HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-05-28, Page 1eNews-Record Est. 1878 With Which is Incorporated NO, 5481 -57TH YEAR The Clinton ;New Era The New Era Est. 1863 CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 28TH, 19% to esticnd for ."Coude i�Gteanin Dime' 99 9 YOU WILL NEED NEW AND UP-TO-DATE SILVERWARE. WE HAVE IT. YOUR OLD DINNER SET" has many liroken'pieces.'. We have a large assortment of New Designs, m Dinnerware, open .stock. You buy just the pieces you need now, then add more, as time passes. CLOCKS• --to add to your comfort, and to keep your appeintments, New Designs, and Priced to Suit Your Purse; SILVER POLISH, and SILVERWARE CLEANING BRUSHES- h d appearance it once had. silver that clean to give your sr ez,ohs e p , PP HIGHEST PRICE PAID IN CASH• FOB OLD GOLD -Change those gold articles stored away, into goodcash. -• i0YEe!lyar Jeweler and Optomiterist. SALE Continues fore Friday& Saturday of the This Week, with Added Attractions. LACE BLOUSES, shades Maise, Flesh, Sky and White. Sizes Small, Medium and Large SPECIAL $1.00 _WHITE GIRDLES in 12" length for Summer Wear -Made of White Satin or Heavy Cotton Net, Sizes up to 29 Regular Price $1.95 A Limited Quantity only Clearing at 89c s IRWIN'B " CLINTON'S FADING STYLE SHOPPE " +=''1 4 f;'f ::M_t+`:+OM_X!.:,WMto-4p :+.f'+1. 4+1'+, f 4.44 :+,M ,'A44+ f 1+'1 :4 4 t.,4 +,kttk -1,0i=. CLINTON LIONS CLUB z FIRST ANNUAL 4- s, i FROLIC of - • ,:. FOR CHILD'S WELFARE t= +4 41. s The Markets Wheat, 68c. Oats, 30c. Barley, 42e. Buekwheat, 40e. Eggs, 11c to 16c. Butter, 20e. ' Live Hogs,' $7.65. Member Of C. L Staff Resigns Miss Fiances Brydone of the Col- legiate staff has resigned and will teach in Toronto, where her home is, w next term.. Miss Brydone has been very popu- lar, not only tn s chool but in the town, during her stay here and many will regret her leaving,' even while they wish her the best of good for- tune in the future. A special meeting of the Colle- giate board will be held this evening, when a new, member of the staff may be chosen; as a couple of applications, it is understood, have already been received. But nothing of that kind may be done at all tonight. There is still plenty of time to arrange such matters. 4+ x Thursday,4� June 4th 2 In conjunction with first Band Concert COME ONE AND ALL { Thrills and Fun for Young and. Old. 4 4=4 ,4 X133' I STREET + OPEN AIR S itEE DANCE ,i TONY FARR'S.ORCHESTRA-With Added Attractions of ;. CLOWNS, BOOTHS, GAMES " 4F Grand Parade Commences- at 8 p.m. 'F THIS CAUSE IS WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT + In'case of Rain Frolic will be postponed for one week:' 4> + 4 + NNH4,4444HH+..++.Mi +H4,HHittet HN++++N .,�)+. + H -4 + +4� �N �,J+W4+H4+H N� �-tM+C+H 4 4 4+ 1+++ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444 4 4 44++4^4 f4A4+} f� f 4 1+�f �4�4M. Among The. Churches The twelfth annual convention of the Huron Presbytery Y. P. U. will be held in Northside United church, Seaforth, on Saturday, May :.30th, morning, afternoon and evening Ses- sions. the y,in"order The speakers of of their•, appearance are: Rev, C. W. D, Cosens, Clinton; Mayor ,Suther- land, Seaforth and Aubrey Oldham, who is the chief speaker. During the day commission groups will study the following subjects, with the doI lowing leaders:, "Peace and War," Rev: Geo. Wylie, Benmiller; "Youth and Marriage,"•:Rev. Mervyn Wright,.. St. Helens; "Personal Religious Liv- ing," Rev. Hugh Elliott, Leaming- ton; "Christianity or Communism, ReV. '11. N. Stewart, Centralia. Presbyterian Church Sermon subjeet Sunday morning: "The Man Whom Jesus Could Not Wake.,, , • Ontario Street United Church The W. A. will meet, in the Sunday school room on Wednesday afternoon, June 3rd, at three o'clock. Turner's Church Beginning June 7th the service in this church will commence at nine o'clock a.m., followed by. the Sunday school session.' •-Wesley-Willis United Church Clinton Puplic School Board Meeting The regular meeting of the Public School Board was held on Tuesday evening, May 26th. Members pres- ent: . Messrs. Hardy,‘ chairman; Kutch, Cndniore, Firth, . Draper, Cook, Plumsteei. The minutes of previous meeting were read. Firth-Cudmore: That the minutes be adopted, as read. 