HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-04-30, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is Incorporated The Clinton New
NO 5477 -57TH YEAR
The New Era Est. 1865
.54 Soo te7a..te:' h '
Keens good ime, but sometu
hes good
ches misbehave because
they can't help it
They very often do not get the care they should. Dirt accum-'
Mates the watch gets erratic; perhaps stops altogether.
a useful
- iece
`'•h t n
turn watch like that into we can - tar a ,
' again for very -little. money,
We would takeit apart, clean it thoroughly, hand it back to
you as good as new.
Try, us—Satisfaction Guaranteed.
We are' still paying
l cash for Old Gold, bring yours in.
t •
Jeweler and Optomiterist:
$2.95 and $3.59
Sizes for Misses as well as the
Larger Women
Women's -Institute
The regular meeting of the
men'sznstntuto Was held in the Leg-
Hall on ,Thursday; April 23rd
with the president, Mrs. McKinley; in
-the chair: • The. meeting was opened
Of singing the Institute Ode, and re-
peating the Lord's Prayer' in unison.
The roll call was responded .to by
quotations or verses on "Mother.'
This hieing the last meeting of the
year, the annual reports were given
and en motion of Miss ,Brigham and
Mrs. Cudmore; a very hearty vote of
thanks .was tendered to 'all- the offi-
cers. +
The following delegates were ap
pointed to attend the District Annual
to be held in Londesboro, May 22nd:
Mrs. McKinley, Miss Brigham, Mrs.
Rozell and -Mrs: Holmes.
The program consisted of a piano
soio "The Plower Song,'; by Florence
Aiken- and a vocal selection,"Keep
Smiling," by Lorna Plumsteel, ac-
companied by Miss E. Plumsteel.
Both were' very much appreciated:
The hostesses were: Mrs. Flynn,
Mis. Cudmore, Mrs. Rozell, Mrs. Mc-
Kinley; Miss M. Walker, Mrs. Lovett,
Mrs: G. Elliott and Mrs. Geo. Taylor.
Thestriping committee brought in
the following report which was ac-
cepted, and the officers for the com-
ing yearare as follows:
Hon: President: Mrs. McKinley. ,
President: Mrs. W. S.
R. Holmes.
lst Vice: Miss L. Brigham.
2nd Vice: Mrs. J. B. Levis.
3rd Vice: Mrs. E. Jenkins.
: Mrs.
r . W. Rozell.
Mrs. thin.' M. B
Treasurer: M s a
Press Secretary: Mrs. Cr, Elliott.
District Director:. Mrs. W. RozeIl
Directors:, Mrs. J. Schoenhals, Mrs.
J, Flynn, Mrs. VanHorne, Mrs, R. H.
Johnson, Mrs. Lovett.
Convenor of iinarce r
. Sturdy.
Mrs. 'Heaid.
Convenor of Social: M a
Convenor of Program: Mrs. 'Mc-
Convenor of Welfare: Mrs. Seven.
Convenor of Flower: Mrs. Cudmore
and Mrs. Scruton.
Lookout: Mrs. Hanley, Mrs. Wat-
Auditors: Mrs. W. Stewart and
Mrs. Peck.
Minutes Of The Regular
Meeting Of The
Public School Board
The Publie school board met Tues-
day evening. '.Present—Messrs. Har-
dy (in the chair), Murch, Draper,
Cudmore, Cook, Firth.
Draper—Cudmore: That A. Firth
be. Secretary, 'tem. Carried.
The minutes of the regular meet-
ing in February,.' and the special
meeting in March were read.
Draper—Cudmore; That . the min-
utes be adopted' as read. Carried.
Mr. Corless, the. Board's represen-
tative on the Collegiate 'Board, was
present and reported on his connec-
tion with the latter Board.
A. deputation from the Home and
School Club was present to urge the
introduction of Manual Training in
'the school. The speaker for the de-
putation was Mrs. Davidson, who out-
lined the advantages of -such wont
spoke of the success with which 'it
had been carried on even in single.
room rural, schools, . and exhibited
some very creditable work done by
senior grade pupils.
No action was taken by the Board,
The following bills were presented:
Canadian germicide Co. .....38.26
-Sutter and Perdue 4.61
Public Utilities Cocnrnission18.52
Russell Jervis . .40
A. T. Cooper 26.75
Mr. Manning, insurance prem14.00
Cook -Murch: That the above ac-
counts be paid. Carried.
