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The Clinton News Record, 1936-04-16, Page 4
PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., APRIL 16, 1936 COOPER'S APRIL. Thursday, Friday, Saturday OUTSTANDINGVALUES BARKER'S CAKES A New Line To Us THEY ARE DELICIOUS Simplicity Patterns The Latest Styles PERFECT FIT 15c -20c -25c Phones 36w, 36j, SALE April 16, 17, 18 SEE LARGE BILLS Langley Cleaners We Are. Local Agents SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R, Clinton The IStore With the Stock. ,i Semi -Annual Advertising Sale OF HIGH-CLASS TOILET SPECIALTIES Thursday, Friday and Saturday ONLY YOUR CHOICE -OF TWO FAMOUS FACE POWDERS JAS&IINE or GARDENIA in the Silver Box In the Gold Box Bring this coupon and 29c to our Store and receive: .A. regular 50e box of either of these well-known face powders and ABSOLUTELY (1)An exquisite flagon of perfume to -match; and FREE (2) A genuine .velour .powder puff with each box. Powder—Perfume—Puff—for only 29c—Regular value; $L00 For only 2 c and this coupon 2 TUBES OF TOOTH PASTE AND A FREE TOOTH BRUSH Bring this Coupon with only We and you will receive: TWO (2) Regular Tubes of Magnesia Tooth Paste and ABSOLUTE- LY FREE A Genuine 'Fine Quality Canadian -made Tooth Brush 335 sure to get a set for each member of the family. For only 29c and this coupon 1 Tube Superfine Shaving Cream, Value SPECIAL SHAVING DEAL FOR MEN 350 10 Latest Blue Steel Razor Blades, Royal' brand, Value 50c TOTAL VALUE 85c For only 2 c and this coupon PEN' AND PENCIL SPECIAL I PREMIUM PEN (Ladies' or Men's Style) Value rTaca��v $2.00 1 PREMIUM PENCIL (Ladles' or Men's Style), Value . , .... .75 $2.75 TOTAL VALUE . All for cra"c and this coupon (These sets come in six mottled shades and are fitted in an attract- tive box.) These pens are self -filling models, having large inlc capacity plus good writing qualities and are equipped with Premier . Corrosive - proof points. The pencils are the three action type and carry eraser and extra leads. Both are made of pyralin which is unbreakable. These sets are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. was W. S. H . NOLMONTES PFI . 11, CLINTO'N, PHONE 51 The Barker Raprecentative is Coming! NOW you will have the opportunity to judge the merits of clothes individually tailored by the BARKER TAILORING COM- PANY. MR. EVANS—An expert in his line, brings you the newest in styles and a huge array of large suit ends in all the wanted shades and patterns for Spring—and will be here on Wednesday, April 22nd BARKER fitting perfection and quality satisfies the most ex- acting demands of hien who are accustomed to fine clothes: There will riot be the slightest, obligation on your part and it wi7I. take but a few moments .of your time to acquaint yourself with the smartest fabrics and the preferred styles for the current season. Stop in --:you're most welcome to look. ANXIOUS TO SERVE YOU, DAIS & HERMAN 1 CLEANING, PR313SING AND REPAIRING FOLLOW THE LEADERJ' TO J'UCCEJ/ AND EXTRA PROFIT./ BY KEEPING ©N�`\ 'THE ROAD 7. FOR LAYING BIRDS 1 ROE COMPLETE CONCENTRATE �.y 9th -i'.V' 20th ND APPROVED /!t� ROELAYIN ''`H COMF+LETE GROWING FiRST 8 WEEKS RATION ROE VITA FOOD A COMPLETE STARTING FOOD i r ii I IN'.an: M< Represented locally by -- RUSSELL L. JERVIS, Ask your dealer for ROE FARM.PROVEN feeding Program—it will take you overthe rough place end give results. - CLINTON BAYFIELD Mrs. Myrtle Crawford,. daughter of Mrs. Adelaide McLeod, passed a- way on Sunday, April 5, in Mercy Hospital, Toledo, Ohio, after a short illness which developed into pneu- monia. Thedeceased woman was born .Bayfield was the biggest service of welcome the president, Miss L. , in Bayfield, .Ont, but had been re- the day. The Church was filled and Young, backand have her in the chair siding in Toledo for many years a large number took Communion. as usual. After the opening exer- where she married the late Charles, The choir sang Merbecke's' setting of cises and the committee reports Crawford who was the victim of a the P:ucharist with the "Gloria in with discussions the meeting was left were conducted in