HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-02-27, Page 8PAGE 8 DRESSED HOG " BY' T1ALF HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per ib, , •- SCHNEIDER'S BULK LARD per lb., 15C D'UPE'S, LARD, in 1-1b. prints . ide (;RISPY-FLAKE SHORTENING,..2 fol27c GOOD RED SILVER BRIGHT SALMON, in piece, Ib. 15c SCOTCH. KIPPERED HERRING, pr. . 15e HEAD CHEESE, per ]b. -. ,10e JELLIED HOCK, per lb. . ..:....... ............'...:20c - CONNELL ,,& TYNDALt4 " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET' " Phone 162. Albert Street DOMINION HARDWARE STORE :riennds add you SPECIAL on MITS and GLOVES with or without Lining to • clear. front 35c to 75c ..Consult us when in needofleleetric wiring or repairs, we are fully equipped to take care of your heeds. Estimates will be gladly given. Dealers in DEFOREST-CROSLEY Electric and Battery Radios, also Repairs. . FURNITURE DEPARTMENT . BEDROOM RUGS, LAMP SHADES, KITCHEN CHAIRS, UN- ' FINISHED JARDINERE STANDS, MIRRORS YOUR, CHOICE FOR $1.00 EACH SMOKER LAMPS, 1300K ENDS, READINGLAMPS, WALNUT SMOKER STAND WITH GLASS ASH TRAY, END TABLES, LAMP SHADES, VANITY BENCHES, CARD TABLES:—$2.00 Each. Sutter -Perdue- -Beattie DIRECTORS OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS -»ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment -Phone 147w, Day or Night 4I-- • CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain EXCURSION Minimum Fere. Adults 75c Child 400 FROM CLINTON • AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R. STATIONS FRI. MAR: 6 to Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brpcicville Prescott, Morisburg, Cornwall, URbridge. Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Or]llia, Midland, Gravenhurt, Brace - bridge, Huntsville, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Otnario on line of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Illy.; Nip- issing' Central Rly.; Kapuskasing, Longlac, Beardmore, Geraldton, Jellicoe. SAT MAR 7 to Toronto Che to Brantford, Chrham, hesley, Clinton, Durham, , Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, HarristOn, Ing=' ersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, .Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Cath- arines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walk- erton, Wiarton, Wingham, tyVoodstocic, MAR 7 Locally between Itnportaht Stations at and SAT e which Excursion Tickets are sold—Ask . Ticket Mont, Foil Fate, Return LIMN, InferinatiOh, Tickets, consult nearest Agent ' See Handbills fel‘ complete list of destinations. T759A • J. T. GLANCY, PHONE -35. CANADIAN NATIONAL TUCKERSMITH Turner's Church congregation held ,heir . annual fowl supper on Thurs- lay evening last. The business of he year was wound up and new'offi- :ervinstalled. „,A program consisting if violin selections by Warren Whit- pore and Cecil Oke, 'readings :by Jlrs. Fear, Mrs. H. Crich and ore. +. Townsend; several quartettes by l..,Townsend, E. Whitmore,' S. Whit; more and P. Townsend; solo by E. Nhitmore and speeches -•by Mr. L. rebbutt, Mr. J. Turner, Mt', C, )'Brien, Mr. 11. Crich, Mr. N. Gar- •ett, Mr. J. Crich and Mr. F. Pepper. At this meeting the adherents and xther' friends availed themselves . of ;he opportunity Of presenting Mr. Ind Mrs. Terryberry and family with t remembrance before they leave Tor :heir new home ht Essex County. Phe following. address was read and Me They .?vete presented with two floor rugs and a wool blanket. "Deaf Mi. and Mrs. Terryberry and family:—We, your friends .'and nei hbors, feel we cannot let youni leave our community without some word or expression of appreciation of your usefulness inthe community. We hope wherever you may go you always be as loyal to yourgam Church and Sunday School as you have been here for your services Pere have been appreciated and your place therein will be hard to fill. You were always ready and: willing as leighbors to lend a • helping hand where needed and in that capacity ton will 'be greatly missed. • We wish you success. in your new. renture and hope you stay make new who will help to cheer; you,,'on ife's rugged pathway.' We feel our oss will be their gain and you- wilI much to your new community if continue to give your mora: upport to every good cadse. On behalf of Turner's