The Principal's Report • for Feb-
ruary and March were' read. These
reports'sholied seine $16 of unpaid
non-resident fees,
Firth—Cook: That the reports be
received and filed, and.that.the Prin-
cipal be instructed that if such unpaid
fees be not paidat once, he is'imme-
diatelyy .to suspendthe pupils con-
cerned. Carried.
The Inspector's report on his In-
spection of the school in March' was
The J,Vliners' Fund
Our fund for the Nova Scotia nun-
ars is still :open.' Wouldn't .you like
to add your mite. Anything from a
dime up will be thankfully received.
We shall ',forward it in a few, days,
so better add your ,contribution be-;
fore it is closed. We have a little ov-
er .ten dollars. so far.
read. It expressed complete satisfac-
tion with the .organization, discipline,
work, and progress of pupils and staff
and with the caretaking and plant.
Murch—Cudnore: That the report
be received and filed. Carried. •
Applications i'or the position of
Secretary -treasurer of the -Board and
Attendance Officer were opened and
read. '
, Murch—Cook: That the application
of I.1., C. Lawson be accepted and
that he be paid a salary of $80 per
annum for, the combined offices.
Firth—Draper: That the Secretary -
treasurer be bonded. to the amount
of $1,000. Catried.
Cudmore—Murch: That we ad-
-jell -1M. Carried.
—A. FIRTH, Sec. Protein.
ABrother Dies In West
Mr. W C. Brown,' _Huron street,
Clinton, received the sad news of the
death of his brother, Mr. Thomas
Brown of Winnipeg. He is survived
by three daughters, Mrs. James Bar-
ron, with whom he made his home
since thedeath of his wife, 1Virs. MC -
Keith, Winnipeg, and Mrs. Goldie of
Montreal,andalso two brothers still
in Scotland.
A Good Entertainment
A rare opportunity for the people
of Clinton and vicinity to attend an
excellent entertainment, and one
which was not grasped by as many
as one would have expected, was giv-
en Tuesday evening when the "Favor-
ite Four," of London put on a concert
in the town hall, under the auspices
of the 'Clinton Hospital board.
The cast was -composed of Mrs.
Myrtle Arinstrong, violinist;. Mrs:
Gladys Topping Cornell, contralto
soloist; Mrs. Wilson, •celloist and
reader and Mrs. Smith, pianist. Ev-
ery number presented was highclass
and the entertainers exhibited 'many
and varied talents in the several num-
bers offered.
Whether in Song, instrumental mu-
sic or in reading and impersonation,
the various numbers were much en-
joyed. Those who missed the enter-
tainment missed a treat.
Again "It Pays"
Messrs. Ball and 'Zapfe are con-
vinced, also, that it pays to adver-
tise. They advertised last week re-
garding a mattress -contest, answers
to be coupons returned. Mr.. Zapfe
showed us a big envelope full of cou-
pons clipped from The News -Record,
sent in by subscribers in ` the sur-
urrounding community and some from
much further afield, which he was
sending hi to the company whose
wares were being advertised.
'Certainly a lot of people saw and
read that advertisement. It ' •is a
good' hint to advertisers to have
something worthwhile in each ad.
sent out. If that is done the results
are sure.
Entered Music Festival
Miss Viola Fraser, member of the
Public school staff, Clinton, and
leader ^ of the choir in. St. Paul's
church, took part in the Musical, Fes-
tival held in Stratford last week, in
class 155 as -mezzo. soprano.. She
caine•'seconcl in a class of three, be-
ing ' awarded . seventy-one marks..
Miss -Fraser, who is a very btisy girl,
with a variety of interests, did
this , for what she might learn
from it Her singing is always great-
ly enjoyed by , those who call upon
her' from tinne.to time, and we hope
we may, be fortunate enough to hear
her voice many more times.. firs,
. Morgan Agnew, went with Miss Fia-
ser to Stratford as accompanist,
The Markets
Wheat, 71c.
Oats,' 30c.
Barley, 45c to 47c.
Buckwheat,; 39c.
Butter 22c.
Eggs, 11c tet 158.'
Live • Hogs,,
• Business Sold
Messrs,. J. T. McKnight and Son
have sold their'grocery to Mr. T. R.
Thompson 6f,.Kitchener, who takes
possession the beginning' of the'wee's.
