HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-12-28, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
NO. 5968. --60th YEAR
is -Incorporated The Clinton New Era
The New Era Est. 1867
May the harmony you cherish, never perish,
May your days be filled with happiness and cheer,
May you and yours.enjoy good health,
The joys that friends can bring,
And may you have a Prosperous New Year.
Yours sincerely, 1•1111„, • •
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
• To All
Our Friends
A Happy New Year
To watch our• ads and take ad-
vantage of a golden opportunity
to Shop Here and Save Money
during the balance of the
winter months;
With Grateful Acknowledgment. of the Courtesies of our
Correspondents, Advertisers and -Readers and
the evidences of good will that have
•made service a pleasure to us,
This New Year's Greeting brings a Two -fold Message:
Appreciation for your Kindly Co-operation
during the Year,
Our Sincere Wishes for Peace, Prosperity and
Happiness in 1940.
Tonight 1DistrictNominations
mistalttmemovizoiestemitow: ..sotowotiemeoi,tmowa,ti,mo„,„gaw
form of a rebate on water rates came The Woman's Association will meet arms over the killing of their pet
A nice Christmas present in the Presbyterian. Church A number of citizens are up in
through the mails to users this week. M the church basement on January dogs, Two days before the muzzling
The regulation regarding muzzling
of dogs in Clinton was lifted last
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha
quietly celebrated their 34th wedding
anniversary yesterdey.
Owing to Monday being a holiday,
the regular' meeting of Huronic Re-
bekah Lodge will be held Wednesday,
January 3rd.
Mr. Albert Palmer has been confin-
ed to bed for the past few days, but
is now recovering. He hopes to be
at work soon.
Hockey !Season Opens at
Four Huron, County municipalities
Tonight the first intermediate
• • - returned their reeves by acclamation
oc ey game in g p
played at Seaforth with the Perths at Friday's nomination meetings. The
3rd at 2. p.m. All members are re- regulation was lifted a muzzle(' dog
quested to come early to quilt. was set upon by others allowed to
from Stratford opposing the much township of McKillop gave N. R. Dor-
The Salvation Army he P
Sunday morning the subject will be
"Holy Living". At night the speaker
will consider "The.Losing of' °heist".
Commencing at 11.16 p.m. there will
be a New Year's Eve Watelmight Ser-
vice in which all are invited to share.
Baptist Church
On Sunday evening Rev. A. E. Sil-
ver will preach on the subject: "How
to be happy throughout the New
Yerahmo" young veopie.. are
to take an
entertaining' prograni to the County
District farnerseere looking for= Horne on Tuesday evening of this
ward to the January thaw as some 'week'
St. Paul's Church
of them are experiencing a serious
shortage a water. Holy' Communion on Sunday morn-
ing at 8 a.m. Morning Prayer et 11
The Hospital Aid meeting' will be a.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes
held Tuesday evening, January 2nd, at 2.30. Mr. William Draper will be
at 7.30 in the Board Room, As there the teacher of the Men's Bible Class.
is important business to be dealt with At 7 pan. Christmas Carol Service.
a full attendance is requested, The A.Y.P.A. New Year's Social
run at large without theirs. He was
torn and worried so badly that he
died later.
A couple -of days afterward a sim-
ilar fate overtook another man's pet.
Others are bearing the marks of
battle. Unless the killer and his run -
publicized Beavers. The latter team e
Passmore was returned without o--
forhave been going to Stratford lately
position in 'Osborne. Seaforth gave.
practice and according to a Sea -
acclamations both to Mayor John J..
forth sports writer have the steong-
Cluff and Reeve A. H. Scott, and
est team they have iced yet. This of
Brussels returned R, J. Bowman bp.
course remains to be seen. The Perths
ace ama 'on.
should be able to gather a strong
Mug mate are either shot or effectiv-
ely muzzled, the dog population of team from the material available in EXETER
Clinton is likely to suffer mu& mere the regiment and there is little doubt Exeter electors -will be able to con --
than it did from the rabies scare. this first game will be well patronized centesete ori the election for reeve be -
killer instinct also presents a Clinton's first encounter will also tween the veteran Ree* W. D. Sand-
Thismenace to children. No one has any be played on Seaforth Me. The date es and Benson W. Tuckey, for sev- ,
not is January, 4th. So far very little eral years a member of the CrealleiPt--','
turn on human beings next some. has leakecr out from behind the ex- An acclamation was given Meal'. oth'e`g::
guarantee that these animals may
taken_befors it is, ecutive's doors as to players, but we Positions. Thomas PrYde • replkeee,
too late. have every reaSoreto believe the Colts William Ward, who was itrierd•'fereiVeee" '
action should be
will be pulling their weight with the the Public Wilms Commission..
