HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-07-16, Page 9PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD• THURS., JULY 16, 1936 HOME-MADE LARD, ,per. 1b. ... .... , , ,15c TRY OUR NEW ROAST BEEF LOAF, per lb. ...25c .JELLIED HOCK, Per lb. , 20e ,.,:150 HAMBURG STEAK, 2 lbs. for 25c HOME-MADE BOLOGNA, per Ib. ..... CORNED BEEF, Boneless, .per ib. , .....150 PICKLED or P. M. ROLLS, per lb.. ...... . ...........21c DRY SALT PORI{, per lb. 18e BONELESS ROLLED POT ROASTS, per Ib • 15e RIB 'BOILING BEEF, per ib . ......., ....:.......;100 CONNE[ L & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE TWO -BURNER RELIANCE OIL STOVE AT A BARGAIN . PRICE $5.00,' PEARSON'S LIVE STOCK SPRAY PRICED AT . ... .... ' $1.00 Gallon SANITARY MILK PAILS, he 12 and 14 quart size.... ....98c NESCO COLD PACK CANNERS, in blue granite, Large Size, REASONABLY PRICED. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT OUR STOCK OF SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES ARE NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. THE PRICES ARE REASONABLE. NEW PATTERNS IN CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM IN RUGS AND BY -THE -YARD. NOW IS THE TIME FOR LAWN :FURNITURE Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment -Phone 147w, Day or Night bN NICKERSON'S RED INDIAN SERVICE STATION HURON STREET. Selling the "Marathon Blue", & "Cyclo" Gasoline and Red Indian Motor Oil. To introduce Red Indian Oil we will drain your car and put in new oil for a Special Price on Saturday and Sunday. UP-TO-DATE GREASING 'EQUIPMENT, TIIE STATION WILL BE OPENED FOR REPAIR WORK SOON. a sp... ..• 1a, • rot low uoavintcnal BUS SCHEDULE Effective Mar 3. 1936. Going North -11.10 a.m.; 8.00 p.m. Sat. 3.10 p.m. Going South -11.05 a.m.; 9.30 p.m. Going West -1.15 p.ni.; 7.60 p.m. Going East -8.00 a.ni.; 5.30 p.n's. Eastern Standard Time. iItineraries plannedto all points in Canada, United States & Mexico. Consult Local Agent. CENT. ONT. BUS LINES LTD. TORONTO. RATTENBURY HOTEL, L. Rousseau -Phone 50.. COMMERCIAL INN, A. McCallum—Phone 243. New and Old Time DANCE. under the auspices of the Clinton Old Time Dance Club Bayfield Pavilion Tuesday, July 21st The Rustic Rhythmaires with addi- tional instruments for modern danc- ing; will supply the music so that you are assured of another enjoyable ev- ening. AMATEUR CONTEST • A contest for amateur performers Will be held so if you can play, sing, I dance, or perform you have a chance to win a cash prize,and there is no entry fee. All entries must be MAILED to S. H. Thompson, Clinton, not later than Saturday, July 18. Only those so received will be considered. Dancing 9 p.n1. to 2 a.ns.' Admission, 30e (Tax included) EVERYBODY WELCOME "You ought to lend your scooter to Four little brother sometimes," said auntie, severely. "I do, auntie," declared b'reddie. "He has it up the hills and I have it down" L_LxaL' HAIRDRESSING FINGER WAVING, 11IARCELLING, SHAMPOOING. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK: SHAMPOO and MARCEL 40c SHAMPOO and SHADOW WAVE 35c Evelyn's Beauty Shoppe Phone 307. 87-1-p. GARDEN PARTY under auspices of Trinity Church, on THE RECTORY LAWN, BAYFIELD FRIDAY, JULY 24TH Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Followed by a variety program con- sisting of numbers by Professor Nie- oli, magician, orchestral selections, quartettes, solos, etc. Fish Pond Re- freshment booth:' Fortune telling. . Drawing for quilt and other prizes Bayfield Orchestra in Attendance. Admission 25c. 88-2 REDUCING IS NOW IN VOGUE lVe offer these Stock reductions for your saving:. TOOTH BRUSHES. All sizes and shapes.. EACH.. MISSES. WHITE PURSES Several Styles WOODEN BEADS 36" String Highly Colored CHINA PLATES, 7-Ineh. A Cleat, Out, EACH .. COVERED BUTTER DISH Floral Pattern . VASES. Novelty Shapes. About 6" high, For 5c 25c 5c 5c 15c 15c MOTH CRYSTALS in Shaker Can, Violet, Pine, Rose Scent LOC METAL TRAYS, about 12x18. 3U Red, Green, Blue. ONLY C Tile W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. P. W. 'Hutchings of Hamilton is visiting his sister, Mrs. G. E. Hall. Miss Wallace of Toledo, Ohio, has been visiting• Clinton friends this past week, Miss Vera Steell spent bell recation visiting her gpnt, Mrs. C. White of Detroit, Mrs. Crosse and family of Toronto and Urs, Polko of N, Carolina are here for the slimmer. Mrs. P. C. Town, spent a few days at her home, "The Maples," returning to Toronto on Sunday. Miss Agnes Combe is visiting Mrs. G. K. Lucas of Toronto at her cottage in Southampton. Mrs. Miner and Mrs. John Walker Of Kitchener spent last Thursday With Mr, and Mrs. C; A. Walker, Master Jack MclCnight of the Lon- don Roacl is visiting his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKnight. Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Batty and son john of .Broolclin visited their cou7. sins, the Misses Cornish this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher W. Troop have returned to Toronto after a few weeks holiday at a cottage in Bay - TUCKERSMITH Miss Genevieve Walker of London and Mrs; F. W. Lawrence of Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Town- send last week. The Crich picnic will be held at Jowott's Grove, Bayfield, on Satur- day afternoon, July 18th. Congratulations are clue Mr. Flet- cher Whitmore on passing his Nor- mal exams. at Stratford Normal. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Martin of Englehart are visiting the lady's par- ental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. E Ball. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Fear and Mrs Sperling of Brussels visited . with friends at Niagara over_last,week- end. The Governor of West Virginia while traveling through Arizona, not- iced the dry, dusty appearance of the country. Governor "Doesn't it ever rain here?" ' Native–"Rain? Rain? Why, say pardner, there's bullfrogs here in these .parts over 10 years that have notlearned to swim yet." What we Especially wish t . t,r:11 you about Hot Days Our Quickly Frozen • Assorted Flavors ICE CREAM in BRICKS Delivered when you wish Westons Water Ice Wafers, for hot weather • - Biscuits per Ib. 19c Christies Assorted Cakes, for any size family, ' delivered twice a week Fancy Assorted. Cakes, per Ib. 15c - Sweet Mixed Pickles, 28 oz. for 27c Red Cherry Jam, 32 oz. for 29c FOR SANDWICHES Sardines; 4 for 19c Canned Chicken . 25c Sandwich Spread . 20c Paris Pate, each 15e McBurgess Chicken Paste, Ham and Turkey 15e. Red and White Tomatoes, 2 for 23c Grape Fruit Juice, per tin 15ci Orange Juice, . per tin 21e Peas, :Sweet and Tender, 2 for .25c Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for 25c Golden Spray Cheese ,,14e Heinz Mixed Pickles 25c FRIGIDAIRE Ham Loaf, per Ib, 35e Jellied Veal, per lb. 29c Dutch Loaf, per lb. 25c Breakfast Bacon, per lb. • 29c Pickled Rolls, per lb. 23e Boneless Shoulders, per lb 25e Watermelons,' each . Bananas 'At Special ;Sale Prices. Oranges, per dozen Lemons . . Grape Fruit, 5 for '59e ,33c. 60e 25e Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. ®' NEI CORNER � GROCETEkR CLINTON'S BIG. - Phone 48 NEW HONEY May be purchased at the following stores: Riley's, Thompson's, O'Nei1's, Lobb's, Jordan'.s, Mutch Bros., Charles - worth's, Russell Jervis', McLennan's, A. T. Cooper's., at the. Honey House on Princess Street, or tall 192 for prompt delivery, A. F. CUDMORE "Ask for Cuclmore's and get the best" 87-2-p. field, '{ ;• ' Dr, J. W. a ci Mrs. Shaw sail on the ' Duehess of Bedford from Montreal .on July 17th on the Pilgrimage to Vimy. Miss Isabel Habkirk of Wingham spent the past week with Misses Gertrude Holmes and Margaret Heard, Miss Fanny Lavis, who has spent two weeks in Toronto with her aunt, . Mrs. P. C. Town, returned hoine last week. Mrs. H. M. Monteith and Neville have returned home from Montreal, where Mrs. Monteith was with her mother for two weeks. Misses Eclith and Zemila Cornish have returned home from a visit with their sister, ,Mrs. M, E. Mc- Fadden of Cookstown. Miss E. M. Levis, R.N. of Toronto is convalescing at her hone, "The Maples." Her friends will be glad to know that she is snaking a good recovery. Mr. Roy A. East, Royal Bank Mgr. of St. Catharines, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame in Bay- field last week doming as far as Grand Bend by aeroplane. Dr, F. G. and Mrs.. Thompson are sailing on the Duchess of Bedford from Montreal on July 17th for the 010 Country where they will take in the ceremonies of the un- veiling of Canada's Memorial at Vimy. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .Cuninghame and family have returned to town after enjoying their, cottage at the lake for a couple of weeks. Their cottage is rented now for ' two months. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bu- chanan of London are the present occupants. Mrs. Arthur Parry and Miss Elsie sailed on the Empress of Britain from Quebec' last Saturday for Southampton. Mr. Parry's nephew will take them by 'plane to the old home in Wales and then. on to France for the unveiling' of the Memorial at Vimy. On the 29th of July they will be present at the garden party to be held on the lawns of Buckingham Palace. Lat- er ,they will visit with relatives be- fore returning 'home. GARDEN PARTY WED., JULY 22ND under the auspices of St. James' Church, Middleton, en the lawn of MIT. JOHN HUDIE 7th Concession of Goderich Township Program of Instrumental Music, Quartette, Duets, Solos and Readings by the Stratford Entertainers, under the leadership of