HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-05-28, Page 5THURS., MAY 28, 1936 THE ' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD; PAGE 5 OF INTEREST TO YOU le'nf ord, all of which was enjoyed. AND ME Several new resolutions were sent m. The L'ondosbore Branch served ahot, • fi, "e had Royal weather for the I tasty dinner at noon. celebration of "The Queen's Birth- . Kine Edward,•VIII will unveil Cau- ada'e National memorial at Vhny','pts' July 26th. Their Excellencies, Lord ,and Lady Tweedsmuir, are visiting Stratford today What we cannot understand is how they can; withstand the temp= ration to visit Clinton when they are so near. How did you spend the holiday? Dict you go to the races? Did you assist ,in the, favorite sport of limn- ing uing up gasoline by whizzing along the highways, or' dielyou. spend the day quietly at home making garden? The Ontario Conservatives are Meeting in Toronto this week and •'a new leader for the Provincial party will be chosen today. Mr. Ferguson !ilia ;definitely declared .that' 'he `'is • not a, candidate, that he is not even a delegate at the l convention. To night will tell'.the story. ` ' The sad end' of the notorious "Red" Ryan, who killed- a, roan in cold blood, before he' was himself killed by. police bullets;, emphasizes very strongly.,whet,the 'unfortunate man has been saying with his lips for years, in the prison before his pa- -role, and since, "It pays to, go • straight." Ent Ryan,' he •was either • a consummate hypocrite or he yield- • ed to an irristible urge as' a crinminaI, i 'anti fell. It iedewsaid that he may have been following hie criminal • stints ahriost ever since his release and that other crimes which the po- lice have riot been 'able to clear •up may ;lie 'traced to him. If so it looks as if he merely posed as a reformed case in order to; hoodwink the public. In either case he was a.' man to keep confined, in a prison! or in an insti- tution where ere . he could not be a men- t nee to others. It would. appear that there is yet a wide scope for study • and research -1s the handling of inn. • criminally -minded, and this is espec- ially true of the younger ones. It may be that in 0 great,many cases it is medical attention rather than punishment they need. A large display of fancy. work, quilts,' rugs, etc., Were_ on exhibition, which it was a• pleasitte to behold. Meeting closed by singing the Nation- al Anthem. •:Place of meeting for' next year will be Auburn.,. Londesboro had several visitors oven the' holiday, as usual.' ,'Miss Es- ther Jamieson of leronto with her parents, Mi. Junes',Pipe Hed London with Mme.' D.• Mountain.;. Miss Biney Kirk of Toronto with Mrs: E. Lyon;. Mise -Helen Youngblutt with'her par- ents; Mrs. E. Gaunt of Lucanow with" her mother, Mrs.. H. Lyon; i'Zr. and Mrs. Harcve Morris of 'Torentq with` their cbrisins, M,r. and Mrs. 'J. P. •Manning;,• Mr. Arthur Lyon with his Parents; Mr. Epi . ,Gray: of Palmer- ston with his mother: • One o£ the most esteemed residents of Auburn, amid father of Mrs., .J, P. Hamming of Londesboro,`passeci away at Clinton Hospital` at 3.30 a.m. Mon- day,' May lOth, in the, person of Janes Howatt Mr. Howatt .took 'acutely ill the day before, Anopera- tion to relieve his condition was per- formed but ;without, -avail. 'Mie vas born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Jan- uary 19th, 1863 He was •eduoatecl'and Spent the 'early pact' of his life there. At the age of '24 he and his three brothers; John, George.' and David, came. to Canada together.David pas- sed away:wheu he -had been here just thye*.ee ye. Almost 43 years. ago he was married to Margaret Elphin- stone, also- of Aberdeenshire, Scot- land. He had farmed- all his life, making a great success of that line. of work, at Auburn and for. nine' years at Seaforth. Horticulture has been 'a sp6oial • hobby and in the summer the beauty, of his home. m Auburn has been the subject of come mendation by all passers-by. He was 'a member' of the Presbyterian Church aucl gave very freely of his time and energy to .that cause. The work tchd rbefo re his 1o � last piece of sudden illness was around the church. Ile, was also a,Forester, a village trustee. and a nmeMber of the church board. When help was needed he was there. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. J. P. Manning, Londesboro, and Mrs. Hugh Chesney, "Roscoe Farm," Seaforth; four grand- children,' Phyllis Manning and Mar- ilyn, Grant and .Carl Chesney. The funeral was held Tuesday, May 12th from his late residence,' Rev. W. T. Mills and Rev. Wardlaw 'Taylor, D.D., Goderieh, officiated, Miss Josephine Weir sang very feelingly "The Old Rugged Cross," the favorite hymn of deceased. The pallbearers 'were Messrs. W. T. Riddell, J. Wilson, J. C. Stoltz, James Medd, •George Youngblutt and John Houston. The fioverbearers were: Messrs. E. Bali, H. McGee, 'W. Dobie and .R. J.. Phillips. Interment was in Ball's cemetery. Friends from Toronto, Seaforth, Lon- desboro, Blyth ands Goderich were present. • Mrs. (Dr.) Medd and Miss dosre Medd of London are visiting this week with Mrs. J. Tamblyre and Mrs. 'J. Elsley. • Miss Mamie Moore,-R:N, is'visit- ing with 'Miss H. Mains. The regular weekly meeting of the. Y. P. U. was held Sunday evening, with Clifford Ball presiding: The Tines have certainly changed. The. . "Twenty-fourth" is .not the. day it used to be. .Why, we didn't even hear a firecracker ' ail the. live -long • day. We got up in fairly goodtime on the holiday, but not nearly as early as we used to get up on that • day. In the old days in time writers •childhood,.we rased. to 1?e awakened at dawn by the' tremendous blast bi' cannon right at out 'door. Well, it • sounded like a cannon, anyway, the noise was enough to wake the dead, and • it effectually wakened every • sleeping child, as well as groises-up,, in the village. • It was caused by one anvil being blown from • .the -top of another at a blacksmith shop up the • street a little way, and it was; the signal that ' the • day's program or sports had begun. • After that the day was full. One had some firecrackers, some of those little five ceentrs in bunches mostly, but even. they made quite a noise, when they went off` all at once, and. if they cliclti't well, one had the fun • of Watching until all had been ex ploded. They did very'nicely for we had never seem better ones and didn't know they existed, (if they did.exist • 'at that time). Then we usually went fishing or to a picnic, or something. The .boys were allowed to take off , ' their shoes and stockings, _ if the day wore fine, and the girls to doss a 'new print or' nmusjini dress, made for the occasion, and perhaps a new hat "with blue or pink ribbons on it. Oh, it vasa great day, `-and glow we 'adored the good Queen, who was re- 'sponsible for all this excitement -and ° happiness. Times have changed, as we said. .Monday was a,delightful' day but did :anyone really enjoy the twenty-fourth as the Children of a by -gone day used to enjoy the first =timer holiday? Oh, perhaps! One thing we'll say, ' they didn't ananag,e to have as' good a time with 'emit simple means- as ' the children we have in mind who set out to celebrate the "Queen's Birth- day" in a little village ,away up north In the eighties and ninties, LONDESBORO The district annual 'meeting of West Huron. Women's Institute was `held in the community hall here -en :Friday, May 22nd, when about 130 'delegates and friends assembled for •a very. interesting and ` .instructive The morning ses;iot opened at 1.0 • a.m. Institute Ode was sung. The Sexi.pture reading was given by Mrs. Tnewartha, Clinton; prayer, Mrs. Thompson, St. Augustine. Minutes , • of the Iast•,district meeting were read • by tate