HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-04-30, Page 8-GE 8 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ;, THURS., APRIL 30;I936- Chickens,,, per lb, 20e FRESH LAKE TROUT. Smoked Picnic, Shank off, per 'lb ..,, 19c P. M. Cottage Rolls, per lb: 20c Smoked Cottage Rolls, per ib. 24C Head Cheese, per lb: 10c Sausage, Home-made, per; lb: 150 Bacon, in piece, per Ib. 25c Bulk Lard, per lb. ' 15o' Rib Boiling Beef, per Ib. 10c CONNELL & •TYNDALL• " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone'162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL KINDS. Complete New Line of ELECTRIC HOT PLATES New Designs, Priced from $3.20 to $5.20. ' FURNITURE DEPARTMENT FREE CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUG Just guess the number under the seal as shown, in our window. The one guessing the correct num, ber or closest to being correct wins a 6x9 feet Con- goleum Rug, any pattern. BEGINS MAY 1ST TO MAY 9TH With each Spring Mattress purchased this week we are giving a Mattress Cover FREE. Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day or Night 1 CROP INSURANCE FOR THE FARMER YOUR TIME AND LABOR IS TOO VALUABLE TO BE WASTED Protect your investment by using— Star Brand Formaldehyde. � To Prevent Smut in your grain. It will pay you many times. Also we have COPPER CARBONATE for using on Spring Wheat and Iiulless Oats. SPENCER'S PIANT SWEET PEAS, • per oz. 20c FOR SALE BY W. S. S, MMES PNM, S, - s CLINTON, bNT, PHONE 51 Forsyth Shirts All the Newest ',Shades and Styles COLLAR ATTACHED STYLE with Tie to Match. SHIRTS WITH 2 COLLARS. DAVIS IS & HERMAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING • • Bargain I'` A R E S, MAY . 7 • From CLINTON (Tickets also sold at all adjacent C.N,R. Stations) To C.N.R. STATIONS rn MARITIME PROVINCES. Prov. of Quebec; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island; Nova Scotia MAY 8 aid 9 —To Ottawa $7.40; Montreal $8.45; Quebec City $11.70; Ste. Anne de Beaupre $12.30 • ROUND TRIP FARES Ticketa, Pares, Transit Limits and Information from Agents. Ask for Handbill )1`,A CANADIAN NATIONAL Railway Revenue Up For. March After payinent of operating expen- ses the Canadian National Railways for the month of March, 1936, haci netrevenue amounting to 3941,538, according to the monthly statement df operating 'revenues, operating ex- penses and net revenue for the all- inclusive system issued at lteadquar tern this week. Operating revenues for the month of March showed an increase of $629,365, while operating expenses increased $783,318, a decrease in net revenue of 3153,953as compared with the corresponding month oi" last year. For the three -months period end- ing March 31, 1936, operating even - nes showed an increase of 31,909,034, erntan, could reach WM., while operating expenses were in creased by $2,313,991. Net revenue for•the quarter amounted to $76,742, a decrease of $404,957 from the first- quarter period of last year. Some Of Those. Chaps Are Particular The Story cones from Goderich that a'pian called at the home of Norman MacKay -'of that town < and aslced for a meal. "• "Well, all we have is hamburg, potatoes, bread and butter and tea; but you are welcome to a helping,". said the man of the house. "Oh well, , if that's all you have I'll; try some place else," replied the knight of the road, and he was gone before Mr.. MacKay, an active fish - SNOW GONE • FLOODS RECEDING • SUNNIER DAYS and the tune to re -decorate :the. in- terior of your home• Wall paper is most geneally'used for the purpose: Do you think of coming home as the best part of a good clay? Home is still the best institution civilization has ceated and deseves to be'made the most delightful place .you know, by the• use' of those material things that make life richer and a place ,of happiness. If you agree then its Wall Paper for you. Do you know of anything at the price that wilf add such welcome and welcoming charm? Have you experienced how a dull room can be brightened and filled with real hominess by the right selection of Wall Paper? • Bright cheery, invigorating renewal of your walls do Much to invite and epcour age the enjoyment of your