HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-01-09, Page 9PAGE 8 THE 'CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JAN. 9, 1936 Dressed Hog, by half, per Ib. Christmas Beef, front , per lb.,. Lard, 20 lb.: pail 13c 10c $3.35 CONNELLr ,, .&..: T.Y.NDALL, " CLINTON'S LEADING;,.: MEAT :.MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street .., • Dar DOMINION HARDWARE STORE ' SPECIALS FOR' THIS WEEK CARD TABLES in two different colours, Your Choice ... ... . $L25 FOUR -PIECE -BEDROOM SUITE, Vanity Dresser and Bench; Bed ' and Chiffonier, Solid Birch, with a Maple finish, Regular „.,$50:00 Value. SALE PRICE $43 50 WE ARE PREPARED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD NEEDS DURING 1936. New and Used Heaters to clear at Bargain Prices Car Glass replaced while you wait Alladin Lamp Supplies now in stock -Beattie Sutter—Perdue—Beattie DIRECTORS; OF FUNERAL SERVICES MONUMENTS --ENGRAVING Ambulance Service—Modern Equipment—Phone 147w, Day or Night BAYFIELD. Miss Louise McLeod returned hone on New Year's eve after having spent several weeks in London. .Mr. and Mrs. • Thos. Brandon and family returned home last week af- ter spending the Christmas week with Mrs. Brandon's mother, Mrs. Barrett, in Waterloo. Mr. E. Rehn returned to Kitche- aer on New Year's Day after having beef} Ale finest of Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewey for a few days: ' Mn, awl.,1Virs. David Dewar, who spent Christmas fir.1}tlt the 'formpx's, parents, returned Jt their )19/71e }P' To orate b week ago Monday`. ' Mrs. Moorhouse and Miss Mary Jean returned home on Tuesday after. 5 having been the guest of Mrs. Churchward in London for a week. • to i who c m- 7e5sie Me f c o , Miss •• , zr 1 a T their home in the village their fifty- eighth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Percy' Weston • were the only,menxbers of the family who were able to be with them on this occas- ion. The Week of Prayer was observed in Bayfield by three services, the first being held in Trinity Church on Monday night at which Rev. R. M. Gale gave the address; the second in St. Andrews United Church on Tues- day ues day evening at which Rev. Dr. Don- gan was the speaker; and the third in Knox. Presbyterian Church on Wedpesday night when Rev. W. G. tlgler Addressed the gathering. riTr, Oep1!t a Oltstla was appointed choof 'frtl9tVe to Till the vacs iey caused by Miss M. 'Stirling's resigna+ tion at the fleting in the school on htirsda of last ast week, ,. panted her mother froltt Detroit On Monday of Iasi- weep, ,rettiriied .to that eV ilii Saturday, Miss ;Ittith tiout1oii i'itid 17iffil. Mona tin of London spent New Year's with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S: Winston. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson and family returned to. their .home in the villageon Tuesday of last week after having •spent' Christmas' in •De troit, r,Miss Isabel Kirk of the Exeter Publie Sehool staff, was the guest o'f Mr. and Mrs. ' Robt. Scots/liner fiiem 'Thursday until Sunday. Mrs. Annie Rouatt has gone to tonclon to spend some time with - James Ro att. r: and Mrs am s 14l u . Mrs, M B.'Hillett left en 'Tuesday IA spend tV f6W ,days. With, friends in HenselL • Mr. and Mrs. T, Mallett end tWd children.. of `-London were with Mrs. 1VIallett's mother, Mrs. K. Davison, over the week -end. On � their retul'll I "may wa'r'e deooii p dried by Miss Mar; ion Davison who will visit with them. Mr, Harold Sootchmer returned to Toronto on Monday to resume his studies at O.C.E.,'after having spent.. the vacation with his parents. Misses Elva and Anne Dewar re- tiirned to Toronto on Saturday' after their holidays with h the hop haying spentY parents. Rev. and Mrs. W, G. Bugler and Master Bernard returned home on Friday after having. spent New Year's with relatives in London. Miss Grace,; Webster of Lucknow is visiting her aunts, Misses M. and L. •elative in the d other relatives Reid,an vi- cinity. The town hall was tastefully decor- ated in,the colors of the Orange Or, der for the Progressive Euchre_, and Dance, which was held on New Year's night under > the aupsiees of L.O.L.