HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-06-18, Page 8"'PAGE 8 TICE CLINTON NEWS-JECORl LEG LAMB, per Ib. 35c LAMB CHOPS, » r lb ... .. , , . 35e SROULDER ROAST LAMB, per lb. 28e LAMB STEWS, mer 'lb. ... 20e VEAL . CHOPS, per 1b, ... , ....... , , .. , , 20.e VEAL STEWS, ,per 'Ib. 13c• RIB ROAST OF VEAL, per lb. ... ,15c 20 -LB. PAIL SCIiNEIDER'S LARD ........ .... . ........ $2.80 CRIDLAND'S LARD, PRINTS, 2 lbs. for 25e FLO-EZE SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for 25c CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET" •Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION • HARDWARE STORE SECOND-HAND ICE BOX, Porcelain Lined, AT A BARGAIN PRICE. • USE RING BUG KILLER for dusting or blowing on shrubs and Plants. -A sure death insect detroyer. ARSENATE OF LIME OR LEAD for Spraying on trees, shrubs and Plants. Sold, by the pound or five pound bags. PARIS GREEN, sold in half pound and pound packages. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT NEW ASSORTMENT OF TABLE AND HALL MIRRORS 10% DISCOUNT FOR THIS WEEK. CABINET MODEL 7 -TUBE ELECTRIC ECHOPHONE RADIO Slightly Used. PRICED AT $25.00. CAMP AND LAWN FURNITURE REASONABLY ;PRICED LARGE ASSORTMENT IN NOVELTIES Sutter. -Perdue --Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS -ENGRAVING Ambulance Service -Modern Equipment -Phone 147w, Day or Night f'slr w ,mivfnlenoe`_. BUS SCHEDULE Effective Max 3, 1036. P West -1.16 Going North -11.10 AM.; 8.00 p.a. Sat, 310 m. Gcing'South--11.05 5.111.; 0,80 p.m Going y.),111,;.7 5l) p411,,Going East -8,00 .,tit.; B.(‘.1 p.nt. Eastern Standard Time, Itineraries phallned to all points in Canada, United States & Mexico. Consult Local Agent. CENT. ONT. BUS LINES LTD. TORONTO. RATTENBURY HOTEL, L. Rousseau -Phone 50. COMMERCIAL INN, A. McCallum -Phone 243. { New & Old Time DANCE 'under auspices of Clinton 010 Tim Dance Club t - BAYFIELD PAVILION Friday, June 19th Music by Rustic Rythmairres Dancing, from 9 p.nn. to 2 a.n'f. Come and spend a delightful evening Admission 30c -Tax included EVERYBODY WELCOME. 82-3. SHELL SALE' FOR ONE DAY ONLY fridayJune' 1.9 of SSES $ti1TS DREaid COATS McDONALD BRUCEFIELD Rev. W. A. Bremner will be away conducting anniversary services next I Sunday when his pulpit will be sup - ,plied by Rev. Mr. I•Iopper of. Wing - ham. The many friends of Mr. Jas. Mc- Queen were pleased to see him out a- gain after his recent illness. Mrs. A. T. Scott is spending a few days with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Yellowless of Bow- manville. The many friends of Mr. Yeilowless will regret to hear he has been seriously ill since Easter Sun-. days Mr. and Mrs.. Win. 'McQueen of Croswell, Mich., spent the week -end with friends in Tuckersnuth and Clinton. Mr. McQueen sang a beau- tiful solo in the United Church last Sunday morning entitled "There is a light at the River," which was much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clements' and children of Shakespeare spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. G. kr. and Mrs. C. McKenzie and family of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. Margaret McKenzie. • Mv. and Mrs. Seldon Ross andfam- ily of Goderich visited Mrs. Janet Ross on Sunday. Miss Marie Elliott of London vis- ited• her home here on Sunday, - 'Ply,. Alice Hohner spent the week- end with her sister in Exeter. Mr.' John McQueen ot£ Flint, Mich., an old Brucefield boy, is spending a few weeks with friends in .the neigh- borhood. e Owing to the election of Rev. Mr. Bremner to the Presidency of the Lon- don Conference, . the dates for the Diamond Jubilee of the Brucefield United Church have to be changed to Oct. 4th to Oct. 11th, inclusive. Mr. Bremner finds it necessary'to attend the meeting of the General Council at. Ottawa during the week previously set. The W. A. of ' Brucefield United church held their meeting .on, Wed- nesday,':Jtine' 3rd with a. good atten- dance: The work period -was spent in sewing. Miss Jean Murdoch had charge of the devotional exercises. Mrs. Bert McI{ay then took the chair for the business, Miss' Mayne Swan and Miss Mary McDonald were ap- pointed the flower committee for June. Mrs. Walter McBeath was ap- pointed treasurer for three .months in Mrs. J. B. Mustard's absence. It Was decided to have a 'social on' the ,manse lawn June 23rd. A good pro- gram is being provided and a good supper. The July meeting will be Friday, July 3rd, Roll call, a verse from your favorite authors poem. The meeting closed, after which a:,,elelic- ious lunch was served, '^' WORLD EXPERIENCE' AT NO EXTRA' COST. THE SAME APPLIES TO LUBRI- CATING YOUR CAR. ALL' MODERN EQUIPMENT AND AT NO EXTRA COST. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. BROWNIE'S SERVICE 84-2. Tuesday, June 23 Between all Points in Canada Fare and One -Third for the round trip Good going Monday, June 22, until 2 P.M. Tuesday,June 23. Return limit, leaving destination up to midnight, 'Wednesday, June 24,1936. Pox faxoo and iarthar information apply to Tfaket Aganto CANADIAN NATIONAL TIIURS., JUNE 18, 1936 THIS IS LEAP YEAR So We're GOING '1O PROPOSE tart you read four tales written by John Buchan (Lord Tweeclsmnir). We now have four novels in one hook, 332.,pages and the price is $1.50. We have previously sold the four stories in separate volumes at $1,25 each.. They ar•e "The Thirty Rine Steps," "The• Power' House," "Watcher by the Treshhold," and "The Moon En- dureth," The. publisher who perform- ed this service of combining six lol lars .in reading, worth for' $1.50 for the dreading public about equals what the inventor of strawberry shortcake, peaches and cream or cherry pie did to sal sfy•the human palate. "Jean Val Jean" as told by Solo- mon Cleaver • whose lecture on Jean Val Jean, Victor Hugo'a masterpiece, is told. in such a manner that the listeners are spellbound. This story augmented by fourteen scenes from the French photoplay "Les Miser- abies" is now available told in the words of Solomon Cleaver for $1.25., "The Way of Tansgressor" by Negley Larson, The auto -biography of the season and the year. Publish- ed in December it had become fam- ous amous in a very short time and is now in it's third edition. Sinclair Lewis, says of this book, "I know at no in- ternational journalist of the last de- cade not even Philip Gibbs, Vincent Sheean, or Bruce Lockart, who has written -a personal chronicle so excit- ing, so authentically romantic, yet so revelatory of what forces have been surging through the world as Negley Larson in "The Way of a Transgres- sor." Truly a great book. Six hun- dred pages long and fewer than s.x do not contain some entertaining, ex- citing or strange experience. The price is $3.00. • Tie W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest -Always the Best �I aIIIIIIIiIII �1IIIIIIImol wu1,„ IIIIIIIIIIr p Illunni ����� L Mrs. H. T. Rance, Mrs. bfcKinnon and Miss Eva Cluff were in Lon- don on Sunday. Miss Lillian Johnson of Toronto spent the week -enol as the guest of Miss Madeline Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Chowen and family attended the Chowen re - inion at Mitehell en Saturday, puff' and Mrs, "Pat" Salter of Tiirtc- 9 ONE FRIEND. l SAL OFLES Alv�aya run d TELLS ANOIHFP �' a REI MD MUTE ah , ar &20 20 WEEK of E 18, 1 EVERYTHING. YOU NEED FOR THE PICNIC SEASON PICNIC HAMS, these are boneless, mild, cured and; Fine Quality, .per lb. 25c PICNIC OLIVES, large 28 oz., Plain Olives This Week 25c Picnic Olives, . Stuffed, large 28 oz., broken 25c Picnic Pickles, (Sweet Mixed and Mustard 10c FRIGIDAIRE AND FANCY CHEESE, FOR PICNICS AND 'AND SANDWICHES New Cheese in glasses, Roquefort, Pimento And Cream 150 Chateau Cheese, each 15e Maple Leaf Cheese, each 150 Golden Spray Cheese, each 14c Tuna Flakes, each 15C Pilchard