HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-05-14, Page 5OF INTEREST ''TO YOU AND ME A snowstorm and -blizzard' .ragedIn Colorado on Friday .last, when .we ' were enjoying', (?) summer weather. result One rather strange 0f the new 'trade- pact' 'with the United • States is said to be that the. prices of 'cars have gone up. It seems to 'be one thing to win an Empire and another thing"to have it +acknowledged by neighboring pow- ers, as Mussolini is finding out. Huggazd; the absconding lawyer of Seaforth, is' 'reported to have asked, his wife to think of ,him, "Not as a rogue but as a fool" But rogues are always fools, only they cannot seem - see it until it is too late. Dr. Defoe of Callender spent • the week -end with Premier Hepburn at his farm in. Norfolk. Wonder' if he '..Ioolcecl over young Peter' Hepburn to. 'see if he is in good physical condition. As a children's, doctor he should ,be ::an authority. ,, Four charming'• twenty-one-year-old • quadruplets from Texas have been 'visiting the Quints at Callender and have also made quite, a gt1Y in'' To- ronto, and other places„visited. But just wait nail' our five little beauties ,grow up! Talk about stirs, just you • .wait! • The co-operation of Germany and `Italy for the embarrassment of the other Contenintenal powers is now 'the fear in that troubled -part of the wild.` . Dictators cause not' only .trouble and lack of freedom on the : part of the countries concerned, but 'they are a source of danger to other nations as well. The Goderich Signal 'seems to have • a .number of, unnamed' cuts, which it is publishing, one each week, and ask ing citizens to name •them. We should have said that 'One published a few weeks ago was that, of the pre- sent edltor,,taken in his callow youth, but 'somebody put. another -name on it, so we are not much help. The Anglican Church of Canada Is '• to be congratulated on the fact that it has fully restored the funds 1ost in 1933 by the failure of a trusted officer. in the west, the amount being $700,000. Considering the fact 'that • these have been depression years, if the general funds of the Church have teen kept up and this sinount raised, the achievement is a very worthy and commendable one. . Canadian. citizens are going over to the United States and bringing back all sorts of things, under the new regulation allowing tourists to bring in $100 worth of goods without duty. You cannot `justgo over the line and purchase and come straight ' back, you must remain forty-eight hours in Uncle Sam's domains before the privilege. is yours,,, We fancy it will save,a lot of people from break- , nig the custom laws.,' We never ]snow just what, to expect of The Exeter Times -Advocate. Some weeks it conies out' as a seven -page Paper and we once congratulated it upon the improvement, but next week it went back to the six• page size. It has issued 'a seven page editionsince that and came out in that style hast -week, butit may be that it was only to carry extra advertising. But' one thing we can say, it is a• much better looking paper when it -spreads itself. You cannot have too Inudh of a good thing•, Empire Day will • be observed 'throughout the Province on. Friday, May 22n1, when the program laid •down 'in the General Regulations will ..be carried out. Assistance in the forthation of programs may be Tract 'from a number of sources. ' The Minister of Education in his 'message on the occasion says: "I 'wish 'to emphasize the fact. that• the Bri- tish Empire is unique among . the •empires this old world has known, because it is based upon self-govern- ment, individual liberty and justice" It wouldn't hurt at all to celebrate •Empire. Day- very folly, especially 'as there is a good deal of propaganda agaitrst• the . Empire innewspapers sand oVer the radio. , Canadian chil- dren have not hacl an over -abundance ,of such teaching. Goodwill Dayianother "day," day, but one which it would be well to stress. ' Teaching about the Empire is need - .ed and will. do ' -much good, but a.so Canadian children need leacler•ship. in World -brotherhood and••, good will. 'This day is observed on; May 18th 'This was started in 1022 by a confer- •once of youngpeople in Wales, who , began' by sending greetings to • the children' of other lands, and hasbeen kept.' up since and, has been joined In by children andyoung people of many lands. The date was set'to 'tneniorate the opening .of the confer- 'once 'at the Hague, which was the first international peace conference,. but the Great War .caste, shattering feelings of good' will 'in the . world. 