The Clinton News Record, 1936-04-23, Page 5nTHURS.,.'APRI. 23; -1936 THE CLINTON,. NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5 Farm Help 1S Urgently r is Needed inOnta Unemployed tt REGISTER , ,W H T H E nemployed LVlen EM7'LOYMENT SERVICE. TELL YOUR NEEDS TO THE NEAREST Farmer$ EMPLOYMENT' ,OFFICE; RELIEF A D MNISTRATOR OR AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE. "OR WRITE DIRECT TO THE ;UNDERSIGNED DAVID A. CIt`OLL ,Minister of Labor, Parliament Bldgs.; To s'OF INTEREST TO YOU AND 'ME • 'Just one more week, of April and surely May will have some better • weather for us. Certainly. the men - who, without thought of self or of reward have been - working night and day at the • McGill, mine in Nova Scotia, deserve to be materially compensated in, some way. There are few people who would not ,be willing to contribute - something toward such a aurid. But it would need to be pushed very quickly as the public, is very fickle 'and •a week dr so andthe whole horror will be forgotten, except. by those Most interested. A twenty-fourpage Rb -Union ' number, it does not say so but we fancy itincludesboth papers for the week as neither of them have come to hand, has been received inthis-office ' frons Xinoardine. The Old Boys' Com- mittee is looking forward to a' feal re -union in August next, and ' this issue is one which, will serve to call • attention to the affair. It is full of advertising; local, general and his- ' toricet news about people and events • of former years, accoitipanied by photographs. It is a well planned and printed issue and should be of ''special interest to former residents of the town and vicinity. Prineess.'Elizabeth, oldest daughter • of the Duke of York, who now stands second from the throne of Britain, was ten years old on Tuesday and . good wishes were wafted to her from all over the Empire and from points beyond. The winsome, little lady occupies .a aery important position in the world today, but it is ,said her parents have insisted upon her being reared very simply and sensibly, But that is the,.way British Royal children have been reared for many a year, and it seems to have turned out very well, indeed. We are still hoping that the I{ing will marry and that a di- rect heir may • be provided, but at the present time should sudden iIl- ness or accident cause the demise of Xing, Edward VIII and his brother, • the Duke of 'York, the heir presump- tive, Little Princess. Elizabeth would be queen. We hope no such Elizabeth, will arise for- many years to come, 'brat, although the conditions. • were 'very different •at that time, Queen 'Victoria was but. eight years older than Princess Elizabeth is now when. her long reign began. HAYFIELD There passed to rest at Alexandra 'Hospital, Goderieh, after a lingering illness, one who was very well and favorably known in this district :In the person'of Margaret Lindsay add- .- ow of the late Richard Smith, in her sixty-ninth year. The deceased woman, who was the daughter of the late Margaret Brown = and James Lindsay' was: born tri Stanley Township on May 17, 1867, :and moved to. Goderieh Township with her parents when a child. On October- 24, 1007, she ,was united In marriage with RichardStiith who predeceased tier on' December 22, 1931 -and they' settlGcT on a farm .'o n the Sauble Line, where they iaemained; until they came to Bayfield, . which has been her hotie.ever' since. -f' a O cheerful, kindly nature the' deceased • woman enjoyed' a large circle or. friends. Since her husband's (teeth, She has hacl charge of the two Rural Mail Routes, 1 .and 3. from'the local Posh Office, and was most, obliging S g in the performance of her. duties. 