The Clinton News Record, 1936-06-25, Page 4• PAGE 4 THE- CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MEN'S HOLIDAY" SPECIALS Fancy Idose For Men; 2 pails for 350 Fine Drill. Outing Caps ., . '. 25e Fedora Shape Straw Hats 98e Sport Shirts, in white or yellow Men's Fine Shirts', in white or colored, $1.00 Men's Sanforized Shrank Trousers, ,,....$1.95' Flannel Sport Pans ('Special) $2.95.` HelmetStraw Hats at 25c and; 35c • LOWER PRICED TOILET ARTICLES Anile' Socks 15c, tJc, 25e 25c and 35c Ladies' Silk Hose Full -Fashioned Hose, pair G9c Ladies.' Mesh .Gloves' 49c to 70o Girls' and Women's Slacks 98c Girls' and Women's: Shorts • 79c Simplicity Patterns 15c, 20; 25e BARKER'S CAKES. Saves You Baking They Are • Fresh and Delicious an LAWN FURNITURE CAMP -STOOL ......25e PORCH, CHAD .i..,.4I::00'. Rockerless ROCKER 1.50 GRASS RUXS Model n attic and is Flor al Patterns Size. 24x48 .: ,,25c Size 2'7x54 39e Size 48x84 89c LAWN CHAIR 'SPECIAL, 89c. FREE RINSO WIT}I SIX BARS COMFORT SOAP, For ,, ••...... C.. FREE LIFE BUOY SOAP 'WITI�I LARGE PKG. LUX FREE LIFE BUOY SOAP WITH LARGE PING. • INSO FP,UIT JARS, RINGS and ZINCS BATHING SUITS AND CAPS'. CUP AND SAUCER FREE With Each Pound of TEA or 'COFFEE (LARKS' TOMATO SOUP, 4 for • 25c.. ' CLARK'S TOMATO CATSUP • 15c P. & G. SOAP, 10 ,bars for 25c With Purchase of $1.00 AVON DAIRY ICE CREAM Cones and Bricks McCORMICI('S BISCUITS' ' YOU1 HEALTHIS HEALTH.Y lin �Qpf ¢��jj�jj! j(�i{'t t5[ `II.� fb tlL alx9 �« tl.; If Your Stomach is not right your' health and life is not right c ,K•h en a al ex neutralizes the acid in the :stomach that causes poisons to remain in the system,• and thereby lowers your vitality. GET BISMA-W ti and enjoy good health 75c AND 51.50. CLINTON, ONT PHONE 61 `4949. Cul,ITIN,OWNNINYWINIV.MNJOJONI,INMPITThIMININ14, T :, HOLIDAYS ARE NOW HERE AND Y.O1J WILL NEED A NEW J3ATFIING SUIT. WE HAVE THEM FROM $1.50 to $3,50 7'WO.PIECE WITH ZIPPER, OR ONE-PIECE TRUNKS 75c to $1.50. BOYS' I'Ro11I 76e TO $1.50 DAMS6t. IIE! MAN • CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING A Next Door To Theatre, Clinton -Phone No. 67: We Have Ten Different Styles in New Felt Hats All Shades, At 1.79 A"New Shipment Of - Prnted Crepe Dresses Has Arrived in Women's and Misses' Sizes On Sale Now 1.9S up ROUND TRIP RAiL TRAVEL BARGAINS FromCLINTON July' 3 and 4. to CHICAGO $7.00. JULY 4 —TO_ Port. Huron - $2.25 Windsor - $3.00 'Flint • - - - $3.60 , Durand .- - $3.95 Detroit $3.00 Equally low fares from all adjacent C.N.R.. Stations, .T$73D Tickets, Train Information, Return Limits from Agents. Ask for handbill FAN D N,1 ORDER Y OUI2, BERRIES NOW, WE STILL HAVE A FEW LEFT. THEY ARE GETTING SCARCE AND .THE PRICE IS GOING UP. ' F. ' �'��' PHONE $3. 86-1. j W. LONDESBORO The village has been improved. lately by sone new cement sidewalks being put down. The interior of the United 'Church 'basement is, being redecorated, which will make a great improvement in the appearance., the position of otganist in the United Church, Miss N. Snell resigning. Miss W. B. Allen 'visited friends at. London on Saturday., 'Vit.: and Mrs. C. Wilson .and' Got don of Beantforcl and Mao. M. Hill of Toronto were visitors with their cou- sin, Mrs. M. _Manning, Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Josling is A. patient in Installation Of Officers Pit. W, Bre, H• E. Rorke; installed the Worshipful Master. of Clinton Lodge AP: and A.M. and 'invested, the officers of the lodge on Wednee day, St. John's Night. He" was as- sisted by Rt. W. Bro. G H. Jeffer- son: and W. Biros. N. Ball, H. P. Plttmatcel, T. `G. Scribbles,' C: W. Draper, F. T. Jaskcon, E; A. Fines and G. E. Ball. After the ceremony the members had lunch and a fete im- promptu speeches: Visitors were pre- sent from •Exeter and Londesboro. Following are the officers: : W.M.; W. Bro. E. E. Paterson, I.P,M ., W. Bro. Ii. A. McIntyre. S;W. Bro. F. B. Pennebaker. J.W.: Bro, A. M. Knight. Chaplain: V.W. Bro. C. H. Venner. Sec.: Rt We Bro. H. E. Rorke, Treas • W. Brro. W, 11 Fair, D. of C.: W. Bro. N. Ball, S.D.: Bro. H. C. Lawson. J.D.: Bro. F. Fingland. I.G.: Bro. S. 11, Thompson. S.S.: Bro. Ian MacLeod, J.S.: Bro. J. Vii; Crich. Tyler: Bro. A. Castle. HOLIYIESVILLE PORTER'S ! ILL The Y. 