HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-06-04, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON, NEWS -RECORD JUNE 4T11, 1936' BULK SAUER KRAUT, 4 lbs. ".Xor . ... , 25c SPRING LAMB FOR WEEK -END -(Mint free with Each Order. ROAST HAM, with Dressing, per Ib. ......... . . 50e BREAKFAST SMOKED COTTAGE BOLLS, per ib., 25c per lb . .............. ......... 230 • P.M. COTTAGE ROLLS, per Ib. 20c 5 -LB. PAIL OF CLOVER HONEY 50c 20 -LB. PAIL SCHNEIDER'S LARD, Guaranteed $2,80 HEAD CHEESE, per Ib. 10e SUMMER 'SAUSAGE, per Ib. 28e CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE COMBINATION AND SCREEN DOORS, Pure White Pine, All Sizes. PRICED FROM $2.25 TO $6.25 NEW DESIGNS IN LIFE -TIME ALUMINUMWARE- DRIP-O-LATORS in 6 and 8 Cup Sizes. NEW HANDLE DESIGN IN TEA KETTLES. TWO SIZES IN DOUBLE BOILERS. TWO SIZES IN ZINC STRAINERS. KENESKYS' CORK CENTRE LEAGUE SOFTBALLS. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT SMYRNA AND AFGHAN RUGS, in sizes 30"x60" and 25"x48" PRICED AT $2.75, $3.50 AND $5.00. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS in Several Sizes and Patterns AT REDUCED PRICES. NEW LINE OF CHESTERFIELD SUITES, DAYBEDS and , STUDIO COUCHES. CONGOLEUM and LINOLEUM by the yard. Also RUGS in Stock. Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES' MONUMENTS -ENGRAVING Ambulance Service -Modern Equipment -Phone 147w, Day or Night a'Fd. 'Cour Convenlmes`' BUS SCHEDULE Effective May 3; 7.936, &frig Ai3l'tlt lj 0 8.iri., 8.00 p.m. �kt, 310 pan. goiirg 5otitli x.0 0 Stt f).3d oing West --1.15 p.m„ 7.50 p.m. Going East -8.00' a.m.; 5.30 pan. Eastern Standard Time. Itineraries planned to all points in Canada, United States & Mexico. Consult Local Agent. CENT. ONT. BUS LINES LTD. TORONTO. RATTENBURY HOTEL, L. Rousseau -Phone 50. COMMERCIAL INN, A. McCallum -Phone 243. Jew i' Old Time DANCE under auspices of Clinton Old Time Dance Club BAYPIELD PAVILION - � Friday, .Dune 19th Music by Rustic Rythmairres Dancing' from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Come 'and spend, a delightful evening Admission 30c -Tax included EVERYBODY 'WELCOME. 82-3. Seaforth's Most Modern Beauty Salon THERE IS A Big Difference IN PERMANENT WAVES So Remember YOU DO NOT WANT A frizzy, wide -apart curt, stiff hair permanent . . . , . YOU WANT A soft, deep, tight, natural looking and lasting wave which we offer to JUNE 15th 7.50 Wave for 5 00 5.00 Wave for 3 50 .3.50 Wave for 2 25 3.00 Wave for ..............1.95 or our 5,00 FAMOUS OIL WAVE for 2.98 'B' Beauty Salon For Appointment Phone 50 or 18 TUCKERSMITH Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Trick of Lan- don and Mr. Arthur Trick spent the weekend with Mn' and Mrs. F. Townsend, Mr. Walter Dale has moved to the Broadfoot farm on Concession 2 of Tuckersmith and is getting nicely settled. Mr.. and Mrs. Clarke, Stanley, spent Sunday at Belgiave: visiting the lady's mother. A' PRESSING ENGAGEMENT Sandy Can ! use mangle a your minute, Mrs. MacGregor? Mrs. MacGregor - Aye, but what for d'ye want it? 'Sandy -Tae clean oot ma tooth caste tube. PRESBYTERIAN Annual Bazaar on Sat., Afternoon June 6 IN CHURCH BASEMENT Convenors of Booths: Country Store Mrs. Ward Touch and Take Mrs. Mutch Gift Booth Mrs. Roberton Apron and Rummage , .:Mrs. Fisher Candy Mission Band Homme Made Baking ....Mrs. Neilans Afternoon Tea Girls' Club A Business Men's Supper will be served from 5 to 7 by the Girls' Club. 25c -EVERYBODY WELCOME 81-2. HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter had as recent guests Mr, and Mrs. Victor Newell and family of Detroit. Rev. Mr. ,Herbert journeyed to London on, Tuesday to attend the annual conference which is being held this week at' the Metropolitan church. Mrs. R. Grigg, Miss Mary and Mes- srs. John and Edward Grigg spent a day. in London last week. Miss Bernice Bond, Goderich, visit- ed a day or two at her hone recently. The village is sorry to loose Mr. Jack Mulholland and family from its midst, they having moved to. Clinton, where they have taken a house on Huron street. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jer- I vis are to occupy»the house vacated by their departure. Miss Esther MaeMath leaves tins week for Thamesford where she has accepted a position for the summer.. LONDON ROAD Mr. and Mrs. William Crittenden entertained a number of guests from a distance over the week -end, among them being, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, Grosse Ile, Michigan, Miss Ag- nes Ross, Miss Edythe Vanstone, Mr. Charles. Ritchie, Mr. E. B. Ross, Lon- don, and Miss Anne Crittenden 61 Toronto. Fishing is not so much •getting fish as it is a ••state of mind and a lure of the human soul into refresh - tient,; If you are looking for this refreshment our stock will supply foxy tackle for the frisky fish. Baits, Frogs, Minnows, Worms, Grasshop- pers made of rubber in natural colors make a .'very successful lure. Gut leaders, Spoons, Floats, Sinkers, Trout and Bass flies, Hooks with or without gut are represented in our stock as well as other ordinary re- grurements. JOT THIS DOWN - 24 ENVELOPES . and 24 CORRE- SPONDENCE CARDS, White, for 20c Or a Letter -sized Pad -30 Sheets for 9c, and a fold -over. pad 35 sheets same price. Choice of kid, or linen finish in each style. A Envelopes to match 9c per package. • Or 12 sheets Lotus Lawn paper and 12 Envelopes to match for 15c. ' Some Odcl Lines of Hair Nets Clearing at 3 nets for 5c. If bigvalue is your consideration do not overlook a Finger Purse at 25c. White. Soule adult size, some juven- ile. We regard it as an advantageous purchase and if within your require- ments a decidedly profitable one for our customers. Tile W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best f.•nJIIpIE IIIIAIIIII _Itl101N�llIIlIIIIIIIIII,I�I�OI� I�•II.I..mTm..p.i•l,nnwIn.n-II_ItII.I_Ij.i.l.lyl 1 Kr, and 3415, M. Montgomery visited tiler f01,0)e.rls b;'9!;her at Thedford on Sunday last. Hr. and Mrs. Harvey Longman spent Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs,'l George Stevens. Mrs. Galvin Williamson of Cayuga spent the week -end with her sister, Sirs, James Steep of town. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Blanchard ofA netroit visited over the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs, Margaret Pickett, Miss Donotby Cornish has taken a position in the office of the Exeter Creamery anti began her new work this week. - Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. R. Elliott in Bayfield this week. The lady was Mrs. Morrison's aunt. Messrs. M. T. Corless and N. W. Tre- wartha are the lay delegates from Wesley -Willis church at the London Conference meeting in London this 'week. Messrs. T. E. Livingston and L. Teb- butt of Tuckersmith are represent- ing Ontario Street United church at the London Conference this week, Revs. F. G. Farrill and C. W. DeWitt Cosens are in attendance at the meeting of the London Conference of the United Church, in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McBrien and daughter, Olive, of Essex visited relatives in Clinton over the week- end. Mrs. H. M. Ford returned with them for a week's visit. Rev. Dr. C. E. Dougan