HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1939-12-14, Page 11THURS., DEC. 14, 1,939
By. "PEG
At this season of the year our -feel that we cannot keep above our
thoughts go out to those who during
She past months' have lost loved .ones.
Their Christmas board will have . a
vacant chair. Today it is much better
with them for they are keeping the
feast in a fairer land. Let us think
of what their Christmas is and be
happy for them.
No matter how hard one tries to
keep one's . thoughts away from that
loneliness it always comes back, and
as the holidayseason approachesit
- seems to gather strength.
It may be ' that during riie year
the little one far whom we dressed
the Christmas tree last festive season
for the arrival of •Santa Claus has
been gathered into the arms of our
...Heavenly Father and is spending his
:first Christmas in that happy. land.
Perhaps a mother or a father rof
whom we were dearly fond has heard
the call and has embarked with the
Pilot to yonder shore; a husband or
' wife may have left a happy home' and
family and has gone to that Place
where there will be no more parting;
a brother or sister may have said
farewell for the tune being and are
now waiting with the glorious band
until the time comes when we toe
will join. them there, a united family.
As we look through our tears into
' the future we feel that of all times
to come Christmas season is going
to be the hardest we will havle to
face. In all likelihood it is, for al-
though there will always be that
vacant chair, time is a healer and
e'er the next Christmas season rolls
around the wound will have healed
at least a little, but just at the Ines-
- est time that chair is so vacant.
To all such our thoughts go out in
deepest sympathy, for who of us has
;not known what it means to spend the
first Christmas Day alone.
We, in all probability, have made
up our minds taht we will just refuse
- all invitations to go out and will
spend the clay wrapped in our sot,.
WPM. For one thing we do not want
to spoil some one else's Christmas
as we feel sure we would. Again we
trouble and therefore must stay alone.
Is that right, or is it a selfish at-
titude? "'Would• our dear ones want
unto be alone?Can we do' them any
good by staying apart from others?
The fact that we loved them shows
that. they ,must have had a loveable
spirit and where love is, there is the
wish that others too should be happy.
No, they would not want us to spend
the day alone. Our friends here
would be rather miserable if we would
not share the day with them and in-
sisted on staying alone.
This is a generation where each one
must decide for himself or herself,
but as we look about us we see many
who are just in the same state of
mind. We are•not alone in our grief.
If we have lost a child why not hunt
up some little one who -has lost a
parent, or who perhaps is an orphan,
bring that child into our home and
in trying to make Him Happy we will
feel the burden of grief roll off our
shoulders. There are many poor
children to whom Christmas will
mean very little. They in fact hardly
know the meaning of Christ's Day.
As we help to take a little of the
ldneliness out of that life we may
take the opportunity of telling him
the story of Jesus Christ and His
love for us.
We might entertain a father or a
mother who has been bereft of a son
or daughter and try to make the
time brighter for them.
At the end 'of the day we will feel
that we have done something, even
if it was only to get thesmastery
of ourselves. We may accept Christ
into our lives, but if we are not go-
ing out at Christmas to try to spread
His love and kindness, then, we must
give up His companionship. for that
day. He knows our lonely 'hearts, but
when He was sad He still went about
doing good. So should we.
This attitude towards grief will
bring out traits in our characters
Which we did not know were there.
An observer of towns which had been
ruined in earthquakes or war tells us
that these places havie' been built up
more beautifully thane before. So too,
our lives, saddened by bereavement,
will show a greater force for Christ
than ever before if accept our sor-
row in the Way Jesus intended we
The most miserable people on earth,
at this season of the year are those
who shut themselves away and mourn.
The 'happiest .are those who give most
of 'thennselves to others,
We are told that the Dead Sea has
no outlet. It receives much, but gives
nothing. . Why should we accept the
love • and generosity of our friends
and not try to pass it on.
"Oh, to be saved from myself, dear
Oh, to be lost in Thee;
Oh, that it might be no more I,
But . Christ that lives in me."
There is just one way to know how
to meet suffering and that is to know
Christ. When we hauge become a
child of His then our aim will be to
go out and win others for Him. Christ
died for us, but He didso in order
that we might live for -Him.