Churchand Sunday School, and cotmnunity' :we sk you to accept these tokens of re- tembrance from' old, priends " Ola'ILin g • falter is still:holding' W g way in our midst. • 'Some'drifts are yet • 'insurmountable a n 11 {a{ $ %hittier says- We 1Lkt lull} the call our own." • The above was written before the old fellow dropped his septre. But his sway was long and severe. Mr. F. Whitmore, who has been at - tending Normal School at Stratford, is confined in the Isolation Hospital in that, eity with mumps,'' . LONDESBORO ' • • World Day of. Prayer combined with the regular, W. M. S. will be held Friday the 28th in: the United church. The Women's Institute meeting will be held Thursday, .March5t1n: A good attendance. is 'requested as arrangements will• be made for the annual pie social and entertainment. Mr. William. Wells returned - Mon - day after spending the past week -in. Toronto. Nett Miss Belle N o t returned home after spending the- past month with her sister in Seaforth. If weather permits the annual Car. vol will be held on Friday night, Feb. 28th, when a good time is ex - pectecl and many prizes will be g•kv- en. We are all pleased to see the roads •a again open n on No. 4 Highway. Thanks be to . the plough and men who worked to make it so. The regrlar meeting of the Y.P.U. was 'held ` Sunday, , February 23rd, 'with Earl Cartwright, vice-president, presiding, . The meeting opened by a hymn and' repeating the .Lord's Prayer, in unison. Another ., hymn was sung and Clifford Bali led In prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by , Ferne Watson after which a very nice quartette was rendered by, four juniors, Donald Gibbs, Mel - vyn Brunsdon, Hugh Millar and Eilleen Millar, "Conquering Now and Still to Conquer," with Mr. Robert Gibbs at the piano. A story was read by Miss Thelma Scott. During the taking of the offering .•. Mr. Robert Gibbs played an instrumental. Mrs. Garrr read the topic; after "nvinich Rev., Mr. Gardiner gave a talk` on "Distress." Another hymn lwas sung nnek }t,n , • aa�ixn. ab. ,,1. 7. ;..,...,. "world unknown..'On nothing we can the:Mizpah benediction. THE , CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Stranger Than Fiction We are"all entranced by the oddi- ties of life, the•^queer', things, and happenings, the''hreath-taking quality of their queerness• which we nevem appreciated until:newspaper artists Cohunenced searching thelia out and' recording' them in word and picture. The Globe now features ,`,`Stranger Than Fiction,"an illustration dealing, with curious . and unusual facts:. gleaned from all corners 9f the Globe, and••talten troll'', history' which cow ers every possible subject and a great many countries: This .feature covers a: world of strange bapperiings, each of which; is accurate,:interest- Mg and educational.. These facts are more unbelievable limn any work. of fietion, Read it every day in the" Globe. • ONE YEAR FOR $5.00 • PER, COPY 3c, El El WHO'S FOR A GAME? It seems to be the. password to smart parties now -a -days. But it isn't always necessary the game should be bridge. Many people like and enjoy euchre, `600', Lexicon and Lost Heir.. There are many smart tallies and. score pads available in our stock and other accessories including gay pen- cils, place cards, etc., that make your party more enjoyable for both your guests and yourself. Tie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest..Always the Best Miss Luella Walkinshaw spent last week -end in Toronto. Miss A. McDonald returned Friday last after a visit with relatives In Woodstock. Mrs. Fred Jervis of Rowley, Alta., is visiting in town with Mrs. W. H. Jervis and Miss Laura Jervis. Miss Merle Henri has returned from a visit in Windsor. While away she took in the Hairdressers' con- vention in Detroit Mrs. A. L, Cartwright went to To- ronto last week -end to consult a specialist ] n regard 't o her eye trouble, and had an encouraging report. She will have to remain in the •city spine time for treat- ment. She was accompanied by 112r, Duncan Cartwright. ST. HELENS Mr.. Toni Alexander, an '.old resi- dent of the 9th concession of West Wawanosh, passed peacefully away last Friday morning. He had`been ill for the past month back with; pneumonia and a had heart. condition.. He leaves to mourn his