HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-04-16, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., APRIL :16;1936 ;! BACON, in piece, per lb. 25I P.` M. COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 20c COTTAGE . ROLLS, per Ib. i'1ULN it, 1iAl$'i,>', per " ls. . ,,, . ... ' • . ...... • • 10.. FLO-EASE SHORTENING, 2•.. for , HOME-MADE ' LARD„ per lb. HOME-MADE SAUSAGES, per ib. ....... .". , , JELLIED HOCK, per lb. , .. , , , .20c. DRY SALT PORK, per lb. RIB: BOILING' BEEF, per Ib ,25e ,15e • 18e 10c CONNELL; & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. " Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE Floor Coverings in '1936 Patterns CONGOLEUM • BY -THE -YARD CONGOLEUM RUGS LINOLEUM, .- BY -THE -YARD LINOLEUM RUGS Agents for Axminster and Wilton Seamless Rugs We Invite you to see these Patterns Sutter. -Perdue --Beattie DIRECTORS, OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day e' Night REPEAT PERFORMANCE OP "A REGIMENT OFTWO" under auspices St. Paul's A.Y.P.A. MONDAY, APRIL 26th TOWN HALL, CLINTON All Rush Seats—Adults 26c, Children 15c, This play is being repeated by request 75-1. APRIL 28th Tcwvn I-Iall,Ciintun The r avorite Four.' High Class Entertainers of LONDON, ONTARIO under auspices of the Clinton' Hospital Board ;Admission, 35e. No seats reserved, DON'T MISS THIS RARE TREAT 75-2. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and family Of Toronto are spending the holidays with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. John Webster. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Hyde and fam- ily,' also Mr. Cecil Hyde of Kincar- dine, are spending a few days with Mr. James Hyde: Mr. and Mrs. John Lane and fain- ily, Kinlough, called on Mis. John Rutherford on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jansen have returned from visiting friends in kitohener. Miss Iona Swan spout the weekend at Dungannon. • M r . •Welly Todd o f Westervelt School, London, is visiting his par- ents, n Mr, and Mrs. D, Todd. The following teachers are spend- ing their holidays at their respective homes here; Miss W. I. Rutherford, Timmins; ,Miss Dorothy McQuillan, Sandwich; Miss Irene Woods, Water- loo; Miss Dorothy Webster, London; Miss Zilda Webster, Toronto; Miss Doreen Webster, Carlow,and Mr. Chas. McQuillian, Clandebye. The lecture room of .t1 o United Church was filled to capacity ou Monday evening for the Easter con- cert presented by- the Sunday School under the leadership of the superin- tendent, Mr. Jas. Ramage. • Rev. IL M. Wright presided over the part'- . eularly arts-.cularlyfine prograin.. Recitations Were given by Doris Taylor, Don Cameron, Jean Wright, Muriel Wright, Caroline. Huynpiney,, Grace Weatherhead and Dorothy Webb;. Numbers by Caroline; Greta and Mary Humphrey; Jean Wright, Earl McDonald and Allan Cranston; by six boys of the Tuxis Square and by six junior girls; duets, Fern and Loreen McGuffin, Vera and Murray Taylor; solos, Mr. E. W. Rice and Gordon Miller;; mouth organ selec- tion, Cuyler Ramage. The pageant "The Challenge of the Cross" was a fitting conclusion to the inspiring program. This was presented by seven young ladies. Dorothy Millin took the part of the Angel Evangel while Mrs. Tom Todd, Laureen Mil- ler, Iona Swan, Isobel Miller, Grace Weatherhead and Vera Taylor were the six disciples. BRUCEFIELD . Easter visitors included Mr, and Mrs. Monteith and family of Lon- don, who were the guests of Mrs. Janet Ross; Mrs, Carr. and Miss Boyd of London and Mr. and Mrs. West and daughter of St. Thomas, visited at the home of Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner; Mr. and Mrs. Neil