the Parish, all of which were well attended. A morn- ing Eucharist was celebrated in each of the three' churches in the parish and Esensong in two of them. The rector conducted- all the services un- aided. The 11 a.m, Eucharist LONDESBORO The Easter Thankoffering meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the school room of the church on Wednes- day, April 8th, with a fair atten- dance, The ladieswere pleased to drowning accident a few years ago. Exeelsis," by Smart, and during the Besides her mother she is survived by offertory sang, "Why seek ye the two sons, William and Frank Craw- Living among the ' Dead?" At this ferd,a'brh o t brother; Roy McLeod, ,all Of service. the Rector, distributed prizes Toledo, and two sisters, Miss: Cecil to the Sunday School pupils for gen- McLeod, Bayfield, and Mrs. Thomas eral proficiency a n d attendance. Kneeshaw of Goderich, The funeral Those winning prizes for attendance service was held on, April 8th, from were: Audrey . Sturgeon, Bernard Masonic Temple and interment made Bugler, Janies Atwood and Gordon in Memorial Ceinetery, Toledo. 'Heard; for general proficiency, Ber- The news of the late Mrs. Craw- therm Sturgeon, Bernard Bugler, EI ford's death came as a great shock to sic McLeod, Audrey Sturgeon and her mother and • other relatives here George Heard. as they were not aware of her illness. " Mrs. B. Richardson, Robert and The sympathy of all is with those Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Maclntyre and so sadly' bereaved. . daughter, Jean, of Waterloo spent Jas. Robinson of London spent Good Friday with the former's par - Tuesday at the family cottage in the ents, Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Gale. Rev. village. • The Misses Morley motored from Detroit on Tuesday and are spending a few days this week at Mr. Geo. Little's. They were accompanied by Miss Jessie Metcalf,, who is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. W. F, Metcalf. Mrs. J. J. Maclntosh, Mr. and Mrs, R. V,. Bingeman of Hamilton spent Easter with the formers daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Goldthorpe, wlto accompanied them en their return to Hamilton on Tuesday. in charge of Group No. 4, Mrs. 8, Caldwell, presiding. A hymn was sung, Miss Mary Caldwell read the scripture lesson, "Shining, Shining," was sung by Miss Doreen Armstrong, a very appropriate reading, "Mrs. Slantman's hankoffering," was giv- en by Miss Ruth Lyon, a pleasing duet, "Don't Forget to Pray," was sung by Miss Ruth and Mrs. Wm. Lyon and several short prayers were offered. Refreshments were served by Mrs. R. Caldwell and her group. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glover and son, Willis, of Detroit spent a few days at Easter time with Mrs, Glover's mother, Mrs. D. Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tamblyn of and Mrs. Jas, Gale and four children Toronto are spending Raster holidays of Monkton were the guests of their 'with Mrs, J. Tamblyn. Miss Helen Youngblutt of London visited with her parents on Easter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Youngblutt. A very beautiful Raster service was held in the auditorium of the church by the Sunday School on Sunday morning, the altar being decortaed by lovely flowers and the Cross. The choir was composed of Sunday School scholars. Miss Phyllis Manning sang a solo, "Raster." An exercise by five littlegirls was given, Miss Mar- ion Snell read the Scripture lesson, Fraser Thompson gave a reading, Mrs. J. P. Manning contributed the Easter story and Rev, A. W. Gardin• er gave an Easter address. Mr. C. Stewart, the Supertendent, presided. The offering was taken up by four parents for Easter. Mrs. Wm. E. Parker and Master Billy left on Saturday to spend Eas- ter week with her sisters in Mit- chell. Misses Juan Brandon and Clara Clark returned home on Wednesday after having spent several days with Dim A. Sparks in London. Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Bugler and Master Bernard spent Wednesday and Thursday with relatives in Lon - Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Miss don, Betty. of London are at their home In Mr. and Mrs. G. I{oehle,r of Zurich, the village for the Easter vacation, and Lawrence Fowlie of London were Miss Peggy Orr of Stratford and with their sisters, Misses P. and E. Miss Doris Morrison and Miss D- Fowlie, for Raster, 'Anne Bishop of London came on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison of De - Tuesday to be the guests of Miss' troit and Mr. and Mrs. T. Mallett and Betty Gairdner for a few days. Mrs. Delbert i•Iaw of Proton Ste - two children of London spent Easter little boys. tion came last week to visitwith their motherher, moat- ' Mrs. K. Davison.'Theservice on the evening of good Mrs. J. Pollock; Mr. and Mrs. J. er, Mrs. Wm, Heard.Friday was very interesting, the Stewart and Mr. Stewart, Sr., of Mr. Harold Scotehmer of O. C, E.,, rr4„,;it,..., a Burns and Constance people helping Toronto, is spending the Easter va- cation under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. • W. E. Buchan and son, Ewing, left on Monday for there home in Lloydminster, Sask., after having spent a week with the for- mer's. sister, Mrs. N. W. Woods. Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Buchan and son Eye- ing, of Dunnville, and Dr, and, Mrs. E. P. Lewis of Toronto 'were also the gueste of Mrs. Woods over the.holi- day, Mrs. E. P. Lewis remained for King and Master Harold Atwood .of' convalescing at the hone of her par- a 'Ionger visit. 'Sarnia spent Easter with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Manning. We Rev. and Mrs, ,F Ti. Paull returned tints, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Parker. are sorry to report that since the a - to Windsor on Wednesday after hav Mr. Smith and Mr. King returned to bove was written, Mrs. Lyon has hail ing been the guests of Mrs. N. W. London a n d Sarnia, respectively, other trouble and at present is quite Woods for a couple of days. while the others remained for a sick. We hope she niay soon begin Miss Mina Proctor o f Toronto Longer visit. to amend, spent the Easter week -end with her Miss Gladys Gale and little niece, The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. aunt, Mrs. George King. Alma Reid, are visiting her . sister, was held April 14th with Carl Bad- Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Jowett return- Mrs. B. Richardson, in Waterloo this ford in the chair, Belle Nott at the ed home on Monday afterhaving week. piano. After the singing of a hymn spent Easter with their daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Plater and Clifford Ball led in prayer. The Mrs. Roy Poth, en rounte from Fior- family returned to Detroit on Tues- minutes of the last meeting were ida where they spent the winter. day after having spent Easter with read by the secretary, Marion Hun - pen and t Easter at the for- with the program the pageant put on mer's home in the village. by the Constance people was very Miss Patricia Atkinson accompan-jfine. Sorry there were not more in ied her father to Detroit on Monday i attetulance at this most appropriate where she is visiting her grandpar- and helpful service. ents, Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Atkinson. I Mr. S. Brecken and son James of Mr. Rolfe of London was at Ms{ Toronto were Easter guests of Mr. cottage in Lakeside Park on Good'and Mts. J, P. Manning. Friday. Mrs. Stanley Lyon, who recently Mr. and Mrs. L. B.''Smith and two underwent an operation in Clinton children of London, and Mrs. H. K. ; hospital for appendicitis, is n o w detour in South Carolina owing to W. 3, McLeod. Misarentss rsAnne ,McLeod, king read the. scripturelesson, the topic, "My Life Is His," was read by the recent floods, who has been with her sister in De- Ethel Hoggart. During the taking of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall of Els troit since the New Year, accompan- the offering Grant Snell played a vi- mira carne on Tuesday to spend the led them to the village and remained titin selection, accompanied by his week with' the latter's parents, Mr. •.with her parents. sister, Elva, et the piano. An Easter and