loss a'brothei„ George and sister, Matilda. The fun- eral toolc place from his late resi . dance on Monday at 1.30 to Greene' hill Cemetery; `Lucknow: The World's Day of.Prayer will be held this' Friday tit the home of Mrs. Robinson Woods. . . On Friday evening' the basement of Calvin church, St. Helens, •was' once again the scene of a happy gathering, when the Y. P. S gave their fourth annual banquet. At sev- en o'clock nearly 100 persons sat down. to . well -laden tables. :Follow- ing Follow-ingthis very bountiful supper, the worthy: Toastmaster, Rev, ivir. Wright: gave the toast to. the King, 'which wag responded to by all singing, "The National Anthem."'. This was follow- ed liy'a toast to the Church by Mr. Lorne Woods and responded to by MraDurnin Phillips, Mr. Phillipa glv ing a very splendid address,• one `which will not soon :be forgotten. The toast to the ladies was proposed by Mr. Earl Durnin i a f W welln D nm n fc. chose words, and responded to by Mrs. •E•. W. Rice. The last toast was to.our "eligible bachelors", proposed by Isabel Miller, and responded toin a , p very humorous manner .by, Mr. Dick Weatherhead. Following the toasts a sing -song'. and .a short program, this was pr;e- sided over by Vice -President, Wal- ton Miller, consisting of solos by Mrs. 36. W. Rite and Mr.-Mochrie, al- so •duets by Dorothy and Gordon Mil - Ter, Vera and Murray' Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice, and two humorous reading's by the Rev. ikr. Wright. With the singing of one,verse of "Blest 13e the Tie That Binds," 'the' Young People of St. Helens' have seen another very 'successful bangtuet• pass over. Mr. Stanley Todd left last Wed- nesday for a ,few weeks' visit with friends 'in Michigan. Mr, G. S. McIntyre of . L'ueknow I thee week -end with friends at St. Heletls. Rev. Mr. Wright had charge or -'the funeral of Mrs Hutchison of White-{ ch.nrch art'Sdtuxilay.;`:; THURS., FEB, 27, .1934.' ONE FRIEND • 1w _ TELLS ANOTHER Always in the Lead BIGRED 24.1413 MOTE e have the lowest. Price on Oranges, we have ever had Now is the time for Marmalade, 2 doz. for 35c (Size W ie have sold for 29c ,, .: per doz.) Sweet Juicy Grape Fruit, 6 for 25c: dee our South Window for BIG FRUIT DISPLAY' BIG'. LENTEN SPECIALS New Cheese, 2 lbs. for 35c Golden Spray, per pkg., 14e Bulk ,Macaroni, per lb. 6c Chicken Haddie, per lb. 14c Kippeed Snacks, 'per: lb. 5c•• 23c Bucking Herring, in Tomato, 2. for Tuna ' Fish, ;each Salmon, large, red 25c Corn Syrup, (5 lbs.) 39c Corn Syrup, (2 . lbs.) 18c Pancake .Flour 20c Shrimp, _each , 20c , Oysters, at 25c and 35e Fancy Dried Peaches, 1b. 19c Sweet Prunes, 3 lbs. for - 25c:. 150 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Never before have we offered Oranges at this Price 2 Dozen' for , • 35c Large, Sweet, Juicy Oranges for • 25e -Grape Fruit, New Cabbage, Tomatoes, Spinach, Head Lettuce, New Carrots, Celery Hearts. -Falcon Peas, per can Buckley Rolled Wheat, 5 lbsl for 25c Il, Epsom Salts, 5.1'bs. for 250 Libby's Pork and Beans, 2 tins for 19c •` Pineapple Marmalade'' 33c Red Plum Jam 19a 5 -String Brooms . 29c Raspberry Jam . 35q.. Black Currant Jam 29,0' Marmalade, 4 lbs. for 65c Handy Ammonia, pkg. 6c Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. for 25c New Shipment of Si. Patrick's Novelties & Candies "Nord's Tooth Paste, 10c Shelled' Walnuts, 1-2 lb. for . ' -23e Star Tissue, 5 for, 25e Peanut Butter, (24 oz. size) 25c FRIGIDAIRE AND FISH B. C. Salmon, per lb. 15e. Filletts (smoked) 18c Filletts (fresh) 18e 'Fresh Picnic Hams, per Ib. 15c Fresh Sausage, Spare Ribs, Tenderloin Potted Meat, per lb. 15t Where "Sells for, T -Agee Price Prevails W. T. O'NEIL. . Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Seaforth Creamery Butter, ib. • .25c Dalton's Baking Powder, lb. .i. , .25c (Free Tea Towel) Forest City Baking Powder, lb. 25c (Free Sherbits) Broadway Coffee, per lb: 35c (Free Fruit Nappies and Coupons) Broadway Tea, Orange. Pekoe, lb. 59c (Free Glassware, Coupons, Water Tulnbleis'and Water Pitcher) Seeded Raisins, pkg. 15c Seedless Raisins, 2 for '... ....,23e Aylmer Chicken Soup . 14c Aylmer Soups -Tomato, Vegetable Green Pea &Celery Soup,'3,for 25c Strawberry and; Raspberry .Yam 32c Orange Marmalade . 