is this week attending the meeting of the Gen- eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, which is holding its ses- sions in McNab street church, Hamilton. Dr, and Mrs. Wilson of Ottawa, who were in London for the meeting of the Medical Association last week, came up and spent' a day or so with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Walker. Mr. A. T. Cooper went down to Toronto this week on business and, incidentally, met Mr. Caird, broth- er . of Mrs. Willis C. Cooper, who came over on the new ship, Queen Mary, on her trial trip. Mr. and ,Mrs. Ernest Adams have left their farm in Hullett in charge of a foreman and have cone into town to live, taking up their abode with Mrs. Adams' sister, Miss L. Brigham, Albert street, Mr. 'Ad- ains will have an oversight over his farm,'of course, and will prob- ably find plenty to keep him pretty well employed.. Dr. Rhoda C. Edmenston, formerly of Blyth, Opt., but now of Buenos Aires, S.A., spent the week -end with Mrs. W. Pickard and Miss Edyth Stewart. Miss Edmeston leaves again shortly for Buenos Aires, where she is directoress of a Bible school for native girls, at - ter a year's, frullough, part of which was spent in studying in Universi- ties in New York and part in lec- turing eaturinng in various cities in the Un- ion. During the time of the Pitts- burg flood she was situated in the heart of the city where the flood reached it's height, but fortunately. on the day, the "flood began to be really serious she was called to speak in a suburb of the city which, ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER' Airways in the LW iersary�Week' N1Cl r° EIL'S iR BIG SALE -June -4-5.6 at In connection with this Sale, See our Large Outstanding Handbills EVERY ITEM OF INTEREST TO YOU Also at this Sale we are Introducing an Interesting Tea Week We will tell you all about Tea. AN ORANGE"PEKOE Silver Blended TEA Good Value at 75c. FOR THIS (SALE, lb. 600 If you wish a sample we will be glad to give you one A NEW BLENDED BLACK TEA; for 59c a Lb. With (Community Teaspoon.) FALCON TEA and (Cup and Saucer) Ib. 65c All Other Blends at 2c lb. Less than Regular Price. IMPORTANT -Free Baseball Bat; Sucker to each Child accompanied by parent with an order. SPECIAL FOR ANNIVERSARY SALE - Chris.' tie's Fresh Lemon De Luxe Cake for 20d These are Popular Cakes for Three Reasons - Quality, Variety and Service -No left overs.... EXTRA For Anniversary Sale - Picnic Rolls 23c Ib. Cottage Rolls 23c lb. As We are Closing Wednesday afternoons We Will Have a SPECIAL FRUIT SALE WEDNESDAY MORNINGS Bananas, to CIear, per dozen 19c New Valencia Oranges, per dozen 29c Larger Size, per dozen 33Q New Potatoes, 4 lbs. for 25c New Carrots, 2 bunches for 170 New Cabbage, per lb. 5c Pineapples, Lemons, Strawberries, Etc. These Specials will also be continued during Our Sale, Thursday, Friday and ;Saturday. On Saturday Evening all our Perishable Fruits will be cleaed out at Clearing Out Prices. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. O'NEILCORNERPhone 4�GROCETEI� nreAr•40460•••••411,~41,r.4.410..•••60•4041". RILEY'S W'! Quality Sells and $elrviee Tells 24 Lb. Five Roses ........ 