HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1936-01-02, Page 4PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JAN, 2, 1936 The Annual January nlr as INA S xow ON Pe "Yfrb ENE AL DISCOUNT 20% :. Special Eines eS aS low as • Half Price Ladies' and Men's Winter Coats now selling at Cost or Less Happy Year TAll A. T. COOPER. sem"I'fione 36w. Phone °6j. via Variety China Dept. House and Men's 1st floor Furnishing Dept. 2nd Floor 44P^^bbb q .:a .0.11.114 •4� MMeillial =Mk YOUR DU.TY TO PRESERVE AND IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH is YOUR FIRST DUTY; • TO ASSIST YOU TO DO THIS IS OUR WISH, AND WE ARE WELL PREPARED TO ASSIST YOU. 111 WE ADVISE— 1'ARKE DAVIS COD LIVER OIL. WAMPOLES EXTRACT •COD LIVER OIL PARKE DAVIS 'HALINER OU. CAPSULES. . S. H. HOLMES PIIM1 B. CLINTON, ONT. �il�c"r Stnro. PHONE 51 DISCOUNT ON ALL WINTER GOODS DURING JANUARY DAVIS IS & .HERMAN CLEAENINGPS1NGAD REPAIRING LIBERAL ALLOWANCE For Your Old, Radio Trade in your old, obsolete radio for one that will bring you European radio pro- grammes. Never has foreign reception been ,heard to as good advantage as now. Inspect. 'the beautiful models of the "King's Jubilee" "Series of De Forest Crosley Radios. De 'Forest Crosley Six -Point Super -Control wnd the new Metal -Spray Tubes give prov- Ably superior, performance. The Reautlfur•"Buok- inerhem" Model has: SLOPING. DIAL PANEL -`FOUR COMPLETE WAVE BANDS EXCLUSIVE "RAY - DIAL" 'You can pay a few dollars down or turn in your old radio as first :payment on one of the new De Forest Crosleys. DON'T DELAY. SALES OF THESE NEW RADIOS FAR EXCEED PRODUCTION. 1936 World -Wide Models -567.95 up Sutter Perdue, Clinton 0 - CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain EXCURSION Minimum Fares Adults 75c Child 400 From CLINTON AND ALL ADJACENT C.N.R. STATIONS FRI. JAN. 10 to Napanee, Kingston, Gananogne, Brockville, • Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall; Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Allandale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Braeebridge, Huntsville, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on line of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly. ; l'hipiesing Central Ely. ; Kapuskasing, Longlac, Hardrock, Geraldton, Jellicoe. SAT. JAR]. 11 TO To6v,CG TO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fergus Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Ratchoner, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Palls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton,- " Wiarton, Wingharn, Woodstock" a�� SAT J��. anbetween important. Stations at which •Excursion Tickets are sold-AskTicket Agent. Fm' Fares, Rearm Limits, Trah, Infra n aion,.Tickets, cmts,dtncatest Agent. S e Handbills for complete fisc of destinations. Hoch IAS IAN N ATI NAS. MAYOR HOLIES GOT ACCLAMATION ,(Continued, from plge 1) tic schools for forty years, but as a teacher. Now it appeared as if he would have sonic experience as a member of the board. One thing he said was that he had never had e- noiit salary and he might be in-.. clinecl to raise salaries. He thought more interest should be taken in the Public school, The tendency seemed to be to consider' the high school as the • More important. This was . a isU 1 e. �na t The Publie school touehed all the people, the Iligh school on- ly aa few. He was inclined to think the Public school the most important institution iii the country, and no ex- penditnre was too much which was for the benefit of the boys anh girls. "If we have a : good teacher, as far as I'm concerned," he said, "the mat- ter or twenty-five dollars or fifty, dollars will not be considered when. the question is of keeping that teaeh- er. The cheapest tecaher is often the •dearest" The boys and, girds should' have the very best, ;he de- clared. The gathering broke up after sing- ing the National Anthem. Monday's Nominations In Huron County Mun- icipalities A; NUMBER OF ACCLAMATIONS Tuckersmith Tuckersmith Township Courcil was re-elected by acclamation for the coining year as follows: Reeve - Wm. Archibald. Councillors—Chas. N4eKay, Samuel Whitmore David Gemmell, Andrew Bell. Colborne - Colborne Township Council was returned by .acclamation for 1936 at a well -attended and spirited three and a half-hour meeting at Carlow Monday afternoon. Seven . were nominated for the reeveship, five for Council. The Council—Reeve—Geo. C. Feagan; Councillors—John Pit - blade, Jt", Melvin Tyndall, James Chisholm, Jr., Nelson McLarty. Ex -Reeve Albert Goldthorpe was nominated_ for the reeveship but declined to stand although he gave g lengthy address. Geod.