'Of a robust constitution, she, had always enjoyed good health _ until Christmas when' !she 'was • stricken with the 'flu Froin which she did. not • .completely recover. About a month n •o g she seemed" to ivi ,rove greatly -I' } l g Y I was. :and'able s to get out in a ,ear but I since that time she 'has `steadily de- elinid ,and was'"taken ,steadily Gocleriah 'Hospital last wee];. Stirvivi»g' are " two,Sons, James , of 'Hallett and se Lindsay. at home, also'' ,one sister, W. Janet, (Mrs. W. 1-1. i'1'iggitt:s and two "brothers, e an George C1.,JackI Geor )';inc- T . sav of . Goderieh township, : •'Thefuneral Will take place 'from her late residence on Thursday after- noon when Rev. R. M. Gale of • St Andrew's United Church will have 'Charge of the service, and interment. will be' made, in Bayfield Cemetery. Those acting as pallbearers are Mes- srs. Jack' Caineron, •,Hugh 'McKay, Harrold Stinson, Percy Weston, Her- bert McGregor, and Walter Westlake. T'he sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ones. The annual masquerade carnival which was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday, April 15, under the .aus- pices 'of the Bayfield Agricultural So- ciety was a decided success and' en- joyed by the large attendance. There were more in costume and the judges had a very difficult task to make. the awards. 'Those acting as judges were Miss Morley, Miss J. - Metcalf and James Cameron and their decisions were as follows: Ladies ,'aucy, 'lst Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner (Spanish Lady); 2nd, Eliza beth Snowden, Stanley township (Oat Sheaf); Ladies Comic, 1st,' Mrs. N. W, Woodt (Highland. piper); 2nd, Mrs. Smith, Goderieh (Lady wtith a bustle); Gents' Fancy, lst, Mrs. E. P. Lewis; Toronto, (Spanish gentleman) ; 2nd, Frances Powell, Clinton (Pirate) Gents' Commie, 1st, Carl Diehl, Stanley township (01cl Scotch woman); ' and Peggy Orr, (Mickey Mouse); Best. Couple, lst, Lillian and Alvin, EIIiott, (bride, and groom); 2nd, Jean Woods and Margaret Groves (Hula gins); Best Girl, Gloria Westlake (Easter Lily); Best boy, Eugene Castle (girl with flaxen hair.) • 'The prize distributed for lady corn- ing the longest distance went to Mrs. E. P. Lewis, and that for the man to Bob Aberharil. • The music for the dance was played by the Bayfield Orchestra and Cart Houston acted as floor mangaer. The President, J. McClure, welcomed the people to the Carnival. A Dunn distrib'hted the prizes. Tlie hall was very beautifullydecorated for the occasion . with rings knots 'and streamers in the Easter colors. A great deal of credit for the success of the affair is. due to the untiring efforts of the committee in charge. ' Rev. J. P. Parke who has spent tete winter in Toronto returned to his hone, "Paradise", in Stanley town- ship, last Week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Beckner and, X. McGilvray of Mount Forest have leased the store and flat in the Post Office building and are 'opening a butcher shop this week. It is hoped that the people of this district will support this enteriirise, so that Bay- field will , have a butcher shop. •here permanently. ) Mrs. C. L. Guest of Toronto is spending this week with her .'sister,. Mrs. M. L. Thorn. Mrs, Collins, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. I{err, of ICineardine carie Thursday to visit ,her niece, Mise -.E. Cameron. • kr. James Caineron and son, Ev- ans, returned to Toronto' on Sunday after having spent 'Easter week in the village. Mrs. A. 0...Brandon came home Saturday after a week in 'London where she underwent a slight opera- tion.