Only as we make Christmas happy
for others will we have a happy feel-
ing at the close of the day, for we
will know that we have followed His
guidance. .
"Nothing matters but God's sweet
O blessed fact! how it keeps me
And truthful_`neath His chast'ning
Nothing matters, dear heart, but
Those thwarted plans, so much to me
A while ago, now seem to be
Like empty dreams of bygone days,
That led through vague and futile
The pathway of a Christian true,
Is oft obscure, and lonesome too;
Our Master trod that lonely path,
That we might reap the aftermath.
His precious blood was shed for me,
That I might walk at liberty.
How can I then discouraged stay,
With such a guide upon life's way?
So as I journey, pilgrim wise,
With heart intent upon the prize
Of God's • high calling this my song,
My life, niy plans, to Christ
belong." "PEG"
Directions far hand -knitted regula-
tion Sfeevieless -Sweater:
Material Required: 10 oz. Wool, 4 -ply
Scotch Fingering or a heavier wool.
than the 4 -ply sock weal.
For average knitter --No. 7 Needles
by Bell Gauge; For loose knitter,
No. 8 Needles by Bell Gauge.
Back: Cast on 80 stitches. • Knit 2,
purl 2, rib knitting for .4 inches.
Then in stocking stitch (knit 1 row,
purl 1 row) for. 10 inches. Then
cast off 8 stitches at beginning of
next 2 rows, From now on keep 5
stitches knit plain at each end of
needle' every purl row to form 'her-
der around armholes. Continue to
knit in stocking stitch and knit 2
stitcher together inside the 5
stitches of border every 4th row
three times. Continue to knit un-
til the armhole measures 8 inches,
then keep centre 34 stitches knit
plain ort purl rows, same as arm-
hole edge for 1 more inch. Then
knit 22 stitches, cast off 24 stitches
in centre for neck, knit 22 stitches.
Front: On one side now knit front;
Keeping 5 stitches at neck end knit
plain on purl rows to form border
same as armhole. Knit 8 rows for
shoulder. Then increase 1 stitch on
6th stitch from neck and every 4th
row twelve times, and. when last de-
crease on armhole at back is reach-
ed, increase 1 stitch at armhole edge
every 4th row three times. Break
Repeat for other front.
Then put stitches all on one needle
and cast on 3 stitches at each end
of needle, (80 stitches again on
needle.) Knit in stocking stitch
but keep centre 10 stitches knit
plain on every purl row for 5 times
to finish V neck neatly. Continue
to knit until 'same length as back,
finishing with Imit 2, purl 2 ribbed
knitting for 4 inches. Cast off. Sew
up side seams neatly.
At one time, in Canada, roast tur-
key was considered only as a holiday
dish. Now that the price of the
turkey is modrrete it,.is,,not...an..ex-
travagance to serve turkey on many
occasions throughout the year.
yaw,t �"i :z 4 ? E S
Patients treated in the "In -
Patient" • Department during
1938 exceed
Total patient, days
Total attendance at "Out -
Patient" Department during the
past year exceeds
Total expenses exceed
Total income from normal
sources will be less' than
Net deficit for year
.. r
Somewhere in Ontario, before this hour has ticked
away, a little child will be stricken or injured—Pneumonia,-Poliornye-
litis, an automobile accident, or one of a hundred or more diseases or
accidents will have found a victim.
The life of ,this little child may depend on the
PROMPT ACTION of The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
Centralized here under one roof is every facility
known to medical science for the effective prevention and mire of
childhood disease and deformity.
More than 9.000 little children were treated here
last year. ONE-T%IIRD of these children came from Ontario
Municipalities outside the City of Toronto,
• Most of them were children of parents unable to pay
the low Public Ward rates. But they were not denied any treatment
or care that would, assist in their recovery.
This humane policy resulted in a deficit of $90,000
last year.
We appeal to responsible, charitable Ontario citizens
for donations to help us meet this deficit and for practical encourage-
ment to continue and expand this work next year.
Please , the life of a little child may be saved
because you were kind and benevolent today. Send your donation,
large or small .. NOW.
Tested _
Recipes 3t
Canadian poultry is the finest flav-
oured 'available anywhere. This is
particularly true of turkey, for cold
weather is essential in developing the
finest flaviour in, turkey meat. Canad-
ian turkeys are sold principally in
three grades—A, B, and C—but there
is also. Oracle Special, which is the
finest quality produced, but it is
available in limited quantities only.
