The Clinton News Record, 1936-04-23, Page 8PAGE THE . CLINTON NEWS -RECORD FL - a BOILING BFEITIING 2 lbs, for 25c ,, per lb, .. .... .......,10c RIS ROAST; Choice Quality, per Ib. 15e BEEF SHANKS, per lb. .. 6c SAUSAGES. per lb, ... ......15e HEAD CHEESE, per lb ..... ..10c SMOKED ,PICNIC l{Ai4rs per,,, lb. ..13c SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb, 24c GUARANTEED BULK LARD, per Ib. • 15c CHOICE YOUNG FAT HENS, per 1b 18c ICIONNELLJ '& TYNDALL " CLINTON'S . LEADING ' MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. ` ' Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE INVESTIGATE REARDON'S SELF -SIZING WASHABLE Kalsomine A Super Kalsomine that provides a new typeof Permanent Beauty. Tudhope Electric Ranges., finished in cream and green 'eiiamel with automatic oven control and sliding oven. lining. Equipped, with large and small plates, and high shelf. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT THREE NEW LINES .OF DAYBEDS AND STUDIO COUCHES AT REDUCED PRICES; _FOR THURS,. FRL AND SAT. TWO POPTJLAR PATTERNS OF LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Sold by the Yard; Also Rugs in'any size. An Assortment of Two Dozen READING and TABLE LAMPS REASONABLY' PRICED. Sutter--Perdue--Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day or Night APRIL 28th Town HaIl, Clinton The "Favorite Fourfl High Class Entertainers of LONDON, ONTARIO under auspices of the '- Clinton- Hospital Board Admission, 36c, No seats reserved, DON'T MISS THIS 1WIR 'TREAT 75-2. NOVELTY and LEAP YEAR DANCE sponsored by, Clinton Baseball Club 'New and Old Time Dance Thursday, -May 7th In Old Tyme Dance Hall; GOOD ORCHESTRA. C,OME AND ENJOY YOU1iSELr. 'Admission, 25a (Tax Included) 76-2. EBENEZER 'A very pleasant evening was spent at the honie of Mr. 'Hebden on Fri- day evening in honour: of Mr. and Mrs. Perurn,' .who are leaving the. community. ' They were presented with a beautiful conch. We axe pleased to know that Billie `Williams, who underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis in Clinton Hos- pital, is home again. We hope, he still continues' to improve until ,perfectiy recovered. The No. 4 school has a substitute teacher, Miss Cameron of Clinton, on account of Mr. MGLeod's illness, he having to have an operation for ap- pendicitis: He is in Seaforth hospt- tal. We hope he will soon be able to take his work again. `Mrs. Irvine 'tebbutt is in the hospi- tal" with a young son, Their friends extend congratulations. LONDON ROAD • The London Road Community Club held` their April meeting at the home - of Mrs, Davidson, Sr., on Thursday the 9th. ' Mrs. ivleKnight, presided,' and Op- ened the meeting by singing "Onward Christian Soldiers." :The roll call was answered by "My Favorite Vege- table and how to prepare it" Mrs, Tyndall gave a description of some of the fnost uncommon vegetables and how to grow and prepare then. The `sewing was given out to those present and a collection of quilt blocks brought in, which 'Mrs, Stan - bury kindly offered to put together. Final arrangements were iliade for the social evening, The nekt meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. 'Falconer. Mrs. McIlnight's group assisted the hostess to serve refreshments. The Club held their annual social evening in the Legion hall on April 14th: The early part of the evening cards were enjoyed by all who cared to play. Prize winners were Mrs. A, Wiltse and Mr.' Wilbur, Nott and the lucky prize 'WAS captured by Mrs. Norman .Manning, After refresh- ments were served the tables were removed and dancing was indulged in fol' a few Boers, Mr, Marshall and Mrs. Bert Irwin furnished the mimic. The club realized a substan- tial boost ,to their treasury and wish to thank all those who helped by their presence. ' Miss Jean Falconer was a recent visitor with her parents, • Mr. and Mrs. W. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnes are now residents of the neighborhood and are occupying the house recently moved and remodelled by Mr. Milton Wiltse, TUCKERSMITH Sincere regret is felt over the death of William Strong, highly esteemed resident of Tuckersm;th, on Friday, et the home of his dlaughter, Mrs. Carson Allen in Guelph. Mr. Strong who had been in ill health, left a month ago for Kitchener to undergo medical treatment in the hospital where he remained until last Satur- day when he returned • to Guelph, gradually becoming worse until his death Friday. Ha was married' more than thirty Yeats ago to Miss Jane Sholdice of Tuckersmith, , They lived here for a shout tune and afterwards moved to Seaforth, returning to Tuckersntith about twenty year ago. He was a member of St. , Thomas' Anglican Church, Seaforth. Surviving are his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Carson AIIen of Guelph `and Miss Cora: Strong and one son Leonard, on the 'homestead. The following is the report of S. S. No. 3," Tuckersntith, for Easter; Sr. 4th: Myrtle Papple, 78,4;' Wes- ley Ham and Muriel Wright, 74 (equal), Hazel Wilson; 6&.8; Allan Hill, 67.4; Edvin.•Sillery,,66.6; Pres- ton Dillies, 632; Grace Dalrymple, 54; Morley Wright, 52.6; Hazel Dilling, absent., Jr. 4th: Anna Watson, 62.8; Robert Watson, 58,4. Sr. 3rd: :Lloyd Papple, 63.3. Promoted to Sr. 3rd: Ethel Wilson, 75.3; Olave Papple, 72.6; Freda Hill, 65.2; John Galwill, .,49 9 • Jr. 3rd: Betty Allan, 71.6 Genev- ieve Smith, 68.9; Gordon Hill, 62.5; Ross Dilling, 5,5.6; Melba Taylor,' ab- sent. lst: 'Bobby Allah, 79; Marion Wil- son, 76,8; Kenneth Scott, 60.8; 'Wil- liam Wil;liam Love, 60: ' • Pr.: Jack MacDonald, '95.3 Edna. Papple,; 91,3; Jack McKnight,' 89.3; Fred Taylor„ absent. Number on roll, 31; average atten- dance,-27a. ance, 27 Barbara J. Simpson, teacher., SNOW GONE FLOODS RECEDING •' SUNNIER DAYS and, the time to re -decorate the in- terior of your home. Wall paper is most generally usedfor the purpose. Do you think of coming home as the best part of a good day? Home is still the best institution 'civilization has ceated' and deseves to be made the most delightful plaee you know, by the• use • of those' material things that make life richer and a placeof happiness. 11 you agree . then its Wall. Paper for you. Do you know of anything at the price that will add such welcome and welcoining charm? Have you experienced how a dull room 'can be brightened' and filled with real hominess by - the right selection of WaIl Paper?' Bright cheery, invigorating renewal of your walls do much to invite and encour= age the enjoyment of your; home life, their' reflective influences, in cases, builds a sunny disposition. We exer- cise our cagefu Ijudgnient in buying what we regard as splendid patterns and colorings -1 or the rejuvenation of old, rooms and the modern papering of -new homes. We invite your in- spection. Tile vv. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best THURS:, APRIL 23, 1936 ONE ;FRIEND0 NEIL S. TELLS ANO'rH1+;R Always iii the I. d. FRUIT and VEGETABLE MARKET RED AND WHITE WANTED errs Graded by an Expert Candler and for which the Highest Prices are Paid. BIG ORANGE WEEK New Carrots, 5'bunches' 'for 25c New Beets, 5;bunches for . - ' 250 Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. for 25c Fresh Spinach, 2 lbs. for 25c Waxed Turnips . 5c and 10c IVlanning's Biscuits, per lb. 19c FRIGIDAIRE Pork Rolls,'(. lb. to 1 1-2; lb.) Sweet Pickled Roll, per lb. 23c Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 29c Variety Loaf, per lb. 29c Dressed Loin, per Ib. Cooked Ham, per ib. Christie's Fancy Cakes 25e 49c 49c 10, 15, 20, 25c Walkerside's Ice Cream Real Old Cheese, per 'ib. 25c Special Fancy Cookies (for. housecleaning, Ib. 25c Head Lettuce, 2bunches for Leaf Lettuce, 2 bunches for • Green -Onions, 2 bunches for Ripe Tomatoes, per Ib. Fresh Asparagus, per bunch Strawberries, per box Pineapples,' each 15c 1,5c 15e 20c 10c 250 .25d ORANGES—Florida, large and juicy, dozen 39c Fresh Lemons, 4 for 10c B. C. Apples, 6 for 25a 2 ;Dozen. Sweet Oranges for 41c See otir Weekly Dodgers for 5, 10, 15 and 25c Specials See our large (Irwin and O'Neil Redecorating Sale Bills. BANANA SALE Friday and Saturday Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. 