HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-03-26, Page 8Ninenalninai PAGE 8 THE CLINTON • NEWS -RECORD THURS;, MARCH 26; 19361: CNNEIDER'S LARD, in' 20 lb. pails „ ... , $3.00 FLO EASE SHORTENING, 2 lbs. for • • .... .....25c " CHOICE CLOVER HONEY in large .pails .. ' .... , .95c HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per lb., ,,........ .... , :::. HEAD.. CHEESE, per Ib. .:... , .... ....., 10c JELLIED HOCK, per lb i. _ , .... ...... , ..0c MINCE MEAT, 2 lbs. for 25c RIB BOILING BEEF; per lb. ,1pe DRY SALT PORK, per Ib........... DRESSED" HOG, per' Ib. ..18c is'/zc CONNIE IL, L ( TYNNDALL. " CLINTON'S LEADING .MEAT MARKET Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE Supplies for Syrup Making Season, SPILES, SYRUP CANS, SAP PAILS, SYRUP PANS made to order. WE CARRY GLIUDEN'S JAP=A-LAC PAINTS, 'ENAMELS, STAINS, SHELLAC, VARNISHES. Try this standard -brand on your next paint job. AGENCY FOR BEATTY.. HAND AND ELECTRIC WASHERS. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT MATTRESS, SPRINGS and STEEL BED, priced at $16.00, $19.25, $20.00, $22.50 AND UP. Steel Beds with eight inch panels, ,included in above prices. SLIGHTLY USED BABY CARRIAGE, DOLL BUGGIES AND STROLLERS -AT REASONABLE PRICES. Sutter--Perdue-Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS—ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day or Night CENT -A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES , Miaimiim Fares: Adult 75c.: Child 40c.) FROM CLINTON AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R. STATIONS • FRI APR• 3 to Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Allendale, Penetang, ' CoIlingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurt, Brace - bridge, Huntsville; North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Otnario on lino of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly.; Nip- issing Central Rly,; Kapuskasing, Longlac, Beardmore, Geraldton, Jellicoe. SAT. APR. 4 to Toronto Also to Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harristoin, Ing- ersoll, Kincardine, .Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Cath- arines, St, Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, ,Stratford, Strathroy, Walk- erton, Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock. and SATLocally between Important Stations at . APR.. which Excursion Tickets are sold—Ask ' Ticket Agent. .For Fares, Return Limits, Information, Tickets, consult ngprest Agent See Handbills for complete list of destinations, �_ T, GLANCY, PRIONS Bei. ' CANADIAN NATIONAL Assessment Act Penalizes Y Planting Of Trees With the reforestation of a great deal of Ontario lands really Hetes= Gary, the Norfolk County Chamber of Commerce is bringing to the fore the hampering of the move by present assessment laws, as follows: The Assessment Act reads as fol- lows:— • Section 1 (h) "Land", "Real Pro- perty" and ro-perty".and "Real Estate" shall .in - elude; 2. All trees and underwood growing upon land. Under this clause a landowner con- templating the planting of forest trees or orchard, faces an annually increasing. tax which no other grow- ing crop entails. , • 'With urgenit need of reforestation to correct drought, erosion and flood menace, it is imperative that this part of the Act be amended, in so far at least, to allow Counties the option of enacting a bylaw to exempt the tree growth from being added to the value of the land for tax purposes. Norfolk County is vitally interest- ed nterested in this problem and has asked for such legislation each of the last four years. . . Each year, the. Ministers interview- ed have made favourable promises but have failed to act. A. goodly per- centage of land in Norfolk County would be planted to forest trees and orchards and thus brought into pro- duction, were the menace of increas- ing taxation removed. The Norfolk County Chamber of Commerce has made' the following re- commendations which have been en- dorsed by the .Reforestation Commit- tee of -the Norfolk County Council and the Norfolk Fruit Grower's As- sociatien, 1. That County Councils be au- thorized under the Act,' by bylaw to invest assessors with power to entire- ly exempt "Tree Growth" from taxa - 2. 