'However the Welsh children claimed the date and this year a program ' 'has ,been gotten up, under the joint auspices of the Junior branches of. the League of Nations, Home and ` 'School Clubs and the Women's Inter- ' 'national League. All this teaching of youth ought to have some effect but the trouble 'is'tliat the nations whet:e it is the most needed, for instance, int Germany •and in Italy, such teaoliirtg is not tperinitte'd. • `Porn •1Via1ks, one of the Marks Bros:, who 'used to `tour the country,' putting 'et "shows'.' in big towns and little -towns, is dead ..at his horde near` 'Ottawa; at the age of eighty-one. It doesn't scent' possible that he could be that old, remembering hint as he looked 'the 'last time he visited he Clin- ton, : bthat is many, years ago. In the, bider, days the, name 'Marks was a well known one, chil- dren and grown;ups" were equally familiar with it, .and, to • many the annual' entertainment given 'by them was the one performance -enjoyed during the' year, ,aside.,fron .;the en- nua'l "Sunday,, School entertainment. i lowaidays we hear .Bore of Marx than Marks, 'arid we: do not 'seem to be as hapliy as We. were then; A jiiry et Kitchener has 'returned a verdict absolving everyone' froth responsibility in regard to. the death of a' trapeze performer, when a rope brolte- the other day 'allowing her to fall,' receiving injuries front which site died, But, according to printed reports, the, rope showed sighed of mildew. Surelywhoever had' charge of such things ought to be obliged to sue that all such appliances•, are as perfect as itis;possible tolnake then, before people are 'allowed' to . risk their 'lilies' en `them.'; The risking of Itiiman lives for the .amuseiiient • of the vulgar.crowd is allowable,, it ap-, pears, brit the safeguarding as far as possible those who do sugh stunts to earn a: living shot'ild be insisted upon. If this girl lost her: life be- cause of ,a mildewed rope'surely Somebody isresponsible," It takes a woman to talk sense In the House of Commons, and if there were a few more sensible women in patliathent there bright • not be' so inpcli time wasted in foolish .talk and, the strife for party, advantage. Mrs. Biack member for the Yukon said the other day after she had Its-, tened to a lot if 'useless, crabbing: "As sensible people, as we value the future of out• country," she said, "let us think of 'business first and political sniping afterwards." It was as silly, she. said, to. talk- Of alkof the 'concessions given railways :n the past as to talk about why Canada instead of 'the United States did not purchase Alaska. Concessions were given the railwayg because at the time no one else wanted them. The United States got Alaska because no one else wanted it at the time, If members of parliament realized how pofitively disgusted the great mass of people got at their childish strife they would cut a lot of it out and try to get something done. Miss Agnes Maephail, in an idle moment, for the lady deer: not seen: to be much given to such frivolity, the, other clay gave a newspaper man the names of the ten handsomest men, according to her idea, in the House of Commons. Slie seemed to he very impartial, as she went to all parties,• saving and excepting the Reconstruc- tionist Party, for her list and site Out two Toronto members at 'the head; naming Mr. Denton Massey as the 'handsomest," with Mr. H. Flax - ton second, a Conservative and a Liberal. She also expressed the op- inion that Hon. R. B. Bennett, leader of the opposition, was the "most dis- tinguished looking pian in the house." We fancy that will please the gen- tleman even more than being placed at the head of the beauty list. Well, the handsomest man doesn't seem to be enjoying the 'distinction at all. We fancy his colleagues, and others, burning' up with envy, have been ragging him unmercifully and he is getting crabbed about it. That's all the thanks Agnes gets for her trouble. It is difficult for anyone to feet pessimistic these 'lays,. when Nature is putting on her beautiful spring garments. And the marvellous speed with which the transformation was made, just over night, or within a few Mourn. No doubt something ,was being done i1 secret, but the few warns days last week -end brought the secret out and it was as if a