HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-07-23, Page 8`PAGE' 8 a rr 1'1 THURS.,'JULY 23, 1936 P. Mewled Cottage Rolls, per Ib. 21c Smoked Cpttage Rolls, per lb. 25c Midget Cottage Rolls, per ib. 25e Dry Salt Pork, per lb. 18c Rib Boiling Beef, per lb. 10c Veal Stews, per Ib. 13c Veal Chops, per lb. 20c Lamb Stews, per lb. 15c Choice Beef Loaf, Roasted, per lb. 25c Jellied Hock, per lb. 20c CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street MEM Mr, arid Mrs. Clintoniarn May we suggest that you check up on yaur picnic needs. When you. ar- rive' at the place of your expected.' pleasure and hilarity is the wrong time for the luckless lament "I for- got." Paper Plates, Napkins, Cups and Waxed Paper in sheets or contin- uous roll to keep moist foods from drying out. and dry foods from ab- sorbing moisture are primary needs. We have a new boxed writing pa- per and envelopes. It is under usual size, the "folded sheet being just 4"x5" and the envelope takes the paper without folding. It is smartly styled for chatty, notes, invitations, thank - you letters. We have it in two styles called -Natty Notes. -On the upper left-hand corner of each sheet is the picture of a bird. In one case a rob- in with the inscription "just a Note" and on the other a blue bird with "Bluebirds for Happiness." The birds. are in natural colors and boxes are attractive. Just a few tooth brushes left at 5c each. PAPER COVER BOOKS - Mostly love -adventure and 'detective at 10c. Big value and little money are close together in a clear glass Salt and Pepper Shaker at 15c a pair. This buy enables you to save wisely and spend well. We offer a seven inch black dres- sing comb for 10c. Your desire to economize may be fully realized by its purchase. DOMINION HARDWARE STORE Something that is New GLASS COFFEE VACULAT,ORS IN 7 AND 9 CUP SIZE. Brewed coffee that tastes best, yet costs less. Coffee does not spoil when left in Vaculator, .117ay be reheated and used. Slightly Used 3 -BURNER RELIANCE OIL STOVE with OVEN. Stove finished in green and ivory. -REASONABLY PRICED. HOUSEHOLD,,BROOMS, SPECIAL AT 27e FURNITURE DEPARTMENT SOLID WALNUT CEDAR CHEST - lined with Tennessee red cedar. Priced at $15.005Q CEDAR CHESTS, Natural Finish; ' $9.00 BIRCH, lined with Cedar ... . . • $13.00 SMYRA and AFGHAN RUGS, reversible....... , ..$2.75 to .$5.00 COMPLETE BED OUTFIT, wood or steel bed, discount of 8% for This Week Only. Sutter -Perdue -Beattie -Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES •• MONUMENTS -ENGRAVING Ambulance Service -Modern Equipment -Phone 147w, Day or Night Pdt Tear Csem enge • BUS SCHEDULE Effective Max 3.'1936. Going North -11.10 a.tn.; 8.00 p.m. Sat. 3.10 p.m. Going South-U.05,a.m„ 9.30 p,n. Going West' 1.16 p.m.; 7.50 p.nt. " Going East -$.00 a.m.; 5,30r p.m. astern Standard Time, i Itineraries planned to all pointq ill Canada? UniteA urates Si Mexico. Consult Local Agent. CENT. ONT. BUS LINES LTD. TORONTO. SPECIAL 5 Gallons of Gas' & 4 -Quart Oil Change, $2.00 For This Week Only, ' From SAT. NOON Till MON. NOON ;NICIERSON'S Red Indian Service Station PORTER'S HILL On Sunday, July 26th, there will be a special service in Grace church at 7.30 when the Rev. R. M. Gale will. deliver a sermon on the "Life and work of the Countess of Huntington." z This same semon was delivered in RATTEN1111RT HOTEL, ° Bath, England, by his brother, Rev. L. Rousseau -Phone 50. COM11IERCIAL INN, A. McCallum -Phone 243. COLBORNE The home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stoll, 8th concession of Colborne Township, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday at 12 o'clock when their only daughter, Annie Ir- ene, was united in marriage.to For- ryce M. Clark, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark, of the 8th con- cession :of Colborne. Rev. George Wylie of Benmiller United Church, assisted by Rev. W. J. Patton, of Lucknow, officiated. The ceremony. was performed on the Iawn under an arch, artistically arranged, of ferns, evergreens, entwined with pink and white streamers, hydrangea and roses. Mrs. Thomas Wislon, of Auburn, aunt of the bride, played the wedding mu- sic. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a gown of white silk and suede lace, made on form fitted lines, ankle length. She carried a bouquet of Talisrnan roses, lily -of -the -valley, and fern. Mr. and Mrs. William Clark signed the regis= ter, Mr. Clark being the bridegroom's brother, Mr. Wallace Miller,` pnly brother. Following the ceremony Mr. Jas. Neeley, who accompanied the guests numbering 70, were seated Mr. and Mrs. Todd home from Sagi- outdoors at tables beautifully arrang- naw last week, left for his home on ed:ryith pink and white streamers, and Monday. centred with a three-storey wedding • A very 'pleasant time was spent at cake. Pink and white, candles added Harbour Park, Goderich, last Thurs• to the effect. Five girl friends of the day by the St. Helens Women's Insti- bride, Marian Potter, Winnifred Lane, tate, on the occasion of their antral spent in Prances Martin, BettyCrawford and. picnic. A good time was Ruby Wilson made pretty waitresses. games etc. The bride's mother received gowned Miss Ruth Ramage of Toronto in a costume of blue and white crepe. spent the week -end at the home of her After, the reception, the bride and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramage.. bridegroom left on a honeymoon to be Messrs. Alf. and Russ Ritchie at - spent in a summer cottage near Coch tended the funeral of their mother, rane. Fortraveling the bride donned the late. Mrs. Ritchie of. Ashfield on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. England of Luck - now •visited at the home o£ their daughter, Mrs. John Swan, last, week. The Young People's Union held their annual picnic on Wednesday af- ternoon at the Maitland River, 1.0th concession, Mrs: Joe McIntosh of Vineland at- tended the Hodgins -Moore wedding at Lucknow on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. Doughterty and 'Fears ago celebrated their golden wed- 'daughter,' Gwen, of Guelph are spend - ding, ing a week with the latter's mother, Janes Gale, a former missionary to Korea. The following Tuesday, July 28th, a supper will be served, follow- ed by a play, presented by the Eben- ezer Young People. On Friday, July 24th, a ball game between the Union and Porter's Hill will be played on thehome diamond. At this game a collection will be tak- en up for the benefit of those injured during the season's games. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Newton and Betty visited friends Sunday at Luck- new. The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Beet Most of the farmers have started harvesting. The hot, dry weather has burnt up the crops instead of ripening there. But the fall wheat is reported good. • ST. HELENS . i I'1IIIaI Nom- III II111111111111 11111 �� I y, I0l1�01 a1 11114N. 1 Miss Mary Turner has returned from a holiday trip to Cape Breton. Miss Jean Morgan is visiting in Lon- don with Miss Margaret Mallard. Mrs. Smith and Miss Start of Curries are vsiiting their sister, Mrs. 0. W. Fetter. Miss 111. Ci, Rudd returned last week after it fortnight'.. Holiday spent in Nova Scotia, ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER RED AND WHITE Always in the Lead SOMETH.ING NSW and SNAPPY JULY 23 -24 -?5 Ripe Olives,' per tin 25c, Oranges, for Salads 15th Canned, Grape Fruit Juice ,15e Canned Orange Juice • 15c Brunswick Sardines, Oil or Tomato, 3 for 14c , Green's (Gravy Coloring) 5c Canned Grape Fruit, each 25c HOT WEATHER SUGGESTIONS Canada Drp and Red and White Ginger Ale 1 Quart Size, Plus Bottle 15c and 20c Welsh Grape Juice 256 National Ginger Ale 15c Waikerside's Ice Cream New Brick British . Toffee 20c Limes, per dozen 25c Lemons, per dozen 50c Oranges, Sweet and Juicy, per dozen 29c, 33; 39e Grape Fruit, 5 for • 25c Red and White Catsup, 2 for 25e Quench, the New Popular Drink. New Shipments of Christie's Cakes Week -end Special -Cherry Custard Deluxe -'20e New Comb Honey 20e, SPECIAL PRICE ON SUGAR BY THE SACK NEW BISCUITS Fancy Marshmallow, per lb. 15e Fancy Fig Bars, per lb. 15c . Assorted Filled Cookies 15e NEW SHIPMENT OF CANNED FRUITS The general outlook of Fruit is going to be scarce. BUY NOW, Peaches (Australian) 19c Apricots ... 19e 19c Pears'. ICED TEAS AND COFFEES Our Own Red and White Tea 32c Red and White Coffee 39e1 New Aroma (Free Cup and. Saucer) 39c Cocoa, pure for drinking, 2 lbs. for ' . 