HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-12-21, Page 8PAGE .g TIIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD AMMON re{60$t 160646061 M64664661ef * 10stzte i,I We Wish All Our Customers A MERRY' CHRISTMA4 and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. CHOICE CHRISTMAS POULTRY Now on Display. CONNELL &: TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " 0j Phone 182. Albert Street afi NanteritetatMemezunntstem=nte- 416etteMetteMetr, WE ARE SHOWING THE FAMOUS Gilson Washer IN THREE DIFFERENT MODELS. The WATERFLUX EUREKA WASHER-ne mov- ing parts in the tub, nothing but water moves. SEE IT DEMONSTRATED. Don't forget we carry in stock The ELECTRIC, REFRIGERATOR -The Frigidaire. The only one with the Meter -Miser. DON'T FORGET WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS Suitable for Young and Old. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. .enint=m' `ezen"nsn"tDita zsit'inineunizt."r2mzinrztnanaintraN'Zatne 7'3iMPrZainaizbsala MtesatP "$tete;at6. 6+PZP.temte4616GlK t@azete?eVem--tete-tet6 VEK CHRISTMAS IS COMING CLOSER How about that New HEATER or RANGE. Give your wife a BEATTY WASHER. Call and see our CHRISTMAS GOODS. We will hold any goods until Christmas. as HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 T. &z:nt= tv&-ZrzrZatreWtztrazf ezzt;y1 antzrat23ra3 tazzat..:tiy`rianua3r�l�t :bt9t :?t@t6SIR?.6' -tetete'eft i a6tt-te -te ta!ettte?eta^ tett;-tettteteZemtet6t,. :6"me t t6Mver CHRISTMAS TOYS "GIVE TOYS TRIS CHRISTMAS." This year we have some beauties including Mecanno building sets, and the Flying Foal aeroplane, practically indestructable. Then there are tricycles, aE skates, motor sets and Electric Trains. a WATCH OUR DISPLAY I WJNDOPERW FOR EECTRIC TRAINS a Clinton Bicycle and Motorcycle Sales tele etet .iP: iH! OC tetl."t6 „n.tetateieiP.lP OMe?&te?eis-talt-tC-iMetete tCWb'tZ�«."-Mt rit00 tetetete10646:eitnteteteteletetaeteleattetetet, Superior StoresThe Gift That Will Bring PONE 111--CLINTON. Joy to All. SPECIALS FOR DECEMBER 21-22-23 AYLMER PEACHES, 2's Sqt. 2 tins 26e AYLMER PEAS, No. 4, 17 oz. 2 tuns 17c SWEET PICKLES, .. 27 oz. jar 25c SATIN MIXED CANDY . 2 lbs. 25c MIXED NUTS, All New .. 2 lbs. 37c MINCE MEAT 2 lbs 25c PEANUTS in Shell • 2 lbs. 21c TOMATO JUICE, AYLMER 251/2 oz. 2 tins 19c ALMOND ICING • • . • 1 lb. pkg 25c CHRISTMAS CAKE lb. 25c ORANGES EXTRA LARGE, 126s .. DOZ. 41c LARGE 150s doz. 35c MEDIUM 252s doz. 23c SEASON'S GREETINGS. To all our good friends and, customers we extend our. Best Wishes for a MERRY • CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. T. A. THPMPSON Free Delivery PREDICTS OPEN WINTER, WITH ROBIN GIVING TIP .A resident of Crediton predicts an open winter. The phognosticatos for the past several days has observed, a robin in the busy,, about two miles west of ESceter on the EXeter side road. The redbreast shows no inclination I�a CHRISTMAS FLOWERS From CUNINGHAME'S Our flower shop is gay with bloom. 