1". O'NEILCLANTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 „IiilIIUIIIn� 1 1 141 11111 1111 ailml 1 �I111 11 i 11 1 non,.. Mrs. West was called.to Goderieh ow- ing to the illness of her sister, Mrs. Earl Porter. Miss Margaret. Cudmore spent the Easter vacation With friends at Royal Oak, Mich. • Miss Elizabeth. Ford of Oshawa spent Easter week as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. S. Lawrence of town. Mr. John Hellyar left Saturday for Scudder, Peelee Island, to resume his teaching duties after the Ras- ter Vacation. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart, who have spent the winter in Toronto, have returned this week to their home in town. Miss Mary Reynolds has returned to Windsor after having spent the Easter vacation as. the guest of Mrs. James Flynn. Mrs. Miltom•'Cook and little Miss Betty of Sarnia have been visiting at .the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Schoenhals. Mrs, J. B. Rumball returned to her home on Friday last after having • spent the winter with her son, Mr. R. J. Rumball of Montreal. • Miss Evelyn Rail ,returned to her school near Zurich •on Monday morning after spending the vase - tion period at her home in town. Mrs. Fletcher W. Troop' returned on Monday to her home ih Toronto af- ter having spent the Easter holiday period at the home of her parents,, Col. H. B. and Mrs. Combe of the Cedars, Mrs, W. J. Rozell and Mrs. N. W. Trewartiia were in Blyth yesterday, ' meeting with the District Executive at the Women's Institute, as they made preparations for the District Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crich and their daughter and ronin -law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. Brown, and their chil- dren of Pontiac, Mich., spent the week -end with the former's sister, Miss Gladys-. Crich. Mr. and Mrs.: Edgar Armstrong, Miss Lily Kennedy, ,Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cndmore and Messrs, Norman and Douglas Kennedy attended the fun- eral of the late Guy Blackall .rn: Bothwell on Sunday.,, Mr. and Mrs. George Huller visited with the Tatter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook of point Farm, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Shipley and Mrs. Jo's Shipley .'mot- ored further and called on friends at Palmerston, Tiverton and Under- wood. Rev. J. T. Parke, Toronto, who is a former rector of St. Paul's parish and who is well ]trtown to many hereabouts, was*: town last week, 'having come . up to go 'out to his farm in Stanley township, where he has spent the past few summers. • Mr. Parke, who retired 'from the active ministery some years ago, finds a fresh interest and niucli enjoyment on the old homestead farm during the,, summer. months. RILEY'S Where Quality Sella and Service Tells Oyster Shell, 10 lbs. for ........25c Leese Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. ..25c Peanut Butter Glass, 32 oz. for .29c Lard, 2 lbs. for 25e Shortening, 2 lbs. for ...2dc Multiplier Onions, per Ib. 3c Dutch Set Onions,. per lb. 5c Bead Lettuce, 2 for 15c Leaf Lettuce, 2 for 15c New Cabbage, per lb. 5c White Beans, 3 lbs. for 10c S. Cocoanut, per lb. ,,..... .,.,25c Loose Cocoa, 2 1bs:. for 25c Broadway Coffee, per lb. 35c (Free Nappies. and Fruit Bow]) Oranges, sweet and juicy, 2 doz. 39c Oranges, sweet and 'jaicj', 2 for 45c Larger Oranges, ... 27c and 30c EXTRA SPECIAL 10 lbs. White or Brown Sugar for 48e We buy and grade eggs for which we pay le a dozen more on `a11 grades, in Cash or Trade... RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. Free Delivery at . All Hours. MOTHER'S DAY MAY TENTH IT'S >TIME TO PLAN FOR 11OTHBR'S DAY May we have the privilege of helping you, for of course you: will want'flowers. 