25c Vi -Tone, per tin 25c Borden's Malted Milk 390 1SUMMER CEREALS Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for 22c 'New Sunsoy, pkg. 23c Grape Nut Flakes, 2 for 25c SEALERS -Pints, per dozen, $1.09; Quarts, $1.19 Parawax, 2 for 290 FRIGIDAIRE Shortening, 2 lbs. for 28c Jellied Veal, per lb. 29c Chicken Roll, per lb. 29c Pickled Roll, per Ib. '5c Cottage Roll, per lb. 28c; Boneless Picnics, per lb. ,25c SATURDAY EVENING FRUIT SALE Where "Sells for Less" Price PrevailsPhone 4 VV• T. O'NEIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER 8GROCETERICA GARDEN PARTY under auspices of Trinity Church, on THE RECTORY LAWN, BAYFIELD FRIDAY, JULY 24TH Supper served from 6 to $ p.nt. Followed by a variety program con - Mrs. of arurnbers by Professor Nic- oll, Swar$s has returned to Toronto oh, magician, orchestral selections, after a' visit here with her daugh- ter, Mrs. G. M. Counter. Miss Violet Morrison of Toronto is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Morrison. Mr. Albert Kentp of London visited his brother, Mr. Samuel Kenrp, for a couple of days this week. Miss Clark returned Monday after a three weeks' holiday at the sumer home of her brother at Go -Home Bay, Mrs. Harry Ambler and children of Pontiac, Mich„ are the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke. Mr. Archie Rennedy of Detroit has been visiting his sisters, Miss L; Kennedy and Mrs. Edgar Arm- strong of town. Miss Ferroll Higgins and Miss Made - lain Higgins, who has been her guest, left -on Friday to spend a week. at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. M. L. Jacobs and son, Larry, have returned to their home in San Francisco, after a visit at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gree. Mr, A. W. Ross of Oakland, Calif., who has been visiting his sister- in-law, Mrs". Alice Mason of town, has gone to Toronto to visit rela- tives before leaving for his home. Mrs. Kenneth Payne and daughter of Toronto, Miss Myrtle Burton, Miss Maude Epps of London and the Misses Betty and Mae Clarke of Seaforth, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Epps. Rev. Albert Orsborn, of Hartford, Mich., has been visiting his daugh- ter, Mrs. Chas. E. Dougan, at the Presbyterian Church manse. He has gone to spend 'a week with his son, Rev. E. Orsbornof the Presbyterian Church, Thornbury. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw and Mr. Harry : Shaw and Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Thompson left last week to join the Vimy Pilgrims, who are on the Atlantic this week in 'three ship loads. The unveiling of the Vimy Memorial takes place on Sunday, July 26th. . Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy and Mrs, Harry Fitzsimons returned Satur- day after having spent 'a pleasant vacation with relatives at Merriton, Weston, Toronto, and also attending the' Moore family reunion, which was held this year on Boat Island, Niagara Falls. • Messrs. Charles Twitchell'. and Ed- gar East motored from Windsor last week -end and enjoyed renewing • old acquaintances and visiting fav- ourite, haunts in and around Clin- ton. While here they were guests in the home of the. latter's sister, that of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cun- inghaure, . Born. -To Mr. auci Mrs. Harvey Webb, a daughter, an July 20th. Mrs. Alex. Murdie, Toronto, and Miss Irene Woods spent the week -end at their home here. Mrs. Mnrdie is staying at Point Clark at Mr. Mur - die's cottage for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher of Norwood are spending a few days with her an ensemble of blue and pink crepe, blue hat and matching accessories. On their return they will make their home on the bridegroom's. farm near • Auburn, on the 8th concession of Col- borne. Guests were present at the wedding from Flint, Woodstock, Coch- rane, Rosseau, Port Carling, Parkhill ' and Hamilton, and honored guests were the grandparents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson, of the 8th concession of Colborne, who t w o quartettes, solos, etc. Fish Pond Re- freshment booth. Fortune telling. Drawing for quilt and other prizes Bayfield Orchestra in Attendance. Admission 25c. 88-2 HOLMESVILLE We are glad to see Miss Emily Proctor able to be out again after her recent illness. The lawn soeial which was held on Miss Acheson's lawn on Tuesday evening brought out a good crowd. The play put on by the London young people was much enjoyed. Proceeds for the evening amounted to about $100.00. • Misses Helen and Esther MacMath and Cora Trewartha of London cane up for the lawn social Tuesday even- ing, returning the same evening. A number from here attended the Tebbutt Re -Union picnic held at Harr bor Park, Goderic'h, on Wednesday. Mrs. Brogden 1VfacMath has return- ed etu-ed home from a pleasant visit in Quebec. Mr. Anderson Scott, who has been employed with Mr. Lorne Jervis, has accepted a position at Russeldale, and, with his family, willleaveshort- ly. 