'You are invited to visit us and see our stock ef: Azaleas, Begonias, Christmas Cherries • Poinsettias, ,Primulas, Cyclamen. Pans & Basket's of Plants Attractive Bowls of Begonias and Ferns 50c each PRESERVED HOLLY WREATHS @ $1.00 & $1.25 CUT FLOWERS -Roses, Carnations and 'Mums. Telegraph flowers to your friend; in the States and at a distance. Shop:Open Evenings a F. R. CUNINGHAME If/Member of Florists Tel. Del As, Personal care given every orderP. and special attention given to pe funeral orders. s Phones 176 and 31 to move to a warmer climate, which, according to the forecaster, is an in- fallible sign of an open winter. CHEERILY AND �1ERRI�Y SUBnITTED Our stock has variety and may suggestthe gift suitable at the price you want to pay. Discoveries have been made in our stock, although not by a Columbus, to the relief and pleasure of many. Even if yea do not see what you want perhaps you may want what you see. Tile W. D. Fair Co Often. the. Cheapest -Always the Best 1 It L II�IIIMIII�n�llillilllonni��n,w,iunue,�nyiilim�iiiA11! � Mr. John Cuninghame of Owen Sound made a brief visit at his home here on Sunday. Miss Elva Proctor and Mr. J. C. Proctor were in Toronto and Osh- awa last weekend'. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray, Mrs. I{ennedy and Mrs. Corless spent Sunday at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lancaster of St. Marys spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George McLay. *Mrs. Me - Lay returned home with them. Mrs. E. J. Colquhoun of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Colquhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Aenneth Colquhoun of Staffs visited Clinton relatives on Monday Miss MacGregor and Miss Barron of the Stratford Collegiate staff, also Mrs, Stewart of Stratford were weekend guests at the home of Miss Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall and family of Cayuga visited the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall last weekend. They were ac- companied hone by Mrs. A. L. Cartwright who has spent the sum- mer months with her sister, Mrs. H. Alexander, Goderich township. THE SAILING OF THE FIRST CONTINGENT It was a grey December Sunday when the fleet of passenger vessels with the Canadian Active Service Force First Division on board and its accompanying guardian flotilla of warships set off to sea. At tines the sun broke through the clouds, some- times a squally gust ruffled the wat- ers but the general conditions were favorable and the meterological ex- perts predicted that the ships would just nicely avoid a storm area which had been a recent centre of disturb- ance. This departure was quite dif- ferent from the sailing of the First Contingent in 1914. The latter had gone out of Valcartier with great ado, embarked on shipboard and slipped down the St. Lawrence to as- semble at Gaspe awaiting the word to go, When the time came for the actual departure, down the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the sea, that great fleet moved out quietly and with but few observers. This 1939 setting out mess under quite different conditions. Instead of the lonely bay the ships were gathered at a port and at a populous place. It would, be different,indeed im- possible, to estimate the number of Name Omitted Last week in our writeup of the formation of partnership between Ross Fitzsimons and Mervyn Batkin we gave ,some of the past history of the Fitzsimons family. We neglect- ed to mention that for the past ten years Norman was also active in the business, leaving last April to take a position at Kirkland Lake, where he is still employed. NAMED GOVERNOR BY DISTRICT LIONS George Lavelle of Palmerston, for- n1e: 1 ofClinton was y t , honored at the charger night banquet of the Arthur Lions Club, The four Lions Clubs in the district, Mount Forest, Harris - ton, Arthur and Palmerston, .were placed in a group and George Lavelle Was: named as district deputy gev- THURS., ;DEC 21, 193D AV OW •01W' OW OW OW OW AVOW MOW Oftf OWWWIlte. M AV OW fts, OW AVM aY• Christmas Candy gSPECIAL SATIN MIXED 2 lbs. 25c CHOCOLATES 41bs. box 89e KISSES Christmas 2 lbs. 29c CHOCOLATES 1 lb. Assorted 250 It CREAMS French lb. 17e, CHOCOLATES Cherries Ib. 290 n CHOCOLATE DROPS Ib. 190 CHOCOLATES Smiles'n Chuckles 50e HUMBUGS lb. 19e CHOCOLATES ...Supreme lb. 29d MINTS Christmas lb. 23c Christmas Hampers' FRUITS AND GROCERIES 50c Lin KIST Ginger Ale PLUS IOC DEPOSIT. 