HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-06-04, Page 5i'OF, INTEREST 10 YOU AND ME, .Leafy June came in with stream - e but •the' moisture ivas'needed iing eyes, • and very welcome, Hereabouts the x'esult was 'wholl beneficial. Iin some other parts floods followed.. We in Canada sometimes preen ourselves that we are more lacy-abid ing than our cousins to the south. But we must confess with shame that one of our law-breal{ers went across the lines the other day and took the • life of a' law officer in the perfor- mance of his 'duties, killing .him- self in -an effort to shoot'another. • The "Reel" Ryan. gang of desper- :edoes, Ryan, McMullin and'Checkle1, all killers, who held human life 'very •elreaply, are nowt all wiped out, the former and latter, by policemen'sbul- lets, as they fought desperately for their freedom and killing; a young constable before falling theinselve,, McMullen by a bullet from his own gun which was intended for 'a police- man who was trying to'arrest hien, he :having killed one policeman. The pity of it is that these . two policemen; one a Canadian the other a Member of the United 'States force, `should inaye had to fall 'victims, anm it is thought that the gang was re- eponsible, for• the death of Mr. .Stone- -_house of Markham, who was shot 'while trying to prevent his car from. being stolen last Winter, The paroling of a pnisoner with a rozerd such as Ryan's is a pretty sere bons business: and lait officers and :governments take a good deal of re- sponsibility in doing. it. The motives of those interested in 'Ryan were of the best, as it was Winn - ed that he might have a• chance to show that he really had turned over • a new leaf, though no doubt his be- ing set at liberty was in •:part to satisfy the :clammer of un- stable folk, including some nevs a- pets, who constituted themselves • tribunal wise enough todictate to all others what their actions should be. The result has proved that those in charge of such matters have a re- sponsibility to the people to carry out their duties in the interests of ell the people, irrespective of the clammer ofa few misguided, ones,' even though they seem to have a good deal of in- • • fluence. But, quite aside from the wisdom • or unwisdom of Ryan's' release, it • can hardly be denied that for some time he had not been looked after as 'he should have been. Even though he may • helve reported regu- larly, his actions should have been checked. up occasionally. If it is true that he had been spending his nights 'off and on for months With these fel- low -criminals, keeping• very Late hours and being out of the city on undifined trips, surely it would :have 'been very legitimate to have discos-- - what was the' nature of these trips. He was on parole and the pp - lice had a perfect right to check up on hire if his actions needed explana- "tion. It is not the part of the police to :dog the steps of a man who is try- ` .ing to stake good after having run foul of the law and is being given another chalice, but a quiet check-up -could have been made and then if 'anything suspicious was discovered • an explanation could have been sought. Had this been done in Ryan's • case it might have saved the lives of six people, two police officers , an honest citizen and the three despera- ' does themselves. • GODERICH TOWNSHIP `We congratulate Mr. Randall Cole, sen `of Mr, add Mrs. R. B. Cole, on his graduating With firstelass honors in matliemgtics .and'.,phyeics' at. the. University of Western Ontario yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGuire, ac- eompanied by the latter's father and mother, Mr; 'and Mrs. Frank Jeffere af. Goderich, spent ,the, weekend vis iting friends in Detroit. labs. Ed. Cronyn'of Toronto whohas been visiting with her sister, Mrs, j. McGuire, was taken suddenly ill and, rushed to 'Clinton Hospital,; where she vas operated on for appendicitis; and is getting along nicely. Bayfield softball club came up to Porter's Hill and 'played' a league game on Wednesday, night. Porters Hill came out victorious with a• score of 16 to 11. The night was very cold and it was not as good:a game as one. would expect frons these teams, Mr. Henry Gaipini,. Sr. was taken to Clinton Hospital, suffering from gangrene ini his toes. • Monday night's rain made the far mens smile, it means so renCh at tits time of year and it came so gently and quietly. Mr. and Mrs, B. Rothwell spent Sunday with Mr. acid Mrs. F. Stewart