'Carried, Can -lore -Draper: That, .the Sec. - treasurer be bonded for $1000.00 anis that the bond be obtained through Mr. Frank Fingland. Carried. • The following accounts were then presented: W. D. Fair ....... , . . $1.13 P.U.C., lights . 3.74 Sutter and Perdue 4.49 W. H. Heliyar 4.25 News -Record • .50 D. Gestetner Ltd. 50.00 The minister, will .preach on the following subjects on. Sunday: ]noun- ing, "The Gift of the Holy. Spirit:" Evening: , "Why Did Jesus Come?" The regular meeting of the 'Wo- men's Association will .be heldin the church hall on Wednesday afternoon, June 3rd, at 4 o'clock.; _ This meeting will `take the form of a silver tea,'All , THE HOME PAPER Their Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Trick of Loh - don will he at home to their friends, ori the occasion. of their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary,' on Saturday, May, 30th, afternoon and eyening, at the home_'of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Town- send, Hillview Farm, Tuekersmith. ' Little Locals Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cooper, who recently moved • from Clarksburg; have taken the Becker cottage_ MarY street. • Mr. Stewart Cook bas taken over the Log Cabin restaurant at Hayfield for r aY the summer. Mr.Ferg. Carter, will assist him. And now -London is going !on Day light Saving, the council of that city having voted seven tb five for start- ing on June 15th. Mrs. Peck and family have moved into one of the new apartments 're- cently re-cently remodelled from the Arthur Cantelon house, Huron street • • The•monthlY meeting of thb hospi- tal i- tal board will be held in the board room of the town hall on Tuesday .ev- ening, June 2nd, at half past seven. Our local medical men and their wives were in London yesterday at- tending a social gathering in connec- tion with the convention of the On- tario Medical Association. • The News -Record understands that. the Clinton merchants will observe the Wednesday half holiday, com- mencing next week, but no official. announcement from the . merchants has as yet been received. • A Cabin In The Wilderness • $64.11 Cook ;=- Murch: That the above accounts be paid. Carried. The principal's report for the month of April was then read, also auditor's report from Jan 1st to Ap- ril 10, 1936. Firth-Plumsteel: That the prin- cipal's report be accepted and filed. Carried. Firth-Plumsteel; That the audi- tor's report be accepted and a vote of thanks extended to auditors for their work. Carried. The resignation of Miss D. Man-. •ning was then read. Firth -Cook: That Miss D. Man- ning's resignation be accepted. 'Car, tied. The Secretary thee read a number of applications for the position of teacher of staff. Cook Firth: That the application, of Miss E. Watkins be accepted at a salary of $750.00 for teaching term. Carried. Firth -Cook: That the principal be re-engaged at a salary of $1650.00 and assistant teachers at a salary of $850:00. ,Carried. Cook -Draper: That the matter of introducing manual training be laid over for another month. Carried. Cuchnore-Plutnsteel: That the Board spend up to $5.00 on flower beds, Carried. Firth --Draper: That the property committee have drum repaired. Car- tied. • Draper-Cudmore: That the See. - treasurer be authorized to pay sal- aries, hydro and water accounts, Carried. Cook-Plumsteei: That this meet- ing' adjourn, Carried, -H. C. Lawson, Sec. -Treasurer. ladies of the congregation are cor- dially invited : to attend. St. Paul's Church Dr, Fowler and Messrs. W. H. Cow- an, Howard Cowan, Gordon Cuning- hame, all of Clinton, Harold Turner of Goderich, Carl East of Toronto and Roy East of St. Catharines went up to Bale -de -dare, which is a charmi- ing little bay about fifty-five rnilee north. of Goderich; and spent the week -end and holiday. They stayed at a little hunt ing and fishing lodge belongong to Dr. Fowler and. Messrs. Cuninghame, Turner, Carl East and Geo. Van - Horne, who could not get away on this particular time, and they report a very fine holiday. This little bay, called Baie-de-done,, which is said to be Spanish for "Bay of Gold," having relation to the golden rays of the setting sun on the water, not to