home life, their reflective influences, in cases, builds a sunny disposition. We exer- cise our carefu ]judgment in buying what we regard as splendid patterns and colorings for the rejuvenation . of old rooms and the modern _papering of new homes. We invite your in- spection. Tie W. Dr Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best I(u/'Ii IIINIIIIII imi, Li Mrs, Earl Shaw and little daughter of Brigden, Ont., are visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. W. Seeley. Magistrate E. S. Livermore of AyI- . rare visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Livermore, this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johnston of Lon- don spent the week -end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. W. John - stop, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Mrs, A. Weatherwax, who was here for the funeral of her aunt, the late Miss S. Cantelon, returned hone yesterday. Her sister, Miss D. Cantelon, accompanied her as far as Toronto. Rev. F. G. Farrill exchanged pulpits with the Rev. Mr. Warren of the Markdale United church on Sun- day last, the latter conducting Sunday school anniversary ser- vices in the Ontario street church. Messrs. H. E, Rorke, G..11. Jefferson, H. P. Plumsteel, D. M. Maltby, H. Skelton and H. German attend- ed the reception to the Grand Mas- ter of the A.F. & A.M. at the Ma- sonic Temple, Stratford, on Friday last. Dr. Thompson, D.D.G.M, attended di- vine service with Goderich Lodge on Sunday last, celebrating the 62nd anniversary. of Odd Fellow- ship, and also attended the special meeting• of the lodge on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dow and Miss Dow of Cromarty were in town on Tuesday the two. ladies being dere. gates• from Roy's church to the Presbyterial. They also visited, Mrs. Dow's another and aunts, Mrs. J. Jervis, Mrs, J. Snyder and Miss Agnew. Dr. M. A. Shipley, who was return- ing from Boston, where he had been taking a short post -graduate course, visited his mother and brother, Mrs. Shipley and Mr. Geo. Shipley, over the week -end before going on • to his home at Kirk- land Lake. Rev. C. W. D: Cosens preached in h'is' former charge, Parkview church, Stratford, on Sunday last, the IRev. D. E. Foster taking Mr. Mersey's work in Mitchell and the latter conducting Sunday school an- niversary services in Wesley -Wil- lis church, Clinton. ' Mr. C; G. ;Middleton was ,the delegate from. St'Paul's church to the coun- cil of . the Ontario Synod, held in Toronto last week. Mr. Middleton the e matter. of education was one of the inmost outstanding sub- jects considered at this. gathering and that; university education came hs for a good deal of discussion: Mr, and Mrs.. E. J. Jenkins and Mr. George Jenkins of London visited relatives in ;Clinton and vicinity over last week -end. They leave this week for Ottawa, where . Jenkins will have charge of Y. M. C. A. work in future. The London Y.M.C.A., gave a farewell banquet in honour of Mr .Jenkins before he severed his connection With the work there, • where he has, been lo- cated for several years, ONE MEND Always in the I.catd TELLS . ANOTHER ;-.,; REDANII WHITE ATIN NOW ON BIG SPECIALS OUTSTANDINC PRICES In connection with this Sale we are openin up a Fruit .Muret of Fruits 8 Vegetables BIG BANANA SALE - GRAPE FRUIT, we can PINEAPPLES, ORANGES, sweet and juicy at Extra Special Prices hardly keep these 'in, so Fine Quality as they are, Finest Cuban Pines, now arriving daily. Then the SPINACH is Fresh. CARROTS and BEETS at New Low Prices. HEAD & LEAF LETTUCE, NEW CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWERS, RADISHES, TOMATOES and PARSNIPS. NEW POTATOES, also IRISH COBBLERS FOR SEED FLASH—An Added Attraction -The first'one hundred customers to purchase a pound of Red and; White Coffee for 39c will secure — 2 GOLD FISH, GLOBE AND: FISH FOOD, FOR 15c • New Shipment of Acadian Glassware for Coupons. Where !NEIL BIG "Sells for Less" . 1'. CORNER GROCETEBA CLINTON'SPrice PrevailsPhone 48 o.. RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells 23c SALE 4 Snowflake Ammonia, for ....23c 6 P. and G. or Pearl Soap, for ..23c 5 London Soap, for 23c 2 large Cans Tomatoes, for 23c 3 Large Toilet Paper, for 23c 5 lbs. Dutch 'Sets, for 23c 5 Brunswick Sardines, for , 23c 4 lbs. Best Rice for ....... 