` No. 24. The was a large attendance and altogether the affair was a splendid success. The prizes for euchre went to Mrs. A. McGrae and Mrs. Lloyd Malcins, John Watson and John Marks.' The musie for the dance was played: by the. Bayfield Orchestra consisting of George Little (cornet), Harry Brandon and Milton Pollock (violins), Harold Scotchn'ier (saxo• Mrs. H. A. Thomas (banjo), ] ), ( phone), arid. Mrs. J. Parker (piano). Lunch was served shortly after mid -night. '.Congratulations, are extended to lt¢n. and Mrs. Henry Watson, who on. New Year's day celebrated quietly at AUBURN Mrs. Wrn. Strausser. of Sebring- ville has' been visiting at 'the home of her sister, Mrs. `R. D. Munro, for the past week. Miss Helen .Merrill' , of Toronto spent .the . Christmas holidays with: her aunt and uncle, Mr. and .Mrs._ Wm. Roberton. • She >retux`ated home on Saturday last, •Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ball and fain-: ily and Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Stan - bury and son of loderich township spent New Year'e day with Mr... and. Mrs. George Dawson. and Mrs. Walter Jones of near London spent the -holiday at the' home of the "latter's'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawlor. • Mrs. H.' C. Keyes has retained! bolus RAO spending a :few days with her parents near Cxuelph, Watch night services were held itst 't'ltesdity night at the Baptist, and . United Churches. At the annual Meeting of the vil- lage for the election of trustees James Johnston, who has served to that capacity for some year's, retired, and the following were elected: W. T. Riddell, James Medd and James Howitt, Chas. Asquith 'as clerk. At No. 3 School, wit..a. V. Lawson. Was re-elected trustee •for 3 .years and a piano was purchaased for the school for the purpose of teaching music. Mi: G. D. Htlwatt celebrated his 78th birthday on January 5th. He was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland,:. i : learned the blaclisimth ng and 1 in 1887 Udine to Canada with his three brothers,.. He farmed fel 15 iyeiars on the farm now owned by ilinos Au - drew and has lived retired for eleven years in the village. is hobby is. Hewett. Mrs, J. I3[, Jobnstdti, "who has been sick for Some time, went to Goderich hospital. on Monday for an operation. A social evening was held in No, 3, Colborne School house on Tuesday evening with Mr. E. V. Lawson as chairman. He outlined a program proposed by the ratepayers'for the improvement of conditions " in this section for the school children. Also planned for a social every two weeks. Afterwards games and songs were enjoyed also stmnp speeehes..A good time was enjoyed by all. The next will be held Jan. 21st, when it 1s planned to hsive a debate "Shirley Temple Song Album" JUST OUT SEE IT! SING WITH SHIRLEY TEMPLE Here it is -:-the sensation of the mus 'ic' world An artistically prepared collection of the songs featured in Shirley's pic tures. Surpasses, the fondest dreams of'. her .admirers the world over. ,• 8 •SONGS"— PICTURES GALORE Complete words and music of songs featured by the, screen's most popular child personality hi her Fox.,Pietures —including " QN THE GOOD SHIP LOLLIPOP," "C'U R L Y'''` T 0 P "WHEN I- GROW UP," :etc., etc. • A. full pictorial page of Shirley Tem- ple in, cute ,poses, and numerous other snapshots, spotted throughout the, book. Each of the eight songs prefaced by a full-page photo. of Shirley as she appeared in Fox Pictures. Every child will want`a 'SHIRLEY TEMPLE SONG ALBUM' —especially when they discover its distinctive features., only SOC Tile W. D. Fair. Ci Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 10 05900 00 ou it uumu ttumwinunipui mi r . (11 �:: ..nip,...._ ..,nw 114..„ Miss Dorothy Streets is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Helen Manning , is hone from Toronto for few weeks. Mrs. W. C. Brown spent the holiday, period with her husband in Wood- stock. Miss Beatrice Greene was with Port Hope and Toronto friends for the holiday !Wesel?: Miss H. Coprtille wss with her broth - e>; and his family in Hamilton for the holiday period. Miss A. M. Stone was with Hamilton and Grimsby relatives fel• a pant of the holiday season. Miss R. V. "Irwin spent a few days over New Year's with Mrs, George Haldame of Strathroy. Mss Beatrice Sharp of the Western University was the weep -end guest of Mr. aucl Mrs. T. cribbins. Mrs. Gordon Cuninghanxe and Miss Kathleen were the guests last week of Mr. and Mts. Roy A. East of St. Catharines. 