wand had been waved over the earth, and lo, the trees, which had ,been lifting bare, black limbs to .heaven during all the long, dreary winter, are clothed -with living ;green,; or'becothe covered with, snowy blossoms over night,` and flowers bloom everywhere .. And everything else -which grows came on accordingly. Several obsev- vant farmers have remarked that never in their experienee have they teen.such rapid. growth' as during the past week. The 'grass is growing so. fast that haying looms almost before out . eyes, and as for . the lawns, . you may just keep ,the' mower in your. hand We certainly live in a beautiful and luxurious land, where 'ean You find a better one? -r The Fergus News-Iteiord recently recalled the many hotels which used to -be r•un inthat town, the btlililing% having been 'made over into other uses, When the writer came to Clinton twenty-five 6i• so years ago, there were in Clinton five, or was it six,, we are not sure 'whether the one made over and now occupied as r. residence by Mr. W.' Elliott was run- ning' then or not, brit' anyway' there were 'five haters and a liquor store. Ston after that Local Option was mooted, later the Canada Temper- anee Act, and legal'. liquor selling came to an encl. • What was known' as the old Mason Hotel,' across from 'this office, until recently was operated as boarding • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MARRIAGES.:. McCAGUP-SCIfOENIIILS - In Sr. Paul's Anglican church, '• Clinton, on `May 9th, by' the Rev. Kenneth McGann,, Olive :Elizabeth, d'aug'hter of. Mr, and Mis, John Schoenhals, • Clinton; to George Anderson G. Mc- Cague, of Toronto, son of Mrs,. McCague and the late G. A. Mc - Gagne,' Toronto. • BIRTFIS - IIALI AM -At Auburn, ' on April 24th, to ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bail Izun, a sot;,=• -Leslie Charles Donald. BAWDEN-I'n Hamilton 'General Hospital, .on May llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Bawden, a son MARSHALL -- At 'Welland ',.Gounty General Hospital, on May: 6th, to Mr, and Mrs. R. H .Marshall 'of Port Colborne, (net Nellie" Grin; wold) . twin daughters. ',DEATHS . ' MASON -In Clinton, ;onAIRY' 1-3th, Elien Stiiith, widow of Rert Ma- son, in her 80th year.' The funeral -will 'be..held -from her, late residence, Albert street, on on Saturday afternoon, May 16th, • commencing' at 3 o'clbck. MILLER -In Clinton, on May•l3th, Emma Levina Dale, wife of Mi'. 11. J. Miller, in her 71st 'year. The funeral will take place from her late home, Khig street, on Sat urday, May 16th, service conimenc- ing at 2 o'clock. HILL -In' Clinton, 'on May 12th, ' Mary Ann Bailey, relict .of the late Byard Hill, in her 37th year. The funeral will take place. from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Frank W.' Andrews, on Friday af- ternoon, service, to commence 'at 2.30. MscGREGOR In HuIlett, on " May 7th, -Minnie Frances Spooner, relict of the late Charles M. MacGregor, in her 68th year. o MILLER - In .Clinton Community Hospital, on May Otis, Stewart W. Miller of Holmesville, ill of nesville aged .77 years. GUEST -In Toronto, en May 12th, Emily Jane Guest, daughter of the late John Guest, formerly of Clinton. . • IN MEMORIAM WHITLEY-In loving memory of our another; . Alice Ann Whitley, who passed away May 1811, 1934. -Ever remembered , by her loving daughters, Lizzie and Zella. house and Inn. The old Commer- cial tit Huron street is now' a gar- age the Normandie was made over in part .into a picture theatre and also into apartments, and is only partly occupied now; the Waverley at the station has' long been a Cont- nrereial College and residence Tor the proprietors, Misses Ward and Stone, the -liquor store is now and has been for years occupied by Mr. $. G. Castle as a :neat shop, and the Rattenbury Hotel alone of the lot is. still run as an Hotel, it and the Com- mercial Inn looking after the at- eotnnrodation of the travelling pub- lic, and are at tines taxed to do it. Some folk will say that there is more liquor drunk now than in the old bar days. We cannot say as to that, but this we can say. There are riot as many coming into this of- fice to do business who are notice- ably under the influence of liquor as there were in the old days when we had a bar in every part of the town. Earl Willingdon Has Been Made -A Marquess The Earl of Willingdon, who has just completed a five year term as viceroy of India, and who spent a term in Canada as