Mi. Thompson has been managing a
groceteria in Kitchener for the -past
ten years, so is no stranger to the
grocery trade. Mrs. Thompson is a
daughter of Mr. T. E. Livingston of
town, so it will' be coining. home to
her to come to Clinton.
Mr. J. T. McKnight is in :charge of
the, Muktard coal office, has been for
some weeks, but Mr. L. McKnight
has- not just decided what he will do.
We trust.it will not mean the remov-
al of himself and:Mrs. McKnight from
town. They area popular .young
couple and ire should' hate' .to lose
Dominion President Urges Sacrificial Giving In.Order
teri Work
To Has
Huron Presbytery- Met ;Here,
The Huron Presbytery of the, the
United Church met Wesley -Willis
church, Clinton, on Tuesday, when
thirty-one ministers and twenty lay-
men answered to the roll call; al-
most every charge in the- presbytery
Chairman Rev.
11 presided.
F. G. Farrn
Rev. C Cumming of Walton and
Mr: F. Savauge of Seaforth were
nominated .as members of the settle-
ment committee and Rev. F. G. Far -
rill andJ. Hume
rill of Clinto t Mr. J P. Hu
were oderi h appointed delegates.
G c nn
to the General Council to be held to
Ottawa in September. 'Rev. W. A.
Bremner of Brucefield was nomin-
ated as president of the Lon-
don Conference, Rev. C. Cumming
and Rev. C. A. Malcolm of Egmond-
ville putting- forward the nomination,
which was endorsed by' the presby-
The usual reports were presentee
by the several committees and rout-
ine business attended to. Rev. Mr.
Morrow of McKillop and Mr. L. Teb-
butt of Turner's church were ap-.
pointed auditors.
The chairman and secretary were
named a committee to arrange for
inductions,• which will take place 'af-
ter conference and to attend to other
routine business pertaining to the
work of the Presbytery.
Death Of Miss S. Cantelon
The death occurred at the hone of
her brother•.Th-law, Mr. David Cante-
len, on Sunday morning of Miss Sarah
Cantelon, a native of Goderich town-
ship, aged eighty-six years.
The deceased lady was a' daughter
and the eldest child:
68 the late. Adapt. Cantelon 'and. pis
Wife, Margaret Hanly, pioneer set-
tlers in Goderich township, Where
she'spent the greater part of ,her
life. She had resided with her broth-
er, the late H. 11. Cantelon, on the
old homestead,, and about fifteen
Years or so ago left it -and came with
him to their new home 'over the
giver." On his being taken ill Iasi
summer, his death occurred in Clin-
ton Hospital on June 30th, 1935, she
came to the home of Mr. D. Cantelon,
where she had lived ever since. She
was of a very .quiet and retiring
disposition but was much beloved by
her family and the circle of. ,friends
who knew her best, She had been
in failing health for several months
and the end was not unexpected: She.
is survived' by three -brothers, Arthur.
of Clinton,' Adani of Piapot, . Sask.,
and D. 3; of St. Marys and one sis
ter,"'Msr. E. Floocly, Toronto.
..The funeral. took place from the
home of Mr. Cantelon Tuesday af-
ternoon, the service being conducted
by the Rev. C. W. D. Cosens of Wes-
ley -Willis church, with which ..she
was connected. Miss Greene sang
"Face To Face,?' during the service:
Interment was made in, Clinton carne
The pallbearers were: E. W. Floody*
George and Fred Hanly, D,; J. Cante-
lon and J. and A. Currie.
Ain.ong those from a distance';who
were here for the funeral' were': D.
J. Cantelon of St. Marys; Mts. E,.
Floody, Miss •Ohive Ploody and Mr.
W.'G. and Wallace Floody, Toronto;
Mrs. Weatherwax, Orillia; J. and A,
Currie and Mr.. and Mrs. P. J. Cante-
Ion, Goderich,
Little Locals
The prizes for the baseball dance
are now on display in the Agricultur-
al office windows.
Mr. T. I1. Mair is at present in the
Clinton hospital suffering from an
attack of blood -poisoning.
The Clinton Hospital Board will
meet Tuesday evening, May 5th, at
7:30 in the board room of the town
The 'Lions Club is having its char-
ter night tonight in the town hall,
when visitors will be present from
neighboring clubs.
