HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-06-11, Page 5tS ,"•JTrNE 11, 1936
Canadian manufacturers
seeking ;to enter new mar-
.kets in the West Indies,
Central and South America,
find a helpful ally in our
Foreign Trade, Department.
Through this bank's Resi-
:'dent IVIanagers, information
can. be supplied 'on current
market opportunities, and
Trade connectionsarranged;
s'if desired, credit informa
' tion can also be furnished.
, They say the Ring Government
doesn't give the Tories any jobs. But
that isn't so, they have just appoint -
...ad Dr: H. M. Tony on a Royal Com-
mission to investigate into the im-
3iortation and distribution of coal.
St. Thomas Board of Education
objected to' a teacher taking a day.
and 'a.half off to mourn the death or
• a dog.,, Sonne public bodies are 'al -
,most ee inhuman as corporations,
aren't they?
He •once event to a tailor, and get
himself a suitof clothes. When they
came horse his family :were disgusted
With the tit,, although IVA': Clemens
made no complaint. Finally`a son. or:
the great humorist went to the tailor,
who was acknowledged to be an ex.
pert in. `,his art, and asked him why
he turned his, Other out such a suit
of clothes. The tailor threw up his
hands: "It was L1Ie best.T could do,"
he protestedi father insisted
upon beinge.fitted eitting`•'edown:" •
PEARSON=COX.--Iit Grade. United
church, Porter's Hill, on.June, Gth,
by the Rev. R. M. Gale, Anna Hel-
ie .
elv.. second daughter of Mr. and
1VIrs. Herbert C. Cox, to Robert
Leslie Pearson, younger 'son' of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert 'Pearson, all o;
Goderich township.
SAVAGE—BEZEAU--=At the Salva-
tion. Army Citidal, Lonclen,, by Ma-
jor R. Raymer, Verde May, eldest
daughter of Mrs. Bezeau. ossa :the
($'FIELD late R. Bezeau, to William Scott
• . Savage, son of Mr, and Mrs. Sav-
Potatoes are gi ing up in price, but The 1Viissee:Rankin •qic Mount Pleas- age, Toronto. -
the trouble . is ;Hutt ver few rare ant,. Mich., arrived last week :CO APPLEBY -(RICHMOND —• At St.
tiers still have potatoes.'"But. they spend.'.the suininei months' in 'their Margaret's Anglicans' church,',West
will have some later on and. it .would •cottage, "Glenboig:" Hill, Out., .on. June 6th, by the
be fine if the price would kailp, ,up Mrs.` G. W. Ring of Detroit • Is Rev. J. H. •Colclough, Margaret
sufficiently so that they might snake spending some .time m her cottage '(Daisy) Rielnnotnd, daughter of t1r.
and Mrs: R. M. I iehitiond, Toronto,
something on their investhient'"- of Bete.
• seed at the high price. Miss Lucy Ti. . Woode spent the to William J. Appleby, Toronto,
week -end in Toronto visiting Mrs, son of 'Mrs: Appleby and the lace
A visiting lawyer in Cederieh last E. P. Lewis.- Miss Jean M. Woods James tlppleby oT Clinton:'
who has been visiting in Toronto and
Belleville accompanied her hone on PENTLAND—SILL($,,,--In p ingan-
Monday, noir Unitech church on Janne 6th,
Miss J. Grant of • Toronto is spend- Myrtle, oinIy daughter of Mr. and
ing the sunnier' with Mrs. Tom Mrs. W. J. Siliib, to George Frank -
Brandon, • lyn Pentland, son of Mrs. Pentland
Mr. Bill Mustard of Toronto Is and the late A. B. Pentland, all or
spending a week's holidays; in Ms.thevicinity,
parents' cottage. BIRTHS
Mrs, C. W. Brown left on •Tuesday
'week commented upon the system or
"grapevine telegraph" in the circular
town. He was keen informed as to
the activities of the opposite side
without any trouble. It was only a
matter of hours, he said, and any
rumor would make a complete circuit
• of the toetin, He attributed it to the
Circular or octagon shape of the.
town's business section.
Mr. Lorne Eedy, editor of The St, to spend a week in Toronto.
Marys Journal -Argus, who has at-
Mr's. M. Fraser who spent•the win -
ways been active in the work of the ter in Goderich township, With Mr.
x United, formerly Methodist, Church, and Mrs, Bert Wise, has I:Ant: ed.to
as his father was before hint, has her home itn Bayfield for tI1 sunnier.