- Mrs. W. ,Alien returned from Pres- ton, where' she had been, ` to spend a while.with,iei' mother, Mrs. E. At- wood, before leaving for her home in the west. ' • .• Dr, E. P. Lewis spent the wee: - end as the guest of Mrs.Woods and .oh his return to..Toronto was accom- panied by Mrs., Lewis,'who•,had spent the - week .here. ..Mr. and `Mrs. David Dewar left Thursday ,and Misses Elva `'and Anne Dewar, left on' Sattirciay for Toronto, after' having spent the. Easter Vaca-' -tion with their parents': Mr.. ancl Mrs. Victor'I3uit end babe of Lnodotaspent. Sunday with • the lady's. parents, 'Mr. and•• -Mrs, F, W. Baker'. Peggy, Buster and Budtlie Burt returned with, thein, after spending the holiday week with their grandparents: grandparents: -.. Mrs. E. H. Featherstone left Sun- day to visit het sisters in London amu, Sarnia, Mrs. L. 13: Smith d an two children ' Hildrea of London . and Mia, Harold Icing and 'Master' Baroid Atwood of 'Sar- nia > returnee,, .to. their respective honmes;ivith, their husbands,- who also BIRTHS TEBBUTT — In Clinton Coriiniunity. Hospital, on April 17th; to1Mr. and; Mrs.' Irvine Tebbutt of Goderieh township, a son:' RAITHBY At Auburn,.. en April 16th, to Mr. and )VIPs. Frank.Raith- -by, a son. AMBLER — In St. Joseph's Mercy T-Iospital, Pontiad, .Mich„ on April 20th to Mr. and Mrs: Harty W. • Ambler, -a son.-Iiugh Rorke. DEATHS McKENZIE. In Clinton Hospital, on Am', 9th, John' McKenzie of Brucefield in his' 84th, year. SPOTTON—In Winghani, r on April 20th," George Spotter:, formerly M. P. for North Huron, in 'his 59th year. TOWNSHEND In Goderieh •town -i ship, on April 17th, Mary Eliza - ;beth„ daughter of lyir. and. Mrs:' Erhest' A. Townshend,' in her 2nd •year. SMITH—In Goderieh, Hospital, on April 21st, Margaret' Lindsay, wid7 ' ow of Riehard Smith, of Stanley m township, her 89th ear. spent the week -end here, after spend- ing the Easter week with their par •encs, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker. Mr. Harold Scotchmer. returned Monday toresume his studies at the O.0 E. Totonto, after spending the vacation with his parents; The Ladies',,Gniid of: Trinity church held a very sueeessful salad . tea in the hank rooms on Friday., The rooms "'were" very attractive with Easter colors and a profusion of spring flowers,, and a number called during the afternoon • to enjoy -tea with the ladies. Last. Saturday night a . Bayfield' young lady,dreained that twb- of the three risen -were - rescued frons the Moose' River mine. At that time it was not:known that any of them were alive, but Sunday morning' when it was learned that all three were alive •the lady thought her dream did not menn `anything. But the dream was recalled when the third .member) or the party died Monday morning. and when the two,. Dr: Robertson and Mr. Scadding. were safely remora from the nine last night. STANLEY Mrs, Harold Penhale and fancily are at present the guests of her par.- ents, Mr.. anti Mrs. Geo. Hodgson of. Wilton Grove. • Mr. Alex Chesney of Seaforth was the guest, of Mr. Harold Penhale on Sunday. - Mr. Joe Wild sold a fine horse to My. William Cndanore of Seaforth. Mr. Will Scotchmer was in Seaforth on Friday last. Mr. James, the Aluminum man, put on a demonstration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Penhale on Saturday evening. Miss Irene Scotehmer of Seaforth visited under the parental roof re- cently. Goderieh Estate Costs 'Ap- peal Is Dismissed • Justice Ringstone, in 'a judgment delivered at Osgoode Hall, last,weelt, dismissed an appeal of the official guardian for