HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-06-18, Page 5'71'HURS., JUNE 18, 1936 TME CLINTON NEWS -RECORD �^ PAGE 5 OF INTEREST TO YOU. AND ME' Horne -grown strawberries aie..oh and of excellent duality., Better eat sparingly.of potatoes uu- til the new cropcomes in, as,tlfeyare expensive buying these days. Tuesday next,:, June 23rd, •is the King's birthday, but we shall not ob- serve it, specially. We'd rather ob- serve : his great-grandrnother's • it seems.. Farmers are 'being 'warned against the too heavy pl unting;•'of potatoes, with seed at the price it is it might pay better to sell it than lalant, as the crop the coming 'season is'likely to he a heavy one: Still • another newspaper man, in the person. of M. W, Rossi'e,' managing editor Of the London, Advertiser, was called by death on Saturday last: Death alias certainly been taking toll of newspapermen, sboth daily and ',weekly, during ;the, past few months. In. the United States, Insurauee' companies are investigating a racket in insurance murders. And some ,suspicion has, been aroused that hold • ers of insurance have been mutilating themselves hi order, to draw disability •allowances.• What next, in order to get something for nothing'? The Country Doctor; the picture featuring the Quints, was on at the local theatre last week and was seen by a great many of both town and surrounding "commnuity. It was a , nice picture, but Most of us would have preferred seeing more of the babies and less"of some other scenes. It is with .regret that the news is received of the death Of G. K. Ches- terton, whose elever, whimsical thought-provoking articles have de- lighted his readers for years. He has • greatly enriched the literature of his day, and the regret felt at his pas- sing is not confined to any one class, but is felt by all who had the:privi- lege of reading him. Strange times we live in, when the placid and beautiful town of Mea- 'ford is threatened by tidal waves. We ' have often compared the easy.. avail- " , ability' of the beach at Meaford, Thornbury and Collingwood with the t,iffietlty of reaching the water a- long the shores .of Lake Huron at Bayfield, Goderich and all the space between, but if the Georgian Bay is going to behave in so erratic a man- ner as is reported this week it will not be so pleasant. • Sometimes we think the Canadian ••'statesmen are not .very polite to each other, but we usually put it down to lack 'of Poise and "point with pride" to the More dignified behaviour in the British parliament and hope our representatives will learn manners as time goes on. But we cannot re- gal! any Canadian member ,publicly 'denouncing another as a half-wit and declaring he should be confined as dangerously insane, as a British member did of a fellow -member the other day. If Danish hogs are better than 'Canadian hogs they should ' by all —means be permitted to enter this country for the improvement of the breed. To exclude then in the Inte$- • est of breeders of presumably infer- ior hogs is a short-sighted policy. -- Mail and Empire. If The Mail and Empire would an- ' ply the same reasoning 011 around, it would find it necessary to discard the protectionist policy to; which it usual- = :ly gives adherenee,—Gocierich Signal, Does The Signal mean to say that • Canadian products can be bettered in .,any line by those of other lands? ,Our cousins to the South are "bor-: crowing" our Mr.- Elford, Canadian • Poultry Husbandman, tot give them •sone instruction about preparing for +'.the" World's Poultry' Congress, which ''Will be held in the United States in 1939. Mr. Elford knows a great deal about poultry and about poultry shows. and. it- is because of this that ' his presence is required in the Uni- ted States. He will,.grive addresses in 'the several States which are particu- ' larly interested in poultry', has been ' 'in several statesalready, and will visit others after his return from the sixth 'Congress, which assembles in Leipzig, `Germany, in July. HOLVYESVILLE Dr. and Mrs. A. Cooker and two. children of Toronto visited at the home -of their sister, ,Mrs, Albert Bond, ovel the week -end. Upon their return they were accompanied bV the Dr's.' mother, Mrs: Coeper, Sr., who will hay them a visit. Miss Maty Locke of Blyth visited on'Monclay at the hone of Mr, and Mrs.' Fred Potter. s We' were glad, to see Me. W. H, Lobh able .;to. be out;' to church 'on Sunday after' his recent illness. Miss Thelma "Cashmore has gone to Grand Bend' for the sunnner. Messrs. Wm. and E. Herbert Of Moorefield visited at the parsonage recently. d Misses Ada and Adele Findlay 'spent the week -end. lin Clinton, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Jervis, •Mr. and Mrs. Lansing, Miss M. lMtaeclel and Mr; Mew, all of Goderich; visited at the home of Mr. A. Jervis on Sunday. Mrs. Btu'rows , of Goderich spent. last week with Mrs, Youngblutt of the village. • The weekly meeting of the Y7P.U. was held on Friday evening with Mr, Mervyn Lobb in charge. The meet- ing opened, iyith •a sing -song. Miss Charlotte Trewarthe read the lessen and Mt Herbert gave the conun'ents. Mr. McLeod gave the adthess of the evening which was much enjoyed by all After singing a hymn the meet- ing closed with the ltiizpah benedic- tion. The W. A. held a very successful quilting at the home of Mrs; W. Mulholland on • Tuesday "afternoon. Mr. aiid Mrs. Les. Jervis' and fam- ily .attended the Jervis -Williams „wed- ding on Tuesday: The '.members of the Iiolniseville United Church choir and Mrs. Eldrid Yeo's Sunday School class met at the. home of Mrs. Yeo on Friday after- noon and presented one of their mem- bers, . Mies Norma Potter, bride-to- be, with a 'kitchen shower. When Miss Norma was seated in the bentre of the room, Mrs, Yeo -and Miss A. .Findlay entered carrying a large prettily decorated white basket piled high with gifts. When each was stm- wrapped and the humorous verses attached read by Norma, causing much inerriment,, after which Norma thanked them all heartily in a few well-chosen words. A pleasant hour µ,as then spent hi games and music after which a delightful lunch was served. They then dispersed to their homes after wishing the bride-to-be much happiness in her naw sphere of life. The home of, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter, Unroll. Road, was the scene of averyprettvJune wedding on Wednesday, June 17th, at 12.30 o'clock, when their eldest daughter, Norma Frances Mae, became the' bride of Mr, Edward Norval Grigg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Grigg' of Goderich township. Rev. J. W. Iler- bert of Holmesville United church of- ficiating.. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, entered the room to the strains of "Lohengrin's" Bridal Chorus, played by Miss Bernice Grigg, sister of the groom, and took her place before a bank of ferns and flowers. The winsome bride looked lovely in a gown of white satin and- lace, ndlace, cut on Princess ling with high neck and long sleeves, tight Eating to the verist: She .carried a beautiful. sheaf of Briercliffe roses. The brides.- maid, rides-maid, Miss Ruth Potter, sister of the bride; wore shell. pink silk crepe with white accessories, and carried Talisman roses. The groomsman was Mr. John Grigg, brother of the groom,... The hbuse was healthfully decorated with summer flowers. Af- ter thei ceremony, the party partook of the wedding dinner which was served in the dining -room, the color scheme for the table decorations be- ing carried out in pink and white: Miss Mary Grigg, sister of the groom and Miss Joy Kemp of Mitchell, cou- sin of the bride, malting pretty waitresses. Later Mr. and Mrs.:Grigg left ,on n motor trip' to Niagara Falls, the bride travelling in a .blue -ensemble suit, with white felt hat and white aceessories. LONDESBORO 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Youngblutt, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain, Miss G'.Mountain and Mrs. D. Mountain Sundayed ,at Gerrie at the home of Dr. L. and Mrs. Whitely. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tainblyn and Mrs, Tamblyn of Toronto spent the 'weekend 1vith the former's mother, Mrs. J. Tamblyn. The. United 'Church. S. S..is'plan- ning to hold their •annual garden Party on the Community Hall grounds on June 260. The' W. M. S. held their, regular meeting on •Wednesday last with a • good. attendance. Miss L. Young presided: Business discussed and re-. ports of Committees and officers given. It was decided the W. M. S. will 'entertain the Baby Band at the next ,meeting, July.Sth, at the parson- age. Mos. T. Fairservice, captain oil Group Np. 6, presidedfor the latter. part of the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Lyon and Miss Ruth contributed a pleas- ing duet, Mrs,4 Holtshauer, 'Mrs. ' Thompson, Miss Young, , and Mrs. Toesti#ers4 explained the ,chapter in the Study ,Book. Group • 6- served ''refresh'ment5' at the ',close.' On their return they will reside on the groom's faints' oit the • Cut Line near Holmesville. We all join in wishing Wespopular young couple much happiess in their wedded life together. Word liars „reached •here of'''the death, which occurred. at his bone 'at Point Edward, of the Rev., Arthur Flugh Rhodes, • lector of St. Paul's, Point Edward, and two out -lying con- gregations. , He had ministered to his three charges 'for over a quarter of a century and was greatly beloved by his own people and, also ,by min- isters and people of other denomina- tions. His death is greatly regretted by many. He had taken his work the Sunday prior to his passing which was most unexpected. A heart condi- tion was the cause. The Rev. Mr. Rhodes will be remembered by souse of the older residents of Holmesville and vicinity as he was for a time in charge of Holmesville, St., James', Middleton, and Summerhill chmr.chet in 'his earlier ministry. EGMONDVILLE: The Independent. Order: of Odd Fellows, Seaforth, held their annual divine service at the Egmondville United Church on Sun - clay to commemorate the 170th anni- versary of the Order:' • They were ac- eompanied by members of the Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge. The 'church was filled to capacity, visitors being` MARRIAGE'S ENNIE-PUMBALL—rit the :On- tario Street Parsonage,' on June' 13th, by; the Rev. F. G. Farrill;' Mary Eileen, • -el'clest daeghter of Mr. and, Mrs, A: 'E. Rumball, to Samna G. Rennie; son of Mrs. Rennie and the late E. Rennie of Hensall.. JERVIS—WILLIAMS—At the hoarse the ��bi parents, une 16th 07C `1 ente Spty S, o 1J r by the Rev. J. W. Herbert, Annie Eleanor, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles W. Williams,i of Goderich township,: to Robert J. Jervis, son of Mrs, Jervis; Clinton, and the late • Joseph Jervis. PILGRIM—COLLINS-At the home of the, bride's brother, Mr. WM. "Col- lins, Teskersiinitlt, on June 10th; by 'the Rev. R. M., Gale, Isobella May Collins, to Charles F. Pilgrim of Varna: GRIGG--POTTER—At the home of the bride's parents, on June 17th, by the Rev. •J. W. Herbert, Norma Prances Mae, eldest daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter, the Hu- ron road, to Edward Norval' Grigg son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Griggs, all of Goderich township. BIRTHS FOWLER-- Tn Alexandra and Marine Hospital, "Goderich, on June 16th, to Dr. and Mrs, Wm. Fowler, Bay- field, a daughter.., • IN MEMORIAM EAST In loving memory of Henry East, who died two years ago, June .16th, 1934. There;: is a link death cannot sever. Love and remembrance last forever. —Even remembered by his wife, Lil- lie East. STRAWBERRY SOCIAL Women's Association of Ont St. Uni- tech church will hold a Strawberry Social on the lawn of Mr. Chas. El- liott, 'Whitehead Street. MONDAY, JUNE .29TH Supper served from 5.30 to 7.30 Menu : Salad, Bread and Butter, Strawberries, Cake and Tarts, A program follows. If weather tui favorable supper and program will be in basement of church. Admission, 25e and 15c. 84-2. BAYFIELD Mr. and .Mrs. L. B. Smith and two children of London, and Mr. H, K. Ring spent the week -end with lir. and Mrs. C. W. Parker. Mrs. H. K. Xing• and Master Harold Atwood who hail been with her parents since the, Thursday previous, returned to Stir:, nia with her husband. • Mrs.. George Parke, Vancouver, Ottawa,and Mrs. Mrs. 3. -Calderwood, r D. Harrison, Goderich carne on Sat-, urday last to spend a wee!. with their brother; Mr, George Xing. It is over forty' years since Mrs. Parke visited Bayfield : and in that time many changes have taken place in this, her native village. so that it has grown almost beyond recognition. She at- tributes the, great change to the growth of the trees, many of which were not Sete out when she was last Home. Mr. and Mrs.' :C. A. Worrell of Goderich, and Mrs. D. Higgins and family of Toronto are occupying cot- tages in Jowett's Grove. Mrs. G. W. Xing of Detroit is 00- cupyitig her cottage,, "Ring's Bluff." With her are Mrs. Chipman, Mrs. Fairbrother and Mrs. Wilcox, Mi.'. and Mrs, Wilbur McBride and family of Xitchener spent the week- end with Mrs. McBride's mother, Mrs. A. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day and the Misses Morley of Detroit spent the week -end in their respective cottages, Mrs. C. W. Brown returned to her cottage on Friday after having spent a few days Ms Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. G.Field`and Baugh- ter of Tavistock are at their :cottage. M. Harold Scotchmer, who has been attending 0.0.E. in Toronto re- turned to the village for the long va- cation on Thursday of last week. Mr, Chas. Onley of Toronto,; who is staying with his sister, 'Mrs. W. Fowler, has taken a position at the Bayfield' Golf Club for the; summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Xenclail, Jr., of Elmira are spending this Week,with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett. 11Ir. 'and Mrs. George Tambling of Londoi are occupying Dr. H. ,Reid's cottage.' Miss Margaret Groves of the local Post Office staff left on Saturday to spend a vacation. at her home in Goderich. Mrs. Millsapp andfamily of Lon- don are occupying one of the Burch cottages in The Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. McVittie .of London and.Mr.- 0. A.'Jones of Strat- ford are at their respective cottages in Jowett's Grove. Rev. -W. G. Buglers left on Tuesday to attend the Diocesan Retreat which being held in .Alma College this, week. Mrs, Bugler and Master I3er- 7na'rd accompanied him' . to London whore they are 'visiting relatives. 'Miss Margaret. Ferguson has 're- sighed her position as teacher of the Junior Rooin in Bayfield Public School. Mr. John Mitchell of London spent the week -end with his cousin, Mr. F. A. Edwards. " Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Miss Betty returned from' London on Wed- nesday to their home in the village for the summer. Born—In Alexandra- and Marine Hospital, Goderich,' on June 16, to Dr. r and' Mrs. Wm. Fowler, Bayfield, present from' the surrounding district: a daughter. G a GIST FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS yrw.6y:iic , - Chas. V Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i LIVE POULTRY MARKET ALWAYS IN THE 'MARKET FOR POULTRY AND;. FRESH EGGS AT TOP CASH PRICES. Poultry flocks culled free of 'charge by experienced poultryman. N. W. TREWARTHA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w l SPOTLESS RAIMENT— invariably betokens the fastidious woman. Garments that gleans with immaculate charm . are also worn with the confidence that. scrupulously clean . apparel always inspires. Send your soiled clothes to us and let` us renew their ap- pearance by the Most approved modern dry-cleaning Methods. Ayeing l Repairing CLARK S i 2 Nwv+++.++•k.+e....oww.r uu.o.sw.svJ Cleaning Pressing HURON COUNTY CONVENTION Trustees & Ratepayers will be held in T COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE 00 SATURDAY,'JUNE 27 1936, at 1.30 p.m. SPEAKERS: Dr. J. M. Field, Mr. E. C. Beacom, Inspectors, and Mr. Albert L. Bruner, President of the Trustees' and Ratepayers' Association. Subjects of Addresses • "Education --Then and Now" "New Basis of Grants to Schools" "Education and Security:" Come prepared to ask questions and 'enter into discussion. Please snake this Convention as widely known as possible. F..Powell,- B. Thompson, P.eesident, Vice -Pres. !firs. R. Davidson, Secy., Dungannon, Ontario. 83-2. CONSTANC) Measles is having its sway in this connmuity. This week no fewer than six members of the entrance class in Constance school have been absent on account of this troublesome com- plaint. Miss W. Pethick bas been ill with measles. Bernard Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ;VV. Riley, is now in. Clinton Cpmmunity Hospital, suffering from pneumonia, following sin attack of measles.' It is hoped all the' sick ones will soon be well again'. It is very trying to be ill on' these lovely June clays. For Sale ' 1929 Essex Super Six. Good' con- dition. Frances'Brydone.'' 83-2-p. ' Bicycle For Sale C.C.14I. bicycle, nearly new, in excel- lent .condition. Maroon finish. Ap- ply to Reg, Cook, Clinton. 83-1. MRS. DOE is no longer wrinkled and 'worried. She uses Cress. Corn and Cress Bunion Salve. At 'all Drug- gists. For Sale Comfortable houses Victoria street Clinton, very convenient, good dry cellar, hydro and town water in house. Cement barn . and garage, frame .henhouse, all wired, good gar- den in; Will be sold cheap for quick :Sale: Apply rte' Mrs. Roy Lonsw,ay, Boss '361, " Clinton. ROXY ItiE,ATRE N01 • "I Found ' Stella Parish" Merl., Tues., Wed. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers presenting a shipload" of nautical fun anis high stepping "FOLLOW The FLEET" a" truly grand''shov Thurs., Fri., Sat. — "The Return of J1tnlllly. Valentine" A new adventure with a lovable old: favorite. Starring Roger Pryor and Charlotte Henry Added, Attraction -"Doughnuts & Society" Coming: "Special Investigator" and "I Dream Too Much" Mat,: Sat: & Holidays, at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich--Phone 47 ' Nosy': Ginger, Rogers hi "IN PERSON" A'leit., Tues., Wed. LILY PONS. Brings a new singing thrill to the' sc0'ee0,in a brilliant picture "I Dream Too Much" with Henry Fonda and' Eric' there Thurs., Fri., Sat. • LALTR1iL and HARDY Aye, tb' silly lads..But they'll fair smother ye wi' laughter in "BONNIE SCOTLAND" Coming: "Thanks a Million" the musical hit. Mat.: Wed., Sat., holidays, 3 pm. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now: "Tire, Merry Widow" Chevalier and MacDonald' Mon., Tues., Wed. Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy the screen's greatestvocal team in a beautiful, musical :romance "ROSE MARIE" with Glide Gray & Reginald, Owen Thurs., Fri„ Sat. Dick Powell and Ann Dvorak co-starred in a fun and rhythm specialty. Al entertainment "Thanks a Million" Coning: "The Country Doctor" featuring the Dionne Quintuplets. Mat.: Sat. and holidays at 3 pm. SATURDAY SPECIALS BANANA CAKE I1 will melt in your mouth PINEAPPLE JELLY ROLL Something New and 'Delicious. SILVERWOOD'S Instant Frozen Ice Cream In Brick or Bulk Ice Cream . Cones, Dixie Cups and Alaska Bars • THIS WEEKS SPECIAL— .0 Banana Ice Cream Sold By art1gff & Crich Phone 1. Clinton. Corn bur Seed Corn is No. 1 Govern- ment Standard Kiln Dried high ger- minating, in fact best quality we can buy,. priced reasonable. Conte and see us before 'buying. MANGELS & TURNIPS Carry a complete stock of these at all prices. Give me a chance, to fill your requirements. Chick Feed Specialize on cafeteria meshes. These are the mashes recommended by Prof. Graham .of Guelph.. , Quan- tities of all ingredients marked on bag so that you know exactly what you are buying. Fred Ford Phone 123w; Residence 123j. Phone 123w. Foe Sale or Rent A house on Joseph street frame house, town water, furnace,' in good condition. Apply to A. Seeley, Clin- ton. 82-3. Lumber For Sale Seven or eight hundred feet of hemlock lumber, studding and rafters, sills and plates. Suitable for build- ing hog or hen houses. Arthur Cantelon, phone 222. 83-tt, House For Sale Desirable house, in good locality, freshly re -decorated. Inquire in this office. 79-6-p. For Sale First class residential property in good location. Price reasonable. Ap- ply F. Fingland, Clinton. 83-tf. Londesboro United Church S. School will hold their annual STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ON FRIDAY, JUNE 26T16 at the COMMUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock after which a special program Con- sisting of addresses by Rev, Mo. Brooks, Blyth and Rev. Mr. Gardiner, Londesboro; a ones -act comedy by Blyth High School pupils; Readings by Dramatic Society, Blyth; Selec- tions by BIyth Male Quartette; Vo- cal solos by Miss Stewart of Clin- ton; Piano duet; trio, consisting of piano, cello and violin; Clarinet solo; Trumpet quartette assisted by Blyth Citizeins' Band. If weather unfavor- able will be held insitle. Colne and ,enjoy a great supper and excellent program. Admission, 30e; children under. 12 ,15e. " 84-2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ie. the Estate of Ellen Mason, Deceased. NOTICE is herebygiven that all persons .having claims against the Estate. of Ellen Mason, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Hu- ron, widow, deceased, who flied ori or about.the 13th day of May, A.D,, 1936. sire required to deliver to II. T. Rance the,'Executor, of the said estate or F. Fingland, *Solicitor, 00 or before the 4th day of July, A.D„' 1936, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the.:na- ture of the securities, if any,, held by them all ditty verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute .the estate; of the said deceased a- mongst the persons 'entitled thereto having regard only to. such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 15th day of June, A.D., 1936. F.' FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,' Solicitor feet the said estate. 83-3. CLINTON'S HEAT FOLKS FRESH CARLOAD OF 4f+, ' r 'elh sL j JUST ARRIVED 1t.'a I ' .The hKindInsuresSuccess that S ccess INSIST ON CANADA ADA CL111ENT for all good Concrete Work. JOHN D MUSTARD LUMBER & CDR CO, LUMBER, SHINGLES, COAL, 'CEMENT, ETC. J. T. McKNIGHT, Local Manager Phones: Brucefield Office & Residence: 618r11. e Clinton: Office, 74w; Residence 74j. WEND0RF'S JUNE BAKING, CANDY and ICE CREAM • SPECIALS Rich Chocolate Soda 10c Fresh Cut Toasted Mallows, lb. ..18c New and Better Cakes, 15c and 25c Soft Drinks, by the case, .......81.00 • WEDDING CAKES Perfectly Baked lied Beautifully Decorated. See Our !reek -End Window ._a WEND ORF'S Phone 68. Are You Thinking Of BUYING OR RENTING Property In Clinton? If So See The S. S, Cooper 1 Properties. Various vacant houses and Apts. are available for rent. For particulars consult A. J. Cooper of Goderich, Ont., who will be registered at the Rattenbeey House, Tuesday and Thursdays for next 3 months. 79-13. BABY CHICKS S. C. White Leghorn chicks 87.00 per hundred: S. C. White Leghorn Baby Pullets 815.00 per hundred. These chicks and pullets are sired by registered male birds. Orders of $25. or over delivered free. WALTER ROSE, Brussels, Ont. 83-2. AUCTION SALE Of house and Lot and Household Effects, at the premises, Village of Auburn, on Monday, June 22nd, at 1.30 sharp, as follows: 2 bed room suites, 3 mattresses, 2 feather ticks, bed, wash stand, side- board, wood heater, kitchen stove, dining roma table, 5 leather bottom chairs, hanging lamp, 3 toilet sets,. Doherty and Gibbons, Clinton Organ, 2 arm chairs, 5 rocking chairs, 2 up- holstered-chairs, p-holstered•chairs, settee, 5 small tables, 7 kitchen chairs, couch, sewing ma chine, 3 chairs, 2 umbrellas, 10 pic- ture frames, 4 becl springs, 3 pair pillows, a number of cushions, dust mop, 2 rags, about 9x1.016, 2 carpets, bedding, quilts, etc., table linens, Cut- lery, ,dinner utlery,,dinner set, dishes, 2 clocks, new 1 rS square- table 'oilcloth, cupboard, day bed, grindstone,' lawn mower, forks, rakes, hoes, shovels, eta., scythe crow bar, tools, ate., wash boiler, wringer, kitchen utensils, Smoothing irons, kitchen table, 6 or 7 cord of wood, hard and soft, 8 -piece dining e room set,. 3 -Piece living room set,3-piece wicker set, bed, dresser, rock- ing chair and table to match, Orchid and Ivory, oak dresser, music cabinet, mahogany rocking chair, easy chair, 2 library tables, floor lamp, table lamp,' mattresses. TERMS: CASH. Above must be sold to settle estate'. of the late W. B. Patterson. At 3.30 the real property, lots 92 and 96, Fulton Survey, Manchester, on which is .a brick house, will be offered for sale, subject to a, reserve bid. ' Terms' on Property: -Ten percent. on day of sale, balance in 30 days. R. D. Munro, G. H. Elliott, • Executor. Auctioneer. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing • (Open Every Day) DEBTS - - - DEBTS If you haven't already sent your list of accounts or notes to KELLY & AIKEN THE COLLECTION SPECIALISTS, at ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO, it would be wise to do so now. ' tIemetnbcr—No Collection, No (Charge Established 1390. For Side 100 acres on Concession 8, Coe - borne township. Good location, bank barn; frame house. Nine acres bush; plenty of water. Terns to suit ptu'- chaser. Ed. Fisher, R. R. No. 5, Goderich. 82-6. For Sale A frame house, on Albert street, five i'ooins, 1-4 acre lot, town water, in fain coalition. For further parti- culars apply to Frank Fingland, Clinton, or executors, Harry McCool, Blyth, Ont., or J. W. IVIcCool, Lon-' desboro. . 80-tf, House For Sale or Rent A. very desirable residence or Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and 'town water. House in good condition. Apply to Miss E. Akam, Box 336, Clinton. 73-c. House To Rent Comfortable Brick house, Albert street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all modern conveniences. ImmedYaoe possession. For particulars apply to Rev. G. W. Sherman or Mrs. W. C. Brown, 52-tf-2p, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons having any claim against the Estate of Janet Cantelon, late of the Town of Clinton, in Jlie County of Heron, who died on or about the 9th day of May,. 1936; to send the same to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of June, 1936 as after that date the Administrators of the Estate will proceed 'to make distribution thereof having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Goderich this 29th day of May, 4936. FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor :for the Aciministra- tors. 82-3.,. 'NOTICE The purebred Clydesdale stallion, Carbrook Flashlight, No. 24641, Form 3, will stand at Lot 3, Con. 3,, HnIlett Twp. Monday, Tuesday,' Wednesday, and at Lot 30, Con, 6th, Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, during the Season. Terns, $10.00. Robert Mc-' Michael, Proprietor. PUREBRED CLYDESDALE STALLION 26181—FOOTMAN will stand for the season at his own 'stable, lot 14, Con. 3, Mullett town- ship, Fee,. $10,00. GEORGE MANN, JR. Phone Clinton Central, 6361'24. 80.-tf. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP4IRINti; W. J. JAGO, TAILOR e workbe If not open .may left ata. Maras Barber Shiap,