'P. U. net on Thursday Owing to circumstances over which evening last :week, on account of a your correspondent had no control, social at Zion being on Friday "even- very few Reins have been appearing ing. Me. • Neiman :.Trowartha had the last week or so.' charge of the meeting Which 'was ' On Wednesday last an 'unusually opened with singing and prayer. M. good play was given by the Grand Alex, Glenn read dive lesson,- which Bend, Young People, the title was Rev. Mr, Herbert commented :upon. "Correspondence Courtship," and was Miss Alma Trewartha presented the very amusing and caused many good topic for the everting. At the close of; laughe from start to finish.. We re the devotional period the annual elec- tion of officers took place which re- sulted as follows: President: Miss Mary Grigg. Vice: Norman. Trewartha, 1st Vice: Kenneth Trewartha. 2n Vice: Harold Yeo, lard Vice: Miss Ahna, Trewartha• 4th Vice:1Y I ts Edward G Grigg r]' and Miss Gay. Whitmore. Treasurer: Edward. Grigg. Secretary: Ruth Potter, ' Pianist: Miss Charlotte Trewartha, The Y. P. 13 on Ftiady evening this Umpire could not see the ball. Then week will take the form of a Weiner' Friday a friendly game was played Roast, this being the last meeting at the Porters Hill diamond ,when until September. the boys of the salt factory came 12r, and Mrs. Holtzhauer' of Nia- gret so few were out to hear it. Ou Wednesday Benmiller softball team, journeyed to Porters Hill, when the hone team had the best of the game. Then Monday evening the boys met the Union ball teats o n' their grounds, the game resulting in a tie. At the 7th inning the score stood a8-8 in favor of Portersill >=z but clueing the next two inning's the table wes turned some but the,game had to be called off before the com- pletion of the ninth inning, as the Barri Falls are visiting at the home out, and the Monte team met their T of their daughter, Mrs, F. Potter•, actual and went down to defeat. Flower ShowIPL August On Tuesday, lune 10th, about The Citizens' Horticultural Societytwenty men and boys took the op - guest of M. and Mrs. Chas, McPhail iris issued its :prize list for 1030 and porttinity of a motor picnic sponsor at ' Ivy „ Cotta o ed by. the Club. The day was ideal Mos. 'Edmundson of Clinton is the it is a more or less pretentious pubii- !; cation. There aro 114 three prizes in each class. Rather, truck owned by Bill Jervis picked classes and Mr. incl Mrs. J. Cook and daughter and all report a good day spent. The of Leeburn, also Mr. W. Moore ,1 Listowel visited S I 'i'HU.RS., JUNE 25, 193 twisted hisknee during thegame at go byLethbriege and Vance -twos to-.' the Union.. It is very u nfortuntte visit other relatives, that the .two young men shoulcl,be On Snurclay 1Vir. and Mrs. Fred Mid laid off at this tinto of the year. dietoii• hada little fancily, 3euniog of Miss ' Verna Picot is. recovering the McNaughton family, including nicely after her accident, Mr. John McNaughton and"family, Visitors at J. S. Lockhart's the last London; Mi. ,'D. H. , McNaughton,: week were , Mr. H. Corbett 'and Bayfield and Mrs. J. Johnston and daughter, Mea, Mire Corbett, Sr., family, Goderieh. ' kris. Dan McConnell and dau •hter, all of Dundalk; Mo, and Mrs ..Cobert Ludlow, Detroit, Miele; '51r. Carl At- Sturdy Pioneer Of Goderichl kinson, Flesherton; Mt•, and Miss. Edwarr i, 1Jurhaill and Miss- Irwin,' Luckuow•; Mrs. Corbett, Sr., remained with her daughter for a longer visit Township basses In Per- -son Of'' Albert Cantelon The death occurred suddenly on • Wednesday of last week of Mr, A1- UCIERSI�ITII beat Cantelon, tGoderieh township, in his eighty,sevetith year, at the house A very successful barn raising was of his son in