'That this legislative authority be optional; and therefore not an,im-. position on those Counties which are strictly agricultural or for other rea- sons are not' potential -forest dis- tricts and are therefore not in sym- pathy with the afore stated amend Ment, 3. That "Tree Growth" be defined: (a) Natural Forest or Farm Wood - lots. (b)' .Forest Plantations Established by Reforestation. (c) Fruit Trees. 4. That all Land under tree growth be taxed on as assessment valuation on a basis comparable with that im- posed on neighboring non ,planted land of similar soil and site condi- tions, BRUCEFIELD Exeter Lodge- LO.O.F. will confer the first degree at, Brucefield'Lodge, Friday evening, when it is hoped; all members will be present. Mrs. Bremner and daughter, Miss Edna, returned home last week after spending a few weeks at' the hone of Mr. and Mrs. West of St. Thomas. Mrs. L. Forrest spent the week -end with her friends,and a �d Mrs... Dud- ley Bird' of Stratford. Nurse,Hobner has returned to her home in the village after an absence of a few Weeks. It Mrs. Dunlop and son of Owen Sound visited Mrs. Win. Battenbury last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler spent the week -end with their friends in Strat- ford. Miss MacBeath Murdoch spent Sunday with Miss Ellen Mae Scott. GODERICH TOWNSHIP: Mrs. Eva Wheeler and son, Doug- las, have returned to Parkhill after spending the past few weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson. - Mr. and Mrs. John R. Middleton entertained a number of their friends one ovening last week.. Miss Helen ,Welsh is recovering from a case of measles, ' Mr. M. Switzer and son Earl spent Sunday`wjth Nlr:,and Mrs. Frank Mc- Bride of Centralia. Miss Marie Grainger visited with Miss Pearl Easom of the 16th on Friday. Bert Middleton of Goderich spent Sunday with his parents here: "TIPPERARY" ENGLISH DINNERWARE °PEN STOCK ' A iiew Dinnerware manufactured by the celebrated Enp,lislr Potters AIfred Meakin, Ltd. The strong, sturdy body, has . a ,warm -toned Marigold colour, trimmed with that shade of green that niakes a spleas- ing color donibination that is so po-• pular to -day. , PRICE LIST Cups and Saucer ,.15c Cups only . .. 10c Plates (B. and B.).,, ,.10c Plates (Tea) .: 15c Plates ()Dinner sls) .,15c Plates (Dinner lis) ` 19c Soup Plates . •la'c, Oatmeals : .... ..... 10e Fruits , Yee Cream Soap and Stds. Boivl (open Sugar) .. ...,.20e Platter (C. Meat) . 39c Platter (Regular) . 75e Oval Baker .. 290 Round Salad . , 29e Covered yegt. Dish . 75e Sauce Boat , 50c s. B. Stand* .' Milk Jug . • Cream Jug . Covered Sugar. Box 59e "TIPPERARY• COMBINATION" Here are a few very handy Sets 97 PIECE DINNER SET. 12 each: Cups, Saucers, • Plates,` B. and B, Tea, Dinner Soup Fruit. 1 each: Platter, Cold Meat, and Regu- lar, Bowl, Cream, Sugar, Salad, Sauceboat and Stand and 2.. Covered Vegetable Dish $ 14. I q S es. ' 69 PIECE DINNER SET Complete Service $1140 for Eight .. . 32 PIECE DINNER SET 6, each: Cup, Saucer, Plate B and B. and Dinner sis, Fruits, 1 each; Cold Meat Platter 0.3*0E and Salad , . ' ......290 390, 2cc Abe W. D. Fair Co JW'J9P4 III Oplllllll� I mnminiil0ill�lllllllllu Miss V. Grainger spent' the week -end • with Seaforth friends. Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Middleton were . in Toronto' oyer last week -end. Mr. and "Mrs. Grasby of Belgrave were callers on friends in Clinton on Monday. Mrs, A. Sinclair is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Ford, in London. Mr. A. Addison of the University of Western Ontario spent the week- end at his home in town. Miss Eleanor I{entp of Toronto spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wheatley , of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'James Livermore •-on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and Mips Nancy were in London on Sunday, visittlig the f921rler's Mother and brother. Mrs:* J. W. Treleaven who has been in Toronto for the winter spent the week -end with her brother, Mr. B. J. Gibbings, Mr. and Mrs. Empy of London and Mr. and Mrs. Dickson of Seaforth were recent guests at the home of Miss L. Brigham.. Misses Maud and Elva Wiltse, who have been spending the winter in Toronto, retuirned to their home in town on Saturday last. Miss Katherin Telker of Harriston is 'in the local Bell Telephone office takinga course of training in the management of this class of office. Mrs. Chas. Cook was called to Gode- rich on Sunday owing to the ill- ness of her brother-in-law, Mr. Geo, Stancombe,; who passed away ' on, Monday. Mrs: (Dr.) Kilpatrick of Blyth, who has been •in the Clinton Commun- . ity Hospital for a fortnight; has returned home with her little baby daughter, 'Barbara. Mrs. (Rev.) K. McGoun returned yesterday front Lucan, where she has been staying with her ,mother, , Mrs. McDougall, since the death of her father three ` weeks . ago. Mrs. Arthur Cantelon, who has been laid up since Christmas time, :at the home of her daughter; Mrs. G. T. Jenkins, is now, her friends are glad to hear, improving in 'health. BAYFIELD Mrs, Bell of-Hensall spent the week -enol with her niece, Mrs. Brough- ton Billett. ' Mrs. G. W. Elliott left' on Monday to spend a Lew days in London. • Miss Mabel albot of Kippen is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Lloyd Melons. Announcement We have been able to: secure ,a• lower. priced soap shamjoo and fin- ger -wave lotion, enabling us to give you a SHAMPOO & FINGER WAVE, at 50c OIL SHAMPOO & FINGER WAVE 75e. HEND] IIEI11I S Isaac St., Phone 223. INV ONE FRIEND O'NEIL'S Always in. the Incl' TELLS ANOTHER 29c, �'� ��.' Days Fri. 4:O:r.nd at.,...March. 6th & 27th 1=1 AND FOR. 29c 6 Tins Tomato Juice 29c 3 Tins Libby's Beans 29e Vinegar, White Cider, 2'for 29c Sugar, 6 lbs. for. 29c Fig Bars, 2 lbs. for • 29c Coffee; per lb. '29c Grape Fruit, large, 6 for 290 FREE with a , can of F. C..Bak- ing Pow=der, (1 Rubber Table Mat), for '25c. Lipton. Tea (Special), Ib. '58c (Coupon Prize Money) • FOR 39c Corn Syrup (5 lb. pail) 39c Sardines, 3' tins for 39c Shelled .Pecans, half ib. ' 39c' Lemons,' per dozen. ' 390 Oranges, per dozen 39c SODAiS Broken,; 2 lbs. for Sodas, 2 pkgs. for FOR 49c Soap Flakes, 6 lbs. for , .,490 Peas, small size, 6' for ................490 Jelly Powder assorted; 10 for 490 Corn, small' size, 6 for 49c. 2 Tins Salmon, good: pink, .2, 49e Shelled Waunits, ,per lb. „ .„,9c 19c ' 25c (FOR FAIR DAY) Special Demonstration Samples Of Fancy Biscuits (You Are Invited) SPECIAL PRICE ON EGGS on (Fair Day) in Trade. 'EASTER EGGS AT N.EW LOW PRICES. Novelties & Other Fancy Goods, For Easter. Jelly. Powders _(with glass' Plate), for 25c Min. Tapioca, with tumbler -15c LENT SPECIALS Fancy Cookies, per lb. Manning's 15c Chocolate ;Shortbread, per ib. 19e Weston Crackerettes, 2 for 25e Manning Crax, per-pkg. , 15c and 20c Marshmallow -Cookies per lb. 19e FISH FOR LENT Fancy Red. Salmon, per lb. 18c Halibut, per lb. 20c Fresh Filletts and Smoked, per lb. 18c FRIGIDAIRE Pork Rolls,' per lb., . 25c Midget ” Rolls, per Ib. 28d Bacon, in piece, per lb. 25c Lard, 2 lbs. for 25e Butter, Clinton and Servus; 2 lbs. for 49c EASTER HAMS (Swift's) and BACONS . (leave your order). Walkerside's Ice Cream in Brick and Bulk, $pe'tial Easter Brick on Order. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T. O'NEIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 RILEY'S" Where Quality Sells and Service Tells CALAY SOAP Special, 3 for ...15c (Save the wrappers and get yourself a beautiful brush for 25e). LARGE OYXDOL . 23c (1 ,Small Package for 5c) BROADWAY COFFEE, lb. 35e Free Nappies, Coupons & Berry Bowl BROADWAY ,Orange Pekoe TEA 59e (Free Pink Glassware) DALTON'S BAKING POWDER 25c (Free: Tea Towels) JELLY POWDERS, 4 for 25c. • (1 Free Pink Plate) 1 MINUTE TAPIOCA . 