Mrs. W. R. Jowett, Mrs. A. Maxwell, Misses Pauline story was read 'by Eleanor Hudson, Mr, and Mrs, Roy McClinchey, and Marilyn, are spending the pas - Rev. Mr. Gardiner gave a talk ' on Bobby, Jean and baby Leroy, spent 'ter vacation with her mother, . Ms "The Eye Witnesses of Christ." The Eastertide' with their parents, Mr, Tilt, in Preston. meeting closed in the usual way. and Mrs, Henry McClinchey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey and bubo Miss Esther Jamieson of Toronto Another successful presentation of of London, spent Easter with Mrs. the amusing mystery comedy, "The Harvey's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. J. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Night Owl" was made in the Town Sturgeon. Arthur Jamieson over the holidays. Hall on Monday evening by- Trinity Mrs, S. Cleave accompanied her Mrs. e Adams spent the week -end Church Dramatic Club. Miss Jean daughter, Mrs. S. Gingrich, on her with friends in Toronto. Woods gave pianoforte selections be- return to Bad Axe on Sunday, where tweets acts' and Mrs. E. Moorhouse she will visit for some time. BRUSSELS: A' quiet wedding favored the audience with a vocal se- MF. and Mrs. Victor Burt ansa fans - was 'solemnized Saturday morning, leetian. There was a good atten- sly of London spent Easter with Mrs. April 11, at Melville manse, Brus- dance and on thewhole the players Burt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. eels, when Margaret Elizabeth, gen e a better performance than on Baker, Margaret, Buster and Buddy daughter of James Nichol and the the first presentation. They have remained- to spend 'the week with late Mrs.. Nichol, was united in been invited to present the play !intheir grandparents. marriage with Samuel James Fear, Varna on. April 22 under the auspices Mr. and Mrs. Daviel Dewar, Jr., Miss son of Mrs. Russell Fear and the late Of St. John's Church. ses Elva and Anne Dewar of Toronto Mr. Fear, eighth concession of Mor - The services of Three Hour dexo- are spending the Easter, vacation rig. There were no attendants. Af- tions on the Seven Words from the with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cross was well -attended in Trinity Dewar,' Church, Bayfield, on Good Friday Mr. James Cameron and son, By - last. The church was well filled with ans, of Toronto came 'on .: Tuedsay worshippers frons the whole parish to spend a few clays in the village. which includes Middleton and Varna, Mr. and Mrs. D. •Sturgeon and The whole service was conducted Ay, son;' Russell, of Grand Bend, and with Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon, the Rector, Rev. W. G. Bugler. 1 Mi. anti Mrs. D. Baird and children Mrs. Baird and children remaining On Easter Sunday, six services lee Crediton were Eastertide visitors for the week. ter a wedding trip to Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fear will reside on the bridegroom's' ferns, 'eighth conces- sion' of Morris. „ "VARNA Mr. John Hunter of Cromarty vis- ited Mr. Nelson Reid over the Ras- ter holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Bandy of Seaforth spent Monday with Rev. and Mrs, Bandy. Misses Irene and Mary Chuter of London spent Easter under the par- ental roof. Very glad to hear Mr. Arch, Gal- braith is improving after his late illness; Mr. Lloyd Keys was in London' one clay last week. Mr. Lloyd. Keys' spent Sunday with his brother-in-law,, Mr. Jas. M. Reid of Clinton, Mr's. Keys and family re- turning home with him after spend- ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. Reid. (Tob late for last week) One evening last week Mrs. Orrin Dowsoni gave a miscellaneous shower' for the bride of this month, Miss Dor- othy Broadfoot. The evening was pleasantly spent in contests and gables The bride to -be, was then pre- sented, with a decorated basket filled with pretty and useful gifts. Dorothy, in a very few words, thanked the girls for'their gifts. The hostess served a delicious touch which was much en- joyed by all. DO SUN' SPOTS CAUSE FLOODS? A subscriber who had saved the paper called our attention to the fol- lowing' article which