best in the league. Lack of practice Three members of last year's couneil„
will in all probability be a, handicap E. IC Dignan, Hern, IL 0, South,
Miss elation Thompson, Grantom is in the first two games, next nars- cote will be joined by S. B. Taylor,
spending the Cluistinas vacation day night at Seaforth and the follow- replacing Benson W. Tuckey. School.
with Clinton relatives. ing Monday at Stratford. By that Trustee F. D. Delbridge has retired
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Keenlyside of time -the Colts should at least have after 14 years' service, to be replaced
the rough edges worn off for the by W. J. Smith. Two former mon-
Toronto spent the holiday weekend
• • first home game with St. Agatha on. bers, John Willis ad W. He Deaeing,
Workmen are busy hauling mew will be held 1Vednesday evening at wit Mr. and
• Januaryl2th. were elected by acclamation-
ermn ehe sides of the streets this8 Me. Alfred Crozier motoree to St.
week. The first snowstorm of the Thursday, January 4th. The annual oreIngeres something we been wond- USBORNE
Marys Saturday evening and spentll
i about. How are the Perths. tO For reeve—Percy Passmore (anel.)i
season last Thursday tied up teaffic meeting of the Ladies Guild in Owen Sunday with his mother there.
greeted when they take the ice. For council — Hugh Berry, Clarke
, d , Memorial Hall at 3 pan. Misses Violet and Norah Fremlin of be
' The usual salute to visitors won't be Fisher, Bruce Cooper and John Hod- -
very patriotic but it's going to be gert.
hard to remember that these boys are SEAFORTH
not drily hockey players, but soldiers. Mayor—John J. Guff (accl.).
We believe though that they'll take 1 Reeve—A. H. Scott (accl.).
whatever is handed them in the right' Council --M. A. Reid, J. E. Keatin' ge.
spirit. Charles Holmes, Prank Sills, H. E.
' Smith, R. G. Parke.
Christmas Celebrated i '1";ILC)*--A. Y lieLe" ("el')."
By Robberies :surg000l(ro-oirt)e;es—taSsotut.whaWrda,rd,
a y to ,
open again Friday. I Ontario Street United Church Toronto, spent Christmas with their
New Year Sunday. The pastor's parents, Mr, & Mrs. A, E. Fremlin.
A fair thickness of ice has been ob- subject for the morning service at Mrs. L. Tyndall spent the Christmas
tained at the local rink with the colder 11 a.m. "I Am Listening"—to the Old holiday in Toronto visiting her son,
morning's official temperature was Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tyndall.
and to the New.
Turnees Church Servece at 2 pan. Miss Kathleen Cuninghame of Tor -
7 pin. The King's Message. "Put
your hand into the hand of God."
Special Young People's Watch
Night Service at 8 o'clock in the
school hall, Prepared programme.
The meeting of the WA. will be
We wish to thank our
many Customers and
Friends for their liberal
support to us during the
past Season and to wish
them all a most Happy
& Prosperous New Year.
"Counter's for Finer Jewellery for over Half a
Century m Huron County"
weather of this week. Yesterday
four degrees above zero, according to
Mr. Baird of Stanley.
A minor fire occurred yesterday
morning at the home of Mr. Mac
Joseph street, which can be
attributed to the cold snap. Mr. El-
liott was thawing out .a frozen pipe held on Wednesday, January ard itt
and a smiler started a smoldering fire 2.30. A picnic tea will be served.
Wesley -Willis Church
The 'W. A. meets on Wednesday.
January 3rd at the usual hour.
The W.M.S. met December 14th at
8 o'clock. The president, Mrs. Chowen
in the chair. The following officers
in the adjoining partition.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitzsimons receiv-
ed •Cluistmas greetings by telephone
from their son, Norman who is itt
leirkland Lake. The connection was
very good and Mrs. Fitzsimons was
delighted to be able ,to hear as clearly were elected for the coming yetie:
as if the call was a local one. Hon. President, Mrs. Lane.
President, Mrs. Chowen.
1st Vice, Mrs. Addison.