-natured heckling prevailed. Among the num- erous speakers were ex -Warden Alex Young, 86, who was a councillor half a eentury ago; Reeve William Stew- art of West Wawanosh, and R. J. Glen, township treasurer,' Stanley Stanley Township Nominations: Reeve -Wesley Turner (acct.); eoun- eillors, H. •Brandon, Edward Glen, Roy Lamont; Arthur Peck, John Pep- per, John Thompson, Fred Watson, E. Webster" .,Hullett Township Reeve --Herbert Mogridge, James Leiper; councillors, M. Armstrong, Bert Allen, John Barr, Robert Law- son, Ted Pickett, ha Rapson. Hay Nominations i n Hay Township were: Reeve, Alfred Melick, David b'acharme, Max Turnbull, George Armstrong; council, (four to he. elect- ed), Max Turnbull, George Arm- strong, William Haugh, Edmund, Walper, Feed Corbett, Joseph Gei= ger,. Marcil Corriveau, Alex. Crerar, Charles Aldsworth. Usborne The entire • Usborne Township Council was returned to office by ac- clkmation, as follows: Reeve -George: Westcott. , Couneil — Bruce Cooper, Percy` Passmore, Hugh Beery, John Ballantyne. McKillop The following were elected to of- five in McKillop Township by accla- mation: Reeve, John M. Eckert; Council, Russell Dorrance, Elmer Hackney; Hugh Alexander, ' Joseph O'Rourke, Stephen All Stephen Township offices were filled by •acelamation as follows': Reeve, William Switzer; deputy reeve, Chester •Mawhinney;. council, Alonzo McCann; Ed. Lamport, Harry Ratz. Blyth The following• is the result of the nominations for the municipal offices of the village of Blyth. For reeve, W. G. McNall, W. A. Logan, E. C, Laundy. • For council (four to be elected), E. C. Laundy, Geo. White, W. J. Petts, Jasper Cook, Wni. Morritt, Herbert Dexetr, John' C. Heffroiii, Jas. Watt, Deloss Taman, Thos. E. Felly, For school trustee (four to be el- ected), Wm. Lyon, Win. Thuell, V. M. Bray, W. T. Elliott, Robt. Craig. For utility commissioner, A. W. P. Smith. • Seaforth: Mayor—A, D, Sutherland, G'eorge'. D. Ferguson, J. Wesley Beattie, • Reeve Leonard Bolton, Isaac Hud son, John Cummings; John H. Scott. Councillors— Andrew Y. McLean, R. G. Parke, Robert Snaith, Thomas Johnstone, - James. E. Willis, Ross Sproat, J. E. Keating, Isaac' Hudson, Merton A. Reid, A. D. Sutherland; J. J. Broderick, Dr. H. II. ]toss, William Hart, Bert Muir, Joseph McMillan, John Cluff, Chas, Holmes, George D. Ferguson, Walter Murray; Harold HOLMESVILLE - Mise Edith Herbert has retrnned to Toronto after having spent the Christmas season with Rev. J. W. and Mi•s. Herbert, Miss • Elizabeth Ford, Clinton,' was a Christmas'goest • ;of Mr. and Mrs. Trewartha. • Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward and family, Brucefield, spent Christmas with the lady's parents, 1VIr, and Mrs. John dudmore. Master Melvin Bennett, Goderich, is visiting relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs: Les, Jervis and fam- ily celebrated the Yuletide season with Mr. and Mrs, L. Heard, Clinton. Miss S. Acheson and Mrs. M. Col- -beck spent Christmas Day with friends and relatives in Clinton. • Mr. and Mks.' - George Mcllwain and family of ' Goderich township were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Trewartha. Mrs. Wm. Mulholland left on Sun- day for Detroit, where she will spent]' the remainder of the winter 'with re- latives. ' Miss Grace Goodfellow, Teeswater•, has been .the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Potter, Master' Ivan Jervis spent a :pleas- ant few days as the •guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Walter of Ben - miller. Mrs: S. Walter celebrated Christ mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Walter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Haacke. • Mr. and Mrs, Norman Mair and Miss Melba' spent -December 25th with Mi.