Ontario against an or- der of .fudge Thomas M. Costello of the Surrogate Oourt of Huron Coun- ty, fixing the compensation of F. R. Darrow, Goderieh, solicitor, as execu- tor of the estate of the late John S. Bedford, Goderieh, at $4,362.15. The official guardian, representing e. 19 -year-old son of John S. Bedford, contended the amount of compensa- tion awarded the executor was exces- sive. STOP! LOOK. LISTEN! See -J, B. Howard for alt Classes .of Insurance. ' Lowest Rates with Absolute Finan- cial Strength. Call or Phone J. E. Howard Phone 178, Clinton. Hay For Sale. The undersigned offers for sate, one mile south of Clinton, about 8 tons of well -saved timothy and air. - alfa nixed bay. Price 0.00 per ton at barn. Terms Cash. .Oliver ,J. Jer- vis, executor of.' 3. Jervis Estate. 76-2; Car For Sale A four -cylinder coach in 'good con- dition and good -tires. Cheap. ' Ap- ply. to Bert Langford. House 'To Rent" Hoose .for rent. Apply to Mrs, R. J. 'Fisher, Mill. Street, Clinton. 76-tf. •For Sale Essex ,C'ou 1ie, 1930 model, with+ , 1,, :ciunble seat. • Apply Olive E. Sciioen- hais; Clinton, 76-1.' Private. Sale Household fui:nishing , I offer for sale at my,,residence' the following.;. Dining room suite, chesterfield suite, 2 rugs,' electric. ;radio, washing Ma= chine , and, toaster,' bed slirings and mattress," coal 'oil stove . and oven, Quebec, range and heater; cupboard, kitchen chairs, table, dishes and cook- ing `utensils,V double size stretcher, and other articles. Please -call even- ings o> : on Saturday afternoon. M. J. Schoenials, Queen, Street. 76-1-p. ,CUT FLOWERS FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cook �'LORI,S'T Phones. 66w and 663 LIVE , . POULTRY -MARKET ALWAYS' IN THE' MARIKET POR Poultry '& Fresh Eggs. AT 1.'OP CASH PRICES. Poultry flocks eulled free of charge by experienced poultryman. N. W. TREWARTBA Phones -Office, 2141 .Residence, 214w O.J.' .D O YYWYE isholding his Weekly Auction Sale of Horses, Cattle and Hogs at his Sale. Barns, EXETER Wednesday, April 29th G. 3. Dow,' , W. E.' Nairn, ' Proprietor. Auctioneer. 76-tr. "Top Manny' Husbands" presented by St.' Andrew's Junior Dramatic Society in . Town . Hall, y � Ra •f'eld �' Wednesday, April 29th at 8.15 p.ni. Adiu}ssion 25c and 15c. '76-1. Good Pasture -For Rent' Goodpasture with plenty of. shade and good water, Inquire in The Clinton News -Record office. 76-2-p Cottage For Rent- - Comfortable 6 -Poor cottage In Mary street, cellar, shed, town wat- er, lights, garden. Apply to Miss E. Becker, Erie street. 76-2-p. MR. FOOT was friendly with Bumpy ' Bunion and Burny Callus until Cress Corn and Bunion Salves were sold by alhtdrug stores. For Sale , ' Plymouth Sedan, 1929, • well cared for, 111 good running condition, gone 18,000'' miles, new tires, license, in- surance. • Sell reasonably. Mrs. Al- ice Ferguson, Frederick street, Clin- ton. 76-2. Por Sale or Rent Two-fifths acre of good garden land on west side of Frederick street, fall ploughed. Apply • to Mrs. C. Hunt, Clinton.' • 76-2-p. Wanted 'Cattle for grass. Gooch pasture grid 'plenty of shade and water. Apply to Orville Dale, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 247r22, Seaforth central. 76-1-p. APPLICATIONS Applications for the joint positions 'of Sec. -Treasurer and School Atoll - dance Officer for the Board 'of Clin- ton Public School will be •received by the undersigned up to 8 pan. on April, 28th, 1936, Salary $80.00 per annum. T. H. Hardy, Dep. -Chairman, Clinton Public' School Board. 