2nd Vice, Mrs. McKinley,
3rd Vice, Mrs. Fingland.
Re. -Se,, Mrs. A. T. Cooper.
Corr. Sec., Mrs Sinclair.
Press Sec., Mrs. Vanlimine.
Treasurer, 'Vas. Manning.
Finance See., Mrs. Paterson,
Community Friendship Sec., Mrs.
Associate Helper, Mis. Sperling.
Missionary Monthly, Mrs. Watt.
Supply Sec., Mrs. Seeley,
Pianist, Mrs. Hearn.
At the close of the business MTS.
AddiSOWS group took charge of the
program. Mrs. Fowler taking the of Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs.
chapter in the Study Book. The meet- W. Higgins during the Christmas
ing dozed with the Mizpah Reneclie- vacation.
tion. Miss Smile Elliott of London spent
the holiday with her parents, Mr.
PEOPLE YOU KNOW and Mrs. David Elliott and with
Goderieh friends.
Schedule for Winter
Bowling League
Jan. 2--Wearwell vs Lions
Jan. 3—Can-Packers vs Com. bui.
Jan. 5—Greyhounds vs All Stars
Jan. 8—Lions vs Can -Packers
Jan. 10—All Stars vs Corn. Inn
Jan. 11—Wearwell vs Greyhounds
Jan. 16—Greyhounds vs Can -Packers
Jan. 17—Lions vs All Stars
Jan 19—Cone Inn vs Wearwell
Jan. 22—Greyhounds els Liens„
Jaa. 24—Can- Packers vs Weaewell
Jan. 25—All Stars vs p om. Inn
Jan. 30—Wearwell vs All Stars
Jan. 31—Com, Inn ys Lions
Feb. 2—Geeyhounds vs Can -Packers
Feb. 5—Can-Packers vs All Stars
Feb. 7—Com. Inn vs Greyhounds
Feb. 9—Lions vs Wearwell
Feb. 13—All Stars vs Greyhounds
Feb. 15—Can-Packers vs Com Inn,
Feb. 20—Lions vs Can-Packees
Feb. 22—Wearwell les Com. Inn
Feb. 27—All Stars vs Lions
Feb. 29—Wearwell vs Greyhounds
Mar. 5—Com. Inn VS LAMS
Mar. 7—Can-Packers vs All Stars
Mar. 12—Geeyhounds vs Coin. Inn
Mar. 14—Wemwell vs Can -Packers
Mar. 19—Lions vs Greyhounds
Mar. 21—All Stars vs Weaewell-
RULES: Postponed games must be
played within one week of scheduled
game. Starting time 8.15, 15 minutes
allowance. Can sign 10 men before
Jan. 31st. No dummies.
Play -Offs: ist and 3rd teams; 2nd
and 4th; lst round, best two; out of 3;
gegr......eoorar.1*I=10•1•••Ia•rn•. final round, three out of five.
onto University is spending the
Christmas holidays at her home.
Mr. John Cuninghame of Owen Sound
spent Christmas with his parents,
Mrs. and 1VIrs, Gordon Cuning-hame.
Mr. John Grant left last weekend to
spend the Christmas holidays in
Quebec He expects to return about
January 6th.
Mr. and IVIrs. B. J. Gibbings and Miss
Marion are in St. Catharines Where
they will attend the wedding of Me.
John Gibbings.
Mr, Bruce Tasker of Kirkland Lake.
was a Cluestinas visiter at the home
of. this parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. McBrien and fam-
ily of Detroit, were Cluestmas vis-
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hanly,
Air. and Airs. Al. Sinith, Dresden,
I Westcott (acel.); North, ward, C. M.
Early Tuesday morning thieves
Smith, Dr. J. Munn.
were busy in Clinton, but got very. BRUSSELS
little for their trouble. At Pattison's'
Far reeve—R. J. Bowman (aee1-)-
Variety Store entrance was made by
For council — St Semis, H. °ham-
forcing a back window. The thief or
pion, H. Bowler, W. Cameron (all b'e-
thieves proceeded to empty the cash
small sum. They also made off with
a acclamation.)
registers which contained only
For P.U.C.--W. Rose (awl.).
School Trustees—Dr. w.5..5. Jam -
some small goods, leaving by the back
iesore 13. A. Rann, Albert Wood.
door which was discovered open.
