HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-04-30, Page 5THURS.,.AP.ItIL 30,1936
Dr. Robertson and Mr. " -Scadding
are 'writing the story of their:exper-
„fenceswhen entombed : in the Magill
' }
amine, the proceeds to go to the Red
i Cross.. Itis to 'thrilling tale.
The Suncoe•; Reformer comes out
this week as a semi-weekly, publish-
ing an edition on Monday' and anoth-
er on Thursday. For some time the
Reformer" has been sending out , 0
y. -small edition, called the Observer.
This- will bediscontinued; of course.
,''Congratulations : are extended to the
Reformer•on: its enterprise. • It:. has
the sturdy support'. of a wide area
and it is endeavoring to give, the best
-service . possible.
Enjoy Fine Play Hy
Clinton Caste
The following appeared in, the. Sea
oth Expositor•last week
"An excellent play, "A, Regiment of
Two,' was cleverly presented by the
A X.P,A., ofthe Clinton Anglican
Church, under the d'ii:ection of Mrs.
McImns and Mrs..McKinnon, in the.
arish Hall 'of St. Thomas'' Church,
on Wednesday evening. of this week.
The following composed the cast —
Ii'erasy, Slonidn Percy"Livermore,
Gordoi.: Veneer,' Melbourne, Ball,
George Campbell, Mrs. C. V. Cooke,
Miss Audrey:'Murdoek,,Mist Margarot
Middleton, •Miss Ethel: Cook.
Mr. F. Murch, Highland• piper, de -
righted the audience with selections.
before 'and ,between the acts: He
was accompanied on the diavn by
little Bobby''Morgan;'whose perforin
ance was a unique feature.''
If there is anything better than
having a good neighbor we do not
know just what it is and we are very:
happy in having such a neighbor in
The Goderich ..Signal, the editor; of
which has always shown a true big-
brotherly': readiness to set us right
lwhenever. he feels that we are shoal
ing 'a tendency to go wrong. - Last
week he thought we were becoming
anxious about holidays, as one does
as soon as the. weather begins to
• warm up ' in •itbe spring, .and tells
• us : just how 'many there are 'between -
now and this time ,next year. It is
• mice of him and we thank him for
the•trouble taken. Itis just'another
'instance of hi's good -neighborliness.
We 'hope, he never 'tires of the good
work. He little knows how much
geed he aeconnplishet :by this kindly
oversight: ,
Up in ,Listowel the High school
board dismissed a teacher because
she bad moved out to a farm and was
managing it while teaching. But sure -
'.1y the living on a farm does not dis-
qualify a man" to teach, if he is oth-
erwise qualified. Indeed, the running
of a farm while teaching schoolwas
for, many years earried on by teach-
-"ors in earlier years. The salaries
paid teachers in country schools in
.',the early clays were scarcely suffi-
-cient to maintain a family and the
.dominie used to get possession of a
small farm, where he could grow a
good part of -his living, keep cows and
liens arid. cultivate an orchard. 'It
was a healthful and wholesome erode
• of living ainch, provided the teacher
was not too much of a farmer and
so neglected his teaching, it worked
• out very well, The combination of
secondary school -teaching iind.farni-
ing has not beenso common, but the
• principal of the Listowel school says
this, teacher's' work has not suffered.
But the Listowel board evidently
does not wish to have the teachers'
minds distracted with personal pro-
, „ ,Tett$. ..
Pupils' Recital
On Friday evening last, fh the
Legion Hall a' recital 'of the Clinton
and Brucefleld- pupils of Miss, Beat-
rice' R. ,Greene, was held. The for-
lowing pupils took part; Harry Col-
fins, Alex. 'Thomson, Margaret Lock-
wood, Roy Churchill, Ally, Lou
Thompson, Lois .Draper, Charlie,
Thompson Wilma .Eadford,'., Mildred
Heard, Eileen Sutter, Aileen McCart-
ney, June, .McCartney; Mildred Wig
tee, "Betty Allen, Helen Bozell, Mar -.