'ivy Mrs, Norman Mair and baby, Reta, have returned home from the Clinton Hospital. - Miss Jean Frost of Seaforth and Mr. Chester Grigg of Brampton spent the week -end with Mr. incl Mrs. Ren - ben Grigg. .Rev. J. W. Herbert returned hone from his summer cottage at Mus- koka on Saturday afternoon and took his work Sunday, delivering a very fine sermon in Holmesville church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Yeo and fam- ily from the West are visiting with the former's brothers, Messrs. Wm. and Eldred Yeo. Mrs. R. J. Woods. Mr. Wilson. Woods has returned home after spending a few days in Guelph and Toronto. Supper at Porter's Hill The congregation of Grace church, Porter's Hill are serving a meat sup- per in the basement on Tuesday, July 28th followed by an entertainment con- sisting of a play, entitled, "Up The Hill to Paradise," y1iich will be pre- sented by the young people of Eben- ezer. ALL WELCOME. Admission 35c and 20c. 89-1. LONDON ROAD Mr. ancl. Mrs. Arthur Wiltse visit- ed with Exeter friends recently. Messrs. Ross Dunford and Tory Gough of Toronto were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs, Will'Mof- fatt. Misses Catherine and Margaret Falconer are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rathburn. Mr. and Mrs. 0. TLewartha and Elmer and Norman were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc- Knight. Miss Rowcliffe is Holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Wright, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wiltse, spent Sunday with Colborne friends. , Miss Helen Davidson has gone 'to Muskoka where she will spend part of her vacation. OWN FLOWERS We give the most careful atten- tion to funeral floral designs whether large or small. YOU NEED FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION. WHEN YOU,SAY IT WITH FLOWERS "SAY IT WITH OURS" SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT Furnished four -room summer cot- tage at Iron Springs, four miles north of Bayfield. .Ideal location, good bathing beach, with cold spring water nearby. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florist TelegrapIi Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. 1 Hot Weather IS WHEN YOU NEED A BATH LET US GIVE YOU A PRICE ON A COMPLETE OUTFIT. If you are in the Country we can give you a pressure system that will give you the same privileges as we have in .town. . A GOOD 4 -WHEEL TRAILER FOR SALE CHEAP. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 _ FAIR and COOLER and it will be much more comfortable getting around A GOOD PLACE TO VISIT. WILL BE OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT • and see the finest and most up-to-date stock you will find ht any of the smaller towns, AND WE CAN GUARANTEE YOU WILL SAVE MONEY ON YOUR PURCHASES. A Brand New Stock of CHESTERFIELD, DINING ROOM and BEDROOM SUITES, STUDIO COUCHES, CEDAR CHESTS, OC- CASIONAL CHAIRS, and. LAMPS of all Kinks. JUST ARRIVED -Another Shipment of VERANDAH CHAIRS, So enjoy real comfort at very little expense. SEE OUR NORTH WINDOW FOR BARGAINS. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of Pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope and a Good Price, Pulleys and Harvest Tools, A Good Stock of Coal 011, Gasoline and Electric Stoves and Plates, so you may enjoy, your cooking and baking in comfort., Plumbing and Tinsmithing, Done at Reasonable Prices. BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, JAm Za nce Service. e 103. N. Ball, Phone 110. Zap fee PHONE 111 SPECIALS FOR THUR.S. - FR I. - SAT. Maxwell House Coffee, per lb. 35c Durham Corn Starch, per pkg. O86 Glacier Sardines, 2 tins for 19c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. for 25c Norfolk Strawberry Jam, new pack, 32 oz. ,27c Premium. Tea with beautiful China, 1 lb. pkg•61e Palmolive ;Seep, 3 cakes 14c Kellogg's Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. for 23c Crown Jars, small, per dozen $1.09 Medium, per dozen $1.23 Rubber Jar Rings, per dozen 06c Zinc Rings, heavy, per dozen 21c Parowax, rs, 2 lbs. for 25c Fly Catchers, 3 for 05c Fancy Pink Salmon, 1-2's, 2 tins 19c. l's, each 14c FREE DELIVERY T. R. Thotnpson Successor To J. T. McKNIGHT and SON