Governor-General, where he was very popular, has been made a Marquess. He and Lady Willingdon lunched with King Ed- ward and 'Queen Mary at Bucking- ham Palace the other day. He will likely be lctiewn iu future as the Mar- quess of Willingdone. SUMMERHILL Mr. and Mrs. Arthui Bishop of Burlington spent the week -end with Mr. and Mis. 0. Jervis. Miss 'Dena Tyner has been spend - Mg a ,week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright at S'eaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jervis of, Clinton spent Sunday with Mrs. 0. Jervis of the Base Line, The farmers ai,•e busy seeding, quite a number of acres having been towed :during the last week, Potatoes A quantitiy of potoates .for sale, Carman, apply to Morgan Jones, R. R. No. 2, Clinton, Phone, 602r4. 79-1. Signs ; Signs painted on wood, truck floors, window's. Show cards and designs. Prices . reasonable. Hazel Harris, Huron St., Phone 250w. '79-1-p. COMMUNITY AUCTION' SALE Of,, Farm Implements at John Quigley's • Farm, 2 miles south of Clinton, on No. 4 Highway, on 'Tues- clay,, May 19th, at 1,30, consisting of the following: " Friend ; Sprayer, 6 horsepower; Deering, 6 -ft. mower; 600 gal. Sup- ply ,tank; McCormick horse rake; hay rack; Deering disk harrow; spring -tooth cultivator, M.-1-14 walk- ing plow, M, -H.; twin gang plow, M. -H.; packing table, rings and tubs; pruning, sawing and other articles. TERMS, CASA.. Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. CUT: FLOWERS FLOWERING ;PLANTS FLORAL'D:ESI NS G b Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST• !VE, �JL - L PO L I B'R'Y, MARKET ALWAYS • IN' THE MARKET FOR Poultry &' Fresh Eggs AT`TOP. .CASH PILICDS. Poultry, flocks 'culled free of 'charge by experienced poultryman.; N. W. TREWARTHA Phones -Office, 210 Residence,.214w e.•iei. KEEPING WELL DRESSED Being well dressed is more than a matter of gbu inclothes - y good oths it means keeping your clothes good-looking.. If you: entrust your suits to : us when they need dry cleaning, we'll turnthem back spotless! t Dyeing 1 R airing � CLABK S ra,ro++w.rsl Cleaning Pressing FOR SALE Ot• FOR RENT All property belonging to the Late Samuel S. Cooper is offered for sale. Various vacant houses and. Apts. are. available for rent, For particulars consult A, J. Cooper of Goderich, Ont., who will be registered at the Rattenbury House, Tuesday and Thursdays for next 3 months. 79-13. Permanent Waves Miss Helen Beattie of Wingham will be in Clinton on WEDNESDAY, MAY 20TH giving the new De Graff Permanent Waves. All Waves Guaranteed. Specials hi Prices: $10.00 For $7.50. $7.50 For $5.00 $5.00 For $3.75 An Extra Special at $2.50 Make appointment with Mrs. , S. Thompson, Rattenbury St. 79-1. NOTICE The purebred Clydesdale stallion, Carbrook Flashlight, No. 24641, Form 3, will stand at Lot 3, Con. 3, Hullett Twp. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and at Lot 30, Con. 6th, Thurs- day, Friday' and Saturday, during the season. Terms, $10.00. Robert %Mc- Michael; Proprietor, Douse For Sale Desirable house, its goodlocality, freshly re -decorated. Inquire in this office, 79-3-p. For Rent Lot 39, Concession b, Goderich Township, 80 acres of good pasture with good running waters good shade, good fences, for this year. Apply to Percy Weston, Bayfield, Ont. '79-1. Pox Sale Three: Hereford bulls, 1 year old, bred . from imported sire. Apply Fred H. Carbert, Staffa P.O. Lot" 9, Con. 7, Hibbert township, Dublin 'phone. 79-2-p.. For Sale Modern upright Sherloek-Manning Piano in splendid order. Satisfac- tory terms to reliable party, Appry Sherlock -Manning Piano Factory, Clinton. 79-2. TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY COURT OF REVISION NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision on the Assessment For the Township of Stanley, will he held in the Township Hall, Varna, on Monday, June 1st, 1936, at 10 o'clock 'n the forenoon. , AND TAKE NOTICE that all, ap- peals against the Assessment Roil di the said Township must 'be. left with the Clerk of the Municipality on or before May 23rd, 1936. DATED at Varna, . May llth, 1936. CHAS. C. PILGRIM, Clerk. 