76.7., Attention Ladies I' earl now representing the British I{nit Co. for Clinton and vicinity aridamin a: position to receiveorders for.. their splendid lines. Appoint- ments made by phone given special attention.; I have a complete line of samples for suits, dresses, etc., and also latest designs ,and fshtons. Phone 301F, or call at my ,come, Vic- toria street, Clinton. Mrs. A. S. Ink - ley. 76-3-p..I NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Henry Baker,-` Deceased. NOTICE is Hereby. given than. all• persons having claims against ';the Estate of Henry Baker, late of the Township -of Goderieh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd clay of August, A.D., 1035, are required to deliver. to .Robert McClennaglian, R. R. 5, Luck- no�v, Ont.; or ,Harry McClenaglian,' Belgrave, Ont., the` Executors of the said Estate, or 1',. Fingland, Solicitor, on or bedore the 16th day of May, �. I.)., "1936, a full statement of; their claims -together, with:particulars thereof, and the nattire of•.the Secur— ities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. • AND TAKE NOTICE that :after the said'' last mentioned `- date ."',fie Executors will'proceed to. distribute. the estate of the ..said deceased': mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only, to such claims as shall have received due notice and M. accordance therewith. t Iii DATED at Clinton; Ontario, this 16th' day of. Aliril, 'A.D., 1936. ' F, PTNGLATND, Glint n; Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 76-3. AOXY THEATRE, CLINTON Now Plays ig:' Charles Laughlin, Charles Ra gales, Mary Boland. "RUGGLES OF RED GAP" a laugh a minute. Monday, ,Tuesday, Wednesday 30E E. BROWN iu "BRIGHT LIGHTS" Tlie funniest picture of the. year: ' COMEDY CARTOON Thursday, Friday Saturday i'aul Muni and Ann Dvorx "DR. SOCRATES" 'action and thrills in everyfoot of COMEDY- • filet, NEWS REEL; Mat. Sat &. Ifolidays at 3 .P.m. COMING: "SMART GIRL." • CAPI CAL 'I''NEATRE Now: 1Yilliani Powell in: "TI1E THIN MAN" Men., Tues.,; Wed. 'Phe Dionne Quintuplets an "The ,Cogntr y: Doctor" Jean Hershott, Dorothy Peterson. '1'hurs., Only, April 3551t Auspices Women's Hospital Auxil- iary . "CORONADA" Hear Eddie Dachi,, and his Orches- tra in this most joyous musical. Friday and Saturday . t. WILLIAM BOVD In "Bar 20 Rides Again" Action and Thrills. Aplenty Coming: Astaire and Rogers in. "FOLLOWTHE FLEET", ' Mat.: Wed.,. and Sat. at 3 • p.m. 'REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Now: Pre§ton Foster ins "MUSS 'pili UP'9 Mon., Tues., Wed. Shirley _Temple and John Boles co-starred in a delightful tale of , the chivalrous old South "The LITTLEST REBEL' ' Thurs., Fri., Sht. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers The ,ling, and queen of rhythmic step, afloat en an ocean of fun ."FOLLOW THE FLEET" Corning: "In Old Kentucky". Mat:: Sat. at 3 p.m. minced Pies Raisin - Cherry BIueberry --Apple SATURDAY SPECIAL '5c Lemon Pies Made By. ,f Bartliff .& Crich Phone 1. Clinton: SEEDS Full stock.of Clovers, Timothy and other Grasses on hand. Twenty years experience in the buying of these at your service. You will find our prices very attractive for the quality we are selling. In seed oats; have Improved Ban- ner No. 1 Government Standard, also Victory. 