of Stanley. Mr. Guy Hicks, Clinton, spent a few days last week with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Oliver Welsh. Mr. :and -,Mrs: Lawrence Stephen- son and family motored to London on Saturday. ' • Mr. Mam'ice Switzer left .for the west -on Thursday :on 'a hurried busi- ness trip. • Mrs. Fred Middleton• spent the week -end at the home of her father, Zr. J..Johnsoh of the Euron. Road, who is at present quite ills. • James Johnston, one of the most respected farmers of this township, passed away in his seventy-eighth year, about midnight Monday. Mr. Johnston suffered from injur- res in two Motor :car Accident s, one three years ago and the other last January, and had been in poor health for some months. He was born in Stanley Township, being a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Johnston, who came so this country from Ireland, but had bean for many years a resident of Goderich township, for fifteen years he had acted as mail courier on No, 1 route, Goderieb. He is. survived by his wife, former- ly Miss Margaret McNaughton, and two children, John, on the homestead and Mrs. Fred Middleton, also of Goderich Township. Mr. Johnston was a member of the United Church. The funeral will take place this, Thursday, afternoon. VARNA ' On Wednesday evening last in St. -J,ohn's Church, Varna, Mr. P. D. v:Gillies took charge of the' annual .Bible Society service for this com- munity. Those in attendance were ;privileged to hear a very fine address. 'When the routine of business was gone through it was moved that the :second Sunday in June lie set aside ,• as "Bible Sunday", the 'collecting to be done the following week. Very sorry to hear Mr. Fisher is un. 'der the Doctor's care. Hope- he will soon be himself again. The W.•A. of St. John's held their monthly meeting at the home of :Mr's. :II. Diehl. Mr. George Beatty has sold the -old hotel building and it be being wrecked these days. It being a very -old landmark to the village, it will be 'anissed. ' Mist Hazel Steep and her aunt, Mrs. Calvin Williamson of Cayuga, visited on Sunday with the latter's ,brothers, Messrs'. Norman and Robert -Campbell. • GODERICH: Announcement has ;.been made by C.A. Robertson, M.L.A. for North Huron -Bruce, that seven `bridges on the Blue Water Highway, from Kintail south, are to be widen - :ed and lengthened at an approximate `cosh of $30,000. Tenders have al- l - ready been asked. The twelve -mile ,stretch onthe swine highway. from •God'erich to Bayfield is to be gravelled •prepauatory to paving. IDENTIFIED A. distinguished visitor to a lunatic asyulm,went' to the :;telephone and found difficulty in getting his con- nection. Exasperated, he shouted to the operator: "Look here, girl, do you know who I ani?" "No," came back the calm .reply, ""but I. know where yen area" THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MARRIAGES PEPPEl-McEWING—At the Bill - ted . Church Parsonage, Londes- boro, on May'30th, by the .Rev. Tlr. A. Gardiner, Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mclwing of 'I3ullett township, to William Roger Pepper, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Pepper of Tuckersmith, town- ship, BIRTHS MERNER—In Clinton Community Hospital, ors May 30th, to .lir. and Mrs. Kenneth Merrier of Gode- rich township, . (formerly Miss Helen ' Beacom) , a son. DEATHS ELLIOTT•—In Stanley township, on ' May 81st, Charlotte Stoddard, wi- dow of. Robert Elliott, in her 850 year. JOHNSTON—In Goderich township; on June 1st, James Johnston, to his, 78th year, IN MEMORIAM PEARSON—In loving ' memory of William B. .Pearson, who passed away three years ago, Julie 7th, .1933. , "We who loved you sadly miss you, As it dawns another year; In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are always near," —Ever remembered by wife and children. • LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. P. Proctor and sons, David and Hugh of Toronto visited at Mr. Whin. Lyon's over the' week- end. Mris. J. Roberton and Mrs. Wright were in London on Monday. Miss Bina Kirk, who has been vis- iting her sister, Mrs.. Win. Lyon, for the past three weeks, returned, to Toronto Wednesday. Min. Kirk is leaving for Vancouver in a :fete days and will be away for several months. Miss Minnie Gray is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mothers of Palmerston. Mr. A. H. Lyon of Toronto who spent a few days with his parents is in Leamington with his brother, Dr. E. K. Lyon. Mr.' and