of Exeter were visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse; Mr. Melvin Snyder of Wingham and Misses Janet and Margaret Watson of London are spending their holidays at their xe- spective homes. Mrs. Jas. Allen of Egmondville attended the funeral of the late Mr. John McKenzie on Saturday and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Queen. Mr. L. Reid of Toronto and. Mrs. Erskine from England were the guests of Mr. C. Reid. Mrs. Ellen Watt -,of Clinton spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQueen. (Too late for last week) The monthly meeting of the W.A. of Brucefield United Church was held in the school room. Mrs. J. B. Mus- tard had charge of the devotional ex. ercises and Mrs. McKay took the chair for business period. The drive for new members closed veith the re- sult of 59 members, and the proceeds of the meeting amounted to 218.00. Arrangements were made for the May meeting, it being visitors day and a sale of seeds, plants, and bulbs. The meeting closed with the benediction. Refreshments were served by the hos- teas. , STANLEY Mrs. John Pepper, Mrs. John Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Alton Johnson, and Miss Kate McGregormotored`. to Toronto on Good Friday to visit for a few days. ., Mrs. Neil McGregor has returned. home • after spending the winter months with her son, William, of. Montreal. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Baird of Toron- to spent the Easter holidays at, the home of the former's brother, Mr. Geo: Baird. Miss Margaret McGregor of. To- ronto, and Miss Kate McGregor of Winghain aro spending: the holidays at the home of their brother •' Mr, John McGregor. Miss Lillian. Aikenhead of London visited With her aunt, Mrs. T J3. Baird, at the end of .the week. • Y" Y'PERS Add prestige to your hone arid we have a few that will add profits to your purse. The tithe': is here to re- vitalize your walls, ,Even the'; trees will soon be putting on' new leaves and nature will otherwise' be making herself attractive.Take a lesson front nature and "brighten up" How refreshing it will be to have a fresh and pleasing•view of your surround ings. ' Tlie few we referred to that:.` will save the contents of your purse con- sist of some of previous years "clean outs" at 5e and 7c, varished ;tiles at 10e and 15c, for your kitchen or bath room, plaster affects 30 ins. wide 20c. A11 were much higher priced. Put the sparkle of newness into old rooms` and enjoy the cheer Wall Papers will give. Are they not the foundation of. home decoration?' Tile W. D. Fair CO Often the Cheapest—Always the Best LYIPICTWIA": IIIIUI IIII II Ifissu �glll IIIUIII . 1111111 �I,iiilh I L Mr. C. Castle spent • the Eastertide at his home in town. Miss Norma Bentley was with Lon- don friends over Easter. Miss Anne Crittenden of Toronto vis- ited her parents over Easter. Mrs. Dances of Brussles was the guest of Mrs. Harry Bartliff the past week. Miss Florence Rorke of Toronto spent. the Easter week -end with her parents in town. Miss Edith Johnston of Toronto spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Egan of Toronto spent Easter with the lady's moth- er, Mrs. Chas. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn spent Easter week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall of Cay- uga. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. 