At Canada Packers Poultry Plant, HAY
For reeve — George Armstrong,„
Hartley Managhan noticed a man try -
Max Turnbull (both qualified).
ing to force a window when he pulled
For council—Alex Grerar, Rowland.
up in the early hours of the morning
Geiger, William liaegh, Fred Herb -
to load the truck. He got in touch
ever, Nelson Stanlake, James Dougall,.
with chief Fremlin who hurried down
Reinhold iqiller. (The first five men,
after communiceeing with county of -
spent Cluietmas with the lady's ficees. Chief Frendin conducted a tioned have qualified.)
parents, Meand MTS. W. T. Haw- search around the buildings until the "WICK T°WKKKIP
Mr. Rex. McInnes of Chatham was a mediate district was combed withiMini-t GuFmobrier.eeve — J. A. Bryans, 3, ve-,..
kins. county officers arrived. The
holiday visitor at the home of his results, the would-be thief appaveritly For 'deputy-reeve—A. E. Toner, De
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, 11. Mc- making a clean getaway. E Strong, D. L Weir,
Innes. For council—Robert Baker, J. A.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Higgins and Ferrol, Bryans, Edward McCallum, William
also Mrs. T. J. McNeil spent the Ries, Jr., E. H. Strong, John Winter.
weekend arid Christmas at Exeter. McKILLOP TOWNSHIP
Mr. C. 0. Martin and Mr. J. 1VIartin For reeve—N. DaTTEalee.
For council—Ebner Hackwell, Al --
A Story Without
This week in search of iiews we
went to the home of Mr. Bart Gib- bert Harrison, Charles, Dolreage, .
bings at Stapleton. Rumours had PmeoteRrursalTeiclyvYN(saullIbly acclamatione.,
For reeve — Frank Duncan, Cecill
been eeachieg- us that Mr. Gibbings'
stable housed scene calves which
allystrongly wraelsre dbiteocl feaew.tnhsornandAnoattourry-
For council—James leryans,. Jamee.
Miss Helen Roberto!". of Detroit is from Lucknow along the same lines eekeie Robert Wallace, Stewart
Miss Rudd is spending the holiday
spending the Christmas holidays s
la t fall proved to be without founds- Proctor, Frank Shaw..
season with Toronto friends.
weekend in St. Marys with her , . e Mr- Gibbings said that it would be neee tree be no election in Tuck-.
Mrs. G. tion, and such was the case again. TUCKERSMITII
with ner parentS, Mi. and
Miss R. V. Irwin spent the Christmas .
D. Roberton. storY ersmith for 1940, The members of '
sister, MTS. Vesey,
of University of interesting to know how the
Mrs. Pima, Vennev lett last weekend Mr. Wrn- Draper,
Western Ontario, London, is visit -
for Caledonia, where she Will remain
for mime time with her da-ughter. ing hie Parents, Mr- and Mrs. 0.
Mr. and Mrs, K. G. Waters and Miss W. Draner•
Marilyn spent the Cheistmas holi. Mr. Gerald Hermes, Toronto, and Mr.
day M. Toronto, Cecil Holmes of Owen Sound spent
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Ball spent Christ- the Christmas weekend with their
mas with the lady's .sister in ParentS, Mr. and MTS. W. S. le.
Toronto. Holmes.
Mise Ethel McDougall of Detroit, Mr. George Elliott of the 0.V.C., and
and Mrs. Wesley Rovesem and. Dr. Edward, of 0.A.C., Guelph, are
J. W. Rowson of Ingersoll were ,spending the holidays with their
h,t3arentsMr.115 Cristmas guess atthehomeof), .rs. Geoege H.
Mi and . .
IVlre 13 3 At1 cin Elliott
son. 1 iJ
started. He was reported to have had the present councir were all returned'
no less tha.n nineteen of the animals by acclamation. They are Reeve
and to have made application to the Samuel Whitmore and Councillors
Government for compensation. eTicholson, Bell, Chesney and Jacksom,
past summer he had frequently
He did tell ue however that during
true l
seen deer grazing with his herd 021
cows, and contrary to, regulations
they did not go unmolested. On var-
ious occasions he noticed hunters with
dogs combing the, bush at the back
of the pasture land, apparently try-
ing to rouse up a deer. One recalls
also that in that eieinity a hide and
head of a deer were found not long
It may be that these same huneerei
-started the story in the hope that
authorities would proclaim an open
season for deer in Huron. In ease, next next time you hear the stem,
you'll know it Vsn't so,