McEwen, 'Lois Hanley, Benson
Sutter, Margaret McQtieep, Barbara
Graham, Florence Aiken, Viola Pep-
There was quite a large .atten
dance"from both•'Clinton and Bruce -
field, of parents, and friends.' They
were well pleased with the perfor-
mance of the pupils, which reflected
the .painstaking efforts of 'Miss
Greene, who is .to be highly com-
rnended for the personal interest tak-
en in her pupils.
A choice bouquet of "'roses and
ferns was presented to Miss Greene
from her Brucefield pupils, with. a
neat little speech of appreciation
from Mrs, Allen.
Two assisting artists were Master
Ken. Miller, violinist, and little Mary
Isabel Thompson, who delighted her
listeners with a recitation Which
was encored.
•A rather novel feature, and .an in-
teresting one; was a mouth -organ
quartette, recently organized, and
composed of Ter"ry McGuire,- Charlie
Thompson, . Roy Churchill and Billy
Carter. . , •
the recital closed with singing of
the National Anthem.
The regular meeting of the Y-:P.U.
was held April 26th with . Clifford
Ball', 3rd vice-president, presiding.
The meeting opened with a., hymn
with. Miss Norma Snell at the piano,
• after 'which„Clifford. Ball led' in pra-
yer. The minutes of the last meeting
were read .and adopted. The scripture
lesson, which woe taken from Philip -
pions, verses 4-8, w as read by
Ferne Watson. Mr's. Ernest Adhnis'
then favoured the audience, with a
pleasing solo., And an interesting
story was well read by Eileen Knox,
. During the taking of the offering
•• Norma Snell played 'an instrumental
Another hymn Was sung after which
Margaret Fothergill read the . topic
• on "The. Study of a Good Picture."
The meeting closed with' a hymn
and repeating the 'tlizpah ' Bette-
, diction. '
Mrs. Wm. Hoggart held- a very
, successful Missionary quilting and
'tea at her home oh Thursday. • , Six-
• teen ladies were present. ,
The regular meeting of the Wo-
• man's Institute will be. held 'in Cont-
.• munity Hall Thursday, May 7th. El-
- ection of officers; roll call, paying
sof fees; revision of year's•work, Mrs.
Th...Geo. Geo. Moon; reading, Mrs. W. Lovett.
,..Hostesses:' Mrs. H. Sundercoek, Mrs.
Geo. Pollard, Miss Beth Shobbrook,
Miss L. Mains, ,'Miss E. Watson. It
is hoped there will be a good turn out
as there is much busiiness to be die -
'cussed. Come as 'early • as, possible.
Bring in ylout suggestions for next
, years programs.
A mmnber of the W. M. S. ladies
':attended the Presbyterial held in
"Ontario, Street church, Clintdn, on
Mrs. H. 'Lyon, who for the winter:
• months has been with her 'daughter,
'Mrs; H. Duriean of Constance,. --bas
:'.tettnned to her horse' in the, village
Mr, Arthrir Kerslake and ,family
'near`'Exeter visited Mrs: Keislake's
another, Mrs. H. Lyon on .Sunday.
Mr. J. A. Elsley of Gorrie'visited
'with his parents here on Sunday.
Dr. a n d Mrs. Whitely o f
"Corrie were the guests of Mr. . and
Mrs. Robt.' Youngblutt on Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Hall was called to her,
...sisters, Mrs. C •McGregor of Con -
stances who ,is quite in:
Measles are still' thick amongst
,the chiidrel,`sone having the second
attack which are more severe than
the first.
GODERICI-I; Eight sheep from, a
flock- owned by Car Daltons,' Grey
Township, were ':.the • victims • of a
couple Of clogs over the week -end,
The dogs left a gory' trail asthey
sped ;among theflock, slashing
:throats and legs of the helpless sheep.
'The' meat was left 'untouched, The
:.dogs allegedly owned: by Grey town-
: ship„ farmers,are to be shot.
