HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-05-14, Page 8PAGE8. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TII4TRS:, I91A"Y' 14; 1935'; CHOICE RIB; ;ROAST OF BEEF per lb, . , ..:.... ; 15c RIB BOILS, per Ib. lOc • DRY • SALT PORK her lb . PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLLS, . per, lb .20e SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per ib. ..:• ... . .... ....24c ON, in piece, per lb. ' 26e, FRESH SIDE PORK, :per lb. .................. 18c FRESH 'BACON; ;per .1b 20e HOME-MADE'LARD,. per Ib. 15c FLO-EZE`?SHORTENING, 2.Ibs: for . , .., ..... ....... , 25e 'ICOR NE'LL .& TYNE A;LL• " ,CLINTO,N'S• LEADING MEAT MARKET " • Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION 'HARDWARE ' STORE BEATTY "RED STAR." HAND WASHER, WITH WRINGER, Good CONDITION a $12.00 ALL SIZES AND SHAPES IN ELECTRIC RANGETTES AND HOT PLATES:. THREE -BURNER COAL ,OIL STOVES AND OVENS. COLEMAN THREE -BURNER INSTANT-LITE'GAS STOVE .ON DISPLAY. YOU ARE INVITED TOA DEMONSTRATION. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL LUCKY NUMBER WAS 3384. Won by Mr, L. Lawson, Clinton, his number being 3379. Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES ,MONUMENTS -ENGRAVING Ambulance, Service -Modern Equipment-Phone.147w,' Day or Night 00.1 "'Fdr Tour Convenience"' $US SCEDTJIIE ' . Effect►ve May' 3, 1936, Going North -11,10 a.ni.; 8.00 p.m, Sat. 3.10 lint. Going South -11.05 a.m.; 9,30 Going West.1.15 p.ni.; '7.50 pan. Going East -8.00 a.m.; 5.80 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Itineraries planned' to all points in Canada, United States & Mexico. Consult Local Agent. CONI'. ONT. IRIS LINES LTD. TORONTO. RATTENBURY HOTEL, L. Rousseau -Phone 50. COMMERCIAL INN, A. McCallum -Phone 243. PORTER'S HILL Beautiful rains have hastened the growth and there is an abundance- of grass for cattle. Seeding is mostly finished or nearing a finish. 'Quite a goodly number was out'to Mother's Day service on Sunday, which was under the leadership of the . Sunday School. Rev. R. M. Gale gave a short address and, ac- companied by his daughter, Miss Gladys, rendered a duet: "My Moth- - er's Way "; The Misses Blair of Gederich spent Sunday at the , hone of Mr. and . Mrs. John Blair. Misses Helen and Evelyn Cox were home from London for Mother's Day. Miss Irene Woods spent , Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Milton W'ootls, and • accompanied her to London where she. has . gone for . X -Ray. Friends sympathize with Mrs. Woods in her illness and wish for her a complete recovery. Sympathy is also expressed for Mrs. Allen Betties, who. we under- stand, is quite ill. We hope. the bright sunshine will help both ladies to recover their former health. . On 'Sunday evening, •May 24th, a special service will be held at Grace church at 7.30..This service will be under the direction of the building committee. 'A' male choir is being • practiced and we hope a good atten- dance will be present. • The Men's Club will ,meet on May 26th. Special program of a. 'short two -act play is expected to be given. •Further announcement later. Mrs. Graham of Goderich spent • a short time. with , her sister, Mrs. Fred Elliott: ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blake and two daughters spent Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harmer. ly respected citizens of this district passed away at his home on the Gra- vel Road, Hullett, on. Sunday after- noon, after a lingering illness of• -ov- er a year: Born in West Wawanosh in 1858, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Plunkett, he attended public school at Cameron's school and later at Prosperity and since has farmed all his life time. It 1889 he was mar- ried to Kai'y. Hamilton and they re. sided: on the farm in West Wawanos.i where Mrs. Robert Plunkett now lives. Thirty-eight years ago they moved to the present farm and Here 7n 1908 Mrs, Plunket passed` away. In 1914 Mr. Plunkett was married to Elisabeth Cox, who survives him. The late Mr. Plunkett• was a great