79-2. PAGE 5' BOXY THEATRE, CLINTON ,.NOW PLAYING "LAUGHING 'IRISH EYES" ance e ex 11 nt Irish story Shirley ,Temple 'Comedy. Mots., Tues:, Wed. SHIRLEY TEMPLE 11 E and,, JOHN BOLES in "The Littlest Rebel" Don't miss seeing Shirley sing and dance along with Will Robinson COMEDY CARTOON Thurs Fri., Sat: Preston Foster, Jane Wyatt in "We're' Only I [ullnan" An Action -Packed Thriller. COMEDY NEWS REEL Coming:- • "GOOSE and the GANDER",:,. Mat.: Sat & Holidays, .at 3 p.m. ameseacearismaisemarociassow CAPI !'AL THEATRE -REGENT THEATRE Non Barbara ,Staitwyck as: "ANNIR OAKLEY" Mon:, Tues., Wed. Shirley Temple and . Jithn Boles 'Jack holt, Karen Morley and,r Bill Robinson , present an appealing story of the' old South. "The Littlest Rebel'. ' ' Thurs., Fri., Sat. -Double 'Bill; Kay Francis and•George Brent its 'Tie Goose 8z the Gander' James Dunn, Claire' Dodd and . Pat Ellis in a romantic comedy "THE PAYOFF" < Coming:- George Arliss ins "MR. IIOB'O" - Mat.: Wed. and Sat. at 3 pant. Seafortlr Now: Walter Kelly as: TIIE VIRGINIA JUDGE" • Mon., 'Pees., Wed tWIRR contributes LL lits .whiOGEmsicSal wit to ,a Dixie racing story 4°in Old_ Kentucky" featuring Bill • Robinsons' . Thais., Fri., Sat. Charles Laughton, Clark Gable and Franehot Toned - in the masterful' epic of the ., British Navy "Mutiny On the Bounty" " re Coming:. Lau 1 and Hardy in:. "BONNIE SCOTLAND" Mat.: Sat. at 3 p.m. . , . "SILVERWOOD'S" . Instant Frozen Smoother than Velvet ice CREAM We- carry a large; assortment of Bricks and Bulk TRY: 0U# DELICIOUS- SUNDAES, SODAS OR LIGHT LUNCHES. • Served. in Our Parlor. Sold By --- Bartliff & Crich bone 1. -.Clinton. SEEDS Stillcarry a complete stock of Grass eel a s S and Seed Grain. 'Let me know requirements so I will be sure to have plenty when you need some. MANGELS & TURNIPS Have full stock of these at -very attractive prices, Bulk Garden Seeds Let me fill your garden orders, All veletable seeds in built, uuich the cheapest way. All seeds high hi germination. Fred Ford Grain, Flour Seed and Feed, Phone 123w. G. J. D O EY FF/ is holding his Weekly Auction Sale of Horses, Cattle and Hogs at his Sale' Barns, EXETER Wednesday;.May 20th , Y G. J. Dow, W. E. Nairn, Proprietor, Auctioneer. '1r,-tf, Man Wanted For Rawleigh Route of 800 famii ies. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. ML -169 -SA -E, Montreal, Canada. 78-4. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH A Court of Revision will be held in Spence's Hall, Hohnesyille, on Tuesdy, May 26th, at 10 a.m. to hear and determine complaints against the assessment roll. All complaints must be in writing and' delivered ta the undersigned not later than -May 23. All parties assessed for dogs that have since, been destroyed should re- turn the tags or be- charged in taxes. -R. G. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Clinton Clerk. 78-2. Work Wanted I ann prepared to dig and work gardens, dig and clear out drains, wells, Cisterns, etc. Call on me when you need a job done. Also model T. Coupe for Sale. John G. Carter, or ring up 160, Clinton. 77=2-p, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iit The Estate of John McKenzie, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate 'oa' John McKenzie, late of the Village of Brucefield, its "the County: of Huron, Esquire, deceased who died on or about the 9th day, of. April,' A.D., 1936, .are required to de - !firer to Harry Collins, - Brumfield, Ont., or Joseph Richardson, Varna, Ont., the executors of the said Es- tate, or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 23rd clay of May 1936, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities,, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. e AND TAKE' IJOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executor's will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled ;thereto having regard only to, such claims as they shall have received due not - 'co and in accordance therewith, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 2nd day of May, A.D., 1936. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 78.3. CLINTON'S HEAT 'FOLKS`' FRESH CAJ ; ' The Kind INSIS'ii for all CARLOAD . , ) JUST ARRIVED that Insures ON CANADA good: Concrete OI' ICI - CEMENT Work. Success t JOHN B.11UBTABO l.II1IBE1.1111118E11& COAL CO, LUMBER, SHINGLES, COAL, CEMENT, ETC. J. T..1lMcKNIGHT, Local Manager Phones: Brucefield Office & Residence: 618x'11. Clinton: Office, 74w; Residence 741. cc WENDORF'S ay Specials" CHOCOLATE ROLLS . 15e' COCOANUT CREAM PIES, 10c, 25c 1U11; 130X C•OOK1ES, dozen ., .15c NEW AND :SETTER CAFES. Try These New Cakes • - They Are Delicious AUNTS' & NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Soda Fountain and Ice Cream. WENDORF'S Phone 68. Beautify Your Home by planting a bed of Scarlet or Pinit Geraniums, Cannas or our new Sal- via, that blooms in June. Hanging Baskets and Verandah Boxes add greatly to the Beauty. We fill baskets and boxes or can supply you with the plants. STEWART BROS. BENMILL'ER NURSERIES Phone, Carlow 235, Pasture For Rent 40 acres of good pasture land, cheap. Plenty of water and shade, Apply to Fred Hopkins, 'Maitland concession, Goderich township. Phone 602x25, Clinton central. 77-3. House To Rent House for rent. Apply to Mrs. R. J. Fisher, Mill Street, Clinton. 76 -t -f. Collie Pups For Sale Four thoroughbred Collie pups for sale. Apply to D. Reager, R. R. No. 8, Clinton, Phone 604116, • Clinton Central. \ 771f. For Sale' Pure-bred Yorkshire pigs, weaned pigs; bred sows, and serviceable boars, sired by -soil of Grand Champion and by prize -whin -lag boar. Orville Free, Dungannon, R. R, 1, Telephone, Dun- gannon, 14r13. 75-2. EXECUTORS' SALE Of House,' Lot and Household Ef- fects, of the late John McKenzie, at Brubefielcl; on Monday, May 18th, 3t 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of the following: Dining room table and chairs; cup- boards, 3 complete bed room suites,. springs, mattresses, feather ticks, woollen blankets, sheets, quilts, pil- lows, cushions, toilet sets, new Beach range, wood heater, 2. couches, sever- al small tables, kitchen table and chairs, drapes, curtains, carpets, (rugs, linoleum,` lawn mower, garden tools, carpenter's tools, .dishes, pots, pans, and other articles too itumor- ous to mention. At the hour o1 3 o'clock the pro- perty will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. This is a very de- sirable property and, in good <condi- tion. TERMS : ON PROPER'T'Y: 10% of the purchase money to be paid on day 'of sale, the balance in 30 days. TERMS ON CONTENTS: Cash. Everything to be sold to wind' stip the estate. Joseph Richadson, Harry Collins,, Executors. Gee, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 78-2, BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographsistincti n of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) DEBTS - - - DEBTS If you haven't already sent your list of accounts or notes to KELLY & AIKEN • THE COLLECTION SPECIALISTS, at ORANGEVILL'E; ONTARIO, it would be wise to de so how, Remember -No Collection, No Charts Established 1800. For Sale Comfortable house, Maple street, including bath, new furnace, good garden, garage. Terms reasonable: Apply to Ida Walkinshaw, Clinton. Phone 211. 69-tf. Furnished Rooms to Rent Or room and board in private fam- ily. home privileges, reasonable rates. Mrs. J. E. Jones, 93 Ontario St., 2nd house east of Din ley St., Clinton, 74-tf-5p. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Goocl garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition, Apply to Miss E. Akam, Box 336, Clinton. 73-c, Spirella - Foundation garments. Mrs. J. Sit cock, Corsetiere. For An appointment telephone 265w. 73-4-2p. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William B. Patter- son, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of William B. Patterson, late ' of the Village of Manchester, in the County of Huron, Esquire, deceased, Who. died on or about the 26th day of February, ILD., 1935, are requir- ed to deliver to Ralph D. Munro, Au- burn, Ontario, Executor of tate said Estate, or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 15th day of May A.D., 1936, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the secur- ities, ecurities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 'said last nienitoned date the said Executor will proceed to 'distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having' regard only to such claims as shall have received clue notice and in acco%'dance tlxerewith. DATED at .Clinton, Ontario, . this 24th day of April, A.D., 1936. F. FINGLAND, .Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 77-3. For Sale First class house, modern conven- iences, centrally located. Apply to F. Fingland, Clinton. 70-tf. House To Rent Comfortable brick house, Albert street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all modern convettlientleri. Immedilate possession. For particulars apply to Rev: G. W. Sherman or Mrs. W. C. Brown, 52-tf-2p, Cleaning and Pressing Suits Coats Sand Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING W. e J. JAO G TAILOR If not open work may lie left at 1' Maui's Barber Shop,