HALE— DUNI{LEY — At St. John's
Anglican' ,Church, Port Dalhousie,
on. Apr. 4th, 'by the. Rev1='J. A.
Phillips; Elsie Bella, ,eldest daugh-
ter ^of Mr,' and Mrs. 'Frank Dunk-
ley, Port Dalhousie, to Cyril- I3er
shard Hale, eldest Son of Mr. and �
Mrs. C. ]3. Dale, Clinton, Ontario.;
WE-+ BSTER. — hi Clinton Community
IIosptal, on April 2Gth, to Mr. and
Mrs., Watson Webster, a daughter.
Marjory Ams.
CANTELO'N-In: Clinton, '. on April
25th, ; Sarah Cantelon, aged S6
A Meeting was', held Monday even-
ing, April 27, • in, the town hall - of
those interested in sports, when,' It
wa's decided to have a . Soft ball and
also, a Football team : The following
officers .fos the. Soft Ball Club were
appointed: Manager, Dr. W. Fowler;
Treasurer, John Pease;.., Secretary;
Fonder;' Grounds:., keeper, >. N.
Sturgeon. Players are requested t0
report. for -practice on Wednesday,
Aprrl :,29tih.
For the, Football team the: follow
ing ,officers were appointed: 'Mann -
ger; C. Genieinhardt Assistant Man-
ager, J. Pease; ,Secretary,: Dr. Fow-
ler; Treasurer, F. A. Edwards; B:on:
President, G. Plant Captain,' R..
Thompson; Grounds keeper, J. Pan -
per. Practice will . be held , Thurs-
day, April 30th, A number of new
players are now available amongst
the residents, :thus doing away with
the help of outside players ,_ which.
meant much' trouble and expense in
former years.
Mrs. Collins and daughter, Mrs,
Kerr,., returned to Kincardine on
.Tuesday 'after having visited with
her niece, Miss E. Cameron. •
Mr. Thornton Mustard and • son,,
Neil, of Toronto, were at their cot-
tage over the week -end.
Mr: and Mrs.-MoiroW. and W, .L.
Cameron of Detroit were the guests
of .the' latter's sister, Miss E. Camer-
on, over the week -end. Miss Mildred
Cameron, who had the misfortune to
fall and break her arm, accompanied
them to the villageand is spending
tivo weeled with her sister.
The funeral of the late Mrs, Mar;
genet Smith, which was held from her
late residence on Thursday of last
week, was very largely attended.
Amongst those from a' distance were
the following relatives: ': Douglas
Lindsay and son; Jim, of Rodney;
Mr. and Mrs. Neil' D. Munro, Wilton
Grove; and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton
Smith, Ingersoll.
Messrs. Thos. and Bobt. McCurdy'
and Miss Annie McCurdy arrived last
week front Stratford to spend the
stunner at the formers' home, Stan-
ley Park, south. of the. village.•
Mrs. Dalton Snaith of Ingersoll is
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
W. 1V. Higgins.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Betty
of London were at their hone In
the village over the week -end.
Mrs. Willis '.Allen, who spent the
winter with her mother, Mrs. E. At-
wood, left 'on Tuesday for her home
in Renown, -Sask.
Mo'. 'and Mrs. A. Forel King and
Master. Douglas of Toronto spent the
weekend with the formers parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George King.
Miss Jean Woods spent Tuesday
and Wednesday of this week in Lon-
Mrs. Broughton Billett returned
home on Saturday after having spent
a fortnight. with friends in London.
Mr. Gilbert Knight and little
daughter, Mary, of Toronto came on
Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Gemeiinliardt for a few, days. Mrs.
Douglas Gemcinhardt, who has :spent
the past month with them in Toronto.
returned home!' They were also ac-
eompaniied by Mrs. Mabel Prentice,
Who. is 'visiting leer mother, Mrs. W.
J. Stinson.
The. ice :cleared away from the
mouth of the harbor last week so
that the fishermen were able to get
out and set nets. The- hauls have
been very light but it is hoped that
they will improve,
Mr. Delbert Haw of Proton Station
spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm.. Heard.