'Specializing a six -rowed barley this year. Have otit of 2700 bus. shipped in; a very limited quan- tity left. Por chicks have Maple Leaf Cafe- teria Chick Mash and Growing; this is the mash Professor Graham of. Guelph recommends. All pen form-, ula's quantities of ingredients marls - ed on bags. Highest prices paid for `Wheat, Oats and Barley. Fred Ford Grain, Flour Seed and Feed. Phone 123ty. Wanted Capable women as housekeeper and: companion. Phone 93, Clinton. '7545. Wanted A Colony house, 10x12 ft. Apply to Walter. Forbes, Phone 31r604, Clinton. '76-1. AUCTION. SALE Of Household Effects, to be held at stir. Arthur Cantelon's residence, Huron street, Clinton, on Saturday, April 25, consisting of: garden tools, bedroom suites, stoves, ice box, elec- tric: washing machine, tables, chairs, cupboards, one Williams new upright piano, window drapes, blinds,'kitchen utensils, dining room suite, dishes, one bightwagon,and other articles too numerous to mention. • TERMS: CASH. Mrs: Geo. T. Jenkins, Proprietress. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 76-1: CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm' Stock and • Implements, at lot 14, Bayfield -Road, 1 mile west of 'Varna, on Monday; April 27th, at 1.30 sfarp, consisting of: HORSES: Agricultural mare, 10. years old; agricultural mare, 11 years old; driving mares work. ,single or double. CATTLE: Durham co*, 5 years old, due to freshen June 39tb;, Dur- dam cow, k years old, milking; : Dina. ,ani cow, 5 years old, due to, freshen May 101:11; Ilttrhama heifer, 3 years old, clue to freshen May lst; black cow, 6 yearsold, due to freshen June lst; 2 Polled Angus heifers, rising 2 years; Polled.Angussteer, rising '2 .years; 2 Durham grade heifers, 1 year old; Durham grade steer, 1 year old; 8 spring calves. PIGS: York sow, due to profit May 6th; Tamworth sow, due to profit. May 7.st. .a IMPLEMENTS: Deering blaster,' 6 ft., cuf; Deering mower, :6 ft.. cut; Deering drill; Deering spring toots, ctjltivatpir; good foam ,wagon; set of sleighs,;• hay' rake; walking plow set of diamond harrows; set disc iar- rows;• scuffler; fanning mill with full ine of seives or grain orgrass seed; steel'tire buggy; set .-of double har- ness (brass mounted); set ofa,tiigle, laavness; Melotte cream', separator, good as tie*, 600 Ib. capacity; 'forks; chains, and numerous 'other articles. 'Positively no reserve as proprietor Iris rtented liis,farm on account of ilI health. Robert Campbell, Proprietor. George I1.`Elliott, Auctioneer: 76-1. CLINTON'S HEAT FOLKS The FRESH CARLOAD OP t'' �1 Y C1i1 I JUST ARRIVED Kind that'Iosures Success • INSIST ON. CANADA CEMENT for all good Concrete Work. JOHN O. IUiOSTAHO LU[IOEH & COAL CO, LUMBER, SHINGLES, COAL, CEMENT, ETC. J. T. McKNIGHT, Local Manager Phones: Brueefield Office & Residence: 618r11. Clinton: ,Office, 74w; Residence 74j. WENDOR.F'S April specials Large, Juicy ORANGES, doz. 39c "HUMBUGS", per lb. 15e ASIS FOR OUR CRACKED WHEAT BREAD - "Best for Health 99 HUNTS' and NEILSON'S CHOCOL- ATES. FRESH for the Week -end. WENDORF'S Phone 68. Seed Barley For Sale A quantity of O.A.C. No. 21 barley grown from certified seed. 50e per bushel. Apply to Ernest Pollock, Bayfield road, Varna post office. 76-2. For Sale" or Rent Comfortable cottage, Huron street, Clinton. Also a good farm on No. 8 Highway for sale. Apply to Frank Glees, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Phone 617r12, Clinton central. '75-3. For Sale Early Irish Cobbler potatoes and O.A.C. 21 Barley, grown from•, certi- fied seed, also seed oats and late po- tatoes. Jas. R. Stirling, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield, . phone 600r12, Clinton cen- tral. 75-tf. Spring Cleaning Time Is Isere I am :'prepared to do all kinds of house furnishing cleaning. Rugs mats, chesterfields cleaned and de- mothed.' For appointments call 303w. Can attend to any appointments in or out of town. Berber, Castle, Clin- ton. 76 2 For Sale Comfortable house, Maple street, including bath, new furnace, good garden, garage. Terris reasonable. Apply to Ida Walkinshaw, Clinton. Phone 211. 