of the said estate, or F. Fingland, and t Solicitor, on or before the 31st day of 9 on said DinsleyTerrace pat p July AD. 1936, a full .statement of of the road allowance between Lots their claims together with particulars 9, 10, 11 and 12 on the North and thereof, and the nature of the secur Lots :L3, 14, 15 and 16 on the South, sties, is any, held by them all duly containing by estimation 16 acres, 3 verified by affidavit: roods and 32 perches more, or less, AND TAKE NOTICE that after ., said lands being more particularly de- thesaid scribed in .mortgage numbers 10552. the said last mentioned date andAgricultural 8195_ to the tDevelop- Administrators will proceed to din - tribute the estate of the said deceased anent Board., amongst the persons entitled thereto:' On : the. said farm there is said to n ' poise. having regard only to such claims as • be erected a dwelling s shall have received due notice and in The lands will be sold subject to: accordance therewith. reserve bid. DATED at Clinton Ont. - this 11th TERMS OF SALE: Tett per cent of JulyA.D. 1936 the purchase money to be paid down day of p F. FINGLAND,' Clinton, Ontario, at 'the time of sale. and the balance Solicitor for, the said Estate. . 88-3, Within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to R. G. M. Mc- Dougall, East Block, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor to the Mortgagee. DATED at Toronto this 10th doy of July, A.D. 1936. 88-3. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses' DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING W. J. TAGO, TAILOR If not open work may be left ata Heard% Barber Sliop., ,;'