This' week's rain was the warmest.
and most spring-like rain we have
had this spring and results in stiinul-
ated growth were almost instantan-
The Girls', Club of Wesley -Willis
church went to Goderich Monday ev-
ening to present their play, 'Tire Old
Peabody Pew," and to Holmesville
yesterday evening.
Jacqueline, the young daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Crandall, recent new -
tethers to town, is also a patient in,
the hospital, suffering from - blood -
poisoning resulting from a leg injury
received while at play.
Thomas, Sharp, who died at Har.
purhey: last:•week, :was a nephew of
Mrs Arthur Cantelon and was known
to many here as he had often .visit-
ed his relatives here. He was a nat.
ive ,of, Tuckersmith township.; He Is
survived by his wife and a grownup
family. ,
Mr. Epps says that his ...truck, into
the rear of which a car driven by a
Wingham inan crashed, .resulting- in
the death of a woman and the ser-
ious injury Of the man, was not
standing on the highway 'but' was
moving ,at the time. The facts will
be brought out'' when: an inquest is
held -later on, but first reports .were
that the truck was standipg.
Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame;` press" -
dent of the local Horne and ,School
'Club, and a deputation of members,
and 'Mrs. R. Davidson of Dungannon
Home and School Club, waited, on the
Public Cchool Board. Tuesday evening
to urge upon them the advisability
of introducing manual training, Mrs,
Davidson • had some . articles` showing
what can"be done by pupils in'°th;s
The Tenth Annual meeting of the, subscriptions, an increase of 81..-
World Friends, 34 Bands, 429 sub-
scriptions, an • increase of 63.
Mrs, J. Gowdy reported 830 •neer
members in Associated Helpers and".:
50 subscriptions t o ,Missionary
Monthly, an increase of 35.- 18 inem
bens have become active members_.
She thanked Auxiliaries ' for co-op-
eration in sending reports. $303.71P
had been contributed by -the Associate-:
Helpers, an increase of twenty per=
cent. Hensel., one of the • most suc-.
ing the devotional'period in the morn- cessful in Associate Helpers work .
ing as they did at the first meeting ten showed an increase of 100 per cent-
Mrs. Gillespie, Temperance Secre—
tary, reported sending out fifty-sev-
en clip sheets and recommended ba-
the members increased courage and:
steadfastness. •
Huron Presbyterial of the W.. 38. S.
of the United Church of Canada
convened in- Ontario street church,
Clinton, where the first gathering
was held ten years ago,'on Tuesday-.
There was a good attendance, al-
though the morning was very wet.
Mis. W. J. Greer of Winghain,•pre-
sident, presided, and made the .open-
ing prayer. Mrs. J .Cumming, WaI-
ton, read the scripture lesson.' Mrs..
Wilson, Wingham, led in ilirayer dur-.
Among the Churches
The Ontario street and Wesley -
Willis schools each observed
rs SclaY n
their anniversaries on Sunday last.
At the Ontario street church • the
Rev. H. G. Warren of Markdale wag
the special speaker, who preached
apprepriately morning and evening
and also addressed the Sunday school
in the afternoon, when a number of
the children took part in' the pro-
Rev. George Kersey of Mitchell
Wesley -Willis
was the speaker i i t
church g an opensession"
of the school hi the morning, when a
Sunday school choir led in song,
and also ,preached in the evening.
Ontario Street,United Church
Services at 11 a.m. anh 7 pm. as
usual. Rev. W. A. Monteith, B.A.,
of Teeswater will be in .charge.
Presbyterian Church •
11 a.m.: Public Worship.
. The W. M S. are having a toile:-
tion of old magazines and books to
send, to the needy in the West. Will
all those who wish to contribute
kindly have then : at the basement
of the church early after dinner,
Saturday, May 2nd.
Baptist Chiireh
Clinton Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 83, and
Huronie Rebekah Lodge No. 306 at-
tended Divine worship on Sunday ev-
ening in this church, where they heard
a splendid address delivered by the
pastor, Rev. W. G. Sherman, who re-
cently resumed his pastoral and put-
pit duties. after a -long period of con
valescence from a fracture sustained
when hunting during the Christmas
holiday season. The local lodges
were accompanied by visiting .breth-
ren and sisters from Fidelity Lodge
No. 55, Seaforth and Seaforth. Re-
bekahs, Brucefield Lodge No. 210.
The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs occu-
pied the center pews reserved for
their accommodation.
years ago. In the afternoon Mrs.