Wash turkey after it has been
drawn. Rinse and dry well. Rub in-
side of bird with salt or piece of
lemon before adding the dressing. Al-
low % cup dressing to each pound of
turkey. Pack dressing loosely into the
body and neck of the turkey. Sew up
openings. Truss bird by turning tops
of wings under back and pressing legs
close back against body. Hold in
place by inserting one skewer under
the wings and another under the
legs. Then tie turkey in shape with
cord, fastening it to skewers. Rub
the bird with fat and place on rack
or crossed skewers in roasting pan.
Roast at a temperature of 300 to
350 degrees F., allowing 20 minutes
per pound. Baste turkey with mix-
ture of fat and hot water ('h cup
fat to 1 cup water) every 30 minutes.
6 cups soft stale bread crumbs
M lb. sausage meat, cut in pieces
1 tablespoon savory
2 tablespoons minced onion
1% teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
14, cup melted butter
1 egg well beaten
Mix crumbs with sausage and season-
ings. Add melted butter and beaten
3 tablespoons butter —'
3 tablespoons flour
1 cup turkey stock
1 cup..rich milk
2 cups cooked turkey
1 cup cooked mushrooms
2 tablespoons pimento, chopped
salt and pepper
2 egg yolks
Melt butter. Blend in flour, Add
liquid. Stir constantly until mixture
thickens. Add turkey, ,mushrooms
chopped pimento & seasonings. Heat
thoroughly. Pour some of mixture
over beaten egg yolks. Add to mix-
ture .and cook 2 minutes. Serve on
hot toast or waffles.
3 cups diced Bald turkey
2 slices onion
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon curry powder
%. teaspoon salt
1 cup warm milk
2 cups turkey broth
Saute onion in butter until tender.
Remove onion from butter and add
flour, curry, and salt. Stir until well
blended, Then pour in milk slowly.
Add turkey broth. Continue stirring
until mixture thickens and boils:
Serve in rings of bailed rice.
2 cups minced turkey
% cup chopped browned almonds
r/ cup chopped celery
Salad• dressing to moisten
2 cups finely chopped turkey
% cup chopped celery
1/.s cup chopped olives
Salad dressing to moisten
Whatever else be lost among the
Let us keep Christmas still a shining,
Whatevlerdoubts assail us, or what
Let us hold close one day,, remem-
Its ppignant meaning for the hearts
of men.
Let 'us get back our childlike faith
Wealth m.ay have taken wings, yet
still there are
Clear windowpanes to glow with
'There are boughs for garlands, and a
tinsel sitar
To tip some little fir tree's lifted
There is no heart too heavy or''too
Butsome small gift of love can make
it glad..
And there are home -sweet rooms
where laughter rings,
And we can sing the carols as of old.
Above the eastern hills a white star There's still a victory to be won
swings; 'Within your cranial dome.
There is an ancient story to be told; So if your tax grows heirvy-aye,
There are kind words and cheering Or if you stub your toe;
words to say. Remember—at the front they die,
Let us be happy on the Christ Child's And to the spirit go. —L, Cole,'
day. —Grace Noll Crowell.
Curly -headed Hedy Hass opened
cher eyes wide, spread out her arms
and was amazed when she first saw
Canada a few months age, and she
has been amazed every day 'since.
The dimpled five-foot Czecho-
slovtakian arrived in C'an'ada with cher
refugee father, a business man, in
September. She is his interpreter, for
her English, learned in London where
she studied a year and a half, is very
good, and his is very poor.
For one thing, Hedy just can't get
over the thousands of cans displayed
in grocery -stores and what is in them.
"They's marvellous, the man is a gen-
ius who thought of canned foods," she
enthused. Cans are practically un-
known in Prague her home—where
cooks spend long hours in the kitchen
preparing food and then wonder until
the last moment if it will be a suc-
Everything is made so easy here,
the dark -eyed girl exclaimed: "Why,
I can pick up the telephone and ask
for anything I want and it is brought
to me."