69-tf. For Sale One sprayer, 200 gal. capacity, 21/ H.P. engine, London ,hake. A. Seeley. 75-3. For Sale One 490 Chev. 'Touring motor, ex- tra good shape; one 24-46'MeLaugh- lin Buick touring car; one 21/ H.P., and one 41/ TI. P. International • en- gine. "A. Seeley. 75-3. Furnished Rooms to Rent Or room and board in private fam- ily. Honie privileges, reasonable rates. Mrs. J ,E., Jones, 93 Ontario St., and house east of Dinsley St., Clinton. ' 74-tf-1-p. Spirella FoundationB garments. Mrs. J. Sil cock, Corsetiere. For an appointment telephone 266w. 73-4-2p. House For Sale of Rent A, very desirable`residence en Prin- cess street. Good 'garden and fruit trees; : electric' lights and town water. House in good condition,. Apply to Miss L. Akam,0 ' Box 3"0, Clinton; 73-c. Seed For Sale Yellow 'o owLoss nr street clove,' and timothy seed, spring wheat "and early. Alaskan ,oats, and some Dooley pota- toes, . all suitable for seed. ` Apply to 3. Leslie Co; R, R. No. 1, Gode'- rich. Phone 6031,2; Clinton. ' 76-8. 1 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by • IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) DEBTS - - - DEBTS If you haven't already sent youa' list of accounts or notes to KELLY & AIKEN THE COLLECTION SPECIALIST% at ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO, it would be wise to do so now; Remember—No Collection, No Charge Established 1890. ' Spring Clearance Sale of Used Pianos Such well-known makes as Heintz. man, Nordheimer, Mason & Mich, Weber and others at reasonable pries es and terms. Write Heittzman 8i Co., 242 Dundas St. London for fur- ther particulars. No obligations. 74-3, TENDERS Tenders will be received up to 3 o'clock May 4th, 1936, for the oper- ating of Htillett Township Crusher for 1936. Contractor to furnish suf- ficient power to peep the crusher run- ning to full capacity, and mit the crushed material into the bin. All material to be put through an Inch Square Hole and to be done to the satisfaction of Council and Road Sup- erintendent. Tenders are to be stated_ per yard and Contractor must com- ply with rules set out by the Work- men's Compensation. Tenders will also be received for the trucking" of the crushed material from the Crusher. Single wheel• trucks to draw 11,6 yds. and Dual Wheels 2 yds. Tenders must be'per yard mile. '75-2. To Rent Comfortable house on Huron street, electric light, town water, garage, good garden. Possession ' at once. Apply to lairs. J. Snyder, Albert street, Clinton. - 73-tf. Boarders. and Roomers Wanted Comfortable accommodation f o r boarders and, roomers in house with modern conveniences, second door west of Baptist. church, Huron street, Clinton. Mrs. W. H. Cole. Phone . 134. 72-51. For Sale Single -comb, White Leghorn hatch- ing eggs. Special mating of 3 -year- old hens. All eggs 25 ozs. or better. William Rutledge, R. R. No. 2, Sea- forth, phone 616r2, Clinton. 73-tf. For Sale First nlass house, Modern conven- iences, centrally located. Apply to F. Finglaad, Clinton. 70-tf. Cattle. Pastured I have room for 15 head. Good grass and water, 0. R. Forster, Tel. Carlow 169, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. r3 -4-p. !louse To Rent . Comfortable brick house, - Albert street, Clinton, •furnace, , bath, all modern :conventiengeg. Iniinssiiate possession. For particulars apply to Rem. G. W. Sherman or ;Mrs. W. M ' C. Brown. lit -t£ -2p, Cleaning and Pressing Suits; Coats and, Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRINfa W. J. JAGO, TAILOR If not open work maybe left at l p Heardls, Barber 'Shop,