1VLrs. Hearn and Miss Gene spent last week Visiting the lady's par- ents in llainilton. Dr. Hearn went down ler thein on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Watts has, returned to 'Por9nto after; spending New,Year's. and week -end - with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. T. 'Watts of town. ' Mr. Kenneth Rorke left •Saturday on: his return trip by motor for Co - halt,, after spending the holiday period with his'. parents, ''Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke. Miss Isabel L • awson and Miss Dor- othy Chapman of ;Ketone, B.C., i spent AIM' Christmas holidays with :.the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Lawson. Mrs. J. W. Treleaven and Miss L. Gib bings have returned to Toronto of • ter having spentthe, Christmas Italic/6s: at the' Horne `..of, their brother, Mr; B., J. Gibbings, Mr. Jack •Gibbings returned td reg sone his t'lutiet on the Ct. Cttthar- hies Collegiate and V6Eational school' staff h&j' spending the amid -winter ligatioir period at the home Of his ji rents in taiga. It 15s 'tuth Cartwright' has returned to her . position in Toronto after spending a week with her father, whose condition, . to' say, we re •gret has not improved. Miss Beth Cart- wright of Kitchener. is remaining at home fora time. ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER A RE O'NEIL'S Always in t1Ele i estcl ISVPMEMMIETEMIIM y SALES OUR SECOND BIG SALE WEEK OF CANNED GOODS; CORN, PEAS, TOMATOES, CANNED PEARS, PEACHES AND CHERRIES, as well as many other leading lines. LARGE --BEAUTIFUL 'CALIFORNIA PEACHES, lovely stock, and dried of course, but by soaking ov-' er night you have almost fresh peaches, and these make a delicious pie. -Just fill in your Pie Crust, thenadd; sugar before placing in the oven, add the top crust and you can almost taste this peach pie now—we know because; we'tried it., For the Crust we used 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon Baking Powder, 2 tablespoons of butter, i of lard, and water. WE HAVE ALSO THIS WEEK Cherries, at 2 tins for 25c •Pears, at 2 tins for '25d Corn Syrup, (2 lbs.) 2 :for 35c Canned Corn, Golden Bantam, 2 for 256 ,, Small Size, 4 for 25o 15c Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. for • 250 Prances, 2 lbs. for 25c Aylmer Peas,, 2 for Pumpkin, .2 for Fancy Rice, 2 lbs. for During these Sale Weeks we are Paying 2c a Dozen More for A Large Eggs in Trade. New Shipment of China. A few Christmas Nuts to clear at 2 lbs. for 25c. Mnice Meat, 2 lbs. for :25c, Special Creams and Chocolates at 2 lbs. for 35c. All Day Friday and Saturday We Will. AavP A BIG FRUIT SALE We sayall day, because we are trying to let our Clerks off at 10.30 in the evening. -At 8 a.m. a doz-; en of Oranges will be given .to the first customer buying a'$1.00 order. We will have a Iimited quan- tity of these (so come early). We will reserve some for the people at a distance 2 o'clock. So try all day. California Apples, 6 for 25c Grape Fruit, 6 for 25e Head Lettuce, 2 for 19c Heart Celery, 2 for 19c 'FISH are Going Well and of Fine Quality:— Fresh ualityFresh Filletts, per lb. 17e Smoked Filletts, per lb. 17c1 Finnan Haddie, per lb. 15c Red Salmon, per lb. 15d Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails W. T O'NEIL CORNER ON CLINTON'SROCETERIA Phone 48 RILEY'S Where Quality Sells and Service Tells Fresh Salmon, per Ib.,,,,,,.,1.$e Smoked Fillets, per Ib. ... . 15c Turnips, Choice Cooking, 3 for 10e Fresh Cauliflower, each 25e Large Hard Cabbage, each iOc Old Carrots, 6 gt.,, basket . 