•. and Mrs. Wilfred Pen - found, Summerhill. ; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Yeo, Mk. and Mrs. Eldrid Yeo and families were the guests of Mrs. Wni. Yeo, Sr., at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs'. John Huller enter- tained about thirty five guests on Saturday last, it being the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anni- versary. The community joins hear- tily in wishing this worthy couple congratulations and the sincere hope that they will still be enjoying good health and happiness when the time comes for thier golden jubilee. Mrs. Eldrid Yeo was hostess to the girls of her Sunday School class on Friday afternoon • last when they Spent a' very pleasant time at . her home. Miss Kathleen Huller of Sebring- ville is holidaying at her hone here. Rev. J. W. Herbert delivered is splendid sermon on Sunday morning and the choir furnished urusie suit- able for the New Year. Mrs. Ebner Potter, Mr. Fred Potter and Mr. WM. Yeo took solo parts and Mrs. Les. Jervis and Mrs. Win. Yeo sang a duet. These numbers were especial- ly appreciated. .•. Miss Esther MaeMath was in charge of the Y. P, U. meeting. Miss Ruth Potter read the Scripture lesson and Mr, Herbert gave a beau- tiful talk, in the form of et:niments. The topic was delivered by Miss Cora Trewartha. After the Mizpah bene- diction the ineeting was dismissed. Then the Misses Kathleen and Edna Huller conducted a number of jolly games which brought the social part to a close. Miss Edna Huller feIlowsliip con- vener, is preparing the program for this Friday evening. We hope for a large tnriiout. Letus make a strong beginning for 1936. " STANLEY Mr. Charlie Falconer of Bayfield is visiting at the home of Mr. Hugh Gihnour. ` Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit spent Christmas Day at the home of his sister, Mrs. John McGowan. - Mrs. Neil McGregor and daughters, Kate and Margaret, left last week to visit the formers' eon, Mr. Will Mc- Gregor at Montreal. SEAFORTH • The following officers of Britannia Lodge, No. 170, A. F. and A. M., were duly installed Monday evening by. R. W, Bro. Fred Porterfield, assisted by It. W. Bro. Myers and other past masters., of Tudor Lodge, No. 141 of Mitchell before a• large number of brethren from the townand district: W.M., W. Bro. Ross McGregor; • I.P. M, W. Bro. Wiliiam Aberhart; S.W., Dale, Thomas Purcell, Frank Sills, John A. Stewart, J. Wesley Beattie. Public Utility Commissioner — An- dra/ Y. McLean, Merton A. Rid, W. H. Golding, E. H. Smith. 'Public School Trustees - North Ward—Dr, J. A, Munn. East Ward— Robert Smith, Arnold Wescott. South Ward --Ross Savauge. Goderich • Mayor=-:Jehn B.:Hncicins, Mayor. H. J. A, MacEwan, R .E. Turner, John W. Craigie; Reeve—J. J. Moser, R. E. Terrier, B. C. Mannings, C. C. Lee, E. D. Brown; for Deputy Reeve —R. E. Turner, J. W. Craigie, H. J. A. Mae -Ewan; P.U,C., Dr. W. F. Gal- low (ace.); For Couneil—Ed, Bradley, C. 'H, Humber, Fred Seabrooke, N. Colclough, Alex Malpass, '3. L. Sal - kelt], E. D. Brown, George Wilson, J W. Craigie,,'J. E. I'Iuckins; C. C. Lee, P. ID, Bingham, W. J.'Baker, J. 13, Wilson; For public School board St. David's Ward—C. Twee(ilie and H. McNee; St, Patrick's Ward E. J. Fridhatn and John''Cott;; St. George's Wahl—W :H. Blackstone (acc.), St. Andrew's Ward, C. K. Saunders, G. W., Schaefer. and Dr. John Wallace. ELECTION CARDS TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON:, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: having decided to stand for the 1086 council 1 respectfully solicit your votes and influence. If elected Ihal s l do my best to work for the good of the town, as I have endeav- ored to do in the.,past. Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous New Year; Yours sincerely, WILLIAM WALKER. TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I have served as a member of the council for the past six years and am allowing my name to stand for this year also. If you consider that I have served you well I ask you to support me by your votes and influ- ence on -Monday. If returnlld I shall do my best in the interests of the whole town. yours sincerely, W, GLEN COOK. VOTE FOR Fred Livermore and get service with Economy and Experience A. S. INKLEY For Your REEVE 1936 TO TIIE ELECTORS OF CLINTON: Thanking you for your vote- and influence in advance for the election on January 6th, ,and wishing you and yours a' very Happy and Prosper., oils New Yea' for 1936. PAISLEY FOR COUNCIL You know my record. I am again willing to serve you, if you want rue, Your votes Monday will show. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Having served on the 1935 council, I feel my experience bathe work will enable ine to serve you better if re- turned for 1936. if you think so, too, 2 shall appreciate your support at the polls Monday. Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous Year. Yom's sincerely, 11. C. "LAWSON. Bro. W. C. Sutherland; J.W., Bro. M. A. Reid; S.D., Bro. Gordon McGavin; J.D., Bro. Charles 13ohnes; LG,, Bro. William A. Wright; D. of C., W. Bro. Harry E. Jeffrey; Chaplain, R. W. Bro. John H. ,Reid; Treas., W. 131.0..J. E. Keating; Sec., R. W. Bro. Charles Aberhart; S.S., Bro. Ross Scott; J.S., Bro. Geo. D. Ferguson; Tyler, Bro. Janes Rankin, After• the installation a fourth de- gree was served by the member's of Britannia Lodge. VARNA Mr. Bob Aberhart of Seaforth spent. it few days calling on old friends and neighbours. Mr: Cecil Wiley of Detroit is spend- ing the holiday period with his sister, Mrs. W. Reid. Rev. and Mrs. Bandy spent Christ- mas with their son in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chnter re- turned hone Friday tater spending a week with friends in London. The United Sunday School Christ- mas tree which had to be postponed owing to stormy weather, was held on Monday evening . with a fair at- tendance. Misses Irene and Mary Chnter of London spent Christmas at their home dere, Miss Webster of Luclniow is vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid in the holiday season. VIMMINIOMMIONNIOMIN To the Electors of the Town of Clinton LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: At the request of a large number of the ratepayers of the Town of Clinton, I have decided to offer my ser•vie"es for the year 1936 for • the office of Reeve. - If elected I will do as heretofore, all in my power both in County and Town Council to fur- ther the interests of the town. Thanking you for past ;favors and wishing you all A Happy and erPros- x t'ous NewYear. I ask to remain your humble ser- vant. ' GEO. H. ELLIOTT. VOTE FOR T. Hawkins for COUNCILLOR THE WORKINGMAN'S FRIEND TO THE ELECTORS OF CLINTON: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: As I have, decided to run for coun- cillor this year I would respectfully' ask for your support. If elected I 'shall endeavor to serve you to the best of Dry. ability. Your sincerely, E. WARD. FOR COUNCILLOR ELECTORS OF CLINTON: If spy work on your 1935 Council has Diet with your approval, I would appreciate your support next Mon- day. G. MURDOCH Will He Smile AWhen He Applies for a Joh? IN JUST a few years this smiling lad will start out to make his way in' the world. But will he smile when he applies for a job? Or will he be handicapped by an ins firrnity made permanent by neglect? To -day, he should be and will be a patient in the Hospital for Sick Children, His, future health, his future happiness, his smile over the many years to come, depend on skilful treatment by doctors and nurses. If admission and treatment were limited by the amount of the fixed grants made by Provincial and Municipal governments, he and countless other children would suffer. In a sincere effort to serve the best in. terests of little patients, no needed expense is spared. Everything necessary to effec- tive treatment is provided. But this mean% that there is a deficit each year, For the current year, we , must raise $70,000.00 to meet this shortage. We ask your help. No donation is too large, none too small. Every gift is welcome. 16,480 Radiographs made by the X -Ray Department last year, repre- senting 9,112 ,cases requiring this Will you please consider this as a per- service to guide Physicians and sonal responsibility? ' Your gift will earn Surgeons. everlasting gratitude, • Send your' donation to the Appeal Secretary HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDI A "LUH'ef += no 051100 i rnOC.sts in ,viatn" 67 COLL'- G -E"- STI E e- "T0l 0lTO,fa Space donated:, by The Clinton News -Re -cord,