HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-05-07, Page 5• THURS., MAY 7, I035' ;THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ."-44 r 7444—+ .! *firlet e« t eetorl(esee te eteS-44-44-444-441 tat FLOWERS `and PLANT . <'FLQ�VEING S -� • A LARGE -STOCK OF CLEAN 'YOUNG PLANTS AT VERY MODERATE PRICES. CINERARIA, SC33YZANTIIUS, CALCEOLARIA, IIYDRANGES, ,ETC. ROSES, CARNATIONS, • SNAPDRAGON, TULIPS, ETC ' IT WILL PAY YOU TO "SEE OUR STOCK. CHOOSE YOUR PLANT AND' WE WILL DLLLVEii ACCORDING TO YOUR INSTRUCTIONS. 3, ' tdoolte, 1rit .., Phones: 66w, and 66j rf ,1RelwfWteettAtt 74 -es et+Seif, tSeS t«'lentl+14p ;HSS'; ;++. .i«iH,M:'$,d»:'4'a+ +":*?moi stsse .a4 ;M; OF INTEREST- TO YOU AND ME • May is here but 'we have not had • any very hot, weather yet, that i_s not from the first day or so. . Hon. C. Dunning brought down his uudget on May Day. But there did -.atot seem 'to be any particular in- • elination to use it for a maypole and to dance about it. Mussolini says League of Na- tions trust go on, but that it must be re -organized. Yes, it proved very an- -toying to him, when lie was busy civilizing a backward nation, to have the "League of Nations threatening to • do this and that to him. If the obi- - ermembers expect Mussolini to re- main a member the League will have to be made over to suit 'him' better. No doubt he will draw up a plan for it as soon as he can get time. Exhibitors are complaining that • some other exhibitors give their • sheentoo tnuclh beauty treatment be- fore taking them to the fairs,, and • complaint has been sent the Western Fair authorities about it, .These gentlemen, however, say they ,cannot , do anything unless ,a .general move- ment were mnacle by al] fair author- ities. Looks as ' if all exhibitor's would have to take to primping up their stock for the show ring. We • remember • an experience we had at the Toronto fair a few years ago, We happened to be going about with some friend's when a young lady in the party asked us to come and sec some sheep, which she thought the handsomest sheep she had ever seen. They were, indeed, htmdsonie and distinguished looking animals. We had never seen such ` sheep before, either. They were a lovely deep yellow color, what we in a print shop call goldenrod, and were all the • same, clear, beautiful shade. They were all brushed and curly, of course, looking as if they _had had a fresh permanent, or at least a Marcell. We were a bit puzzled, as \ve had seen a number of sheep in the course of our career', and we wondered if a new type had been evolved. "Weil,' we thought, if they can grow sheep with • wool Iike that it will save a lot of coloring -of yarns, etc." However, a sheep man later ttold us that they 1 had been "rouged" for the occasion. It was well done and we suppose that is one of the things exhibitors whe do not wish, to take the trouble ' to do it, complain about. Those sheep, 'certainly stole the show in their vi- , •oinity. • In the Toronto Star on Monday a \short editorial appeared in relation ' do the need of food in China and the "waste of food in 'America. It says, "In a province in China there are anywhere from one million to ten million people on the verge of starvation. In Brazil they are burning cof- fee because there is too Hutch of it. In the United States cotton has been plowed' under and mils lions of pigs have been destroyed because there is too much bacon and pork. , Tn some other cops', tries beef animals have been de-: ,•stroyed to.reduce the surplus. In Canada and the United States- We tateswe have had for several years 'a surplus of wheat, •causing grave concern.' In China a million people, to take the lowest estimate; are dye Ing of starvation;. There is no world management. If the world could feed China in her year of disaster no doubt China could repay the world in her• years of plenty. Surely t li e western world might better bestow 'in charity ' her surpk s foods on starving • China than, destroy 'thein by fire or the plow or east thein into the sea." The News -Record has often con- tended that there has' been no over- lrroduction of food ofi o.. clothing in the World during the past years when nosales could be tirade, but rather art under -distribution•:; If every one in all the nations of the world could be supplied with all the good things of this life 'which they need, count-. big nothing but actual need, we should have 'to 'plant all the wheat we -could grow and set all looms -and •factories running full speed to keep abreast of the demand. i :What we need is to , evolve some plan of making• some sort of an ade- quate distribution. Of .course these people who really need food and clothing cannot buy it of us who have plenty—there are people in this rich country of Canada, and maybe much nearerhome than, that to most of 'tis, who cannot buy.. But the world grows enough food for all her children if only it could be distribut- ed to thein. Who will be the pian or. woman, or the group •which will find out and put into , operation the scheme of dividing the goods of this World to the people who need then: most?' It is a sobering thought, too, that that is what we're expected to do, Budget Brought Down In Pedes-� House On: May D. a: y Following are highlights • in the tux and tariff changes' announced: Deficit 'for the Current fiscal, year to be less than $100,000,000 compar- ed with $162,000,000 in the last year. Sales tax increased to eight per cent, from six per cent. and corpor- ation' income tax rate increased to. 15 per ,Cent. to bring added revenue of $20,000,000. ' Three year `exemption from cor- poration income tax of any metalli- ferous mine corning into production between now and an, 1, 1940. Rearrangement of excise and cus- toins taxes on automobiles designed to lowerrprices of small cars to con- sumer. . Drop of 114 cents a gallon in gas- oline duty was from 214 cents a gal- lon to one cent. • Excise tax on Canadian brandies reduced -to $3 per gallon—now $4. Downward revision of 104 items in the tariff schedule and upward re- vision of 12, including 50 items re- duced under preferential tariff and no increases, - • Heavy reductions in tariff rates. on British cotton and silk fabrics and amanufactured cotton and artificial silk goods from intermediate . tariff countries including United States. Free entry, from all countries of goods: or articles imported. for per- sonal use of the blind and free en - by of all educational sound and sil- ent filers, Tariff on epictiItttral implements front intermediate tariff countries to 71k, per emit.. Duty exemption up to $100 on goods for personal use brought in by tourists travelling'- abroad .providing they are absent 48 hours and that exemption is granted onlyonce eV- ery four months. - Reduction is made in respect to 104 items of ,the Customs schedule and there inc increases in respect to 12 .items. STANLEY Miss Mary Gordon and Mrs. Kyle: of Goderieh, and Mrs. Agnus Gordon and Mr. -Will Sage .of, Shepperton, visited at the home of Mr. Thos. B. Baird last Saturday. Mrs. Fisher of Hemel! is visiting, with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Mof- fat. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Russe, 'and son Gerald, 'of Rochester, N.Y., vis- ited with the latter's_ parents, Mr, and lMlrs. Arthur Caldwell. lllrs., Jaikes.Porter of Goderich is visiting with Ma. and Mrs. Wil] Scotchmer. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hobson and Mfrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas visited friends on' the Blne Water Highway on Sunday, COUNTY, NEWS HENSALL:' A training school for Junior Institute project leaders and 'assistants, was held in Hensel) en Friday and Saturday last; Re- presentatives were 'present wont Sea forth, Mrs. J. Hillebrecht and Miss Annie , Piipple; Zurich,. Irene' ,Mous- scan and Mary Coleman; Hensall, BIRTHS GIBBINGS In Claxton Conununity +1-lospltal, 01t'April 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibb;ngs, Kennet] Warren. .WEBdTER—In Scott Memorial pxtal, Seafortli, en May 3rd to Mr. and Webster - of Val- na, a daughter: -Joyce' Marie. DEATHS MeCULLY—In Brucefield, on Apr. 29th, Mary Jane- McCully, aged. 83 years. 