' been nominated by the London Conn- At the ball game last night between
ferenee, as editor of the New ' Cute The Union., and Bayfield, Bayfield
loop:, the United Church paper. It' was defeated,
Mr. Eedy is appointed to this nz- Mr. Frank Henry, brother of Mrs.portant position be would bring to. it V'• J. Fosteteeatui,,hia son Willie of
the trained mind of x newspaperman, \Vhitechurc1i, Mrs.' Charles Hinde of
• one who has spout his whole mature Waseca, Sask., anci slaughter, Marion:
life at the work, and we cannot see of Winnipeg, and -Miss Annie- 11.
'but that such a man would be more Henry of New York were visitors at
likely to make a real success of n .Mr, and Mrs: W, J: Foster's on Sat -
church paper than a elan who has urday.
spent the best part of Iris life doing -Ml's. Fred Baker, llIiss Elizabeth
.something else. Cameron, Mrs. H...R..Moorhouse and
Mrs. W. G. Bugler attended the
We are publishing the last of the meeting of the Deanery of Huron at
'Collegiate News this week until erten' Exeter on Monday of this week.
the sunnier vacation, when we hope Miss Emma Houghton'of London is
it will be resumed. spending the summer at lier cottages..
A great many besides those imine The many. friends of Mrs. Murdock
diately ;interested in the Collegiate Ross were glad to hear that on Sat-
looked for the news each week, laugh- nrday' she was able to return home
•ed at' and with the kids, and, often, from the Clinton Hospital anti hope
wished they could slip off a few for her furtheriniprovennennt.
years and join them. Miss Violet
Fremhn was the writer of the news
-end; whatever the form teacher . or
Principal did, we seldom; if ever,
• changed a word or left one out, Like
the teachers, we wish the students a
•happy vacation and will look forward
to their reassembling inn the autumn.
'Good luck to every one of thein ae
"they write' examinatioins: during these
,:anxious days and may the final re-
esults when they come out be sags-
:factory to botI1 teachers and taught.
We have read a report of a rath-
'er early delphinium in the garden of
On Wednesday evening last the Por-
ter's Hill soft ball team played the
second game with Bayfield. Thio time
the tables were turned ancl now the
folks are as good as the people.
Mr. Ted Tohnstoe, Toronto, and
father;') E. Johnstone,, Mr•. George
Duncan, Ferndale, Mich.;: and sister,
Mrs. Bnnttler, Sitolt Ste; 'Marie, Mrs.
Murray Kennedy, Toronto, visited
hereabouts recently.
Visitors. of J, S. Lockhhart's on
ANDREWS In the Clinton Com-
munity Hospital, on May 9th, to
Mr.' and Mrs. Frank W. Andrews;
a eon.
COLEMAN• -In Clinton Community
Hospital, opt June Oth, .to Mr. in0
Mrs. Harvey Coleman, of Stanley
township, ,a, daughter.. -- Eleanor
GREER—In Stanley township, on
- May 9th, Robert John Greer, in his
79th year.
The funeral" will take' place from
his late residence, Bayfield Road,
this, Thursday, afternoon, senyicc
to commence at 2.30., Interment
in Baird's Cemetery.
Huron Deanery To~Hold'
The first ,meetieg
of the local council of the Deanery or
Huron was held in the parish, hall or
St. Thomas Anglican Church, Sea-
forth, with the deanery president,
Robert Archibald, of Seaforth in the
chair. The. different • branches were
all well represented. It was decided
to hold b. picnic in' Bayfield on July
15. Rev. Canon E. 'Appleyard, Roe
bert Archibald and Miss Dorothy
Parke Were appointed a committee
for sports.
We wish to extend, our congr'atula-
Mr. Hairy Edwards in Coderich. W e Sunday were: Mn ._aihi Mrs. 'Frank tions to our. minister, Rev. W. A.
Harry Nicholl and, three children of Fern- Bremner, who was elected president
feel that there is delphiniums. something rather dale Mich, of the London conference at its
strange„ hassrilcsog delplunpums. The ' ' Woods ie it ;m sessions last week.
xvriter < some delphiniums of .Mrs. Milton 'p4 0o s s steadily
which we ass rather proud, as they proving but still •confined to London A strawberry festival will be held
have been slowing some fine blooms hospital. on the lawn of the United Church on
^the pawl fenK•years: One clump, how -On Tuesday, June. 16th, Me Gods- .Jane 23rd.