1r►rii, ; Christmas. Nuts 0. MIXED Fancy Quality lb. 19c'. WALNUTS Budded Ib. BRAZILS Large 1b.29019c1 PECANS Paper Shell lb. 29c PEANUTS Fresh 2 lbs. 23e a PEAS & CARROTS, Aylmer, 2 tins 250 OLIVES Stuffed. or Plain 15e COFFEE Quality lb. 39e PICKLES Gherkins jar 25c TEA' Lipton's i/2lb. 33c TOMATO JUICE 6 tins 25c sol..,,, We Extend To The People Of Clinton And District A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Navel A SIZE TO SUIT YOU Smallq doz. i.CC Med. Large Oranges '. T VERY LOW PRICEESize GCSize 2 doz. 35cSize 29C doz. FRESH VEGETABLES FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER t GREEN BEANS Pound, 23c LEAF LETTUCE, lge. bunches, ea. 10c k TOMATOES; firm ripe Pound 1g, El NEW CARROTS 2 bunches 13c CELERY HEARTS 2 bunches 17c 9 HEAD LETTUCE, firm 2 for 15c FANCY GRAPES SPECIAL IOc A Pound. CRANBERRIES LARGE FRESH BERRIES Pound 25c SQUASH, Uubbards PEPPER SQUASH PARSNIPS, washed TUTRNIPS, sweet 15&25c 3 for 10c 3 pouids 10c pound 2c SPANISH ONIONS pound 5c SWEET POTATOES 4 pounds 25c GREEN PEPPERS each 5c RADISHES bunch 5c _nom, i .r_► modiallink _ SHEARING St NORMAN PHONE 48 -. Oualitg ';ombined with �Value �( �(-�a��(CLINTON ���q} 045.1 .: ig Jc'>•.ti G�.�s:/c'��5.11,5c'7*�y.Jc7 l7c�S,J300attilit Jc7�`iJc'7�`lJc7,wtic'7�`tiJc' JG-�i '1c7��,'Jc7 :Ic7.Slc' 7A51%51 -40c S:A people who saw the ships go out, but it can be said that it was very large. The secret of the departure time had been well kept but by the middle of the Sabbath morning it was evident to onlookers that action was impend- ing, increasing violumes of smoke from funnels being regarded as a certain sign. Then, too, there were early risers who, had noted at day- break several naval units moving into the fair ,vay, and going out to sea. The observers were rewarded at noon when other naval craft proceed- ed down the channel and made for the open, and soon afterwards the first unit of the great passenger fleet followed. In turn the others joined the parade until all had completed their majestic course past the head- lands and proceeded to clear the land. As each vessel swung out, its rails, upper decks and rigging were lined with troops and from each there came lusty cheers to be re-echoed from the shore. However, one ship must have possessed a marinet. As it passed the vantage point occupied by this observer, it was noted that the decks were lined, but lined with soldiers each wearing his newly acquired lifebelt and mustered at his emergency station; for them the war was on. RILEY'S Where Quality Sells & Service Tells Christmas Specials GOLDEN BROWN 2 lbs. 25c (Mixed Nuts without Peanuts) Fresh Roasted PEANUTS 2 lbs. 23e Diamond Budded WALNUTS .... 25e CHOC., GUMS & CREAMS 2 lbs. 33c Christmas MIXED CANDY 2 lbs. 29c BROWN MIXED CANDY 2 lbs. 25c GROC. MIXED CANDY . 