'Steven visited over the Easter week -end with the latter's another, Mrs. 0. H. Bart- liff. Misses Winnie and Sadie Draper of St. Catharines are spending t h e Easter vacation at their home In town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence of Hamilton were guests of friends in Clinton and vicinity for the Eas- tertide, Miss Steele of Rattenbury street spent the week -end with Mrs. Durr- seith of Stratford and Mrs. A. Hughes of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. George •Middleton and. two sons of Detroit spent the Eas- tertide with .the for.mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Middleton. Mrs. 0, T. Jenkins is in Toronto this week as a delegate front the Home and School Council of Huron to the Home and School Convention. Mrs. 0. E. Erratt of Auburn visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wallis, and her brother, Mr. T. R. Jenkins of Woodlands Farm, last week -end. Mr. Robert Middleton of Port Credit and Miss Jean Middleton of To- ronto carie home for the Easter: - tide, the latter remaining for the holiday period. Mr. J. L. Johnson, his slaughter, Miss Betty, and his mother, Mrs. T. M. Johnson, of Chippawa mot- ored up to spend the holiday per- iod with Mr. and Mrs. W, L, John., son of town. Miss Eva R. • Carter of Kitchener spent Easter week -end with her mother in town- and is this week attending the 0. E. A. in Toronto, being sent as a delegate from the Kitchener 'Women's Federation. Messrs. Kenneth and Ross Carter of Chatham spent Easter with 'their parents, W. and Mrs. W. J. Car- , ter of town. Kenneth had to re- turn to his work Monday but Ross is spending :this week at the O.E. A., in Toronto. Mr. ` John Hellyar, who teaches" In Peelee Island, is spending the Easter vacation at his home in town. As the island 'is pretty well ant off • from, communication with; the outside world during the winter, .except by airplane and telegraph, .John took ;the first op- portunity of having a bit of -a holiday away from it. But he cer- tainly looks as if life there agreed with him, ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTUE1i APRIL SUGAR For M,f ne Weed See our regular Red and White dodgers. For larger quantities inquire for Price'. by the Sack: Always in the Ind RED AND New Shipment.ol, imported glassware for coupon 'cards due to arrive. this week BIG FRUIT and VEGETABLE SALE again staged for FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Fresh Leaf, Lettuce, 2 for 15c , L'risp Head • Lettuce 10c ,Ripe Tomatoes, per lb, 20o .. Fresh Asparagus; per bun..,, 10c New Cabbage, per lb. ,:. 5c Heart Celery, each 15o Strawberries 25c Pineapples, each .. 25c Cucumbers, each ., 20c Green Onions, 2 for 15c Eggs graded at ;Special Price on Sugar. Bring us a Crate for Sugar. SPECIAL -Peas, No. 4, Aylmer, 2 for 19c Walkerside's Ice Cream, Vanilla and Chocolate Christie's Fancy Cakes. Wafers for Ice Box Cookies, each 10c 10 lbs. Granulated. Sugar for 48c Black Currant - Jam 29c Special Price on Brooms at • 29; 49c and 75t. (JQrn Mats, each 20ci Chocolate, Wafers, 'per lb. 19c Crab Apple Jelly, each 15c FRIGIDAIRE Pickled Roll, per Ib. 22c, • Pork Rolls, per lb. 25C. Bacon, Sliced, per lb. 29e Fresh Sausage, Schneider's, per lb. 220 Peameal Backs, per ib. 32c HOUSECLEANING Surprise Soap, each 6c Comfort Soap, 10 bars for 49c P. and G. Soap, 6 rbas for 25c Where' "Sells for Less" Price Prevails 1 i ®O'NEILCLINTON'S 8IG CORNER'GROCETERIA Phone 48 RILEY'S Where Quality'Setis and Service Tells Specials 'Apr. 16-1748 5 -String Broom • 27c Yellow Corn,. G. Bantam, 2 for 23c Handy or Snow Flake Ammonia, 4 for .. 