At first Hedy couldn't quite under-
stand how the women looked so smart
and yet either were bringing up a
family or looking after a household
single-handed or going to an office
every day. "Now I know how to do
it," she said, admitting that she had
learned a lot from watching her next-
door neighbour.
A kitchen's possibilities were un-
known to the little Czech when she
came to Canada but now she can get
dinner ready for her father in 15
minutes and finds it fun experiment-
ing with different menus.
Misses Opera
But Hedy thinks it strange that
there is no permanent theatre in Can-
ada. It amazes her to find that in
cities so large as Montreal and Tor-
onto one cannot go to a play or a
concert or to the opera every night
in the week.
And there are no old women in
Canada. The middle-aged and older
woman is so well groomed, her face
is smooth, her figure excellent and
her hair is neatly kept. In her coun-
try a woman shows her age so much
more plainly.
Hedy has been travelling around
with her father a great deal on busi-
ness trips through Ontario and Que-
bec. She was struck by the railways,
the street cars, and oh, the organisa-
tion and mechanism of everything.
Everything is so comfortable, even the
street car motorman has a foot rest
and a little seat to sit on.
And Hedy discovered Canadians can
make up their minds. There is no
maybe or next week, perhaps reply
when one makes enquiries. She was
answered immediately, she found.
This Canada is such a comfortable
place to live in, the people are charm-
ing and there is such a cheerfulness
and lack of formality.
Simply marvellous, Hedy remarked,
and it was easy to see why -she is
always amazed.
No one but the Scot loves the thistle,
The haggis, the parrich, the dirk,
And many deride his devotion
To 'chieftain, to kinsmen, to kirk, --
But whether we go to the trenches
Or just to St. Andrew's grand ball,
We find that his pride in his tartan
Is something he shares with us all.
For, go to our Highland battalions
And check up their nominal rolls,
And. 'there you find names of Nor-
Of Irishmen, Slovaks and Poles,
Of rookies from all over Europe
Who follow the piper's gay lilt
And shout to the world, "Though no
Scotsmen .
We glory in wearing the kilt!"
—Alan McLachlan.
This week I am an optimist,
And next week I' am, too;
For fifty-two consecutives,
I have my passport through.
So biff me here, and bang we there,
And pinch Inc in the middle';
I'm full of optimistic cheer,
I are the sphinx's riddle.
You see I am an optimist,
An 'optimist am I.
Why should I be a pessimist, -
I ask you—sanely, why?
And then you get no more per weak,
For scowlidg seven clays.
But when you're smiling, smart and
You may just get a raise.
And if you buff't fight the hun,
Or if you stay at home; ,
"Oh, Christman is coming again!"
you say,
And you long for the time it is
But the costliest gifts may not glad-
den the day, •
Nor help; on the merry bells' ring.
Some getting is losing, you under-
Some hoarding is far from saving;
What you hold in your hand may slip
from the band,
There is something better than
We are richer for what we, give,
And only by giving we live.
Your last year's presents are scet-
tered and gone;
You have almost forgotten who
gave them;
But the loving thoughts you bestow
lids on
Ast,long as you choose to have
Love, love is your riches, though ever
so poor;
No money can buy that treasure;
Yours always, from robber and rust
secure, '
'Your own without stint or measure.
It is only love that can give;
It is only by laving we live.
—Clara Haven King,
"She says here,
she'll be hoin.e
to -night!"
Is there anything
` 8,30 tnoreworrying than
: I.RM•- waiting? One;voice
inside you says:
"Don't be silly,
she's all right .."
And another voice whispers:
"Perhaps she's had an accident
... oh dear, what shall I do?"
"I would have
stayed 311 all
• But when you hear
her voice on the
telephone you
know all is well-
you thank heaven
for Long Distance
service —'you realize how easy
it is to keep in touch - and
you lilce people who do.
• 8.45 •
"She didn't
"She.did.'t realize
that I couldn't
get away"'
Sometimes you think older
people are foolish to worry —
but somehow you feel better
when you've brought calm and
peace to anxious minds —
And it's so easy too. Your call
is on its way in a. few seconds,
your destination reached in the
twinkling of an eye. Use low
Night Rates applying every
evening after seven (and all '
day Sunday es well), and place
"Anyone" calls. 4 ',