Herring , 15e Kippered Herring,, 2 tins for 25i FRUITS' AND VEGETABLES Fresh Tomatoes, 2 lbs. for 29c 'Beets, 3 for 10c Wax Green Beans NEW CHINA FOR COUPONS WALKERSIDE'S ICE CREAM Picnic Salmon, large (Maple Leaf), 1 lb. , ..............29d Picnic Salmon, Pink Cascade, large, '2 tins 25c Picnic Plates, 9 inch, 2 dozen for 15c Picnic Serviettes, each, pkg., Plain or Colored, The Picnic Ginger Snaps, 2 dozen for 25c Picnic Fancy Cookies, (assorted) per lb OTHER WEEKLY SPECIALS BANANA SALE - Thursday, Friday and Satur- day -Prices to Suit Everybody, and Every Quality. New Valencia Oranges, per dozen 33c New Orange Juice, per tin 21c Lemons, per dozen 390 Corn Flakes, Kellogg's, 3 pkgs. for 23c Prunes, large size, 2 lbs. for ,190 STRAWBERRIES AT MARKET. PRICE EXTRA SPECIAL -We have a special shipment of Christie's Cakes on Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday. These are the finest quality we have handled and will sell quickly. SOMETHING NEW-- SHIRRIFF'' FRUIT' COCKTAIL MARMALADE- in 16 oz. jars 25c 32 •oz. jars for 39c Where "Sells for TA' s" Price Prevails W. T. O'NEIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERT ; Phone 48 RILEY'S Where Quality Sells And Service Tells s Lard, 2 lbs, for ..... ,.,,.25c ittlui Lake tisited i'alntives in town lbs.. and t'leiltlty lbi a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartley and babe of Toronto are spending a holiday with the lady's mother; Mrs. J. A. Ford. Miss Burke and her father, Mr. Geo. Burke, of St. Thomas were week- end guests of Miss •Harriet Cour- tice, Clinton. - Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonard of Mil- ton were with the former's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Agnew and Mrs. 11. T. Rance attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. C. R. Gunne in London on Monday. Mrs. Ogle Cooper and her daughters, Misses. Phyllis and Frances, Toron- to, visited Miss Rudd. and Miss Clark over the week -end.' Miss Norma Bentley spent the week- end with the Misses Gunne of Lon- don and remained for the funeral of their mother on Monday. Mrs. George T. Jenkins is in. Toron- to this week attending a meeting of the Provincial Home and School Council,' as representative of the 'Huron Council. Mo. G. 11.' Paterson of Walkerton, formerly agricultural representa- tive in Huron, was in town on Sat- urday, assisting at the Judging Contest held here that day. Mrs. Hibner of Kitchener, accompan- ied by. Mrs. 'Walker and Miss Eli- zabeth Shevick of Plymouth, Mich., visited on Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. George A. Walker. Miss Helen Roberton returned Satur- day after an absence of nearly a year with her aunt, Mrs. Charles- worth of Grand Forks, N. Dalt., and with her brother in Winnipeg. Mrs. Skelton and Mrs. Perrin visit- ed the Girls' Auxiliary of North- side I7nited Church, Seaforth, on Monday evening, when the latter read some of her original poems by request of the Auxiliary. Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Arlin of Toronto, ••who were in London for the meet- ing of Conference, visited Miss H. Courtice a day or so last week, when she motored them up to Brus- sels to visit with former parish - loners there. • Mr. Henry Livermore of Uplands, Cal., formerly of. Clinton and the London 'Read, is expected in town this. week to visit his daughter, Mrs. A. D. McCartney, and other Mends. He is malting the trip by motor and will be accompanied by his wife and family; Mr. and Mds. 0. L. Paisley left Sat- urday for Kirkland. Lake, Ont., where they' will visit for - some weeks with their son and bis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Paisley. Mrs. E., Pailsey, who had been visiting her home in -Kitchener and in Clin- ton, accompanied them horn. 25c Duff's Breakfast Bacon, lb. 27c Duff's Pickled Roll, per lb. 23c Duff's Weiuers, per lb. 190 Duff's Smoked Roll, per Ib, 25c Bananas, dozen 19c and 23c Gold Buckle Oranges, doz.. -29c, 39e Large Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c Loose Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. 25c Redpath's Sugar, 10 lbs. 52c Broadway Coffee 35e (Free Nappies or Silver Spoon) Broadway Tea . 59c (With Pink Premiums` California Celery, Fresh Strawberries New Cabbage, Cucumbers We Buy and Grade Eggs for which we pay 1c a Dozen more on all grades. Cash or Trade. Try our Grade. RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. • Free, Snappy Delivery At All Hours. ARE YOU' USING CLINTON CREAMERY BUTTER EVERY POUND OF OUR BUTTER IS GUARANTEED Should you at any time receive but- ter which is not entirely satisfactory your grocer will be glad to exchange it for you. The Clinton Creamery 79-tf. Strawberry Social Under auspices pf Ebenezer church, at the home of Mr. Carman Tebbutt, Tuesday, June123rd Supper served from 6 to 8, consisting of' strawberries, bread and butter, cake, pies ` and tarts. Program will follow, consisting of play, "Up. The Hill to Paradise." Admission 35c and 15c. Came and enjoy a pleasant evening. • Meat and Salad Supper The Ladies' Aid of Zion Church, Taylors Corners, will serve' a meat and salad supper, on the school grounds, on • Friday; June 19th A humorous play, "A Regiment of Two," will be given later by the A. Y.P.A. of St. Paul's church, Clinton. Supper and program indoors if weather unfavorable. Come and en joy a good supper and a good laugh. Admission 35c and 20c. 83-2. EXTRA SPECIAL Try our new Arnao Steamer to re- condition your hair, especially before or after your permanent wave. 7 Treatments for 95.00 or 91.00 per treatment. IIENRI BEAUTY SUIPPE Isaae St., Picone 223. 53-1-p. BIG CLEARANCE SALE BOXED and POTTED PLANTS CASH AND CARRY Starting' THURSDAY NOON JUNE 18TH Buy a box at regular price '20c and get one box FREE YOUR CHOICE Snapdragon, Clarkin, Purple As- ters, Everlastings, Salpiglossis, Ageratum, Stance, Salvia, Zinnias, Marigolds, Celosia,, Tagetes, Rosy Morn Petunias, Tomato Plants, Brussels, Sprouts, Celery. EXTRA SPECIAL Giant Pansies, 10c a box Cannes, 15c each: Sage, 3 for 10e. Vines, 5c Each Small Geraniums, 3 for 25c Boston Ferns, 30c and 50c. SOLD DIRECT FROM HOT BEDS Bonny Best and John Baer Toma- toes, Cabbage and Cauliflower Plants -10c a dozen Or 3 dozen for 25c. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member Telegraph Delivery Assn. Phones 31 and. 176. Call 244 WHEN IN NEED OF ANY PLUMBING I��I . _. or Metal Work HAVE YOUR EAVE'J.'ROUGHS OVERHAULED NOW. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL FALL Martin-Senour Paints & Varnishes • T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 I A GRAND PLACE aecammaxananiaawacaumnan TO SHOP With the Large Stock We Carry, and the Way Both Our Furniture and Hardware of the Various Kinds Continues Moving Out. You. Are 'Always Assured of Getting THE LATEST STYLES 'AT THE LOWEST PRICES So all we ask is come and see for yourselves and; we know you too will become another of our Satisfied Customers. You Will Always Find What You Want for Presentations. 1 BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zap£a, Phone 103, PHONE 111 CLINTON SPECIALS for Thur. Fri. Sat. "St. Williams" Orange MARMALADE Large 32 oz. jar for 19c SUNLIGHT SOAP, 5 bars for .25c "Lawrason's" Snow Flake AMMONIA (POWDER, per pkg. ..-. .., 5c "Kellogg's" ALL -BRAN, large pkg..... 19c. "Garden. Patch Tender PEAS and CORN, 2 17 oz. tins 23c Baking Soda, lb. 7c. Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. 25c Bulk Corn Starch, 3 lbs. 25c (ilk. Pepper, 1�2 ib. 13c Laundry ,starch, lb. 10c. Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 25c PASTRY FLOUR, 24 ib. bag 53c MORNING CHEER COFFEE, lb. 29c BREAD FLOUR, ,98 lbs. for 2.16(1 PRUNES, large size, 2 lbs. for 23c FREE DELIVERY' T. R. Thompson Successor To J. T.1 cKNIGIIT and -SON"