Port Huron, Mich.. A. hold at Mr J. Carnochan's on :Satnrr_ heart hemorrhage was the cause of • clay last. It:was a very? u'nighe ocea- do nth., • Mt;. Cantelon 'had gone' over Sion to the youuger. generation • as on the twenty-fourth ' of May last to; some Jrad'never witnessed al: raising visit his son and hacl been going:,a before. Only ah.dut six men out of bout as usual, his death coming as a sixty were able to go up with the tan- &`rest 'shock to his family. bers. • Mr. Cantelon was a son of the late Rev, Mt Farrill 'will preach 'his George Cantelon, who came to this next.ell sermon eo •ice at' 'ntorni m. pountry from Ireland•,••in 1831, as a next. ' Church service at: 9.30 a.tn• lard o -f eleven, The family settled . at Streetsville and George married there, the subject of this sketch being born there. But the father carie up to Huron when he was about the age of five in 1855, end in Goderieh township be spent his life. He had farmed on the 9th for many Years. ' His wife, Martha Steep, daughter of . the late Henry Steep, • died in -1928, and he is survived by. five sons: Wil- fred of Moose Jaw, Sask.; Lorne of Indianapolis; Edgar, Port Huron; Roy Congrativations aro due Miss Mary of Stanley township and Ralph on the 'Hugill, and Miss Audrey Byermanin .homestead an Goderieh township: Two on being., recommended on their brothers and. a sister. also survive,. year's work and not having to try Goorr e of Clinton, _Adam J. of Gocie. .rich tcwnahipi and -Mrs. J. K. Ed- wards of Sourjs, Man, Mr, Cantelon was a quiet man of unassuming manner, a good.neighbor and a good friend. He was a member: The early, service is proving ,very sat- isfactory: 'Me .and Mrs, R. Fear and Mr, and Mrs. F. Pepper called on Brussels friends 'on Sunday lasts Mrs. R. Fear has 5'eturned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ham-' ather. of Millbank. Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will hold their annual picnic at :.S..S. No. 6 school grounds . on .Saturday, -'June With: their Entrance examination. STANLEY - MrsWiiliainson and two sons of Carstairs, Alberta, spent the week- of Wesley -Willis dough, Clinton, for-. end with her sister, Mrs. Will Scotch- merit' of Sharon church, near his mer. Mrs. Williamson has been re- newing township. acquaintances here, having The Rev. C. W. D. Cosens of Wes - taught No. 4 North, school a number ley -Willis, conducted the funeral ser-, of years ago. vices at the house and graveside on Miss Marie Hodgson and Mr. Scott, Saturday afternoon, the remains hay - of Westminster spent Sninday with tt'g been brought home surd the fun- Mr. ut Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale, f' era] taking place from his own home Mr. and Mrs. John' Scotcluner, Si'.,1 on the ninth, The pallbearers were Mr.. Roy Scotchmer, Mr. Gordon A' J, McCartney, G. M. Steep, Fred Scotchmer and Miss Rose Scotchmer Middleton, B. McCullough, E. Miller spent the week -end in Detroit with and R. Grigg. All the family . were r.. n•e,crit the formerss sort, Mt. Clifford Scotch- I 1 with' the exception of Ti rlfrtcl mer. t of Moose Jaw. Sil's. Robert Greer spent the week- Interment vias made in Clinton end with Mrs. Roy Scotchmer, (cemetery Mrs. Brooks of Clinton spent a few ! - days with her daughter, Mrs. Will Scotchmer. Mrs. A. .1 Holloway visited with with Mr, and . iblrs. W. McEwen one day recently, along with her n1ece, Miss Rowe of Exeter, who was their guest. Mr. Hector Batt and Mr. tied Mrs. Albert Batt of Stouffyille spent the weak-encl at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan. Mrs. Thos. Baird, Sr., and Mr. and utc ay 1t the nonce three awards, no ' money prizes will of Mr. T, 3. Potter, them all up at Porters Hill, leaving Mrs, Thos. B. Baird visited at the I be, given.The . executive, tvhieh is Mrs, Walter arra son, Floyd of around 6.50, They went by the home of the former's sister, Mrs, Igiving and will give much time 'attd Bemniller,' are With Mr. and NIis. Blue