15e (Free Tumbler and Fruit Dish) 1 FOREST CITY B. POWDER 25c (1 Free Sherbet) ,SEE WINDOW. POSTERS' NEXT WEEK FOR SHOW DAY SPECIALS ' EXTRA NOTICE Our Back Entrance will be open to the public and anybody wishing to leave in their eggs may do so. We buy and grade eggs for which we pay 1c a dozen'on all grades. Eggs graded by experienced candler. RILEY'S, GROCERY Phone 39. Free Delivery at All Hours. ANNUAL PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERT under auspices Horne and School Club. TOWN' HALL, CLINTON 'THURrSDAY AND FRIDAY March 26th and 27th. at 7.30, PROGRAM ' BY PUPILS: "Rhythm Band" the two Junior rooms ,. "How Parade," and rhe Fairies Chose Their Queen" Miss Courtiee's Class. Operetta—"The Toyinaker•"— Pour . Senior Roo S o ms One Act Play, "The Dyspeptic Ogre" The Entrance' Class. Admission 25c -ALL WELCOME • 71-2. New &IOldTime DANCE to be held in the - Town Hall, Clinton hurs., April 2nd .' COELIA „ S ORCHESTRA Dancing 9.00 p.m. to 130, •p>m. Admission 25e each Under the 'auspices of the Huron Central Agricultural 'Society, APRIL 28th The Favorite Four HIGH-CLASS ENTERTAINERS OF LONDON, ONTARIO Under the Auspices of the Hospital Board. HOLD THE DATE. 72.1. Tuberous Begonia BULBS Plant now for Summer bloom 10e EACH Prepared Soil 15c A PAIL, Delivered. "New Evergreen" will keep your plants healthy '35c PER BOTTLE - F. R. CUNINGHAME FLORIST Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones• 31 and 176. Paint with Martin Senour PAINTS Gauranteed Pure VARNISHES LS ES &STAINS of all kinds Have us Repair your .Eavetloughs & keep theoundatio • f n dry` T. llawkins HARDWARE and; PLUMBING Phone 244 AMMIIIMIERSIDAIDDIMOH WIMMEDIEBBLIVICAPPIRSMI Spring is Just Around the Corner We took the short cut, putting in the finest stock you have ev- er seen, and you can depend upon it, the prices are right. You will find a Grand' New Stock of BEDS, SPRINGS and MATTRESSES, DAVENPORTS, STUDIO COUCHES, CHESTER- FIELDS; DINING ROOM & BEDROOM SUITES, CEDAR CHESTS and TABLES for the Various Uses. A large stoat of DOLL CABS, GO-CARTS, FIBRE CARRIAGES and PRAMS in the latest styles and colors, Then don't forget we carry a wonderful assortment of Linoleum, Congoleunn, Oil Cloth, in the different widths, and all standard sized Rugs, in the latest patterns. We are prepared to give you real val- ues in Carpet Rugs as we carry a full range of samples, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT AS USUAL WE ARE READY FOR IT, WITH ALL THE STOCK THAT THIS BUSY SEASON WILL REQUIRE We are all set with a large stock of SYRUP °MAKING EQUIP- HENT, at the LOWEST PRICES, A GRAND NEW STOCK OP PAINTS AND VARNISHES for all uses, as well as MOPS and BRUSHES, for ail cleaning purposes. BALL & ZAPFE Phone 195. The Old Reliable Hardware and Furniture Dealers. Funeral Directors and Embalmers and Monument Dealers. N. Ball, phone 110. J. Zapfe, phone 103. BIG WEEK -END FOO SALE Crown Corn Syrup, 2 Ib. tin 15c. 5 lb. tin 33c Post's Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. for 25c Grape -Nuts Flakes, 2 pkgs. for 23c Baker's Cocoanut, each 10c Baker's Chocolate, 1-4's, 15c. 1.2's, 25c "Shaker" Plain or Iodized Salt, 2 lge. pkgs. 13e Quaker Puffed Wheat, 2k s. ,for p g , 19c Crother's Chocol. Graham Wafer Biscuits, lb. 21c Crother's Soda Biscuits, 1 lb. bag, 2 lbs. for 25e .'Rich Red Tomato Juice, , c , 101-2 oz. tin 25c Plum Jam, 32 oz. jar 23c Durham Corn 'Starch, pkg. 100 Singapore Pineapple, 2 tins for 25c "Aylmer" Goden Bantam Corn, 2 tins 25c Royal York Coffee, 1 lb. tin 39c "Sunlight" Pure Soap, 5 bars for 25e Oxydol, large, 23c. ' ' ,Small ` • , 10e Hillcrest Toilet Tissue, 3 large rolls for .:.,.,..-,.......,,25c Calay Toilet Soap, per cake 5c Large Meaty Prunes, 2 lbs. for 23c American Beauty Shrimps, per tin 19e Tuna Flakes Fish, 1-2's, per tin 15c Scotch Mints Candy, Per lb. 19c, Golden Net or Unicorn Salmon, 1-2 Ib. tin 15, lb. 25c Royal York Tea, 1-2 lb. pkg. 28c Sugar -Cured Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 27c Above Items on Sale March 26, 27 and 28 J McKNIGHT SON McKN G Phone 111 Clinton, Ont. �•d