1f mother is at a distance use our ' Telegraph Se' - vice. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" F' R.'CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member T. D. Assn. Phones 31 and 176. PORTER'S HILL Miss June McDougal )entertained a. number of friends at her home Tuesday evening. Miss Elva. Elliott of Stratford Nor - Mal and Phyllis Elliott 'of Clinton Collegiate spent' the Easter vacation at the home of , their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, G. Elliott.' Elva will remain a week longer and is with Miss ',Sheardown at S.S. No. 9, before returning, to Stratford to complete her studies. Miss Joyce Gardiner, C.C.I.. stud WINN. MARSHALS. MATTRESSES - GIVEN AWAY Tho Marshall Spring Mattress Is the Original Spring Mattress. This snook you hove a chance of winning one fie, In a draw, Nothing to but/—nothing to do but efi in the Coupon and take it to your dealer, YOUR 01-1ANCE TO WIN A HANDSOME MARSHALL MATTRESS The Marshall Cowpony is giving away 8 of tho femme Mnraholl Spring Mattresses to the Arab Ave people whose names ma drown In the Marshall week" Drawing. All you have to do in olip thin coupon, MIN your aamo and nddress, bring it tato tont store, mid wo will mall your coupon to the Morahnil Company for entry in the drawing. 1t is all free. Yort are under no obligation to buy, but your entry must bo mode during "Marshall Neck". April 1811 to tiro 2Sth. Wo will know rho results on Mur lith. Clip this oosoe, now. Your 1Qnmo Address See Our Special Marshall Week Displays minmestameiumasusemescismommesium Mil tMt• SEE OUR NEW LINE OF SCOTCH LINOLEUM • We have quite an assortment of good second-hand FURNITURE And BABY CARRIAGES, CHEAP. We are sole agents for the famous SHERWIN• WILLIAMS PAINTS, VARNISH STAINS, and LINEX, a remarkable new varnish for all purposes. 'A FULL LINE OF GARDEN AND LAWN TOOLS. Phone 195. BALL & ZAPFE Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service Weft ent, spent the Easter holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dal. Gar- diner. Euchre Party & Dance will 'be held in the Legion Hall, on Tuesday, May '.5th under the auspices, of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Clinton Branch of the Canadian Legion. • Cards will commence promptly at eight o'clock, dancing from :eleven to one. ,Admission 25 .cents. 76-2. WHEN IN NEED, OF PLUMBING OR TINSMITHING of any kind y call T. Hawkins Phone 244 C7 MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS l—� GARDEN :: TOOLS, OF' ALL KINDS T. IIawkills HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 249 f1'•dt4^Ahxw, 1 r� w•nt,, py „, gwyr, �. �Y�d p, y �E6tlN k 4 w} ""t $ b.::V.-dR"4. err ..t .s• -•.e ,t• On Sale Thur., Fri, Sat. -Apr. 23, 24, 25. Pure 'Lard, 1 pound prints, 2 for 25r Meaty Prunes, 2 lbs. for . 23c Grape Nuts in Flake Form, 2 pkgs. for 230 Orange Marmalade, ige. 32 oz. jar . 23c "Garden Patch" `Corn, 17 oz. size to 9c Castile Soap, 8 bars for 25e "Bee Hive", Corn Syrup, 2 lb. tin 18c 5 lb, tin 39c Clark's Pork and Beans) 2 tins 190 Aylmer Pie Cherries, solid pack, 2 tins for 25c "Snowflake" Ammonia, Reg. Size Pkg..50 "Manning's Shortbread Finger Biscuits, lb. 19c "Royal York" Tea half ib. pkg. 28c Royal York Coffee, 1 ib. tins 39c Cooked Ham, per lb. 49c Breakfast Bacon 270 Cocoanut, 1-4 Ib. • 10c 1-2 ib. 20e Flour, Five Roses, 7 lb. 29c 241b. 93c Catsup, Aylmer, 12 oz. bottle' 15e. Corn Starch, Durham, per pkg. ..•.,.., .,.,:. ...,100 Maaroni, Loose Ready Cut, 2 lbs. • 11c Chocolate, Rowntrees Unsweetened, 1-2 Ib cake 15c , • A.yy'lmer Plums, 17 oz. tins, .2 for 23c Instant Postttm, small tin 29c Matches, Royal ,York, 3 boxes for 25e. Onions, Dutch Set, No. 1 quality, 2 lbs. for 450 Soap, Surprise, 2 cakes for 110 Carbolic Soap, Richard's, 2 cakes 90 12e Lye' Gillett's, Eats Dirt, per tin J..T.. Me,KN IGHTte:SON Phone ,111w. Clinton, Ont. arsenr