reader and in the old Methodist church at Auburn he taught a class of young people for many years. Mr. Plunkett was a staunch Con- servative and was widely known in West Wawanosh, having served In the' council there for some years be- fore moving to Hullett. He is survived by his widow, .two sons, Wilfred in Hullett and Milton of Toronto; two daughters, Mrs. Lorne Johnston of the Nile and Mrs. Prod l'laetzer of 'Auburn, three sisters, Mrs. Wesley Pattison and Mrs. Jona- then onathan Pattison both of Wingham and Mrs. R. A. McKenzie" of Dungannon. Two sisters, Mrs. Hugh Finnigan. and. Mrs. Thomas Winmill and two bro.,' titers; Thomas and Robert, have pas- sed on. 'The funeral service was: held . on Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from' his' late residence. Rev.' H. Q. Wilson of Knox United Church offi- ciated. Edith Stoltz feelingly sang "God Night and Good Morning." The pallbearers were six neighbors, Jos- eph Miller, Herman and John Doerr, Wallace King, John Tuberville and George Bean. Interment was -made in Ball's cemetery. Friends were pre- set from Toronto, Wingham, Gode- rich and Dungannon. HULLETT TOW NSHTY The neighbors and friends gave Mr. Ernest Vanderburg of the 3rd con- cession a surprise party on . Friday evening in honor of his birthday. "A -pleasant evening was spent. "William Plunkett, one of the high - . versharp!! A new `genuine"'. Eversharp Pencil that lives up..to'its'name for 8,500 worths without refilling; ft features a new reversible cap with ."Jtip bo size -eraser in addition to a eoinfot finger rest with a new non -slip grip. A nove4 arrangement, is Oe' "Red Spot" Which shotes you when your pencil is it need of re -filling: A Spe- oral' 'introductory offer .for a limited titrie, only is , 69c` "' which includes a' package'of Erasers. Save 33 13.; Buy 'eitra leads with'. the ''pencil. Fill the reserve chambers now. A tube of Eversharp square leads will be sold with each ,pencil for only 10c. This' tube retails regularly at 15e when purchased without the pencil. • Tile W.D. Fair C[ Often the•Cheapest-Always the Best u �llllllll31 w,""' 1 'mu III lill,IIIIM. U Mrs. E. W. Morrison has been visit- ing in Toronto the past week. kr. Levi ,Trick of London and Mr. Fred Lawrence of Hamilton were in town last week -end. • Mrs, Frank Mellveen of Gelert and little daughter are' visiting the lady's • mother, Mrs. Carrie Jervis. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Torrance of Toronto were week -end guests with file fortner's mother and sister ;n towo, .t S_ a, . Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston re - !Mimed home last week -end after a week's visit with Georgetown friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kilty and chil- dren of Toronto were guests of the lady's parents, Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Shaw, last week -end. Mrs. Aiken, Sr., Miss Mabel Aiken and Mr. Harvey Aiken of Allen- ford and Mr. B., J. Barrs of Owen Sound were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken. Mrs. H. W. Cook of Clinton had her five daughters with her for Moth- er's Day. oth-er's'Day. Mrs. W. A. Pr•idhant and Pridham and Mr. Priclham, Detroit; Mrs. W. Dyment, Chicago; Mrs. G. Boyer, Mrs. J. Ross and Mrs. R. Dickson, Toronto. Anothe, (laugh- ter living in Winnipeg was unable to come. Mrs. Decker, Dashwood, who is nine- ty-three year's of age, was motor- ed up to Clinton last Sunday- to visit her granddaughter, who is a patient its the Community Hospi- tal. The venerable. lady, who does not get about very much, as might be expected, was so anxious to see her granddaughter that she made " the journey and also called for; a few minutes upon Mrs. Chas. Cook, Rattenbury street. Mrs. Margaret Johnston, who has been making- her home in Clinton for sore years, left for Toronto yesterday,: where she will •make her home in future. Mrs. Johnston had won many friends during her stay here, although, of course, she was -no stranger when she. cane here from Goderich, as Clinton had been her