20c Parsnips, 3 lbs. fpr ,,,,,,,lac ORANGES Al1E-'MUCH LOWER NOTE THESE PRICES: Geld Buckle Oranges, sweet, 2 dz. 45c Gold Buckle Oranges, sweet ...27e Gold Deckle Oranges, sweet... , 37c Large Juicy Grape Fruit, 8 oz. 4 for .. •..,,..,.,..25c California Grapes, 2 lbs. for ...35c We have 'some CHOICE DAIRY BUT- TER to;•.clear at 26c. or 2 lbs. for 50c We BUY AND GRADE EGGS for which We PAY lc A DOZEN M•ORI; IN CASH OR TRADE. RILEY'S GROCERY - Phone 89. Free Snappy Delivery at All ]:lours IOLMESVILLE M. Frank Yeo aceoried . b m an p Y Mrs. Eldrid- Yeo and Miss Ada Fin- lay, spent the past weer: -end visiting friends and relatives in Termite, Miss Cora Trewartha journeyed tin Saturday to Nipissing to resume her teaching duties in that district. On Monday, Miss Mary Jervis en tertainecl a number of her little girl" friends to a very pleasant birthday tea. The Y.P.U. meeting of last Friday was under the guidance of Bliss Edna, Iluiler, fellowship convene A 'MY, good attendance was present. Alter the opening hymns and prayer, 1VTiss; K. Huller read the seiiptnres, they comments on wr'ieh were .gv n 1b ' y, the Rev. Mr. Heiibert Miss 'N.1'ot.i ter gave, a short poen on the New Year, and a very mterestiirg topic, "A Fantasy of 1985" Was read by the: Clinton Community Hospital Birthday. Cadr_.: Party and Dance Town °Hall, Clinton Tuesday,Jan. 21 holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson. . ' Miss Marion Forbes has returned to her teaching duties at' S. S. No. tF, Messrs. Maurice and Earl Switzer,. Bayfield Road, were guests of the formers brother, Mr. Charles Swit- ter•, of Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton en- tertained the A. Y. ,P. A. at their •home on Friday evening of last week. 7at8pan. Admission 25c and Tax NO INVITATIONS— .' EVERYBODY WELCOME If wishing to play Bridge, "500" or Euchre,.. adviseany member of the, Board not later than Jan. 155th, if Possible. • adoption of the minutes, the meeting closed with the benediction. This being the annual week of prayer, the young people will gather this Friday with the adults, of the congregation, the former being in charge under the direction of "'Mr. Mervyn Lobb, missionary convener. • G•OHERICH TOWNSHIP MI,. Lawrence Stephenson has been 'aliponrted to act as trustee for Soheel'B cti'en lJo. 10. *i. rand Mrs, Phil. Raynard and Mt dsid' Mrs. .Gordon Livermore of ehaninari, •After the reading anti L1ntiq}1 -spent l sw 'Year§ -and' the MAKE 1936 BRIGHT WITH FLOWERS Yon need them for every occasion For Anniversaries, Birthdays, Be- 'reavements, Weddings, Gradua- • Was, Social Affairs and for your Sick Friends and Shut-ins. :, "Whew You Say Iit With I'loii'ex'S Say It With Ours." llle �riin9'ha Jhe lois t�` tlREENIOIJSE PHONii76 4 FI.OWERSHOP PHONE31 BUY STOVES NOW IO% off on all Ranges and Heaters in stock CALL AND SEE THEM BEFORE BUYING. T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244; SOME FACTS ABOUT OUR HARDWARE DEPT. In reviewing the past, we have found that we have always car- ried the largest and best assorted stock of Paints, Stoves, and Gen- eral Hardware, to be found in this section of the country. And under the capable management of Mr. Fred Match, who has spent 32 years in this store, we will continue to give you the same large stock to select from, as well as the same courteous ser- vice, plus our policy of "Small Profits and Quick Returns." So you will find this a profitable store to deal with, as we al- ways have the stock you want, and you will save both time and money. BALL & ZAPFE 'Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Phone 195. N. BALL, Phone 110. Monument Dealers. J. J. ZAPFE; Phone 103. ILE9IIIII s�. =BIG SALE A.YLMVIMR CANNED, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES -JANUARY 9, 10, 11. Aylmer Peaches, per tin 15e Aylmer Pumpkin, large tin 11c Aylmer Catsup, 12 . ozs. 14c Aylmer Soups, 3 tins for 25c Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 pkg. for 15c Aylmer Cherries, per tin 15c Aylmer Tomatoes, large, 11c' Aylmer Chicken Soup 14e l+'ruit for Salads 29c ' 24's91c Rose Flour, '7 s 30c. Five os. P. and G. Laundry (Soap, 10 bars for 33e Lux Toilet Soali, 2 bars for 11c. Maple Leaf $alnion, 1-2's 19c , 1's' 35c Sunlight Soap, 4 bars for: 23c Heinz Catsup, Special, 2 bottles for 41c Grape Fruit, 5 for 25c 29c 39c Oranges, per odzen , ,Bananas, per lb. 49c and 59c 10c DAW'S Famous Non -Alcoholic Wines, A real treat For Your Party. A flavour for every taste 85c Pure Pork Pies, 2 for 15c. Side Bacon, Sliced, per lb. 27c Mild Canadian Cheese, 2 )bs. for 33c Red Rose Tea, Friday Only, 1-2 lb. 25c WE SELL THE BEST EOR. LESS We Buy Eggs and Allow You (2c)'two cents a Dozen More For Trade., McKN IGi HT & SON Phone' 111 CLINTON