.,w .
-ever, seems to be a freak. Last year rich Township� tens Club are plan- Mr. and Mrs. -Rout. Dawson spent
it sent' up me very strong, rank. ning for their annual motor picnic: the week -end at their homes at In-
shoot with some 'queer blooms at the They intene;,Son g by the Blue Water wood.
tins, and we, thinking it was a stray, Highway to• Owen Sound, Meaford, Mr, and . Mrs..John Helmer and
cutif, off and threw it away. Thia Eugenia, returning' through Flesher family of Gode7 ch spent Monday
erton, : Dr5i91ann ti7ttl Hanover, a with Mrs. A. Rohner.'_ •
year that clump has all gone, queer, -„
h 'net weather ther sea good ror Mr. and Mr's. T. I?;'.' Cornish , and
-sending rill rank, wild -looking shoots„ oI el-tens.,
w a Y b g < o
•with .queer blooms been forming, and. one the outing' family spent the week -end in Sarnia.
, .een blooming for the pastlweev; I ' Ohs Sunda?,RR
in the absence of Rev. R. Mr, and Igre ,T.. II. Wheeler spent
:having flowers all up and down: -•the M• Gale, Geo. 'Taylor "� of Wingham, the week -end with relatives in St'rat-
stock, like anything but the' straight,'i president of the Tiiron Young 1'eo- ford.'
well -formed flower spikes -line vebulct Pres' Uitron gave a' very interesting Mr. and Mrs, Petery Arhart and
'-sex ect., We are. convinced this clunit acidness,: 4rgy]e Loctba'rt,? president Mrs. Franklin of Detroit weregueses
has tui•hecl traitor to its kind and we I of the Grace Y.P.U.' assisted in Me at the home of Mrs. Jessie Scott.
'will give h just so much time to service„ Quite a goodly: number wet a I Miss Eleanor Suyc r of Kincardine
'reform, or be cut -a. out. Witmer ITarrisoneassisted with is visiting: at het ilbme''i'te1,e'.
—.�._ the service at'•B.aylaeld ;m the- mori-l' Mr, and Mrs. L.,C�alvert arid' tam
Suits, so it is 'predicted, will be.ing. ";' ' �, .. ily and Miss Shipley of .Ilderton
-" n- _
pouted on to Wren in the neat 'fa- Avery pretty,cltutch,yveddntig, the. spent Sunday a� the :lionie o£':.uxr. D.
,•time and an exchange remarks that• First, to take place stn Glace church, Swan. '
,an expert hould be on hand to look was solemnized Saturda'yefterhoon "Mils. Geri. "Ewanknd. Dorothy sent
n s n
after the correct posturing of the when Miss Helen Cox ,.:became ;the a .felt/..clays in 'Toronto.e.
•custoiner, Such am exp er would -seem: bride of Mr: Leslie -••Pearson: • T:ne The painters are busy' repairing
-to be a necessity' in case this hue- church was beautifully decorated the,.dama ge„done to Ido. C. D. Situp-
tined is adopted. Personally, we tie: with ferns and 'white iblosstms. Rev, son's property by the recent fire.
n y,
:snot think it agood method, An ex -1 :R. M. Gale erformecl the, deeemon:e. • Mrs. Alice Hann, is s. ending• a few
P � p
pert-, tailor can cover a multi'tnde•of The •ehurth officials•'.presentecl the days .In. 'l,oronto.
defects' m the human form divine,1 young couple, with,,, e _ handsomely- BrucefieIil Lodge No. 210 I,0.0 li
;giveni'a.good: chance. We are remind- bound .Bible,. ...at .,is, trig eusteen,,;,to wilf"hdlcT la.••"''idecoratiori` service 10
ed of a •
stony we once -heard about' the first couple married in die Baird's centeter'y. on 'Sunday,"` June
the late Mark 'Twain, who was.,a:0c- church. -The good wishes ofall 'aro 14th, at 2.30. It• is hoped 'that', .a
it'rowlei]ged to be one•of the laziest men. extended 4o'M'r. •and Mrs. -Pearson. • large attendance will be present:
Lhasa V . .:Cooke
Phones: 66w''and 661
Poultry c ,Fresh Eggs
Poultry flocks culled free of charge
by experienced poultryman.
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w•
invariably betokens the fastidious
.woman, - trarments that gleam
with immaculate ohhien Are ,aIso
worn with the confidence that
screpttheittly elealf ciiiliaitel'izlivays
inspires.. Send your soiled•elothes
td us."and let us renew their atp-
pearanee by the "most approved
modeiii dig -cleaning methods.
Lumber For Sale
Seven or eight hundred feet of
hemlock lumber, studding and rafters,
sills and plates.. Su]teblo for build-
ing hog or hen houses. Arthur
Canteloit, phone 222. 8342.
'For Sale
Good Jdrseycow, 6 years old, due
to freshen July -20th. Apply to A. E.
Elwin, Bayfield, Ont, 83-1.
Live. Stock Judging
The tenth annual Huron County
Live Stock Judging Competition will
be held in Clinton on Saturday, June
13th. This competition is. open to'fill
boys and- yew men living ,in Huron
County, who WV, twenty-six years of
age oe under. Contestants wile be
requited .te• vogistereat the Recreation
Park, Clinton, by 8.80 awn. and tin
entry fee of 25e is charged each con-
testant. '
'Ten classes of live stock will be
judged, two each of heavy horseg,,.beef
antler -dairy ',cattle, sheep' and. sti\titre,
and ,oral reasons must be given on
five classes.. The prize list is divided
into two sections, both Junior- and
Senior, so that boys who have • never
previously taken part in this. com-
petitior May have. an equal . chance
of Winning prize money. Approxi-
mately $30.00 in prize money is be-
ing offered, and. a Silver cup will be
awarded the high boy in the entire
competition, and the second high
boy will receive at Silver Medal. The
high novice will relieve 'a handsome
shield. •
This competitionhas been. well at
tended, in past.years, and 'it is hoped
that'therd will be a large number of
contestants on hand for this year's
competition in Clinton, on June 13th.
Any boy who has not previously jud-
ged may receive a copy of Bulletin
No. 338, "Hints) -on Judging'i, , upon
application to the Ontario .Departe.
anent of Agriculture, Clinton. •
Mr, and Mrs. James Roberton and
lefts. Wright and Me. ancp Mrs. A.
Manning of Belgrave have geme,on::a•
tnotoi• trip .up: to Halibnrton, to visit
the former's brother, Mr. Andrew
The regular meeting of the Lad-
ies' Club will be held at the home orf
Mrs. G. McKnight on Wednesday at-
ternoon instead .of :Thursday. The
topic will be in charge of Mrs. Tre-,
.wartha. "The . Horne as the First
Seat of Government."; The roll call
will be the name' of a cabinet minis-
ter and his-wo;k.
Mrs. J. Clegg wh accon anied her
`M gg 4 p,
brothers,- Mr, E. and Mr. encl., Mrs.,
M. Farquhar to Oklahoma City, where
they visited their sister and brother-
in-law, Mr...and Mrs., A.0. Eagle-
'son, has, e•eturned home Mrs. Far-
quhar, who has Spent' thexpast four
iti8 iths "with her thritgliter in. Okla-
homa, :and relatives: in Texas, re-
turned . with' them ,'
Nen' Playing "In `Old Kentucky"
Will Rogers, Din•othy.Wilson.
Men., Tues "Wed:
"Th"Trail of . fhe7;'
Lonesome Pine"
Sylvia' Sidney, Fred 11IacMurray
and 1Ienry Fonda
fi" it outdoor teciuucolor picture
ever made, the beanty'of'nt takes
your breath away. This grand
olcl story • hat., been acclaimed by
critics everywhere as the yearis
best •picture.
• Thiry., Frr, Sat:- '
• "I Fotzrtd"Stella Parrish"
Kay Francis, Lig hunter.
(hie is a good " human interest
picture. Ila., Francis at her )gest.,'
June 22-23-24
Now, ""Lhe Trail of the Lonesome
Pine -in color
Mon., Tues .1yed.
contributes -his' inimitable wit and
whimsy to a, colorful r'acitt6' story,
"In Old Kentucky"
with Bill Robinson, Alan Dtnebart
Theirs., Fri., "Set: -A Special!
Ginger Rogers and George Brent
present the hilarious romantic bit.
a pampered star is tripped by
Coming: ' Lily 'Pons 'in:
Mat.: Wed., Sat., holidays, 3 pan:
Now: George Arliss as:
Mon., truee., Wed. - A Hit!
a pet of.." -the screen, fleeing fr•orin
fame, runs smack into love
featuring Ginger Rogers and
C•xeerge Brent'
Thurs.,Fri., Sat.
the Mimeos musical connedy
"The Merry Widow"
with Jeanette McDonald and
Mourice Chevalier
Gome,,and.:Enjoy an evening 00
Music` and Cepnedy.
Comingieainnette MacDonald and
Nelson Eddy in^"Rose• Marie."
Mat.: Sat. and holidays at 3 p.m.
Here s Dews
to the boy or girl saving the largest
, number of _. . .
Iiy'' juLI 210.
, Instant Frozen Ice Cream
Iu Brick ,or Bulk.
-sea. : By
B i tlflff' Cr kh
Phone 1.
Our Seed „Corn is No. 1 Govern-
ment Standard Tian Dr•ied'high ger-
minating, in fact best quality we can
buy, priced reasonable,• Come and
see us before buying.
Carry a complete stock of these at
all prices. Give nie a chance to fill
your requirements. '
Chick Feed
Specialize on cafeteria mashes.
These are the mashes recommended
by Prof.: Graham' of Guelph. Quan-
•titres of •all ingredients marked: on
bag so that,you know, exactly what
you are buying:
Fred Ford
Phone 123w; ,Residence 123j.
• Phone 123w.
. J. •D O W
is holding pus Weeldy Auction Sale of
Horses,' Cattle and Hogs
at his Sale Barns,
Wednesday, June 1 7th
G. J. Dow, W. E. Nairn,
Proprietor. Auctioneer.
Carlft:3nraiier For>,•Rent
Aessehiim trailer, suitable for liaill-
da3 ing. Apply at Brownie's Garage,
1heron -Road, •West. S3-2.
' For Sale
19211 Essex' Super "Six. Good con -
clition. Frances Brydone. 83-2-p.
For Sale
6 -ft. eut Mower, sniffler and a
four-wheel trailer for sale. Apply
to W. J. Miller. 88-1.
Of House and Lot and Household
Effects, at the premises, Village of
Aubuin, on Monday,. June 22nd, at
1.30 sharp, as follows:
2 bed room suites, 3.neattresses, 2
feather ticks, bed, wash stand, side-
board, wood heater, kitchen stove,
dining room table, .p leather bottom For Sale
chairs, hanging lamp, 3 toilet sets, First class residential property in
Doherty and Gibbons, Clinton Organ, good location, Price reasonable, Ap-
2 arm chairs, 5 reeking,chairs, 2 up- ply 3 . Fhngland, Clinton. 83-tf.. NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN to all
holstered chairs, settee,'S snnall tables, 1 J persons having any claim against the
'7 kitchen chairs, .couch, sewing ma House For Sale Estate of Janet Cantelon, late of tite
chine, 3 chairs,. 2 'umbrellas, 10 pm- Desirable ]rouse, in good locality, Town of Clinton, in the County of
ture'frames, el bed springs, 3 pair freshly reedeeorated. Inquire i1. this Huron, ivho flied on or about the 9th
pillows, a number of c1shions, dust: office. ' ' 79-6-p. day of May, 1936; to send the same
mop,•2'rugs, about 9s1OV, 2 carpets, to the undersigned on or before the
bedding,House For Sale
20th day of quilts, etc., table` linens,' cut= June, 1936 as after that
Counfortable frame house, Victoria ,late the Adnnht]strators of the Estate
lery, dinner set, dishes, 2 clocks, new street, Clinton, ;just'soiith of Wesley-
11/ square table oilcloth, .,cupboard, . will proceed to make distribution
Willis cherch. e.Good garden: Apply. thereof Navin regard only to the
day ,bed,,,. grindstone, lawn . mower, ID rs: J. Cliff. 82.2. g
fo•nts•, rakes,; hoes, shovels etc.,.;scythe on premises to. I claims of which they shall then have
crow T,ar, tog's,; etc., wash. boiler, Roomers Wanted notice.
wringer,' l.itchen utensils, smoothing VTitli of without board. Room ,on. DATED at Goderieh'this 29111 day
irons, Hitchen table, 6 or t7. cord' of ground "floor'• if •pn.'eferred.' - Mie. N. of May, 1,936.
wood, •hand and soft, 8 -piece dining Lovett, Mill st , `Clinton. 82-2-p.
room set, 2 -piece living,, room seee, •., .
For Sale or Rent -
3 -piece wicker set, bed, dresser, rode tors. 82-3,
ing chair and table to match, Orchid A .hoose on -Joseph street frame
and Ivory, oak, dresser, mupie cabinet,house, town ;water, furnace, in .good
Olin -
mahogany rocking chair, easy chair, condition. Appy, to A: Seeley,'Clin-
The; Kind that .Insures Success
for all good Concrete .{York.
J. T. MCKNIGHIT, . Local Manager
Phones:: Brucefield Office & Residence: G18r11.
Clinton: Office, '74w; Residence 74j.
r : • e SPECIALS
Rich Chocolate Soda, 10c
Fresh Cut Toasted Mallows, Ib:.19e
New .«iii,: flbfter Cakes, 15c a'icre25c
Soft Drinks, by the case ...... -MOO
Perfectly Baked and Beautifully
See Our Week -End Window
Phone 68,
'Are You Thinking Of
Property In Clinton?
If So See The S.. S. Cooper
1 . Properties.
Various vacant houses and Apts. are
available for rent. For particulars
consult A. 3. Cooper of Goderich,
Ont., who will be registered at tine
Rattettbury House, Tuesday and
Thursdays for next 3 months. '79-13.
S. C. White Leghorn chicks $7.00
per hundred.
S. C. White'Leghorn Baby Pullets
$15.00 per hundred.
These chicks and pullets are sired
by registered made birds. Orders of
$25. of .over delivered free.
Brussels, Ont. 83-2,
Coming 1 1
The Toll Bothers are coming to
Clinton under" the auspices of the
Gills'. Club of Wesley -Willis churn.
The date cannot as yet be stated but
will be announced as soon as possible.
• 88-1;.
Photographs of Distinction
Phone 115.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
I£ you haven't already sent your
list of accounts or notes to
it would be wise to do so now,
Remember—No Colleeiion, No Charge
Established 1890.
The purebred Clydesdale stallion,
Carbrook Flashlight, No. 24641, Form
3, will stand at Lot 3, Con. 3, Mullett
Twp. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and at Lot 30, Con. 6th, Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday, during the
season. Terms, $10.00. Robert Mc-
Michael, Proprietor. 79.7-p.
For Sale
Comfortable' house, Maple street,
including bath, new furnace, good
garden, garage. Terns reasonable.
Apply to Ida Walkinshaw, Clinton.
Phone 211. 09-tr.
House For Sale or Rent
A very desirable residence on Prin-
cess' street. Good garden and fruit
trees, electric lights and town water.
House in good condition. Apply to
Miss E, Akan, Box 336, Clinton. 73-c.
For Sale
A frame hoose, on Albert street,
five rooms, 1-4 acre lot, town water,
in fair condition. For further parti-
culars apply to Frank Fingland,
Clinton, or executors, Harry McCool,
Blyth; Ont., or J. , W. McCool, Lon-
desboro. 80-tf.
House To Rent
Comfortable brick house, Albert
street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all
modern convenlie'nees. Imnedi!a,te
possession. For particulars apply
to Rev. G. W. Sherman or Mrs. W.
C. Brown.
Ontario, Solicitor for the Administra-
2 library tables, floor lamp, table ton. 82-3.
lamp, mattresses. , For Sale.
100 .acres on Concession 8, Col -
Above must' be sold to settle estate borne. township. Good 1 location, bank,
of the late W: B:"Pattereon. `' I barn; fame house. ;„Nine acres' bush;
At 3,30 the real property, lots 92 lent of water. Terms to suit pur-
and 95, Fulton Survey, Manchester,' chaser. 'Ed. Fisher, . R. R. No. 5,
on which is a brick house;” will 'be'Goder•ich, 82-5.
offered for sale, subject':to a reserve
bid,• Town Lot For Sale : or (tent
A desirable to i l t suitable for
Terms on Property:—Ten percent: stn o, u
on day` of sale, balance in 30 days. building on or for, a gattden. For in-
R. D. Munro, G,'II'Elliott,' formation apply to Duncan Cart-
e, ,.
Executor. Auctioneer, wrighlr,'•' Goderich. 82-tf.
26181 --FOOTMAN
will stanch for the season at,'his'ownx'
stable, let- 7,4,' Coni 3, Hargt'F;,' town-
ship., Fee, $10.00. ;4,"'`' -
Phone Clinton "Central, 6861•24.
Cleaiiiing and Pressing
Suits, Coats and Dresses
If not open work may `be left at 1
Maras. Barber Sbbp, • .