the presenceof any of the precious yellow metal; is said to be set in a seemingly out of the way section, although it is really not far from well -tilled and inhabited farm holdings. But it is more or , less: thickly wooded and supplies good cluck -hunting in the, marshes and pike and bass fishing in the little bay. One big lilke was caught there this spring measuring forty-three in- ches and weighing twenty-seven pounds, Once a thriving and busy village occupied a place near where; this hutting lodge now stands and the •remains of a wharf and a saw- mill still remain. It was the late Rev. A. A. Holmes, who dearly loved • to get away from the haunts of men for a few days in the wilds, who first recognized In it the possibilities of a pleasant holi- day site, and he. came home and in- terested some of his friends in it and they got the cabin erected. lie had spent several short holidays at the cabin before his sudden passing, and the friends who now enjoy it er- ten speak and think, of him when they go up fol a little outing: The log cabin is built. for comfort but only. necessary equipment is con- tained in it A screened -in porch has been added this year, however, which will be a great convenience, for, ,as is the case at most summer resorts, the mosquitoes are,sontetimes troublesome. But, now . the rnernbers of the little, company can sit in corn• `fort of an evening watching the moonlight on the bay of gold, after a hard day's fishing and before turn- ing in for the night, Opening 'Baseball Game Went Against Locals The Huron -Perth 0. B. A. season Was opened officially on the local dia- mond on •Monday; but • it was a' dis- appointing start for the homsters, fol: Zurich, those stalwart sports- men, banded in a score doubling that •of'the locals, 10` to 5. Mayor W. S. R. Holmes' and Couneillor W. Cook making up a formidable battery, Reeve G. H; Elliott at bat, and Dr. Sunday, June. 14th, marks the thir- tieth amliversary of the ordination to the priesthood of the Rev. K. Me - Gout,' rector of , St'. Paul's Church! The occasion will be recognized by a special service at 11 a.m., when the Rev. Canon Snelgrove, B.A., of Galt, will be the preacher. The Deanery .of Huron will meet in the Trivett Meinorial.Church, Exe- ter, ;on xe-ter,`;on Monday, Jurfe 8th. Members of the Junior W. A. and the Church Boys' League attended a specialmeeting in Goderich _ on May 20th. Miss McNaughton of. London was the special speakers of the even- ing, giving, an, address on the work done by the children's branches here' for the,children of the mission fields. The regular rnontlily meeting of the Evening Branch of the W. A. will be held this, Thursday, evening at eight o'clock in Owen Memorial Hall, when a report of theannual meeting will be given. J. W. Shaw, president of,'the local sports association, as umpire, the season got away to a good start. tart. El Isoft was caught out by Pitches Holmes •ou, the second strike, $wo balls having been called. Zurich wasfirst up and for two . inningsi were retired scoreless. In the third with. Brant's amen giving out, they broke loose and before being retired 8 runs were chalked up in their favor, and they practically - had the .game clinched. • 'Stock took the mound for the bal- ance of the game. Rideman cczried on for the visitors ' for the whole game. • The locals. failed to get a runner over the plate until the seventh, when Hawkins, first up, batted a fly to center field, , out of Youngblut's reach for a two bagger. GIew fol- lowed with a safe hit and Hawkins carie on to- third, scoring on Hovey's grounder. Carrie:. took first base on a sife hit, scoring Hovey and John- son followed scoring Carrick and made the home plate on Stock's drive. In the 5th the visitors added one to their big lead and made it 10 in the eighth. Hovey crossed the plate in the eighth to shake it 10-5. Umpires, Murntey and McDonald, Goderich. • Clinton-Wagg, If.; Holmes, rf.; Ross 3b.; Hawkins, c.; Glew, cf.; Iso. vey, 2b.; Carrick, Ib.; Johnson, ,ss.; Brant, Stock, P. . ' Zurich-Gascho,, lb; Oeseh, 3b; O'Brien, rf.; Stade, ss.; I. Youngflut, cf.; Scbnicler„ 2b.; E. Youngblut, 0.; Prang, cf.; Hideman, p. PERSONALS Miss Saddis of. Cleveland, Ohio, Is the guest of