Water as far as Owen Sound Angus Gordon of Sheppardton, the energy to make the flower show, on I,..,00. Jerv]q this weed where dinner was enjoyed, thence to beginning of the week. :Friday and Saturday, Aug. 21-22' Miss J Ti , a' s Joy Kemp of . Mitchellattend- ' success, hope that citizens generalIyi;ed the Potter -Grigg weeding on Wed- ( will extend hearty co -opera- inesccy, June l7th. ttion. At the baton .of the prize list, • Miss Jean' Webster spent the week - is this admonition: "Don't come to end at het home sit Seaforth. see the show and then find after; Mr and Mrs Edward G •'a at the home of Iris parents the past, cion. Meaford, Thornbury, Kimberley, Eugenia, and Fleshettott and back GODERICH TOWNSHIP home by Walkerton. Kimberly valley is one or Ontario's beauty spots. Mr. Robert Welsh spent several Glen Lockhart has been quite ill days last week with friends in Lon- arcls have been placed that yeti' arc tigg,. Jr,,r have better at -home, rithem to have returned front their honeymoon the show and let the bringg `rip and are getting veettied in their, judge pass his borne near Holmesville. We welcome' opinion on them." [ them heartily. That'S good sense, too. Even if you Mr. and Mrs. Elinor Potter. were do not expect to get first, second, or ` , , even third, place, br'ingl along any:: recent visitors with the lady's ear- thing in the way of flowers you have l eats . J. }eesIter. r and let's make a good. showing. Ev-1 Rev. t W. l Presbytery and at W. on erybody loves flowers, event they're i L thisso attended Presbytery at Walton net prize prochictions, • week. week. Mrs. Milton Woods has recovered sufficiently to be removed from Vic- toria Hospital, London, where she spent five weeks, to the horse of her 1 sister, near London. Grace church is anticipating a raspberry festival in July. On. Sunday evening an Orange service was held in Grace Church when the church was comfortably Mrs . Wright,;of Egnnozulville„ filled. Rev. R, 'VI, Gale delivered a called at the hone of Mr, and Mrs, helpful sermon to the Orangemen, Frank Whitmore, one day last week. MacKenzie -Morrison A very quiet wedding was solemn- ized at eleven ,o'clock on Monday: .morning, June 22nd, at the Piesly- terian manse, Clinton, when Glenna ]yonelda Morrisolr, only daughter of Captain. Angus' Morrison of Port Arthur, became: the bride of .James Lovell MacKenzie, eldest son of Mb. arid' Mrs, John L. MacKenzie, Tiver- ton; Ontario. Rev Die C. E. Dougan officiated. , The bride wore a smart Senn-tail- orecl suit 'of white crepe with white hat and accessories and a shoulder bouquet of Johenna •1-1i11 roses and lily of the valley. • .She was attended by her: sister, Mrs. S. E. Castle of Clinton;' 'who wore a'tailored yellow crepe dress with white hat end accessories and a shoulder bouquet o.f'whito carnations. Mr, S. E. Castle was best man. Following the ceremouy a' luncheon was served at the home Me and Mrs. Castle, after which the bride; and groom leftt on" a motor ,trip through southern Ontario. dorwent a ser„ osis gperation, At last reports she was :getting along. nicely, Mil and Mrs, W. T. Brunsdon visit- ed friends in Clinton Sunday. The Carter, Shobbrook and No. 5 school • all Held ;their annual picnics • at Goderieh on. it Saturday, whine a won-' derful•1y good time was spent. M : a rnd Mrs. 'J. W. Steil of O,yen, < lady's brother, Mn. Wm. S.neIl. Miss Marion Snell is yisiting at the home 'of Miss .Jean Houston of Au- burn this week. • Miss Elya Snell is home fromGode, rich Collegiate for'the holidays. Mrs. Annie Mustard of Michigan is visiting at her brother's,. Mr, Joe Alta., are vision at the home o g f the ..Miss .Greene of Clinton Stas taken the Clinton hospital, where: she un- Bray of the 13th: • Mr. R. A. Il,'earn and his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanley and fam- ily, London Road, Mr. and Mrs. A. Horner and fancily, Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. I3. Rathwell and 'family were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Stephenson, Mi, and Mrs. E. J. 