girlhood' bonne, she being before her . marriage Miss Marga- ret Cook.. She was a member of the Wesley -Willis church and was active in its women's organizations, as she was also in the Women's Institute and other organizations in town and she will be much mis- sed. ' LONDESBORO Mrs. T. Crawford, who has spent the winter with her daughter at Ni- agara Falls, has returned home for the summer months., ' Miss Phyllis McCool, who has been ill for the past' two weeks, is some better. ; Quite a numberattended the fun- eral, of the late Mr. James Howatt in Auburn' on Tuesday. We 'exteno our sympathy to relatives a n d friends. Mr. and' Mrs. E. Stevens of Sea, forth spent Sunday at the home of Mr.,' John Nott. •' I.. Rev, Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. E Adams were .guests at a "Hostess Tea" given in the United. Church Crediton, on Friday last, Mrs. Gar- diner giving a Missinary talk, and Mrs. Adams:a travel.taik on her trip to Europe.' • A large congregation, attendedthe morning ' Mother's Day service on Sunday. The choir being a Mother's choir, and .'a pageant was put ori by some members, of the Sunday School. CARRIED IT TOO FAR "What's the cause. of 'Janet's; un- popularity?" `.`She won a popularity contest." ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOT.D1+ Ri Always in the Leart RED min wurrE YES WE HAVE BANANAS TO -DAY and Friday Saturday,15 16' BIG BANANA SALE CONTINUED-- Week we' could not nearly fill our orders.' so .we have larger • quantities coming this Week. Come early and don't be disappointed. PINEAPPLES Large and Beautiful, these are now ready for 'canning. EXTRA - "Huntley and• Palmer''s''Fancy Cookies, just .arriving. Christies Layer and Assorted Cakes'(delivered twice ;.a• ;week) Manning's .Fancy Cookies, lb. 15c Walkers'ide's Ice Cream FRUIT AND: VEGETABLES Horne Grown :Asparagus , New Cabbage. Beets, Carrots, Radish, Tomatoes and Spinach -' ,r ORANGES; Very Sweet, 2 dozen for ` 49c ORANGES', Large Size, per dozen •" ' " 29c 6 Grape Fruit 25cStrawberries 20c 'FRGIDAIRE MEATS Cheese, Shortening, Etc. 'Pickled Rolls 20c Bologna, 2, Ibs. for 25c • . Smoked Rolls , 23c Bacon, in piece, per Ib. 25c Peanieal Bacon, piece, lb 29c Chicken Roll 29c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf 25c Cooked Ham, per Ib. 49c SOME LEADERS. P. and G. Soap, 10 bars for , 33c Bran Flakes, 2 for 19c Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for 25c . Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. for 15c Snow F...lake Ammonia, per lkg. 5c Pastry Flour, ,24 lbs. for 55c Broom (Five -String) 23c Best Rice, 3 lbs. for 17c Lard or Shortening, 2 lbs. for 25c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. O NEIL'CORNER GROCETERLI CLINTON'S BIG Phone 48 RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells PINEAPPLES ARE AT THEIR BEST THIS WEEK. LARGE JUICY PINEAPPLES ..18c OR 0 FOR 95c. White Sugar, 10 lbs. for 48e (The Best for Canning) Jelly Powders, 6 for 25c (assorted flavors) McCormick Sodas, 2 lbs. for , 25c (They are Fresh) . 24 Lb. Bag Pastry Flour 59c (Clinton, Wingham or Hanover) Taylor's Peanut 'Butter 23c • (18 oz. glass) Broadway Peanut Butter 25c (32 oz. jar) Duff's Shortening, 2 lbs. for 25c Duff's Lard, 2 lbs. for 25c Leaf or Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c Pearl Soap, 6 for 23c EXTRA ECIAL •1Ve Handle VanEgmond's Fresh, Pure Milk for 7c a Quart Delivered with your Grocery Order. We buy and grade eggs for which -we pay lc a Dozen More on All Grades of Eggs. Graded by an Experienced Candler. Try our Grade. • • BRUCEFIELD Mi. and Mrs. Ben Kaise• of Detroit and Mt;. and Mrs. Roy Consitt and family- and Mr. and Mrs. G. Arm- strong and family of Tuckersmith spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe. Miss Ina Scott of London spent Sunday at ,her home here.. Mr. and Mrs. -Shade-and children o£. Walton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe. Mr. and Mrs. Stringham of Wood- stock. were guests last week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. • D. Ward. Mr. and Mrs: Ross Scott and chil- dren, Mrs. Rattenbury and Miss Marks spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. T. Dunlop of Chatsworth. Dir. and Mrs C. , McKenzie and fancily of London visited with Mrs. Margaret McKenzie on .Sunday last. RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. For Snappy Delivery at All Hours • NOTICE All accounts owing J. T. McKnight & Son must be paid on Thursday, Friday or Saturday MAY '21.22-23. We will be at Mr. H. C. Lawson's Insurance office on the above dates, to receive the accounts. 