2 lbs25c CREAMED ALMONDS 25c BU'TTERKRUSII CHOCOLATES 25c CHOCOLATE DROPS 17c lb. FRENCH CREAMS 17c lb. SUNKIST ,ORANGES 21e, 25c, 29c, 35c, 39c, 59c GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 25c CRANBERRIES 25c lb. Hubbard Squash - Celery Hearts Tomatoes Head Lettuce Waxed Turnips and Parsnips. Christmas Baskets made to Order. RILEY'S GROCERY Free Snappy Delivery - PHONE 39 • rtaatt4C-,@te t4.'a+etatetztR:P.tkd�" :lC';1 �4'.RF C -tete -tat $well-tocc. ete?etmew,�.Ef mt..2'zoo , ve 5; Better Hurry Make your selections soon as our stock is get- ting smaller as business has been good. Of course we can supply many very sensible, useful, and last- ing gifts in both Furniture and Hardware, and we will be glad to deliver then Saturday on your advice. We have been giving you an idea of the stock we carry in previous advertisements, but now we) A- want to specially wish all our customers and) friends A Very Merry Christmas and may Santa Claus be good to all. The Store With the Stock. BALL and ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Embalmers, Funeral Directors, Ambulance Service. Phones: Store 195; N. Bali, 110; J. J. Zapfe, 103 `arldt2»'r3r',at`tpr2thratOtOt2ipt24-210tar2rpiht2r2r3r3tut0+Ort;3ihr2tOthtt-2tnratpr2r2rhrmr2ihtna, " - SANTA SPECIALS mz,,.iw ,+4.tm.s.t..,t> tH,,,,,,,,,.PtG..,„e.F. tPt$ „, y^ ,,,,ie -El le. Q?e?PiGY.t$tEtgie+F moeowwa � � . t tetet2te �tetete tEtE+eretetktZiCtetei2tEtoGtC`?g-.t"?etteeta? 4 Girls Ski Suits Children's Snow Suits Made of extra Heavy Wool Blanket Cloth jacket full liner; Made of Heavy Wood Blanket Cloth; fully lined with Hoods Cloth; y to match. Colors: Rcd Green, Blue. -Sizes 3, 4, 5 Colors: All Blue; Blue, Red trimmed; Red, Blue trimmed; 6. 8 years. Price 4.95 sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14 years; anyone of these numbers$7.WV UNLINED SUITS, with hood $3.50 will make a beautiful gift, Per Suit tater locoteietztEtmtavegtmgretateetc?e powetet2t atogtemato tom, • :ctekwommvetHto tete,/actsometooctcte?et6'`tetet.0 etmetwocietzuseteLet.vo WOMEN'S DRESSING GOWNS -- nicely styled. - MITTr, and GLOVES for Men and Boys, Colors: Rose, Blue and Pink $3.49 Men's Horsehide Driving Mitts with long cuff, and heavy lining $1.85 Women's' and Misses WOOL DRESSES Good range of shades $2.98 I Dress Gloves in Black, Grey or Brown $1.25 Misses CREPE DRESSES $1.9.8 Work Mitts, Horsehide 75c MOTOR BOOTS, Women's and Misses, 4 Pullover Horsehide Mitts i 75c & $1.00 Colors: Black & Brown. Price $2.59 I MEN'S SWEATERS -All Wool with collars, nice, Children Sizes $1.89 1 range of colors, sizes 36 to 44 ,.. $2.95, $3.25 ;RUBBER OVERSHOES - Women and Misses Children Sizes 51. OVERSHOES; Men's Sizes 4 Buckles $2.45 2_Buckles 1 Buckle $1.39 All Wool, no collars $1.98 $1.25 p Cotton and Wool Work Sweaters $1.59' $1.15 MEN & BOY'S WINDBREAKERS- Made of heavy wool blanket cloth, newest shades and styles. Men's sizes 34 to 44. $1.79 Prices Zipper $2,gg $2.95, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 Boy's sizes, 4 years to 18, OXFORDS z• ra _ r $2.25, $2.75, $3.95 �' $4.98 �� Prices $2.98, $3.50 �' $4.25 tatEtat ?Statcte^tztoate et€taremetatet tKteteKst6-mi itme`+r..-,`'atetzta'.etF'.4t¢;. ate'stet€r.3+mtetetsettetGtetatet5!v ettPttGYs-etctt; t.E;tY;•tc,"nztc ?P?etfttareztgtutmte n':e'etttzt.voevtez?e IT'S CHRISTMAS •- May yours be a Merry 0 ' 4. and the New Year be filled with Joy and Happiness emetie€:te'?.:'3€?etiloce2' iv'olavgloolgev wct2,ttyg216'e-tslotelPd. steeKlz'tc-zVere.fn? /6Ve E" to tarc F.'ee ..Mt6 e;'?6'.G.t/m e'€tt;,"e.R,me-t%tP,i."*'O.r, tr.te'Pr * E,k,?6t sl Fs 7 " ON- S•!`'r^.e's•,fft- '..'t', S` + tt 1"1 4."- -M S",e.'`-,M0'y, x `: