HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-07-02, Page 8'PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JULY 2, 1936 Ni' 'it • aoti ; ROIL DE SAtTS ACE, per lb. _ .......... .15c 20 LB. PAIL SCHNEIDE'R'S LARD $2,80 CRIDLAND'S LARD. 1-1b. prints, 2 for ' 25c II0111E-MADE LARD, per lb. , . . . . ... . .. ....,.150 CHOICE RIB ROAST OF BEEF, per lb. CHUCK ROAST, per lb. . .. ... .... . .. 14c MB ROAST OF VEAL,Per lb. .... .. •• .... • •• • •• •• • • -• •• •15e VEAL CHOPS, per lb. ....... .. . .. .. ....... VEAL 'STEW, Der lb. . /3e SMOKED. COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 24c CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET" Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE. CALL 14'7W FOR ESTIMATES ON EAVETROUGHING AND ROOF RBPAIRS—THE PRICES ARE REASONABLE. • R,O0F1NDP.A.PER OF ALL GRADES. • ALSO ROOF PAINT and CAULKING PASTE ON HAND. MIKADO CUPS AND SAUCERS .WITH FANCY DESIGN.. CUP AND SAUCER -10c. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT - NEW ASSORTMENT OF 'TABLE AND HALL MIRRORS 10% DISCOUNT FOR THIS WEEK. CABINET MODEL 7 -TUBE ELECTRIC ECHOPHONE RADIO • Slightly Used. PRICED AT $25.00. CAMP .AND LAWN FURNITURE ,REASONABLY PRICED LARGE ASSORTMENT IN NOVELTIES Stitter--Perdue—Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING 'Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day or Night To The Citizens ot Clinton -1 EVEN THE QUINTS ARE DIFFE* ENT You know the five Dionnes, babies more alike than pas in a pod, shar- ing the same food, living in the same stirroundings, wearing siinilar clothes, no lives fixed to a closer pattern. Scientists fear five automatons may result. Is the professor right? Tem- perament—that which upsets human forecaste—is already at work making these babies different. Some day one of them will buy a new car while another is content to get another year's wearout of the old one. Some one will do more, or buy more, or go faster, or wear things out quicker, Or try new things sooner, all marked by an essential difference in tempera- ment. Multiply this difference in a small brood by many times and then apply the result to our magazine stand or book shelves and you get the answer to why they display such a variety of kind. We should suit any tendency ii magazines, Sport, Love Financial, Fiction, Detective, Literary Fashions, Radio, Movie, Aviation, Physical Culture, Needlework, Comics and others too numerous to list Tile W. -D Fair co . Often the Cheapest—Always the Best digWimee j Miss Harriet Gendier, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Chita John Cuningliame spent. the week- end In Southampton and Toronto. MissM, 4, 5 one has left by motor for Hamilton to visit for a :few Weeks. After an absence of 18 years I have come back to Clinton. 11 Misses Isabel and Winnie Draper sail for Europe via the Ansonia on I have started hi business Friday of 'this week. •-- -011 SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH, As a TAILOR PRESSING - CLEANING . i Me. and Mrs E. Le Johnston of Exe- II ' 'ter visited on Sunday last with Me. and Mrs, J. H. Johnston. Mr, and Mrs. John Hawkins and son of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. IlaWkins. Misses Mary Hovey; Helen Maiming, Zetta Nixon and Frances Mossop have left on a motor trip. Mr. J. T. Cooper of Killarney, Man., arrived last week for a short visit with his mother, Mrs. Sarah Coo- per.' Miss Eleanor Kemp of Toronto is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kemp. Miss L Beattie of the Collegiate staff Agent for the FRENCH DRY CLEANING WORKS. Any Kind of Alterations, Repairs. MODERATE PRICES. Albert Palmer Isaac Street, Nextro Ford's Flour and Feed Store. 85-1-p. AIIMPliMOVU1110111110aZeeniiMes.eft-ewswawe FeCour ConvipIetue BUS SCHEDULE Effective Ma.v 3. 1936. Going North -11.10 a.m.; 8.00 p.m. Sat. 3.10 p.m. Going South -1105 a.m.; .9.30 p.m. • Going West -1.15 p.m.; 7.50 p.m. Going East -8.00 a.m.; 5.30 p.m. • Eastern Standard Time. Itineraries planned to all points in Canada, United States & Mexico. Consult Lotal Agent. CENT. ONT. BUS LINES LTD. TORONTO. RATTENBURY HOTEL, L. Rousseau—Phone 50. COMMERCIAL INN, A. McCallum—Phone 243. , STANLEY Miss Charlotte Johnson of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs.Thomas Campbell, Mr. and Mrs John Aikenhead of London 'spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Baird. Mr' and Mrs. Hurlbut of Aber - deem Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Of Harts, Manitoba, called at home John A. Moffat and Mrs. Thos. Campbell one clay last week. Miss Ruth Aikenhead, , and Miss Marjorie New of Toronto, are- spdral- hig their holidays at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. 13, Baird. (Intended for last week) The ladies of Stanley Community Club gathered et the home of .IVIrs. Will McEwen on Thursday, June 18th .‘ in honour of Miss Ann Stewart who 'was presented with a lovely gift , of ilver.' The pvesentation took place imme- diately following a short., humorous play. . At the conclusion of the afternoon a lovely lunch w as served by some of the members of the club. Report of Promotion Examinations of S. S. No. 1, Stanley: Sr. 4th: Maxine Stanbury, 88; Won- lietta Henderson, 84; Lenore Welsh, 79; Alice Glen, 78; Frederick Ander- son, 66. Jr. 4th; Raymond Cantelon, 56, Sr. 3rd: Janie Moffat, 86; Glen Price, 80; George Cantelon, 56. Jr. 3rd: Jack Stewart, 90; Helen Shaddoek, 2nd: Fred Stanbury, 84; Jim Stew- art, 78. Pr.: Billy Hanly, Li1lin Stewart, Charles Hanly, Helen Anderson, Best speller during year: Fred Stanbury. —IV!. lo, PATRICK, teacher, GODERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Shirley Beacom has returned to Toronto after a vacation at her home on the Bayfield Line. Mr: end Mrs. Ken, Merner and baby Jack, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Merner, Goshen Line, Stan- ley. Mr. Charles.. Ferguson and MieS, Florence Lovett of London were week -end guests of Inc. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson. Mr. Maurice Switzer returned Milne an Saturday, having spent a .month M the 'West. • ides. Leslie Sterling, had the mis- fortune while in her garden one day last week of tripping and ,fraeturing her leg, We hope for a speedy 1e- cova0i Mrs. Arthur Stephenson has turned home after 'a two Months' visit with her daughters, Mrs. Wheel- er of Parkhill, Mrs. Livermore of London and Mrs. Oradell of . Detroit. THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR. Guide: "This cattle has stood for 600 years. Not a stone has been touched, nothing ' altered, nothing'. teplaced." Visitor,—"Om, they must have the tame landlord we have." spent a few days at Bruce Beach before leaving for her home in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs.. Syd, Double and fain- -Hy of Stratford were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton. Mr. and Mrs. Erskine Evens and two small sons, Bobby and Billy of St Marys spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. J. 3. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. John Layton and Mur- iel of London visited on Sunday at the home of their brother, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Layton. Miss Agnes Brydone of Toronto mot- ored to Clinton on Saturday last, and her sister, Miss Frances re- turned with her. Mrs. A. D. Beaton, Holmes Beaton, the Misses Holmes and Mrs. Jack Watson of Toronto are Visiting Mrs. Clarence Moffat of Bickford, Miss Mary Turner; accompanied by her sister, Miss Hattie Turner -of Toronto, leaves this week for Men. treel where they will take a boat trip to Cape Breton. Mr. and Dirs. G. It 'Jenkins and Miss Mary Jenkins, accompanied by their guests, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cowl- ing of High Riven', Alta., visited in Guelph last week. Me. and Mrs. Eciclie Watson and fain- ily of Hamilton spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, George A. Walker. Master Ted Watson're- mained Tor' a longer visit. Mrs. H. M. Monteith and little son Neville, left last week for Char- lottetown, P.E.l. Mrs. Monteith intends to slay for several weeks with her mother who has not been Wiry well. Mr. Craig Cooney has returned to Clinton after being awarded his M.A. degree at St, Andrew's Uni- versity, Scotland. Mr, Cooper has accepted a position in the Classics ' department, on the staff of the Central CoRegiate, Hamilton. Mr. John Hellyae of Seuddee, Mr. Brenton' Hellyar of Clear Lake and Miss Grace Hellyar of Maseeyeare spending a week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hellyar before they go away to their summer cam - See. John will go to Hamilton, Brenton to London and Grace to Kingston. ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER IIIIMMO11•••=11•01311 SUMMERTIME IS PIC I E Always in the Lead RED min wHiTz and How We do Enjoy the Picnics! When you visit wonderland you marvel at the beauty o it. When you visit O'NEIL'S you wonder at the Attractive Prices especially in Picnic ig Cainping Lines .40•1111102110011•01.01=1.11610.3.1. Now for Sandwiches for Picnics Boneless Chicken 250 Paris Pate . . 15c Mrs. Burgess Sandwich Paste 15c Ham, Veal, TongueTurkey and Chicken Tuna Fish . 15c Sandwich Spread 20c Tasty Spread 25c Stuffed Olives. 25c For Iced Tea We .Advise— RED and WHITE TEA, half pound 32c O'Neil's Special Blend, per lb. 49e Flowerdale Blend, per lb. 75c FOR COFFEE Opecial Blend, per lb. 25c Blue. Ribbon, per Ib. 39e Chase and Sanlmrifs, per ib. 39c Maxwell House Coffee, per lb. Red and White Coffee, per lb. 39d 39c PICNIC SUGGESTIONS, Gold. Medal Pickles • Small Sizes, . Picnic Plates, 2 dozen for Chateau Serviettes Fancy . . ' Prepared Mustard . . Premium Dressing Crown Syrup, 2 lbs. for New Potatoes, 4 lbs. for New Beets, Carrots, Cabbage, Celery WATERMELON SALE — Thurs., Fri,, Saturday Z50 10c 15e 15e 15e 10e 100 18e 250 NEW ATTRACTIVE PRICES. ON BANANAS. • Attractive Christies Cakes ,for Picnics, 10c, 15c, 25c Muskmelons, each 15c Orangts, per dozen 33c Texas Onions, Silverskins, fine for slicing, 2 lbs. 15c Asssolted Fancy Biscuits (Manning's), per lb. 15c (Special Picnic Hams, per lb. 25c Virginia Ham, per lb. 49c. Jellied Veal, per lb. 290 Weiners and Bologna. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails w T. IL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 ',361,•~Alleigiegl.1#~0r.eeeitoeawelieow-seeflo GARDEN PARTY WED., JULY 22ND under the auspices of St.' James' Church, Middleton, on the lawn of MR. JOHN HUDIE 7th Concession of Goderich Township Program of Instrumental Music, Quartette, Duets, Solos and Readings by the Stratford Entertainers, under the leadership of Mr. Fred J. Bryant, A full enures Meat Supper will be served from 6 to 8, Admission: Adults 35e; Children) 200. HULLETT TOWNSH11- Mi. and Mrs. Henry Livermore and family of California spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Thomas Adams. The many friends of Mrs. Victor Roy are pleased to know she is able to be 'home again from Clinton Hos- pital. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart and Miss Annie Woon went to Tavistock to be present at the funeral of their coueln, Mr, Albert Goring of East Zora. Report of the promotion examina- tions of S. S .No. 10, Hullett: Jr. 4th to Sr. 4th: Anna Mae Johnston, 76, honours; John Sprung, 60. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th: Elva Govier, 81, honours; Harty Yungblutt, 75, hon - mire; , Fern .Yungblutt, 68; Berva Mair, 65. Pr. Class: Elgin Penfound. • —Beth Arnett, teacher. LONDON ROAD Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat visited with Lucknow friends on Sunday. Misses M. and A, Gledhill, Miss N. Fisher and Mrs. Henry of Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wiltse They came up for the Fisher picnic which was held on Saturday at For. ster's flats. Mr, and Mrs, Wiltse and faMily, and Mrs. McMichael also attended, Mrs, Lebeau and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lane of Formosa on Sunday, Mr, Jack Clegg spent the week- end with' Mr. Clark Bali. Miss Jean Falconer of Paris hap been visiting at her parental home that of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer. Mr. McKay of Egniondville is vis- iting t his sons, 3/11. B. 'McKay. SLTMMERHILL Miss Frieda Ellis was successful in obtaining her Entrance Certificate without -writing the examination. The Collowing are the results of the final examination of S. S No. 12, Goderich end IItillett. The grades in September will be as follows: Sr. 4th: Gerald Clayton, 76; Clay- ton Ellis, '70; Phyllis. Ball, 62. ,Tr. 4th: Lois Ranson, 72; Ross I-Rip:gait, 67; (Ernest Garrett, (R). Jr. 4th: Lois Rapson, '72; Ross Hoggavt, 67. Sr. 3r(11 Elwyne Blake, 63. Jr. 3rd: Florence Gurett, 80; Dorothy Blake, 59. 2nd: Jack Clayton. :lst: Annie Ball, Pr. A: Elia Johnston; B, Ronald Clayton. No, on roll, 14, average attendance 12,83, —Dorothy Wilson, teachme AFTERNOON TEA On St. Paul's Churth Lawn • Under the auspices of St, Paul's Ladies' Guild Tuesday, July 7h Salads, Jellies, Bread and Butter, Cake, Tea. 3.00 to 7,00 pan. 86-1. PLANT s Now is the time to fill in the corners in garden and flower beds. All Spring Plants at Bargain Pekes. Still have ,good Geraniums and Trailers to offer. Rosy Morn Petunias loose from beds 20c a Dozen. Spray With New Evergreen 35c a Bottle GARDENITE the new plant food 15c a Packet. SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT Furnished four -room summer cot- tage at Iron Springs, four miles north of Bayfield. Ideal location, good 'bathing beach, with cold. spring water nearby. F. R. CUNINGHAME 1VIembet. Telegraph Delivery .Assn, Phones 176 and 31. Call 244 WHEN IN NEED OF ANY PLUNII3ING or Metal W HAVE YOUR EAVETROTJGIIS OVERHAULI131) NOW. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL FALL arti-Senour. Paints & Varnish 44 HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 s ..............„ More NEW STOCK.for JULY BARGAINS The New Stock Still Keeps Coming In, and in order to make room, we are forced to offer yon some Wonderful Bargains. W17 HAVE A TWO-PIECE SYMONS STUDIO COUCH SUITE, covered M the latest Home -spun covers, with Chrome arms; the smartest we have ever shown AT, $66.50 Then We Have— 4 NEW 9-PIEW DINING ROOM SUITES to $70 0. t $1.15 in Walnut, Peices range from TIVO NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES • $48. & $78. Great Values V ' FOUR BEDROOM SUITES Latest Styles. ranging. from $60. to $95. Then, of course, we always carry a well assorted stock of OC- CASIONAL CHAIRS, CENTRE, END, COFFEE, GATE LEG, and NEST OF TABLES, SMOKERS, and Latest in LAMPS. SEE OUR NORTH WINDOWS FOR SPECIAL, BARGAINS NO ARTICLE OVER $1.00. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have a large stock of Pure Manilla Hay Fork Rope and a Good Price, Pulleys and Harvest Tools, A Good Stock of Coal Oil, Gasoline and Electric Stoves and Plates, so you may enjoy your eooking and baking in comfort.. BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware,. Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Eapfe, Phone 103. .01 oimamo•••••••••sio, mMemageMi.nreni41119.• , 4, 4, '4, • 4 1,410° .114X.,,, , , v,- 4,,,,,6,. -...,90.• ,,,,,,P,; 0'4,—, . .oi 4.mws, Isr, ".-44", PHONE 111 ' CLINTON WE DELIVER ' Red Colioe SALMON, Golden Net, lb tin 21c ., , • . LUX FLAKES, large pkg. • 21c , PUFFED WHEAT, 2 pkgs. 19c .„. Aylmer Choice Golden • BANTAM CORN, 2 No. 2 Size Cans 23c LSALADA TEA, Brown Label; half lb. 32c Black or Mixed YELLOW LABEL, half lb. 27c LUX OILET SOAP, 6c ,., , cake T COOKING RICE, 3 lbs. for 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS, 4 lbs. for 25c WASHING SODA, per !b. ' 5c CER110, per bottle • 270 JELLY KEpkg.R, , 1.11-7 Kkovah MA RUBBER RINGS, Per dozen ' 6c . ZINC 'RINGS, per dozen 21c tat COOKED MEATS. FRESH FRUITS and ,, • • VEGETABLES. ). , . '."'• Successor To J. T. McKNIGHT and SON , 4, 4, '4, • 4