79-2. J. T. MCKNIGHT & SON. SHELL WORLD EXPERIENCE AT NO EXTRA COST. THE SAME APPLIES TO LUBRI- CATING YOUR CAR. • 'AL MODERN EQUIPMENT AND AT NO EXTRA COST. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. Miss Marie - Elliott visited in Lon- don for a few days, On Sunday evening, May 17th, the Local Order of Odd Fellows will hold their service in the United Church. Surrounding lodges are cordially in- vited. ` Mr. Broder, a representative• of the Bible Society, will preach next Sun- day, May 17th, at the morning ser- vice in Brucefield church. At the, evening service, at seven o'clock the Oddfellows Lodge will attend in a body, along with visitors from the neighboring .lodges. The members will meet at the lodge room, leaving there forthe church at 6.45. Miss Irene Snider of London ancl Mr. ,Melvin Snider of Wingham, spent Mother's Day at their home in the village.. SOME MANAGEMENT Guide -"This castle has stood for 600 years. Not a stone has been touched, nothing altered, nothing re- placed." Viistor---"Um, they trust have the same landlord we have." BROWNIE'S SERVICE Phone 5. 78-2. Spring Plants PLANT NOW TO HAVE EARLY VEGETABLES "Early Cabbage, also. Cauliflower now ready. Advanced Plants 25c A'BOX Snapdragon, Asters and Pansies can now be safely planted and will insure you early bloom. PERENNIALS We can supply strong roots and have a good assortment to offer. Everything in Geraniums and Trailers for your boxes and hang- ing baskets. TRY GARDENITE the new plant food -15c A BOX. • • "NEW EVERGREEN" 35c .A BOTTLE will keep house plants, Tose bushes, etc., clean. . F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member T. D. Assn. Phones 31 and 176. WHEN IN NEED OF PLUMBING. OR TINSMITHING of any kind call T. Hawkins Phone 244 MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL KINDS ilawkin$ HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244. A Fine New Stock of LAWN AND VERANDAH FURNITURE Consisting of Folding Chairs, Stretchers, Tables, Hammocks, Ja- panese Grass ,Bats, Etc. at ridiculously low prices. A new stock of Lamps of all kinds prices ranging from 51.75 to $22. Also a grand assortment of Studio Couches in good wearing covers, all geed colors, and of course, the prices will suit you. We have just received word from the Linoleum and Congoleunr Companies that owing to the increase in the Government Sales Tax their products will advance in price. But we will sell at the old price until the lst of June. So it will pay you to get your re- quirements this month. Mr. Harry Collins of Brucefield guessed nearest to the lucky numbers in our Congoleimt Contest last week and won the rug. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We are having a big run on Coleman Gas Stoves, Instant beat, and wonderful satisfaction to the cook. Electrical Stoves of all hinds in Plates, Ranges. Also Coal Oil Stoves, all wonderful bargains. Also a large, new stock of Lawn Mowers and Lawn and Gar- den Tools. Small Profits and Quick Returns. BALL & ZAPFE ' Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service, N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103, PHONE 111 CLINTON GET ACQUAINTED FOOD SALE SEE OUR LARGE HAND BILLS FOR FULL PARTICULARS EXTRA SPECIALS for Week -End BEST GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. for 47c FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER 1b. 22c PASTRY FLOUR, 24 -lb. bag g 59c FREE DELIVERY P. Thompson Successor To J. T. McKNIGHT and' SON