Mrs. Edwin Wood spent Wednesday in. Stratford. Mr, Wm. Lyon is in London this week attending the United Churelt Conference. Mr. Bert Gray and his Mother, Mrs. Gray visited in Palmerston' on Monday: Mrs. Crosby, Mr's. Hamilton and Mrs. Polly of London have returned home after spending a few days with Mrs. W. B. Aller. Mrs. Forbes of the 8th ,concession visited at the home of Mr. abd Are. John Fingland onaSunday. Quite a.number from here attended the memorial:service held at the Blyth Union Cemetery on Sunday. There will be no Institute meeting in June, ' The next falls on July 2n8. This week and 'elsb last week ap- pears to be moving time in the vil- lage. Mr. Ernest Adams moved to Clinton last week and Mr. Herman Sundercock moved into Mr. Adams' house: We are very sorry to loose Mri. and Mrs. Adams fro1ft the vicin-. ity as they were good citizens, bus we learn they are not altogether giv- ing up their activities here: and will probably See them often. Mr. John 'Armstrong•is rnoving this week into thehouse formerly occu- pied by Herman Sundercock. • Mr. Austin of Blyth has bought, the house"'forriierlyoccupied by the Ariu.- strongs and will settle shortly. ' ' Mr. Geo. Radforcl's are leaving the village and are moving to • Myth this week: • Mr. Cliff. Ball has taken 'rooms with Mr. Chas. Ruddell. Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Manning and Phyllis and Mrs. M. Manning visited Mrs. J. D. Howai't, Auburn, on Sun- day. Mr. Sid' Lee has'a broad smile these times. The reason the birth or a son. The regular weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. was hel'd.Sunday evening. The n-eetiug' opened with- a hymn with Miss Mary Houston;' at the piano and Rev. Mr. Gardiner led in prayer. The' minutes of the last meeting were read by Clara Bunking and Scrip- ture lesson was read by the president, Carl Radford. Dining the taking of the offering Phyllis Maiming played. an instrumental. Mr. Will Argent Of Clifford gave a very interesting tra- vel talk, taking his hearers, through the :Maritime Provinces, showing moving pictures in illustration. The meeting closed with a hymn and re- peating the Mizpah benediction. S. S. No. 8 held a fine concert on Friday, May 29th, under the direction of Miss Greene, music instructor, and also the teacher, Miss Stalker. A large crowd gathered to hear the pupils take :their. parts. The • pro- gramme consisted of songs, recita- tions, Rythm. band selections, The Wedding of Jack and Jill, and Thw Tom Thumb Wedding. A decoration service was held. Sun- day afternoon, May 31st, ,at the Londesboro cemetery, the Blyth band assisting with the hymns. Rev. Mr. Brooks attended the service. On ac count of the wet weather there wasn't many present. CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 663 SUMMERHILL Ernest Weeks of Toronto is visiting at the home :of NB,. Norman Ball. Mr. and Mrs,.Clifton of ICippen and Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright of Seaforth were .Sunday guests. with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tyner. Miss Jean Cornish, who is in the Clinton hospital, .having undergone an emergency operation for appen- dicitis, is making a good recovery, we are glad to report. Mrs, Noble Lovett of Clinton visit- ed this week with 14Ir. and tit's. Chas. Tyner. Other visitors at the swine place this week were Misses Fawcett and Gertrude Sturdy of Goderich: Mr. and Mrs. Tyner and family are leaving the neighborhood sooner. than was expected. Mr. Tyner has ac- cepted a position as foreman on a farm at Woodville, which Will nicely Fill ht the tine until he .tai] take over his own farm down in that vicinity which is on lease, and they expect to leave Monday for their new home. They will be missed very much in the cominu pity where the family ,has liv- ed so long, LIVE POULTRY MARKET ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR Poultry" & Fresh Eggs ATTOP ,CASH PRICES. Poultry flocks culled free of charge by experienced poultryman. COLBORNE Mrs. Richard Jewell, aged 88, a native and lifelong resident of this township, died on Saturday and was buried Monday in Colborne Cemetery. She was the mother of two sons. anti 'fatly slaughters, all well known and highly respected in this locality. They are Meldon J. and William H. Jewell, Colborne, 'Township; Mrs. William Phillips and Mrs. Pridcile, Goderich, Mrs. Eci. Marshall, Colborne, and Mrs. Robert Rogers, Goderich Township. Rev. D. J.,Larte and, 'Rev. F. W. Craik conducted the service. N. W. TREWARTI'IA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w House For Sale Comfortable frame house, Victoria, street, Clinton, just south' of Wesley - Willis church , Good garden. Apply on premises to Mrs. J. Ciuff. 82-2, IVA CORN has broken her engage- ment with Mr. Foot, since he is us- ing Gress Corn Salve, Sold at, all Deng stores. s Roomers Wanted With or without board. Room on. ground floor if preferred. Mrs.:N. Lovett, Mi11 st., Clinton. 82-2-p. For Sale or Rent A house ron Joseph street frame house, town water, furnace, in good condition. Apply to A. Seeley, Clin- ton. 82-3. For Sale 100 acres on Concession 8, Col- borne township.. Good location, bank barn; frame house. Nine acres bush; plenty of water,' Terms to suit pur- chaser. Ed. Fisher, R. R. No. 5f Goderich. 82-5. Wanted A young woman wishes' a job, ex- perienced in stair -dressing or house- keepng. Inquire in this office. 81-2-p. For Sale or Rent Cottage on Orange street, Clinton. For particulars apply to Ernest Ro- zell, R. R. No, 1, Clinton. • 81-ef. s KEI PING WVLL „DRESSED Being well dressed ,is=.ynore'than a matter of buying good clothes rt means keeping •-your clothes .good-looking. If you entrust your suits to us when they need dry} cleaning, we'll turn- them back spotless! — Reparms CLANS .+acre.... Cleaning Pressing NOTICE You are hereby notified that ac- cording to By -Law No. 10 of the Township of Stanley and the Revised Statistics of Ontario, Chap. 301 Sec- tions 5 anti 0, it unlawful to allow a bull to run at large, and that you are liable in damages for all injuries committed and also to a fine not to exceed $10,00. DATED this 2nd day of June, 1936. —CHAS. C. PILGRIM, Clerk. 82-1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persens shaving any claim against the Estate of Janet'Cantelon, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who. cried 00 or about the 9th day of May, 1936; to send the same to theundersigned on or before the 20th day of June, 1936 as after that date the Administrators of the Estate will proceed to make distribution thereof having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Goderich this 29th day of May, 1936. FRANK DONNELLY, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor.for the Administra- tors. 82-3. Town Lot For Sale or Rent A desirable town lot, suitable for building on or for a garden. For in- formation apply to Duncan Cart- wright, Goderich. 82-tf. Mac Wanted For Rawleigh Route of 800 famil- ies. Write today. • Rawleigh, Dept. ML -169 -SA -E, Montreal, Canada. 78-4 TENDERS FAR CCAL AND COKE SEALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Coal," will be received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Mon- day, June 15, 1936, for the 'supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario.. • Forms of tender with specifications and . conditions, attached caa be ob- tained from the Purchasing Agent, Dept., of Public Wrks, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade- laide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be .considered un- less tirade on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions. The right to demand from the suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not ex- ceeding 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper ful- filment of the contract, is reserved. By order, J., M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 18, 1936.. • 81-2. PAGE 5 elimeraewegowseliffingegausffmnoricer .HOfY THEATRE, CIINTON Now Playing: `Farmer hi the Dell" EX'T'RA Friday ,Night Only Se.e .Yourself on the Screen, Menday, Tuesday,' Wednesday • The DIONNE QUINTUPLETS "TI1e Country Doctor" with SEM Summerville, and Jean Ilershalt IT'S- A SCREAM M. Mouse Comedy Disney Cartoon Thursday; Friday,, Saturday WILL ROGERS In 691n Old Itentucky" You'll laugh till rain. sides ache at the antics of Will (Joining: "Lonesome Pine", 'tPoI- low the Fleet,' 'I Dream too.Much' Mat.: Sat, & Holidays, at 3 p.in. 'CAP( d'AL THEATRE Now: "A Night at the Opera,", Mem, Tues., Wed. Jeannette MacDonald. and Nelson Eddy . The screen's greatest singing tenni together in a glorious musical 1'omanCe "EROSE MARIE" Great on the Stage,' Magnificent on .the Screen. Thurs., Fri, Sat. Sylvia- Sidney, .Fred Macbe'ray, Henry Fonda head a brilliant cast in the great- est. Tecl nicolos production of the year "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" Matinees tired. and Sat. at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE seafcrtit Now: "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine." Mon.,Ines., Weil. Kay (Francis and Paul Lukas Splendid entertainment for one and all in this tale of sophistication "i Foi111d Stella Parrish" Thurs., Fri.,' Sat. GEORGE ARLISS assisted by Gene Gerrard, portrays a new and refreshing role as lovable MR. HOBO" Coming: '"IN PERSON" starring Ginger Rogers. Mat.: Sat, and Holidays at 3 pan. SATURDAY PECIAL' FRUIT BREAD BUNS TEA BISCUITS } �. WALNUT ROLLS MUFFINS HEALTH CAKE JELLY ROLL ORANGE CAKE FRUIT LOAF APPLE, CHERRY, RAISIN AND LEMON PIES IN 5c and 25c SIZES. Made By— Bartliff I Crich Phone 1. Clinton. eed' Cor Our Seed'Corn 'is:,"' ",1i Govern- hent Stan_ dard MTh Dried high ger- minating,- er- m ] i n 'act •sit• " iialit we can rnatti g, u £ be q y buy, priced reasonable. Conte and see us before buying. MANGELS & TURNIPS Carry a complete stock of these at all prices, Give me a chance to fill your requirements. Chick Feed Specialize on cafeteria mashes. These' are the mashes recommended by Prof. Graham of Guelph. Quan- tities of all ingredients marked on bag so that you know' exactly what you are buying. Fred Ford Phone 123w; Residence 123j. Phone 123w.' G. J. 1 `'riVV is holding his Weekly Auction Sale of Horses, Cattle and Uogs at his Sale Barns, EXETER Wednesday, June 10th G. J. Doty, W. E. Nairn, Proprietor. Auctioneer. 95-tf, LANDS FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders are invited by the Canada Company for the purchase -of the re- maining land of this old colonization Company in order to clear up Rs scattered holdings in each district. These lands in many cases have vary- ing amounts of timber suitable for fuel and other purposes, and many are good pasture lots. These Iands are being offered at reduced prices, and when sold; this opportunity will not occur again; soif you are inter- ested, look them over. Sealed Tenders plainly marked "Tender to purchase" may be addres- sed - Canada Company, 371 Bay Street, Toronto, and will be received up until five 'o'clock p.m. June 20, 1936. Conditions — Tenders must specify the lands sought; and the sum offer- ed must be specified for eatin lot, the same to be in cash, that is to say, 10% upon acceptance of. the Tender, and the balance within tea clays; failure to pay the balance within the speci- fied time shall forfeit the said depos- it of 10%. Upon payment of the fin- al payment a Quit Claim Deed will be furnished without charges, but the purchaser shall pay the cost of regis- tration. and any transfer tax inciden- tal, and shall' take possession of the land specified at his own cost and charge. • Purchasers must assume the taxes of 1936, and the Canada Company re- serve the right to withdraw any of- fered lot from the list; and to accept or reject any tender. Purchasers of unoccupied lands may have possession 'upon receiving their deed; while occupied, lands will be sold subject to any contract thereon. Lots are being offered in the Town- ships of Ellice, North Easthope and Logan in Perth County; In Townships of McKillop, Colborne, Godericir, Hay and Stephen in Huron County; and ' In Townships of McGillvray, Nis- souri and East and West Williams in Middlesex Comity. Enquiries from any interested par- ty in respect of any lands which the Canada Company may own will be cheerfully answered in reply to an en- quiry addressed "The Canada Com- pany, 371 May`Street, Toronto, Can- ada." • • • - CLINTON'S HEAT FOLKS FRFSH CARLOAD OF JUST ARRIVED The Kind that Insures Success INSIST ON CANADA CEMENT for all good Concrete: Work. JOHN B, MUSTAi1O IUMBEH & COAI. CO, LUMBER, SHINGLES, COAL, CEMENT, ETC. J. T.• McKNIGIIT, Local Manager Phones: Brucefielcl Office & Residence: 618r11. Clinton: Office, 74w; Residence 74j. WEND0RF'S 66 Specials" CA ES Balled Daily in Single and Double Layers, or in Dainty Cups. THE ICING IS DELICIOUS HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW CHOCOLATE ROLL AT ONLY 15e EACH. ICE CREAM BRICKS A11 Flavors—At 20c. W EN D ORF`' S Phone 68. • FO or FOR RENT A11 property belonging to the Late Samuel S. Cooper is offered for sale. Various vacant houses and Apts. are available for rent. For particulars consult A. J. Cooper of Goderich, Ont., who will be registered at the Rattenbury House, Tuesday and Thursdays for next 3 months. 79-13. NOTICE The purebred Clydesdale stallion, Carbrook Flashlight, No. 24641, Forma 3, will stand at Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett Twp. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and at Lot 30, Con. 6th, Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, during the season. Tennis, $10.00. Robert Mc- Michael, Proprietor. 79-7-p. • Pasture Accommodation For from 6 to 10 head, from 6 months to a year old. Good grass, running water and shade. Mrs. Alice Ferguson, 81-2. For Sale • Comfortable house, • Maple street, including bath, new furnace, good garden, garage. Terms reasonable. Apply to. Ida Walkinshaw, Clinton.. Phone 211. 69-tf. For Sale First class house, modern conven- iences, centrally located. Apply to F. Fingland, Clinton. 70-tF NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Jane Cochrane Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims .against the Estate of Mary Jane Cochrane, late BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographsf istincti n o Distinction by IRE BURGESS Picone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) DEBTS - - - DEBTS If yon haven't already sent your list of accounts or notes to KELLY & AIKEN THE COLLECTION SPECIALISTS, at OItAN''GEVILLE, ONTARIO, it would be wise to do so now. Remember—No Collection, No Charge Established 1890. House For Sale Desirable house, in good locality, freshly re -decorated. Inquire in this office. 70-6-p. . House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit' trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply to Miss E. Alcan, Box 336, Clinton. 73-c. For Sale A frame house, on Albert street, five rooms, 1-4 acre lot, town water, in fair condition. For further parti- culars apply to Frank Fingland, Clinton, or executors, Harry McCool, Blyth, Ont., or J. W. McCool, Lon- desboro, 80-tf. House To Rent Comfortable brick house, Albert street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all modern convenrienclea. Immed•{ate possession. For particulars apply to Re`s. G. W. Sherman or Mrs. W. C. Brown. 52-tf-2p. PUREBRED CLYDESDALE STALLION 2618.1—FOOTMAN will stand for the season at his own: stable, lot 14, Con. 3, Hullett town- ship. • Fee, 310.00. GEORGE MANN, JR. Phone Clinton Central, 636x24.' 80-1f. THE CLYDESDALE STALLION MARPLOT (26441) Enrolment No. 639„ ' Form 1' Preniunl A Will stand for the improvement of stock for the reason 1936 as follows: Monday morning —Will leave his stable at the Rattenbury barn and proceed west on the Enron Road to Bert Trevartha's for noon; then to 7111 Con. Goclerich township to Tho- mas Ruche's for night. Tuesday To Will McGuire's for noon; then'hy way of Bayfield to Murray Grain. - ger s rain:.-ger's for night: Wednesday—Along Bayfield Road to Elmer Webster's Varna, for noon then by way of 4th. Con., Stanley, to John Glen's; 2nd of the Township of Stanley, in the Con., Stanley, for night, Thtu'sdav County of Huron, widow, deceased, To Howard Cricn's, 2nd Con. who cried on or about the 22nc1 day tel ersmith, for noon; the 1' o An of November, A.D., 1935, are requir. drew Flyer's for night. i' u y — 1ne Hen- By way of highway to Clinton to his ed to deliver to Allan Cochrane own stable for noon and night. sail, Ont., or John C. Cochrane, Kip- Saturday—West to 16th Con. Code - pen, Ont.; the Executors of the said rich Township, to Frank Jones' for estate, or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or noon; then by way of Summerhill to before the 6th day of June A:D., .1936, the Baseline and home to his own stable fon night. a statement of their claims together TERMS: $15.04 payable February with particniars thereof,; and the na- 1st, 1937. All accidents to "mares' at ttrre of the securities, if any, held by owner's risk. Mares must be return- therm all duly verified by affidavit. ed regularly or will be charged NOTICE that after the whether in foal 'or not. Panties dis AND TAKE posing of their Mares before foaling said last mentioned date, the said time will be charg'eci whether in foal Executors will proceed to dsitribute or not, the estate of the said deceased' a- Chas. Lindsay, Chas. Manning, mongst the persons etnitled thereto Proprietor. Manager. having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 15th day of May, A.D., 1936. W..' J. JAGO, TAILOR F. FINGLAND, Clinton,'., Ontario, If not open work may be left ah 82-2, Solicitor for the asid Estate. 80-3. Eleardls Barber Shops ..1 Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP 4IRINg