appeared in The News -Record on May 17th, 1934. She thought, in view of the floods in various places, that the professor's prediction is being fulfilled.. It is interesting, anyway: '"Great floods through- out , the world in 1936-38 a r e predicted by Captain Thomas J. See, veteran professor of, mathematics in the United States Navy. He based his forecast on the effect of huge sun spots. Rainfall 'will increase forthe next two years, after which the floods will occur; said Captain See, adding that the sunspots cause the weather variation by nixing hot and cold ate through lessening , the heat of the earth, thereby permitting the cold currents of air to descend. Captain See, with 45 years experi- ence in scientific work, collaborated for many years with the late Rev. Jerome S. Ricard of Santa Clara-Uni- versity in. the study of Father Ric aril's theoryi.that sun spots cause weather changes. "Since the decrease .of sun spots began in 1928," Captain See declared, "very great droughts have been 'ob- served iii nearly all the countries of the globe, notably the drought of 1930, in the Mississippi valley, which accentuated, the evils of the depress sion, and that of 1933, which delayed agricultural recovery. "Brit mow large stip spots 'have re- appeared, and will for the next tour ,years, yielding vast floods; in1036r3S, and an increasing rainfall, this year and next, ,after which the floods' will become notable, as during the Missis- sippi floods, of. 1927:" The amount of creamery '.butter produced in Canada during January and February; 1936, was 17,339,110 pounds, an increase of 15.1, per cent compared with 15,065,919 pounds pro- duced hi Jantiaiy and February, 1935. "BEST CHICKS EVER RECEIVED FROM ONTARIO" Last Month, we shipped 700 Leghorn day-old chicks to a customer at Chateauguay Basin, Quo: On March 23rd, he wrote as follows:' "I received the shipment of 700 Leghorn baby chicks on March 20th and wish to s tat e they are . the best looking lot of chicks I -have ever received from any shipper in Ontario." A week ago, we told lou of a customer who said Bray Chicks are "better birds than you ad- vertise." Here we have, another customer saying "Best chicks I ever `received from Ontario," Isn't'that the kind -of chicks you want in your own brooder house, this yeas.? ' Get a copy of our 1936 cata- logue, and you will see there a full description of the things we do to MAKE Bray chicks "bet- ter than we advertise"—our me- thods of selecting breeding stock, selecting hatching eggs, blood -testing, etc. ' And you will find Bray chicks very: rea- sonably priced, considering their quality. We believe it will pay you to investigate. W. FRED BRAY LIMITED CHICK HATCHERY Plaine 246 Exeter, Ontario. Abw,anniss `cWorthEWhlle Specials", in Smart New 5is PRICED SPECIALLY FOR THIS WEEK -END WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION OF THESE! 50 NEW SPRING DRESSES They Go On Sale Saturday, at 9 a.m. Come In and See Theni Early Newest styles in Plaits Crepes, Print- ed 'Patterns, Polka Dots, Etc. Size run from 14 to 50. Everyone a Real. Good Buy at 2.49 SILK Qu«ltt�. RAE O 1,:,� uses A Special Lot of New Spring Styles to Match your New Outfit at 1,19 PHONE 67 Choose Your New Outfit Now! SILK HOSE "CORTICELLI" Famous Line of Full -Fashioned Chiffon and Sheer Crepe. New shades. All sizes. Speeial At 75c and $LOO New r� psrl Rat Just Arrived. All the SmartShapes. Priced from 1.49 to .4 oat Sets 3 Pieces—Coat—Hat•--IPmse—im- ported Tweeds Sniart Stylee— Size 5 to 12 years. From to 7e _' 5 Tour "t Y,, ew 8 ;! ffiai = .0 S it afp s '02,7 311 ive—in 2 and 3 piece models tailored from Suits that are smart and different—but not expenagsgEs qual- ity-flecked—plainJot -Kt and checked imported tweeds— to the 'coat length you want is here—silk lined—Guar- , „• anteed 2 years—All sizes—Priced from as See These e "r C Eats® A Choice Range of the Smartest Styles for Spring to Choose from—Imported Fabrics in all the new colors and patterns -•-one of a style coats you will be proud to wear—in all sizes—Priced fromnommicgassmamtm .. a75 to. CLINTON, ONT. Next Door to Roxy Theatre