1111;s; E. K. Mutton .and Miss 'Isobel Aleaander.' The class was • under the direction of Miss F. Duthie- of Dungannon. These leaders will now help in carrying out the interesting and instructive - clothing project. "Being welldressed and well grown - ed in their respective chubs."' Each ,club and club member •willl'show their best work in competition on Achieve- ment Day which will be held in Clin- ton, Julie 13th. NOTICE . We wish to, take this opportunity to thank the people of Clinton for their kind and `. friendly patronage which. we have enjoyed : during the number of years we have bean in the grocery business. Although nc longer connected with the •business, our jinterests;are ' still in the Superior Store now owned and operated by Mr. Thompson, and will appreciate your continued pat- ronage of the store. We wish Mr. Thompson every success. • —J. T.. McKnight ,& Son. Man Wanted ' For Rawleigh Route ,of. 800 faniil-' les. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. ML469-SA-E, Montreal,' Canada. 75-4. COURT OF REVISION . TOWNSHIP. OF GODERICH A Court of Revision will be held in, Spence's Hall, Holtnesville, on Tuesdy; May 26th, at 10 a.ns. to hear and determine complaints against the assessment roll. All complaints must be in writing and' delivered to the undersigned not later than May 23. All parties assessed ,for dogs that have since been. destroyed should re - tram' the tags 'or be charged in taxes. G. THOMPSON, R,R, 2, Clinton Clerk. '78-2. Spring Clearance of Used Musical Instruments, such as Saxophones: --E flat Alto, Tenor and "0" Melody. Trumpets, Guitars, and all' Band Instruments of well known snakes. Reconditioned and fully guaranteed. Write us about further particulars of prices. No ob- ligations. D'Erina Deacon Musio Shoppe, Heintzman' Building, London, Ontaro; 242 Dundias Street. Phone: Met, 6072. Open Evenings. '78-1. Work Wanted. 1 am prepared to dig and work gardens, dig and clear otit drains, wells, cisterns, etc. Call on me when you need a job done. Also model T. Coupe for Sale, John C. Carter, or ring up 160, Clinton. • 77-2-p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate of John McKenzie; Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that sail persons having claims against the Estate 'of John McKenzie, late of the' Village of Brucefield, in the County of Iluron, Esquire, deceased: 'who died on or about the 9tlt day of April, A,L., 19.36, are required to de- liver to Barry Collins, Brucefield, Ont., or Joseph Richardson, Varna, Ont,, the executors of the said Fs- tate, or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 23rd day of May A.D., 1936, -a full statement of their claims together with particulars, thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them ,all curly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the. said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the "estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as they shall have received due not- ice and in accordance therewith. DATED :at Clinton, Ontario, this 2nd day of May, A.D., 1936. F. FINGLAND,' Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 78-3. EXECUTORS' SALE Of House, Lot and Household. Ef- fects, of the late -John. Mc1Zenzie, at 13rucefield, on Monday; May 18th, at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of the followyng: ' During room table and chairs; cup- boards, 3 complete lied room suites, springs, mattresses, feather ticks, woollen blankets, sheets, quilts, pil- lows, cushions,' toilet sets, new Beach range, wood heater, 2 