Secretary, Mrs. Elliott, Wing- -ham. Rev: A. W. Gardiner gave an address of welcome. Reports, of the different branches were given,, which showed good work had :been done by • each.: Mrs. Gordon. Bissett of Goderich ,gaVe the Federation Report. The afternoon sesi;ion commenced with community singing, led' by the Lon- desboro Branch. Mrs. Oster, District President, of Blyth gave a short ad- dress., 'Instrumental selection,- Iviiss Redmond, St *Augustine; Mrs. Durnin :.gave a talk on 'Junior Project, A splendid address was given by Miss ,Sutter of Toronto, and a• most in- steresting.address by Mrs. Samells, Al- i 13IRTIIS- •FOSS--In • tlid Clinton Community • Hospital,' on May 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ross, (formerly, Peart Crittenden), a sat!: • DEATHS. WILLIAIVIS'ON—In the Hospital for •'Sick Children, London, on May 2rd, • Robert Bruce, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Williaimisov, Russeidaie, ag- ed' 3 .years ad 8 months, BIRCH—In,S t, Y • M M , ars h, 1 os coital De- troit, on May 13th, Donna Marion, daughter' of Mr: and Mrs. • John `Mulholland,; Ilolmesville, and' b6. loved wife of Leonard Birch, in her 32nd .year. LANDS FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders are • invited by the 'Canada Company -.for the purchase of the re- maining land of, this old colonization Company in order to clear up its scattered holdings in, each district. These lands in many cases have'vary- ing aiiiotmts of timber suitable for fuel and other purposes, and many are good pasture lots. These Lands are being offered at _reduced prices, and when sold, this opportunity will 'not occur again; so if you are inter- ested, look them over, Sealed . Tenders plainly marked- "Tender to purchase" may be addr•es- sed—Canada' Company, . 371 Bay Street, Toronto, and will be received up until', five o'clock pan. June 20,• 1936: • Coniditions — Tenidersmust specify the lands sought; •and the sun offer- ed must be specified for each lot, the same to'be in cash, that is to say, 10% upon acceptance of the Tender, and the balance within ten days; failure to pay the balance within the spec!: fled time shall forfeit the said depos- it .of 10`4 - Upon payment of the fin- al paymeht a Quit Claim Deed will be furnished without charges, but the purchaser shall pay the cost of regis- tration and any 'transfer `tax inciden- tal, and shall take, 'possession of. the land specified at.hisown' cost and Charge. • , ' Purchasers must'asstune, the taxes of 1936, and the Canada Company re- serve, the right to withdraw any of fered• lot from the list; and to' accept or reject any tender.' Purchasers of unoccupied lands may have- possession upon receiving their deed; while occupied ]ands will be sold subject to ,any,coltraet>thereon, Lots'are'being offered in the Town• ships of ;Ellice, North Easthope an: Logan in' Perth CountW; Imu Townships of McKillop, Colborne, Goderich, Hay andr.Stephen.in Huron County; and • • In Townships of McGillvray,, Nis- souri and last and West ;Williams tat Middlesex County,. • • ' ' Enquiries from any interestesl par- typar- ty in respect.of• any lands which the Canada Company may, own -will be cheerfully answered in reply to an en- quiry addressed "The Canada Corn- puny, 371 May Street," Toronto, Can= ada'! 82-2. meeting opened with a hymn after which Clifford Ball led 'the meeting with prayer. The .minutes of the previous meeting were read -and ad- opted. •Tlie business .was then 'trans-. acted Another hymn, was•• song and the offering was taken up. A set of questions and answers on 'the wort: of Rev.. iPamglai8 Were read A Y Clifford Ball and Edwin Fothergill. Rev.. Mr. Gardiner, then gave a talk and the meeting• closed with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction.: Mr., anti' Mrs..Earl Hamilton ,and little Miss Delores . of Bluevale and Miss J. Meivor of ,Wing'hamn spent S inlay with Mr. and. Mrs. T. E. Ade limns. Miss- E. R. Stewart, Clinton, spent, the. weekend ;and holiday with: her sister, Mrs. T. E. Aciants. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Dintmenling' of Fordwich visited at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. T. E, Adams on the 24th. . Mn and Mrs, F. W.' Toll and fam- ily of Auburn and Mr. and Mrs A. D. McCartney of Clinton, were visit- ors at the hone of 11i'. and Mrs. T. E, Adams on the holiday. CUT FLOWERS . FLOWERING ` PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS •, Chas. V.' Cos k FLORIT s Phones: 66w and 66j • AUBURN Mrs. Fred Ross, Mrs. C. A. 'How- son,• Mrs. John Mrs. J. Phillips, R Wilson ,Mrs. G. Sturdy; Mrs. E. Law- son, Mrs.. James Woods, Mrs. W. C. Robison, Mrs, M. Allen, Mss. 3. C. Stoltz, Mrs. E. Phillips and Margaret' King were the Institute ,Members front here to attend the district con- vention in Londesboro on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Roberts, Long Beach, Calif., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McBrien. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scott, Toron- to, visited with Mrs, C. A. Howson and Mr. anti Mrs, R. J. Phillips. Word has been received by Mrs: William Riuldy of the death of her sister-in-law, who was 'well and •fav- orably known in this district. Death came after some months illnest. Mrs. Stewart was formerly, Margaret Jane Rudely and was born in Hamilton, ,Tune 26, 1855. She spent her early life at Wingham and in 1886 was married to Alexander Stewart, a re- sident of Wingham, but who had gone to Galesburg to farms three years before his marriage. Mr. and Mrs: Stewart resided at Galesburg until 1910, then moved to Fargo and here Mr. Ste -Wart 'passed away 1921. Two sons surpive, H. D. Stew- art, Sutherland,'Sask., and Harry A., Fargo, also two daughters, Mrs. Thomas E. Whelan, St. Thomas, N. D., and Gladys, at home. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Rory MacKenzie wishes to thank the neighbors and friends of Brumfield and 'surrounding vicinity for their assistance in saving her property from thefire last Saturday morning: . CARD OF THANhS' Mr. Dawson, Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Hohner• .wish to thank the neighbors of Brucefielcl and surrounding vicine ity in assisting in saving their pro- perty' on •the occasion of last Satur- day morning's fire.—C. D. Simpson. Wanted A young woman wishes .a job, ex- perienced in hair -.dressing or house- keepng. Inquire in this office. 81-2-p. LIVE' POULTRY�ry ARKS 1 ALWAYS IN 333E MARKET FOR Poultry & Fresh .Eggs Pasture Accommodation ' ' For from 6 to 10 head, from 6 months to a year old. Good grass, running water and shade. Mrs. Alice Fergdson. 81-2 For Sale or Runt' Cottage' on Orange street, Clinton. For particulars apply to Ernest Bo- zell, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. 81-tf. For Sale' A, frame house, en Albert street, five rooms, 1-4 acre lot, town water, in' fair condition. For further parti- culars apply . to Frank Finglancl, Clinton, or executors; Barry. McCool, Blyth,Ont., 'on J. • W. McCool, Lon- desboro. 804f..• TENDERS WANTED TOWiNSHIP OP 'HULLETT Tenders willbe received `tip to noon. of June 1st', for Operating Millets' Township Crusher.. All the gravel end steno to' be put through an, Inch Screen, and to. be clone tothe satis- faction of the Council`and Road Sup-- erintendent. The Contractor must supply. Sufi!. tient power and run crusher at 280 rev. per minute and put .the 'crushed material into the bin and comply with. the. Regulations of the Wore: - man's Compensation Act. 'Tlfe Contractor mast ineltide with his • Tender, a Marked . check for $1.00.00, or Signatures of, two reliable Bondsmen for $100.00. The lowest or any tender not neces- sexily accepted. • -JAS. W. McCOOL, Clerk. 81-1. AT TOP CASH PRICES. Poultry flocksculled free of charge by experienced poultryman. N.: W. 'TREWARTHA Phones—Office,'. 219j Resid'ence,,:'214w. KEEPING WELL DRESSED i Being well dtess d e is more than m a matter of buying good clothes — it means keeping your clothes good-loolnng. If you entrust you suits to us when' they need dry cleaning, we'll turn them back spotless! Dyeing Repairing Cleaning CLARKS Pressing UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION Regarding Your INVESTIVIENTS We will be pleased to send you' a statistical report on the following securities: ' CAN. RAIL & HARBOR TERMIN- ALS. WESTERN ' CANADA FLOUR • MILLS. tMAPLE"LEAF MILLING CO. EMPIRE NATURAL GAS Limited. Kindly send me your report on• se- curity marked X without any obli- gation on my part. Enquiries Invited Name.. Address:.....,. . . ......... COUPLAND- JARVIS LIMITED • Investment Securities 34 Bing Street, E., Toronto LADIEStA ILEALrt2 rt BARBottlGAINe •Sma VELVET PARFUM 25c Iligh grade perfume at a popular price. Choice of 5 alluring odors.. Sweet Pea, Gardenia, Bouquet, Chypre, Orchid, At druggists, or send 25c for bottle postpaid, and state odor desired. Address VELVET PARFUM, Suite 414, 32 Front St. W. 'Toronto. Wanted A .sewed carpet, about 14 yds: by the running yard. Inquire at. The News -Record office. 81-1-p. THP CLYDESDALE STALLION MARPLOT (26441) • Eurolamient No. 639.. 'Form 1 Premium A Will stand for the improvement of stogie for the reason 1936 as •follows: Monday morning— Will ';leave- his stable at the Rattenbury barn and •proceed west on the Huron Road to, Bert Trewartha's for noon; then to 7th Con. Goderich township to Tho- mas Hudie's for night. Tuesday To Will McGttire's for noon; then by way of Bayfield to Murray Grain- ger's for night: ' Wednesday—Along Bayfield Road to Elmer Webster. s Varma, for noon; then by way'of 4th Con., Stanley,. . to John Glen's," 2nd Cot., Stanley, for night.. Thursday To Howard Crich's, 2nd Corm.: Tuckersmith, for noon; then. to An- drew Flynn's' for night. 'Friday By way of Highway to Clinton to his own. stable for noon and night. Saturday—West to 16th; Con. Gode- rich Township, • to Frank Jones' for noon; then by way of Sunmterhill 'to the. Baseline and home to ]tis own stable for night. ' , payable TERMS:. $15.00 February 1st, 4937. All, accidents to mares at owner's risk. All, must be return- ed regularly or will be charged whether in foal'or not. Parties dis- posing of their mares before foaling. time will be charged whether'in'foal or 'not. 'Chas. Lindsay,. Chas. Manning, Proprietor: Manager.. R'OXY 9 THEATRE CLINTON New Playing: "CAPPY 1RICKS RETURNS" Peter B. ((nes great Sea Story Mon., Tues.,' Wed. TOM BROWN in " LOAIt,NA DOOM " a pictin•e that will suit both young• and old COMEDY CARTOON Thurs., Fri„ Sat. " FRED STONE, JEAN PARKER in "The Fanner in the Dell" a real homespun comedy that will please everybody. COMEDY NEWSREEL Coming Soon: "Country Doctor'',' "Old Kentucky" Mat.: Sat. & Holidays, at t3 p.m. CANT CAL THEATRE NOW:.. Charles. Ruggles, :Bing Crosby and Ethel " Merman in: ANYTHING GOES" Mon., Tues., Wed. -A SPECIAL! Ann Harding & Herbert Marshall head an all-star cast in a sophis- ticated romance problem TIIE LADY CONSENTS — Thurs., Fri., Sat. T11E MARX BROTHERS hroucho—Chico—Harpo carry their buffoonery into the dignified temple of mnusio "A -Night at the Opera" Coming: "ROSE MARIE" . with Jeanette MacDonald, Nelson Eddy ' Mat.: Wed; and Sat. at 3 p,nt• k'E(ENT Ard1lEAlI(E Seaforth Now: "FARMER in the DELL" Mon., Tues., Wed.. "A Night at the Opera" Laughs -laughs and more laughs! with The Marx Brothers, at their funniest! Thurs., Fri., Sat. SILVIA SYDNEY' in "The Trail of the LOlIe50itrie. Pine" A grand old favorite, dressed up in- glorious technicolor.. Coming: "I Found Stella Parrish" Mat,: Sat, acid Holidays at 3 p.m., SATURDAY pEptAIS FRUIT BREAD BUNS , • TEA BISCUITS WALNUT ROLLS MUFFINS HEALTH. CAKE JELLY ROLL ORANGE CAKE FRUIT LOAF APPLE, CHERRY RAISIN AND LEMON PIES IN 5e and 25c SIZES. Made By— Bartlnff & Crich Phone 1. Clinton. Om Seed. Corn, is No. _1-Govet•n- ment Standard Kiln.Dried high ger urinating, in fact best quality inc.0 u :buy, priced reasonable. Come 'and see us before buying. MANGELS & TURNIPS Carry a complete stock of these at all prices. Give me a chance to fill your requirements. Chick Feed Specialize on cafeteria mashes. These are the mashes recommended by Prof. Graham of Guelph. Quan- tities of all ingredients marked on bag so that you know exactly what you are buying. Fred Ford Phone 123w; Residence 123j. Phone 123w. G. J. DOW is holding his Weekly Auction Sale of Horses, Cattle and !Hogs at his Sale Barns, EXETER Wednesday, June 3rd G. J. Dow, W. E. Nairn, Proprietor. Auctioneer. 76-tf. PUREBRED CLYDESDALE STALLION 26181—FOOTMAN will stand for the season at his own stable, lot 14, Con. 3; Hullett town- ship. Fee, $10.00. GEORGE MANN, .TR. • Phone Clinton Central, 636r24. 80-tf. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up till 6 p.m., Tuesday, June 2nd, 1936, for the painting and re -decorating of the basement of 'the Londesboro United Church, work to be done to the satis- faction of the committee. Lowest, or. any tender not necessarily accepted. —Mrs. R. Townsend, Scet'y of W. A. Londesboro. •81-1. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT NOTICE is hereby given that it Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll .will be•.held in the Community flail, Londesboro, on Monday, June 1st, at,2 p.m. in the afternoon. All appeals must be in writing and delivered to the Clerk. —JAS, W. McCOOL, Clerk. 80-2. NOTICE •The purebred Clydesdale stallion, Colebrook Flashlight, No. 24641, Form 3, will stand at Lot 3, Con. 3, Hallett Twp. Monday,' Tuesday, Wednesday, and at Lot 80, Con. Gth, Thunt- day, Friday and Satuircla.y, during the Season. Terms, $10.00. Robert Mc- Michael, Proprietor. 79-7-p. Man Wanted "For Rayleigh Route of 800 famil- ies. Write today. Rayleigh, Dept. ML -169 -SA -E, Montreal, ;Canada. 78-4. ' THE' COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING The next meeting of Huron County Council will be ,held in the Council Chambers, . Court House, Goderich, commencing „Tuesday, June 2nd, at 2 p.m. All Accounts, Notices of Deputa- tions, Applications and other business requiring attention of, council should be in the hands of the clerk by June 1st. ' J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk. Court House, 'Goderich, Ont: 80-2.1 CLINTON'S HEAT FOLKS FRESH CARLOAD OF JUST ARRIVED The 'Kind that Insures Success INSIST ON CANADA CEMENT 'for all good Concrete Work. JOHN B. WUJSTND LllfBER & COAL CO, LUMBER, SHINGLES, COAL, CEMENT, ETC. J. T. McKNIGHTT, Local Manager Phones: Brumfield Office & Residence: 618x11. Clinton; Office, 74w; Residence ,74j. WENDORF'S "May Specials" NEW& ETT C KE Baked Daily in Single and Double Layers, or in Dainty Cups. THE ICING IS DELICIOUS HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW CHOCOLATE ROLL AT ONLY 15c EACH. ICE CREAM BRICKS Ail Flavors—At 20c, WENDOR +'S Phone 68. PETUNIAS Make a gorgeous display. They are so adaptable for Beds, Hanging Bas- kets, Boxes or Bouquets. Our Giant Snapdragons, Fluffy Asters (Wilt -resistant) and Verbenas are unsurpassed. ' Our New Annuals, Rudbeckia, Clarkias and Zinnias are beautiful and Highly' Decorative. STEWART BROS. BENMILLER NURSERIES Phone, Carlow 235. FOR SALE RENT RENT All property belonging to the Late Samuel S. Cooper is offered for sale. Various vacant houses and Apts. are available for rent. For particulars consult A. J. Cooper of Goderich, Ont., who will be registered at the Rattenbury' House, Tuesday and Thursdays for next 3 uionths. 79-13. 'FENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received until June 15, 1936, for the purchase or the buildings known as ICnox Church in the Village of Londesobro. Ten- ders may be made for the church separately; for the annex at the north end of the church, for all or portion of the church sheds. No tender necessarily accepted. —John Vinglancl. 80-2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Jane Cochrane Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Jane Cochrane, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of I•Iuron, widow, deceased, who died on.. or about the 22nd day et November, A.D., 1935, are requir- ed ,to deliver to Allan Cochrane, Hen- sall,,'Ont., or John C. Cochrane, Kip- pers Ont., the Executors: of the said estate, or F. Fingland,' Solicitor, on or before the 6th day of: Jtuie A.D., 1936, a statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the 'na- ture of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date, the said Executors will proceed to dsitribute the estate of the said' deceased a- mongst the persons etnitled: thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance. therewith. - DATED at Clinton, Ont., this 15th day of May, A.D., 1936. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor 'for the asid Estate. 80-3. BURGESS' STUDIO 'CLINTON ' 1 Photographs o f Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) , DEBTS - - DEBTS If you haven't already sent your list of accounts or notes to KELLY & AIKEN THE COLLECTION SPECIALISTS, at ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO, it would be wise to do so now, Remember—No Collection, No Charge Established 1890, For Sale Comfortable house, Maple street, including bath, new furnace, good gulden, garage. Tennis reasonable. Apply to Ida Walkinshaw, Clinton, Phone 211. 69-tr. Furnished Rooms to Rent Or room and board in private fam- ily. I-Iome privileges, reasonable rates. Mrs. J. E. Jones, 93 Ontario St., 2nd house east of Dinsley St.; Clinton. '74-tf-5p. House For Sale Desirable house, in good locality, freshly re -decorated. Inquire in this office. 79-3-p. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit, trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply to Miss E. Akan, Box 336, Clinton. '73-c. For Sale First class house, modern conven iences, centrally located. Apply to P. Finglancl, Clinton. 70-tf. House To Rent Comfortable brick house, Albert street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all modern convenlienees. Immediate possession. For particulars apply to Rev. G. W. Sherman or .Mrs. W. C. Brown. 52-tf-2p. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, belonging to the Estate of the late Janet Cantelon, Joseph street, Clinton, on Saturday, May 30th, at 1 o'clock, sharp as fol- lows: 3 -piece Chesterfield suite; oak dining root: suite, (table and 6 chairs and buffet); Philo radio, electric; electric radio lamp; Westminster chime clock; hall rack; corner cup- board; kitchen table and 6 chairs; refrigerator; 2 small parlor tables; 3 small pantry tables; Axminster rug; Congoletnn rug, 9x12; 2 Congol- etuzi rugs, 6x8; Linoleum rug; 2 dres- sers; 2 washstands; 3 'iron beds and springs; 4 mattresses; 3 toilet ,sets; j Ipiano stool; electric floor lamp; 2 rocking chairs; 2 leather arm' chairs; fernery; ironing board; clothes horse; trunk; writing desk; baby's .high chair; flower stand; step ladder; 4 table lamps, electric; 2 pedestals; 2 mirrors; electric iron; lawn mower; set pruning snips; copper boiler; 3 zinc tubs; dishes, pots, pans and other articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS: CASH. Mrs. Map. Ferris Toronto;' Geo, A. Riehl, Blyth, Administrators. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 80-2. Cleaning and Pressing Suits . Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REP 4IRINfj W. J. JAGO, TAILOR If not open work maybe left at 1 Heardts Barber Shop, j