23c P. and G. Soap, 6 for 234 Phillips Carbolic Soap, 3 for .. , 13e Pumpkin, large cans, 2 for 25e Prunes, large and juicy, 2 lbs. .. ,17c Corn Beef, 2 for ,,, 25c Peanut Butter, 22. oz. jar 29c Strawberry or Raspberry Jany 32c Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. for 59c Dutch Set Onions, 3 lbs for 15c (The best of seed) " Multiplier Onions, per lb. , 3c Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c Leaf Lettuce, 2 for , 15c Oranges, 2 doz., $9e; 2 doz 95c Also Larger Ones 27c and 89c OUR REGULAR PRICE 1Vhite or Brown Sugar, 10 lbs. .,48e We buy and grade eggs for which we pay lc a dozen more on all grades, forwhich we pay Cash or Trade. • RILEY'S GROCERY Phone 39. Free Delivery at All Hours. BLYTH: Mrs. Daniel McGowan attended the funeral of her sister-in- law in Toronto -Thursday last. The deceased woman was the wife of John Ross of Edmonton, She had been a sufferer for many years. Mr. Ross accompanied., Mrs. McGowan home, where he will stay for some time. ' BLYTH: . Robert Craig and family moved to the old Craig homestead, coh. 7, Morris, on Friday, This pro- perty has been operated by James Craig who is now ill and is not able to work the farm. ONIONS Grow the New PREMIER ONION in your garden this year. The Best and the Biggest Onion, The Premier is the first of it's type to gain the :Award 'of Merit of the R.H.S. We will have a limited nthnber efboxes to offer of Transplanted Plants of Premier Onions . and we are booking orders now at 25c A BOX. TRY THEM AND HAVE THE BEST; F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones 31 and 176. .ertmmas MARSHALL MATTRESSES GIVE : AWAY The Marshall Spring Modems Is the Original Swina Matson, This week you have a chance of winning one Free In a draw. Nothing to buy—nothing to do but fill In the coupon and folio Addrem i1 to your dealer. YOIM CHANCE TO WIN A HANDSOME MARSHALL MATTRESS The Marshall Company la glided away 5 of the famous Marshall Spring !delineate m le the Ant Syn people whose nares aro drawn la tba Me shall Week" nrawiw. All you he !oda b dip thfe coupe,, rin your name and address; brhyy it into oaken, and we will snail your coupon a to the Marshall Company for entry le the drawing. It fa as free You are under no obligation to buy, but your catty suet be made dudes "Marshall Week", April ?8th to the 25th, We la know the results on May Istb. Clip We cativo now. Your Name See Our Special Marshall Week Displays 43111911111.1=11111111.a em SEE OUR NEW LINE OF SCOTCH LINOLEUM .We have quite an assortment of good second-hand FURNITURE And 13A13Y , CARRIAGES, CHEAP. We are sole agents for the famous SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINTS, • VARNISH STAINS, and LINEX, a remarkable new varnish for all purposes. A FULL LINE OF GARDEN AND LAWN TOOLS. , BALL Sc ZAPFE Phone 195. Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service, Monuments. DRIVE YOUR CAR AROUND TO BROWNIE'S For It's SPRING CHECK-UP EXPERT CAR WASHING, GREAS- ING, BATTERY SERVICE Cars Called For and Delivered SHELL SEALED GAS AND OIL Goodyear Tires—Batteries— Accessories BROWN'S SPhone 6[OYICE STATIQ74-2.N . Paint with Martin Senour PAINTS Gauranteed Pure VARNISHES & STAINS of all kinds Have us Repair your Eaveth oughs & keep the foundation dry T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING '• Phone 244 EXTRA FOR WEEKEND 10 ib. SUGAR 49c Kelvinator Specials Jellied Veal, lb. 29c Sin. B. Bacon, 1.21b. 21c Macaroni & Chese, lb25c P. M. Back Bacon, ib. 33c Head Cheese, lb0 r 15c, P.M. Cot. Rolls, lb. 32c Sm. Pic. c. Horns, lb. 22c 5c Schneider's pk. Bacon half lb. for 19c Choice Creamery But- ter, per lb. 25c Sm. Cot. Rolls, per lb. 25c Fleishman's Y. Cake 4c Bologna, per lb. Pork Pies, each Cooked Halm 1-2 ib. 25c. Weiners, per lb. 19c Schneider's Sausage per ib.' 22c Smok. Side Bacon Ib27c SEED POTATOES FOR SALE Cobblers, bag $ 2 DRIED APPLES, per lb. 20c or 2 lbs. for 35c WE WANT YOUR EGGS lc PREMIUM ON ALL GRADES. See Our Hand Bills For Specials