23c 4 lbs. Macaroni, for 23c 3 lbs. Dates, ,With Pitts, for 23c 3 lbs. Dates, without Pitts for 23c 2 lbs. Loose Cocoa, for 23c 2 lbs. Loose Peanut Butter, for 23c 2 lbs. Loose Tapioca, for , 23c 2 Celery Hearts, for • 23c Dozen Oranges, large and juicy 23c 6 lbs. Rolled Oats, for . 23c EXTRA SPECIAL 10 lbs. White or Brown Sugar for 480 We buy and grade eggs for which we pay lc a dozen more on all grades in CASH or TRADE. Eggs graded by Experienced Candler. RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. FREE —SNAPPY Delivery— FREE AT ALL HIOURS. NOVELTY and LEAP YEAR DANCE sponsored by Clinton Baseball Club New and Old Time Dance Thursday, May 7th In Old Tyme Dance Hall GOOD ORCHESTRA. COME AND ENJOY YOURSELF. Admission, 25c (Tax Included) ' 76-2. Horace Horton, one of the four goung men who were instantly killed early Sunday morning on the Lake Shore Road near Mintico when their car collided with a street car, was a soil of Mr. and Mrs, Phillip -Horton of Swansea and 'a grandson of the late Mf. and Mrs. Horton and the late Mr. and MVIrs. Wni. 'Achespn of Goderich: He was twenty-four years of age. Seven years ago, when he was a mere lad; he distinguished himself • by tak- ing the lead in frustrating the roa-, bevy of the Mimico trench of the Dominion Bank, It was Horton's ear and he was driving when the accident occurred. Mayor Percy Carter of Siincoe, adopted a novel plan for accepting contributions for the Nova Scotia miners rescue fund. An apple barrel with a slot in it has been set out on the sidewalk • at the main corner Where citizens may drop in their do- HARDWARE and PLUMBING nations. Phone 244 ( Euchre Party. & Danc will be held in the Legion Hall, o Tuesday, May '5th under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Clinton Branch o: the Canadian Legion. ' Cards will commence promptly a eight o'clock, dancing from eleven tc one. Admission 25 cents. 76-2 MOTHER'S DAY MAY TENTH /. SEND MOTHER DALE'S AUTO GRAPHED ROSES FOR MOTH- ER'S DAY We will have a Choice Assortment WE SELL GARDENITE The New Plant Food -15c a Pkg. F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member .of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 31 and 176. WHEN IN NEED OF PLUMBING OR TINSMITHING of any kind call T. Hawkins Phone 244 MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL KINDS T. Hawkins • ...................... n Another Chance TO WIN A CONGOLEUM RUG—All you have to do is guess the lucky number concealed on the rug which is on display in our North Window. We have a Fine New STUDIO 001301I SUITE, the new mod- ern design, upholstered in a good heavy tapestry that will wear, and the price as usual will please you. You will find some Real Bargains in CHESTERFIELD SUITES. Some Good SECOND HAND FURNITURE and BABY CAR- RIAGES, CHEAP. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Spring is here at Last, the have been ready with our stock of LAWN MOWERS, RAKES, HOES, SHOVELS, LAWN BROOMS, ETC. - Use the New LINEX for your Floors and Linoleum, If you want to Crystalize your windows any desired color, let ' 'us show you the new SHEFFIELD CRYSTAL LACQUER. ' SMALL PROFITS— QUICK RETURNS. 1 BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, •Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service, N. Ball, Phone 110. J, J. Zapfe, Phone 103. lCJ7 , Y ..aatx .k k� a.as•,. ,xm ,u, m ' BIG SELLING SALE {; Thurs.. Frio Sat. i;' YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS t` ' THESE SPECIALS SUGAR, Granulated, 10 lbs. 48c Bag K75 PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbbags; only 57c P. andG. SOAP, 10 bars for 330 BROOMS, regular 35c and 55c, for 29c and 49c ORANGES, regular 25e 2 dozen for 35c 'MATCHES; 3 boxes for 23e 'BREAKFAST BACON, per Ib. ' -25c CHOC. MARSHMALLOW CAKES 2 lbs. - 25c NEW CHEESE,, Special, per lb. 15c ; 3 . 'JAM, Raspberry or Strawberry, large jai .,, ,,.,23c • SHAKERSALT, 2 pkgs. for 13d NEW FINLAFYL.E, large size 20c C NGr j 1VI K IHT•SO SON Phone:111w.C, inton,Ont. nt ,