Mrs. Haw who has been visiting her
mother since Easter, returned home
with her husband.
Mr. and Mrs. 'A Stevens of Sea-
forth•have taken J. Tippet's cottage
fol• the simmer and are managing
the bakeshop which McDonald's Bak-
ery has opened in Tippet's store.
Mrs. C. Brown, whohas spent
the winter In Clinton, Iowa, returned
bn Saturday and is visiting her ,sis-
ter, Mrs. A.,' Armstrong,. Stanley
township, before 'conning t� her cot-
tage in the Village.
The' Clinton Creamery was broken
into, one night last week, the window
being pried open, but apparently
nothing nnuch was taken. One safe.
was opened' but nothing but some
small change being in it, it was not
taken, Provincial police, are of the
opinion that it was tlse big safe which
was wanted, but it was too big to
handle. Police are invest'ig'ating.
Messrs. C. Tyner, R. and J. John-
ston and D. 'Smith went up to Code -
rich on Monday and came home with
125 pounds of mullet. That ought
l:o keep -their families eating fish for
some time.
Thd following is the report of U.
S.S. No. 12, Goderich 'and Iruliett for
the 'months of March • and April.
Names narked "c'" missed one or
more examination:
Sr, 4th: Frieda Ellis, 82.
Jr. 4th: Gertrude Tyner, '75; Ger-
ald Clayton, 73; Clayton 3111 , 67;
Phyllis Bail, 61. '
Sr. 3rd: ,Lois Rapson, x'74; Ross
Hoggart, *52.
Jr, 3rd: EIWYne Blake, 69.
Sr. 2nd: Dorothy Blake; 67.,
Jr. 2nd:• Jack Clayton,' 73; Kenneth
Tyner, 72.
Pr.: Annie Ball, 79; Eva Johnston,
Beginners: Murray Tyner, Ronald
• Those having the least mistakes In
spelling were Frieda Ellis and Ger-
ald Clayton. Number on roll,- 15;
average attendance; 13.42.
—D. Wilson, teacher.
The Sunshine Club met Saturday
afternoon' at the home of Margaret
Small.' Isabel RolIiriosn was in charge
and the devotional period was presid-
ed over . by Margaret Whiteman and
Margaret Sniall. June Marsh gave
'he story. Reading the Books of: the
Bible and looking up Scripture ,pas-'
sages was nobserved• and Mrs. Earl
Raithby gave the topic on "Temper-
ance." The Heralds were Joan Shep
pard;. Zeta. Munro Anil `Eilleen Mc-
Clinchey. A vote of thanks was ten-
3es'ed the speaker.: Much :credit is
clue Miss Small for her work with
the girls' of 'the Suiisliine.Club. _
Newspaper Man Dies-
Following Operation
M Harry Anderson, until a few
months- 'ago editor et the Toronto
;,lobe, died yesterday in •Toronto
following en operation. He was ap•
pointed smhe months age on a' com-
nissronon Penrtentaries and Prison
Refonin; brit the committee had',not
„yet got down, to work. Ile was in
his fifty-ninth year and was unmar-
✓1 it J•yy''Iu'nA
Chas. V. Cooke
Phones: 66w and 66j
For Sale
100 acres 00 Concession 8, Colborne
township. Good,. Iocation, .Dank barn;
trame•house. Nine acres bush; pien:.
ty, of water. Terins•.to suit 'purchas-
er. Ed, Fisher, 'R. R. No, 5, Gado.
rich. 77-1.
Cobblers for "'Planting
Impz'oved Dunlop and Glen Mary
Strawberry Plants .
$1.40 per 100 Plants. 500 Lots at', 3.00
Potato, ofcdYlerry' Fara
Phone 616r34, Clinton Central.
Poultry & Fresh Eggs.