couches, sever- al small tables, .kitchen table and chairs, drapes, curtains, catpetd, rugs, linoleum, lawn mower, garden tools, carpenter's tools, dishes,- pots, pans; and other articles too mmner Otis to mention. _ 'At the hodir of 3 o'clock the pro- perty will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve hid.. This•is•a very de- sirable property and iu good condi-. tion. • TER14IS ON PROPERTY: 10'% of the purchase money to 114 paid on clay of sale, the, balance in 30 days, • TERMS ON CONTENTS: Cash. Everything to be sold .to wind up the estate.' ' • Joseph Riehaclson,, Barry Collins; Executors. Geo. H. Ehiott, Auctioneer." 78-2. PAGE 5 LIVE • .POULTRY MARKET ALWAYS 'IN THE MARKET FOR Poultry & F'resILEggs: AT. TOP CASA PRICES. Por.itry flocks ,celled free of charge by experienced poultryman, N. W. TREWARTIIA Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w SMARTER STILL! If it is smart' to be saving, then it is doubly smart to accomplish saving stylishly.' Our Dr'y Clean- sing service helps many a woman to save—and to be smarter still— to be stylish! Send us one ; or two "not -so -good" Suits, 'Frocks 0r garments.' See how attractive they can be made to appear, at our small Dry Cleaning charges! Dyeing CL �h1lt Repairing ill' KS Cleaning Pressing CARD OF THANKS' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glow wish to thank their many friends, including the organizations • of Ontario street church, for flowers and gifts sent to their little daughter, Kathleen, dur- ing her illness in the Clinton Com- munity Hospital, also the ,superinten- dent and staff of the hospital and' the -doctors in attendance for the ex- cellent care and attention -given. • CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. James McGill :wish to express their keen appreciation of the kindness Wand care extended to Mrs. McGill during her, long illness in the Clinton Conununity Hospital by the Doctors, Miss Grainger and the staff of nurses, also for all the kindnesses shown by neighbors and friends, especially the ladies Of On- tario street church. For Sale Dryland cedar posts, 4" to 6" top 25c, corner posts $1.00. Telephone, posts $1.75. For' inspections apply to Mrs.' Alice Ferguson, Frederick street, Clinton. Pigs For Sale 8 little pigs, She weeks old. $4.50 apiece or $9•.per pair. Apply' to C. R. Cooper, R. Rt No, 3. Clinton. Phone 605r15, Clinton central. 78-1. For Sale Esse; Coupe, 1030 model, with rum- ble seat. Apply Olive E. Schoenhals, Clinton. 78-1-p. For Sale Pure-bred Yorkshire pigs, weaned pigs, bred sows, and serviceable boars, sired by Grand Champion and by prize-winning boar. Orville Free, Dungannon,: R. R. 1, Telephone, Dun- gannon, 14r13. 79-1. • Potatoes For Sale - A quantity of Dooley ' .potatoes, suitable for seed or table use. Apply to Alex, Sparks, 4111 concession of Goderieh township, one mile off Hay- field Road, '77-2-p. THEY COME BACK FOR BRAY CHICKS EYEAR YEAR After WHEN a man buys 200 May Chicks— And takes 204 out of the chick boxes— And raises 201 One more than he paid for— And the 201 suit him "right, dotyn to the pound"— What ' happens? ' Well, naturally, he writes •(as did this customer at .Hannon, Ont.); et was certainly well pleased, so will. ;you send me this, year's price list, I hope to have the same good luck this Spring•„ „A.ncl, ordering. BRAY chicks again, he may very properly ex-, Peet .the same" "good hick." 1 or,,afteu all, it isn't good hack, It's good management. :Bray Chicks are bred and hatched to behave that way. • There's no reason why they shouldn't do it for YOIJ, too:. Order yours today, and see if they don't, FRED w, BRAY LIMITED HATCHERY CHICK Phone 246 Exeter, Ontario. ��Y R �����111 CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE' REGENT THEATRE Seafortli ',,Now Playing: `°COI20NADA>' li ' areal" re r musical come ]. ply ay Now: Anne Shirley -as CIiATTTEIIBOX" r Now: Nory James Cabitey as 1IIE FRISCO KID" ; Mori., 1 nes., �i'ed. HAROLD LLOYD his i tost special featue ' F. Tle"Cilly Way" IL is a fast-movipg` comedy with not a dull nroiuent, COMEDY .' : CARTOON ' _� Mon., T,ues., ;Wed:. 