George Shipley,' Clinton, and Mrs. W.
H Willis of Wingham, did likewise,
they having performed a like service
at the: gathering ten years ago.
One minute of silence was observ-
-Miss .Murray, press secretary, saki:
o late
ed in memory f the
c Kings �
Yit paid to advertise. She had ant
anthem u
George and the national at was
report of the Presbyterial to all pa -
sung. pets in •the county, also to the Lon -
Mrs. F. G. Farrill of the Ontario don dailies and to the. Conference .
street 'church gave .the address of Branch Secretary. She had also sent
welcome, in which she referred to an article 'on the James street Exe--
Miss Sybil Courtice> who was brought ter, Jrbilee servicesices last summer.
up in this- :lurch and who 'had been Aethis juncture Miss Marion Gib-
so many years a representative of bings and Miss Elva Wiltse sang a
the W. M. •S. in Japan. Mrs. Mc- very pleasing duet, "I Heard the
Voice of Jesus Say."
Wesley -Willis United Church
Morning. subject: "The Motive
Power ,of Christ's Gospel." This will
be tine first of the family church
school services. The children up to
four years of age will go to the Nur-
sery, Department 'at 11 o'clock, The
Members of the Beginners and Prim-
ary Departments will retire to the
Primary room 'after the singing of
the children's hymn. The church ser -
Vice will form the worship period for
the Sunday School, • the class periods
following immediately. This 'is Mis-
sionary Sunday in the'School and
the Missionary super-
intendent, Mrs, Gordon Cuninghanie,
will give the children's missionary
story. The children will be in -the
church service, andthe juniorand
senior adult Bible ::classes extend a
mdst urgent invitation to the adult
members of the congregation 80 join
ill the study of the lesson. Bring -the
children to church.
Evening - subject: "The Narrow
The W.M.S. held its Easter.thank-,
offering meeting in the Sunday
school room Thursday' evening, The
Ever Ready, Mission Circle repeated.
the opening exercises and little' play
let put,on at their own meeting the
previous week, Miss; Heles Nediger
in the chair. 'Miss D. Mutch 'read
the lesson, Miss V.- Fraser contribut-`
ed a solo and Mis. keg. Shipley, Mrs.
W. C. Jervis' and Misses h Chewer',
D, Stelk, E. 'Paterson ' and M. • An-
drews took part in the play.
The special speaker was 'Mrs'.: W.
P, Lane of Goderich; who' gave a
most inspiring talk 'on the necessity
of Spreading the `glad: news of the
Easter message to those who have
never heard it, or it may be to many
who have heard and not heeded. The
work of telling the story is left to
Christ's followers and He is depend-
ing upon then' not to fail in their
task. '
Kenzie of Egmondviile responded
The minutes of last meeting Lin • were
M do,
Miss M. Mur had Murdoch, literature sec-
rotary,9. 5 worth of
sold $39 0
taken as read. An invitation was re- books, a 75 percent. increase. There
ceived from James street church, are eighty-seven recommended by -
Exeter, for., the 1938 meeting', ' one the Board and Miss Murdoch espec-
from the North street church, Gode-, .ally teconuneudeci. 8 o members
rich, being accepted for 1937, "Christ's Alternative to Commtm--
The roll call of auxiliaries was
answered by the several secretaries,
an increase in membership being re-
ported. Bayfield and Brinsley - re- address on Christian Stewardship
ported a one hundred per cent. in- which the members appreciated velar
crease. much.
In Blake and Crewe churches ' ev- When the offering was taken Mrs..
ery woman in the congregation is a Moorhouse gave. the dedicatory pray --
member of the W. M. S. er. Rev. C. Moorhouse was pastor -
Thirteen auxiliaries' participated of the convehtion church at the first`.
in the Kingdom of God movement, meeting' ten years ago and Mrs..
resulting in greater interest and de, Moorliouse had, performed this ..of -
yeti= to the Work forwhich the fibe at that time.
W.M.S. stands. ,
A twenty percent. increase was real : Mrs. Mantel, strangers' secretary,
ported i1 systeinatic givings and reported that fifty-five of the sixty -
Winthrop auxiliary reported having three auxiliaries have strangers' see
exceeded its allocation. Added interest retaries.
ism" by Stanley Jones.
Mrs. Cumming gave a very fince
and attendance at the sectional meet- Mis. H. Fowler' gave the closing.-
ings was urged.