Poultryflocks culled free ; of charge
by experienced poultryman. •
Phones -Office, 2141 Residence, 214w
If it is'smart to be saving, then
it is doubly smart .to• accomplish
saving' stylishly. Our Dry Clean-
ing service helps .many.a woman
to save—and to be smarter still—
to be stylish! Send us one or
.two `+not"so-good" Suits, Frocks
or garments. See how attractive
they can be made to appear, at our.
small . Dry: Cleaning charges!
Dyeing , Cleaning
Repairing C LAB K S E'ressing
Paper Hanging
Those wishing paper hanging and
decorating done should call on the
undersigned for terms: Satisfaction
guaranteed,' Chas. Tyner, 63802,
Clinton central. 77-2-p.
' Pasture For Rent
40 acres of good pasture land,
cheap. Plenty of water and shade.
Apply to Fred Hopkins, Maitland
concession, Goderich.township. Phone
602r25, Clinton central 77:3.
Now Playing'— Paul Muni,` Ann
Dovorak in "DR SOCRATES."
Monday, Tuesday,;Wednesday
Lee Tracy, Helen Mack in' '
"you Belong T�,Me".
Ida Lnpina—Joseph Cawthorn in
Two pictures that will please both
young and old.
Thursday,, Friday, Saturday.
Jack Haley ---Leon Errol
ai, real evenings entertainment of
• Music, Songs and Comedy.
Coining: "Seven Keys to Baldpate"
Mat.: Sat. &'Holidays,-a't 3`p.m.
Now: 13111 Boyd in
Mon, Tues.," Wed,
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
nimble -footed rulers'in'the realm
of rhythmic enter'ta'inment, bring
another dazzling tun show
Thuis., Fri., Sat.
vibrant and refreshing as 'ever iii'
a tale of a stage-struck' redhead
Coming: '"Mutiny on the Bounty"
Mat.: Wed and Sat. at 3 p.m.,
Now: ';hollow the gleet"
Astaire: and Rogers.
Mon Tues., Wed.
popular' young star of "Anne o
Green Gables" in, a lovable story,
with Phillips Holmes, Erik Rhodes;
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
with Margaret Lindsay
presenting . a great action tale,
packed with speedy. entertainment
Jeanette ,MacDonald, Nelson Eddy
Mat.: Sat:. at '3 p:isi
For Sale
About, 500 good cedar posts 8 ft.
long and 75 0 -ft. long, also about 45
acres pasture for rent. Well watered
and, plenty of shade. Allam Steep,
R. 1Z. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 606r12,
Clinton central: 77-2.
Collie Pups For Sale
Four thoroughbred Collie paps for
sale. Apply to D. Ranger, R. R. No.
3, Clinton. Phone 604r16, Clinton
Central. 77-11.
Potatoes For Sale
A quantity of Dooley potatoes,
suitable for seed or table use. Apply
to Alex. Sparks, 415 concession of
Goderich township, one mile off Hay-
field Road. ` 77.2-p.
Entertainment Coming
The story and picture of Ben Ilur
will be presented in the church aud-
itorium an the evening of May .11th,
under the auspices of the Y.P.U. of
Wesley -Willis church. Adimission 26c
and 10c. - 77-2.
' Work Wanted
I am prepared to dig and work
'gardens, dig and clear out drains,
wells, cisterns, etc. Call on ane when
you need a job done. John 0. Can-
ter, or ring up 160, Clinton. 77-1-p.
Potatoes For Sale
Cornet, choice quality, for seed or
table, ,$1.25 per=90-lbs. Mrs.. Aiiee
Ferguson, Frederick street. 77-1-.
In the Estate of William B. Patter-
• son, • Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having, claims against the
Estate of William '13..Patterson,l'late
of the Village .of :Manchester, in the
County of Huron, Esquire, deceased,
who cried, ori, or., about the 26thday-
ayof ,February, A.D., 1035, Fare 'requir-
ed to deliver to Ralph D. Munro, Au
burn, Ontario, Executor of the' said
Estate, or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on
or before the 15th day of May A:D.,
1936,' a full statement of their
claims together with particulars
thereof,and the nattu:e of the secum--:
ities, if any, held by- them allduly
verified by ,affidavit.