29c New Cabbage, each 10e ,and 15e Choice Fresh Ilead Lettuce, 2 for 13e New Carrots, 2 bunches for .....15e Extra Special 'With an order of $1.00 or More -2 Doz. Oranges for ..25c We BUY and GRADE Eggs for which We Pay le a Dozen MORE on all GRADES. RILEY'S . GROCERY Picone 39. Free Delivery at All Hours. 'HENSALL An afternoon tea, in connection with the South Iluron short courses in agriculture and hone economics, was held 'Monday afternoon in 'the town hall and was largely attended. On Friday evening dance was held un- der the sane auspices: A Zurich orchestrac rovided the music, with n, .wnth harry Horton acting as floor man- ager, LONDON ROAD Mr. and Mrd. • Wright and little Miss Barbara of Seaforth visited with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Rrowcliffe, on Sunday. • • to illness in the community Owing g and also road conditions the meeting of the Ladies' Club,, has been post- poned for this 'month. • Mr. W. Swinbank received - word last week of the 'death . of his eldest brother, W. H. Swinbank of Minne- dose, Man. Mr. Swinbank, who went west as a young man, was for years a railway fireman and engineer. BRUCEFIELD " The Woman's Day of Prayer will be observed on Friday, Feb. 28th, at 2.30 in the school room of the Uni- ted,Church. An invitation is extend- ed to all the women and girls ;of the community to be presept. Programs. for the service will be provided. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tough of Clin- ton visited at the gnome of Mr. David Tough last week,' whose daughter, Mita Helen, is very ill. She was tak- en to. Clinton hospital this week. IIer' many friends were very sorry' to. ;,Mrs. Alex McKenzie, who Tics been -spending a6,,,,i'viee1ts with lien. Son , Ronald McKenzie, of Detroit, CLINTON'S BIG -. CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 A has returned to her hone in the vil- lage. Mr. Austin Zapfe, who has been visiting friends in Detroit, returned to his hone in the village recently 'The young people and older ones too ,have been having great fun coasting down the hill with sleighs and toboggans on the farm of Mr. W. Stackhouse, one mile north of the village. Now the thaw has come and spoiled the fun for the present. ITA TSB, LET OUR, SPRING FLOWERS Carry a Cheery°Message to Your SHUT-IN FRIENDS Remit money- the safe, conven- ient way by Express•Money Order The Canadian National Express office is in connection with our Flower Shop. F. R. CUNINGHAME. FLORIST Phones 31 and 176. PREPARE FOR SPRING BY ORDERING YOUR SAP PANS AND BUCKETS. Leave your order and have pan ready when you need it. MARTIN SENOIJR PAINTS LEAD GET A COLOUR CARD. . Hawkins iTARDWATtE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Owing to ail Roas WE HAVE DECIDED TO EXTEND OUR FURNITURE 'SALE TO MARCH 14TH To give our friends from the surrounding country a chance to take advantage of the many bargains we are offering, while our pre- ent steer' lasts. WE ARE FEATURING SOME Swell Kitch�- n Furnitur a Including CONSOLE CABINET, BUFFET, TABLES and CHAIRS. Also many other useful articles that will help to brighten up your home. . So do not fail to drop in and have some of these bargains put away for you. If you cannot take them just now, we will be pleas- ed to deliver when the roads are fit. BALL, & ZAPFE Phone 195. The Old Reliable Hardware and Furniture Dealers. Funeral Directors and Embalmers and Monument Dealers. N. Ball, phone 110. J. Zapfe, phone 103, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS LOOK! SPECIALS -FEB. 27, 28 and 29 Carnation Milk, tall tins, only 8c Tuna Flakes Fish, 1-2's 15c Prunes, large, sweet, 2 lbs. for 1-2 1 ...,19c a le Leaf Salmon,b. ut .,. M pt Maple Leaf Salmon, 1 lb, tin 35c Kippered Snacks, per tin 5c Sardines— Kiug Oscar, 15c; Glazier, 10c; Brunswick, 3 , for 14c Matches, large family box, 3 for ,.,...... ,21c Cheese, old, per ib.. 25c New Cabbage' per lb. ac Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c Aunt Jemima. Pancake Flour, pkg. 16e' Fresh Tomatoes, 2 lbs. for 35c British Columbia Apples, 6 for 25c Pure Lard, per lb. 14e New Carrots, per bunch 10c Celery Hearts, each 10c Oranges, per dozen t 19c, 25c, 39c Minute Tapioca, 2 pit. with 1-4 lb. cocoanut ,free 25c Crothers'Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for 25c J.T. "McK.N I.GHT & SON Phone111 CLINTON