79c 24 Lb. Pastry Flour, Clinton ...53c 7 -Lb. Bag Pastry Flour 19c 1 Lb. Cheese, 1 Lb. Sodas 25c Old Potatoes, good quality, peck 27c New Texia Seeded Raisins 15c New 'Texia Seeded Raisins, plc. 15c Duff's Lard, 2 lbs. for 25c New Cabbage, per Ib. 5c Ripe Tomatoes, per Ib. 15c Choice Ripe Bananas, doz. 19c & 25c Pearl Soap, 6 for 23c P. and G. Soap, 5 for 18c Broadway Coffee, per lb. ... , 35c ,(Free Roger Silver Spoon) rutted Mee, plcg. lOe Puffed Wheat, pkg. , 10e We will be open on Thursday even- ings during June, July and August. We Buy and Grade Eggs for which We Pay lc A DOZEN MORE on all Grades in CASH or TRADE. TRY OUR GRADE. RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39, Free, Snappy Delivery At All Hours. ARE YOU USING CLINTON CREAMERY BUTTER EVERY POUND Or OUR BUTTER IS GUARANTEED Should you at any time receive but- ter which is not entirely satisfactory your grocer will be glad to exchange it for you. The Clinton Creamery 79-tf. is said to be the highest point in Alleghany county and where she had to remain till the flood subsid- ed, thus escaping to some extent many discomforts. Miss Ruth Higgins motored her moth- er up from Whitby, where she has been spending some months with her, and spent the week -end at the family home here. Miss R. Crosstli- wate accompanied them and the two girls returned to Whitby Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Higgins will spend the summer at her home here. Bruce Battalion Reunion and Old Home Week The ,160th Bruce Battalion will hold a reunion and old home week in Wiarton, Juane 29th, 30th, and July 1st, 1936. A good program of sports Is planned, sea flea races, water sports, softball, football and horse shoe pitching tournaments, big mid- way, thrilling circus acts, clown band, parades, something doing all the time. Wiarton offers the visitor good fishing, trolling for lake trout, boat rides, bathing golf, tennis, bowling. NOTICE p or time convenience of the Taxpay- ers I will be in the Council. Chamber of the Town Hall during the month of June. Hours from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m, N. W. MILLER Tax Collector. 82-2. SPECIAL 1 WHILE THEY LAST Choice Varieties of CLIMBING ROSES and SHRUBS CASH AND CARRY -EACH 25c. EXHIBITION DAHLIAS 25c EACH CABBAGE & TOMATO PLANTS In Boxes at 20e EACH Sold direct from hotbeds from Fine Health Plants -10c a Doz. ANNUALS Asters, Clarkia, Carnations, • Sta., tice, Petunias, Phlox, Marigolds, Zinnias, Celosna, '1'agetes, laver- lastings, Etc. 20c A BOX Hanging Baskets and 'Window Boxes, filled and given Green- house care.. F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member T'. D. Assn. Phones 31 and 176. USE Kovermor Floor Cleaner to remove the old wax off• your floors 30c Quart' NONINFLAMMABLE EASY TO APPLY. Martin-Senour Paints & Varnishes T. flawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 1 1 For the June Bride You will find a most remarkable new Stock of Furniture and other necessities to furnish your new home, and you can depend, that the prices will be as reasonable as possible. NEW DINING R0051, CHESTERFIELD, KITCHEN or BEDROOM SUITES, STUDIO COUCHES, RUGS or FLOOR COVERINGS, CUTLERY, ELECTRICAL EQiJIPMENT of any Kinds. STOVES OF ALL KINDS and KITCHENWARE. BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. ■ � � ,Y � e g PHONE 111 CLINTON SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI. &SAT: AYLMER PORK and BEANS, 131/2 oz. tin 5c No. 3 ;Sieve PEAS, 2 No. 2 size tins 17c Plain or Iodized Salt, 2 large boxes 13c Sugar Crisp CORN FLAKES, 2 pkgs. 15e P. & G. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP, 5 bars 19c KIPPERED SNACKS, per tin 5d Choice Red Pitted CHERRIES, 2 sqt. size tins 25c Seedless GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25c ORANGES,large size, dozen ' 40c LEAF LETTUCE, 2 for.......,....13c CARROTS, 2 bunches for 15c. POTATOES, 15 lb. Peck 27c 90 lb. bag $1.50 • FREE DELIVERY T. R. Thoinpson Successor To J. T. McKNIGHT` and SON