AND' TARE .NO'T'ICE that after.
We said last uenitoned date the said
Executor will proceed to distribute
the .estate ,of the 'said' •deceased as
mongst the persons .entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
shall have received. due notice.ansi in
accordance therewith.
'' DATED at - Clinton, Ontario, this
24th` -day of April, A.D.,.1936.
F, FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate. 77-3.
Niekle Pres..
Raisin = Cherry
Blueberry Apple
5c Lemon Pies
Made By
Bartliff & Crich
Phone 1. Clinton.,
Full stock of Clovers, Timothy and
other Grasses on hand. Twentyyears
experience -in the buying of these at
your service. You will find our
prices very' attractive for the quality
we are selling:
In seed oats, have Improved Ban-
ner No. 1—Government Standard, also
Victory. 'Specializing a six -rowed
barley this year. .Rave out of 2700
bus. shipped in, a very limited quan-
tity left.
For chicks have Maple T';eaf Cafe-
teria Chick Mash and Growing; this
is the mash • Professor Graham of
Guelph reconnnends. All pen form-,
Ma's quantities of ingredients mark-
ed on bags.
Highest prices, paid for Wheat,
Oats and Barley.
Fred Ford
Grain, Flour Seecl and Feed,
Phone 123ty.
See J. E. Howard for all Classes of
Rates with Absolute Finan-
cial Strength.
Call .or. Phone
J. -E. Howard
Phone 178, Clinton. 76-tf.
a Jr. DOW
is holding his Weekly Auction Sale of
Horses, Cattle and Hogs.
at his Sale Barns,
Wednesday, May 6th
G. J. Dow, W. E. Nairn,
Proprietor. Auctioneer.
"You' can„imag:ine I aim well
satisfied, and will advertise
Bray Chicks to all my neigh-
bors,” writes a Bray customer
at Ottei'yille, Ost. • Here's the
He bought 300 Bray `Chicks last
spring: The extras MORE than
oovered the losses, and he rais-
ed 307,. At 4s8 months the pul-
lets began to lay, and in the
high -price month of Decen'iber
were laying '70 per cent. ,At 4rrt
months old rho cockerels weigh-
ed 5 lbs• apiece.'
That's what the reinarkable
increase in Bray business has
been built upon — low losses;
nigh production and satisfied
customers who "advertise Bray
Chicks to :all the neighborsi':
-Don't delay --:--we're in May.
'Get your Bray catalogue and
price list today. Then hook your
order for Bray .chicks.: We he-
heve it .will pay you.
Phone 246
Exeter, Ontario.
The Kind that Insures Success
for all good Concrete Work.
JOAN B, 1111131-11R0 LUMBER & COAL CO.
J. T. McKNIGHT, Local Manager
Phones: Brucefield Office I Residence: 618r11.
Clinton: Office, 74w; Residence ti4j.
"HUNTS" "Vvii
CHOCOLATES Fresh for the
Week -end.
Phone 68.
Man Wanted
With car to handle Ward's Quality
Teas, Coffees, Cocoa, Spices, ex-
tracts, Medicinal Preparations di-
rect to established users in Huron
Comity. Write T. H. Ward Cons -
patty, John South, Hamilton..
Seed Barley For Sale
'-A quantity of 0.4,C. No: 21 barley
grown from certified seed. 50c per
bushel. Apply to Ernest Pollock,
Bayfield road, Varna post office.
For Sale or hent
Comfortable cottage, Huron street,
Clinton. Also a good farm on No. 8
Highway for sale. Apply to Frank
Glees, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Phone.
6171.12, Clinton central. 75-3.
Capable woman as housekeeper
and companion. Phone 93, Clinton.
Ilay For Sale
The undersigned offers for sale,
one mile south of Clinton, about' 8
tons of well -saved timothy and alf-
alfa mixed hay. Price $5.00 per ton
at barn. Terms Gash. Oliver -3. Jer-
vis, executor of J. Jervis Estate,
House To Rent
House for rent. Apply to Mrs. R.