Mrs. Ralph' Hewson, The Misses Beattie of "The Vogue", spent the holiday at their home at Watford. Mrs. Annie Brown spent the holiday with her daughter, Mrs. Wes. Hoggart, in Hallett township, "ANNAMAC" AND BUILDER ...MAKE BRAVE ,RESCUE • O N STORMY, LAKE Bert MacDonald, in his new boat, Annamac; with his helper, ' Odd Jac- obson, dashed out in rough water ov- er the Goderich breakwater last night to the rescue of his brother, "Reddy" MacDonald, who was helplessly ;a- clrift in his disabled fishing ,tug, - It• was: with difficulty that. a line was attached to the fishing tug, and the Craft was towed in. "Reddy", ,who has been used to rough seas and smooth all his ,life, . had been adrift for couple;of hours but he proceed- ed to care for°his "catch" as soon as he got in. He had on board with him Garnet Mathieson of Goderich, a youth, BAYFIELD A very interesting piano recital was held in St. Andrew's .basement Bayfield, Friday, May 22nd, of; the pupils of Miss Gladys Gale; A.T,C.1VI. The piano numbers nese interspersed with delightful solos by Miss: Mar- garet Ashley of 'Toronto, Mrs. Moore- house read a very interesting sketch' from the life of Beethoven before his Sonata Pathetique was played by the teacher. Through the course of the evening a beautiful bank of tulips and spring flowers was presented to Miss. Gladys Gale by Mr. Widcontb, through. the kindness of Mrs. (Dr.) Metcalfe. The following pupils took part: Soldier's 1Vlarch;i Avalanche; Schumann, Patricia Atkinson;; Buz- zing Bumblebee, Talbot; Trumpeter's Serenade, Ruth Middle- ton; Ding, -Dong Bell; Just a Bunch of Flowers; Ethel ,Watson; Galop from William Tell, duet, Ruth and Phyllis Middleton.;'iThe Circus Comes (duet); Alma. Reid and Gladys Gale; The Surprise. Symphony, Hayden, Al- ma Reid; Sing Robin Sing, Pretty Birdie, aiid A Child's Goodnight, Doris McEwen; Minuet in G, On the Merry -Go -Round; Church' Bells Ring-_ ing, Phyllis Middleton;. Laughing Rondo; On the Merry -Go -Round, Anna Reid; Priscilla, Goodnight Little Girl, Maria Rohner; Home Again, Minuet,• Boccherini, Londonderry Air, Floyd McAsh; Handers Largo, Spinning Song, Ecoissaises, Beethoven,' Vera Pease; Dance of the Ladybirds, Ron- dez-Vous, Olive Erratt; Sonata Pathetique, Beethoven, Gladys. M. Gale. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wightman re- turned e-to nced to their summer home in the village on Wednesday of last week. after having spent the winter In Florida. Mrs. Wm. G. Murray of Detroit has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Toms. Dr, and Mrs. E. P. Lewis returned to Toronto on Tuesday after Having spent the week -end with Mts. N. W. Woods. • Mr. Harold Scotchmer returned to O.C.E. at Toronto after having spent the weekend under the parental roof, Mi. Charles Ferguson left last week for Sudbury where he expects to take a position in the Frood Mine. Mr. James Robinson has erected a email store and restaurant on the Gairdner lot where Tudor Marks' store stood before it was torn down a number of years ago, and opened for business the end of last week. Mr. Stewart Cook of Clinton has Leased the Log Cabin Lunch Room and opened for business last week. He is assisted by Mr. F. Carter. Miss Ruby M. Fisher of Kitchener and little Miss Miriam Fisher of Waterloo spent the week -end and holiday with the former's aunt, !Vire. F. A. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and two children of Chatham spent the week -end with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mrs. E. H. Johns of London spent the week -end with Mrs. F. W. Mc Ewen. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and two children and Miss Doris Gemeln- hardt of Toronto spent the week -end and holidaywith their parents, Mr. and , Mrs. F. Gemeinhardt. Mrs. Knight and children are remaining for a longer visit. Miss Louise McLeod left oh Friday for Detroit' to be with her sister, Mrs. Plater, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaren and two daughters of Port. Elgin spent the week -end with Mr. McLaren's sisters, Misses M. and J. Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hart and three. children of Toronto visited Mrs. "Hart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King, over the week -end. Miss Drouin of Detroit was at her cottage over the week -end. On •her rgeturn she was accompanied by Mrs. J. A. Ferguson who will visit relatives in Detroit. Mrs. Mabel Prentice of Toronto spent the week -end' with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson. : ' Mr. F. W. Kolbe Fishing, Co„ Port Dover, has, brought a scow for .spiie- driving, and a boat to this harbor from which he is setting pond nets. He expects to fish here with the end of August. Miss Elva Dewar, accompanied by Miss• F. ' 1VIeLaughlin,' 'of, Toronto spent the week -end with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar, • Mrs. A..J. Richards of Edmonton,. Alta., with her daughter,, Mrs. Mac- Donald Holmes and two children are spending the month of June in her brother's, Mr, C. B. Chapman's, cot- tage.. Amongstthose who were at their cottages in the village over the 'week- end were: Mr. and Mrs., C. R. Will, Mr.' aircl Mrs. E. Manness and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Robinson and family, Dr, and Mrs. N. B. AIex- ander, 1VIr. and'Mrs. Vincent Quarry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ashton' and family, Mr, and Mrs. M., C. :Templeman and family, Mrs. Cawston end Mr. Rolfe, Mr, and Mrs. Aikenhead and fainily, Mr. and Mrs. ' C. B. Chapman and hir. and Mrs. H. 13, Fife of Toronto; spent the holiday at the home or the latter's sister, that of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman. Mr. and 1VIrs. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn Hall were with the former's son, and his family in Toronto over the weep -end and holiday. Mrs. Geo. Watt accompanied Mr. and Mrs. James Walker and family of Brucefield to Mitchell, where Ailey, spent the weak -end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Raynor of St. Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Aekert of Ingersoll were week -end visitors with 114. and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins. Mr. Midhurst of Hull, England; Mr. Wursby, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs, Sutcliff . and Mr: Stacey, Toronto were week -encs •guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hewson, Miss Dorothy Cornish, who under- went an emergency, operation for appendicitis' 'in London d couple of weeks or so ago, was able to be brought home Friday and is im- proving rapidly. • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ferguson of To- ronto, Mr. Glen. Ferguson of Whit- by. and Mr. and Mrs. Middleton of Lucan visited over the week -end holiday with their mother, Mrs, • Alice Ferguson of town, Messrs. J. B. Mustard, J. T. Mc- Knight, V. Falconer and A. I). Mc- Cartney e-Cartney are in Toronto this week attending a meeting of Coaldeai- ers' Convention, which is 'being held in the King Ildward Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. O.. L. Paisley and. Mr, and Mrs. W. •E, Tebbutt of-Gode- rich motored to Toronto and saw ' the King's plate run off on Satur- day. They went on, to Niagara Falls for .-thee week -end, returning Monday. Mr. Paisley, who inherits his love of a good, horse,, has for years beent;,wanting to see this race,, but before his retireinent ,lie did not find it so easy to get a'few days off. Mr. Edward Rothe of Huron .College, ' who was coridtleting'services in St. Paul's Anglican church, Hensall on Sunday, is' visiting his parents, Mi. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke, Mr. Rorke, who has another year at Huron , College before his graduation,' has., been .appointed • assistant:to , the rector of. St. John The Divine,' Lon- don, for a year and enters upon hie work almost at once. He will be specially ordained' at Brantford next week.' fainly, London; Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr and fancily, Mr. and Mrs, F. Scrimgeottrf Mr. and •Mrs, H. J, Pet-• ers and family, Misses G. and E. S. Rankin, Stratford; Mrs. Josephine Atkinson:, and two daughters, Mr. G... Stanbury and family, Exeter; Mr. J. A. Cameron and family, Toronto. Miss Betty Reason of London was, the guest of Miss Betty Gairdner ov- er the; weeke-nd. . • , ' Guests at the Rectory .over the, week -end were.' Mrs. Bugler's broth - e1; Mr. Arnold Ames, and Miss Ro- berta Webster of Toronto. Her par, onsand z T.Amof i s Mr.M ses Sarnia ,ta. were alsoa her guests on Smiday. • Miss Margaret Groves spent a cou- ple of days in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Green of - North Bay visited Mr. and Mrs. W.. J. Foster one day last week. Mrs.. Green is a niece of Mrs. Foster's. Mrs. Lydia Greigt: of Toronto has. returned to the village to spend the• summer at her cottage. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Greig and -family of Toron- to were with her over the week -end. Mr. Brown Higgins of Sudbury vis- ited his parents over the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McIntosh of. Hamilton and Mr. and Mr ' Mrs. R V. Biirgeman of Port Erie were the• guests of the former's. daughter, Mrs.. J, A. Goldthorp, over the week -end. Mrs. Annie Rouatt returned to the. village Wednesday, after having: spent the winter in London. Mr. Sidney Castle of Stratford, spent the week -end and holiday with his mother, Mrs. M. Castle. Mr. Jack Parker, Miss Maude McGregor and Mr. Geo. Little mot- ored to. Windsor on Tuesday to spend a few days with relatives. HOLMESVILLE Mrs. Russell is visiting for a few weeks with her slaughter, Mrs. A. Spence. .Miss Grace Macdonald, Toronto,. was a week -end guest with Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Potter:. • Mrs, Esther Lowry of Toronto Is visiting at the home of her 'sisters,. the Misses E. and M. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ward and family of Brncefielti, spent the week -end with Mrs. Ward's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cudmore. Mr. Herbert Black, Toronto, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.. J. W. Herbert. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. William- son, Rusaeldale, were very sorry to learn of the death of their little son, Bruce, The little boy was quite a ,familiar figure here, having frequent- ly attended bhttrch -bile •visiting With his grandfather, Mr. W. H. Lobb;, The deepest sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the bereaved- parents. Miss Edith Herbert, Toronto, was. at her home at the parsonage over: Sunday. Mrs. ,Will Yea presided over the W.M.S. meeting which was held at her house on Tuesday, May 10th. Fol- lowing theopening hymn and prayer, the scripture verses were read by Mrs. Wni. Glenn. Miss Ada Finlay gave a reading, and Mrs. Fred Pot- ter and Miss Norma favoured the as- sembly with a pleasing duet, Mrs. Yeo accompanying. Further , read- ings were contributed by 8Iiss Char- lotte Trewartha and Mrs. Eldrid Yeo. A fine and complete report of the W. M. S. Presbytery held in Clinton recently was given by the delegate, Mrs. S. Walter. The minutes were read and the roll called by the secre- tary, Mrs. Edgar Trewartha, after which Mrs. E. A. Yeo, W. A. presi- dent, took charge of the remainder of the afternoon when topics of busi- ness were brought up. Mrs. Bert Trewartha read the minutes, and the roll call was responded to by an ex- change of flower bulbs, slips ar seeds. The .hostesses, Mrs. E. A, Yeo and Mrs. Ed. Trewartha served n bounteous• -'and appetizing tea be- fore the: gathering dispersed. On Tuesday evening Mr. P. D, Til- ler ,tools charge of the annual. Bibie Society meeting of this community when those its attendance were privii-• eged to hear a very fine address. Af ter theopeninghymn Mr. Tiller read' the scripture passage, led in a short prayer and delivered his inspiring. message., Mr, Elmer Potter, seere- taty, read the minutes of the previous meeting, and Mr. S. R. MacMath toots. charge of . the business period. The, officers were all re-elected except in: cases: where the persons in question, were absent from : the comhnunity.. • The list of officers is as follows: President, S. R. MacMath; Secretary, Elmer. Potter;' Treasurer,. Norman. Trewartha; Collectors, Huron Road' West,.Charlotte,Trewartha and Grace MacMath;; Huron Road Nast, Ruth. Potter and Olive Mair; .Maitland con- cession, Miss Minnie Proctor; Comes-• sion 11, Alma Trewartha and Gay Whitmore; Cut Line, Del Finlay and; Mary Gi'igg. It was moved that the - last Sunday in. July be set aside as• Bible Sunday, the collecting; to be. done the following week. •