Mrs. McKenzie reported five Even- prayer e the• morning session =ti-
the. ladies were invited downstairs
ing Auxiliaries: North street, Gode-
rich; Gerrie, James street, Exeter;
Seaforth and Wingham.
It has been stated that if the same
interest were manifested in this
work as was manifested in rescuing
the men from the Moose River mine
the world would be evangelized in
five years.
Mrs. Lane reported seventeen Mis: After the devotional period' in the
sion,Circles, an increase of four. One afternoon, Mrs. Greer 'spoke of the-
where a very excellent dinner' was
served by the ladies of the church, .
the gentlemen of the Presbytery
conning .over from the other church
to partake also of the ample proviso
ran set out.
Afternoon Session
had developed into an Evening' Aux-
iliary during .the year. The young
people stressed the worship period in
their meetings; sono reported in-
creased givings,
Miss Bailie sent her report, Two
new C.G.I.T. groups, also. increased
.interest and effort. Brussels, Ethel;
Exeter, North street, Goderich, On-
tario street and Wesley -Willis; Clin-
ton, Dungannon, Wingham and Ben -
miller each have a Group. •
Mrs. Chas. Malcolm reported thir-
ty-seven Mission Bands, four new
ones during the yea}, fifteen life
nienihers, an increase .of thirty,sub-
scriptions to World Friends, eight
Bands on the honor roll. Those re-
porting, quarterly and sending eor-
reet antivah report are entitled to a
place on the honor roll. The Band
at the .Brick church is outstanding,
reporting an increase of two Man-
dred ,percent. in givings, and .. two
Members . going five miles to meet-
ings. The.Londesboro Band is held
in a school house, the teacher being
the leader.
Mrs. J. M. S:outhcott reported
twenty-eight Baby Bands, five- new
many changes experienced - as the
years go by. She said the W.M.S.
was proving -to be a real force; giv-
iv ing to its members a wider viewpoint„
new friendships, a greater knowledge•
of the missionaries and their work.
Mrs. Shipley spoke of those on the
program today who were here ten -
years ago, and read letters from
some of the officers who were ab-
sent who held office, . Mrs. Gardin-
er, Miss Consitt, Miss Hume, Miss
Mooney, Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Archibald
and Mrs. Clark. Those present were:
asked to speak. Two former presi-
dents, Mrs. J. E. Hogg, the first pre-
sident after Union, and Mrs. Mollard,
have now passed on, Mrs. Lane- and
Mrs. Gardiner,;, former . presidents.,:
spoke briefly.
Mrs. Lane, speaking of leadership-
training, recommended attendance at
Alnia College Sumner School Aug-
24-28. On the program are the names
of Dr. Brown, . Mrs. Forbes, Miss
Griffiths and Mrs, Rutherford.
Mrs. Farrill then read a number -
of her original poems, which great:y
interested and charmed the ladies.
An impressive and 'beautiful mem--'
ones duringthe year, a membership, oriel service was held for those who,
of 561 and an increaseni givings. had: been called to higher - service.
.There ` are .61. life ' members, One' during the year, Mrs. Jaynes Hamil-
grandmother made foul 08 her gtiand-
children life members. The Brick
church, one of the smallest auxiliar-
ies, has a 'Mission: Band and a Baby
Band. •
Treasurer; Miss Ferguson reported
receipts, of $14,200.66;. $14,110.00 haw.
ing been•sent to the branch treasur-
The supply committee, - Mrs. Col-
clough, Blyth, in charge, -reported
s upplies - valued at $2660.00 and;
weighing 3057 pounds having ,been
sent from the, ,..different organiza-
tions. -
MTs.' W Pickard reported for the.
Missionary Monthly. Fifty-seven
Auxiliaries take the Monthly, 1054
ton conducting it. . Mrs. Nay read'
the' names, ' Mrs. Greer placed flowers -
lin a basket representing each one,.
also for the two presidents who hadl-
gone on, "All the Way my Saviour -
Leads Me" was sung and the Lord's .
prayer was said in unison.
Conference Branch President; Speaks
Mrs. J. McCrea, president of the •
London Conference Branch gave a
very-iiispiring and interesting ad--
d-dress. She complimented the Hurorc
Presbyterial on coming first in the
conference. There was now in the•
conference a membership of 20,914;
a goodly nuinber of devoted woman.
;(Continuedon page 6)