J. Fisher, Mill Street, Clinton. 76-tf,
Foundation garments. Mrs. 3. Sit -
cock, Corsetiere. Foran appointment
telephone 265w. 73-4-2p.
Good Pasture For Rent
Good pasture with plenty of shade
and good nn'ater. Inquire in The
Clinton News -Record 'office.
Cottage For Rent'
Comfortable 0 -room '• cottage ' In
Mary street, cellar, .shed, town wat-
er; lights, garden. Apply'to Miss E.
Becker, Erie :Street..
Por Sale or Rent
Two-fifths acre of 'good garden
laud onwest side of Frederick street,
fall ploughed. Apply to Mrs. C.
Hunt, Clinton., 76-2-15.
Attention Ladies •
I am nowrepresenting the British
Knit. Co. for Clinton'.and vicinity
and. am in a position to receive orders
fdr , their splendid lilies. Appoint-
ments made by phone given special
attention. I have • a complete line of
samples fon suits, dresses, etc., and
also latest, designs anti fashions,
Phone 301F, or call at my home, Vic-
toria street, Clinton.' Mrs, A. S. Ink -
nt:-ley.' 76-3-p.
Photographs of Distinction" '
Phone 115.
Developing and Printing
(Open Every Day)
If you haven't already sent your
list of accounts or notes to
it would 'be wise to do so now.
Remember—No Collection, No Charge
Established 1890.
Car For Sale
A fotu'-cylinder coach in good con-
dition and good tires. Cheap. Ap•
ply to Bert Langford.
'For Sale
Comfortable house, Maple street,
including bath, new furnace, good
garden, garage. Terms reasonable.
Apply to Ida Walkinshaw, Clinton.
Phone 211. 69-1f.
For Sale
• One sprayer, 200 gal. capacity, 21/4'.
II.P. engine, London make. A. Seeley.
For Sale
One 490 Chev, Touring motor, ex-
tra good shape; one 24-45 McLaugh-
lin Buick touring car; one Zit H.P.
and one 41s H. P. International en-
gine. A. Seeley. 75-3.
'Furnished Rooms to Rent
Or room and board in private fam-
ily. Home privileges, reasonable
rates. Mrs. J. E. Jones, 93 Ontario'
St., 2nd houseeast of Dinsley St.,
Clinton. 74-tf-1-p.
House For Sale or Rent
A very desirable residence on Prin,
cess street. Good garden and fruit
trees, electric lights and town water.
House in good conditions. Apply to
Miss E. Akarn, Box 336, Clinton. 73-e.
Seed For Sale
• Yellow blossom sweet clover and '
timothy seed, spring wheat and early
Alaskan oats, and some Dooley pota-
toes, all suitable for seed. Apply
to J. Leslie Cox, R. R. No. 1, Gode- ,
rich. Phone 6031..2, Clinton. 73-5.
To Rent
Comfortable house on Huron street,
electric light, town water, garage,
good garden, Possession at once.
Apply to Mrs. J. Snyder, Albert
street, Clinton. 73-tf.
For Sale
Single -comb, White Leghorn hatch-
ing eggs. Special seating . of 3 -year-
old hens. All eggs 25 ors. or better.
William Rutledge, M. R, No, 2, Sea-
forth, phone 616r2, Clinton. 73-tf.
For Sale
First class house, modern conven-
iences, centrally located. Apply to '
F. Fingland, Clinton. 70-bf.
House To hent
Comfortable brick house, Albert
street, _ Clinton, furnace; bath, all
modern eonven'ienees;M. Iinnaedi:atei
Possession. For pantieplars apply
to Rev. G. W. Sherman or Mrs. W.
C. Brown. 52-tf-2p.
Cleaning and Pressing
Shits, Coats and Dresses
If not open work may be Ieft at ;1
Heard's Barber. Shop,, ,f