'Welsh and Don- na and Helen of Clinton were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh, Mr. and Mrs, Ken. Tay]o, and Dim- ly of Blyth visited with Mr. and MIs. John Middleton on Sunday last. ' Mr. and Mrs, d. D. `Leslie, who have beer'visiting the lady's niece, Mrs, Freta Middleton and with other re- latives hereabouts and the forinee's sister, Mrs. W. 0. Fair of Clinton, left this: week on their return jour- ney to Oakland, California. They will taking as his text, "Stand fast. in the faith, quit ye like amen, be strong." The ball boys, also many other friends, sympathize with Mr, Will Sterling, who had the misfortune to break his leg in two places while playing ball, also Jack Sterling, who Carter Re -Union Picnic On (Saturday 'The Carter to -union picnic was held in Tambour Park, Galeria, on Sat- urday, June 20th, when about. sixty members, were present for the occas- ion, Guests ware present from De. Boit, Wingham, Walton, • Clinton; Sea:torth, Eginondvillo, Londesboro, Holmesvllle and Goderich. Mr. Harold Glew and his commit- tee conducted the sports, which' con - elated of a series of games, contests, and races. These were enjoyed by old and young. Ate, 5.80. p.m., the gathering assembled partake of a -bounteous lunch, Mr, Geo. Maus„ the president, con- ducted the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows. President, Mr. Harvey Jen- kins, Clinton; Sec. -Treasurer, .112x. Ariaall J'i.miesou, Clinton; Social Committee: Mrs J. S. Carter, con- vener; Mrs. Derwin Catter, Mrs. Norman. 'Carter, Mrs, ,Chas, Carter, Mos. Effie,Jamieson; Spots Commit- tee: Mr. IKeith , Webster, convener; Edna Jamieson, par,l. Gillespie, Aub- rey Carter, Percy Carter, Derwin Carter: ' Race testilts and contests: Girl's race, Joyce'Catter, Anna Glow; settee' men's race, . Hawed Clew, Arnold Jamieson; ,'hoop race, Alice Carter's team; ladies' nail driving cotteet, Mis. Harvey Jenkins; • men's nail drivinig contest,. Ms, Chas. Watson; boys' race, Lloyd 'Carter, Hurry Oakes. • A hearty vote of thanks was ton - tiered to the president,' Mt. George Mains, and his executive for their efficient services ,which made the annual reunion picnic such' a.sueooss. maw roam. YOUR CHANCE -- END-OF-SEASON BRAY PRICES At our. special "ones -of -season" prices you can get into the fa- mous money -making Bray stock int very low investment. And since chicks now require a minimum of fuel and care, you can raise them very cheaply. Today's hatches are from idee- tically the sante stock as our earlier hatches the dame cat'e- ful selection of eggs, the sane skilful incubation and packing, the same vitality and stamina:o Here's what a Bray customer on Michipicoten Island, in Lake Superior, writes to us about his flock of June -hatched 1935 chicks, I purchased chicks from your hatehety on ,lune 25, 1935. On Jan. 20 1936, out of 165 pul- lets I got. 119 eggs, most of them weighing 24 ounces to the dozen. 1 figure that is fairly good." Fairly good? Yes. Over 72 per cent. production of mostly A Large eggs, (And the January, wind blows cold off Superior!) But it's no more than scores of other Bray flocks have clone. We']! be closing soon, Colne in, 'phone, or write. FRED W. BRAY LIMITED CHICK HATCHERY Phone 246 Exeter, Ontario. , 1 Poultry Farm . Proven. Fed to thousands and thousands of Baby Chicks, annually. 2 Promotes Rapid Growth, deep yellow pigmentation and full uniform feathering'; 3 Maintains Rugged Health and' Vitality; Strong, y g sturdy bone development — full of vim and vigor. 4 It eliminates the Hazard and Guess -work in your Chick Feeding Program. . 'S You 'can feed Vitafood with full assurance that it will produce better chicks at less cost. , • , ROE FARMS MiLLING CO., ATWOOD, ONTARIO, STARTERCHICK ST tl SIIIIIIIGCO.,I1N •i DROVED RIGHT at the Roe Poultry Ranch MADE -RICHT at the Roe Mill •-•,cti 405001 ps.teasewpaA .,RUSSELL L. JERVIS, CLINTON; ,