0 -aMltI3y 01 the Bounty,' Starring Charles Lau ltn Fran- clot Tone and Clark Gable undoubtedly the picture of thea year! ' Mon, Tues., Wed,in M Jeainette MacDonaldand Nelson Eddy You will tl rill to feel songs in the charnians musical, romance ccNaughty Marietta' Thuts., Fri., Sat. BARI;ARA STANWYCii Preston Peeler Sc Melvin Douglas Take us' back to "Buffalo Br11" Cooly Sit the. exciting and cc adventurous epic. 79 ANNIE OAI�LEY Coating: Shirley Temple and John Boles, in "The Littlest Rebel". Mat.: Wed.. and Sat, at 3 p.m. , Thurs., Fri., Sat.. Eve]y,n yeatt and Walter Kelly in cc Laughing Irish Eyes" a breezy comedy with music' re- volving around Irish characters _ Sltirloy Temple Comedy—IVe,vsieel Thurs.Fri. Sat, - wALPI1It C. kELLY Grand old star of the stage in an g appealing and lovable' story cc ,i The Virginia Judge Coming Soon: Shirley Temple in: LITTLEST REBEL" Comings ' Will Rogers: "IN OLD KENTUCKY',. 3t Mat: Sat. & Holidays, at 3; p.m. sIZEISISMINEBN. 91? Mat.: Sat. .. and Holidays. Sunday, May 10 MOTHER'S DAY DON'T FORGET MOTHER WE HAVE Smil�s'nChuckles AND FRESH 'PACK BOXES IN SPECIAL WRAP Barfliff & Crich Phone 1, Clinton. STRAWBERRY WEEK. Your family will enjoy farm life much better with a nice patch from which to gather beautiful red berries. The cost of 500 plants is only $3,00, which will supply the whole family, as Well as returning a profit the first year. HUGILL'S Potato and Berry Farm . Phone 616x.•34, Clinton Central. '77-2. SEEDS Still carry a cornplete stock of Grass Seed and Seed Grain, Let me know requirements so I will be •'sure to have plenty when you need some. MANGELS & TURNIPS Have full staff of these at very attractive prices. Bulk Garden Seeds Let the fill your garden orders. All veletable: seeds in bulk, much the cheapest way. All seeds high in germination. Fred Ford Grain, Flour Seed and Feed. • Phone 123w. CAR FOR SALE DurantiDe Luxe Sedan IN SPLENDID CONDITION MILEAGE 25,757. CHEAP FOR CASH. Mrs. G. A. McLennan Clinton. 78-1-p. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! See J. E. Howard for all Classes of Insurance. Lowest Rates with Absolute Finan- cial Strength. • Call or Phone J. ' E. Howard Phone 178, -Clinton. 7G-tf. G.J.'DOW is holding his Weekly Auction Sale of Horses, Cattle and Hogs at his Sale Barns, • EXETER Wednesday, May 13th G. J. Dow, • W. E. Nairn; Proprietors • Auctioneer. 78-1f. Paper ',I•Langing Those wishing paper' hanging and . decorating done should call on the undersigned fox terms. 'Satisfaction guaranteed. , Chas. Tyner, 638r12, Clinton central. 77-2-p. Rouse To Rent House for rent: Apply to Mrs. R, J. Fisher, 111111 Street, Clinton. 76-tf. ' Collie Paps '1;or;Sale Fotir, thoroughbred, Ceara pups for sale, Apply to D. Re -lagers R. 12,. No. 3; Clinton. Phone 694r16, Clinton Central., • 77-1f. • CLINTON'S HEAT. FOLDS I ', The .. ` FRESH , . Kind T Il\SIST for all , JUST that , ON good CARLOAD •. ' ) ARRIVED Insures CANADA Concrete OF 1 • ' CEMENT Work, .'1, Success e ir ' U CUL CO, JOHN O. MUSTARD LUMBER & C � LUMBER, SHINGLES, COAL, CEMENT, ETC. J. T. Me1NIGHT, Local Manager Phones: Brucefield Office & Residence: 618r11. Clinton: Office, 74w; Residence 74j. MOT • STILL LIKES CAN GIVE HER SPECIAL CHOCOLATE ROLLS BATTER DROPS and COCOANUT CREAM PIES. WENDORE'S Phone 68, LET YOUR DOLLAR HAVE MORE SENSE by buying your Betiding Plants, An- nuals and Vegetable plants from the Hem -Miler Nurseries, or from the Stores that carry their stock. We Grow None But The Best. STEWART BROS. IlENMILLER NURSERIES Phone, Carlow 235. Spirella . Foundation garments. Mrs. J. Sit - cock, Corsetiere, For an appointment telephone 285w. 73-4-2p. For . SaIe About 500 good cedar posts 8 ft. long and 75 941. long, also about 46 acres pasture for rent. Well watered and plenty of shade. Adam Steep, R..11. No.. 3, Clinton. Phone 606r12, Clinton central, 77-2. Entertainment. Coming The 'story and picture of Ben Hue will •be presented in the church aud- itorium on the evening of May 11th, under the auspices of the Y.P.U. of Wesley -Willis church. Admission 25c and 10c. 77-2. Pasture For Rent 40 acres of good pasture land, cheap. Plenty of water and shade. Apply to. Fred Hopkins,' Maitland concession; Godeiich township. Phone 602r25, Clinton central. •77-3, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William B. Patter- sott, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Estate of William B. Patterson, late of the Village of Manchester, in the County of Htuon, Esquire, deceased, who (lied on or about the 26th day of February, A,D., 1935, are requir- ed to deliver to Ralph D.14Iunr'o, Au- burn, Oritarie, Executor of the said Estate, or P. Fingland, Solicitor, on or • before the 15th day of May,-A.D., '.936, a full statement of their claims together' 'with particulars thereof, end the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by, them all duly verified by affidavit. • AND TAKE _ 'NOTICE that after the said last nrenitoned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the, persons entitled thereto having regard only to sial claims as shall, have received due notice and, In aceeddance. therewith. `• DATED at Clinton,. Ontario, this 24th:. day of April, A.D., 194 F.,I+"INGLAIVD, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for `the. said Estate, 77-3. ®o. BURGESS' STUDIO • CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) DEBTS - - - DEBTS If you haven't already sent your list of 'accounts or notes t0 KELLY & AIKEN • THE COLLECTION SPECIALISTS at ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO, it would be wise to do so now. Remember—No Collection, No Charge Established 1890. Man Wanted With car to handle Ward's Quality Teas, Coffees, . Cocoa, Spices, ex- tracts, Medicinal Preparations di- rect to established users in Huron County. Write IS H. Ward Com- pany, John South, Hamilton. 77-2,p. • For Sale Comfortable house, Maple street, including bath, new furnace, good, garden, garage. Terms reasonable. Apply to Ida Walkinshaw, Clinton. Phone 211. 60-1f. Furnished Rooms to Rent Or room and board in private fam- ily. Home privileges,. reasonable rates. Mrs.' J. E. Jones, 93 Ontario St., 2nd house east of Dinsley St., Clinton. 74-tf-1-p. House For Sale or Rentlark A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street. Good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply to Miss E. Akam, Box 336, Clinton. 73-c. Attention Ladies • I, am now representing. the British Knit Co. for Clinton and vicinity and am in a position to receive orders. for their splendid Iines. Appoint- ments made by phone given special attention, I have a complete line of samples for suits, dresses, etc., and also latest designs and fashions. Phone 301F, or call at my home, Vic- toria street, Clinton, "Mrs. A. S. Ink= ley 76-3-p. To Rent Comfortablehouse on Huron street, electric light, town water, garage, good garden. Possession at once. Apply .to Mrs. J. Snyder, Albert street, Clinton. 73-t1. For Sale •.Single -comb, White ,Leghorn hatch- ing eggs. Special mating of 8 -year- old hens, All eggs 25 ozs. or better. William Rutledge, R. R. No. 2, Sea - forth, phone 616x2, Clinton. 73-tf. For Sale First class house, moderns conven- iences, centrally located. Apply to F. Fingland, Clinton. 70-tf. House : To Rent Comfortable brick house, Albert street, Clinton, furnace, bath, all Modern conventiences,. Imsned1ate Possession.. :For particulars ' apply to Rte.. G. W. Shelman or Mrs. W. C. Brown. 52-tf-2p. Clearing and, Pressing Suits, Coats and .Dresses DRY CLEANING AND 'REP AIRING W J. JAGO, TAILOR If, not open work may be left at Hear&ils Barber Shop, I`