Mr. Fred J. Bryant. A full course Meat Supper will be served from 6 to 8. Admission: Adults 35e; Children, 20e. 86-3. PRETTY FINGERS How to Have Thein, No Matter What Your 'Work Is A good lotion, small brush, some kind of bleach, a bit of pumice and the necessary manicure .accessories are important to anyone who wants to have beautiful hands, The girl who uses a typewriter a good deal need not be surprised when she notices small, hard callouses a- long the sides of her fingers. Pres - give bit the keys hardens fingertips, of course, but it also pushes cuticle and skin at the side of each nail up- ward, making it stiff and thick. Pumice stone treatments at least once a•woek will solve thetproblem. When you have washed your hands, moisten the - pumice stone slightly and rub it briskly across the callouses. Don't press to hard and don't rub any one spot for more than 30 sec- onds. Use a prepared bleach or fresh lemon juice to remove stains on hands, wrist and'fingertops. A good many women keep half of a lemon on a shelf in the bathroom and the other half in the kitchen. Several times a day they simply dig their fingers into the juice and pulp, Remember that a small hand brush with rather stiff bristles will remove imbedded dirt and grime on which ordinary washing has no effect. Get into the habit of scouring, knuckles and fingers as regularly as you brush your teeth. Apply hand lotion or creams many tithes a day and always at night be- fore you ga to bed. When, you use a' suntan oil before hours of exposure to the sun, put some of it on hands as well as arms. ENGLISH TOURIST FINDS CANADA IS WARM SPOT Goderich—"It never gets - this hot in England, never," exclaimed Harry Todd, 41 Meredith road, Portsmouth, England, an interesting visitor to this lakeside town on Tuesday. ; "If the thermomete,i• reaches 80 in the old land, we think it very hot, but 100— phew," the visitor saki as be mopped his brow. Mr. Todd, a bookmaker by profes- sion and proud of it, he said, came to New York from England on the Queen Mary, with his wife, and brought his own car and chauffeur with him. They are touring' Canada as far west as Vancouver. Gentleman—"Can you go into any business more profitable than beg- ging?" Beggar—"Well, sir, I'd like to open a bank, but I haven't got the tools," FLOWERS We give the most careful atten- tion to funeral floral designs whether large or small. YOU NEED FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION. WHEN YOU SAY IT WITH FLOWERS "SAY IT WITH OURS" SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT Furnished .four -room summer cot- tage at Iron Springs, four miles. north of Bayfield. Ideal location, good bathing beach, with cold. spring water nearby. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florist Telegraph ' Delivery Association. Phones 176 and 31. This Hot Weather IS WHEN ' YOU NEED A " BATH LET US GIVE YOU A PRICE ON A COMPLETE OUTFIT. If you are in the Country we can give you a pressure system that will give you the same privileges as we have in town. A GOOD ,4 -WHEEL TRAILER" FOR SALE CHEAP T. Hawkins. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 ,r IIMIIMMIINFOMMU FAIR and COOLER and it will be much more comfortable getting around A GOOD PLACE TO VISIT WILL BE OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT and see the finest and most up-to-date stock you will find in any of the entailer towns, AND WE CAN GUARANTEE YOU WILL SAVE MONEY ON YOUR PURCHASES. A Brand New Stock of CHESTERFIELD, DINING ROOM aria BEDROOM SUITES, STUDIO COUCHES, CEDAR CHESTS, OC- CASIONAL CHAIRS, and LAMPS of all Kinds. .LUST. ARRIVED—Another Shipment of VERANDAH CHAIRS, So enjoy real comfort at very little expense. SEE OUR NORTH WINDOW FOR BARGAINS. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of Pure Manilla Hay Fork hope and a Good Price, Pulleys and Harvest Tools, A. Good Stock of Coal Oil, Gasoline and Electric Stoves and Plates, so you may enjoy your cooking and baking in comfort.. Pluiubing and Tinsmithing Done at Reasonable Prices. BALL & ZAPFE • Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. r PHONE 111 CLINTON SPECIALS FOR. THUKS. - FR I. SAT. Eagle Condensed Milk, per tin 1Sc Kellogg's All Bran, per pkg. 17c Sultana Raisins, New Crop, 2 lbs. for 25c Old Dutch. Cleanser, 2 tins for .......................... ..,.,,u,19c McCormick's Assorted Cream Biscuits, per ib. 17c Drummer Brand Pastry Flour, 7's 23c; 24's 65c Toddy, serve hot or cold, , 1-2's 23c; 16 oz, 39c Whiz Insect Killer, 8 ozs. 33c Hillcrest Shortening, 2 lbs. for 27c Ginger Nut Biscuits, 2 lbs. for ...w ...... ..... ..:..•,.,, , 25c FRESH FRUITS AND, VEGETABLES, COOKED MEATS FREE Coupons with Every 25c Furcltase • WE DELIVER.. T. R.Thompson Successor To J.. T. McKNIGHT and.SON;